EBC Guideline Version 10.2 en

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European Biochar Certificate
European Biochar Certificate
for biochar production
for a sustainable production of biochar
Version 10.2E of 8th December 2022

Please cite as:

EBC (2012-2022) 'European Biochar Certificate - Guidelines for a Sustainable Production of Biochar.' Carbon
Standards International (CSI), Frick, Switzerland. (http://european-biochar.org). Version 10.2 from 8th Dec 2022

These guidelines are effective since 1st January 2012 and constitute the basis for biochar

certification in Europe and throughout the world. The EBC standard is developed by the

Ithaka Institute and is own by Carbon Standards International.

Hans Peter Schmidt*, Ithaka Institute for Carbon Strategies, Switzerland

Thomas Bucheli, Agroscope, Zurich, Switzerland

Claudia Kammann, University of Geisenheim, Germany

Bruno Glaser, University of Halle, Germany

Samuel Abiven, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Jens Leifeld, Agroscope, Zurich, Switzerland

Gerhard Soja, AIT & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Nikolas Hagemann, Ithaka Institute, Germany

* Corresponding author: schmidt@ithaka-institut.org

All rights reserved.

No reproduction, whether in whole or in part, permitted without the written permission of

Carbon Standards International, Switzerland (www.carbon-standards.com)

Copyright: © 2022 Carbon Standards International

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 2

Table of contents

A. Summary of the EBC to prepare the inspection

1. Objective of the biochar guidelines

2. Definition of biochar

3. The EBC application classes

4. Biomass feedstock

5. Definition of biochar batches and submission of samples for analysis

6. Biochar sampling

7. Biochar properties

8. Pyrolysis technology

9. Health and safety regulations

10. EBC-Feed: Biochar for animal feeding

11. Processing of EBC-certified biochar

12. Labelling requirements, EBC-logos, sale

13. Control, quality management and certification

14. References


1. Analytical methods – basic package

2. Analytical methods for EBC-Feed

3. Additional analytical parameters

4. Representative sampling

5. Swedish Annex

6. Austrian Annex

7. Swiss Annex

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 3

A. Summary of the EBC to prepare the inspection
Companies that do not produce but process and trade certified biochar should consult Chapter
11 directly.

1. Inscription
1.1 Producers of biochar register on the EBC website (https://www.european-
biochar.org/en/registration). The producer will then receive their login to the secured EBC
website where they are requested to provide all necessary information about the company
and the pyrolysis technology they use.
1.2 Following a first verification of the technical information and a personal phone contact with
the producer through the Carbon Standards International, the company information are
transmitted to the accredited inspection and certification body: bio.inspecta AG
1.3 The producer will receive an offer and contract for the EBC certification from bio.inspecta
1.4 Once the producer has signed the inspection contract, Carbon Standards International will
coordinate an appointment for a technical pre-audit with the biochar producing company
which is usually done via a video conferencing system.
1.5 During the technical pre-audit, a company-specific quality assurance plan will be prepared
and noted in the technical EBC inspection sheets. In addition, instruction is given in regard
to the EBC methodology and the protocols to be kept for the annual inspection by
bio.inspecta AG.
1.6 The company to be certified appoints a quality manager who will be the direct contact
person for the inspection body, bio.inspecta AG, who will handle the entire certification

2. Production batch
2.1 A production batch starts with its registration on the EBC website. The production batch
receives a unique ID number and QR code.
2.2 A production batch lasts a maximum of 365 days including all possible interruptions in
2.3 The pyrolysis temperature in °C shall not change by more than 20% during production. At a
declared pyrolysis temperature of, for example, 600 °C, short-term fluctuations between
480 °C and 720 °C are thus permitted.
2.4 The composition of the biomass must not change by more than 20%. If, for example, a
mixture of 50% grain husks and 50% landscape conservation wood is pyrolyzed, the
proportions may vary in the range 40% to 60% (±(50% x 20%) = ±10%).

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 4

2.5 If a biochar producer registers for the first time a biochar production batch, a representative
sampling has to be carried out by an accredited sampler within the first two months after
2.6 After a production batch has expired, a subsequent, new production batch must be
registered on the EBC website.
2.7 If the new production batch is produced with the same parameters as the preceding batch,
the analysis of the preceding batch is valid until a sample of the new batch is taken and
2.8 The sampling of a new batch following a production batch produced with the same
parameters should be done within a year after the last sampling and analysis. Sample taking
should be finalized during the inspection visit.
2.9 A pyrolysis plant can produce several batches during the reference time of one year if
feedstock and/or production conditions are changed. The interruption of one batch must be
registered before starting or restarting another batch with its own ID and it must be
declared if the batch shall be ended or is to be continued.

3. Sampling and sending the sample for analysis

3.1 The representative sample of a production batch is taken during the initial audit and
thereafter during each annual inspection by an accredited sampler in accordance with the
sampling plan contractually specified in the initial audit and sent to an EBC accredited
3.2 The sampler is either the same person as the controller sent by the inspection body
bio.inspecta AG or a company internal or external sampler who participated successfully in
the official EBC sampling training.
3.3 The sample has to be registered on the EBC website where the sample ID and the
laboratory order for the EBC-analysis are generated.
3.4 The sealed sample has to be sent with the EBC sample ID and the order for analysis to the
selected EBC accredited laboratory.
3.5 In accordance with the sampling and quality assurance plan specified in the contract, the
production company shall ensure the sampling and sealed storage (usually daily) of the
retained samples.

4. Permissible biomass for the production of biochar

4.1 All biomasses included in the EBC positive list may be used individually or in combination as
feedstock for the production of EBC biochar. For each certification class certain restrictions
apply, which are set out in the EBC positive list. For example, not all biomasses that may be
used for EBC-Urban may be used for EBC-Feed. Within a batch, the type of biomass may not
be changed, and the mixing ratios may not change by more than 20% (cf. 2.5).

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 5

4.2 Mineral additives according to the EBC positive list may be added up to 10% of the mass.
No mineral additives are permitted for EBC-Feed.

5. Specifications for pyrolysis technology

5.1 The use of excess heat or the use of liquid and gaseous pyrolysis products must be ensured.
5.2 Nationally defined emission limit values must be complied with.

6. Properties of biochar

6.1 The biochar for all application classes must be analysed at least according to the EBC Basic
Analysis Package. For EBC-Feed the analyses of the EBC-Feed package are additionally
6.2 The following limit values and declaration requirements must be observed:

EBC -Certification Class EBC-FeedPlus EBC-Feed EBC-AgroOrganic EBC-Agro EBC-Urban EBC-BasicMaterials

Elemental analysis Declaration of Ctot, Corg, H, N, O, S, ash

H / Corg < 0.4 < 0.7

Physical parameters Water content, dry matter (as received and @ < 3mm particle size), bulk density (DM), WHC, pH, salt content, electrical conductivity of the solid biochar

TGA Needs to be presented for the first production batch of a pyroylsis unit

Nutrients Declaration of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe

Heavy metals Pb 10 g t-1 (88%DM) 10 g t-1 (88%DM) 45 g t-1 DM 120 g t-1 DM 120 g t-1 DM 120 g t-1 DM

ifica tio
Cd 0.8 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.8 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.7 g t-1 DM 1,5 g t-1 DM 1,5 g t-1 DM 1,5 g t-1 DM

Cu 70 g t-1DM 70 g t-1DM 70 g t-1DM 100 g t-1 DM 100 g t-1 DM 100 g t-1 DM for cert
va lues

Ni 25 g t-1 DM 25 g t-1 DM 25 g t-1 DM 50 g t-1 DM 50 g t-1 DM 50 g t-1 DM

no lim it

Hg 0.1 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.1 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.4 g t-1 DM 1 g t-1 DM 1 g t-1 DM 1 g t-1 DM

Zn 200 g t-1 DM 200 g t-1 DM 200 g t-1 DM 400 g t-1 DM 400 g t-1 DM 400 g t-1 DM

Cr 70 g t-1 DM 70 g t-1 DM 70 g t-1 DM 90 g t-1 DM 90 g t-1 DM 90 g t-1 DM

As 2 g t-1 (88% DM) 2 g t-1 (88% DM) 13 g t-1 DM 13 g t-1 DM 13 g t-1 DM 13 g t-1 DM

Organic contaminents 16 EPA PAH 6±2.4 g t-1 DM CSI-declaration 6±2.4 g t-1 DM 6.0+2.4 g t-1 DM CSI-declaration CSI-declaration CSI-declaration

8 EFSA PAH 1.0 g t DM 4 g t-1 DM

benzo[e ]pyrene
benzo[j]fluoran- < 1.0 g t-1 DM for each of both substances

Once per pyrolysis unit for the first production batch. For PCB: 0.2 mg kg-1 DM, for PCDD/F: 20 ng kg-1 
PCB, PCDD/F See chapter 10
(I-TEQ OMS), respectively

* medical and health care products are not included

Tab.1 Overview of the most important analytical parameters for EBC biochar

6.3 Specifications, additional limit values, or more stringent limit values that apply only to
certain countries are regulated in the respective country annex.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 6

6.4 The biochar of the classes EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-Agro, EBC-AgroOrganic and
EBC-Urban must be adjusted to a water content that prevents dust formation and thus
also spontaneous combustion (30% is recommended). Biochar of the classes EBC-
ConsumerMaterials and EBC-BasicMaterials can only be sold with a lower water content
if the appropriate safety precautions, especially with regard to explosion and health
protection, have been taken and the biochar is sold exclusively to business customers
(B2B) with appropriate safety precautions.

7. Health and safety

7.1 A safety data sheet must be available.

7.2 The workers must sign that they have been informed about possible dangers at the
workplace, read the data safety sheet, and that they have the necessary personal protective

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 7

1. Objective of the guidelines and certification
For thousands of years, charcoal has been one of civilisation's basic materials. By far the most
common use of charcoal was for cooking, for heating and for smouldering when producing
metal tools. However, for centuries charcoal and biochar have also been used for conditioning
soils, or as litter (bedding) materials, as medicine and also as a feed additive. Over the course of
the last century most of this traditional knowledge has been lost yet is being rediscovered since

Thanks to wide-ranging multidisciplinary research and field trials, the understanding of the
biological and physico-chemical processes involved in the production and use of biochar has
made great progress. A significant increase in the agricultural use of biochar has already been
recorded since 2015. From 2020 onwards, a further acceleration in both agricultural and
industrial use of biochar occurred. Agricultural applications range from soil conditioners,
composting additives, and carriers for fertilisers to manure treatment and stable bedding, silage
additives and feed additives. Industrial applications are particularly relevant to the construction,
plastics, paper, and textile industries.

Traditional kiln production of charcoal and biochar without the combustion of pyrolytic gases is
unsatisfactory with regards to its carbon efficiency and its overall environmental footprint.
Accordingly, those kilns are unsuitable for the production of larger amounts of biochar to be
used in agriculture or industry. Modern pyrolysis plants as well as certain types of farmer-scale
kilns such as flame curtain pyrolysis systems are now ready to produce biochar from a large
variety of different feedstocks in an energy efficient way and without harming the environment.
As both biochar properties and the environmental footprint of its production are largely
dependent on the pyrolysis parameters and the type of feedstocks to be used, a secure control
and assessment system for its production and analysis had to be introduced.

In issuing these guidelines Carbon Standards International presents an assessment mechanism

based on the latest research, practices, and legislation. By requiring the use of this assessment
system, the European Biochar Certificate (EBC) will enable and guarantee sustainable biochar
production, processing and sale. It is introduced to provide customers with a reliable quality
standard, while giving producers the opportunity to prove that their products meet well-defined
and recognized quality standards. It further aims to provide a firm state-of-the-art knowledge
transfer as a sound basis for future legislation (e.g., EU fertilizer regulations or carbon-sink

Biochar technology continues to develop very rapidly. Numerous research projects around the
world are investigating the properties of biochar and their interaction with other substances,
materials, and the environment. Every year sees new manufacturers of pyrolysis equipment
entering the market and the areas in which biochar and biochar products are used is growing
rapidly. The European Biochar Certificate is closely aligned with this research and technical
momentum and will accordingly be revised regularly to consider the latest findings and
developments. Limit values and test methods will be adapted to reflect the latest findings and
amended or updated as necessary.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 8

The goal of these guidelines is to encourage and ensure the control of biochar production and
quality based on well-researched, legally backed-up, economically viable and practically
applicable processes. Users of biochar and biochar-based products will benefit from transparent
and verifiable monitoring and quality assurance. It is our moral obligation as well as the duty of
every biochar user's duty to make sure that a good idea is not be corrupted. The certificate was
designed to serve this goal.

Currently, the European Biochar Certificate is a voluntary industry standard in Europe. In

Switzerland, however, it is obligatory for all biochar sold for use in agriculture. Several other
countries aligned their biochar related regulations with the EBC.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 9

2. Definition of biochar

Biochar is a porous, carbonaceous material that is produced by pyrolysis of biomass and is

applied in such a way that the contained carbon remains stored as a long-term C sink or
replaces fossil carbon in industrial manufacturing. It is not made to be burnt for energy

Biochar is produced by biomass pyrolysis; a process whereby organic substances are broken
down at temperatures ranging from 350°C to 1000 °C in a low-oxygen process. Although
torrefaction, hydrothermal carbonisation and coke production are carbonisation processes, the
end products cannot however be called biochar under the above definition. Biochars are
therefore specific pyrolysis chars characterised by their additional environmentally sustainable
production, quality and usage features. Gasification is understood as being part of the pyrolysis
technology spectrum and can, if optimized for biochar production, be equally certified under the

Biochar is defined by its quality characteristics, by the raw materials used, its sustainable
production and end use.

Biochar is a hyper versatile material with an increasing number of applications in agriculture,

environmental engineering, and basic industry. Each application, like the use as a soil
amendment, stormwater filter, or additive for building materials, textiles, and plastics, demands
specific biochar qualities. Thus, each application requires proper certification parameters that
must be specified, controlled, and guaranteed.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 10

3. The EBC certification classes

To keep pace with the growing number of biochar uses, the EBC has introduced a number of
certification classes. According to the requirements and safety regulations of the different
applications, different parameters are controlled, and limit values apply. With the publication of
EBC v10.0, the certification class EBC-BasicMaterials is introduced as the basic and fundamental
certification class. It defines what can be considered a biochar or not according to the EBC and
complies with all requirements of the EU-REACH regulation [1]. All present and future
certification classes meet at least the requirements of EBC-BasicMaterials and thus meet all
requirements of the EU-REACH regulation, too. All EBC-certification classes are entitled for C-
sink certification.

The definition of a certification class (e.g., EBC-Urban or EBC-ConsumerMaterials) is a statement

of admissibility of biochar for a given purpose regarding applicable laws, regulations, and
relevant industry standards. The assignment to a certification class is not a statement about the
excellence of biochar (i.e., good, better, or best biochars for a specific purpose/use) – but it
does distinguish between biochars that are admissible or inadmissible for a defined form of
application (e.g., in agriculture or construction). Each application and thus certification class has
its specific requirements.

When selling to end-user (B2C), every biochar and biochar-based product must be labelled
according to the EBC certification class under which it is traded. If, e.g., a biochar is sold as a
building material it must be labelled as EBC-BasicMaterial. An EBC-Agro labelled biochar cannot
be traded as building material. A biochar labeled as EBC-Feed cannot be sold as a soil
amendment. A packaging unit for end users must not be labelled with more than one
certification class.

When sold to other businesses (B2B) that process or trade biochar, the biochar may be labeled
with multiple certification classes. For example, biochar can be certified with EBC-FutterPlus,
EBC-Agro, EBC-ConsumerMaterials and EBC-BasicMaterials and sold to other companies (B2B)
carrying these different certification classes. An EBC-certified biochar processor can then label its
products according to the applicable certification classes for end users. It is thus possible to
market different products, each with a different certification class, to end users from a biochar
supply that was delivered with multiple certification classes. If a biochar qualifies for different
certification classes, different packaging units from one and the same production batch can be
sold under different EBC-labels.

While EBC-FeedPlus certified biochar meets all requirements of all other certification classes, a
general “downward compatibility” is not given within the EBC. This is also not intended since
the demands on biochar properties vary greatly depending on the field of application and can

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 11

also be contradictory in some cases. This will become even more pronounced with the
increasing professionalization of biochar product design and the progress of research and

EBC-FeedPlus meets all EU and EFTA regulations relevant for animal feeding and agricultural
soil applications [2,3].It can be used for all livestock operations and also be applied to soil.
Biochar with EBC-Feed certification meets equally all requirements of the EU feed regulation [2]
but not those of the EU fertilizer product regulation [3] which are partly stricter than the EU feed
regulations. Still, risks for animals are low. Hence, EBC-Feed biochar may be used for animal
feeding but must not be used for amending agricultural soils according to current EU-fertilizer
regulations (c.f. chapter 7.12). In addition to the EBC-FeedPlus or EBC-Feed certification, a
biochar producer must be approved as a feed producer in accordance with the respective
national requirements.

Biochars certified with EBC-Agro and EBC-AgroOrganic meet all requirements of the new EU
fertilizer product regulation [3]. Several EU countries such as Austria, Sweden, and Hungary have
approved the use of biochar according to the requirements of EBC-Agro. Based on these
national approvals, such biochars can be exported and used in all other EU countries. Several EU
and EFTA countries apply their own restrictions for the agricultural use of biochar. Switzerland,
for example, requires the certification according to EBC-AgroOrganic, have lower S16 EPA PAHs
thresholds, and only allow woody biomass as a feedstock for pyrolysis (see Swiss Annex).
Germany currently requires a minimum carbon content of 80% for biochar that must be
produced from untreated wood. Sweden has defined limits beyond the EU regulation and EBC-
Agro, which are covered by the Sweden Annex of the EBC. The EBC-AgroOrganic certificate
meets all requirements of the EU Commission regulation on organic production [4]. The
respective specifications and limit values are continuously adapted to align with the ongoing
development of relevant European legislation and scientific advances.

EBC-Urban provides a strong standard for the use of biochar in tree planting, park maintenance,
sidewalk embellishments, ornamental plants, and rainwater drainage and filtration. The main risk
of all those uses is ground- and surface water contamination and work safety, which EBC-Urban
certification prevents effectively. As the urban use of biochar is not subject to agricultural
legislation, some parameters, and their respective limit values were replaced by limit values that
are better adapted to the special matrix of biochar. For example, the EBC-Urban limit value for
PAHs is limited to the eight carcinogenic PAHs. PAHs are ubiquitous in urban environments
(e.g., from tyre abrasion and car exhaust), and urban soil applied biochar which is a strong
adsorber of PAHs will act as a net adsorber of those environmental toxins when low biochar
PAH-contents are guaranteed (as is the case when EBC-Urban biochar is used).

Biochar certified under EBC-Urban must not be used as soil amendment for food or feed
production. If biochar shall be used in urban community gardens or home-gardening projects,

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 12

EBC-Agro or EBC-AgroOrganic quality is recommended. EBC-Urban can further be used for
remediation of polluted soils, sediments or groundwater, the production of ornamental plants,
and tree nurseries for non-food species. EBC-Agro and EBC-AgroOrganic fulfill all requirements
of EBC-Urban and can be used for any urban soil applications.

The certification classes EBC-ConsumerMaterials and EBC-BasicMaterials cover all necessary

environmental requirements for non-soil applications.

EBC-ConsumerMaterials is destined for biochar to be used in products that may come into
direct skin contact with consumers or food-grade products. Examples would be takeaway coffee
cups, plastic computer cases, toothbrushes, carpets, textiles, flowerpots, freshwater pipes, etc.
However, this does not include medical and healthcare products or food. The biochar must be
included in the consumer products in such a way that no coal dust is released because of
product use.

The EBC-BasicMaterials certificate guarantees sustainably produced biochar, which can be used
in basic industry such as to produce building materials, road construction asphalt, electronics,
sewage drains, and composite materials like skis, boats, cars, rockets without risk to the
environment and users. However, precautions in handling, storing, and labeling the materials are
required, as described in the dedicated sections of the EBC (see chapter 11).

Both EBC-ConsumerMaterials and EBC-BasicMaterials must not be used in agriculture or other

soil applications such as planting urban trees, remediating polluted areas, or mine reclamation.
EBC-BasicMaterials must not be sold directly to private customers (B2C) but is traded exclusively
to other businesses (B2B) where adequate handling (i.e., avoidance of dust generation,
respiratory protection, avoidance of skin contact) can be ensured.

EBC-BasicMaterials defines what can be considered “biochar” and used as a sustainable raw
material. Other solid residues obtained from pyrolysis or gasification of biomass that exceed
EBC-BasicMaterials limit values must be considered as (potentially) toxic waste and must be
disposed of as waste material according to local, national, or international laws. Pyrolytic
products from feedstock that are not listed on the EBC feedstock positive list (e.g., industrial
wastes or fossil carbon like lignite) should not be considered biochar and must not be traded
under the EBC label.

For all certification classes, the same sustainability criteria regarding the production of biochar
(i.e., emissions, feedstock storage, the definition of batches, control of pyrolysis parameters),
sampling, and on-site inspection do apply.

Specific industry classes defining biochar qualities for the use in construction materials,
polymers, textiles, and other materials will be developed from 2023 onwards depending on the
demand from the respective industries.

If European biochar producers are interested in having new certification classes included into the
EBC, a formal application should be sent to the Carbon Standards International

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 13

(standards@carbon-standards.com). The EBC Scientific Committee will review the application in
detail and either add the certification class or publish the reasons for the refusal or deferment.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 14

4. Biomass feedstock

4.1 Only biomass and no fossil carbon may be used to produce biochar. The EBC positive list
(Appendix 1) indicates which types of biomasses are permissible for each application class.

4.2 The clean separation of non-organic substances such as metals, construction waste,
electronic scrap, etc. must be guaranteed.

4.3 To produce biochar for soil and agriculture (EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-Agro, EBC-
AgroOrganic, EBC-Urban), the biomass used must not contain any paint residues, solvents
or other potentially toxic impurities.

4.4 To produce EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-Agro, EBC-AgroOrganic, and EBC-Urban

qualities, unavoidable contamination of the biomass by plastic and rubber waste must not
exceed 1% (m/m). To produce biochar for materials (EBC-ConsumerMaterial, EBC-
BasicMaterials) plastic and rubber contents of up to 10% can be accepted, though these
are subject to declaration and require the written approval of Carbon Standards
International. In the latter case, Carbon Standards International may define additional
requirements for the pyrolysis process, request additional analyses to ensure the safety of
the product and its application, and deduce plastic derived carbon from the C-sink
potential of the biochar. Based on ongoing research showing the complete elimination of
plastic feedstock under defined pyrolysis conditions, higher limit values for feedstock
plastic contamination may be introduced in 2022/23.

4.5 When using primary agricultural products (e.g., miscanthus or short rotation forestry), it
must be guaranteed that these were grown in a sustainable manner and that the soil
organic carbon was preserved.

4.6 Biochar may only be produced from forest wood if sustainable management of the
corresponding forest can be proven by PEFC or FSC certificates or by comparable regional
standards or laws.

4.7 Mineral additives such as rock powder and ashes as detailed in the EBC positive list
(Appendix 1), which may be used to control the quality of biochar, are subject to
declaration and require written approval from the EBC. Carbon Standards International
may request additional quality controls with regard to organic and inorganic contaminants.
To produce EBC-Feed, no mineral additives are admitted yet.

4.8 Complete records of the processed biomasses and additives must be kept and archived for
at least five years.

The pyrolysis of non-plant biomasses such as livestock manure, manure containing biogas
digestates, and sewage sludge may also produce valuable raw materials that could be used in

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 15

the interests of the bioeconomy and climate protection. It is planned to include most of those
raw materials in January 2023 in the EBC feedstock list following a key review publication about
the product safety and conditions of use.

If biochar producers are interested in adding new biomass or mineral additive materials on the
EBC-feedstock list, a formal application should be sent to Carbon Standards International. The
EBC Scientific Committee will review the application in detail and either add the feedstock or
publish the reasons for the refusal. The EBC is prepared to add national appendixes to align the
general EBC certification with national laws regarding eligible feedstock.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 16

5. Definition of biochar batches and their registration

A biochar production batch is defined as:

5.1 Each production batch has to be registered on the EBC website. The EBC will allocate a
unique ID number with corresponding QR code for the production batch. The ID number
and the QR code ensure the traceability of the biomass feedstock, the conditions of
production, and the quality of the biochar.
5.2 A production batch lasts a maximum of one calendar year including all possible
interruptions in production.
5.3 The pyrolysis temperature in °C must not change by more than 20 % during production.
With a declared pyrolysis temperature of, for example, 600 °C, short-term fluctuations
between 480 °C and 720 °C are thus permitted. Documented production interruptions,
both planned and unplanned, are permitted provided that the specified temperature
range is maintained after resuming the production. Depending on the pyrolysis process,
biochar from the plant start-up and shut-down process may need to be carefully
separated and documented and must not be marketed as EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed,
EBC-AgroOrganic, or EBC-Agro. The precise handling of biochar from the start-up and
shut-down process is regulated during the technical audit and documented in the online
instruction manual.
5.4 The blend of different types of biomass listed in the EBC positive list may not change by
more than 20 percentage points. For example, if a mixture of 50% cereal husks and 50%
landscape conservation wood is pyrolyzed, the proportions may vary in the range 40% to
60% [±(50% x 20%) = ±10%].
5.5 If a biochar producer registers for the first time a biochar production batch, a
representative sampling has to be carried out by an accredited sampler within the first
two months after registration.
5.6 After a production batch has expired, a subsequent, new production batch must be
registered on the EBC website.
5.7 If the new production batch is produced with the same parameters as the preceding
batch, the analysis of the preceding batch is valid until a sample of the new batch is
taken and analysed.
5.8 The sampling of a new batch following a production batch produced with the same
parameters should be done within a year after the last sampling and analysis. Sample
taking should be finalized during the inspection visit.
5.9 Complete production records must be kept, providing detailed descriptions and dates of
any production problems or stoppages. Furthermore, the daily taking of the retention
sample must be recorded (see chapter 6.3 retention sample).
5.10 The daily production quantities of biochar must be documented.
5.11 On the last production day of a batch, the date and time of the end of the biochar
production batch and the total production quantity of the complete biochar batch have
to be reported on the EBC website.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 17

5.12 A pyrolysis plant can produce several batches during the reference time of one year if
feedstock and/or production conditions are changed. The interruption of one batch must
be registered before starting or restarting another batch with its own ID and it must be
declared if the batch shall be ended or is to be continued.

A batch may be restarted after producing one or several other batches in between. Still,
the batch must end eventually the latest 365 calendar days after the first start (cf. 2.2.).

As soon as either point 5.3 or point 5.4 are no longer fulfilled, a production batch is considered
completed. A new production batch with the changed parameters must be registered on the
EBC website and an appointment with an accredited sampler must be arranged. The annual
inspection visit takes place once per calendar year, irrespective of the number of batches

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 18

6. Biochar sampling

6.1 Representative sample

Since 2021, the biochar samples sent to the accredited laboratory for EBC analysis must be
taken by an accredited sampler. The sampling plan is drawn up during the initial audit and has to
be approved by Carbon Standard International and is documented in the online instruction
manual (chapter 13.5). The accredited sampler must follow the company-specific sampling plan.

The accredited controlling inspector of q.inspecta is entitled to take additional samples at any
time and send them to the accredited laboratory or to Carbon Standard International.

Once per year, Carbon Standard International organizes the training and accreditation of biochar
sampler. Biochar producing companies can send their quality manager to the EBC sample taking
training and if they obtain the accreditation, they are entitled to take the representative samples
following the CSI approved sampling plan.

6.2 Sending of the representative biochar sample to the accredited laboratory

The representative samples for analysis must be sealed by the accredited sampler and
registered on the EBC website before shipping the sample. The producer sends the sealed
sample to the EBC-accredited laboratory selected by the producing company.

6.2.1 The accredited laboratory shall send the results of the analysis to the biochar producing
company and a copy to the accredited inspection body, Carbon Standard International
and the Ithaka Institute.

6.2.2 The Carbon Standard International and the Ithaka Institute have the right to use the
results of EBC analyses in anonymised form for statistical and scientific purposes.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 19

6.3 Retention Sampling

In addition to the EBC analysis sample, the manufacturer is obliged to take regularly (in general
every day) retention samples. The exact procedure is determined during the initial audit. If no
deviating protocol is determined during the initial audit, the following applies:

Daily, a fresh sample of one liter, either from the cross-flow or from the collected daily
production has to be taken. The cross-flow sample can be taken both manually and
automatically from the daily production [5].

The daily sampling time has to be entered in the production record. The daily samples must be
collected for one month at a time in a sample container as a composite 30-liter sample. After
one month the composite sample shall be sealed. The next 30 cross-flow samples shall be
collected in a new sample container until this container is also sealed and stored.

The monthly retention sample of at least 30 liter must be kept dry and protected for two years.
The retained samples serve to protect the producer who will thus be able to prove in the event
of any complaints from authorities or customers that the relevant biochar was free of pollutants
and that it was of the quality guaranteed by the EBC certificate.

During the initial audit, company-specific regulations for the creation and storage of reserve
samples can be defined.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 20

7. Biochar properties
The aim of the EBC certificate is to guarantee compliance with all environmentally relevant limit
values and to declare those biochar properties which are relevant for the respective application
class and that can be analyzed at reasonable cost.

There are numerous additional analytical possibilities to characterize and classify biochar even
more comprehensively. However, many of these would go beyond reasonable cost limits. We do
not seek to analyze, regulate and guarantee all possible parameters, but rather those that are
necessary to ensure safety and sustainability.

The limit values mentioned in the following chapter are only valid in conjunction with the
permissible test procedures and permissible analytical methods. These are detailed for the
individual parameters in Appendices 1-3.

Additional or more stringent limit values that apply only to certain countries are regulated in the
respective country annex (see Annex A5ff).

7.1 The biochar's organic carbon (Corg) content must be declared.

The organic carbon content of biochar varies between about 35 % and 95 % of dry matter,
depending on the biomass feedstock and the pyrolysis temperature. For example, the carbon
content of pyrolyzed straw is usually between 40 and 50% and that of wood and nutshells
between 70 and 90%.

In previous versions of the EBC certificate, a limit value of 50% organic carbon content was
applied to biochar. All pyrolysis products below this limit were considered as pyrogenic
carbonaceous materials (PCM). However, a large number of scientific papers published in recent
years have shown that a carbon content of > 50% is not a sufficient criterion for such a
distinction. In particular, biochar from crop residues such as straw and grain husks have proven
to be well suited for various agricultural and industrial applications, even though the carbon
content is usually below 50%. Since the use of crop residues and other secondary plant
biomasses is desirable both for climate protection and for closing nutrient cycles, the former
limit of 50% has been reconsidered. The term PCM is not used anymore within the EBC.

7.2 The molar H/Corg ratio must be less than 0.7 and less than 0.4 for EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-

The molar H/Corg ratio is an indicator of the degree of carbonisation and therefore of the biochar
stability. The ratio is one of the most important characterising features of biochar and is
indispensable for the determination of the C-sink value. Values fluctuate depending on the
biomass and process used. Values exceeding 0.7 are an indication of non-pyrolytic chars or

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 21

pyrolysis deficiencies [6]. For EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed, H/Corg must be less than 0.4 (c.f.
chapter 10). For EBC-Feed, biochars with H/Corg < 0.7 are still allowed during a transition
period until Dec. 31, 2023 (latest possible end of a batch).

7.3 The molar O/Corg ratio should be below 0.4

In addition to the H/Corg ratio, the O/Corg ratio is also relevant for characterising biochar and
differentiating it from other carbonisation products [6]. Compared to the H/Corg ratio, direct
measuring of the O content is expensive and not standardized. Therefore, the calculation of the
O content from C, H, N, S and ash content is accepted.

The O/Corg ratio can sometimes exceed 0.4 due to post-pyrolytic treatment or by co-pyrolysis
with oxidative or catalytically acting additives. In this case, the EBC would carry out a plausibility
check and grant an appropriate exemption, provided that product quality and environmental
protection are guaranteed.

7.4 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).

During the pyrolysis process aromatic carbon, carbonates and a multitude of diverse volatile
organic compounds are formed. The latter constitutes a large part of the pyrolysis gas that
partially condensates on biochar surfaces and pores. These condensed pyrolysis gas compounds
are substantial constituents of biochar materials [7,8], are essential for certain biochar functions
and thus necessary for the characterisation of biochar.

However, a quantitative determination of VOCs cannot be carried out at reasonable cost.

For an independent estimation of the true pyrolysis temperature, which can deviate from the
temperature measured at the reactor for various reasons, the weight loss of volatile compounds
of biochar is determined by gradually increasing the temperature in the absence of air using the
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGA diagram can thus be used to determine both the
absolute VOC content and the maximum temperature to which the biochar was exposed during

The total VOC content and its temperature-dependent degassing are considered as a criterion
for the evaluation of the pyrolysis process. For this reason, it is considered sufficient that the
TGA analysis need only be carried out in the first control year of a pyrolysis unit.

7.5 The biochar nutrient contents must be declared at least for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
magnesium, calcium, and iron.

The nutrient contents of different biochars depends on the feedstock selection and can account
for up to a third of the total weight. It should be noted that these nutrients are only partially

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 22

available to plants due to covalent bonds (especially in the case of nitrogen) and/or the high
adsorption capacity of the biochar and may only be reincorporated into the biological cycle over
decades. The nutrient availability of the phosphorus found in biochar is for instance only about
15% in the first year, that of nitrogen a mere 1%, while availability of potassium can reach 50%

For the use in agriculture and animal husbandry nutrient information is legally required. For
material uses, the nutrient contents are generally less relevant, but depending on the
application, they may influence certain material properties, especially with higher contents of
calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which is why the declaration of the nutrient contents is also
mandatory for both material certification classes.

7.6 The following limit values for heavy metals must not be exceeded

For EBC-Agro, the maximum values for heavy metal contents are based on the EU-Fertilising
Products Regulation EU 2019/1009 [10], the German Federal Soil Protection Ordinance [11]; and
for EBC-AgroOrganic on the EU regulations 2019/2164 on organic production, and the Swiss
Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to Chemical Products (ChemRRV). By precautionary
principle, EBC-Urban and EBC-ConsumerMaterials must meet the same heavy metal limit values
as EBC-Agro. As biochar certified under EBC-BasicMaterials has to be included into material
matrices from where the biochar cannot leach, no limit values for heavy metals apply.

As of 2022, silver is added to the list of heavy metals that must be quantified and the content of
Ag must be declared. No limit value is applied. Additional parameters and methods apply to
EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed, which are described in Chapter 10.

Tab. 2: Limit values for heavy metals according to the EBC application classes.

EBC-Agro / EBC-Urban / EBC-

EBC-FeedPlus / EBC-Feed EBC-AgroBio EBC-BasicMaterials
Pb -1
10 g t (88%DM) -1
45 g t DM -1
120 g t DM

Cd 0.8 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.7 g t-1 DM 1,5 g t-1 DM


Cu 70 g t-1DM 70 g t-1DM 100 g t-1 DM


Ni 25 g t-1 DM 25 g t-1 DM 50 g t-1 DM


Hg 0.1 g t-1 (88% DM) 0.4 g t-1 DM 1 g t-1 DM


Zn 200 g t DM-1 -1
200 g t DM 400 g t-1 DM

Cr 70 g t DM-1 -1
70 g t DM 90 g t-1 DM

As 2 g t-1 (88% DM) 13 g t-1 DM 13 g t-1 DM


Ag no limit value, only declaration required

Heavy metals are an essential component of all ecosystems. Even in natural soils that are hardly
influenced by human activities, every plant absorbs more than 50 geogenic elements of the
periodic table and amidst those there are all essential heavy metals. Heavy metals are only toxic

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 23

if their concentration is exceedingly high and they are bio-available, which is why the limit values
listed in Table 2 have been defined for each type of application.

With the exception of a few heavy metals that are volatile or semi-volatile at the prevailing
pyrolysis temperatures (e.g., mercury), the amount of heavy metals originally contained in the
biomass is retained in the biochar. While the weight of the original biomass is reduced during
pyrolysis by more than 50% due to the loss of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, heavy metals
remain which leads to increased concentration, i.e., the heavy metal content in the biochar is
higher than in the original biomass.

As long as the biomass was not grown on contaminated soils or has increased heavy metal
contents due to plant treatments (e.g., copper spraying in viticulture) or due to contamination
with wastes, the concentration effect from pyrolysis is not critical. Heavy metal contents beyond
the limit values thus indicate above all the contamination of the biomass used and thus
represent an additional control of the biomass quality.

In industrial applications, including the use of biochar in asphalt, concrete and composite
materials, the risk of heavy metals being leached into the environment or harming users of these
industrial materials is generally quite low. For this reason, EBC-BasicMaterials only requires the
declaration of heavy metal contents but does not define limit values. We expect to set further
application specific EBC limit values in the future. However, at the present stage of industrial
development accurate, use-specific limits cannot yet be determined meaningfully by the EBC. It
is incumbent upon industrial manufacturers that seek to incorporate biochar into their products
to comply with the respective limit values pertinent to their industry. In addition, all industrial
producers and users are urged to carefully consider end of the life handling of their industrial
materials to prevent pollutants from entering the environment.

7.7 pH, salt content, bulk density, and water content must be declared.

The pH value of biochar is an important criterion for the targeted use in substrates as well as for
the fixation of nutrients in animal husbandry as well as in industrial products. The salt content,
measured via electrical conductivity of the biochar leachate, may indicate a contamination of the
feedstock, and should therefore be measured. Bulk density (on dry matter base) and water
content are necessary specifications for trading biochar as well as for the production of
consistent substrate mixtures and materials requiring consistent carbon contents.

The biochar of the classes EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-Agro, EBC-AgroOrganic, and EBC-
Urban must be adjusted to a water content that prevents dust formation and thus also
spontaneous combustion (see also chapter 9.3). Appropriate storage must prevent the biochar
from drying. EBC recommends a water content of 30% for this purpose. There are no guidelines
regarding water content for EBC-ConsumerMaterials and EBC-BasicMaterials, which may only be
traded B2B. However, if the biochar is sold with a water content of less than 30% or a water

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 24

content that cannot effectively prevent dust formation, the manufacturer and trader must
indicate the associated hazards following relevant standards and local, national, and
international requirements. This includes but may not be limited to spontaneous ignition, dust
explosion, and the health hazards of inhaling (fine) dust. Appropriate safety precautions must be

7.8 The determination of the water holding capacity (WHC)

Water holding capacity (WHC) provides guidance for mixing biochar with liquids, e.g., liquid
fertilizer, digestate, storm water management. It is also a valuable indication of its effectiveness
in increasing a soil's water holding capacity and for humidity buffering when e.g., applied to the
root zone. WHC may also help to evaluate the moisture absorption and buffering capacity of
construction and other biochar-based materials.

7.9 Electrical conductivity of the solid biochar

The electrical conductivity of biochar is a highly important indirect parameter to compare

batches and the homogeneity of biochar within a given batch. Moreover, it was shown that
certain effects of biochar in soil, in the digestions system, in anaerobic digesters, in composting,
and in certain composite and construction materials may be related to the electrical conductivity
of the solid biochar. It should not be confounded with the electrical conductivity of the aqueous
leachate of biochar, which is used to estimate the salt content.

7.10 Specific surface area and pore size distribution are recommended as additional parameters

The specific surface area according to BET is an important characterization and comparison
criterion for the physical structure of biochar. It should be noted, however, that no method
provides absolute values for the specific surface area, but only relative values which allows for
standardized comparisons. The BET surface area is often over- and misinterpreted: The BET
does not allow any statement about the colonization potential for microorganisms. A higher BET
surface does not necessarily mean a higher potential for contaminant binding. For a more
precise evaluation of the pore properties, at least data on pore size distribution would be
required. Due to the costs, the measurement of specific surface area and pore size distribution
are recommended as additional parameters but are not mandatory.

7.11 Limit values for PCB and PCDD/F must be observed

In modern pyrolysis plants, only minimal quantities of PCBs, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins

and furans (PCDD/F) are produced [12]. For this reason, except for EBC-Feed, it is considered
sufficient that PCB and PCDD/F must only be quantified once in the first control year of a

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 25

pyrolysis unit. These pollutant contents depend mainly on the chlorine content of the pyrolyzed
biomass. All biomasses authorised on the positive list have a low chlorine content and only very
low contents of these organic pollutants must be expected for the resulting biochar. If the
control bodies of the EBC consider the risk of chlorine contamination of the source biomass to
be relevant, additional PCB and PCDD/F analyses may be required. The limit values are based
on the soil protection regulations in force in Germany and Switzerland [11,13].

The limit values for PCB are 0.2 mg kg-1 (DM), and for PCDD/F they are 20 ng kg-1 (I-TEQ OMS),

7.12 Limit values for PAH contents must not be exceeded

EBC-Agro / EBC-
EBC -Certification Class Certification Class EBC-FeedPlus EBC-Feed EBC-Urban EBC-BasicMaterials
EBC-AgroOrganic ConsumerMaterials*

Organic contaminents 16 EPA PAH 6.0+2.4 g t-1 DM CSI-declaration 6.0+2.4 g t-1 DM CSI-declaration CSI-declaration CSI-declaration

8 EFSA PAH 1.0 g t-1 DM 4 g t-1 DM

benzo[e ]pyrene
benzo[j]fluoran- < 1.0 g t-1 DM for each of both substances
* medical and health care products are not included

The pyrolysis of organic materials causes the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
[14]. The PAH content of biochar depends primarily on the pyrolysis conditions like temperature
and the separation of biochar and pyrolysis gases in the reactor and discharge [15,16].
Appropriate production technologies with both classical kilns and modern pyrolysis reactors can
avoid undesired PAH-contamination of biochar, correct process control provided. The type of
biomass feedstock used for biochar production has a negligible influence on the PAH content

During biochar production, PAHs are usually released with the pyrolysis gases and are destroyed
when these pyrolysis gases are combusted to produce thermal and electric energy. However,
depending on the process conditions, a smaller or larger part of the released PAHs can be
adsorbed by the simultaneously produced biochar. Moreover, if biochar is cooled down in the
presence of PAH-containing pyrolysis gas, significant amounts of PAHs condensate on the biochar
surfaces within the complex porous system. Thus, biochar and pyrolysis gas must be separated at
temperatures that do not allow condensation and sorption of PAH on the biochar. Controlled
vapor quenching may support avoidance of PAH accumulation.

In principle, biochar with a very low PAH content can be produced even by the simplest of means,
as demonstrated by the Kon-Tiki flame curtain kiln [18]. However, some industrial pyrolysis and
gasification technologies developed over the past decades resulted in biochars with elevated PAH
levels [19], which are an indication of unsatisfactory or unsuitable production conditions. The

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 26

technical feasibility to produce biochar with very low PAH contents is demonstrated by all EBC-
certified biochar companies and their technology suppliers since 2012.

Individual PAH differ widely in their toxicity [20]. The type and degree of toxicity (e.g.,
genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, ecotoxicity) depends on the molecular structure, the concentration,
the bioavailability, the exposure route, and the temporal course of the exposure. The
bioavailability of a PAH molecule is determined by the matrix to which the toxin is bound when
exposed to humans, animals, or ecosystems.

As shown by Hilber et al. [21,22], biochar that is amended to soil acts more as sink than a source
of PAHs. As PAHs are ubiquitous in agricultural and urban environments such as soil or the
atmosphere, low-PAH-biochars that are used in soil adsorb more PAHs from the soil than they
release into the soil. The high adsorption capacity distinguishes biochars from other amendments
like compost, digestate, manure, and other fertilizers. The use of identical PAH limit values for low
and high PAH-adsorbing materials can thus be questioned.

Biochar is not only a potent adsorber of PAHs [23] but also the bioavailability of biochar-bound
PAHs is extremely low [21]. Compared to compost, digestate, fertilizer, atmospheric depositions,
or hay which are all important entry points of PAHs into agronomic systems [24,25], PAH-
bioavailability from biochar is most likely the lowest. The risks of bioavailable PAHs for plants, soil
biota, animals, and humans are rather well known and investigated [20,26–28]; however, to our
knowledge, only one initial investigation about the risks of exposure to biochar bound PAHs was
published yet [29]. In the absence of a proper risk assessment, the precautionary principle led the
regulators to apply for biochar the same limit values for PAH contents as for compost or digestate.
Another reason for applying the same PAH limit values to all soil amendments is the principle of
not allowing total PAH concentrations in soil to build up over time and keeping total
concentrations below the limit values set in regulations to protect soil from pollution.

Hilber et al. 2019 [30] demonstrated that using low PAH limit values is prudent and reasonable.
When biochars with higher contents of PAHs (up to 60 mg S16 EPA-PAH per kg biochar) were
introduced in the rumen of a fistulated bovine, more than half of the PAHs from the biochar were
released in the digestive system of the cow and may thus have impaired the biological system.
Therefore, applying the precautionary principle and complying with existing regulations for other
substrates and materials in agriculture and industry, the EBC limit values for PAHs were set for the
various application classes on the following existing legal regulations and considerations:

In the EU fertilizer product regulation, a limit value of 6 mg kg-1 DM wasset for the sum of 16 EPA-
PAH [3,31]. Since 2021, this limit value applies to EBC-Agro. The list of 16 individual PAH
compounds was compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to allow monitoring and
regulation of PAHs. These 16 compounds were selected from hundreds of PAHs [32] based on
environmental relevance, toxicity, and ability to measure them.

The reason for using the 16 EPA-PAHs as reference and the selection of such low limit values is, as
explained above, not based on biochar science or biochar-based risk assessments but is entirely

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 27

based on limit values that were established for other soil-amendments like compost, digestate,
plant substrates, and (contaminated) soil itself. In absence of investigations how PAHs in biochar
may pose risks to the environment and health, it was easier and faster to use the lowest known
limit values for any type of soil amendment and apply it for biochar, too. The alternative to this
pragmatic decision would have been to wait until systematic research would eventually provide
the evidence to set new limit values specifically for biochar to protect soils, plants, animals,
workers, and consumers. As a result, the application of biochar would not have been authorized
for many years to come. For this reason, the EBC applied and defended the low PAH limit values
in its standards since 2012.

For animal feed, no EU or member state limit value for PAHs exist so far, and thus no PAH limit
value for feed grade biochar neither. However, with the publication of Hilber et al. [30], we know
that PAHs might get desorbed in cattle rumen and thus may harm animals that are regularly fed
with biochar containing fodder. Moreover, the EBC should not allow that biochar with too high
amounts of PAHs entered the soil via the animal feed pathway. As the current EU laws do not
prohibit feeding an animal with substances that would not be permissible as a soil amendment, it
is extremely important that biochar used as an animal feed additive is subjected to PAH quality

It is at least questionable, if selecting the 16 EPA-PAH compounds is the best choice for
monitoring PAHs on biochar. Using a limit value for the simple sum of those 16 PAHs attributes
equal importance to each of the individual substances in the interpretation of the analysis.
Although all 16 PAHs are among EPA’s priority environmental pollutants, this list can be divided
into eight PAHs with insufficient or no evidence of carcinogenicity and eight carcinogenic PAHs1.
The latter compounds ’should be given special attention [33] and, consequently, the EBC defines
limit values for S8 EFSA PAHs as follows.

In 936 biochar analyses using the EBC-accredited methods, we found that the eight non-
cancerogenic PAHs accounted for more than 80% of all analysed PAHs. Given the high number of
analyses this can be considered a common distribution of PAHs adsorbed by biochar in common
pyrolysis and gasification technologies [16]. The current S16 EPA-PAH limit values for biochar are
thus based on the assumption that this is the general distribution of the individual PAH
compounds. It is, however, technically possible to reduce the content of smaller (non-
cancerogenic) PAHs in post-pyrolytic treatments whereas the more complex (cancerogenic) PAHs
remain in the biochar because of the higher affinity of biochar for higher molecular weight-PAHs.
Hence, the 6 mg S16 EPA PAHs kg-1 of such a biochar could mainly consist of cancerogenic
substances like Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Such high contents of cancerogenic substances would pose

The eight cancerogenic compounds within 16 EPA PAH = 8 EFSA PAH are Benzo[a]pyrene,
Benzo[a]anthracene, Chrysene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene,
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, Benzo[ghi]perylene

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 28

a considerable health risk when applied to feed and soil. To avoid such risks due to potential post-
pyrolytic treatment of highly PAH-contaminated biochars, the EBC introduced in 2022 a new limit
value for the eight cancerogenic compounds that are included in the 16 EPA PAHs (see footnote).

The EBC follows the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) suggestion to evaluate food safety
by monitoring the total concentrations of these eight cancerogenic PAHs [34]. In the data set of
the 936 EBC S16 EPA PAHs analyses, 99% of all analysed samples that complied with the EBC-
Agro limit value of 6 mg S16 EPA PAHs kg-1 contained less than 1 mg S8 EFSA PAHs kg-1. As we
do have assurance from the EBC-certification control that none of the 936 samples were subjected
to post-pyrolysis treatment to reduce selected PAH-species, we can assume with sufficient
confidence that the 936 sample represent the common distribution of PAHs adsorbed by biochar
in common pyrolysis and gasification technologies. In the case of post-pyrolytic treatment or the
use of novel pyrolysis technologies that reduce selectively the lighter (non-cancerogenic) PAHs,
the new limit value of 1 mg S8 EFSA PAHs kg-1 is safer than the (higher) S16 EPA PAHs limit values
that could mask elevated amounts of cancerogenic PAHs.

For the above reasons, 1 mg S8 EFSA PAHs kg-1 is defined as the only PAH threshold for EBC-
Feed, EBC-Urban, and EBC-ConsumerMaterials. For the purpose of quality control and to provide
Carbon Standards International with a solid data base for (i) the introduction of further EBC
classes, (ii) possible upcoming legislative changes, as well as (iii) the expansion of EBC to further
countries/regions, the S16 EPA-PAH must be declared to Carbon Standards International for all
certification classes.

To maximize safety of EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Agro, and EBC-AgroOrganic, the 1 mg S8 EFSA PAHs

kg-1 and the 6 mg S16 EPA PAHs kg-1 provided by the EU fertilizer product regulation apply
concurrently. For EBC-BasicMaterials a limit value of 4 mg S8 EFSA PAHs kg-1 is defined. The EU-
REACH regulation's list of eight carcinogenic PAHs has two substances that differ from the 8 EFSA
and the 16 EPA compounds2. To comply with the EU-REACH regulations, the EBC includes these
two additional PAHs into its analytical program and controls that neither benzo[e]pyrene nor
benzo[j]fluoranthene is contained at higher concentrations than 1 mg kg-1 for all application

The EBC-Urban limit value for PAHs is defined by the eight carcinogenic PAHs which provides
reliable safeguards for workers, citizens and soil. Because PAHs are ubiquitous in urban
environments (e.g., from car exhaust, tyre abrasion, domestic heating, and atmospheric

The COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1272/2013 referes to Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[e]pyrene,
Benzo[a]anthracene, Chrysene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene, Benzo[j]fluoranthene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene and
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene as PAHs that are classified as carcinogens. Compared to 8 EFSA PAH, which
are a subset of the 16 EPA PAH, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene and Benzo[ghi]perylene are missing in the
EU-regulation. However, Benzo[e]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene are not part of either the 8 EFSA
PAHs or the 16 EPA PAHs. Therefore, benzo[e]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene have not yet been
quantified in routine analysis of biochar but are added to the EBC-analyes since 2022 to guaranty
conformity with the EU-REACH regulation.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 29

deposition), and because biochar applied to urban soil is a strong adsorber for PAHs, EBC-
certified biochar will act in the urban environment as a net adsorber of those environmental toxins.

The limit values for EBC-ConsumerMaterials are stricter than the EU-REACH regulation for
consumer products which bans all products containing more than 1 mg kg-1 of one of the eight
individual carcinogenic PAHs [1]. The EBC assumes it as consistent to use the same limit value of
cancerogenic PAHs for soil, feed, food, water, ecosystem, and consumer product applications.

The limit value for S8 EFSA PAHs in EBC-BasicMaterials is 4 mg kg-1 because the biochar particles
are embedded and firmly bound into mineral or polymeric matrices (e.g., concrete, asphalt,
plaster, composites) and direct contact with living organisms can be avoided. This limit is mainly
based on what can be regarded as harmless to employees handling the raw materials with
adequate safety measures (packaging, storage, and ventilation) and suitable personal protective
equipment. Moreover, the EBC applies for BasicMaterials also and additionally the EU limit value
for products where skin contact can be expected which is a maximum of 1 mg kg-1 for each
individual compound of the 8 EFSA PAH and for the additional EU-PAHs benzo[e]pyrene, and

Thanks to the above outlined requirements, all EBC certified biochars are compliant with the EU-
REACH commission regulation [1]. Still, the S16 EPA-PAH must be declared to CSI for all EBC
certification classes.

It should be noted that due to the high adsorption capacity of biochar, most of the analytical
methods used for example for soil analysis of PAHs are not suitable for biochar [19]. It is therefore
strongly recommended to always use the service of EBC accredited laboratories to perform PAH
analyses even outside of the context of EBC certification.
The very low PAH limit values only allow an analytical accuracy of 40% for the 6 mg S16 EPA PAHs
kg-1 limit value which implies an accuracy of ± 2.4 mg kg-1 dm.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 30

8. Pyrolysis

8.1 Biomass pyrolysis must be operated in an energy efficient manner.

Except for the preheating of the pyrolysis reactor, the use of fossil fuels for heating the pyrolysis
reactor is prohibited. The use of waste heat from other industrial processes, such as bio-
digesters or cement production or the use of solar thermal energy is permitted. If the pyrolysis
reactor is electrically heated, the use of renewable energy sources or the use of surplus
electricity is recommended.

8.2 The pyrolysis gases produced during pyrolysis must be recovered or burned. They are not
allowed to escape into the atmosphere.

A significant portion of the global charcoal and biochar production is still made using obsolete
technology [35] where most of the original feedstock carbon is released as toxic emissions to the
atmosphere. Although the material quality of biochar produced in such kilns may meet EBC
requirements, the environmental impact of such production techniques is highly negative.

However, if pyrolysis gases are trapped and are cleanly burned or used as bio-oil for the
chemical industry, the environmental impact is neutral and even improved compared to biomass
burning or natural decomposition. The EBC certificate guarantees that only climate positive
biochar production technology is used and does not release unburned pyrolysis gases to the

8.3 Syngas combustion must comply with national emission limit values.

With emission limit values and regulations differing from one country to the next, any further
definition of emission limit values for pyrolysis facilities would exceed the purpose and
proportionality of these guidelines. Therefore, manufacturers must provide a guarantee that their
facilities comply with national emission regulations. An annual, government accredited emission
measurement of the production plant is recommended.

For certification of the C sink potential of biochar, the pyrolysis unit must have an EBC type
certificate (see Guidelines for the certification of the C-sink potential) or at least three
independent, accredited emission measurements including the methane or hydrocarbon content
in the waste gas stream.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 31

8.4 Biochar production must be energy and carbon efficient

Approximately 35 to 60 % of the energy contained in the biomass feedstock is eventually

contained in the pyrolysis gas, which is usually burned in the pyrolysis unit. Part of the energy
released during the combustion of these gases is often used to heat the biomass for pyrolysis.
Excess heat must be used to at least 70%, e.g., for drying biomass, for district heating, for
generating electricity or for similar sustainable purposes. For a transitional period of maximum 3
years after installation of the pyrolysis plant, an exemption for missing waste heat recovery can
be applied for. In the meantime, a solution for efficient waste heat recovery must be developed.

Alternatively, the pyrolysis oil and/or gas can also be captured and used for energy storage, e.g.,
to deliver peak loads in district heating in winter by burning pyrolysis-oil that was collected
during summer. The material use of the bio-oil and/or the upgrading of the pyrolysis gas into
basic chemicals such as methanol are also conceivable options to reach eventually a carbon
efficiency of at least 70%.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 32

9. Work safety and health

9.1 Fire and dust protection regulations are to be complied with local and national regulations
throughout the entire production, transportation, and user chain. An official operating permit or
equivalent document must be presented.

9.2 All workers must be informed in writing about possible risks and dangers of and around the
production facility and sign the document. This concerns, in particular, the self-ignitability of char
dust, respiratory protection, contact with bio-oil and tars and possible gas leakage.

9.3 During transportation and bulk transfers, attention must be paid to the biochar being
sufficiently moist to prevent dust generation or dust explosions (cf. chapter 7.7).

9.4 Workers must be equipped with suitable protective clothing and breathing masks where

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 33

10. Biochar for use as a feed additive - EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-

Biochar is a traditional feed additive that was often used to treat digestive problems of livestock.
Since 2010, biochar is increasingly also used as an additive to daily feed mixtures. The use of
biochar (i.e., vegetal carbon) as a feed additive is authorized by the EU-Feed regulation L 159 /
25 Nr . 575 / 2011 [2]. The EU provides different and additional limits for the use of biochar as
feed compared to its use as a soil additive (Directive 2002/32/EC of 7 May 2002 on undesirable
substances in animal feed [2] and Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of
pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin [36]. Therefore, the certification of
EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed requires the analysis and control of additional parameters compared
to those presented in chapter 7 and Annex 1 of the EBC Guidelines. Some analytical methods and
calculations have to be adapted. The permissible test methods as well as the analytical methods
for the individual parameters are detailed in Annex 2.

10.1 Approval as animal feed producer

Producers of EBC-Feed Plus and EBC-Feed certified biochars must mandatorily register as feed
producers with the relevant authorities in accordance with applicable regional, national and/or EU
regulations and submit proof of this to the EBC.

The aim of EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed is to guaranty that the biochar quality is apt for animal
feeding and that its production is sustainable. The equally important aspects of feed safety and
hygiene during production, and especially storage and transport, can only be controlled by the
EBC to a limited extent and thus not fully be guaranteed.

10.2 Biomass - only pure plant biomass feedstocks are permitted

When the original EBC-Feed Certificate was introduced, only untreated trunk wood was approved
as the source material for feed grade biochar production. In the meantime, however, a sufficient
number of scientific studies have been published [37], which show that biochar produced from
other plant biomass had just as positive an effect on feed efficiency and animal health as wood
based biochar. For this reason, all pure plant biomasses are approved since 2020 for the
production of EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed biochar according to the EBC feedstock list. Mineral
additives are not permitted. Feedstocks with chemical additives, contaminations, or the risk of
contaminations due to non-controllable source are excluded for the production of EBC-FeedPlus
and EBC-Feed (e.g., chemically treated wood, paper sludge, green waste from municipal
collection, etc.).

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 34

10.3 Separation of impurities

A significant risk to feed safety comes from possible impurities that can contaminate the biochar
via the feedstock, the production process, or during storage. These are mainly pieces of metal,
plastic, glass, and stones. Thus, rigorous control of the feedstock is necessary before it enters the
pyrolysis process. To prevent metal and other impurities originating from the pyrolysis plant, it is
necessary to regularly check the plant (check that no screws are missing, parts are broken or that
abrasion occurs, etc.). To exclude the possibility of impurities entering the feed biochar after
production, the biochar must be packaged and stored tightly sealed.

It is recommended to pass both the biomass before entering the pyrolysis unit and the biochar
between discharge and packing through a magnetic metal separator. Also, stones and glass
fragments pose a risk of injury to the animals if swallowed, mainly because of possible sharp edges
and corners, and may also be present, for example, in source materials such as forest wood chips
or crop residues otherwise commonly assumed to be clean. To at least eliminate this risk, in
addition to using a stone separator, grinding the biochar to < 3 mm is recommended; silicate
(glass) and stone per se are not toxic or harmful.

Feed manufacturers must be able to guarantee that marketed feed products are free of impurities
following government requirements. According to Regulation (EC) 183/2005, a feed producer is
responsible for feed safety. The EBC control processes (technical pre-audit, annual EBC
inspection, visual inspection of random samples, laboratory analysis of a representative sample
from each batch, reserve samples, documentation) provide assistance in this regard, but cannot
replace the manufacturer's guarantee. In the event of complaints from users or other complaints
and disputes, certification as an EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed offer only limited security. To meet
the responsibility for feed safety, EU Regulation 183/2005 strongly recommends that feed
producers implement a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system (“Feed
business operators [..] shall put in place, implement, and maintain, a permanent written procedure
or procedures based on the HACCP principles”). We therefore recommend additional external
quality assurance by a certification body specialized in feed, such as GMP+
(https://www.gmpplus.org) or pastus+ (https://amainfo.at/en/teilnehmer/futtermittel/pastus-
zertifizierung/richtlinie-informationen). Their certification process includes HACCP.

10.4 Pyrolysis temperature (HTT > 500 °C) and intensity (H/Corg < 0.4)

Although contaminated feedstock is not allowed within EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed, trace
contaminations, e.g., with pharmaceuticals or mycotoxins, can never be excluded completely. To
assure the complete degradation of these organic micropollutants the pyrolysis temperature has
to reach at least 500 °C for at least 10 min [38]. As these pyrolysis conditions are difficult to monitor

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 35

and control, the H/Corg ratio is used as a proxy. The H/Corg ratio indicates the degree of
aromatization of biochar carbon and thus the intensity of pyrolysis. If a biochars presenting an
H/Corg ratio below 0.4, it is safe to assume that it was produced at temperatures above 500°C for
more than 10 minutes and is safe for animal consumption. The H/Corg ratio must not exceed 0.4
for EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed. For EBC-Feed, biochars with H/Corg < 0.7 are still allowed
during a transition period until Dec. 31, 2023 (latest possible end of a batch).

10.5 Heavy metals

According to feed regulations, the content of heavy metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium and
mercury must be stated. The use of biochar as feed is based on the following limit values to be
calculated on 88% of the dry matter content: arsenic: 2 mg kg-1; lead: 10 mg kg-1; cadmium 0.8
mg kg-1 and mercury: 0.1 mg kg-1.

10.6 PAHs

The limit value for the S8 EFSA PAHs is set to 1 mg kg-1 (see chapter 7.12) for EBC-FeedPlus and
EBC-Feed. To comply with the EU-REACH regulations, benzo[e]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene
must not be contained at higher concentrations than 1 mg kg-1. For EBC-FeedPlus, the S16 EPA
PAHs must not exceed 6 mg kg-1.

Due to the missing threshold value for S16 EPA PAHs, EBC-Feed does not comply with EBC-
AgroOrganic and EBC-Agro requirements. From the animal perspective, it should be highlighted
that naphthalene is the most abundant PAH congener in biochar, which is included in 16 EPA
PAHs but not in S8 EFSA PAHs. According to a summary of the Environmental Protection Agency
of the United States, the NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) for chronic oral exposure of
naphthalene is in the range of 50-100 mg per kilogram live weight of the animal [39]. It is practically
impossible to achieve this level by feeding biochar.

EBC-FeedPlus biochar can be used as a soil amendment and for any other agronomic purposes
such as composting, anaerobic digestion, manure treatment, and fertilizer production. EBC-Feed
may only be used as animal feed additive.

10.7 Dioxine, furane, dioxin-like PCB (WHO-PCB) und non-dioxin-like PCB (DIN-PCB).

The EU feed regulations prescribe strict limits for polychlorinated dioxins, furans and PCBs, which
are well below the limits of the soil protection ordinance. Therefore, (1) each batch of feed biochars
must be analyzed for these substances, and (2) the accredited test method must have a lower
detection limit. Consequently, special test methods and limit values for feed grade biochar apply

For PCDD / PCDF, a trigger value of 0.5 ng TE kg-1 at 88% DM and a limit of 0.75 ng TE kg-1 at
88% DM apply. For dl-PCB, a trigger value of 0.35 ng TE kg-1 at 88% DM applies. For PCDD /

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 36

PCDF + dl-PCB the limit value is 1.25 ng TE kg-1 at 88% TS. For the sum 6 of DIN PCB, a limit
value of 10 μg TE kg-1 at 88% DM applies.

10.8 Fluor < 150 mg kg-1 (88% TS)

The fluor content must be lower than <150 mg kg-1 (88% TS). However, fluorine salts are usually
volatile in pyrolysis conditions and will rarely occur in biochars in significant concentrations.

10.9 Dry matter, crude ash, ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid

The specification of dry matter, crude ash content and HCl-insoluble ash are prescribed standard
values of the EU feed regulations and must be stated on the product label. The content of the
ashes must be determined by combustion at 550 ° C and given on an 88% dry matter basis.

10.10 Crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat

The indication of crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat contents are prescribed standard values
of the EU feed regulations. Crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat are completely decomposed
in the course of complete pyrolysis and are therefore no longer present in biochar. A biochar is
considered to be completely pyrolyzed if the H/Corg ratio is <0.4, which is the prerequisite for EBC-
Feed and EBC-FeedPlus certification. Thus, the analysis of crude protein, crude fiber and crude
fat is not required and set by definition as 0 g kg-1. The information is mandatory and must be
stated on the product label.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 37

11. Certification of companies that process biochar and
manufacture biochar-based products

In agriculture and animal husbandry, biochar is rarely used in its pure form. More often it is part
of a processed product such as a soil-amendments, potting soil, compost, fertilizer, bedding
material, feed, or as an additive to anaerobic digestion or silage. In addition to the producers
specialized in biochar manufacturing, a growing industry has developed, acquiring and
processing biochar as a raw material for biochar-based products.

To guarantee and properly label products made with EBC certified biochar, the entire supply
chain including production, processing, packaging, and labeling of the products needs to be
inspected and certified.

Products containing biochar are only allowed to use the EBC logo and the inscription
"Manufactured with EBC certified biochar" if the biochar processing company and their biochar-
based products have also been certified according to the following guidelines.

11.1 Exclusive use of EBC certified biochar

The risks associated with the use of non-certified biochar in agriculture, livestock farming and in
products ultimately destined for agricultural use, such as compost or biogas slurry, are very high,
since in this case pollutants such as PAHs, dioxins and heavy metals may enter the human food
chain and accumulate permanently in soils and the environment.

Therefore, products made with biochar can only become EBC certified if the processing
company uses exclusively EBC certified biochar for their biochar-based products. The certified
company may not use, store, or trade any biochar for agronomic purposes that is not EBC

Without EBC exemption, no non-EBC certified biochar may be used, stored and traded by the
certified company.

11.2. Incoming goods inspection

All incoming biochar or biochar-based products must have the corresponding EBC certificate
(EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-AgroOrganic, EBC-Agro, EBC-Urban, EBC-ConsumerMaterials,
EBC-BasicMaterials) marked on the delivery documentation and labels. The incoming goods
inspection must be documented. Unlabeled biochar and biochar-based products without an
EBC exemption permit must not be processed.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 38

11.3 Storage

Biochar and biochar-based products must be stored in such a way that no contamination can
occur. Particular attention should be paid to gaseous pollutants (for example engine exhaust
gases) as these can be absorbed by the biochar. Biochar processors must ensure that neither
different EBC certification classes nor different batches from different or the same manufacturers
are mixed without documentation. The quality and origin of stored biochar as well as a traceable
identification number and product name must be marked clearly visible on the storage or
packaging material.

11.4 Processing journal

Each processing step of biochar and biochar-based products must be documented in a

processing journal. The quantity and quality of all processed biochar and the amount of biochar
contained in the final products must be documented.

If the biochar or biochar-based products are merely repackaged or relabeled, the quantity and
quality of the original and final products must still be listed in the processing journal.

The control of the flow of goods (balance between incoming biochar and biochar products,
specific processing, and the outgoing biochar and biochar products) must be tracked and always

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 39

12. Labeling and Advertising with EBC Certification

12.1 Trademark protection and compulsory information

12.1.1 Registered trademarks

Carbon Standards International owns the following EU trademarks:

(1) EU guarantee mark No 018071838 'EBC' (word mark) and

(2 ) EU guarantee mark No 018071835 'Certified Biochar EBC European Biochar Certificate

(EBC)' (figurative mark), reproduction:

(hereinafter referred to as 'EU trademarks').

Each of the EU trademarks are registered in respect to the following list:

Class 01: Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations and natural
elements, in particular biochar, activated carbon activated adsorbents, activated
carbon filters for the purification of gases, and activated carbon filters for the
purification of liquids; Growth and fertilizers and chemicals used in agriculture,
forestry and horticulture, in particular fertilizers (in part) consisting of biochar (biochar);
Putties, fillers and glues for industrial purposes, in particular coal for filters for
removing organic contaminants from water; Filter materials [chemical, mineral,
vegetable and other raw materials], in particular activated carbon.
Class 04: Fuels, in particular of biochar (charcoal, charcoal).
Class 05: Biochemical feed additives made from biochar.
Class 19: Building materials and components, not of metal, (partially) consisting of biochar.
Class 31: Foodstuffs and animal feed (in part) consisting of biochar (biochar); Litter and bedding
materials for animals (partially) consisting of biochar (biochar).
Class 40: Production of coal by biomass pyrolysis; Processing of biochar (biochar) as a raw
material for the production of various products.

(hereinafter referred to as 'the goods and services claimed')

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 40

12.1.2 Right to use the EU trademark
Carbon Standard International grants:
(1) Manufacturers of EBC certified biochar, as well as of products containing EBC certified
(2) Processors and traders of EBC certified biochar and products containing EBC certified
biochar and
(3) Users of EBC certified biochar (e.g., farmers, operators of composting plants, operators of
biogas plants) as well as of products containing EBC certified biochar (e.g., farmers, gardeners,
animal keepers).

the right to use these EU trademarks for the aforementioned goods and services under the
following conditions:
The EU guarantee trademark No 018071838 "EBC" (word mark) may only be used alone or with
the following additions
(1) "Zertifikat" / "Certificate", oder "Zertifizierung" / "Certification" oder "zertifiziert" /
(2) "Agro", "AgroOrganic", "FeedPlus", “Feed”, “Urban”, "ConsumerMaterials",

The EU guarantee trademark No 018071835 "Certified Biochar EBC European Biochar

Certificate (EBC)" (figurative mark) may only be used as registered. Additions or modifications
are not permitted.

12.1.3 Advertising with laboratory analysis according to EBC standard

If an analysis of the biochar has been carried out by an accredited laboratory (see list at
www.european-biochar.org/en/ct/10) in accordance with the EBC standard, but no EBC
certification was obtained, the lack of certification must be pointed out in a suitable form when
advertising the analysis result. Misleading statements in this regard should be avoided in any
case. Permissible are for example formulations like "laboratory analysis after EBC standard*",
footnote: "not certified".

12.1.4 Contractual penalty

If the user of the warranty marks culpably violates the statutes of these trademarks, he is liable to
pay a fine of 500, - EUR to 10,000, - EUR to the Foundation Ithaka Institute. The amount of the
fine to be paid shall be determined by Carbon Standard International at its reasonable discretion
and, in the event of dispute, reviewed by a court of law as to its appropriateness. Accordingly,
Carbon Standard International deprives the user of the right to use the warranty marks.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 41

12.2 Mandatory information on biochar
The label or delivery note for unprocessed EBC biochar must indicate at least the following
information about the biochar:

- The application class of the biochar (EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-AgroOrganic, EBC-Agro,

EBC-Urban, EBC-ConsumerMaterials, EBC-BasicMaterials)
- Organic carbon content (Corg)
- H / Corg – ratio
- pH
- Dry weight
- Volume
All other relevant analytical information such as feedstock, pyrolysis temperature, elemental
analysis, nutrient content, heavy metals, WHC, electric conductivity of the solid biochar, and 8
EFSA PAHs can be found via the QR-code of the certified batch. The QR-code of the EBC-
certified batch must be printed on the packaging and the delivery note. The analytical
parameters of the biochar uploaded by the accredited laboratory can thus be accessed via this
QR code.
If the packaging units are produced before the QR code is created - such as packaging for the
end consumer - a company's own QR code on the packaging unit can link the product to the
company's website, from where a permanent redirection to the EBC website of the certified
batch must be set up before the packaging units are sold.

12.3 Production date and QR code

In addition to the QR code of the biochar batch, the production date must be noted on each
packaging unit. For large packaging or storing units whose contents are produced over several
days, the production period must be marked.

12.4 Mandatory information about biochar containing products

The shipping label and the biochar product packaging label shall include the following
- The application class of the biochar (EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Feed, EBC-AgroOrganic, EBC-Agro,
EBC-Urban, EBC-ConsumerMaterials, EBC-BasicMaterials)
- Organic carbon content of the biochar used in the product
- Biochar content in dry matter contained in the packaging unit

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 42

If biochars of different EBC application classes are used in one product, the end product may
only bear the EBC application class(es) whose requirements have been met by each individual

If several EBC certified biochars are mixed in the product, a corresponding averaged values for
the organic carbon and nutrient content based on the mass (dm) of the blended biochar
portions must be reported. H / Corg – ratio, the highest temperature reached in the pyrolysis
process, electric conductivity, WHC, and pH must be provided as the range of the lowest and
highest value of the individual biochars used.

Certified resellers of biochar or biochar products do not need to name and identify the original
company or production site of the biochar.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 43

13. Control, quality management and certification

13.1 Principles of certification

The inspection of the European biochar certificate is coordinated worldwide by the
independent, state-accredited inspection body bio.inspecta AG / q.inspecta GmbH. The
inspection is carried out on site at each production facility. It takes place once a year. Producers
are obliged to keep their production records up to date in accordance with their respective EBC
instruction manual (see 12.5).
If a biochar producer desires to become EBC certified, their entire biochar production site must
be inspected and certified, regardless of whether only one batch, several or all batches qualify
for one of the EBC certificates.
Should an EBC certified producer produce a batch that cannot be certified to EBC
BasicMaterials due to non-compliance with limit values, the producer must prove proper
disposal of this waste according to local or national regulations. Otherwise, the certification of
the plant may be permanently withdrawn.
Biochar processing companies may be exempted from the annual inspection visit to the
production site if they can prove that they process less than 10 t of biochar per year. In such
cases, compliance with the production and quality guidelines is evaluated by the government
accredited inspection body by means of self-declaration and production protocols.

13.2 EBC-certified companies

For production, processing and trade of EBC biochar, a distinction is made between four
company types:

a) Biochar producer (on-site inspection)

Biochar producers operate pyrolysis plants and manufacture EBC-certified biochar from biomass.
Additionally, they may grind, screen, and/or package biochar. Only biochar produced by the
company itself may be stored on the premises, otherwise additional certification as a processing
company and trader is required.

If the biochar is further processed by other, non-pyrolytic process steps (e.g., by charging it with
nutrients, mixing it into compost, fermentation, activation or blending with other products), an
additional EBC certification as a processing company and trader is required.
A technical pre-audit by Carbon Standard International and an annual inspection visit by the
accredited inspection body are mandatory. The representative sampling must be carried out by
an accredited sampler.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 44

(b) Processing companies and traders (on-site inspection if > 10 t p.a.)
Processing companies that purchase EBC-certified biochar and use it to manufacture new,
biochar-based products, must be EBC certified. Common processes are the blending of biochar
with additives, activation by thermal processes (production of activated carbon), enhancement
by biological and/or chemical treatment or mechanical processing. Furthermore, the mixing of
different EBC-certified production batches, which may also be purchased from different EBC-
certified manufacturers, also falls under the category of processing (cf. chapter 11).
The trade of unpackaged, loose goods (e.g., containers) or repackaging of purchased biochar is
also subject to the inspection and certification obligation for biochar processing plants.
The initial audit is carried out by the accredited inspection body, which also determines the
processing protocols and the protocols for documenting the flow of goods with the processing

(c) Trader of packaged goods – no certification needed.

The mere trade by third parties of pre-packaged biochar and biochar-based products labelled
by the certified manufacturer according to EBC regulations is not subject to any further
inspection and certification obligation.
Therefore, if a non-certified company or person sells EBC-certified biochar or biochar-based
products, both the certified manufacturer and the unique ID number and QR code of the biochar
batch must be clearly traceable. The certified manufacturer must therefore be named on the
label and delivery note. Consequently, the label affixed by an EBC certified company must not
be altered, pasted over or removed. If the original label is removed or covered over, the goods
are no longer considered EBC certified. Additional labels, however, may be applied alongside
the original labels.
If the original manufacturer is not named on the packaging or the delivery note and the goods
are thus relabelled, the company placing the goods on the market must then be EBC certified,
otherwise it may not label the goods as EBC certified.
The relabelling of closed packaging of certified biochar and biochar-based products or the sale
under own trade name without mentioning the actual manufacturer is subject to the certification
obligation as a private label trader.

(d) Private Label Traders (remote inspection)

If the biochar and biochar-based products are manufactured, packaged, and labelled by the
manufacturer for another company, and the name and contact information of the manufacturing
company do not appear on the packaging, the retailer marketing the goods under its brand
name must be EBC certified as private label trader. Otherwise, the own brand retailer may not
label the goods as EBC certified.
This also applies if closed packaged biochar goods are purchased from other manufacturers or
distributors and then relabelled in such a way that the manufacturing company and its contact

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 45

data are no longer recognizable as such. The company placing the goods under its own brand
must necessarily be EBC certified. Otherwise, he may not label the goods as EBC-certified.
Provided there is no repackaging of the goods, EBC certification of private label traders does
not require on-site inspection; it can be done via online declaration and remote assessment.

13.3 Registration for certification

To register for certification, please register your company on the EBC website (www.european-
biochar.org) and provide all necessary information about your company and production. You will
then be contacted by the team of Carbon Standards International (www.carbon-standards.com)
who will assist you throughout the entire certification process.
It is highly recommended that new biochar producers contact Carbon Standards International
before commencing operations to ensure all required recording procedures are initiated and
incorporated into the production processes.

Carbon Standards International AG

Ackerstrasse 117
5070 Frick
Tel. +41 (0) 62 552 10 90

13.4 Technical pre-audit of biochar producers

The technical pre-audit of biochar producers is carried out by Carbon Standard International.
The aim of the initial audit is to understand the technical production process to identify potential
problems for the certification and quality management. During the technical pre-audit, the
standard method and frequency of accredited sampling, the type of retained samples, the
determination of dry weights, and the plant's own quality control program may be adapted, if
necessary. All adaptations and precessions of the usual certification and quality management
procedures, are documented in a specific online instruction manual prepared by Carbon
Standard International.
The initial technical audit of biochar producers includes the following steps:

1) The company uploads the detailed technical description and flow charts of the
production process to the EBC website.
2) In a video conference between the company to be certified and the Ithaka Institute,
open questions are addressed, the technical production details are discussed, and the
scope of the on-site visit clarified.
All detailed technical information shared between the production company, the Ithaka Institute,
Carbon Standards International, and q.Inspecta are subject to strict confidentiality and are
protected by data protection law. If desired, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) can be signed
between Carbon Standards International and the company to be certified.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 46

Fundamental changes in operational procedures must be reported to Carbon Standards
International and may lead to a repetition of the technical audit and an adaptation of the EBC
online instruction manual. The accredited inspection body may also order a new technical audit
due to operational changes that prevent the inspection visit from being carried out in a
meaningful way.
Processors and traders of biochar are subject to an initial audit by the inspection body
bio.inspecta AG, but do not need a separate technical audit by the Ithaka Institute.

13.5 EBC instruction manual

The present EBC guidelines describe the basic requirements for EBC certification. For biochar
producers, an EBC instruction manual based on these guidelines may describe the exact
implementation of these rules where necessary. This includes:
- Organization of the operating documentation,
- Procedure for the annual inspection visits
- Responsibilities of the EBC quality manager
- Requirements for occupational health and safety
- Flow charts for representative sampling
- Flow chart and documentation for taking and storing the retention samples
- Additional analyses of critical or strongly varying parameters (e.g., PAH, heavy metals,
contamination or impurities of biomasses, etc.).
- Determination of the dry matter content for each individual packaging unit, if the C-sink
potential is to be determined for the individual batches
The EBC instruction manual is a contract between the EBC-certified company and Carbon
Standards International. The instruction manual is treated confidentially by the inspection body
and Carbon Standard International.
Processing companies and biochar traders do not receive a separate instruction manual.

13.6 EBC quality manager

The management of the certified company must appoint a quality manager who is familiar with
the effects of the various production processes on the quality of the biochar. The quality
manager must be authorised within the company to implement measures to ensure and control
the quality of the biochar and to document them.

The quality manager is the contact person for the accredited inspection body (bio.inspecta) and
Carbon Standards International as EBC label holder. If there is a change of personnel in the
position of quality manager, the inspection body and Carbon Standards International must be
informed immediately.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 47

In the first year and later at least once per certification period, the quality manager is obliged to
participate in external trainings of the EBC on the production, quality assurance and application
of biochar. The training must be approved by the responsible management.

The quality manager must ensure the proper documentation and evaluation of the operational
processes that influence the quality of the biochar. The documentation must be continuously
updated and should be regularly submitted to the management of the company. Information
about detected defects must be immediately forwarded to the responsible employees and the
defects must be corrected.

The quality manager is the contact person for his colleagues in case of disturbances in the
production process. He may delegate individual control and documentation tasks to other
employees. In this case, he must instruct the responsible employees and monitor the proper
execution of the assigned tasks.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 48

14. References

Deutsche Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung (BBodSchV), 1999, latest amendment

1. REACH COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1272/2013 of 6 December 2013 amending
Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council
on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards
pol. EU-Regulation 2013, 1272/2013.
2. EU-Parliament Commission regulation (EU) No 575/2011 of 16 June 2011; Brussels, 2011;
3. EU-Comission Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 - EU fertilising products and amending regulations;
Brussels, 2019; p. 2019/1009;
4. EU-Comission Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2019/2164 on organic production
and labelling of organic products; Brussels, 2019;
5. Gy, P. Sampling of discrete materials—a new introduction to the theory of sampling.
Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. 2004, 74, 7–24, doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2004.05.012.
6. Schimmelpfennig, S.; Glaser, B. One Step Forward toward Characterization: Some Important
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7. Yang, H.; Kudo, S.; Hazeyama, S.; Norinaga, K.; Mašek, O.; Hayashi, J. Detailed Analysis of
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130531120623003, doi:10.1021/ef4001192.
8. Spokas, K.A.; Novak, J.M.; Stewart, C.E.; Cantrell, K.B.; Uchimiya, M.; DuSaire, M.G.; Ro, K.S.
Qualitative analysis of volatile organic compounds on biochar. Chemosphere 2011, 85, 869–
9. Camps-Arbestain, M.; Amonette, J.E.; Singh, B.; Wang, T.; Schmidt, H.-P. A biochar
classification system and associated test methods. In Biochar for environmental management;
Lehmann, J., Joseph, S., Eds.; Routledge: London, 2015; pp. 165–194.
10. EU-Parliament EU fertilizer regulation 2019/1009; Brussels, 2019;
11. BBodSchV Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung; Deutsches Bundesamt für Umwelt:
Berlin, 1999;
12. Bucheli, T.D.; Hilber, I.; Schmidt, H.-P. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated
aromatic compounds in biochar. In Biochar for Environmental Management; Lehmann, J.,
Joseph, S., Eds.; Routledge: London, 2015; pp. 595–624.
13. ChemRRV Verordnung zur Reduktion von Risiken beim Umgang mit bestimmten besonders
gefährlichen Stoffen, Zubereitungen und Gegenständen; Bern, 2020;
14. Fagernäs, L.; Kuoppala, E.; Tiilikkala, K.; Oasmaa, A. Chemical Composition of Birch Wood
Slow Pyrolysis Products. Energy & Fuels 2012, 26, 1275–1283, doi:10.1021/ef2018836.
15. Buss, W.; Graham, M.C.; MacKinnon, G.; Mašek, O. Strategies for producing biochars with
minimum PAH contamination. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2016, 119, 24–30,

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16. Bucheli, T.D.; Hilber, I.; Schmidt, H. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated
aromatic compounds in biochar. 2014, 593–622.
17. Bucheli, T.D.; Hilber, I.; Schmidt, H.P. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated
aromatic compounds in biochar. In Biochar for environmental management: Science and
technology.; earthscan, London, U., Ed.; 2015.
18. Cornelissen, G.; Pandit, N.R.; Taylor, P.; Pandit, B.H.; Sparrevik, M.; Schmidt, H.P. Emissions
and char quality of flame-curtain “Kon Tiki” kilns for farmer-scale charcoal/biochar production.
PLoS One 2016, 11, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154617.
19. Hilber, I.; Blum, F.; Leifeld, J.; Schmidt, H.-P.; Bucheli, T.D. Quantitative Determination of
PAHs in Biochar: A Prerequisite To Ensure Its Quality and Safe Application. J. Agric. Food
Chem. 2012, 60, 3042–50, doi:10.1021/jf205278v.
20. WHO Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants: eightieth report of the Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives Available online:
https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/204410 (accessed on Nov 27, 2021).
21. Hilber, I.; Mayer, P.; Gouliarmou, V.; Hale, S.E.; Cornelissen, G.; Schmidt, H.-P.; Bucheli, T.D.
Bioavailability and bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from (post-pyrolytically
treated) biochars. Chemosphere 2017, 174, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.02.014.
22. Hilber, I.; Bastos, A.C.; Loureiro, S.; Soja, G.; Marz, A.; Cornelissen, G.; Bucheli, T.D. The
different faces of biochar: Contamination risk versus remediation tool. J. Environ. Eng. Landsc.
Manag. 2017, 25, 86–104, doi:10.3846/16486897.2016.1254089.
23. Li, H.; Qu, R.; Li, C.; Guo, W.; Han, X.; He, F.; Ma, Y.; Xing, B. Bioresource Technology
Selective removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) from soil washing effluents
using biochars produced at different pyrolytic temperatures. Bioresour. Technol. 2014, 163,
193–198, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.04.042.
24. Costera, A.; Feidt, C.; Dziurla, M.A.; Monteau, F.; Le Bizec, B.; Rychen, G. Bioavailability of
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Soil and Hay Matrices in Lactating Goats. J.
Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 5352–5357, doi:10.1021/JF9003797.
25. Berset, J.D.; Holzer, R. Organic Micropollutants in Swiss Agriculture: Distribution of
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Soil, Liquid
Manure, Sewage Sludge and Compost Samples; a Comparative Study.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03067319508041324 2006, 59, 145–165,
26. Honda, M.; Suzuki, N. Toxicities of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Aquatic Animals. Int.
J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, doi:10.3390/IJERPH17041363.
27. Patel, A.B.; Shaikh, S.; Jain, K.R.; Desai, C.; Madamwar, D. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons:
Sources, Toxicity, and Remediation Approaches. Front. Microbiol. 2020, 11, 2675,
28. Wu, H.; Sun, B.; Li, J. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments/Soils of the Rapidly
Urbanized Lower Reaches of the River Chaohu, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019,
16, doi:10.3390/IJERPH16132302.
29. Sigmund, G.; Huber, D.; Bucheli, T.D.; Baumann, M.; Borth, N.; Guebitz, G.M.; Hofmann, T.
Cytotoxicity of Biochar: A Workplace Safety Concern? Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2017, 4,
362–366, doi:10.1021/ACS.ESTLETT.7B00267.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 50

30. Hilber, I.; Arrigo, Y.; Zuber, M.; Bucheli, T.D. Desorption Resistance of Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Biochars Incubated in Cow Ruminal Liquid in Vitro and in Vivo. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 2019, 53, 13695–13703, doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b04340.
31. EU-Comission EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Available online: https://eur-
32. Achten, C.; Andersson, J.T. Overview of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAC). Polycycl.
Aromat. Compd. 2015, 35, 177–186, doi:10.1080/10406638.2014.994071.
33. Andersson, J.T.; Achten, C. Time to Say Goodbye to the 16 EPA PAHs? Toward an Up-to-Date
Use of PACs for Environmental Purposes. Polycycl. Aromat. Compd. 2015, 35, 330–354,
34. EFSA Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Food - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on
Contaminants in the Food Chain. EFSA J. 2008, 6, doi:10.2903/J.EFSA.2008.724.
35. Brown, R.; Campo, B. del; Boateng, A.A.; Garcia-Perez, M.; Masek, O. Fundamentals of
biochar production. In Biochar for environmental management; Lehmann, J., Joseph, S., Eds.;
Routledge: London, 2015; pp. 39–62.
36. EU-Parliament Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 May
2002 on undesirable substances in animal feed - Council statement; 2002; p. Official Journal L
140, 30/05/2002 P. 0010-0022;
37. Schmidt, H.-P.; Hagemann, N.; Draper, K.; Kammann, C. The use of biochar in animal feeding.
PeerJ 2019, 7, e7373, doi:10.7717/peerj.7373.
38. Ross, J.J.; Zitomer, D.H.; Miller, T.R.; Weirich, C.A.; McNamara, P.J. Emerging investigators
series: Pyrolysis removes common microconstituents triclocarban, triclosan, and nonylphenol
from biosolids. Environ. Sci. Water Res. Technol. 2016, 2, 282–289, doi:10.1039/c5ew00229j.
39. USD Toxicological profile for naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, and 2-methylnaphthalene;
40. Bucheli, T.D.; Bachmann, H.J.; Blum, F.; Bürge, D.; Giger, R.; Hilber, I.; Keita, J.; Leifeld, J.;
Schmidt, H.-P. On the heterogeneity of biochar and consequences for its representative
sampling. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2014, 1–6, doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2014.01.020.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 51

Annex 1
Analytical Methods for EBC-biochar
Basic Package
The current issue date of the respective standard applies in each case. Further descriptions in
this annex may contain deviations and/or concretizations with regard to the mentioned standard.
The explanations in italics are only intended to provide the reader with basic information; the
implementation is based exclusively and precisely on the standard referred to.

Sample preparation (DIN 51701-3):

After homogenization, the sample is divided representatively into portions. This subsampling is
done by quartering (quarter method) of the homogenized sample. Approximately 100 g of the
original sample are used for the determination of the conductivity, the salt content and pH.
A portion of the sample is dried at 40 ° C and is divided into some subsamples after drying and
homogenization. Approximately 250 g of the 40 ° C dried and uncrushed sample is used to
determine the true density and the BET surface of the material. Approximately 50 g of the 40 ° C
dried sample is finely ground in a vibratory mill. After homogenization the fine material is
subsampled for further analysis (i.e., PAH, TGA, ash, CHN, S, trace and major elements). Unless
otherwise specified, the particle size of the analytical samples is specified by the respective
methods and standards.

Bulk density (analogue VDLUFA-Method A 13.2.1):

To calculate bulk density a dried, water free sample of at least 300 ml is poured into a graduated
cylinder and the mass is determined by weighting. The volume of the sample is read after 10
times compression by means of falling. The bulk density (on dry matter base) in kg / m³ is
calculated from the mass and the volume of the sample.

Electrical conductivity (salt content) - Method of the BGK (Federal Quality Association Compost),
volume 1, method III. C2 – in analogy to DIN ISO 11265:
Adding 20 g of the sample to 200 ml desalinated water and shaking it for 1 hour, followed by
filtration of the solution. The conductivity is then measured using the filtrated water. The
correction of temperature is automatically done in the measuring device. The electrical
conductivity is given for a solution at 25°C. The salt content is calculated using the factor 52.8
[mg KCl/l]/[10-4/cm] and is given in mg KCl/l. This is based on the conductivity (14.12 * 10-4
S/cm) of a 0.01 molar KCl solution.

pH-value DIN ISO 10390 (CaCl2):

A minimum of 5 ml of the air-dried sample is placed in a glass vessel. Five times the volume (25
ml) of a 0.01 M CaCl2 solution is added. The suspension is overhead rotated for 1 h. The
suspension obtained is directly measured with a pH meter.

Water content according to DIN 51718:

Method A / two-step method (Reference method for coal)

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 52

Raw moisture
The sample (100 to 1000 g) is spread evenly in a drying bowl crucible, weighed with 0,1 g
accuracy and dried in an oven at (40 ± 2) ° C until the mass is constant. If necessary, the sample
is divided and dried in more than one crucible.
Analysis: raw moisture (FG) in%
mE - mR
FG = *100
FG = raw moisture in %
mE = mass of the sample before drying in g
mR = mass of the sample after drying in g

Hygroscopic moisture
Hygroscopic moisture is the moisture held firmly within the pore structure of biochar. Measuring
hygroscopic moisture will lead to an understanding of a particular biochar's ability to hold and
release moisture.
A subsample of the air-dried and crushed (grain size < 1 mm) sample is weighed immediately
after the subsampling into a TGA crucible and is dried in a nitrogen atmosphere at (106 ± 2) ° C
to constant mass.
Evaluation: hygroscopic moisture (FH) in %
mE - mR
FH = * 100
FH = hygroscopic moisture in %
mE = mass of the sample before drying in g
mR = mass of the sample after drying in g

Water content
Evaluation: water content (Wt) in %
100 - FG
Wt = FG + FH *
Wt = water content in %
FG = raw moisture in %
FH = hygroscopic moisture in %

Ash content (550 °C) analogue DIN 51719:

To determine the ash content in biochar two programs of the TGA (30 or 60 min) could be used.
The weight determination of the crucible is carried out automatically. Enter the sample number
for corresponding crucible position. Add 1,0 g of the sample to the ceramic crucible and spread
the substance evenly in the crucible. Weighing is done automatically relative to the crucible
Runs the following heating program in the oven:
heating with a rate of 5 K / min to 106 ° C under a nitrogen atmosphere to constant mass (Δm
• temperature increase with 5 K / min to 550 ° C under oxygen atmosphere,
• hold this temperature for 30 or 60 min to constant mass (m <0,05%).

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 53

The ash content is automatically determined and calculated for the sample used.

Carbonate CO2 according to DIN 51726

1 g of pre-dried and ground sample is weighed to 0.2 mg and placed in the decomposition
flask. The device consists of an absorption tower, which purges the air of carbon dioxide, the
decomposition flask with an attachment to add the decomposition acid and three connected
washing bottles. The carbon dioxide freed air is sucked through the system. After the system is
purged and the washing bottles are filled with an absorbing solution of BaCl2 and NaOH
solution, 30 ml decomposition acid (hydrochloric acid with HgCl2 as a catalyst and a wetting
agent) are added to the decomposition flask. The content of the decomposition flask is boiled
for about 10 minutes. The inert gas flow transports the carbon dioxide produced through the
acidic solution in the first wash bottle in the other two wash bottles. In the second wash bottle,
the carbon dioxide dissolves under consumption of base and is precipitated as barium
carbonate. If something precipitates in the third wash bottle, the measurement must be
repeated with a lower initial mass. The consumption of base in the second wash bottle is
determined by a pH-titration using hydrochloric acid. The carbonate content of the sample is
calculated from the base consumption and is calculated as CO2.

CHN according to DIN 51732:

The use of TruSpec Micro or comparable devices is recommended. The sample is combusted in
a stream of pure oxygen. Resulting CO2, H2O and nitrogen oxides are quantified to calculate the
elemental composition.

Sulphur according to DIN 51724-3

The pre-dried and crushed sample is weighed in a ceramic crucible. With the aid of a catalyst
layer of V2O5 and at high temperatures (> 1300 ° C) the sulphur is oxidized in an oxygen stream.
The resulting SO2 is detected in an Infrared cell and is calculated with the sample mass as total
sulphur content.

Oxygen (calculation) according to DIN 51733

The oxygen content is a parameter derived from calculations. It is assumed that the biochar
sample consists essentially of ash, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen. If one
subtracts the ash, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur content in percent from 100 %, the
result will be the oxygen content in percent.

Corg, H/C und O/C (calculation):

Other quantities and ratios can be calculated from the determined data.
Corg is derived from the total carbon content minus the inorganic carbon content (CO2) in the
sample. The H content is analysed through CHN-analysis (see above).

PAH according to DIN EN 15527: 2008-9 (extraction with toluol); DIN EN 16181: 2019-08 with
extraction method 2 (hot extraction with toluol)
The toluol extraction time of the PAHs contained in biochar must be six hours.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 54

Trace metals after microwave-assisted digestion according to DIN 22022-2, DIN 22022-7, DIN
EN ISO 17294-2 / DIN EN 1483:
(Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Hg, Zn, Cr, B, Mn, As, Ag)
The pre-dried and crushed sample is weighed and placed into the reaction vessel of the
microwave. 6 ml of nitric acid, 2,0 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 0,4 ml of hydrofluoric acid are
added. The reaction vessel is sealed and is placed in the microwave.
Program flow of the microwave pressure digestion:
heating (room temperature to 190 ° C) in 15 min
holding time at 190 ° C for 20 minutes
free cooling

additional only for ICP-OES:

Program flow of the fluoride masking (Boric acid, adding 5 ml of saturated solution):
heating (room temperature to 160 ° C) in 8 minutes
holding time at 160 ° C for 7 minutes
free cooling
After complete cooling, the reaction vessels are opened, and the digestion solution is
transferred to in a 50 mL plastic volumetric flask and filled with deionized water.
The diluted solution is measured by ICP-MS (DIN EN ISO 17294-2).
To determine the levels of mercury DIN EN ISO 12846, DIN 22022-4; DIN EN ISO 17294-2,
and DIN 22022-7 can be used.

Main elements after melting digestion DIN 51729-11, DIN EN ISO 11885 / DIN EN ISO 17294-2:
(P, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Si, S)
The melting process is performed on the ashes of the biochar. 200 mg of the fine ash are
weighed into a platinum crucible and thoroughly mixed with 2 g of lithium metaborate.
The platinum crucible is placed in a digestion oven. The digestion remains at least 15 minutes at
1050 ° C in the oven. The melt is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and filled to 500 ml.
The samples are measured with ICP-OES (DIN EN ISO 11885) or ICP-MS (DIN EN ISO 17294-2).

Declaration of the nutrient content

The content of nitrogen, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium and potassium must be stated in g
kg-1 of nitrogen, P2O5, MgO, CaO and K2O, respectively, referring to dry matter of biochar. It is
recommended to provide all main elements (for P, Mg, Ca, K additionally) as g kg-1 (element, not
oxide) and the results of elemental analysis and calculation (CHNSO, Corg, carbonate) in % of dry
matter of biochar.

Water holding capacity (WHC) according to DIN EN ISO 14238, annex A

Water-holding capacity. This can be measured using the method E DIN ISO 14238, annex A.
The test consists of soaking the 2mm fraction of the material in water for a period of 24 hours.
After this, the material should be placed on a dry sand bed for 2 hours for removing free
water. The saturated material should then be weighed and then dried at 40°C in a compartment
dryer. After drying the material should be weighed again to estimate the water holding capacity.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 55

Electrical conductivity of the pyrogenic solid

To determine the conductivity of the solid biochar, it is first necessary to compress the finely
ground biochar under standardized pressure. During this compression process, the electrical
resistance is then measured vertically through the test specimen. Based on the measured
resistance of the biochar and the geometry of the compacted matter, the specific conductivity
can be determined using the following formulas:

Ω𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 = Ω𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 ∗

𝐿𝐹 =
Ω𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 ∗ 1000

Ωspecific = specific resistance in Ohm ∗ cm

Ωelectric = electric resistance in Ohm
A = Area of the compressed biochar = contact area of the electrode in cm2
H = Height of the compressed biochar in cm
LF = Conductivity in mS/cm

For the determination of the conductivity, a device for compressing the biochar, a multimeter
with the capability of 4-wire measurement and a measuring construction in which the biochar
can be compressed and the electrical resistance can be measured at the same time are required.
The measuring construction consists of a pressure flask whose bottom and lid each consist of
corresponding copper electrodes. The electrodes used are to be connected to an external
In an exemplary setup, for example, a sample chamber volume of 10 cm³ results in a relevant
weighing range of 1-2 g of a sample dried at 40 °C and finely ground for analysis. A pressure in
the range of 10 - 50 kN must be applied to this test setup using a hydraulic press (e.g., toggle
press). When the specified target pressure is reached, the resistance is immediately read on the
multimeter and converted using the above formulas. The average conductivity is obtained from
the mean value of the solid conductivities under 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 kN pressure.

This method was developed by the Ithaka Institute and Eurofins. The necessary measuring
equipment can be obtained from Eurofins. The establishment of an ISO standard for this
measurement method is currently being attempted.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 56

Annex 2
Analytical Parameters for EBC-FeedPlus and EBC-Feed
The current issue date of the respective standard applies in each case. Further descriptions in
this annex may contain deviations and/or concretizations with regard to the mentioned standard.
The explanations in italics are only intended to provide the reader with basic information; the
implementation is based exclusively and precisely on the standard referred to.

Trace metals As, Pb, Cd, Hg

DIN EN 15763
For microwave digestion, 0.1 g to 1 g of the dried, ground, and homogenized material is
weighed into a plastic cup (PTFE, PFA) or quartz cup. After addition of 65% nitric acid in a
ratio of 1+5 (sample+acid) and after addition of 30% hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1+2.5
to 1+10 (sample+hydrogen peroxide), digestion is performed at the maximum permissible
temperature for the system (usually 190°C). Heating phase: 15 min; holding time: 30 min.
After cooling, transfer quantitatively to a polypropylene vessel with volume marker and fill it
to the mark with 0.1 M nitric acid. The measurement is carried out by ICP-MS or ICP-OES.
For mercury, cold vapor AAS or atomic fluorescence spectrometry are used.

DIN EN 16167, DIN EN 16215
The material is crushed into powder (<1 mm) and dried at a maximum of 35 ° C.
Alternatively, it can be dried chemically or by freeze-drying. 5-10 g of sample are extracted
by Soxhlet extraction with toluene for 6 h with the addition of suitable internal standards.
Alternatively, an ASE extraction can be used. The extract is concentrated and purified
according to VDLUFA VII with silica gel column chromatography. The quantification
of the purified extract is done with GC-MS or GC-ECD.

PCDD/PCDF/coplanar PCB
DIN EN 16190, DIN EN 16215, Commission Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 (modified by No
2017/771) - HRGC/HRMS method
The material is crushed into powder (<1 mm) and dried at a maximum of 35 ° C.
Alternatively, freeze-drying can be used. After the addition of isotope-labeled standards, 2 g
of sample material are extracted with toluene in a Soxhlet for 20 h. Alternatively, special hot
extractors such as the ASE can be used. After concentration, the extract is purified by
multiple column chromatography and can be divided into different fractions. At this point it
is also possible to obtain the DIN-PCB fraction. Finally, the components are measured with

VDLUFA III 17.3.2, VDLUFA VII, DIN EN 16279 (ion selective electrode; according to
VDLUFA VII, BAFU F-7 2017 (DIN 38405-4)

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 57

The dried and ground material is ashed and digested with sodium hydroxide. The cooled
digestion is dissolved in hydrochloric acid with the addition of a complexing agent (TISAB).
A pH value of 5.5 is then adjusted and the fluoride content is determined using an ion-
sensitive electrode.

Dry matter
Permitted test methods: dry matter: DIN 51718; VDLUFA III 3.1;
A minimum of 50 g of the sample is taken and crushed as necessary, avoiding changes in
moisture content. 5 g of biochar are weighed (±1 mg) and dried at 103°C for 4 h. After
loading the oven, the drying time does not start until 103°C has been reached exactly. After
cooling in the desiccator, it is weighed back (±1 mg).

Crude ash
Permitted test methods: analog to DIN 51719, VDLUFA III 8.1; HCl-insoluble ash: VDLUFA III 8.2
Approximately 5 g of sample is weighed to the nearest 1 mg into an annealed and tared
ashing dish. The dish is placed in a muffle furnace and left at 550°C±5°C until no char
particles are visible. After cooling in the desiccator, the sample is weighed back to 1 mg. For
difficult samples, ammonium nitrate treatment is carried out according to method VDLUFA

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 58

Annex 3
Additional Parameters
The current issue date of the respective standard applies in each case. Further descriptions in
this annex may contain deviations and/or concretizations with regard to the mentioned standard.
The explanations in italics are only intended to provide the reader with basic information; the
implementation is based exclusively and precisely on the standard referred to.

Gross calorific value / net calorific value according to DIN 51900:

To determine the calorific value a bomb calorimeter which fulfills the requirement of the stated
standard is used. 0,3 to 0,8 g of pre-dried and ground sample is weighed into a combustion
bag, capsule, or crucible. The sample is mounted in the combustion bomb with an ignition wire
and 10-20 ml of eluent in bottom part of the bomb. The bomb is placed into the calorimeter.
The oxygen filling, the ignition and the measurement are done automatically. After combustion
the bomb must be checked for signs of incomplete combustion. The gross calorific value is
calculated using the calibration and measurement data. With further corrections, the net calorific
value is calculated.

Ash content (815 °C) DIN 51719:

The ash content at 815 ° C is determined after determining the ash content at 550 ° C by rising
the temperature from 550 ° C with 5 K / min to 815 ° C and holding until constant weight (mass
difference ± 0,05%) is reached.

Volatile matter according to DIN 51720:

1,0 g of the pre-dried and ground sample is placed into a crucible (with lid). The sample must
form a uniformly thick layer on the bottom of the crucible. The crucible is placed in the oven
preheated at 900 ± 5 ° C. After 7 minutes (± 5 sec), the crucible is removed from the oven and
reweighed after cooling to room temperature. The volatile matter content is calculated from the
mass loss of the sample.

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA):

The TGA curve is determined, similar to how the ash content is measured, with the TGA. For this
purpose, 1,0 g of pre-dried and ground sample is weighed in the TGA crucible. During the
temperature rise from 30 ° C to 950 ° C with 10 K / min, the crucible is weighed at frequent
intervals in the TGA furnace. The result is shown graphically.

VDLUFA VII (DIN-PCB; hot extraction, GC-MS) DIN EN 16167 (use extraction method 2
with Toluol and not with light petroleum), DIN 38414-20 and DIN EN 16215
The sample is crushed into powder (<1 mm) and dried at a maximum of 35 ° C.
Alternatively, it can be dried chemically or by freeze-drying. 5-10 g of sample are extracted
by Soxhlet extraction with toluene for 6 h with the addition of suitable internal standards.
Alternatively, an ASE extraction can be used. The extract is concentrated and purified

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 59

according to VDLUFA VII with silica gel column chromatography. The quantification
of the purified extract is done with GC-MS or GC-ECD.

PCDD/PCDF/coplanar PCB according to DIN EN 16190:2019-10, DIN EN 16215, Commission

Regulation (EC) No 152/2009 (modified by No 2017/771) HRGC/HRMS method
The sample is crushed into powder (<1 mm) and dried at a maximum of 35 ° C.
Alternatively, freeze-drying can be used. After the addition of isotope-labeled standards, 2 g
of sample material are extracted with toluene in a Soxhlet for 20 h. Alternatively, special hot
extractors such as an ASE can be used. After concentration, the extract is purified by
multiple column chromatography and can be divided into different fractions. At this point it
is also possible to obtain the DIN-PCB fraction. Finally, the components are measured with

Specific surface area according to DIN ISO 9277 (BET) and DIN 66137 (density)
The samples should be dried at 40°C and milled to a particle size < 3.15 mm. Nitrogen is
used as the adsorption gas. Degassing temperature and time are set to 150°C and 2 hours.
The degassing has to be done under vacuum. The multipoint BET method should be

DIN according to EN 16318: 2016-07
Chromium cannot be oxidized during pyrolysis and is instead reduced during pyrolysis, i.e.,
Cr(VI) is converted into less mobile and dramatically less toxic Cr(III), which is already
regulated as the total Cr content of biochar. Nevertheless, this method is offered to provide
analytical evidence of compliance with the requirements of the EU Fertilizer Product
Regulation, if required.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 60

Annex 4
A4.1 Representative sampling

In order to obtain a biochar sample as representative as possible (in terms of accuracy and
precision), a batch must be sampled within the first seven days of production according to the
following exact methodology. An incremental cross-stream sampling guarantees the most
representative sampling of the product.

A. Pyrolysis systems with continuous production

1. On three consecutive days, 8 samples of 3 liters each are taken at intervals of at least one
hour directly at the discharge of the freshly produced material. This sampling can also be
done by an appropriately adjusted automated cross-stream sampler.

2. The 24 subsamples are combined to form a composite sub-sample.

3. The taking of each of the 24 samples (= 3 x 8 daily samples) as well as the

homogenisation and sample division must be documented with the exact sampling times
in the sampling protocol delivered by the inspection body (bio.inspecta).

B. Systems with non-continuous production processes

1. The quantity of biochar from which a representative sample is to be taken from must be
at least equal to the production volume of one day.

2. The biochar pile to be sampled must first be thoroughly mixed by moving it from one
pile to another three times with a front loader or shovel.

3. At 24 different spots of the pile, samples of 3 liters each are taken.

4. The 24 subsamples are combined to form a composite sub-sample.

5. The sampling has to be documented in the sampling protocol delivered by the

inspection body (bio.inspecta).

C. Homogenizing and dividing of the sample

The mixed sample of 24 x 3 liters = 72 liters can either be sent directly to the accredited
laboratory where it shall be homogenized and divided into a representative analytical sample or
the company proceeds as follows to produce a small representative analytical sample on its own.

1. If the particle size of the composite sub-sample is larger than 3 mm, it should be milled
to < 3 mm, otherwise no representative sample division is possible.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 61

2. The milled composite sub-sample is either divided by a mechanical sample divider to 2
to 2,5 l or homogenized according to the following instructions:

3. The milled composite sub-sample (total 72 liters) is poured onto a clean surface and then
shoveled three times from one pile to another.

4. A sub-sample of 1,5 l is then taken at 15 spots in the mixed pile.

5. The 15 subsamples are again poured together.

6. The new 22,5 l subsample has than to be homogenized thoroughly by turning and piling
it 3 times upside-down.

7. From the mixed pile of the 22,5 l subsample, 15 subsamples of 150 ml each shall now be
taken at 15 different spots in the pile and united.

The samples to be sent to the accredited laboratory have to be labelled with the QR code
generated on the EBC website.

The expected uncertainties in regard to accuracy and precision were described in detail by
Bucheli et al. [40] and will be taken into account by the EBC when evaluating the results. The aim
of the prescribed sampling method is to achieve a well characterized cross-sectional sample.

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 62

A5. Country Annex: Sweden
The Swedish appendix considers Swedish legal requirements and relevant Swedish certificates
regarding limit values for potential pollutants. The Swedish appendix overrules the respective
EBC limit values as presented below.
EBC-certified biochar that is sold on the Swedish market must meet all requirements of the
respective application class of the European Biochar Certificate and the Swedish annex. The
Swedish annex applies together with European Biochar Certificate, is an addition to the EBC, and
shall therefore not be read as a standalone document.

A5.1 List of requirements EBC Swedish appendix

The deviations and additions from/to European Biochar Certificate, made in the present Swedish
appendix, concern only the application classes EBC-Agro and EBC-AgroOrganic.

A5.2 EBC-Agro

EBC sets limit values for lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) but, for EBC-certified biochar sold
on the Swedish market, these limit values are replaced according to the table below.

EBC-reference Analysis Value Comment / reference


Chapter 7.6 Lead (Pb) 100 mg kg-1 (DM) Limit value taken from SNF1998:944 and
industry standard SPCR152.

Chapter 7.6 Cadmium (Cd) 1 mg kg-1 (DM) Guide value taken from EU-Ecolabel,
industry standard SPCR 120 and SPCR 152

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 63

A6. Country Annex: Austria
The annex for Austria considers the current Austrian quality standard for biochar as defined by
ÖNORM S 2211. This annex overrules the respective EBC limit value as presented below.
Biochar that is sold with an EBC-certificate on the Austrian market must meet all requirements of
the respective EBC application class plus the Austrian annex. The Austrian annex applies
together with European Biochar Certificate (EBC), is an addition to the EBC, and shall not be
read as a standalone document.

A6.1 List of requirements for EBC country annex Austria

The deviations and additions from/to the EBC in the present Austrian annex concern only the
application class EBC-Agro.

A6.2 EBC-Agro
EBC sets a limit value for lead (Pb) but, for EBC-certified biochar sold on the Austrian market,
this limit value is replaced according to the table below.

EBC-reference Analysis parameter Limit value Comment / reference

Chapter 7.6 Lead (Pb) 100 mg kg-1 (DM) Limit value taken
from ÖNORM S 2211

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 64

A7. Country Annex: Switzerland
Switzerland was the first country in Europe to authorize biochar applications in agriculture. At
this early stage with limited scientific backing, the precautionary principle led the Swiss
authorities to stricter thresholds for certain parameters than today’s EBC limit values. The
present annex A7 of the EBC overrules the respective EBC limit value as presented below.
Biochar that is sold with an EBC-certificate on the Swiss market must meet all requirements of
the respective EBC application class plus the Swiss annex. The Swiss annex applies together with
European Biochar Certificate (EBC), is an addition to the EBC, and shall not be read as a
standalone document.

A7.1 Authorized feedstock for biochar production for the application classes EBC-Agro and

The “Requirements and regulations for the approval of biochar” issued by the Federal Office of
Agriculture (FOAG) stipulate that only untreated woody feedstock is authorized to produce
biochar for agricultural applications (EBC-Agro, EBC-AgroBio).

A7.2 PAH limit value for the application classes EBC-FeedPlus, EBC-Agro, and EBC-

According to the Swiss Ordinance on Risk Reduction related to Chemical Products (ChemRRV [13])
a limit value of 4 mg kg-1 DM applies to the sum of 16 EPA-PAH. This threshold applies also for all
biochar that may be used in agriculture. This limit value does, thus, not only apply for EBC-Agro
and EBC-AgroOrganic but also for EBC-FeedPlus.

The very low limits of 4 mg S16 EPA PAHs per kg of biochar (DM) are extremely difficult to analyse
and can only be assured at a 50% accuracy which implies an accuracy of ± 2 mg kg-1 (DM).

EBC- Analysis Value Certification Comment / reference

reference classes

Chapter 7.12 S16 EPA PAHs 4 mg kg-1 ± 2 mg kg-1 EBC-FeedPlus, Limit value refered to Chemikalien
(DM) EBC-Agro, Risikoverordnung 814.81, Bern 2022

A7.3 Threshold for Cadmium content in EBC-Agro certified biochar

EBC sets a limit value for cadmium (Cd) but, for EBC-certified biochar sold on the Swiss market,
this limit value is replaced according to the table below.

EBC-reference Analysis parameter Limit value Comment / reference

Chapter 7.6 Cadmium (Cd) 1 mg kg-1 (DM) Limit value refered to Chemikalien
Risikoverordnung 814.81, Bern 2022

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 65

A7.4 Further requirements and regulations

Please consult the FOAGs regulations for biochar production under the following link:

Ó European Biochar Certificate (EBC) – www.european-biochar.org 66

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