Usim Project
Usim Project
Usim Project
varying input signal and produces a similar output signal with larger amplitude.
voltage that is typically hundreds of thousands of times larger than voltage difference
Operational Amplifiers are one of the most needed and most successful components in
as amplifiers. This device can be found in computer chips, industrial machines, and even
perhaps the most important building block for the design of analog circuits. This is
included in his article Basic Op-Amp (August 13, 2008), which is submitted in
analogue circuits. It contains most of the necessary test equipment needed to build and
In a study by Nina Katajavouri et. al (2006), the significance of practical training linking
theoretical studies with practice, Nina designed a setup of hands-on training for them, and
Operational Amplifier is an electronics topic that must be given much attention during
The operational amplifier trainer is a set of trainers that is portable and allows engineers
to develop the skills required to connect electronic circuits. The trainer is easy to
maintain and they function at a required voltage for safety, it covers nearly all possible
In this design, the digital applications are provided, using banana jacks and all ground
are provided in the rear of the device in order to simulate failure conditions and allow
troubleshooting during training. The training aid provides a safe, inexpensive, efficient,
yet realistic alternative to paper-based learning without the danger of full voltage
The trainer is designed to demonstrate on any operational amplifier provided load current
and voltage values does not exceed the current and voltage rating of the instrument or
components used, to avoid being damaged. The trainer is constructed and assembled in a
portable wooden box and during this construction, each node are created for plugging in
the banana wires when running the test, the mains of the source is DC connected and it is
positioned at the power section with a switch connected to the power supply (Ihedioha
ahmed c. 2017).
1.1 Statement of Problem
trainer, DC-AC converter trainer etc which are been used in the laboratory for practical
purpose but most of these trainers does not have all application of adding, subtracting,
it functions as a tool for learning, teaching, and testing digital and analogue circuits.
Operational amplifier trainer offers students in the department an option to quickly build,
modify and troubleshoot all sort of circuit as it has different application and be used as a
The aim of this project is to design an operational amplifier trainer that will be used to
This work is said to cover the design, construction and implementation of an operational
amplifier. The design of the trainer circuit involves the use of electronic components and
line drawing, showing how the electronic components are connected to make up the
trainer circuit. To achieve this, there are multiple choice of electronic components to
The selection of specific electronic components for the trainer circuit design as there are
different ways in designing a trainer. Thus, the electronic and semiconductor materials to
be used in this design will be connected together with use of the laboratory equipment
such as variable board and bread board. Transferring the design to printed circuit board
(PCB), which is the process of connecting the selected electronic components exactly as
directed from the circuit diagram, providing outlets for the components making up the
operational amplifier trainer. The construction has to do with applying and connecting the
printed circuit design together with help of a soldering technique with its other physical
Testing is also an important and final scope of the project. It helps to ascertain a proper
working condition of the operational amplifier trainer and also obtain the desired voltage
gain, positive feedback and negative feedback, differential amplifier, output voltage,
frequency response, which then will be embedded into a casement for proper utilization.
This project can be achieved using hardware components such as resistor, transistors,
diodes, transformers, capacitors, LED indicator, analogue voltmeter, cable, 13A inlet
socket etc.
The operational amplifier circuit design included inverting amplifier, non-inverting
Operational amplifier trainer to do more work per unit time is to accept that they
generated more heat, and somehow this power needs to come in (as electricity), and come
out again (as waste heat). It is the latter which is causing the greater problems and has
done for most of the time since the invention of the integrated circuit.
The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put
into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis,
Chapter 1: Describes the background of the project, development of operational
amplifier trainer, the aim/objective, the problem statement, the significance and the
Chapter 2: Describes the literature review which entails history of operational amplifier,
Chapter 3: Describes the materials and methods used in the design of various circuits
which includes equipments, circuit diagrams and mathematical calculation of the various
Chapter 4: All the testing, results, discussion of the implemented project and problems
Chapter 5: The summary, problems encountered in the course of the work and
computer. Its invention in the early 1940s allowed unwieldy mechanical contraptions to
voltage amplifier with different inputs. Using appropriate negative feedback, a single op-
amp can add or subtract from two voltage signals, multiply by a constant, or integrate
voltage over time. Stringing together many op-amps lets one compute complicated
made an op-amp on a single integrated circuit. Widlar’s 1965 µA709 became huge
semiconductor, widely known not only for his creative and reliable designs, but also for
Operational amplifier began in the days of vacuum tubes and analog computers. They
consisted of relatively complex differential amplifiers with feedback. The circuit was
constructed such that characteristics of the overall amplifier were determined by the type
and amount of feedback. Thus, the complex differential amplifier itself had become a
building block that could function in different operations by altering the feedback. Some
of the operation that were used includes adding, multiplying, and logarithmic operations
The operational amplifier continued evolve through the transistor era and continued to
decrease in size and increase in performance. The evolution continued through molded or
modular devices and finally in the mid 1960s a complete operational amplifier was
integrated into a single integrated circuit (IC) package. Since that time, the performance
has continued to improve drastically and the price has generally decreased as the benefits
The performance increase includes items as high operating voltages, low current
requirements, high current capabilities, more tolerance, low noise, greater stability,
greater power output, high input impedances and high frequency of operation. Today,
Operational amplifiers abbreviated as OP AMP, was originally the name of a circuit used
for carrying out mathematical operations, such as summation and integration on output
signals. More recently the term “OP AMP” has been given to linear IC which provides,
apart from other characteristics, a high voltage gain (for a band of frequencies from DC
upwards) and which, therefore, can be used to realize many functions besides
mathematical operations. It is in this sense that OP AMP is referred to as the basic analog
integrated circuit. The integrated operational amplifier has gain acceptance as a versatile,
predictable, and economic system building block. It offers all the advantages of
monolithic ICs: small size, high reliability, reduced cost and temperature tracking
((Nicolae Lobontiu).
devices, consisting of an input difference stage, a gain stage, and the output driver.
the simplest model, the voltage difference large, real-valued gain factor g, and op-amp
acts as a voltage-controlled voltage source with gain between 10 4 and 106. This gain is
between the positive and negative inputs. Furthermore, input currents are considered to
be zero in infinite input impedance is assumed. Also, any output offset voltage is
considered to be negligible and the output impedance is taken as zero. For low
accurate. However, the gain decreases with increasing frequencies, and for frequencies in
the high Khz range and above, a higher-order transfer function needs to be used.
Operational amplifiers have intrinsic noise and are composed of active devices
thermal (Johnson), and flicker (1/f) noise in an intrinsic manner. Undesired electrical
signal present in the output voltage of an operational amplifier is classified noise and the
internal operational amplifier noise is modeled simply a noise voltage source (Reinaldo
Perez 2005).
According to (Nicoale Lobontiu), operational amplifiers are components that are
connected with other electrical components i.e. circuits to amplify voltage, isolate
integration, differentiation etc). The symbol of an op-amp indicates its main feature of
having two input ports (a negative input and a positive input) and therefore, differential
input voltages. Voltages are usually measured with respect to ground (which has zero
Apart from their most common use as amplifying elements (either inverting or non-
amplifiers. However, all the above op-amp configurations have one thing in common:
there exists a path from the output of the op-amp back to its inverting input. When the
output is not “railed” to a supply voltage, negative feedback ensures that the op-amp
operates in the linear region (as opposed to the saturation region, where the output
and integration/differentiation are all linear operations. Note that both AC signals and DC
offsets are included in these operations, unless a capacitor is added in series with the
circuits was conducted by Mazzolini et al. Mazzolini and colleagues developed and
Recently, supply voltages in analog circuits have decreased as they have in digital logic
and low-voltage op amps have been introduced reflecting this. This means that supplies
of 5 V and increasingly 3.3 V are common. To maximize the signal range modern op
amps commonly have rail-to-rail output, this shows that the output signal can range from
the lowest supply voltage to the highest and sometimes rail-to-rail inputs.
Operational Amplifier contains two input terminals and one output terminal.
The two input terminals are labeled positive and negative, which is non-inverting
and inverting, respectively. It is also a direct coupled, high gain voltage amplifier
designed to amplify signals over a wide range of frequency range (from dc upwards).
Typically, it has two input terminals and one output terminals and a gain of at least 105.
Low output impedance.
High gain 105 - 106.
respect to time, active filtering, signal generation and waveform shaping, accurate voltage
The open loop gain in an op amp is very large that is, on the order of tens or even
hundreds of thousands. But, in an ideal op amp, the open loop gain is infinite, which
means that any voltage differential on the two input terminals will result in an infinite
In an ideal op amp, the impedance of the two input terminals is infinite, which means that
no current enters the op amp from the inputs. The inputs are able to see and react to the
voltage, but that voltage is unable to push any current into the op amp.
Practically, the op amp has no effect on the input voltage but in an actual op amp, a small
2.2.3 Zero Output Impedance
In an ideal op amp, the output circuitry has zero internal impedance, which means that
the voltage provided from the output is the same regardless of the amount of load placed
The offset voltage is the amount of voltage at the output terminal when the two inputs are
exactly the same. Practically, if you connect both inputs to ground, for example, there
The term bandwidth refers to the range of alternating current frequencies within which an
op amp can accurately amplify. In an ideal op amp, the frequency of the input signal has
The op amp common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is the ratio of the common-mode
Fig 2.3: An equivalent circuit of an operational amplifier that models some resistive non-
ideal parameters.
2.3 Operations of an Operational Amplifier
voltage V+ and an inverting input (–) with voltage V−; ideally the op amp amplifies only
the difference in voltage between the two, which is called the differential input voltage.
amp acts as a comparator. If the inverting input is held at ground (0 V) directly or by a
resistor Rg, and the input voltage Vin applied to the non-inverting input is positive, the
output will be maximum positive; if Vin is negative, the output will be maximum
negative. Since there is no feedback from the output to either input, this is an open-
2.3.2 Closed-Loop Amplifier
The closed-loop feedback greatly reduces the gain of the circuit. When negative feedback
is used, the circuit's overall gain and response becomes determined mostly by the
feedback network, rather than by the op-amp characteristics. If the feedback network is
made of components with values small relative to the op amp's input impedance, the
value of the op amp's open-loop response AOL does not seriously affect the circuit's
Op amp can function as filters and precision rectifiers
digital-to-analog converters.
Operational amplifier trainer has been designed specifically for the study of OP-AMP IC
and its applications. This training board covers nearly all possible applications of
operational amplifiers IC and makes students familiar with the fundamentals of OP-
Operational amplifier trainer carries great educative value for Science and Engineering
2.6 Description
provide all the basic tools necessary to conduct experiments related to Electronics
Technology. It is also ideally suited for developing, integrating and testing systems in the
3.0 Materials
The system was developed as a reference material and teaching tool for the lecturers during
the process of teaching and learning. In order to develop the system, there are several
aspects that play an important role such as working step, circuit design, printed circuit board
3.1 Components
1. Resistors
3. Voltage Regulator
4. Diodes
5. Capacitors
6. LEDs
7. Terminal Blocks
8. Transformers
9. Voltmeters
10. Potentiometers
3.1.1 Resistors:
Resistor is a type of passive electronic components that are extensively used in electronic
circuits which means that it is impossible to build an electronic circuit without involving
Basically, the function of a resistor is always to oppose the flow of current through it and
strength of this opposition is termed as its resistances. Many types of resistors are used
thousands of times larger than the potential difference between its input terminals (Bakshi,
The amplifiers 741 offer many features which make their application nearly fool proof,
which mean that overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common
mode range is exceeded, as well as freedom from oscillations (Tocci & Widmer, 2001).
A regulated power supply essentially consists of an ordinary power supply and a voltage
regulating device, which means that the output from an ordinary power supply is fed to the
The output voltage remains constant irrespective of variations in the ac input voltage or
A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that only conducts current in one direction.
Zener Diodes is another voltage regulator circuit that applies a constant voltage to the
inverting and non-inverting inputs of the Op-Amp depending on the configuration of op-
amp. The importance of this diode is to provide a reference voltage level for the amplifier
3.1.5 Capacitors:
The capacitors were used for two major purposes in this design. First, it was used in the
power supply unit to filter AC ripple voltages. Second, it was used to perform the integrator
and differentiator functions of the op amp. The electrolytic capacitor was used for both
3.1.6 LEDs:
LED is a light-emitting diode that serves as a semiconductor light source that emits light
Voltage regulator was used in the trainer circuit to create and maintain a fixed output
voltage, irrespective of changes to the input voltage or load conditions. Voltage regulator
helped to keep the voltages from a power supply within a range that is compatible the other
3.1.8 Potentiometer:
The potentiometer serves two purposes in this design (Op-Amp Trainer). It serves as an
additional variable resistor for varying the feedback resistors in order to obtain various
The potentiometer however, was primarily used in this design to function as voltage divider.
It is used to supply the operational amplifier inputs with different voltage levels not
3.1.9 Voltmeters:
Two voltmeters were mounted on the trainer board for easy measurement of different
voltage levels. When the operational amplifier is been used as an adder, the magnitudes of
the input voltages are displayed on the voltmeters if connected accordingly, while the output
The block diagram of the system is given below; each section of the diagram describe the
3.3 Methodology
The power supply units consist of a full wave rectifier, capacitors, resistors and voltage
regulators for regulating the output voltage. This unit performs the function of converting
AC voltage to DC voltage which is needed to supply power to the entire circuit as all the
The objective is to build a dual supply that generates regulated +5 and −5 from 220VAC
mains. Such power supply is a very common requirement in all those circuits that use Op-
amps. Since Op-amps are very widely used in variety of circuits and in the construction of
this project which could serve as a very useful tool in testing all those circuits that needs a
dual supply.
a. Step-Down Transformer
convert 220V AC supply from the mains to 12-0-12VAC. The 12-0-12VAC is fed to the
full wave rectifier circuit, taking the 0V at the center as the ground.
As the output from the secondary of the step-down transformer is set into the rectifier
circuit for rectification. In this rectifier circuit, only two diodes are used in which one is
made to conduct in the positive half cycle while the second diode conducts in the
The output voltage from the rectifier circuit is a pulsating DC voltage. This voltage is fed
to the filter circuit for smoothing out the ripples in the voltage.
c. Filter Circuit
Filter circuit consist of electrolytic capacitor that is connected in parallel with the rectifier
circuit. The work of the filter circuit is to smoothen the ripple content of the rectifier
The voltage regulator circuit consists of two voltage regulator ICs 7805 and 7905. The
ICs 7805 and 7905 supply constant +5 and −5 respectively to pins 7 and 4 of the Op-amp
respectively. The purpose of using these ICs is to get a regulated constant voltage even
when is increased in the supply voltage or when there is fluctuation in the supply voltage.
1) 7805 IC rating
Current Rating IC = 1A
Since the transformer is 12-0-12V center-tapped with current rating of 500mA, the
2) Rectifying Circuit
3) Capacitors
Y = I/ (4√3FRC)
R = Resistance Calculated
R = V/Ic
V = 12√2 = 16.97
C = Filtering capacitance
Y = Vac-rms/Vdc
Vac-rms/Vdc = V√2√3
Y = 0.11547/5 = 0.02309
Y = 1/4√3FRC
C = √1/Y2×42×3×F2×R2
Also, 0.01µF capacitor is used at the output side of the 7805 to prevent transient change
Fig 3.3.1: The Power Supply Unit
Fig 3.3.2: Circuit Representation of the Op-amp Trainer
From the block diagram above, we can notice that the operational amplifier IC is powered
via pins 7 and 4 of the IC. When power is turned on, regulated +5 and −5 from power
supply unit are supplied to pins 7 and 4 respectively as per the design.
In this design, we understood that the output of an operational amplifier dependents on the
Fig 3.3.5: Completed Design of Operational Amplifier Trainer
4.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses the result of various experiments conducted on the op amp trainer.
simulation using the Proteus software. The results are further analyzed using graphically
Proteus software and the digital oscilloscope to observe the various inputs and output
waveforms. The output waveforms are then compared to meet the experiments
conducted. The conducted experiments were done to justify the objectives stated in this
4.1 Experiments
There are many applications of the op-amp. However, in order to achieve the aims and
objective stated in this project, the various applications of the op-amp are therefore
Inverting op-amp
Summing op-amp
It should be noted that the function generator is required in this experiment (and for the
trainer circuit in general) to supply the various sine wave and triangular wave signals
needed at the inverting input (pin 2) terminal of the op-amp UA741 IC to generate
corresponding waveforms for the various experiments conducted in the course these
project. This chapter, as stated earlier, shows the design and implementation of these
4.2 Design and Implementation of Inverting Op-amp and Non-inverting Op- amp
The inverting op amp is simply producing an output that is equivalent to the reciprocal or
the inverse of the input signal supplied to the inverting input (pin 2) of the UA71 IC. The
circuits characteristics have been defined in chapter two of this project. The non-inverting
also produces the output signal that is identical and equivalent to the input signal non-
inverting (3 pin) of the UA741 IC except for the fact that the signal is simplified based on
4 Voltmeter - - -
5 Digital oscilloscope - - -
Other requirement for includes connecting wire, simulation software (proteus), and
To test for the inverting op-amp, the trainer is set up in the manner as shown in the
Gain = Rf/Ri
Gain = Vout/Vin
Vout = −Rf/Ri×Vin
For non-inverting op-amp, the trainer is designed as shown below:
Vout = (1+Rf/Rf)
4.2.4 Simulation Results
The inverting op amp and the non inverting op amp was design as shown in the system
design using Proteus software.
The sine wave input was applied to the inverting input to obtained the result shown
4.2.5 Practical Results
The experiment was also conducted using the oscilloscope to observe the behavior of the
output signal.
A square input was applied from the function generator with amplitude of 3v to the
inverting input of the op-amp with gain 1.
The same was also done using the oscilloscope to observe the waveform.
A square wave input was applied from the function generator with amplitude of 3v to the
non inverting input of the op amp with gain 1.
The results obtained are listed below:
This circuit simply performs mathematical addition operation whereby two different
voltage are supplied to the two-input terminal of the op amp, and the corresponding
output is the addition of two input voltages.
Objective: To supply two different voltages at the inverting and non-inverting input of
the op amp and obtain their sum at the output.
The table shows the components, and the theoretical and practical values used in the
configuration of the summing system trainer.
1 Power supply +5,-5 +4.98,-498 -
4 Voltmeter - - -
5 Multimeter - - -
6 10k --
4.3.3 Experiment Results
V1(voltS) 0 0.5 1 0 0 2 3 2 4
V2(volts) -1 -1 -1 1 -0.5 -1 -1 1 1
Vout(practical) 1 0.5 0.04 -1.03 -0.52 -0.82 0.92 -2.87 -2.98
The following results were obtained after implementation the summing op amp circuit
using Proteus software.
Fig 4.7: Simulation Result of Summing Op-amp
5.0 Conclusion
From the results of the test performed, the different Operational amplifier circuitry
embedded on the trainer board functioned as expected on the basis of theory of its
operations. The feasibility of the application was also verified through functionality test
made on the testing processes. The operational amplifier trainer is a reliable training
device or tool based on the series of test conducted. With respect to the functionality test
applied, the trainer is verified to perform the basic lessons included on the module of
basic Op-amp applications. For safety purposes, the circuit of the power supply separated
with the circuit board to avoid unwanted current flowing on the nodes. Overall, the
5.1 Recommendations
For the difficulties experienced in the course of the research project, the project is open to
any suggestion for the improvement of the trainer board. For modification of the circuit, I
recommend innovation on the application circuits. Any circuit can be utilized for the
module. The power supply of the trainer was left with high range of voltages for future
application. The design of the power supply was versatile enough to supply exact
voltages through the hanging values of the regulators. The designed Op-amp is limited to
±5V so further improvement on the application should only require the said limitation.
Any circuit measurements within these limits were part of the recommended
Bakshi, U. A. (2009). Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (first edit). Technical
Horowitz, Paul; Hill, W. (1989). (2000). The Art of Electronics. Cambridge, UK: Amplifiers.
Kitovski, V. B. (1998). Electronic devices and circuit theory, 6th edition, R. Boylestad
Porter, Andrew (2013), All Programmable Planet, Introducing Inverting and Non-
Sarkar, Aloke Raj (2012), Linearization of NTC Thermistor Characteristics using Op-
Amp Based Inverting Amplifier, IEEE sensors Journal (Volume 13, Issue:12
Tocci, R. J., & Widmer, N. S. (2001). Digital Systems Principles & Applications (8th