Study of SCR Characteristics

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S T U D Y O F S C R C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Aim: To study V-I characteristics of SCR & determine break over voltage, holding current , latchingcurrent & behavior

of SCR in ac circuit. Material required: [1] Matrix trainer kit [2] CRO Procedure:Setup [1] Keep the POWER switch of your mains board in off condition.[2] Connect power chord to mains (230 volt a.c.)[3] Keep P1, P2 & R1 to fully anticlock position. Put S1 to R.H.S. (for +ve gate current) & S4L.H.S. (for +ve anode to cathode voltage). Experiment Procedure [4] Put the power switch of your mains board ON.[5] Put S3 on Vak (UP position to measure anode to cathode voltage on voltmeter).[6] Put S2 on Ig (down position to measure gate current on current meter).[7] Set P1 vary slowly to get 29.230.05 mA gate current. ( Note down it 2.72mA metershowing X10 reading)[8] Put S2 to Ia (up position to measure anode current on current meter).[9] Set P2 vary slowly in steps of 0.5V Vak , Note Vak & Ia for each setting S T U D Y O F S C R C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S Aim: To study V-I characteristics of SCR & determine break over voltage, holding current , latchingcurrent & behavior of SCR in ac circuit. Material required: [1] Matrix trainer kit [2] CRO Procedure:Setup [1] Keep the POWER switch of your mains board in off condition.[2] Connect power chord to mains (230 volt a.c.)[3] Keep P1, P2 & R1 to fully anticlock position. Put S1 to R.H.S. (for +ve gate current) & S4L.H.S. (for +ve anode to cathode voltage). Experiment Procedure [4] Put the power switch of your mains board ON.[5] Put S3 on Vak (UP position to measure anode to cathode voltage on voltmeter).[6] Put S2 on Ig (down position to measure gate current on current meter).[7] Set P1 vary slowly to get 29.230.05 mA gate current. ( Note down it 2.72mA metershowing X10 reading)[8] Put S2 to Ia (up position to measure anode current on current meter).[9] Set P2 vary slowly in steps of 0.5V Vak , Note Vak & Ia for each setting [10] Note the voltage at which SCR fire as break over voltage.[11] Repeat the steps 6 to 10 for different gate current (Ig = 2.73, 2.74, 2.75,2.76, 3.05mA)[12] Put S4 to second position for VE anode to cathode voltage , ] Repeat the steps 6 to 10 .[13] Put S1 to L.H.S. (for - ve gate current) Repeat the steps 6 to 10[14] Put S4 to L.H.S (4 TH position for ac anode to cathode voltage) Connect CRO across T7 &T4 Put S1 to R.H.S. (for +ve gate current) , Put S2 on Ig , set 10.0mA gate current,Observe the waveform on CRO and note it (SCR conducts for +ve half of AC voltage & getoff in negative half cycle. Observation Table :Ig 2.72 mA 2.83 mA 2.93 mASr.No Vak volts Ia mA Vak volts Ia mA Vak volts Ia mA12 Latching current.

The anode current Ia at which SCR gets conducts.[1 ] Keep P1, P2 & R1 to fully anticlock position. Put S1 to R.H.S. (for +ve gate current) & S4L.H.S. (for +ve anode to cathode voltage).[2] Put the power switch of your mains board ON.[3] Put S3 on Vak (UP position to measure anode to cathode voltage on voltmeter).[4] Put S2 on Ig (down position to measure gate current on current meter).[5] Set P1 vary slowly to get 5.0 mA gate current. ( Note down it)[6] Put S2 to Ia (up position to measure anode current on current meter).[7] Set P2 vary slowly in steps of 0.1V Vak , Note Ia form which SCR start conducting asLATCHING current.[8] Note it as latching current. Increase vak for few more volts. Holding current: Without gate current , The anode current Ia at which SCR gets stopconducting. [9] Set P1 to zero for Ig = 0 ,[10] Increase R1 (rotate R1 to clock position slowly by observing Ia & Vak), Note Ia form whichSCR stop conducting as Holding current. (Holding current is slightly less the latching current. Ia latching = Ia holding = Observation: (Student should note here his/her observations).

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