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Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


Burglary of residences, retail establishments, and other commercial

facilities involves breaking and entering, and stealing property. Attempted forcible entry
into a property is also classified as burglary, in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
As of 1999, there were 1.4 million residential burglaries reported in the
United States, which was a record low number, not seen since 1966.[9] Though, up to 50%
of burglaries are not reported to the police.
PIRs verify if an intruder or object is actually there. Creating individual
zones of detection where each zone comprises one or more layers can achieve
differentiation. Between the zones there are areas of no sensitivity (dead zones) that are
used by the sensor for comparison.
The circuit may be used to automatically switch on a light at the
entrance gate to the premises at night by sensing the presence of a person. In addition, it
sounds an alarm to signify the presence of a person. Here we are using an IR Led as the
transmitting unit and the TSOP as receiving unit. A monostable, multivibrator circuit is
used for the purpose of getting time delay accordingly. Lamp is switched on only for a
short interval to save electricity. The main application is its use in restricted areas to
indicate the entry of trespassers. It can also be used for security purposes.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 1

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


In the present busy world cases may arise where we may not be able to keep a
constant watch in certain areas. In such cases arises the application of our project. This
actually serves as a detecting mechanism to indicate the presence of an object or person in
undetected cases.

This turned out to be our main motivation for us to do this project. The necessity to
find a solution of all these problems turned out to be the motivation; also we have
succeeded in overcoming these difficulties by implementing this project.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 2

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

The main objective is to make a machine that is compact and rigid in size by using
non-conventional resources. To design and fabricate a hybrid system that can be on any
place of small power application.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 3

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

This circuit has two stages: Transmitting unit and receiving unit. Transmitting unit
consists of IR LED and sensing unit consists of TSOP sensor. An IC 555 working in
monostable mode gives the time delay. The circuit may be used to automatically switch on
a light at the entrance gate to the premises at night by sensing the presence of a person. In
addition, it sounds an alarm to signify the presence of a person. Here we are using an IR
Led as the transmitting unit and the TSOP as receiving unit. A monostable, multivibrator
circuit is used for the purpose of getting time delay accordingly. Monostable multivibrator
often called a one shot multivibrator is a pulse generating circuit in which the duration of
this pulse is determined by the RC network connected externally to the 555 timer. In a
stable or standby state, the output of the circuit is approximately zero or a logic-low level.
When external trigger pulse is applied output is forced to go high (» VCC). The monostable
circuit has only one stable state (output low) hence the name monostable. Astable
Multivibrator is a two stage switching circuit in which the output of the first stage is fed to
the input of the second stage and vice versa. The outputs of both the stages are
complementary. This free running multivibrator generates square wave without any
external triggering each pulse. The circuit has two stable states and switches back and forth
from one state to another, remaining in state for a time depending upon the discharging of
the capacitive circuit. Lamp is switched on only for a short interval to save electricity. An
LDR based circuit is used to switch on the bulb at night only. The buzzer is connected such
that it functions whenever the IR beam is interrupted.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 4

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


Monostable multivibrator often called a one shot multivibrator is a pulse

generating circuit in which the duration of this pulse is determined by the RC network
connected externally to the 555 timer. In a stable or standby state, the output of the circuit
is approximately zero or a logic- VCC). The time for which output remains high is
determined by the external RC network connected to the timer. At the end of the timing
interval, the output automatically reverts back to its logic-low stable state. The output stays
low until trigger pulse is again applied. Then the cycle repeats. The monostable circuit has
only one stable state (output low) hence the name monostable.

fig 4.1
Initially when the circuit is in the stable state i.e. when the output is low, transistor
Q1 is ON and the capacitor C is shorted out to ground. Upon the application of a negative
trigger.pulsetopin2,transistor Q1 is turned OFF, which releases the short circuit across the
external capacitor C and drives the output high. The capacitor C now starts charging up
towards VCC through R. When the voltage across the capacitor equals 2/3 VCC,
comparator 1’s output switches from low to high, which in turn drives the output to its low
state via the output of the flip-flop. At the same time the output of the flip
utputofthemonostable remains low until at rigger pulse is again applied. Then the cycle re
peats. The pulse width of the trigger input must

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 5

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

Be smaller than the expected pulse width of the output wave form. Also the trigger pulse
must be a negative going input signal with amplitude larger than 1/3 VCC.
Once triggered, the circuit’s output will remain in the high state until the set time, te lapses.
The output will not change its state even if an input trigger is applied again during this time
interval t. The circuit can be reset during the timing cycle by applying negative pulse to
there set terminal. The output will remain in the low state until a trigger is again applied.


Pin2: Trigger. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the external trigger
pulse applied to this pin. The output is low if the voltage at this pin is greater than 2/3 v cc.
When a negative going pulse of amplitude greater.
1/3VCCISAPPLIEDTOTHISPIN,comparator 2OUTPUTGOES low, which in turn
switches the output of the timer high. The output remains high as long asthetrigger terminal
is held at a low voltage.

Pin3: output. There are two ways by which a load can be connected to the output
terminal :either between pin 3 and ground or between pin3 and supply voltage + v cc.
When the output is low the load current flows through the load connected between pin3 and
+v cc into the output terminal and is called sink current. The current through the grounded
load is zero when the output is low. For this reason the load connected between pin 3 and
+vccis called the normally on load and that connected between pin 3 and ground is called
normally off-load. On the other hand, when the output is high the current through the load
connected between pin 3 and +v cc is zero. The output terminal supplies current to the
normally off load. This current is called source current.

Pin4: reset. The 555 timer can be reset (disabled) by applying a negative pulse to this pin.
When the reset function is not in use, the reset terminal should be connected to +vccto
avoid any possibility off al se triggering.

Pin5:control voltage. Anexternalvoltageappliedtothisterminalchangesthethresholdaswellas

trigger voltage. Thus by imposing a voltage on this pin or by connecting a pot between this
pin and ground, the pulse width of the output waveform can be varied.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 6

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

Pin6: Threshold. This is the non-inverting input of comparator 1, which monitors the
voltage across the external capacitor. When the voltage at this pin is greater than or equal to
the threshold voltage 2/3 VCC, the output of comparator 1 goes high, which in turn
switches the output of the timer low.

Pin7: Discharge. This pin is connected internally to the collector of transistor Q1. When
the output is high Q1 is OFF and acts as an open circuit to external capacitor C connected
across it. On the other hand, when the output is low, Q1 is saturated and acts as a short
circuit, shorting out the external capacitor C to ground.

Pin8: +VCC. The supply voltage of +5V to + 18V is applied to this pin with respect to

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 7

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


A stable Multi vibrator is a two stage switching circuit in which the output of the
first stage is fed to the input of the second stage and vice versa. The outputs of both the
stages are complementary. This free running multi vibrator generates square wave without
any external triggering pulse. The circuit has two stable states and switches back and forth
from one state to another, remaining in each state for a time depending upon the
discharging of the capacitive circuit

Fig 4.2

The multi vibrator is one form of relaxation oscillator, the frequency of which may
be controlled by external synchronizing pulses. When supply voltage, VCC is applied, one
transistor will conduct more than the other due to some circuit imbalance. Initially let us
assume that Q1 is conducting and Q2 is cut-off. Then VC1, the output of Q1 is equal to
VCESAT which is approximately zero and VC2 is equal to VCC. At this instant C1
charges exponentially with the time constant R1C1 towards the supply voltage through R1
and correspondingly VB2 also increases exponentially towards VCC. When VB2 crosses
the coupling voltage Q2 starts conducting and VC2 falls to VCESAT. Also VB1 falls due
to capacitive coupling between collector of Q2 and base of Q1, thereby driving Q1 into
OFF state. The rise in voltage VC1 is coupled through C1 to the base of Q2 causing a small
overshoot in voltage VB2. Thus Q1 is OFF and Q2 is ON. At this instant the voltage levels

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 8

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

VB1 is negative, VC1=VCC, VB2=VBESAT and VC2=VCESAT.

When Q1 is OFF and Q2 is ON the voltage VB1 increases exponentially with a

time constant R2C2 towards VCC.

Therefore Q1 is driven to saturation and Q2 to cut-off. Now the voltage levels are:
VB1=VBESAT, VC1=VCESAT, VB2 is negative and VC2=VCC.

From the above it is clear that when Q2 is ON the falling voltage VC2 permits the
discharging of capacitor C2 which in turn drives Q1 into cut-off. The rising voltage of VC1
is fed back to the base of Q2 tending to turn it ON. This process is regenerative.

The TSOP17 series are miniaturized receivers for infrared remote control systems.
The three pin terminals of the TSOP are GND, VCC and OUTPUT. The circuit of the
TSOP17 is designed in that way unexpected output pulses due to noise or disturbance
signals are avoided. A bandpassfilter and an integrator stage are used to suppress such

Photo detector and pre amplifier in one package
 Internal filter for PCM frequency
 Improved shielding against electrical field disturbance
 TTL, CMOS compatibility
 Output active low
 Low power consumption
 High immunity against ambient light
 Continuous data transmission possible
 Suitable burst length >=10 cycles/burst

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 9

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

The circuit of the TSOP is designed in such a way that the unexpected output pulses due to
noise or disturbance signals are avoided. A band pass filter, an integrator stage and an

automatic gain control are used to suppress such disturbances. The distinguishing mark
between data signals and disturbance signal are carrier frequency, burst length and duty
The data signal should fulfill the following condition.
Carrier frequency should be close to center frequency of the band pass.
 Burst length should be 10 cycles/burst or longer.
 After each burst which is between 10 cycles and 70 cycles a gap time of at least 14
cycles is necessary. For each burst which is longer than 1.8 ms a corresponding gap time is
necessary at some time in the data stream. This gap time should have at least same length
as the burst. Up to 1400 short bursts per second can be received continuously.
 When a disturbance signal is applied to the TSOP 17 it can still receive the data signal.
However the sensitivity is reduced to that level that no unexpected pulses will occur.

Fig 4.3

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 10

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


A light-dependent resistor alternatively called an LDR, photo resistor,

photoconductor, or photocell, is a variable resistor whose value decreases with increasing
incident light intensity.

An LDR is made of a high-resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device

is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons
enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole
partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.

A photoelectric device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. In intrinsic devices, the

only available electrons are in the valence band, and hence the photon must have enough
energy to excite the electron across the entire band gap. Extrinsic devices have impurities
added, which have a ground state energy closer to the conduction band - since the electrons
don't have as far to jump, lower energy photons (i.e. longer wavelengths and lower
frequencies) are sufficient to trigger the device.

Two of its earliest applications were as part of smoke and fire detection systems
and camera light meters. Because cadmium sulfide cells are inexpensive and widely
available, LDRs are still used in electronic devices that need light detection capability, such
as security alarms, street lamps, and clock radios. The internal components of a
photoelectric control for a typical American streetlight. The photoresistor is facing
rightwards, and controls whether current flows through the heater which opens the main
power contacts. At night, the heater cools, closing the power contacts, energizing the street
light. The heater/bimetal mechanism provides a built-in time-delay.

A photoresistor is an electronic component whose resistance decreases with

increasing incident light intensity. It can also be referred to as a light-dependent resistor

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 11

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

(LDR), photoconductor, or photocell. A photoresistor is made of a high-resistance

semiconductor. If light falling on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed
by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction

The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering
resistance. The circuit symbol of LDR.

A photoelectric device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. An intrinsic

semiconductor has its own charge carriers and is not an efficient semiconductor, e.g.
silicon. In intrinsic devices, the only available electrons are in the valence band, and hence
the photon must have enough energy to excite the electron across the entire band gap.
Extrinsic devices have impurities added, which have a ground state energy closer to the
conduction band — since the electrons don't have as far to jump, lower energy photons (i.e.
longer wavelengths and lower frequencies) are sufficient to trigger the device. If a sample
of silicon has some of its atoms replaced by phosphorus atoms (impurities), there will be
extra electrons available for conduction. This is an example of an extrinsic semiconductor.
Cadmium sulphide or cadmium sulphide (CdS) cells rely on the material's ability to vary its
resistance according to the amount of light striking the cell. The more light that strikes the
cell, the lower the resistance. Although not accurate, even a simple CdS cell can have a
wide range of resistance from less than 100 Ω in bright light to in excess of 10 MΩ in
darkness. Many commercially available CdS cells have a peak sensitivity in the region of
500nm - 600nm. The cells are also capable of reacting to a broad range of frequencies,
including infrared (IR), visible light, and ultraviolet (UV). They are often found on street
lights as automatic on/off switches. They were once even used in heat-seeking missiles to
sense for targets.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 12

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


Photoresistors come in many different types. Inexpensive cadmium sulphide cells

can be found in many consumer items such as camera light meters, clock radios, security
alarms, street lights and outdoor clocks. They are also used in some dynamic compressors
to control gain reduction. At the other end of the scale, Ge:Cu photoconductors are among
the best far-infrared detectors available, and are used for infrared astronomy and infrared


The relay takes advantage of the fact that when electricity flows through a coil, it
becomes an electromagnet. The electromagnetic coil attracts a steel plate, which is attached
to a switch. So the switch's motion (ON and OFF) is controlled by the current flowing to
the coil, or not, respectively. A very useful feature of a relay is that it can be used to
electrically isolate different parts of a circuit A relay is an electrically operated switch.
Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever
and changes the switch contacts. The coil current can be on or off so relays have two switch
positions and they are double throw (changeover) switches.

fig 4.5

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 13

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

Relays allow one circuit to switch a second circuit which can be completely
separate from the first. For example a low voltage battery circuit can use a relay to switch a
230V AC mains circuit. There is no electrical connection inside the relay between the two
circuits; the link is magnetic and mechanical.


Relays are used:

 To control a high-current circuit with a low-current signal, as in the starter solenoid
of an automobile.
 To control a high-voltage circuit with a low-voltage signal, as in some types of
modems. To detect and isolate faults on transmission and distribution lines by
opening and closing circuit breakers (protection relays).
 To isolate the controlling circuit from the controlled circuit when the two are at
different potentials, for example when controlling a mains-powered device from a
low-voltage switch.
 The latter is often applied to control office lighting as the low voltage wires are
easily installed in partitions, which may be often moved as needs change.
 They may also be controlled by room occupancy detectors in an effort to conserve
energy, To perform logic functions. For example, the boolean AND function is
realised by connecting NO relay contacts in series, the OR function by connecting
NO contacts in parallel.
 The change-over or Form C contacts perform the XOR (exclusive or) function.
Similar functions for NAND and NOR are accomplished using NC contacts. Due to
the failure modes of a relay compared with a semiconductor, they are widely used in
safety critical logic, such as the control panels of radioactive waste handling
 To perform time delay functions. Relays can be modified to delay opening or delay
closing a set of contacts. A very short (a fraction of a second) delay would use a

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 14

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

copper disk between the armature and moving blade assembly. Current flowing in
the disk maintains magnetic field for a short time, lengthening release time.
For a slightly longer (up to a minute) delay, a dashpot is used. A dashpot is a piston
filled with fluid that is allowed to escape slowly. The time period can be varied by
increasing or decreasing the flow rate. For longer time periods, a mechanical
clockwork timer is installed.


The circuit shown above differs from the circuit described in the previous page,
which had only one diode, labeled D1. This circuit has another diode, marked D2 in the
circuit shown above. This diode is called the free-wheeling diode. The circuit operation is
described next. The explanation is based on the assumption that the reader knows how the
circuit without a freewheeling diode operates.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 15

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


When vs is positive, diode D1 conducts and the voltage vc is

positive. This in turn leads to diode D2 being reversebiased during this period. c would be
negative if diode D1 tends to conduct. This means that D2 would be forward-biased and
would conduct. When diode D2 conducts, the voltage vc would be zero volts, assuming that
the diode drop is negligible.
Additionally when diode D2 conducts, diode D1 remains reverse-
biased, because the voltage vs. is negative. When the current through the inductor tends to
fall, it starts acting as a source.
When the inductor acts as a source, its voltage tends to forward bias
diode D2 if the source voltage vs is negative and forward bias diode D1 if the source
voltage vs is positive. Even when the source voltage vs is positive, the inductor current
would tend to fall if the source voltage is less than the voltage drop across the load resistor.
During the negative half-cycle of source voltage, diode D1 blocks conduction and diode D2
is forced to conduct. Since diode D2 allows the inductor current circulate through L, R and
D2, diode D2 is called the free-wheeling diode. We can say that the current free-wheels
through D2.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 16

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 17

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


The astable multivibrator generates square wave of a particular

frequency which is given as input to IR LED. The LED generates IR rays which are
received by the TSOP receiver. When the IR rays get interrupted, a low output will be
produced at the output terminal of TSOP. This is given as a trigger to the monostable MVB
which in turn produces a high output. This high output is fed to the base of Q3 which pulls
it to ground. The ground voltage comes to one of the two terminals of the buzzer and
supply voltage is given to its other terminal. Thus the buzzer functions and indicates the
presence of a person.
During night, when no light falls on LDR, it has high resistance. So
low voltage comes in the base of Q2 and it goes OFF. This results in a high voltage at the
base of Q1 and it is pulled to ground. So the relay is de-energized and this shifts the switch
contact from position 5 to 4.
Thus supply voltage comes to one terminal of bulb whose other
terminal is grounded and the bulb is switched on. During daytime when light falls on LDR
its resistance goes low. So high voltage comes to the base of Q2 which turns it ON and it is
pulled to ground. This ground voltage is fed to the base of Q1 and it turns OFF. The relay is
energized and the contact is switched back to 5.Thus the bulb circuit is incomplete and the
bulb switches off.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 18

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


 High sensitivity
 Low cost Simple construction
 Easy to install and maintain
 Less power consuming
 Requires less space
 Reliable

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 19

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light


The project provides the detecting mechanism of objects or person at

unexpected timings. The project is user-friendly and highly reliable. This project has the
advantage of saving of electricity since the bulb glows in the dark only for a short interval
of time. Another main advantage which we could point out is the height adjusting
mechanism which we could implement.
With the use of high intensity alarms this can also be used for security
purposes. Thus it turns out to be a domestic as well as security purpose project. System
reliability can be a problem when it causes nuisance alarms, false alarms, or fails to alarm
when called for. Nuisance alarms occur when an unintended event evokes an alarm status
by an otherwise properly working alarm system or when there is an alarm system
malfunction that results in an alarm state. It is easier to know when there are false alarms,
because the system is designed to react to that condition. Failure alarms are more
troublesome because they usually require periodic testing to make sure the sensors are
working and that the correct signals are getting through to the monitor. Some systems are
designed to detect problems internally, such as low or dead batteries, loose connections,
phone circuit trouble, etc. While earlier nuisance alarms could be set off by small
disturbances, like insects or pets, newer model alarms have technology to measure the
size/weight of the object causing the disturbance, and thus are able to decide how serious
the threat is, which is especially useful in burglar alarms.
Home and business owners can now choose a new type of keypad control
panel designed to help reduce false alarms.
Based on a standard called CP-01-2000, developed by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI)[1] and Security Industry Association (SIA))[2] , the
new generation of keypad control panels takes aim at user error by building in extra
precautions that minimize unwarranted dispatch of emergency responders.
Some of the features of CP-01 keypads include a progress annunciation
function that emits a different sound during the last 10 seconds of delay, which hastens exit
from the premises. Also, the exit time doubles if the user disables the pre-warning feature.

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 20

Automatic Gate Alarm With Light

[1] Name of Author, “ Title of Research paper”,Publication,year,ISSBN, P.NO.___
to___ DOI:

Dept. of Machanical Engineering, JCER, Belagavi 21

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