Akkireddipalem DWS Housing Colony Estimaion

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with SSR 2015-16

Base year population 2017
Prospective population (10 years) 2027
Ultimate population (20 years) 2037

Sump well dome type

Side wall thickness
Ring beam depth
ring beam breadth
Dome thickness

Sump well Flat type

Side wall thickness
Top Slab thickness

GLBR dome type

Side wall thickness
Ring beam depth
ring beam breadth
Dome thickness

GLBR Flat type

Side wall thickness
Top Slab thickness

2 5 4.010
3 10 3.53
5 -0.48
0.00 0.000
5.00 4.010

Capacity Staging Inlet LPM

20000 9 42
40000 9.55 84
60000 9.65 125
90000 9.5 188
120000 9.5 250
150000 9.6 313
200000 9.75 417
250000 9.9 521
Inlet LPM 188.00
Outlet LPM 376.00

0 80
166 80
167 100
271 100
272 125
440 125
441 150
654 150
655 200
1223 200
1224 250
1986 250
1987 300
2952 300
2953 350
4128 350
4129 400
5518 400
5519 450
7129 450
7130 500
8964 500
8965 600
13324 600
SSTank 26409.6 23904
0 0
26409.60 Cum 23904.00
10563.84 Cum 9561.60
36973.44 Cum 33465.60

36973.44 Cum 33465.60

36973 33466
583760 518048
620733 551514

16 16

Intake well cum pump house @ Canal

Side wall thickness
Ring beam depth
Ring beam breadth
Pump house side wall thickness
Bottom slab thickness
Top Slab Thickness
Infiltration well
Side wall thickness
Infiltration well dia
Floor slab thickness

Valve Chambers
Side Wall

Total depth 3.65 3.00
2st mattu 0.65 0.65
3 rd mattu 0.00 0.00
4 th mattu 0.00 0.00
Total depth 3.10 3.00
2st mattu 0.10 0.10
3 rd mattu 0.00 0.00
4 th mattu 0.00 0.00

Shaft side wall thickness Below G.L

Shaft side wall thickness above G.L
Bottom Doome
Bottom ring Beam 0.3
conical sude wall
Top ring Beam 0.30
Inner shaft side wall
Inner shaft flat slab
top doome

Collection Well Girder

Total depth 5.70 3.00

2st mattu 2.70 2.70
3 rd mattu 0.00 0.00
4 th mattu 0.00 0.00

Side wall thickness 1st step

2nd step
3rd step
4th step
5th step
Floor Slab thickness
Pump House side wall
Ring beam depth
Ring beam breadth
Top Slab Thickness

Sump Rectangle
Side Wall thickness-1st step 0.20
Side Wall thickness-2nd 0.15

Total depth 4.20
0.200 2st mattu 1.20
0.30 3 rd mattu 0.00
0.30 4 th mattu 0.00

0.100 Total depth 3.10

0.150 2st mattu 0.10
3 rd mattu 0.00
4 th mattu 0.00

0.100 Total depth 1.50

0.15 2st mattu 0.00
0.15 3 rd mattu 0.00
0.100 4 th mattu 0.00

0.100 Total depth 1.35

0.150 2st mattu 0.00
3 rd mattu 0.00
4 th mattu 0.00

RSF Rates
2.71 40.00
2.710 30.00
3.09 20.00
3.53 10.00
4.010 5.00
4.850 2.00

Dia 0.6 0.9 2.00

80 1420.94 1858.71 3463.90
100 1742.27 2303.86 4363.04
125 2244.90 2976.74 5660.16
150 2827.13 3746.91 7119.42
200 4028.44 5357.25 10229.56
250 5386.00 7194.59 13826.12
300 6873.26 9219.13 17820.66
350 8703.97 11655.66 22478.50
400 10639.33 14234.42 27416.40
450 12617.44 16973.11 32943.90
500 14871.19 19941.01 38530.36
600 20039.03 26815.75 51663.70


@ SSTank
0.15 0.20
0.30 0.45
1.65 1.70 2.00
0.10 0.10 0.90
0.15 0.2 0.60
0.10 0.10 Duck foot bend
Circular bend
#REF! Curb Centreing

0.10 0.9 <150 mm

1.05 150-300 mm
1.2 300-450 mm
1.5 450-600 mm

OHSR 25.25
Staging 25.25 27.00
15 1
15.005 9
18 9
18.005 15
21 15
21.005 21
24 21
24.005 27
27 27
27.005 30

Shaft 30.00
Staging 30.00 30.00
15 1
15.005 9
18 9
18.005 15
0.30 21 15
0.20 21.005 21
0.300 24 21
0.4 24.005 27
0.20 27 27
0.4 27.005 30

100 11.5
125 13
150 14.9
175 19.3
0.45 200 25.4
0.40 225 31.2
0.35 250 37.3
0.30 300 44.2
0.28 350 52.4
0.2 400 61.6
0.15 450 72.4
0.40 500 86.9
1.65 550 103.7
0.15 600 122.6
Sump Dome Type
3.00 Dia
1.20 100
0.00 2mts 1 4363.00
0.00 0.90 Mts 2 4608.00
0.60 Mts 2 3485.00
Bell Mouth 1 663.00
Duck foot bend 1 1916.00
Sum 15035.00

3.00 Dia
0.10 150
0.00 2mts 1 7119.00
0.00 0.90 Mts 1 3747.00
0.60 Mts 2 5654.00
Bell Mouth 1 1106.00
Duck foot bend 1 3464.00
Sum 21090.00



0% RSF Note:
RSF rates
4.850 Chemcial House

RSF rates
4.010 CH&Chlorinator Room
3.530 Bridge
2.710 Capcity
0% 10000
65.560 15000
45.090 20000
44.310 40000
39.220 60000
29.760 OHSR Rates 90000
28.043 120000
26.786 150000
25.970 200000
24.050 250000
23.310 300000
22.570 350000

DI Sluicevalve With
Duckfoot Bellmouth Conveyacne of 5% 90o D/f bend
1547.70 515.90 11025.00 958.10
1916.20 663.30 12368.00 1252.90
2653.20 884.40 15843.00 1695.10
3463.90 1105.50 19473.00 2284.70
5453.80 1695.10 28613.00 3611.30
8180.70 2284.70 36488.00 5306.40
11497.20 3316.50 67740.00 7370.00
15771.80 4274.60 94238.00 10096.90
20709.70 5896.00 120488.00 13339.70
25795.00 6854.10 197925.00 16656.20
32870.20 8844.00 253050.00 21373.00
49157.90 14813.70 358050.00 32575.40
Canal Dia Total depth 3.10
#NAME? 2st mattu 0.10
1.00 #NAME? 3 rd mattu 0.00
2.00 #NAME? 4 th mattu 0.00
1.00 #NAME?
1 #NAME?
1 #NAME?
Cost #NAME?

Stair case 30.00

Staging 30.00 30.00
15 1
15.005 9
18 9 27.00
18.005 15
21 15
21.005 21
24 21
24.005 27
27 27
27.005 30


6 9.2
Thickness Wt
6 9.2
8 12.1
10 14.9
12 17.7
-srcapping arrangement shall be with stainless
steel of Grade 304 for chemical resistance and
durability are to be provided as per SSR 2011-
Side wall Rec Stag

2.5 9,6
2.5 9,6 E) Deduct for staging below 10 Mts by .05 Paise per Lt
2.00 9,6
2.40 9.55,12.70 E) Add for staging above 10Mts by .10 paise per Lts.
2.50 12.90,9.75
3.15 12.75,9.60
3.75 12.75,9.60
4.55 12.90,9.75
3.90 13.05,9.90
4.55 13.20,10.05

DI Sluicevalve With
Tailpices Semicircular Bend Conveyacne of 5%
1148.25 1842.50 11025.00
1432.73 2579.50 12368.00
1854.29 3316.50 15843.00
2333.34 4790.50 19473.00
3343.03 7370.00 28613.00
4501.60 11792.00 36488.00
5782.50 15477.00 67740.00
7303.67 25058.00 94238.00
8914.75 20267.50 120488.00
10664.39 0.00 197925.00
12505.42 0.00 253050.00
16796.23 0.00 358050.00
Canal SSTank
3.00 3.25 3.00
0.10 0.25 0.25
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Flat slab
5-8mt 1
8-11mt 2
11-14mt 3
14-17mt 4
17-20mt 5
20-23mt 6
Paise per Lt -2000

Intake Well at SSTank
Total depth 3.25 3.00
2st mattu 0.25 0.25
3 rd mattu 0.00 0.00 2mts
4 th mattu 0.00 0.00 0.90 Mts
0.60 Mts
Bell Mouth
Duck foot bend
1 4363.00
5 11519.00
2 3485.00
1 663.00
1 1916.00
Sum 21946.00

Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000

Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
Estimate amount Rs. RS 33.00 Lakhs
Sl. Amount
No. Description of item Qty Unit Rate Per Rs in lakhs
1 Providing Scheme source (165mm Dia GTH Rig )
1.00 No 144681.30 each 144681.30
2 Construction of GLSR 20 KL Capacity at Hill top area
1.00 No 500000.00 each 500000.00
3 Construction of Pump house to PWS Scheme
1.00 No 69000.00 each 69000.00
4 Provision for 5.00 HP Submersible Pump sets at source
including all assessiores 1.00 No 94602.27 each 94602.27

5 Construction of Pumping main for using 63 mm dia 6kgs

HDPE Pipe line 1.00 Job 160353.63 each 160353.63

Construction of Distribution System main for using 75mm Dia
6Kg/Cm2-100mts, 63 mm dia 6kgs- 650mts HDPE Pipe line 1.00 Job 1396043.50 1 No 1396043.50

8 Providing Recharge structure at Existing Low Yield Scheme

Sources 1.00 Nos 74679.78 1 No 74679.78

9 Provisios for Power connections Charges 1.00 No 60000.00 each 60000.00

10 Provision towards GST @ 12% 276523.46

11 30000.00
Provision of Seignerage Charges
12 Provision towards NAC @ 1% 24490.43

13 Provision towards QC Charges @ 0.50% 11473.40

14 Provision for unforseen items if any arised during execution 26939.80

Grand total 2878470.57

Assistant Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer,

RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division,
Munagapaka. Yelamanchili. Visakhapatnam.
1715.58 8577.42





429427.09 448469.23
Lead statement (SSR 2015-16)

Municipal allowence

Name of the lead Initial ce- Blasting Machine
Sl.No Description of material Excluding
Stacking seignorage
Quarry (km) cost charges crushing

1 40mm size HBG (SS5) 24.5 845.00 445.45 50.00

2 20mm size HBG metal 24.5 1365.00 445.45 50.00
3 CR Stone 24.5 288.00 445.45 50.00
4 RR Stone 24.5 252.00 335.26 50.00
5 Bond stone 24.5 1360.95 445.45 50.00
6 Sand for concrete items 20.0 610.00 365.53 40.00
5 Sand for mortar 45.0 677.00 610.66 40.00
6 Sand for filling 5.0 460.00 201.82 40.00
7 Bricks 30.0 5200.00 741.45 38.50
8 Cement (Visakhapatnam district-Nov 2015) 5873
9 Steel (Nov 2015) 32000
10 6 mm size HBG metal 24.5 735.00 445.45 50.00
11 12mm size HBG metal 24.5 1097.00 445.45 50.00
12 10mm size HBG metal 24.5 935.00 445.45 50.00
13 uncoursed rubble stone 24.5 318.00 335.26 50.00
14 Present Pig Iron Cost as per BOC 26000

This is to certify that the leads are correct to the best of my knowledge

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam.

0% 0.024 50 2083.333


1340.45 0.0405 20 493.83

1860.45 0.054 23 425.93 919.75
783.45 459.88
637.26 loading deduct 0.015 23 1533.333
1856.40 1335.47 0.032813 39 1188.571 2721.905
1015.53 old one 1360.952
5979.95 deduct loading
5873.00 281 5620 Ananthapuramu
32000.00 ssr 6400
1230.45 532 133
1592.45 735
703.26 loading deduct
Pumpset sub estimate
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank)
at Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal

Name of the sub work : Provision for 5.00 HP Pump sets at source including all assessiores
S.No Description of item Quantity Rate Per Amount
1 Supply, and Transportation of 5.00 HP - 12 stages Three
Bore well to suit discharge of 67.5 LPM Head - 86.13 mtrs.
Make Kirloskar /Crompton/ CRI/L&T / Texmo / Varsha
including stand bye,RVP of 625/A MB

Pump set S.L.No. 1056/ELEC-5.4.16 5 HP 1.00 Nos 30903 No 30903.28

2 Supply and erecting GI medium 'B' class
ISI marked pipe of 50 mm dia suitable 72.00 mt 495.36 mt 35665.92
for all ,RVP of 625/A MB
3 Cost and supply of 50 mm GI Flanges
ISI make as per SSR ,RVP of 625/A
2.00 Nos 500.00 No 1000.00
4 Cost and supply of 50 mm GM Non
return valve item SSR ,RVP of
625/A MB
0.00 Nos 2894.91 No 0.00
5 Cost and supply of 50 mm GM Gate valve as per item
SSR ,RVP of 625/A MB
1.00 Nos 3584.55 No 2894.91
6 Supplying of 3 core 2.5 mm flat copper cable of ISI for
submersible motors of makes Finolex / polycab / gold
medal / Million / payal / sunlight / Power Flex / Fortune
Art.,RVP of 625/A MB
102.00 mt 80.00 mt 8160.00
7 Cost of 175mm dia Bore cover 0.00 Nos 0.00 No 0.00
8 M.S. Clamp set with Nuts, 5/8"bolts 4"long & washersQ vp 2.00 set 300.00 set 600.00
9 35
25 of
mm Mb No 713/A
HDPE pipe to insert cable from bore to panel board Q 20.00 mt 46.58 mt 931.60
10 vp
Supply of 6-32 A713/A
35 of Mb No TPN / FP/ MCB ISI
mark of Make Legrand / L & T / GE /
625/A MB
Amps 1.00 Nos 1363.38 No 1363.38
11 Supplying and erecting porcelain base Amps
fuse unit of approved make 230V,
required ,RVP of 625/A MB

4.00 Nos 113.62 No 454.48


Supply of 6 Sqmm 7/18 WPSC ISI make Alluminium wire of

makes Finolex/ Poly cab / Gold medal / Million / Payal /
Sunlight / Power Flex / Fortune Art.7/16 Aluminium wire for
service line connections,RVP of 625/A MB 70.00 mt 31.81 mt 2226.70
13 Supply and transportation of direct - on - line LTLK/
SIEMENS/ Crompton make starters fitted in sheet metal box
size of 265 X 295 X 110 mm suitable enclousure for Three
phase motors upto 5 HP at 415 V 50 Hz fitted with all
equiments with suitable ISI mark LTLK by Crompton Make
capacitor and single phase preventor with Legrand make ISI
mark MCB etc. complete. as per Electrical SSR,RVP of
625/A MB

1.00 No 6817.00 No 6817.00

14 Supply and fixing frame of 25 x 25 x 4 mm angle with
supports on four sides for fixing Main switch,cutouts,
capacitor, Meter, Control panel board etc complete ,RVP
of 625/A MB

1.00 No 1150.00 No 1150.00

16 Cost of Shellock bottles,RVP of
625/A MB
2.00 No 10.00 No 20.00
17 Cost of Cable joint kit ,RVP of 625/A
1.00 Job 325.00 Job 325.00
18 Cost of Teflon tapes,RVP of 625/A
2.00 No 35.00 No 70.00
19 Cost of Insulation tapes ,RVP of
625/A MB
2.00 No 10.00 No 20.00
20 Erection of submerssible pumpset
including commissiong, testing and trial
run,RVP of 625/A MB
1.00 Job 2000.00 Job 2000.00
21 Unforseen items if any during
Total 94602.27
71LPM 24 LPM
Head - Head -
80.11 97.04
mtrs. mtrs.


SUB ESTIMATE (Pumping Main)
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000
Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem G.P in Anakapalli Mandal

Name of the sub work : Providing pumping main from Bore well

Sl. B D
Description of items Nos. L Qty. Rate in Rs. Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Construction of pipe line for water supply with HDPE pipes as per
IS:4985/1988,with its amendments and revisons there on including
supply of pipes, specials, as per requirements, lowering,laying and
jointing of pipe lines true to alignment and gradient, trench excavtion
for pipe lines in all soils except Rock requring blasting, and refilling
trenches with excavated earth(other than rocky soils and boulders)
with watering and tamping and removeing surplus earth from site of
work and filling pipe line with water and testing etc., complete. The
rates are inclusive of cost,conveyance of all materials and labour
charges, including turn over tax for finished item of pipe line work and
including CED and cess.

75 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 (Manually) BW to ELSR

old Pumping main 110

110 Rmts 466.40 1Rmt 51304

2 Cost supply and fixing of 80 mm nominal bore GI pipe medium grade
properites & weights as per IS 1239 with GI fittings such as elbows,
Tees couplings,Nipples,plugs including excavation for trenches and
refilling trenches complete except for GI bends , unions and GI
connectors with check out and socket etc.
65 mm dia at CC Road Area 1x1 50.00 50.00 Rmts 857.79 Rmts 42890
3 Air valve With Vave
Chamber 1x1 2.00 2.00 Rmts 8872.40 Rmts 17745

4 Copst and Supply of

80mm CI NRV 1x2 2.00 No 10780.00 Rmts 21560

5 Cutting of CC Road Surface including all charges etc Complted

6 Road portion
1 10.00 0.45 0.15 0.68 cum 2255.00 cum
5 CC(1:2:4) including all charges etc Complted

6 Road portion 1 10.00 0.45 0.45 2.03 cum 4500.00 cum 9113
4 Copst and Supply of 80
mm Dia Flanges 1x16 16.00 No 795.30 Rmts 12725

4 Thrust Blocks(0.3mts) 4 4.00 No 669.00 Rmts 2676

4 Thrust Blocks(0.6mts) 0 0.00 No 994.00 Rmts 0
4 Thrust Blocks(0.8mts) 0 0.00 No 1486.00 Rmts 0
4 Thrust Blocks(1.35mts)
RCC @4*12mm,Laterral 0 0.00 No 2270.00 Rmts 0
ties 7@8mm
4 Thrust Blocks(1.65mts)
RCC @4*12mm,Laterral
0 0.00 No 2666.00 Rmts 0
ties 7@8mm

Clearing of Heavy Jungle including all charges etc

11 Complted,RVP of 1869/A MB

150 1.50 225 Sqm 3.64 Sqm 819
7 Provision for unforseen
items if any

Total Rs. 160354

Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal

Description of item Nos. L B D Qty Units Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Construction of pipe line for water supply with HDPE pipes
with its amendments and revisons there on including supply
of pipes, specials, as per requirements, lowering,laying and
jointing of pipe lines true to alignment and gradient, trench
excavtion for pipe lines in all soils except Rock requring
blasting, and with a sand cushion of 15cm below the pipe
lines and refilling trenches with excavated earth(other than
rocky soils and boulders) with watering and tamping and
removeing surplus earth from site of work and filling pipe line
with water and testing etc., complete. The rates are inclusive
of cost,conveyance of all materials and labour charges,
including turn over tax for finished item of pipe line work and
including CED and cess.

75 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 manually,RVP of 1869/A MB 100 Rmts 466.40 Rmt 46640
63 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 manually,RVP of 1869/A MB 440 Rmts 416.72 Rmt
b 183357
2 Construction of single tap public fountains with RCC ring of
size 0.90 M and height 0.30 M and inside core portion filling
with CC (1:2:4) mix using 20 mm HBG chips including all
specials and labour charges etc. complete

a Stand post,RVP of 1869/A MB 16 16 Nos 806.00 Each 12896

Cost & Supply of 80mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
3 1869/A MB 6 Rmts Rmt 6713
Cost & Supply of 65mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
4 1869/A MB 364 Rmts Rmt 312237
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
5 1869/A MB 422 Rmts Rmt 209042
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
6 1869/A MB 158 Rmts Rmt 71757
Cost & Supply of 32mm dia GI B Class pipe
7 129 Rmts Rmt 52617
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
8 1869/A MB with Union 191 Rmts Rmt 55841
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
9 1869/A MB with union and tap 591 Rmts Rmt 132951
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia DI gate Valves
12 3 Nos 1N0 30000
Cost & Supply of 80mm dia DI gate Valves
13 4 Nos 1N0 53024
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GM gate Valves
14 3 Nos 1N0 10500
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GM gate Valves
15 6 Nos 1N0 15066
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GM gate Valves
16 1 Nos 1N0 1051
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GM gate Valves
17 1 Nos 1N0 733
18 Cutting of CC Road Surface including all charges etc Complted

19 Road portion
1 230.00 0.45 0.20 20.70 cum 2255.00 cum
20 Copst and Supply of 65mm Dia
Flanges 1x25 25.00 No 795.30 Rmts 19883

21 Thrust Blocks(0.45mts)
5 5.00 No 669.00 Rmts 3345

22 Thrust Blocks(0.60mts)
1 1.00 No 994.00 Rmts 994

23 Thrust Blocks(0.80mts)
8 8.00 No 1486.00 Rmts 11888

24 Thrust Blocks(1.65mts) RCC

@4*12mm,Laterral ties 7@8mm
2 2.00 No 2666.00 Rmts 5332

Cost & Supply of 32mm Dai HDPE 16Kg/Cm2 Pipe line etc
25 3 Rmts 1N0 423
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A MB
26 18 Nos 1N0 2304
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A MB
27 6 Nos 1N0 618
Cost & Supply of 32mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A MB
28 8 Nos 1N0 688
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A MB
29 10 Nos 1N0 700
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A MB
30 30 Nos 1N0 1380
Clearing of Heavy Jungle including all
charges etc Complted,RVP of
32 1869/A MB
300 1.50 Sqm 3.64 Sqm 1637

6 Providsion for unforseen items if any

Total Rs. 1276977
Datas-SSR -2015-16
MA 0%
Overheads & C.Pro 13.615%

Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and technical specifications

Clause 305.1 including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material as per
Technical Specification 305 MORD / 304 MORTH
ordianry gravelly soils for foundations
1.00 cum Initial rate (3.64*320/10) 116.48
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & C.Profit 13.615% 15.86
Total rate per 1cum 132.30

For 3m to 6m (4.68*320/10)
1 Cum Initial cost 149.76 1 Cum 149.760
--- 0% 0.000
Overheads & cp 13.615% 20.39
Total 170.10
For above 6m depth (6.24*320/10)
1 cum Intial cost 199.68
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & C.Profit 13.615% 27.19
Total 226.90

2 Sand filling in basement with watering and tamping etc. complete.

1.00 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 701.82 per cum 701.82
1.00 cum Labour charges 106.90
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 110.11
Total rate per cum Rs. 918.80

3 Cement concrete (1:4:8)prop using 40 mm gauge HG metal including cost &conveyance

of all materials and labour charges ,seigniorage charges using concret mixer etc complete
162 kg Cement Rs. 5873.00 cum 951.43
0.9 cum Coarse aggregate 40 mm Rs. 1340.45 cum 1206.41
0.45 cum Sand for concrete Rs. 1015.53 each 456.99
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) Rs. 77.00 each 92.40
1 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0 Rs. 338.60 each 338.60
0.10 day Mason 1st class Rs. 420.00 42.00
1.39 day Mazdoor (unskilled) Rs. 320.00 Cum 444.80
Water Charges 1% 4.87
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 481.63
Total Rs. 4019.10

4 Cement concrete (1:2.5:5)prop using 40 mm,0.050mm,10mm gauge HG metal including cos M15 Grade
of all materials and labour charges ,seigniorage charges using concret mixer etc complete
275 kg Cement Rs. 5873.00 cum 1615.08
0.54 cum Coarse aggregate 40 mm Rs. 1340.45 cum 723.84
0.27 cum Coarse aggregate 20 mm Rs. 1860.45 cum 502.32
0.09 cum Coarse aggregate 10 mm Rs. 1430.45 cum 128.74
0.48 cum Sand for concrete Rs. 1015.53 each 487.45
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) Rs. 77.00 each 92.40
1 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0 Rs. 338.60 each 338.60
0.10 day Mason 1st class Rs. 420.00 MT 42.00
1.39 day Mazdoor (unskilled) Rs. 320.00 Cum 444.80
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 595.69
Total Rs. 4970.90

5 Construction of Randam rubble stone masonry in CM(1:6) 2nd sort including cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges ,seigniorage charges etc complete.
79.2 kg Cement Rs. 5873.00 kg 465.14
0.44 cum CR Stone Rs. 783.45 cum 344.72
0.5 cum Rough Stone Rs. 637.26 cum 318.63
0.16 cum Bond Stones 7Nos 0.24 x 0.24 Rs. 1856.40 cum 297.02
0.33 cum Sand for Mortar Rs. 1327.66 cum 438.13
1.2 day Mason 1 class
st Rs. 420.00 day 504.00
2 day Mazdoor (unskilled) Rs. 320.00 day 640.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 409.49
Total rate per cum Rs. 3417.10

6 Construction of course rubble stone masonry in CM(1:6) 2nd sort including cost and
conveyance of all materials and labour charges ,seigniorage charges etc complete.
0.94 cum Intial cost of CR stone @ Rs. 783.45 cum 736.44
0.16 cum Bond Stones 7Nos 0.24 x 0.24 Rs. 1856.40 cum 297.02
0.32 cum Sand for Mortar Rs. 1327.66 cum 424.85
1.50 nos. masons 1st class @ Rs. 420.00 each 630.00
2.32 nos. man and woman mazdoor @ Rs. 320.00 each 742.40
0.0768 MT cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 451.05
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 446.81
Total rate per cum Rs. 3728.60

7 Construction of super stucture with brick masonary in (1:6) using 2nd class bricks including
cost and conveyance of all materials,labour charges and seign. charges etc. complete.
520 nos. cost of bricks Rs. 5979.95 per 1000 3109.57
0.21 cum Sand for Mortar Rs. 1327.66 cum 278.81
0.24 nos. brick layer 1st class @ Rs. 420.00 each 100.80
0.56 nos. brick layer 2nd class @ Rs. 375.00 each 210.00
1.89 nos. man and woman mazdoor @ Rs. 320.00 each 604.80
0.0504 MT cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 296.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 626.29
Total rate per cum Rs. 5226.30

8 Cement concrete(1:1.5:3) prop using 20mm gauge HG metal including cost and conveyance
of all materials and labour charges ,seign. charges etc.complete.
0.9 cum 20mm HBG graded metal Rs. 1860.45 cum 1674.41
0.45 cum Sand for concrete Rs. 1015.53 cum 456.99
400 Kgs Cement Rs. 5873.00 Kgs 2349.20
0.133 day 1st Class Mason Rs. 420.00 day 55.86
0.267 day 2nd Class Mason Rs. 375.00 day 100.13
3.6 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Wome Rs. 320.00 day 1152.00
1 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 Rs. 338.60 hour 338.60
0.133 Liters Cost of Diesel for Miller Rs. 57.00 Liters 7.58
0.667 Liters Cost of Petrol for Vibrator 69.00 Liters 46.02
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 kl 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 854.09
Total rate per cum 7127.30


0.9 cum 20mm HBG graded metal 1860.45 cum 1674.41
0.45 cum Sand for concrete 1015.53 cum 456.99
400.0 Kgs Cement 5873.00 Kgs 2349.20
0.167 day 1st Class Mason 420.00 day 70.14
0.167 day 2nd Class Mason 375.00 day 62.63
4.7 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) 320.00 day 1504.00
1 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) 338.60 hour 338.60
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 kl 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 891.56


0.9 cum 20mm HBG graded metal 1860.45 cum 1674.41
0.45 cum Sand for concrete 1015.53 cum 456.99
400.0 Kgs Cement 5873.00 Kgs 2349.20
0.067 day 1st Class Mason 420 day 28.14
0.133 day 2nd Class Mason 375 day 49.88
2.5 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Women) 320 day 800.00
0.267 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) 338.60 hour 90.41
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 kl 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 754.46
11 Pump House Roof Slab
VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for round slab of
100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of VCC (1:1.5:3) 6295.90 1 cum 6295.90
10.00 sqm Centering charges 389.00 1 Sqm 3890.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 529.62
Total 10sqmt 10715.50

Pump House ,W.Quarter

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
12 centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for floor slab of
125 mm thick
1.25 Cum Cost of VCC (1:1.5:3) 6295.90 1 cum 7869.88
10.00 sqm Centering charges 389.00 1 Sqm 3890.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 529.62
Total 10sqmt 12289.50

Basic Rate & labour Including Centering
13 Prop Item Profit13.615 Total Rate Per
Cont Profit Charges
(1:1.5:3) Footings 7127.30 750.00 102.11 7979.40 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Columns 7439.90 2041.00 277.88 9758.80 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Columns above 3.66 m 7439.90 2381.00 324.17 10145.10 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Beams 6295.90 3428.00 466.72 10190.60 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Beams above 3.66m height 6295.90 4572.00 622.48 11490.40 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Lintels 7439.90 2344.00 319.14 10103.00 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Sun shades 0.6m Width 7439.90 410.00 55.82 7905.70 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Roof slab 150mm thick 6295.90 389.00 52.96 6737.90 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Roof slab 150-300mm thick 6295.90 399.00 54.32 6749.20 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Roof slab above 300.0mm th 6295.90 818.00 111.37 7225.30 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Bed blocks 7127.30 305 41.53 7473.80 /1Cum
(1:1.5:3) Pedestrals 7127.30 1068 145.41 8340.70 /1Cum
(1:2:4) Pedestrals 4770.20 1068 145.41 5983.60 /1Cum

14 Costof CM(1:3) prop including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc., complete.
0.48 cum Cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 2819.04
1.05 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 1327.66 cum 1394.04
0.20 cum mixing charges @ Rs. 320.00 cum 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Total rate per cum Rs. 4277.10

15 Costof CM(1:4) prop including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc., complete.
0.36 cum Cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 2114.28
1.05 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 1327.66 cum 1394.04
0.20 cum mixing charges @ Rs. 320.00 cum 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Total rate per cum Rs. 3572.30

16 Costof CM(1:5) prop including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc., complete.
0.288 cum Cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 1691.42
1.05 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 1327.66 cum 1394.04
0.20 cum mixing charges @ Rs. 320.00 cum 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Total rate per cum Rs. 3149.50

17 Costof CM(1:6) prop including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc., complete.
0.24 cum Cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 1409.52
1.05 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 1327.66 cum 1394.04
0.20 cum mixing charges @ Rs. 320.00 cum 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Total rate per cum Rs. 2867.60

18 Flush
pointing with CM(1:3) prop for stone/brick masonry including cost and conveyance of all
materials,labour charges and seign. chargesetc. complete.
0.03 cum cost of sand @ Rs. 1327.66 cum 39.83
0.5 nos. masons 2nd class @ Rs. 375.00 each 187.50
0.74 nos. man and woman mazdoor @ Rs. 320.00 each 236.80
0.0144 MT cost of cement @ Rs. 5873.00 MT 84.57
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 74.71
Total rate per 10 sqm 623.40

19 Plastering with CM(1:3) prop 20mm thick to brick wall including cost&coveyance of all
materials, lalbour charges,seign.charges etc.complete. (1:3)-20mm (1:5)-20mm
0.21 Cum Cost of CM(1:3) 4277.10 cum 898.19 661.40
0.94 Nos. Mason 2nd class 375.00 cum 352.50 352.5
1.60 Nos. Man Mazdoor 320.00 each 512.00 512.00
--- 0% 0.00 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 239.99 213.63
Total rate per 10 sqm 2002.70 1739.50

20 Impervous coat with Plastering in CM(1:3) prop 12mm thick including cost&coveyance of all
materials lalbour charges,seign.charges etc.complete for wearing coat. 12mm thick 20mm thick
0.15 cum Cost of CM(1:3) 4277.10 641.57 898.19
0.6 nos. mason 1st class @ 420.00 252.00 394.8
0.96 nos. man and woman mazdoor @ 320.00 307.20 512
1.50 Kg accoproof chemical @ 75.00 112.50 150
--- 0% 0.00 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 178.80 273.70
Total rate per 10 Sqm 1492.10 2228.70
21 Impervous coat with Plastering in CM(1:3) prop 12mm thick including cost&coveyance of all
materials lalbour charges,seign.charges etc.complete for wearing coat.above 3.0m height
Rate up to 3.0m heighr 1492.10
add lift charges 67.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 9.12
Total rate per 10 Sqm 1568.20

22 Flooringwith CM(1:3) prop 20 mm thick over bed of 100 mm thick,CC (1:4:8) prop
using 40mm HG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and seignorage
charges etc., complete.
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:4:8) prop. Rs. 4019.10 /1Cum 4019.10
10 sqm Cost of CM(1:3) 20mm thick Rs. 2002.70 /10sqmt 2002.70
Total rate per 10 sqm 6021.80

23 Plastering with 12mm thick with sponge finish first coat in CM(1:5) Prop 8mm
thick and second coat in CM(1:3) prop 4mm thick including cost and conveyance
of all materials and labour charges etc., complete
0.11 cum Cost of CM(1:5) Prop 8mm Rs. 3149.50 /1Cum 346.45
0.04 cum Cost of CM(1:3) Prop 4mm Rs. 4277.10 /1Cum 171.08
0.63 nos. Mason 1st class @ Rs. 420.00 /each 264.60
1.47 nos. Mason 2nd class @ Rs. 375.00 /each 551.25
3.9 nos. man and woman mazdoor @ Rs. 320.00 /each 1248.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 351.45
Total rate per 10 Sqm 2932.80

24 Plasteringwith 12mm thick with sponge finish first coat in CM(1:5) Prop 8mm
thick and second coat in CM(1:3) prop 4mm thick including cost and conveyance
of all materials and labour charges etc., complete above 3.0m height
Rate up to 3.0m height 2932.80
Lift charges 67.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 9.12

Total rate per 10 Sqm 3008.90

25 Painting to new wood work with one primary coat including
cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc. complete.
0.70 ltr wood primer Rs. 158.00 /1 ltr 110.60
0.70 nos. painters Rs. 420.00 each 294.00
Sundries including brushes, soap,
1% putty etc., 4.05
--- 0.00 0.00
Total rate per 10sqm 408.60

26 Painting to new wood work with synthetic enamel paint two coats over a primary coat including
cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges etc. complete.

1.00 10sqm cost of primary coat Rs. 408.60 /1 ltr 408.60

2.80 litres cost of paint Rs. 276.00 /1 ltr 772.80
1.20 nos. painters 1st class Rs. 480.00 each 576.00
Sundries including brushes, soap,
1% putty etc., 13.49
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 241.11
Total rate per 10sqm 2012.00

27 White washing with white cement two coats including cost and conveyance of all materials
and labour charges etc complete.
2.00 kg cost of white cement Rs. 29.00 /1kg 58.00
Gum, Conjee water or prickly pear juice including necessary firewood 0.58
0.21 nos. Painter 1st class @ Rs. 480.00 each 100.80
0.32 nos. man and woman mazdoor Rs. 320.00 each 102.40
Sundries including brushes, soap,
putty etc., 2.62
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 36.00
Total rate per 10sqm 300.40

28 Snowcem paint two coats including cost and conveyence

of all materials and labour charges etc.comp
3.5 kg Snowcem @ Rs. 53.00 per kg 185.5
0.5 nos Painter 1st class @ Rs. 480 per each 240
1.5 nos Mazdoor @ Rs. 320 per each 480
Sundries including brushes, etc., 9.055
--- 0 0
Overheads & cp 13.615% 124.51666325
Total Rs. 1039.10

29 Costof steel and its fabrication charges incl., bending, cost of binding wire etc., complete
as per standard specification steel Steel beams
1.05 MT Cost of steel 32000.00 33600.00 36750.00
6.00 Binding wire 70.00 kg 420.00
(b) Labour for cutting,
bending, shifting to site,
tying and placing in position
10.00 Blacksmith / Bar bender 420.00 day 4200.00 4200.00
10.00 Mazdoor (Unskilled) 320.00 day 3200.00 3200.00
--- 0% 0.00 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 5639.33 6011.02
Sundries on Material
Total Rs. 47059.30 50161.00

30 Plastering with CM (1:5) 12mm thick including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges etc.,
0.15 Cum Cost of CM(1:3) 3149.50 1 Cum 472.43
0.60 Nos. Mason 420.00 Each 252.00
0.96 Nos. Man Mazdoor 320.00 Each 307.20
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 76.14

Total 1107.80
Cement Mortar (1:3)

480.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 5873.00 1 Ton 2819.04

1.05 Cum Sand (including 5% wastage) 1327.66 1 Cum 1394.04
0.20 day mazdoor forMixing charges 320.00 1 day 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 582.32

Cement Mortar (1:4)

360.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 5873.00 1 Ton 2114.28

1.05 Cum Sand (including 5% wastage) 1327.66 1 Cum 1394.04
0.20 day Mazdoor (unskilled) 320.00 1 day 64.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 486.37
31 Plain Cement concrete (1:3:6) using 40 mm metal with concrete mixture.
220 kg Cement 5873.00 1 Tonne 1292.06
0.9 cum Coarse aggregate 40 mm 1340.45 1 Cum 1206.41
0.45 cum Fine aggregate (Sand) 1015.53 1 Cum 456.99
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 1 Kl 92.40

Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft

1 hour (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity 338.60 1 Hour 338.60
0.1 day Mason 1st class 420.00 1 day 42.00
1.39 day Mazdoor (unskilled) 320.00 1 day 444.80
Water Charges 1% 4.87
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 528.01
Total 4406.10

32 Supply and placing of the Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER /
MIXER with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, for M-30 grade
0.8 cum 20mm HBG graded metal 1860.45 1 cum 1488.36
0.4 cum Sand 1015.53 1 cum 406.21
400 Kgs Cement 5873.00 1 Kgs 2349.20
0.133 day 1st Class Mason 420.00 1 day 55.86
0.267 day 2nd Class Mason 375.00 1 day 100.13
4.6 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Wome 320.00 1 day 1472.00
Weigh Batcher hire
1.333 hour charges 556.80 1 hour 742.21
0 Liters Cost of Diesel for Miller 57.00 1 Liters 0.00
0 Liters Cost of Petrol for Vibrator 69.00 1 Liters 0.00
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 1 kl 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 913.07
Total 7619.40


0.8 cum 20mm HBG graded metal 1860.45 1 day 1488.36
0.4 cum Sand 1015.53 1 day 406.21
400.0 Kgs Cement 5873.00 1 day 2349.20
0.167 day 1st Class Mason 420.00 1 day 70.14
0.167 day 2nd Class Mason 375.00 1 day 62.63
5.6 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Wome 320.00 1 day 1792.00
Weigh Batcher hire
1.333 hour charges 556.80 1 day 742.21
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 1 day 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 953.48
0.8 cum 20mm HBG graded metal 1860.45 1 day 1488.36
0.4 cum Sand 1015.53 1 day 406.21
400.0 Kgs Cement 5873.00 1 day 2349.20
0.067 day 1st Class Mason 420.00 1 day 28.14
0.133 day 2nd Class Mason 375.00 1 day 49.88
3.077 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Wome 320.00 1 day 984.64
Weigh Batcher hire
0.308 hour charges 556.80 1 day 171.49
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 1 day 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 758.40

35 VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for floor slab for

1.00 Cum Cost of VCC (1:1.5:3) 7619.40 1 Sqm 7619.40

1.00 Cum Centering charges 750.00 1 Cum 750.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 102.11
Total 8471.50

36 VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,

centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for Haunch portion
1.00 Cum Cost of VCC (1:1.5:3) 7619.40 1 Sqm 7619.40
1.00 Cum Centering charges 750.00 1 Cum 750.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 102.11

Total 8471.50

37 VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for side wall of (Circular)
Sump 200 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
5.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 5575.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 759.04
Total 14290.60

300 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
3.33 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 3716.67
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 506.02

Total 12179.30

250 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
4.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 4460.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 607.23
Total 13023.80

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
38 centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for side wall of (Circular)
Sump-Flat 100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
10.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 11150.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1518.07
Total 20624.70

RCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material,
labour charges, centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication
charges for Sump top slab
150 mm thick Sump-Flat
1.50 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 6328.70 1 Cum 9493.05
6.67 Sqm Centering charges 389.00 1 Sqm 2593.33
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 353.08
Total 10sqmt 12439.50

125 mm thick Sump-Flat

1.25 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 6328.70 1 Cum 7910.88
8.00 Sqm Centering charges 389.00 1 Sqm 3112.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 423.70
Total 10sqmt 11446.60

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,

40 centeringetc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for side wall of (Circular)
GLBR Side Wall 100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
10.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 11150.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1518.07
Total 20624.70

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,

centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for top dome
GLBR-Doome 100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 6328.70 1 Cum 6328.70
1.00 cum Centering charges (as per bldg SS 6302.00 1 cum 6302.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 858.02
Total 13488.70

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,

centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for top ring beam of
Ring Beam
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 6328.70 1 Cum 6328.70
1.00 Cum Centering charges 3428.00 1 Cum 3428.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 466.72
Total 10223.40

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for side wall of (Circular)
GLBR-Flat 100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
10.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 11150.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1518.07
Total 20624.70

RCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material,
labour charges, centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication
charges for GLBR top slab
150 mm thick GLBR-Flat
1.50 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 6328.70 1 Cum 9493.05
6.67 Sqm Centering charges 389.00 1 Sqm 2593.33
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 353.08
Total 10sqmt 12439.50

Intake-Canal 150 mm thick- Side Wall Canal

1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
6.67 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 7433.33
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1012.05
Total 16402.00

125 Canal
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
8.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 8920.00
Delifting Charges(Over intial -4M) 41.00 1 Cum 41.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1220.04
Total 18137.60

Ph.Side Wall 100 mm thick Canal

1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
10.00 Sqm Centering charges 1115.00 1 Sqm 11150.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1518.07
Total 20624.70

41 RCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
centering etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for Columns

mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7956.60 1 Cum 7956.60
1.00 Cum Centering charges 2041.00 1 Cum 2041.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 277.88

Total 10275.50

Valve Chambers
Cement concrete (1:4:8)prop using 40 mm gauge HG metal including cost &conveyance of all materials and
labour charges ,seigniorage charges etc complete Hand Mixing
162.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 5873.00 1 MT 951.43
0.90 cum Intial rate of 40mm metal @ 1340.45 /cum 1206.41
0.45 cum Cost of Sand 1015.53 /cum 456.99
1.20 Kl Water 77.00 Kl 92.40
0.10 Kl Masons 1st class@ 420.00 /each 42.00
2.36 No Mazdoor 320.00 /each 755.20
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 477.13
Total Rs. 3981.50

Cement concrete (1:2:4)prop using 40 mm gauge HG metal including cost &conveyance of all materials and
labour charges ,seigniorage charges etc complete Hand Mixing
275.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 5873.00 1 MT 1615.08
0.90 cum Intial rate of 40mm metal @ 1340.45 /cum 1206.41
0.48 cum Cost of Sand 1015.53 /cum 487.45
1.20 Kl Water 77.00 Kl 92.40
0.10 Kl Masons 1st class@ 420.00 /each 42.00
2.36 No Mazdoor 320.00 /each 755.20
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 571.63
Total Rs. 4770.20
Chambers 100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7439.90 1 Cum 7439.90
10.00 Sqm Centering charges 876.00 1 Sqm 8760.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 1192.67

Total 17392.60

Chambers 200 mm thick

1.00 Cum Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) 7439.90 1 Cum 7439.90
5.00 Sqm Centering charges 876.00 1 Sqm 4380.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 596.34

Total 12416.20

VRCC (1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all material, labour charges,
47 centering
etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for slab of Chambers
100 mm thick
1.00 Cum Cost of VRCC (1:1.5:3) 6295.90 1 Sqm 6295.90
1.00 Cum Centering charges 389.00 1 Cum 389.00
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 52.96
Total 6737.90

Cement concrete(1:1.5:3) prop using 20mm gauge HG metal including cost and conveyance
of all materials and labour charges ,seign. charges etc.complete.per 10 Sq mt
0.9 cum 12mm HBG graded metal Rs. 1592.45 cum 1433.21
0.45 cum Sand for concrete Rs. 1015.53 cum 456.99
400 Kgs Cement Rs. 5873.00 Kgs 2349.20
0.133 day 1st Class Mason Rs. 420.00 day 55.86
0.267 day 2nd Class Mason Rs. 375.00 day 100.13
3.6 day Mazdoor (Both Men and Wome Rs. 320.00 day 1152.00
1 hour Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 Rs. 338.60 hour 338.60
0.133 Liters Cost of Diesel for Miller Rs. 57.00 Liters 7.58
0.667 Liters Cost of Petrol for Vibrator 69.00 Liters 46.02
1.2 kl Water (including for curing) 77.00 kl 92.40
--- 0% 0.00
Overheads & cp 13.615% 821.30
Total rate per cum 6853.30

CC Planks CC(1:1.5.3) panaling with 500 X500X 50mm size using 12 mm HBG
metal including cost of 14 heavy gauge welded mesh with spacing of 3" on both directions
including precasting, placing in position on inside slope of the bund and
pointing with CM(1:3) 20 mm thick including cost and conveyance of all materials and
all labour charges etc complete per 10sqmts finished item of work per 10 Sq mt

0.50 Cost of CC (1:1.5:3) using 12mm 6853.30 1cum 3426.7

5.20 cost of welded steel mesh(14 Heavy gauge with gap 252 kg 1310.40
10.00 labour for fixing of RCC slabs 89.30 Sqm 893.00
--- 0% 0.00
Add 14% Overheads & CP on mesh 13.615% 178.41

Angulars & I Beams

Drilling of 250 mm diameter Singel Under Reamed piles for a depth of 1.80
mt with RCC(1:1.5;3) using 20 mm size HBG Metal using re1quired quantity
of steel per 1 cum of concrete including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges etc complete but excluding cost of steel and fabrication
charges of steel per 1 No.

0.143 cum cost of RCC(1:1.5:3) 7127.30 1cum 1019.20

2.09 Man Mazdoor 320 1No 668.80
Overheads & cp @13.615% 91.06
Total 1779.10

Cost, Supply and fixing of hot dipped qalvanized iron chainlink mesh of
size 50 mm X50mm(8 guage) from approved source including cost and
conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc complete

1 Sq mt cost of chain link mesh 477 1 sq mt 477.00

Overheads & cp @13.615% 64.94
Total 541.90
Cement concrete(1:1.5:3) prop using 20mm gauge HG metal including cost and conveyance
of all materials and labour charges ,seign. charges etc.complete for fencing posts of
size 150mmX150mm at bottom and 100 mmX100 mm at top and length 2.40 mt per 1No.
0.039 cost of VRCC(1:1.5:3) 10103.00 1cum 394.02
0.10 No. Labour charges for fixing of 320.00 1No. 32.00
fencing posts
Add Overheads & cp @13.615% 4.36
Total 430.40

Drilling of 250 mm diameter Double Under Reamed piles for a depth of 3.50
mt with RCC(1:1.5;3) using 20 mm size HBG Metal using required quantity of
steel per 1 cum of concrete including cost and conveyance of all materials
and all labour charges etc complete but excluding cost of steel and fabrication
charges of steel per 1 No.

0.28 cum cost of RCC(1:1.5:3) 7127.30 1cum 1995.64

4.13 Man Mazdoor 320.00 1No 1321.60
Overheads & cp @13.615% 179.94
Total 3497.20

Asst. Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,

RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Visakhapatnam. Visakhapatnam.

Name of the Work: Providing MVS at Lalamkoduru and other 4 habitations in Rambili

1 No.of habitations :: 5
2 Population as per 2011census :: 2345
Base year of the scheme i.e completion of the scheme 2017
Growth of population proposed :: 1%
3 Population in the year of commissioning (2017) :: 2489
4 Prospective population (2027) :: 2750
5 Ultimate population ( 2037) :: 3037
6 Per capita clear water demand :: 70 LPCD
Pumping hours :: 12 hours
7 Per capita raw water demand :: 80 LPCD
8 Prospective clear water demand per day :: 192479 Litres
9 Prospective Raw water demand per day :: 219976 Litres
10 Prospective clear water demand :: 267 LPM
11 Prospective Raw water demand :: 306 LPM
12 Ultimate clear water demand per day :: 212616 Litres
13 Ultimate Raw water demand per day :: 242990 Litres
14 Ultimate clear water demand :: 295 LPM
15 Ultimate Raw water demand :: 337 LPM

16 Source ::

17 Intake well at Reservoir

considering 15 minutes storage capacity
Intake well ultimate demand with 80 LPCD :: 337 LPM
Required capacity of intakewell :: 5062 Litres
Required capacity of intakewell :: 5.06 Cum
1 no of intake well of 10.00 mts dia and 4.00 m depth below bed level proposed

18 GLBR on hillock ( Raw Water)

Population as per 2011 census 2345
Prospective Papulation 2750
Total prospective clear water demand :: 229 LPM
Required capacity of reservoir ( 30 min.) :: 6874 Litres
Provide 700 KL capacitiy GLBR

17 Rapid Sand Filters at Head works

Prospective demand per day :: 192479 lts
Capacity of filter 288719
0.29 MLD
Provide 17.00 MLD Rapid sand filters
18 Clear Water sump at Headworks
Clear water demand :: 267 LPM
Assume 2 1/2 hours capacity 150 min
Capacity of sump required :: 40100 Litres
Provide 1400 kl capacity Clear water Sump

19 OHBR at Headworks
\ Population as per 2011 census 2345
Prospective Papulation 2750
Total prospective clear water demand :: 200 LPM
Required capacity of reservoir ( 30 min.) :: 6015 Litres
Provide 300 KL capacitiy OHBR

Pump sets
19 From Collection well to RSF (Raw water at 80 lpcd)
Prospective population :: 2750
Prospective Raw water demand :: 306 LPM
Length of pipe line 0.50 Km
MWL @ RSF 505.00
FVL @ Collection well 485.00
Friction losses 0.00
Add:station losses 6.00
Head 26.00 mts.
H.P. required 2.94 HP
Provide 3 no 75 HP VT pump sets one being stand-by.

20 From HW Sump to HW OHBR

Prospective population :: 2750
Prospective clear water demand :: 200 LPM
Length of pipe line 48.43 Km
MWL @ OHBR 550.00
FVL @ Sump 480.00
Friction losses 0.10
Add:station losses 6.00
Head 76.10 mts.
H.P. required 6.78 HP
Provide 3 no 400 HP HSC pump sets one being stand-by.

Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 10.00 0.45 0.45 2.03 cum 231.59 cum 469
CC(1:4:8)using 40 mm HBG metal icluding Cost and
conveyance of the all materials etc complete.
1 10.00 0.45 0.1 0.45 cum 231.59 cum 104
RCC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 10.00 0.45 0.35 1.58 cum 4286.70 cum 6752

Cement plastering with CM(1:3),12mm thick

6 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc.
Cover slab top 1x4 0.45 0 0.00
Total 0.00 sqm 1524.80 10sqm 0

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.009 MT 56446.20 MT 508
Total 7833
For isolated works @ 50% extra 9791

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili


Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.06 cum 231.59 cum 14
CC(1:4:8)using 40 mm HBG metal icluding Cost and
conveyance of the all materials etc complete.
1 0.45 0.45 0.1 0.02 cum 231.59 cum 5
RCC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 0.45 0.45 1.85 0.37 cum 4286.70 cum 1606

Cement plastering with CM(1:3),12mm thick

6 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc.
Cover slab top 1x4 0.45 0 0.00
Total 0.00 sqm 1524.80 10sqm 0

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.009 MT 56446.20 MT 508
Total 2133
For isolated works @ 50% extra 2666

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili


Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.06 cum 231.59 cum 14
CC(1:4:8)using 40 mm HBG metal icluding Cost and
conveyance of the all materials etc complete.
1 0.45 0.45 0.1 0.02 cum 231.59 cum 5
RCC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 0.45 0.45 1.55 0.31 cum 4286.70 cum 1345

Cement plastering with CM(1:3),12mm thick

6 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc.
Cover slab top 1x4 0.45 0 0.00
Total 0.00 sqm 1524.80 10sqm 0

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.008 MT 56446.20 MT 452
Total 1816
For isolated works @ 50% extra 2270

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili


Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.06 cum 231.59 cum 14
CC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 0.45 0.45 1.10 0.22 cum 4286.70 cum 955

Cement plastering with CM(1:3),12mm thick

6 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc.
Cover slab top 1x4 0.45 0.8 1.44
Total 1.44 sqm 1524.80 10sqm 220

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.000 MT 56446.20 MT 0
Total 1189
For isolated works @ 50% extra 1486

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili


Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.06 cum 231.59 cum 14
CC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 0.45 0.45 0.90 0.18 cum 4286.70 cum 781

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.000 MT 56446.20 MT 0
Total 795
For isolated works @ 50% extra 994

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili


Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem GP in Anakapalli Mandal
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1 0.45 0.45 0.3 0.06 cum 231.59 cum 14
CC (1:2:4)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
2 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
1 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.12 cum 4286.70 cum 521

Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication

3 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.000 MT 56446.20 MT 0
Total 535
For isolated works @ 50% extra 669

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Mungapaka RWS&S, Yelamanchili

Name of the work: Providing individual Tap Connections including all charges etc

S.No Description of item Qty Rate

cost and supply of 20mm Taps 1.5 No 224.96 1 No

cost and supply of 20mm Elbows 2 No 30.00 1 No
cost and supply of 20mmX150mm Nipple 1 No 33.00 1 No
cost and supply of 20mm Union 1 No 49.00 1 No

cost and supply of 20mm Socket 1 No 22.00 1 No
cost and supply of CI tapes 1 No 231.77 1 No

10 For isolated works @ 50% extra

Total Amount

Assistant Engineer,
R.W.S&S, Munagapaka
ll charges etc










Name of the work: Providing individual Tap Connections including all charges etc

S.No Description of item Qty Rate

1 cost and supply of 15mm HDPE 16kg/Cm2 Pipe line etc

Complted 5 Rmt 23.00 1 No

cost and supply of 20mm Elbows 1 No 30.00 1 No
cost and supply of 20mmX150mm Nipple 1 No 33.00 1 No
cost and supply of 20mm Union 1 No 49.00 1 No

cost and supply of 20mm Socket 1 No 22.00 1 No
cost and supply of PVC tapes 1 No 30.00 1 No

10 For isolated works @ 50% extra

Total Amount

Assistant Engineer,
R.W.S&S, Munagapaka
ll charges etc










Pump set DESIGN
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000
Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem GP, in Anakapalli Mandal

GL at ELSR : 24.20
LWL of ELSR : 24.20
MWL of ELSR : 26.25
Prospective discharge 112 lpm
GL at Bore well + 68.00 m
Submersible Pump Set level Below GL 12.80 m
Residual Head 7.00 m
Maximum water level at ELSR 26.25
Friction loss in the pipe line (=1.1*L*[608*(Qinlpm)^1.81]/[d^4.81],
where L=pipe main lengh in Meters,d=internal diameter of pipe in
mm 4.93 m
Total Head 50.98 m

Capacity of Pumpset required 3.17 HP

or say 5.00 HP
Provide 5HP Submersible Pumpset-1 Nos with : Discharge
with 50.98mts head and112lpmdischarge
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-
(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at Maredupudi Village in Anakapalli Mandal

Est.Cost Rs #REF!
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount

Cost, supply , fixing ,laying and jointing of

19.05 mm dia GI pipe B class in suitable
4 trench including cost and conveyanceof all
materials and all labour charges etc
complete. ,RVP of 1869/A MB
a) 20 mm GI pipe 2.00 Rmt 224.96 Rmt 450
b) 20 mm GI union 1.00 No 61.35 No 61
c) 12 mm np bib tap indian make 300 grams 1.00 No 100.00 No 100
d) Saddle piece 1.00 No 150.00 No 150
e) Shellock bottles 1.00 No 10.00 No 10
f) Teflon tapes 1.00 No 35.00 No 35

Total 806

Assistant Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division,
Munagapaka Yelamanchili.

D A T A S ( SSR -2018-19)
Name of work :
S.No Qty. Description Rate per Amount
Repairs and Renewals
1 Earth work excavation & depositing on bank with an intial lead and lift in loamy &
clayey soils like red earth, BC soils and ordinary gravelly soils as per SS 20 B
1 cum Initial cost 3.64 400.0 145.60
Total rate for 1 cum 145.60

2 Lowering, laying , jointing & testing to Hydraulic field test pressure

including cost of water with minimum water lead ( labour charges only)
for PVC pipes excluding the cost of jointing materials
140mm 110mm 90mm 75mm 63mm
1 Rm Rate as per SSR 10.22 8.03 6.57 5.48 4.60
Rate for 1 Rmt 10.22 8.03 6.57 5.48 4.60

3 Lowering, laying , jointing & testing to Hydraulic field test pressure including cost of water with
minimum water lead ( labour charges only) for HDPE pipes excluding the cost of jointing materials
for mm outer dia of pipe 140mm 125mm 110mm 90mm 75mm 63mm
Rm Rate as per SSR 64.00 61.00 50.00 44.00 39.00 35.00
Rate for 1 Rmt 64.00 61.00 50.00 44.00 39.00 35.00

4 Cost and Supply of PVC & HDPE & GRP pipe

63mm -4kg 56.00 140mm - 6kg/sqcm 477.00 350 mm 2581
75mm -4kg 81.00 125mm - 6kg/sqcm 380.00
90mm -4kg 112.00 110mm - 6kg/sqcm 298.00
110mm -4kg 162.00 90mm - 6kg/sqcm 197.00
110mm -6kg 231.00 75mm - 6kg/sqcm 140.00
125mm -6kg 295.00 63mm - 6kg/sqcm 99.00
140mm -6kg 380.00

Providing Pit for inter Connection in existing HDPE pipe line including
earth work excavation 0.70X1.00mts removing and uprooting
HDPE Pipe line, Cutting HDPE pipe, Jointing pipes and
relaying PVC pipes Jointing pipes true to alignment and
gradient and testing the pipe line and labour charges but
excluding cost of materials
0.70 Cum Earth work excavation (L-1rm,D-1.00rm,B-0.70rm ) 145.60 1 cum 101.92
Add 75 % extra for pipe line trenches d < 1.50w 76.44
1.00 Rmt Removing of pipes( 50% laying & jointing) 2.74 1Rmt 2.74
1.00 Rmt Lowering , laying & jointing of PVC pipes 35.00 1Rmt 35.00
1 No Labour charges for dewatering the trench 400 1No 400.00
1.00 Rmt Cost of PVC Saddle 100.00 1Rmt 100.00
0.005 Ltr. PVC solvent @ 1 ltr. Per 200 Rmt 227.00 1 ltr. 1.14

Name of the work: Restoration of defunct pws scheme at 1st Bore Via Pudimadaka to
S.No Description of item Quantity Rate Per Amount

Removing of 5h.p submerssible pump set including

1 chain pully , tripad and other accessories including all
materials and all labour charges etc

5.0HP, 10 stages 3 phase 5 HP 1 job 900.00 1job 900

Cost and supply of 50 mm GI Medium Class Pipe line

ISI make as per SSR 12 Rmt 436.00 1Rmt 5232

Rewinding of 5h.p submerssible pump set including

3 chain pully , tripad and other accessories including all 1 Job 3500.00 1 Rmt 3500
Supply andand all labour charges
transportation etc- on - line LTLK/
of direct
SIEMENS/ Crompton make starters fitted in sheet
metal box size of 265 X 295 X 110 mm suitable
enclousure for SINGLE phase motors upto 5 HP at
4 1 No 8000.00 1 No 8000
415 V 50 Hz fitted with all equiments with suitable ISI
mark LTLK by Crompton Make capacitor and single
phase preventor with Legrand make ISI mark MCB
of 175mm asdiaperBore
cover SSR 1 No 300.00 1No 300
Supplying of 3 core 2.5 mm flat copper cable of ISI
for submersible motors of makes Finolex / polycab /
gold medal / Million / payal / sunlight / Power Flex /
25 Rmt 80.00 1 Rmt 2000
Fortune Art.

Refixing of 5h.p submerssible pump set including

6 chain pully , tripad and other accessories including all 1 job 2000.00 1job 2000
materials and all labour charges etc

Total 21932

Assistant Engineer,
R.W.S&S, Munagapaka
Pump House of size 3.0 4.0 mts


5.06 Top slab thickness 0.100 0.10

Top beam depth 0.23

Top beam breadth 0.23
No of coulmns 4
1.2 Column breadth 0.23
3.6 0.9 Column depth 0.23
windows 2

Pump house of size 3.0 4.0 Mts at Village

Concrete Mix : M 15
Steel : Fe 415
Note : I. All dimensions are in Mts
II.Reinforcement detailing shall be accordance with IS-SP 34

Detailed cum abstract Estimate

Name of the sub work: Construction of Pump house of size 3.0 4.0 Mts at Village

Est.Cost Rs 2.35 Lakhs
Description Dimensions Quantity Rate Amount
Sl No. No. L B D
Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
1 other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material as per Technical Specification 305

All round 14.9 0.6 0.75 6.71

Ext-columns 4 1.2 1.2 1.20 6.9
Steps 1 1.5 1.2 0.60 1.1
Deduction 4 0.6 1.2 0.75 2.2
Total 12.55 132.30 1660
Filling the Foundation with sand including
2 cost,conveyance ,watering and ramming etc
c-footings 4 1.2 1.2 0.30 1.7
All round 14.9 0.6 0.15 1.3
Deductions 4 0.6 1.2 0.15 0.4
Total 2.64 918.80 2425
CC(1:4:8)using 40 mm HBG metal icluding
3 Cost and conveyance of the all materials etc
footings 4 1.2 1.2 0.30 1.7
All round 14.9 0.6 0.15 1.3
Steps 1 1.5 1.2 0.30 0.5
Deductions 4 1.2 1.2 0.30 -1.7
Total 1.9 4019.10 7567
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
including cost and conveyance of all the
materials,but excluding the cost of the steel
etc complete for Columns footing
footings 4 1.2 1.2 0.20 1.2
C-Raft 4 0.75 0.75 0.40 1.1
Total 2.2 7979.40 17810
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
including cost and conveyance of all the
materials,but excluding the cost of the steel
etc complete for Columns
4 0.23 0.23 3.37 0.7 9758.80 6959
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
including cost and conveyance of all the
materials,but excluding the cost of the steel
etc complete for Beams
Short beams 2 3.23 0.23 0.23 0.3
Long beams 2 4.23 0.23 0.23 0.4
Total 0.8 10190.60 8043
CR Masonry with CM(1:6) using rough stone
7 (HBG) including cost and conveyance of all
the materials etc complete
1st footing 15 0.6 0.6 5.37
2nd footings 15 0.3 0.6 2.69
Steps 1st 1 1.5 1.2 0.30 0.54
Step 2 nd
1 1.2 0.9 0.30 0.32
Total 8.9 3728.60 33262
VCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
8 including cost and conveyance of all the
materials etc complete for Bed Blocks
Over door 1 0.3 0.23 0.10 0.01
Over windows 2 0.3 0.23 0.10 0.01
Total 0.02 10103.00 209
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
including cost and conveyance of all the
materials,but excluding the cost of the steel
etc complete for Lintel Beams
Over door 1 1.5 0.23 0.10 0.03
Over windows 2 1.35 0.23 0.10 0.06
Total 0.10 10103.00 976
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal for
10 Sun Shades of Size 75 mm thick at one end
50mm other end and 600mm
width ,including cost1and conveyance
Over door 1.5 of all
0.6 0.0625 0.06
window excluding
2 the
1.35cost 0.6
of the 0.0625 0.10
steel etc complete Total 0.16 7905.70 1245
VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal
including cost and conveyance of all the
11 materials,but excluding the cost of the steel
etc complete for Roof Slab with100 mm
1 4.06 5.06 20.5436 10715.50 22013
Brick Masonary with CM(1:6) using Second
12 Class Bricks including cost and conveyance of
all the materials etc complete
All round 14.92 0.23 3.37 11.56
Windows 2 0.9 1.20 0.23 0.5
Doors 1 1.05 2.00 0.23 0.48
Bed blocks 3 0.23 0.30 0.23 0.05
Lintels 3 1.95 0.10 0.23 0.13
Ventilators 4 0.23 0.90 0.3 0.25
Total 10.15 5226.30 53047
Flush Pointing with CM(1:3) including cost
13 and conveyance of all the materials etc
Allround Basement 16.12 0.60 9.67 623.40 603
Cement plastering with CM(1:5),12mm
14 thick including cost and conveyance of all the
materials ect complete.
Out side all round 15.84 3.60 57.02
In side all round 14.00 3.60 50.40
Ceiling 3.00 4.00 12.00
Doors 1 1.05 2.00 2.10
Windows 2 0.90 1.20 1.08
Ventilators 4 0.30 0.90 0.27
Total 115.97 1107.80 12848
Accoproof plastering with CM(1:3),12mm

15 thick including cost and conveyance of all the

materials ect complete.

1 5.06 4.06 20.54 1492.10 3066
Flooring with CC(1:4:8) using 40mm HBG
metal for 100mm thick and Top plastering
with CM(1:3) ,20mm thick including cost and
conveyance of all the materials ect complete.
1 3.00 4.00 12.00 6021.80 7227
Synthatic Enamel painting over primary coat
and Enamel painting in two caots including
csot and conveyance of all the materials ect
Doors 1 2.25 1.05 2 4.73
Windows 2 2.75 0.90 1 5.94
Total 10.67 2012.00 2146
Painting With White Cement two coats

19 including cost and conveyance of all the

materials ect complete.

Inside and Ceiling 65.85 300.40 1979
Snowcem painting including cost and
conveyance of all the materials ect complete.
Out Side 53.57 1039.10 5567
Supply and fixing of the Sal Wood Door of
Size 1.05 X 2.00m With angular frame CR
21 Sheet including fixtures , fasteners including
csot and conveyance of the all the materials ,
labour charges ect complete.
1 4000.00 4000
Supply and fixing of the Sal Wood Windows
of Size 0.9 X 1.20m With angular frame CR
22 Sheet including fixtures , fasteners including
csot and conveyance of the all the materials ,
labour charges ect complete.
4 2000.00 8000
Supply and fixing of the Ready made
Ventilaters of Size 0.9x0.23including csot and
conveyance of the all the materials , labour
charges ect complete.
4 300.00 1200
Supply and placing of the HYSD bars,

24 fabrication including cost and conveyance of

all the materials etc complete. 0.40 47059.30 18824

25 Unforeseen items 14324

Total रु 235,000

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
Unforcen Items
SUB ESTIMATE (Bore well)
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000
Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem Village in Anakapalli Mandal

Name of the sub work:-Providing Scheme source (165mm Dia GTH Rig )

Sl. No. Description of items Nos. Length Qty. Rate in Rs. Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Drilling of Bore well by the down the hole hammer drilling finished dia of
150/175 mm in all formations suitable for down the hole hammer drilling such
as medium hard rock formation, all consolidated formations etc and reaming
the bore to sub insertion of 180 mm UPVC casing pipe etc. confirming to IS
specifications of 6 Kg/ cm2 including insertion of UPVC casing pipe with
couplings sand any other relevent materials upto required depth as directed
by the department, transportation of drilling rigs and supporting vehicle and
including bore development and flushing bore at an average pressure of 150
PSI and conducting the yield test and crew charges required in fixation of
pipe assembly completely done to the satisfaction of the department as
stipulated in the technical specifications but excluding cost of casing pipe,
couplings ,cap etc as per IS 2800 part 1 & 2 1979 and amendements time to

d Depth of drilling( 165 mmdia) 1x1 89.8 Rmt 520.00 Rmt 46696.00
2 Supply and utilisation of 180 mm dia UPVC casing pipe of class 3( 6 kg/cm2)
for bore wells for potable water supply confirming to IS 4985/1988 as
amended from time to time including revisions if any and confirming to
technical conditions and specifications.

180 mm dia UPVC casing pipe 1 91 Rmt 635.00 Rmt 57785.00

Supply and utilisation of 180 mm dia UPVC casing pipe of class 3( 6 kg/cm2)
for bore wells for potable water supply confirming to IS 4985/1988 as
amended from time to time including revisions if any and confirming to
technical conditions and specifications.
250 mm dia UPVC casing pipe 1 6 Rmt 1275.00 Rmt 7650.00
Provision for slotting charges
3 1 36.00 Rmt 250.00 Rmt 9000.00

4 Provision for end cap

1 1 395.00 No 395.00

5 Provision for yield test charges 7500.00

6 Geologist charges 1 5000.00 Job 5000.00
CC ( 1:2:4) using 20mm gauge HG metal including cost and conveyance of
7 all materials and labour charges ,seign. charges etc.complete. for pedestal

Platform alround the Borewell with CC (1:4:8) of

8 size 3 x 1.5 x 0.15 0.68 Cum 3336.50 Cum 2252

Plastering with CM (1:5) 12mm th. For BW

9 platform 4.50 sqm 1225.00 10Sqm 551

Provision for GST @12% 7852

Total Rs. 144681

Assistant Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S Munagapaka. RWS Yelamanchilli

Name of the work:Provision for protection chamber alround the BW with anti corrosion paint including all charges etc compl

Supply and fixing of MS ompound protection chamber of size 1X1X1 mts with frame made of Mild steel hot drilled flat section
1 of 25mmX25mmX3.06mm thick with fixtures of 6nos of 9"hold fasts,00mm long MS aldrop -1no,125mm long MS Butt hinges
4nos,door stoppers-1No,150mm long Tower bolts-1No MS,200mm long Tower bolts-1no

protection chamber Size 1.5X1.5X1.2 mts L Wt Per Rmt

Cost & Supply of 25mm X 25mm dia MS
a hollow Sections
Cost & Supply of 32mm X 25mm thickness
Channel sections 12.8 1.5/kg 19.2
Cost & Supply of 25mm thickness hot
rolled flat bars 36.4 1.5/kg 54.6
Cost & Supply of 25mm X 25mm dia MS
hollow Sections verticle 7.5 1.5/kg 11.25
85.05 61 1Kg 5188

b Labour charges for fabricating steel works like Window Grills, Compound Wall Grills, Iron Doors,
Windows including cost of welding rods, power charges, excluding cost of fixing in position kg 24.00
Labour charges for fixing Iron Doors, Iron Windows and Window Grills in position kg 4
Total Rate per Kg 28.00
Supply & fixing of fabrication charges including cost &conveyance of all materials
c and labour charges etc completed 85.05 28.00 1Kg 2381

d Labour charges(BMM-V-40) 1 0.75 0.8 0.6 1018 1sq m 611

Butt hinges 125mm long MS 6 Nos 33 each 198
Door stoppers MS 6 Nos 49 each 294
125mm MS Handle 2 Nos 33 each 66
Total 8738
Painting to MS steel channel sections
for door with new work with Anti
corrosive bitumen paint grade 1
2 Indocem or equivalent on red oxide
paint single coat over a primary coat
including cost and conveyance of all
materials and labour charges etc.
complete. 10 Sqm 2100.64 10 sqm 2101
D+2 10839
ADD VAT 5% 0
3 Total amount 10839

Assistant Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S Munagapaka. RWS Yelamanchilli
ding all charges etc completed

Clause BMTF-04 as per 2015-16 ssr

Clause BMMV-14 as per 2015-16 ssr
Clause BMMV-15 as per 2015-16 ssr
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem
Village in Anakapalli Mandal

Name of the Sub Work : Construction of Pump house to PWS Scheme

Estimate Cost Rs. 69000
Sl No Description No L B D Qty Rate Per Amount
1) Earth Work excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10 m and
2 m lift in loamy clayey soils including all labour charges.RVP of 625/A

For foundation 1 6.34 0.75 1.05 4.99

For steps 1 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.22
5.21 cum 231.59 cum 1207
2) Refilling foundations with sand including watering and ramming charges etc
complete.RVP of 625/A MB
For sand filling in foundations ( cushion) 1 6.34 0.75 0.15 0.71
For Basement filling 1 1.24 0.79 0.58 0.57
1.28 cum 928.80 cum 1189
3) CC(1:4:8) mix using 40mm HG metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials and all labour charges etc complete.RVP of 625/A MB

For foundation 1 6.34 0.75 0.30 1.43

For steps 1 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.22
1.65 cum 3561.10 cum 5876
4) CR stone masonry in CM(1:6) using HG stone including c/c of all materials
and all labour charges etc complete.RVP of 625/A MB
Up to GL for Basement 1 6.34 0.60 0.60 2.28
For steps 1 1.20 1.20 0.15 0.22
2.5 cum 3600.00 cum 9000

5) Construction of super stucture with brick masonary in (1:6) using 2nd class
bricks including cost and conveyance charges,RVP of 625/A MB
For Super structure 1 6.34 0.23 1.90 2.77
Deduct Door -1 1.00 0.23 1.80 -0.41
Step-1 1 1.00 1.20 0.15 0.18
Step-2 1 1.00 0.90 0.15 0.14
Step-3 1 1.00 0.60 0.15 0.09
Step-4 1 1.00 0.30 0.15 0.05
Inaguration Stone 1 0.75 0.23 1.80 0.31
Inaguration Stone 0.5 2.50 0.23 0.15 0.04
3.17 cum 5997.60 cum 19012
6) VRCC(1:1.5:3) using 20 mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all
the materials,but excluding the cost of the steel etc complete

a) Plingth beam,RVP of 625/A MB 1 6.34 0.23 0.10 0.15 cum 10486.90 1573
b) Roof Slab 100mm thk.,RVP of 625/A MB 1 2.25 2.55 0.15 0.86 cum 9706.20 8347

7) Acco proof Plastering with CM (1:3) 12mm thick including cost and
conveyance of all material, labour charges etc., complete,RVP of 625/A
a) MB
Top Slab 1 2.25 2.55 5.74

b) Alround slab projection 1 9.00 0.15 1.35

7.09 sqm 1600.00 10sqm 1134
8) Flooring with CC(1:4:8) using 40mm HBG metal for 100mm thick and Top plastering
with CM(1:3) ,20mm thick including cost and conveyance of all the materials ect
complete.RVP of 625/A MB
In room 1 1.35 1.65 2.23 sqm 4985.80 10sqm 1112
9) Plastering in CM(1:5) mix 12mm thick including c/c of all materials and all
labour charges etc complete.RVP of 625/A MB
Inside walls 1 6.00 1.80 10.80
Out side walls 1 7.24 1.80 13.03
Deduct Door -1 1.00 1.80 -1.80
Add for step 1 1.00 1.20 1.20
23.23 sqm 1402.60 10sqm 3258
10) Emulsion paint two coats over a primary coat of white cement including cost
and conveyance charges etc complete.RVP of 625/A MB
23.23 sqm 2062.90 10sqm 4792

11) Cost ,supply of steel FE 415 including fabrication charges and labour charges
etc. Complete,RVP of 625/A MB
1x1 100 kgs 56446.20 MT 5645

12) Cost supply and fixing of Door with steel sheet as per IS standards framed
with mild steel flat of 20 mm width 5 mm thick alround the sheet attached to 25
mm angular and centre and necessary accessories and all labour charges etc.

RVP of 625/A MB 1x1 1 No 3440.70 No 3441

13) Painting to MS steel sheets for door with new work with Anti corrosive bitumen
paint grade 1 Indocem or equivalent on red oxide paint single coat over a
primary coat including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour
charges etc. complete.

For Door both sides,RVP of 625/A MB 1X 2 1.00 1.5 3.00 sqm 2674.00 10sqm 802
14) Cost ,supply and fixing of Granite Stone etc complted,RVP of 625/A MB

0.6 1.5 0.9 Sqm 2262.00 Sqm 2036

14) Cost ,supply and fixing of cement jali of 40 mm thick 0.30 m X 0.30 m
including conveyance and labour charges etc. complete ,RVP of 625/A

1 0.3 0.3 0.09 Sqm 281.80 Sqm 25

15) Unforseen items if any LS
Total Rs 69000

Asst. Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,

RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Munagapaka. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.

Pumpset sub estimate
Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000
Liters tank) at Akkireddipalem Village in Anakapalli Mandal
Name of the sub work : Provision for 5.00 HP Submersible Pump sets at source including all

S.No Description of item Quantity Rate Per Amount

1 Supply, and Transportation of 5.00 HP - 12 stages
Three phase ISI submersible motor pumpset suitable
for Bore well to suit discharge of 67.5 LPM Head -
86.13 mtrs. Make Kirloskar /Crompton/ CRI/L&T /
Texmo / Varsha including stand bye
Pump set S.L.No. 1056/ELEC-
5.4.16 5 HP 1.00 Nos 35625 No 35625.00
2 Supply and erecting GI medium
'B' class ISI marked pipe of 50
mm dia suitable for all 61.00 mt 495.36 mt 30216.96

3 Cost and supply of 50 mm GI

Union ISI make as per SSR
1.00 Nos 145.43 No 145.43
4 Cost and supply of 50 mm GM
Non return valve item SSR
1.00 Nos 2894.91 No 2894.91
5 Cost and supply of 50 mm GM
Gate valve as per item SSR
1.00 Nos 3584.55 No 3584.55
6 Supplying of 3 core4 mm flat copper cable of ISI for
submersible motors of makes Finolex / polycab / gold
medal / Million / payal / sunlight / Power Flex / 70.00 mt 142.92 mt 10004.40
7 Fortune Art.
Cost of 175mm dia Bore cover 0.00 Nos 0.00 No 0.00
8 M.S. Clamp set with Nuts, 5/8"bolts 4"long & 1.00 set 1225.00 set 1225.00
9 washersQ
25 mm HDPE vp 35 of Mb
pipe No 713/A
to insert cable from bore to panel 0.00 mt 38.20 mt 0.00
10 board Q vp 35 of Mb No 713/A
Supply of 6-32 A TPN / FP/ MCB
ISI mark of Make Legrand / L &
T / GE / SIEMENS/ Amps 1.00 Nos 1363.38 No 1363.38
11 Supplying and erecting porcelain Amps
base fuse unit of approved make
230V, required

Million / Payal / Sunlight / Power Flex / Fortune 3.00 Nos 113.62 No 340.86
12 Art.7/16 Aluminium wire for service line connections 90.00 mt 31.81 mt 2862.90
13 Supply and transportation of direct - on - line LTLK/ 1.00 No 8000.00 No 8000.00
Supply andCrompton make starters
fixing 1200mm x 750mm fitted in sheet
x12mm thick AC 1.00 No 1150.00 No 1150.00
15 sheet fixed on iron angular
25 mm GI Service pipe set frame of 25 x 25 x 4 mm
including bend
0.00 No 150.00 No 0.00
16 Cost of Shellock bottles 2.00 No 10.00 No 20.00
17 Cost of Cable joint kit 1.00 Job 325.00 Job 325.00
18 Cost of Teflon tapes 2.00 No 35.00 No 70.00
19 Cost of Insulation tapes 2.00 No 10.00 No 20.00
20 Erection of submerssible
pumpset including commissiong,
testing and trial run

1.00 Job 2000.00 Job 2000.00

21 Unforseen items if any during
Total 99848.39
71LPM 24 LPM
Head - Head -
80.11 97.04
mtrs. mtrs.


Data Sheet for Fixing Sluice valves on HDPE Mains
PN-1.0 CED 12.360% VAT 5% GVMC Allowence CI 73.00 Common SSR 15-16

Discription of Item/ Dia of valve 50mm Dia 80mm dia 100mm dia 125mm dia 150mm dia 200mm dia 250mm dia 300mm dia
Dia of Pipeline 63mm line 63mm line 75mm line 90mm line 110mm line 125mm line 140mm line 160mm line 180mm line 200mm line 225mm line 250mm line 280mm line 315mm line

0.90x0.75x1.0 0.90x0.75x1.0 0.90x0.75x1.0 0.90x0.90x1.4 0.90x0.90x1.4 0.90x0.90x1.40 0.90x0.90x1.4 0.90x0.90x1.4 0.90x0.90x1.40 0.90x0.90x1.4 1.05x1.20x1.70 1.05x1.20x1. 1.05x1.20x1.70
Size of Chamber 0.90x0.75x1.05m
5m 5m 5m 0m 0m m 0m 0m m 0m m 70m m

1 Cost of CI sluice valves PN 1.0 6527.00 10500.00 10500.00 10500.00 10800.00 6364.00 7631.00 7631.00 7631.00 11849.00 11849.00 17007.00 17007.00 26207.00

CED @ 12.36% 806.74 1297.80 1297.80 1297.80 1334.88 786.59 943.19 943.19 943.19 1464.54 1464.54 2102.07 2102.07 3239.19
2 Transportation charges (5% of basic 326.35 525.00 525.00 525.00 540.00 636.40 763.10 763.10 763.10 1184.90 1184.90 1700.70 1700.70 2620.70
3 Cost of 0.6m D/F pipes 2nos 2814.88 2814.88 2814.88 2814.88 3451.44 4447.16 5600.56 5600.56 5600.56 7980.36 7980.36 10669.68 10669.68 13615.96

4 Cost of HDPE Tail pieces 2 nos 156.00 156.00 186.00 242.00 334.00 600.00 606.00 844.00 1198.00 1542.00 1768.00 2070.00 2314.00 2668.00

5 Cost of MS flanges 2nos 280.00 280.00 352.00 378.00 400.00 548.00 594.00 780.00 1100.00 1426.00 1782.00 2104.00 2388.00 2810.00

6 Jointing materials such as bolts nuts 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 5185.10 5185.10 5484.60
and rubber vouchers for main line
jointing 5nos
7 Labour charges for 5 nos flanged 631.60 631.60 631.60 631.60 1066.40 1105.60 1732.55 1732.55 1732.55 1901.05 1901.05 2786.25 2786.25 2916.75
8 Lowering charges for Sluice valve 55.33 55.33 55.33 55.33 73.48 96.36 124.53 124.53 124.53 205.45 205.45 291.97 291.97 415.68

GVMC Allowence 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Cost of RCC valve chamber 11716.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00 13341.00

10 Add: contractors profit 13.615% 1681.17 2315.99 2329.88 2341.05 2552.84 2087.74 2552.12 2609.85 2701.61 3853.49 3932.73 5979.27 6051.16 8165.99
VAT(Turn over)@5% 701.45 966.33 972.12 976.78 1065.15 871.09 1064.85 1088.94 1127.23 1607.84 1640.90 2494.80 2524.80 3407.19
Grand total 26447.00 33634.00 33756.00 33853.00 35709.00 31634.00 35703.00 36209.00 37013.00 47106.00 47800.00 65732.00 66362.00 84892.00

Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Assistant Exe Engineer,

RWS&S,Visakhapatnam RWS&S, Yelamanchili RWS&S,Mungapaka

Name of the work :- Providing SVS to Narayadudupalem H/O Patipalli in Mungapaka Mandal of Visakhapatnam
Input data
Side wall height 1.30
Isolated Works 25% Valve Chamber dia 0.90

Top slab 0.10

GL 0.10 0.23

Side wall height 1.30

Side wall thickness 0.10 0.90

Bottom slab thicknes 0.10

CC(1:4:8) 0.15

1.25 Sand filling 0.10

Valve Chamber for pipe dia of <150 mm

Est.Cost Rs 11716
S.No Description Quantity Rate Per Amount
Earth work excavation in all type of soils with intial
1 lead and lift in loamy and clayey soils like BC soils ,red
earth ordinary soils as per SS 20 B for foundations.etc
1xp/4 1.25 1.25 1.55 1.90 cum 144.75 cum 275
Filling the Foundation with sand including
cost,conveyance ,watering and ramming etc complete.
1xp/4 1.25 1.25 0.10 0.12 cum 874.20 cum 105
CC(1:4:8)using 40 mm HBG metal icluding Cost and
conveyance of the all materials etc complete.
1xp/4 1.25 1.25 0.15 0.18 cum 3706.35 cum 667
RCC (1:1.5:3)using 20 mm HBG chips including cost and
4 conveyance of all the materials,but excluding the cost of
the steel etc complete for Side Wall
p 1.00 0.10 1.30 0.41 cum 7787.44 cum 3193

RCC (1:1.5:3) mix using 20 mm HBG chips including

5 cost and conveyance of all the materials,but excluding

the cost of the steel etc complete for Top Slab

Slab 1.25 1.25 0.10 0.123
Slab 1xp/4 1.25 1.25 0.10 0.123
Manhole 1xp/4 0.23 0.23 0.10 0.004
Total 0.241 cum 7787.44 cum 1880
Cement plastering with CM(1:3),12mm thick
6 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc.
Side wall inside p 0.90 1.30 3.68
Bottom 1xp/4 0.90 0.90 0.64
Cover slab top 1xp/4 1.25 1.25 1.23
Deduction 1xp/4 0.23 0.23 0.04
Total 5.50 sqm 1327.30 10sqm 730
Supply and placing of the HYSD bars, fabrication
7 including cost and conveyance of all the materials etc
complete. 0.058 MT 43503.20 MT 2523
Total 9373
For isolated works @ 50% extra 11716

Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer,
RWS&S, Visakhapatnam RWS&S, Yelamanchili
SUB ESTIMATE (Bore well)

Name of the sub work:- Providing Bore well near Akkireddipalem GP

Rate in
Sl. No. Description of items Nos. Length Qty. Per Amount
1 Drilling of Bore well by the down the hole hammer drilling finished
dia of 150/175 mm in all formations suitable for down the hole
hammer drilling such as medium hard rock formation, all
consolidated formations etc and reaming the bore to sub insertion
of 180 mm UPVC casing pipe etc. confirming to IS specifications of
6 Kg/ cm2 including insertion of UPVC casing pipe with couplings
sand any other relevent materials upto required depth as directed
by the department, transportation of drilling rigs and supporting
vehicle and including bore development and flushing bore at an
average pressure of 150 PSI and conducting the yield test and
crew charges required in fixation of pipe assembly completely
done to the satisfaction of the department as stipulated in the
technical specifications but excluding cost of casing pipe, couplings
,cap etc as per IS 2800 part 1 & 2 1979 and amendements time to

Depth of drilling( 175 mmdia) 1x1 90.00 Rmt 355.00 Rmt 31950.00
2 Supply and utilisation of 180 mm dia UPVC casing pipe of class 3( 6
a kg/cm2) for bore wells for potable water supply confirming to IS
250 mm dia UPVC casing pipe
1 9.00 Rmt 1425.85 Rmt 12833.00

b 180 mm dia UPVC casing pipe 1 90.00 Rmt 712.36 Rmt 64112.00
Provision for slotting charges
3 1 61.00 Rmt 210.00 Rmt 12810.00

4 Provision for end cap 1 1 250.00 No 250.00

5 Provision for yield test charges 7500.00
6 CC ( 1:2:4) using 20mm gauge HG metal including cost and
conveyance of all the
Platform alround materials and labour charges ,seign. charges
with CC (1:2:4) of size 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.00 Cum 6000.00 Cum 6000.00

Add contractor profit @13.615%
7 18442.20

Provision for unfoseen items if

8 6103.00
Total Rs. 160000

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
Input data
OHSR yes
OHSR Capacity 90000
Staging 20 12.75,9.60
Valv Ch 0.90 14484
Vlav Ch1.05 14954
Valv Ch1.20 22486
Valves 50% ad no
Basic rate 28.043
Cement rate 5873.00
Steel rate 32000.00
PH SSR Cem ra 6400.00
PH SSR steel r 42000.00

90000 Lts Capacity OHSR


M.W.L 22.85 Free board 0.15

L.W.L 20.000 Dead storge 0.15

G.L 0.00

Inlet pipe Outlet pipe Scour pipe Over flow

Rec.dia 100 125 80 100

2 Mt pipe 11 10 9 11
0.90 Mt pipe 0 0 1 0
0.60 Mt pip 2 1 2 2
Duck foot bend 1 1 1 1
Tail Piece 1 0 0 1
Bell mouth 1 0 1 1
90o D/f bend 1 0 0 1
Sluice valve 1 1 1 0
Semicircular Ben 0 0 1 0
CI Sp.Cost 56482 61500 39569 56482 214032
Sluice valves Co 12368 15843 11025 0 39236

Wind Velocity 250 KMPH Velocity 69.44 Pressure 289.31

Construction of 90000 Lts capacity OHSR with 20.00 Mts staging

Est.Cost Rs 2948585
Construction of 90000 Lts Capacity OHSR with 20 m staging with raft foundation
plastering with CM(1:3) 2 coats of Weather proof emulsion painting for external

surfaces, and 3 coats of epoxy paint to inner surface of the reservoir including roof

dome, lettering as per Dept Direction, S/Fof the CI D/F Pipes verticals, vlaves,

Execution as per Design and drawigns supplied by the Dept., including the cost and

conveyance of the all materials , Bends , Specials Etc complete including the

following.- M30 Grade Concrete

b)D.I man hole covers with frame of size 0.60 X 0.60 mts -2 Nos (light duty)
c) DI Swan Neck ventilators shall be provided in Top dome/slab with flyproof mesh
d)RCC Phinial with copper or Stainless stell flyproof mesh
e)RCC or Aluminium ladder inside of 0.60 mts width
f)RCC spiral stair case with handrailing upto 200kl
for above 200kl capacity Doglegged staircase with flight width of 1mt and landing of
g)Waterlevel indicator of good quality with ebonite/copper float approved pattern - 1
h)Lightening arrestor of approved pattern 1 No complete including conductor
J) Railling with Stainless Steel of grade 304 in two rows around OHSR fixed in RCC

A) Basic cost 90000 X 28.04 : Rs 2523870

B) (With 10% Rural area allowence) 252387

C) Add for increse in price of cement
5873 6400 0.7 2523870 : Rs -93106
( 100 X 100)

D) Add for increase/ Decrease in price of Steel

32000 42000 2.0 2523870 : Rs -504774
( 1000 X 100)

E) Add for staging above 10Mts by .10 paise per Lts. : Rs 90000
F) Add or deduct for Wind Pressure
289.31 350 5 2523870 : Rs -76587
( 100 X 100)
G) Cost of CI Specials : Rs 214032

H) Cost of D.I Butter fly valves 3 Nos : Rs 39236

I) Cost of valve chambers 3 Nos : Rs 44392

1 No 14,484.00 2 Nos 14,954.00 Total 2489450
J) Add Overheads and C.P 13.615% 332895

K) Provision for unforceen items : Rs रु 126,240

Total cost रु 2,948,585

Rate per lt रु 31.36

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
Construction of 0.90mx0.75mx1.05m Size valve chamber
for Pipes of Dia Upto 80mm dia

Sno Description No L B D Qty Unit Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work excavation and 1x1 1.30 1.30 1.65 2.7885 Cum 132.30 cum 369
depositing on bank with an initial
lead of 50m and lift of 3.0m in all
types of soils except hard rock
requiring blasting for founadtion

2 CC(1:4:8) Using 40mm HBG metal 1x1 1.30 1.30 0.15 0.2535 Cum 3,981.50 Cum 1,009
including cost and conveyance of
all materials,labour charges etc.,
complete for foundation.

3 RCC(1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG

metal including cost and
conveyance of all materilas,labour
charges and centering etc.,
complete but excluding cost of
steel and its fabrication.

a) For Bottom raft 1x1 1.30 1.30 0.10 0.169 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 1,139

b) For Side walls allround 1x1 4.00 0.10 1.40 0.56 Cum 17,392.60 Cum 9,740

c) For Pre cast top slab(100mm 1x1 1.10 1.10 0.10 0.12 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 815

4 Cost and supply of Steel including 30.00 Kg 47,059.30 MT 1,412

fabrication charges

5 For Isolated works 50% extra 7,242

Total Amount per Each Chamber 21,726

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
14,484.00 for OHSRs, OHBRs
Construction of 0.9mx0.90mx1.40m Size RCC Valve Chambers
for Pipe lines of Dia Up more than 80mm and upto 200mm

Description No L B D Qty Unit Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work excavation and depositing 1x1 1.30 1.30 1.65 2.79 Cum 132.30 Cum 369
on bank with an initial lead of 10m
and lift of 2.0m in all types of soils
except hard rock requiring blasting
for founadtion

2 CC(1:4:8) Using 40mm HBG metal 1x1 1.30 1.30 0.15 0.25 Cum 3,981.50 Cum 1,009
including cost and conveyance of all
materials,labour charges etc.,
complete for foundation.

3 RCC(1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal

including cost and conveyance of all
materilas,labour charges and
centering etc., complete but
excluding cost of steel and its

a) For Bottom raft 1x1 1.30 1.30 0.10 0.17 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 1,139
b) For Side walls allround 1x1 4.00 0.10 1.40 0.56 Cum 17,392.60 Cum 9,740
c) For Pre cast top slab(100mm thick) 1x1 1.10 1.10 0.10 0.12 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 815

4 Cost and supply of Steel including 40.00 Kg 47,059.30 MT 1,882

fabrication charges

5 For Isolated works 50% extra 7,477

Total Amount per Each Chamber 22,431

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
Construction of 1.05mx1.20mx1.70m Size RCC Valve Chambers
of Pipe line dia above 200mm and upto 400mm

Description No L B D Qty Unit Rate Per Amount

1 Earth work excavation and depositing 1x1 1.65 1.80 1.95 5.79 Cum 132.30 Cum 766
on bank with an initial lead of 10m and
lift of 2.0m in all types of soils except
hard rock requiring blasting for

2 CC(1:4:8) Using 40mm HBG metal 1x1 1.65 1.80 0.15 0.45 Cum 3,981.50 Cum 1,792
including cost and conveyance of all
materials,labour charges etc.,
complete for foundation.

3 RCC(1:1.5:3) using 20mm HBG metal

including cost and conveyance of all
materilas,labour charges and centering
etc., complete but excluding cost of
steel and its fabrication.

a) For Bottom raft 1x1 1.45 1.60 0.10 0.23 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 1,550

b) For Side walls allround 1x1 4.90 0.10 1.70 0.83 Cum 17,392.60 Cum 14,436

c) For Pre cast top slab(100mm thick) 1x1 1.25 1.40 0.10 0.18 Cum 6,737.90 Cum 1,213

4 Cost and supply of Steel 58.00 Kg 47,059.30 MT 2,729

5 For Isolated works 50% extra 11,243

Total Amount per Each Chamber 33,729

Asst. Executive Engineer, Dy. Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer,
RWS & S Section, RWS & S Sub-Division, RWS & S Division, RWS & S Circle,
Rambilli. Yelamanchili. Atchutapuram. Visakhapatnam.
Name of G.P : T.Sirsapalli

Name of material Conveyance excluding Others(Blasting,

S.No Unit Quarry Lead 13.615% Initial Crushing) Total
in km cost
1 Sand/fine aggregate for mortar 1 cum ponduru 45 481.63 677.00 64.79 1223.42
2 Coarse sand 1 cum Sarada River 7.2
96.80 610.00 64.79 771.59
3 Sand for filling 1 cum Sarada River 7.2
96.80 460.00 64.79 621.59
4 40 mm HBG SS5 1 cum Bowluwada 11.6
144.82 845.00 64.79 1054.61
5 20 mm HBG SS5 1 cum Bowluwada 11.6 144.82 1365.00 64.79 1574.61
6 Steel 1MT Anakapalli
33000.00 33000.00
7 Cement 1MT Anakapalli
5873.00 5873.00
8 Bricks 1MT thummapala 10
327.16 5200.00 38.50 5565.66
Certified that the leads mentioned here are true to my best of my knowledge and belief
2 Certified that the 20mm HBG chips are obtained blasting and machine crushing
3 Certified that the area lies within 12km of Anakapalli municipal limits.

Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer,

RWS&S,Atchutapuram RWS&S, Yelamanchili
SUB ESTIMATE (Pumping Main)

Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters
tank) at Akkireddipalem Village in Anakapalli Mandal

Name of the sub work : Providing pumping main from Bore well

Sl. B D Rate in
Description of items Nos. L Qty. Per Amount
No. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Construction of pipe line for water supply with HDPE pipes as per
IS:4985/1988,with its amendments and revisons there on including supply
of pipes, specials, as per requirements, lowering,laying and jointing of pipe
lines true to alignment and gradient, trench excavtion for pipe lines in all
soils except Rock requring blasting, and refilling trenches with excavated
earth(other than rocky soils and boulders) with watering and tamping and
removeing surplus earth from site of work and filling pipe line with water
and testing etc., complete. The rates are inclusive of cost,conveyance of all
materials and labour charges, including turn over tax for finished item of
pipe line work and including CED and cess.
75 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 (Manually) BW to ELSR old
Pumping main 110

110 Rmts 466.40 1Rmt 51304

2 Cost supply and fixing of 80 mm nominal bore GI pipe medium grade
properites & weights as per IS 1239 with GI fittings such as elbows, Tees
couplings,Nipples,plugs including excavation for trenches and refilling
trenches complete except for GI bends , unions and GI connectors with
check out and socket etc.
65 mm dia at CC Road Area 1x1 50.00 50.00 Rmts 857.79 Rmts 42890
3 Air valve With Vave Chamber
1x1 2.00 2.00 Rmts 8872.40 Rmts 17745

4 Copst and Supply of 80mm CI

NRV 1x2 2.00 No 10780.00 Rmts 21560

5 Cutting of CC Road Surface including all charges etc Complted

6 Road portion 1 10.00 0.45 0.15 0.68 cum 2255.00 cum 1522
5 CC(1:2:4) including all charges etc Complted

6 Road portion 1 10.00 0.45 0.45 2.03 cum 4500.00 cum 9113
4 Copst and Supply of 80 mm Dia
Flanges 1x16 16.00 No 795.30 Rmts 12725

4 Thrust Blocks(0.3mts)
4 4.00 No 669.00 Rmts 2676

4 Thrust Blocks(0.6mts)
0 0.00 No 994.00 Rmts 0

4 Thrust Blocks(0.8mts)
0 0.00 No 1486.00 Rmts 0

4 Thrust Blocks(1.35mts) RCC

@4*12mm,Laterral ties 7@8mm
0 2.00 No 2270.00 Rmts 4540

4 Thrust Blocks(1.65mts) RCC

@4*12mm,Laterral ties 7@8mm
0 2.00 No 2666.00 Rmts 5332

Clearing of Heavy Jungle including all charges etc Complted,RVP

of 1869/A MB
150 1.50 225 Sqm 3.64 Sqm 819
7 Provision for unforseen items if
Total Rs. 170226

Name Of the Work:Providing Drinking Water Supply to Housing colony-(Construction of 20,000 Liters tank) at
Akkireddipalem Village in Anakapalli Mandal

Description of item Nos. L B D Qty Units Rate Per Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Construction of pipe line for water supply with HDPE pipes with its
amendments and revisons there on including supply of pipes,
specials, as per requirements, lowering,laying and jointing of pipe
lines true to alignment and gradient, trench excavtion for pipe lines
in all soils except Rock requring blasting, and with a sand cushion of
15cm below the pipe lines and refilling trenches with excavated
earth(other than rocky soils and boulders) with watering and
tamping and removeing surplus earth from site of work and filling
pipe line with water and testing etc., complete. The rates are
inclusive of cost,conveyance of all materials and labour charges,
including turn over tax for finished item of pipe line work and
including CED and cess.

75 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 manually,RVP of 1869/A MB 500 Rmts 466.40 Rmt 233200

63 mm dia HDPE 6 Kg/cm2 manually,RVP of 1869/A MB 200 Rmts 416.72 Rmt

b 83344
2 Construction of single tap public fountains with RCC ring of
size 0.90 M and height 0.30 M and inside core portion filling
with CC (1:2:4) mix using 20 mm HBG chips including all
specials and labour charges etc. complete
Cost & Supply of 80mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
3 1869/A MB 6 Rmts Rmt 6713
Cost & Supply of 65mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
4 1869/A MB 364 Rmts Rmt 312408
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
5 1869/A MB 423 Rmts Rmt 209389
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
6 1869/A MB 158 Rmts Rmt 71757
Cost & Supply of 32mm dia GI B Class pipe
7 100 Rmts Rmt 40788
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
8 1869/A MB with Union 100 Rmts Rmt 29313
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GI B Class pipe,RVP of
9 1869/A MB with union and tap 100 Rmts Rmt 22496
12 Cost & Supply of 50mm dia DI gate Valves 3 Nos 10000.00 1N0 30000
13 Cost & Supply of 80mm dia DI gate Valves 4 Nos 13256.00 1N0 53024
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GM gate Valves
14 3 Nos 1N0 10500
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GM gate Valves
15 6 Nos 1N0 15066
Cost & Supply of 32mm dia GM gate Valves
16 2 Nos 1N0 2102
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GM gate Valves
16 1 Nos 1N0 1051
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GM gate Valves
17 2 Nos 1N0 1466
18 Cutting of CC Road Surface including all charges etc Complted
19 Road portion
1 230.00 0.45 0.20 20.70 cum 2255.00 cum
20 Copst and Supply of 65mm Dia
1x25 25.00 No 795.30 Rmts 19883
21 Thrust Blocks(0.45mts)
5 5.00 No 669.00 Rmts 3345

22 Thrust Blocks(0.60mts)
1 1.00 No 994.00 Rmts 994

23 Thrust Blocks(0.80mts)
8 8.00 No 1486.00 Rmts 11888

4 Providing House Hold Tap

131.00 No 1099.82 Rmts 144076

24 Thrust Blocks(1.65mts) RCC

@4*12mm,Laterral ties 7@8mm
2 2.00 No 2666.00 Rmts 5332

4 Providing House Hold Tap

80.00 No 418.50 Rmts 33480

Cost & Supply of 32mm Dai HDPE 16Kg/Cm2 Pipe line etc
25 3 Rmts 1N0 423
Cost & Supply of 50mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A
26 MB 18 Nos 1N0 2304
Cost & Supply of 40mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A
27 MB 6 Nos 1N0 618
Cost & Supply of 32mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A
28 MB 8 Nos 1N0 688
Cost & Supply of 25mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A
29 MB 10 Nos 1N0 700
Cost & Supply of 20mm dia GI Unions,RVP of 1869/A
30 MB 30 Nos 1N0 1380
Clearing of Heavy Jungle including all charges etc
32 Complted,RVP of 1869/A MB
300 1.50 Sqm 3.64 Sqm 1637
Providsion for unforseen items if
Total Rs. 1396044
Tap pvc
abour chrges

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