Daily Reporting Format: (Topics, Subtopics) (What Was Being Taught) (What Did You Learn From The Module)

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Daily Reporting Format

Student Name Likhith Kumarc Date 19/05/2023

Place Mysore Department Mechanical

Semester/ Year 3rd sem/2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Vinaya mam

Sl No Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

(Topics, Subtopics) (What was being taught) (What did you learn from the

1 What is communication? •Helps in socialising and also

helps in communication eye
Communication Skills •How communication play
contact, importance to the
major role?
topic,focus on the topic,
•coordination increase communication
•purpose of communication


•Cognitive strategy

•To support decision,

•To achieve coordinated


•To share information

•To develop friendship

2 •Completeness •Understand and apply

TC’s of communication skills •Conciseness knowledge

•Consideration •Delivering effective

•Concreteness presentation

•Clarity •To provide a simple

framework for people to
follow when they're wanting
•Correctness to improve or maintain good
communication skills.

3 •Overcome the barrier •Communication fuds

Effective communication •Interact skillfully and innovation

ethically •Resolve issues

•Creates better client


•Helps to exchange the idea,


4 Conflict management •What is conflict? •The process of limiting the

negative aspects of conflict
•Effects of conflict
while increasing the positive
•Types of conflict aspects of conflict.

•Enhance learning

•Resolving disputes

•Control the level of


Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

Daily Reporting Format
Student Name Likhith Kumar c Date 19/05/2023

Place Mysore Department Mechanical Engineering

3rd sem/2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Sherya mam

Sl No Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

(Topics, Subtopics) (What was being taught) (What did you learn from
the module)

1 transition from Pre- understanding teenage increased Productivity clear

University to Universty manage ment daily goals

How to deal with clear to make decisions

inferiority and Comparison
tips mecived to analysis
focus on the life better
Hormonal changes &
Biological changes at

2 Emotional intellegence understanding Emotions to be able to relate more

Evaluating Emotions & effectively to their
colleagues & to other
upgrading on daily basis
which helps in Developed self awareness
intellegence. and Self management to
personal emotion

3 Presentation skills What is presentation skills. Understanding and

evaluating emotions.

Update on daily basis

Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

Daily Reporting Format
Student Name Likhith Kumar c Date 19/05/2023

Place Mysore Department Mechanical Engineering

3rd sem/2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Aishwarya mam

Sl Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

(Topics, Subtopics) (What was being (What did you learn from the
taught) module)

1 What is •Helps in socialising and also helps in

communication? communication eye contact,
Communication Skills
importance to the topic,focus on the
•How communication
topic, increase communication
play major role?
•purpose of
•Cognitive strategy

•To support decision,

•To achieve coordinated action

•To share information

•To develop friendship

2 •Completeness •Understand and apply

TC’s of communication •Conciseness knowledge

•Consideration •Delivering effective

•Concreteness presentation

•Clarity •To provide a simple framework for

people to follow when they're
wanting to improve or maintain
•Correctness good communication skills.

3 •Overcome the barrier •Communication fuds

Effective •Interact skillfully and innovation

ethically •Resolve issues

•Creates better client


•Helps to exchange the idea,


4 Conflict management •What is conflict? •The process of limiting the

negative aspects of conflict while
•Effects of conflict
increasing the positive aspects of
•Types of conflict conflict.

•Enhance learning

•Resolving disputes

•Control the level of


Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

Daily Reporting Format
Student Name Likhith Kumar c Date 18/05/22

Place Mysore Department Mechanical Engineering

3rd sem/2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Aishwarya mam

Sl No Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

(Topics, Subtopics) (What was being taught) (What did you learn from
the module)

1 Corporate Etiquette What is corporate •A Rules to follow at work.

•Behaves sensibility.
It's Important.
•Proper Mannerism.

•Dressing scene.

•Presentation yourself.

•Body language.


•Respect to everyone.

2 Team Building What is team Building. •Working together as a


•Increases confidence.

•Promotes co-operation.

•exchange of new ideas.

•increase the good


3 Public speaking What is public speaking. •Body language.


•Allows us to form

•Speaking face to face.

•increase the confidence

•Team members having the
focus on the same concept.

Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

Daily Reporting Format
Student Name Likhith Kumar c Date 22/05/2023

Place Mysore Department Mechanical Engineering

3rd sem /2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Vasavi mam

Sl Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

No (Topics, Subtopics) (What was being taught) (What did you learn from the
1 Memory enhancement What is memory and Here we come across the
types of memory meaning of memory and
enhancement. conversation of short term
How to convert SM to sensory memory to long term
STM. memory.

2 Stress management What is stress and Here we come across the

meaning and how to meaning of stress where it is a
manage the stress. kind of mental block which
prevents optimal performance
and management of stress.

3 Feedback session Here we are going to Here we come across feedback

have a feedback session. session where we gave feedback
on trainers and their teachings

Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

Daily Reporting Format
Student Name Likhith Kumar c Date 17/05/2023

Place Mysore Department Mechanical Engineering

3rd sem /2nd year Section B

Trainers Name Vasavi mam

Sl No Training Modules Learning Objectives Learning Outcome

(Topics, Subtopics) (What was being taught) (What did you learn from
the module)

1 Introduction to soft skills •What is soft skills? •It increases the efficiency

•Why soft skills play major •The productivity can be

role in life ? increased

•What is the advantages •It maintains professional

of soft skills? attitude

2 Goal setting •What is a goal ? •It increases intellectual

•Types of goal
•Increase focus
•How to convert goals to
smart goal •Increases levels of

3 SWOT analysis Importance of •It increases the confidence

•Help to create detailed
career plan
•Minimize mistake

4 Ant philosophy •Team coordination •Time importance

•Future planning •Ignore little diversion

•Never give up attitude •Increase leadership quality

Signature of the Faculty Student Signature

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