Samwha Capacitors

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Part Number System

Series Name Rated Voltage Capacitance Cap. Tol. Case Diameter Case Height Lead Taping Internal Control

Forming and Cutting Code

Series Name Case Height

See page 6 ~ 7. ex) 5mm 005

11mm 011

12.5mm 12M

Rated Working Voltage 20mm 020

31.5mm 31M

WV 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35.5mm 35M

Code 0E 0G 0J 1A 1C 1D 1E

WV 35 40 50 63 80 100 160

Code 1V 1G 1H 1J 1K 2A 2C Lead Taping, Forming and Cutting

See pages 86 ~ 88
WV 200 250 315 350 400 450 500

Code 2D 2E 2F 2V 2G 2W 2H


ex) 0.47 F 474

4.7 F 475

47 F 476

470 F 477

4700 F 478

47000 F 479

Capacitance Tolerance

Tolerance (%) 10 20
20 30 50

Code K M V Q T

Case Diameter

ex) 3 03 12.5 12

4 04 16 16

5 05 18 18

6.3 6L 22 22

8 08 25.4 25

10 10





3 5 500 12000 48000

4 5, 7 500 10000 40000

5 5, 7, 9, 11 500 7000 28000

6.3 5, 7, 9, 11 500 6000 24000

5 500 5000 20000

9, 11.5 300 3600 14400

9, 12.5 200 2400 9600

10 16 200 2000 8000

20, 25 200 1600 6400

16 100 1200 4800

12.5 20 100 1000 4000

25 100 900 3600

16 100 800 3200

20 50 600 2400
25 50 500 2000

31.5, 35.5 50 400 1600

16 50 600 2400

20 50 500 2000
20, 25, 31.5 50 400 1600

35.5 50 300 1200




4 5, 7 500 9000 36000

5 5, 7, 9, 11 500 7000 28000

6.3 5, 7, 9, 11 500 6000 24000

5 500 5000 20000

9, 11.5 300 3600 14400

9 1000 8000(16000)

12.5 800 6400(12800)

16 700 5600(11200)

10 20 500 4000(8000)

25 400 3200(6400)

30 400 6400

40 900 1800

16 400 3200(6400)

20 300 2400(4800)
25 250 2000(4000)

40 600 1200

16 400 1200

20 400 1200

16 25, 31.5 400 1200

35.5 400 1200

40 400 1200

16 300 900

20 300 900

18 25 300 900

31.5, 35.5 300 900

40 300 900

20 41 240 720

35.5 200 600

40 200 600

35.5 100 300

40 100 300

( ) is for oversea



Lead Taping Capacitors for Automatic Insertion


P2 P P2 P
h h


P1 F P1 F
H H R2

H0 W2 H0 W2

A A W1

W0 W t
W t

d D0 P0 d D0

Unit : mm

Applicable Drawing No. ( )

Description Symbol Tolerance 3 4 5 6.3 8 4 5 6.3 8

Case Height L *Note 5 5, 7 5 7~11 5 7~11 5 5, 7 5 7~11 5 7~11 5 9, 11.5

Lead Dia. d 0.05 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.6

Body Pitch P 1.0 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7

Feeding Hole Pitch P0 0.2 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7

Feeding Hole Alignment P1 0.7 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.85 3.85 3.85

Feeding Hole Alignment P2 1.0 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35

Lead Center Spacing F 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0

Body Inclination h 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tape Width W 0.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0

Adhesive Tape Width W0 min. 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 12.5

Feeding Hole Alignment W1 0.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0

Adhesive Tape Margin W2 max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Length from Seating Plane H 0.5 17.5 (18.0) 17.5 18.5 18.5 (5, 7m m L = 17.5) 17.5 20.0

Lead Clinch Height H0 0.5 16.5 (17.0) 16.5 16.5 16.5

Feeding Hole Dia. D0 0.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Total Tape Thickness t 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Cut Lead Height A max. 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0

Taping Code Ammo leader PB(PC) PC PE PA PA PG

Note : Refer to the drawing of each series for tolerance.


Lead Taping Capacitors for Automatic Insertion


P2 P
P2 P


P1 F P1 F
W2 W2

W1 W1

W0 t W t

P0 d D0
P0 d D0


Unit : mm Unit : mm

Applicable Drawing No. Ammo

Description Symbol Tolerance 10 12.5 16 18 Tear off

Case Height L max. 27.0 27.0 37.5 37.5

Lead Dia. d 0.05 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


Body Pitch P 1.0 12.7 15.0 25.4 30.0 30.0

Feeding Hole Pitch P0 0.2 12.7 15.0 12.7 15.0 15.0 W

3.85 Size Ammo

Feeding Hole Alignment P1 0.7 3.85 5.0 3.75 3.75

D Case Height L H W Q’ty

Feeding Hole Alignment P2 1.0 6.35 7.5 6.35 7.5 7.5
3 5 3000
Lead Center Spacing F 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
0.2 4 5, 7 332 230 42 2500

Body Inclination h 2.0 0 0 0 0 5, 7

5 2000
9, 11 332 230 49
Tape Width W 0.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0

5, 7 332 230 42
6.3 1500
Adhesive Tape Width W0 min. 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
9, 11 332 230 49

Feeding Hole Alignment W1 0.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 5 332 230 42
8 1000
9, 11.5 332 230 49
Adhesive Tape Margin W2 max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

9, 12.5, 16 332 190 51

Length from Seating Plane H 0.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 10 500
20, 25 332 190 59

Feeding Hole Dia. D0 0.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 12.5 400
16, 20, 25 342 240 62

Total Tape Thickness t 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 16, 20, 25 342 240 62
16 250
31.5, 35.5 342 240 74
Cut Lead Height A max. 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0
16, 20, 25 342 240 62
18 200
Taping Code Ammo leader PA PH PL PA PA
31.5, 35.5 342 240 74


Lead Forming & Cutting

Unit : mm

Case Drawing
Configurations Shape Code
dia. L F

P F 1.0

T - Type D 8 TS 4.5 5.0

2 max.

L 2 max.


S - Type D 10
SS 4.5 -
2 max.


F - Type D 8 FS 5.0 5.0

2 max.

C - Type ALL CS 5.0 -

Shape Drawing


Configurations R
0 .4
.4 0
D 8 D R M N
90 90


D - Type DL DR 3.0 3.2

H - Type HL HR 3.0 3.7

M - Type Code ML MR 6.0 2.5

Q - Type QL QR 6.0 1.5

J - Type JL JR 6.0 0.5


SD Standard, For General Purposes

Series Solvent Proof

WV 100V

Standard series for general purposes

High voltage, high capacitance series

Voltage range of 6.3~500V

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

WV 6.3 ~ 450 500

Operating temperature range
Temperature range -40 ~ +85 C -25 ~ +85 C

WV 100 WV > 100

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 min)

I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 min)
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 min)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 ~ 250 350 ~ 500
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.20

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50~100 160 200~350 400~450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 5 4 3 2 2 2 4 6 10 12
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 10 8 5 4 3 6 8

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

voltage for 2000 hours at 85 C) tan Less than 200% of specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 22 25.4


P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 12.5

P 0.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0


0.5 1.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

1.5 2.0 3.0

Safety vent( 6.3 up)


WV 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

6.3~100 68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75

1000 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.32 1.50

~ 220 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.60 1.70 1.80

330 ~ 0.90 1.00 1.13 1.15 1.32 1.50


SD series


6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 500

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5
21 23 23 26

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5
26 28 28 32

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5
32 34 34 33

5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 8 11.5

39 42 42 45 45 48 53 56 50

5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16

46 50 50 53 57 57 66 61 72 69

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16

56 60 60 76 76 76 88 87 86 76

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 25

68 72 76 96 96 107 107 115 115 178

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20

83 89 89 131 143 143 156 165 164

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25

101 108 124 156 173 170 222 218 217 265

5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 16 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5

123 151 178 209 232 247 297 296 294 310

5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 16 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 31.5

131 169 181 222 293 293 319 353 387 384 412

5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 20 16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 18 35.5

144 182 203 256 293 391 426 425 465 488 503 457

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 16 12.5 25 16 25 16 25 18 31.5 18 35.5 18 40

162 181 220 291 311 388 516 516 564 592 667 546

5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 20 16 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 40 18 40 22 45

198 246 318 414 422 528 632 691 726 845 863 1283

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 16 25 18 31.5 18 35.5 22 41 22 45

201 218 276 327 386 501 586 737 873 962 988 1112 1183

6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 22 41

283 307 359 431 549 672 784 1002 1152 1206 1495

6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 18 40 22 41 25.4 41

338 366 476 550 740 875 1098 1328 1434 1495 1612

8 11.5 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 22 41 25.4 51 25.4 51

480 520 600 754 947 1235 1440 1643 1831 1902 2151

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 18 31.5 25.4 51

581 659 796 942 1306 1633 1937 1965 2105

10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 31.5 25.4 41

983 1051 1331 1542 2032 2220 2445 2612

10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 31.5 18 40

1286 1545 1686 2194 2502 2765 2987

12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40 25.4 41

1736 1903 2129 2448 2905 3272 3412

12.5 25 16 25 16 25 18 31.5 18 40 25.4 41 25.4 51 Case size D L (mm)

2129 2332 2577 3114 3408 4251 4351 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

16 25 16 31.5 16 31.5 18 40 25.4 41

2629 2830 3176 3544 3899

16 35.5 16 35.5 18 35.5 25.4 41

2959 3284 3656 4399

18 40 18 40 22 41
3733 3843 4012

Size 8 9 is available for capacitors marked “ ”


SD series

16V 1000 F

400V 10 F


Capacitance change vs. temperature Capacitance change vs. time

100 30



Capacitance change (

Capacitance change (







-100 -30

-60 -10 40 90 0 500 1000 2000

Temperature ( C) Time (hours)

Dissipation factor vs. temperature Dissipation factor vs. time

1000 0.5

100 0.4
Dissipation factor

Dissipation factor

10 0.3

1 0.2

0.1 0.1


-100 -50 0 50 100 150 500 1000 2000

Temperature ( C) Time (hours)


Impedance vs. frequency Leakage current vs. time

10000 100

Leakage current ( A)



Impedance (




0.01 0

0 1 10 100 500 1000 2000

Frequency (kHz) Time (hours)


SS Standard, Height 7mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Super miniature series with 7mmL height

Suited for use in compact audio equipment

Load life of 2000 hours at 85 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35, 40 50 63

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.35 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10

WV 4 6.3 10 16, 25 35 ~ 63
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 6 4 3 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 8 6 4 3

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

voltage for 2000 hours at 85 C) tan Less than 200% of specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING (See page 99)

Unit : mm


WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 40 50 63

1.0 4 7 14 4 7 14

1.5 4 7 17 4 7 17

2.2 4 7 21 4 7 21

3.3 4 7 25 4 7 25

4.7 4 7 30 4 7 30

6.8 4 7 33 4 7 33 4 7 37 5 7 42

10 4 7 37 4 7 40 4 7 40 5 7 51 5 7 51

15 4 7 43 4 7 46 5 7 57 5 7 57 6.3 7 72 6.3 7 72

22 4 7 46 4 7 52 5 7 64 5 7 69 6.3 7 80 6.3 7 88

33 4 7 43 4 7 52 4 7 57 5 7 73 5 7 78 6.3 7 98 6.3 7 98

47 4 7 51 4 7 62 5 7 78 5 7 87 6.3 7 108

68 5 7 71 5 7 86 5 7 94 6.3 7 122

100 5 7 86 5 7 104 6.3 7 132 6.3 7 148

Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

150 6.3 7 122 6.3 7 148 6.3 7 162
Case size D L (mm)
220 6.3 7 148 6.3 7 179


60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75


SE Standard, Height 5mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Ultra miniature series with 5mmL height

Suitable to replace tantalum capacitors at low cost

Load life of 2000 hours at 85 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63
Dissipation factor max.
tan 0.35 0.24 0.20 0.16(0.20) 0.13(0.15) 0.12(0.14) 0.09(0.11) 0.09(0.11)
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
Figures in ( ) are for 3 products.

WV 4 6.3 10 16 ~ 63
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 6 4 3 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 8 6 4

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

voltage for 2000 hours at 85 C) tan Less than 200% of specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING (See page 100)

Unit : mm


WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63

4 5(3 5) 4 5(3 5)

1.0 13(9.8) 13(9.8)

1.5 4 5(3 5) 16(12) 4 5 16

2.2 4 5(3 5) 17(13) 4 5 19 4 5 19

3.3 4 5(3 5) 20(15) 4 5 20 4 5 24 5 5 27

4.7 4 5(3 5) 21(16) 4 5 23 4 5 24 5 5 33 5 5 33

6.8 4 5(3 5) 23(19) 4 5 25 4 5 28 5 5 34 5 5 39 6.3 5 46

10 4 5(3 5) 21(17) 4 5(3 5) 25(21) 4 5 28 4 5 31 5 5 40 5 5 41 6.3 5 56 6.3 5 56

15 4 5(3 5) 26(21) 4 5 31 4 5 34 5 5 44 5 5 49 6.3 5 59 6.3 5 68 8 5 81

22 4 5(3 5) 31(26) 4 5 37 5 5 47 5 5 53 6.3 5 69 6.3 5 72 8 5 98 8 5 98

33 4 5 38 5 5 53 5 5 58 6.3 5 76 6.3 5 84 8 5 104 8 5 120

47 4 5 45 5 5 63 6.3 5 81 6.3 5 91 8 5 119 8 5 124

68 5 5 63 6.3 5 89 6.3 5 98 6.3 5 109 8 5 143

100 5 5 89 6.3 5 108 8 5 140 8 5 157 8 5 174

150 6.3 5 109 8 5 157 8 5 172 8 5 192

220 6.3 5 133 8 5 190 8 5 208 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)

330 8 5 192


60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75


RD Wide Temperature Range

Series Solvent Proof

WV 100V

Standard series for general purpose

High CV value

Wide operating temperature range of -55 ~ +105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

WV 6.3 ~ 100 160 ~ 450 500

Operating temperature range
Temperature range -55 ~ +105 C -40 ~ +105 C -25 ~ +105 C

WV 100 WV > 100

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 min)

I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 min)
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 min)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160~250 350~500
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.20

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50~100 160 200~350 400~450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 5 4 3 2 2 2 4 6 10 12
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 10 8 5 4 3 6 8

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

(after application of the rated tan Less than 200% of specified value

voltage for 2000 hours at 105 C)

D D 8 D 10

Life time 1000 hours 2000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 22

P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0

P 0.5
d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0

0.5 1.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min. 1.5 2.0 3.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


WV 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

6.3~100 68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75

820 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.32 1.50

~ 220 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.60 1.70 1.80

330 ~ 0.90 1.00 1.13 1.15 1.32 1.50


RD series



6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 500


5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5

24 26 26 23 23 23 28 28 27

5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16

29 32 32 29 29 34 34 39 36

5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16

35 38 38 34 40 40 47 47 43 59

5 11 5 11 5 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 10 20 10 16

42 46 46 49 56 56 62 62 56 72

5 11 5 11 5 11 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25

51 56 56 68 68 68 75 82 80 88

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 12.5 30

62 68 78 92 92 92 100 118 107 115

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 25

75 83 95 111 111 121 143 155 144 159

5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 16 31.5

92 116 137 149 149 175 190 211 193 207

5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 10 12.5 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 16 31.5 18 31.5

96 127 139 190 208 208 227 252 276 230 261

5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 16 12.5 25 16 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5 18 31.5 18 35.5

108 132 180 197 251 273 279 303 332 373 285 335

6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5 18 40 18 31.5 18 40

137 145 198 216 290 302 333 364 369 387 327 370

5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5 18 40 18 40

119 151 160 218 239 332 331 368 402 407 427 486

5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 12.5 20 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41

134 167 185 231 310 340 477 450 517 554 523 596

5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 25 16 31.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41

146 162 203 264 280 376 451 630 596 671 694 721

6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 16 25 18 35.5 18 40 22 41

206 228 293 324 399 504 603 856 822 850 968

6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 18 40 22 41

246 272 349 449 521 657 844 1021 1015 1155

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 22 41


348 449 488 591 740 927 1107 1344 1390

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5

382 493 587 708 880 1050 1300 1627

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 18 40

422 544 648 820 974 1226 1490 1925

10 16 10 16 12.5 16 12.5 20 16 20 16 25 16 35.5

621 680 862 1017 1188 1442 1770

12.5 20

10 20 10 20 12.5 20 1100 16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5

778 844 1055 12.5 25 1426 1442 1770


12.5 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 16 35.5 18 40

983 1148 1323 1562 1857 1794 2689

12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5 Case size D L (mm)

1219 1421 1657 1916 2224 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5

1480 1737 1982 2335

16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5
1807 2172 2409

16 35.5 18 35.5
2233 2482

18 40

Size 8 9 is available for capacitors marked “ ”


RD series

16V 1000 F

400V 10 F


Capacitance change vs. temperature Capacitance change vs. time

100 30



Capacitance change (

Capacitance change (







-100 -30

-60 -10 40 90 0 500 1000 2000

Temperature ( C) Time (hours)

Dissipation factor vs. temperature Dissipation factor vs. time

1000 0.5

100 0.4
Dissipation factor

Dissipation factor

10 0.3

1 0.2

0.1 0.1


-100 -50 0 50 100 150 500 1000 2000

Temperature ( C) Time (hours)


Impedance vs. frequency Leakage current vs. time

10000 100

Leakage current ( A)



Impedance (




0.01 0

0 1 10 100 500 1000 2000

Frequency (kHz) Time (hours)


RM Wide Temperature Range, Miniaturized

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof

WV 100V

Miniature size compared with RD series

High CV value

Wide operating temperature range of -55 ~ +105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

WV 6.3 ~ 100 160 ~ 450

Operating temperature range
Temperature range -55 ~ +105 C -40 ~ +105 C

WV 100 WV > 100

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 min)

I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 min)
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 min)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160~250 350~450
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.20

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50~100 160 200~250 350~400 450

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 5 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 6 8
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 10 8 6 4 3 3 4 8 10 12

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

(after application of the rated tan Less than 200% of specified value

voltage for 2000 hours at 105 C)

D D 8 D 10

Life time 1000 hours 2000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

d 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent 6.3 up)


WV 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.30 2.00

6.3~100 68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75

1000 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.32 1.50

~ 220 0.80 1.00 1.40 1.60 1.70 1.80

330 ~ 0.90 1.00 1.13 1.15 1.32 1.50


RM series



6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450


6.3 11

6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5

23 28 23

6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5

30 34 34 33

6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5

34 40 40 47 39

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16

49 56 56 62 52

8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 10 20

59 59 68 75 75 68

10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 20

84 84 92 92 115 96

10 12.5 10 16 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25

102 111 111 139 140 127

8 11.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 25
139 136 149 149 180 211 117

10 12.5 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 25 16 31.5

190 177 203 203 252 252 231

10 12.5 12.5 25 16 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 16 31.5 16 35.5

229 267 279 267 303 332 291

8 11.5 8 11.5 10 16 12.5 25 16 25 16 25 18 31.5 18 35.5 18 40

218 239 304 324 368 368 432 453 397

8 11.5 10 12.5 10 20 16 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5

267 293 372 450 450 450 554

6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 16 31.5 18 31.5 18 35.5

224 280 376 451 564 596 641 671

6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 16 25 18 31.5 18 40

248 324 400 504 603 856 784 863

6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 18 40

272 349 386 476 657 824 1021 1030

6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5

295 386 420 540 627 905 1082 1344

8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 18 35.5

422 469 592 717 829 1197 1490 1835

10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 18 31.5

621 680 797 993 1136 1578 1812

10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 31.5

713 774 898 1206 1426 1709 1935

10 20 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5


909 978 1184 1562 1769 2152

12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5

1189 1272 1459 1752 2073

12.5 25 16 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40 Case size D L (mm)

1445 1529 1811 2176 2510 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

16 25 16 25 16 31.5 18 35.5
1807 1892 2140 2497

16 31.5 16 35.5 18 35.5

2128 2313 2545

18 31.5 18 35.5

2411 2595


RK Wide Temperature Range, Height 7mmL

Series Solvent Proof

Super miniature series with 7mmL height

High performance and excellent temperature characteristics

Wide operating temperature range of -55 ~ +105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.35 0.22 0.19 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10

WV 4 6.3 10 16 25, 35 50, 63

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 6 4 3 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 10 8 6 4 3

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

voltage for 1000 hours at 105 C) tan Less than 200% of specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 4 5 6.3
0.5 max.

P 1.5 2.0 2.5

P 0.5
d 0.45 0.5 0.5

1.0 1.5 1.5

L max. 15 min. 4 min.


4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63

1.0 4 7 9.1 4 7 9.1

2.2 4 7 14 5 7 16

3.3 4 7 15 5 7 19 6.3 7 22

4.7 4 7 18 5 7 21 6.3 7 26 6.3 7 26

6.8 4 7 19 5 7 25 5 7 25 6.3 7 32

10 4 7 21 4 7 24 5 7 30 6.3 7 35

22 4 7 29 5 7 36 5 7 40 6.3 7 52

33 4 7 28 5 7 40 6.3 7 51 6.3 7 57

47 4 7 33 5 7 47 6.3 7 60 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)

68 5 7 46 6.3 7 67


60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75


RE Wide Temperature Range, Height 5mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Ultra miniature series with 5mmL height

Wide operating temperature range of -55 ~ +105 C

Suitable to replace tantalum capacitors at low cost

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.35 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.11

WV 4 6.3 10 16 25~50
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 7 3 3 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 12 8 5 4 3

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value

voltage for 1000 hours at 105 C) tan Less than 200% of specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 3 4 5 6.3 8
0.5 max.

P 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5

P 0.5
d 0.4 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

1.0 1.5

L max. 15 min. 4 min.


WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50

1.0 4 5(3 5) 7.7(6.4)

1.5 4 5(3 5) 9.4(7.8)

2.2 4 5(3 5) 11(9.5)

3.3 4 5(3 5) 13(11) 4 5 14

4.7 4 5(3 5) 14(12) 4 5 15 5 5 19

6.8 4 5 17 5 5 21 5 5 23

10 4 5(3 5) 15(13) 4 5(3 5) 17(14) 4 5(3 5) 18(15) 5 5 24 5 5 26 6.3 5 33

15 4 5(3 5) 17(14) 4 5 19 4 5 21 5 5 26 5 5 29 6.3 5 37 6.3 5 40

22 4 5 20 4 5 23 5 5 29 5 5 32 6.3 5 42 6.3 5 45 8 5 58

33 4 5 25 5 5 32 5 5 35 6.3 5 45 6.3 5 51 8 5 65 8 5 71

47 4 5 29 5 5 39 6.3 5 49 6.3 5 54 8 5 72 8 5 77

68 5 5 41 6.3 5 55 6.3 5 59 8 5 77 8 5 87

100 5 5 50 6.3 5 66 8 5 85 8 5 93

150 6.3 5 71 8 5 96 8 5 104 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)

220 8 5 102 8 5 116


60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00

68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.62 1.75


ZS High Ripple Current, Height 7mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof Low Impedance

Super miniature series with 7mmL height

High ripple current compared with RK series

Load life of 2000 hours at 105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C / Z+20 C 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C / Z+20 C 6 4 3 3 3 3

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Load life
Leakage current Less than specified value

Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

Unit : mm
0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8

P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.5

L 1.5 max. 15 min. 4 min.



6.3 10 16 25 35 50

Item Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple

current current current current current current

D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

2.2 5 7 2.00 165

4.7 5 7 2.00 165

10 6.3 7 0.90 235

22 5 7 1.40 165 6.3 7 0.90 260

33 5 7 1.40 165 5 7 1.40 165 5 7 1.40 165 5 7 1.40 165 6.3 7 0.70 235 8 7 0.50 350

47 5 7 1.40 165 5 7 1.40 165 5 7 1.40 165 6.3 7 0.70 235 8 7 0.34 350 8 7 0.50 450

68 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 8 7 0.34 350

100 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 8 7 0.34 350

150 6.3 7 0.70 235 6.3 7 0.70 235 8 7 0.34 350

220 8 7 0.34 350 8 7 0.34 350

330 8 7 0.34 350


F 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.35 0.55 0.75 0.87 1.00

47 ~ 150 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00

220 ~ 0.50 0.65 0.85 0.92 1.00


ZL High Ripple Current, Height 7mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof Low Impedance

Super miniature series with 7mmL height

Load life of 3000 hours at 105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C / Z+20 C 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C / Z+20 C 6 4 3 3 3 3

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 3000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Load life
Leakage current Less than specified value

Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8

P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.5

L 1.5 max. 15 min. 4 min.


WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50

Item Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple

current current current current current current

D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

2.2 5 7 1.00 165

10 6.3 7 0.42 235

22 5 7 0.84 165 6.3 7 0.42 235

33 5 7 0.84 165 5 7 0.84 165 5 7 0.84 165 5 7 0.84 165 6.3 7 0.42 235 8 7 0.20 350

47 5 7 0.84 165 5 7 0.84 165 5 7 0.84 165 6.3 7 0.42 235 8 7 0.20 350 8 7 0.20 350

68 6.3 7 0.42 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 8 7 0.20 350

100 6.3 7 0.42 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 8 7 0.20 350

150 6.3 7 0.20 235 6.3 7 0.42 235 8 7 0.20 350

220 8 7 0.20 350 8 7 0.20 350

330 8 7 0.20 350



ZE High Ripple Current, Height 5mmL

Series Miniaturized Solvent Proof Low Impedance

Super miniature series with 5mmL height

High ripple current & high temperature with RE series

Load life of 2000 hours at 105 C

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35

(at 120Hz, 20 C) tan 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.14 0.12

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C / Z+20 C 3 3 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C / Z+20 C 9 7 5 3 3

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Load life
Leakage current Less than specified value

Capacitance change Within 20% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 5 6.3
0.5 max.

P 2.0 2.5

P 0.5
d 0.45 0.45

L 1.5 max. 15 min. 4 min.


F 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.35 0.55 0.75 0.87 1.00

47 ~ 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00


ZE series


WV 6.3 10 16 25 35

Item Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple Imp.(Ω) Ripple

current current current current current

D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max. D L max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

1 5 5 2.40 100

1.5 5 5 2.40 100

2.2 5 5 2.40 100

3.3 5 5 2.40 100

4.7 5 5 2.40 100

6.8 5 5 2.40 100

10 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100

15 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100

22 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100 6.3 5 0.75 140

33 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100 6.3 5 0.75 140 6.3 5 0.75 140

47 5 5 2.40 100 5 5 2.40 100 6.3 5 0.75 140 6.3 5 0.75 140

68 6.3 5 0.75 140 6.3 5 0.75 140 6.3 5 0.75 140

100 6.3 5 0.75 140 6.3 5 0.75 140


RZ Extremely Low Impedance

Series Long Life Solvent Proof Low Impedance

Extremely low impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

(2000 / 3000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)

Ideally suited for use in switching power supplies

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08

Low temperature characteristics WV 6.3, 10 16 ~ 35 50, 63

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-55 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

tan Less than 200% of specified value

D D 6.3 D = 8 D 10

Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 5000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.

The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Shelf life (at 105 C)

Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

tan Less than 150% of specified value

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire
0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.91 1.00

47 ~ 220 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.92 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.93 1.00

1000 ~ 1500 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00


RZ series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current

D L (Ω)max. (mA rms) D L (Ω)max. (mA rms) D L (Ω)max. (mA rms) D L (Ω)max. (mA rms)

20 C 105 C 20 C 105 C 20 C 105 C 20 C 105 C

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

33 5 11 0.80 155

47 5 11 0.80 155 6.3 11 0.55 210

68 5 11 0.80 155 6.3 11 0.50 220 6.3 11 0.36 260

100 5 11 0.85 150 6.3 11 0.55 210 6.3 11 0.35 265 8 11.5 0.24 383

150 6.3 11 0.49 225 6.3 11 0.35 265 8 11.5 0.23 388 8 11.5 0.16 460

220 6.3 11 0.30 285 8 11.5 0.24 387 8 11.5 0.16 460 10 12.5 0.13 600

330 8 11.5 0.20 292 8 11.5 0.16 460 10 12.5 0.12 625 10 16 0.095 750

470 10 12.5 0.14 575 10 12.5 0.13 600 10 16 0.09 770 10 20 0.065 1020

680 10 16 0.11 700 10 16 0.09 770 10 20 0.065 1020 12.5 20 0.046 1392

1000 10 20 0.075 950 10 20 0.060 1060 12.5 20 0.047 1411 12.5 25 0.036 1660

1500 10 25 0.055 1220 12.5 20 0.045 1417 12.5 25 0.036 1660 16 20 0.034 1770

2200 12.5 20 0.043 1438 12.5 25 0.034 1710 16 20 0.033 1800 16 25 0.028 2051

3300 12.5 25 0.034 1710 16 20 0.031 1850 16 25 0.027 2095 16 35.5 0.020 2680

4700 16 25 0.032 1935 16 31.5 0.023 2420 16 35.5 0.020 2680 18 40 0.018 2960

6800 16 31.5 0.024 2370 16 35.5 0.020 2680 18 35.5 0.018 2900

10000 16 40 0.020 2750 18 40 0.017 3040

15000 18 40 0.018 2960

WV 35 50 63

Item Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current

D L (Ω)max. (mA rms) D L (Ω)max. (mA rms) D L (Ω)max. (mA rms)

20 C 105 C 20 C 105 C 20 C 105 C

(mm) (mm) (mm)

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

1.0 5 11 4.0 36

1.5 5 11 3.8 45

2.2 5 11 3.5 54

3.3 5 11 3.0 66

4.7 5 11 2.2 81

6.8 5 11 1.8 91

10 5 11 1.8 115 5 11 1.06 135

15 5 11 0.93 145 6.3 11 0.73 185

22 5 11 0.75 160 6.3 11 0.65 195 6.3 11 0.52 215

33 6.3 11 0.49 225 6.3 11 0.43 240 8 11.5 0.35 320

47 6.3 11 0.34 270 8 11.5 0.30 344 8 11.5 0.25 365

68 8 11.5 0.24 384 8 11.5 0.20 410 10 12.5 0.19 495

100 8 11.5 0.16 460 10 16 0.16 581 10 20 0.12 750

150 10 12.5 0.12 625 10 20 0.10 820 10 25 0.09 950

220 10 16 0.09 770 10 25 0.075 1040 12.5 20 0.065 1140

330 10 20 0.060 1060 12.5 20 0.075 1281 12.5 25 0.049 1420

470 12.5 20 0.046 1401 12.5 25 0.044 1500 16 25 0.042 1700

680 12.5 25 0.036 1660 16 20 0.040 1630 16 31.5 0.032 2050

1000 16 20 0.034 1770 16 31.5 0.030 2120 18 35.5 0.029 2280

1500 16 31.5 0.028 2385 16 40 0.026 2410

2200 16 35.5 0.020 2680 18 40 0.024 2560

3300 18 40 0.017 3040


WL Extremely Low Impedance

Series Long Life Solvent Proof Low Impedance

WV 100V

Wide voltage compared with RZ series

Operating temperature range of 40 ~ +105 C

Extremely low impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

For E-meter

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

WV 6.3 ~ 450 500

Operating temperature range
Temperature range -40 ~ +105 C -25 ~ +105 C

WV 100 WV > 100

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 min.)

I = 0.02CV + 15 A (after 5 min.)
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 min.)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160~250 350~500
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.15 0.20

WV 6.3 10 16 25 ~ 100 160 ~ 250 350 ~ 450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2 3 6 8
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 3 4 10 --

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value

Load life
tan Less than 200% of specified value

Life time D = 5, 6.3 D = 8 D 10

WV 100 2000 hours 3000 hours 5000 hours

WV > 100 2000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 20 22

P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0

P 0.5 d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0

0.5 1.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min. 1.5 2.0 3.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.91 1.00

33 ~ 270 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.92 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.93 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00


WL series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

Item Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance
current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

4.7 5 11 0.70 180

10 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180

22 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180

33 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.70 180

47 5 11 0.65 180 5 11 0.65 180 5 11 0.65 180 5 11 0.65 180

100 5 11 0.65 180 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280

150 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450

220 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450

330 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.10 660

470 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.080 850

680 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.080 850 10 20 0.054 1100

1000 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.080 850 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.050 1400

1500 10 20 0.054 1100 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.050 1400 16 20 0.030 2100

2200 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.038 1700 16 25 0.030 2100

3300 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.038 1700 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.025 2600

4700 16 25 0.030 2100 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.022 3000

6800 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.022 3000

10000 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.022 3000

15000 18 35.5 0.022 3000

WV 35 50 63 100

Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

Item Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance
current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

0.22 5 11 8.0 18

0.47 5 11 5.0 25

1.0 5 11 3.5 40

2.2 5 11 3.0 55 5 11 2.5 52

3.3 5 11 2.6 65 5 11 2.0 64 5 11 2.5 64

4.7 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 2.3 90 5 11 2.0 76 5 11 2.5 76

10 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 1.4 120 5 11 2.0 111 6.3 11 1.0 128

22 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 1.2 150 6.3 11 0.60 190 8 11.5 0.60 224

33 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.60 200 6.3 11 0.60 233 10 12.5 0.40 319

47 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.43 250 8 11.5 0.50 328 10 16 0.30 417

100 8 11.5 0.20 450 8 11.5 0.24 340 10 16 0.12 456 12.5 20 0.15 570

150 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.17 490 10 20 0.10 610 12.5 25 0.12 762

220 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.12 650 10 25 0.090 809 16 25 0.070 1250

330 10 16 0.080 850 10 20 0.10 810 12.5 20 0.085 1036 16 31.5 0.050 1404

470 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.085 1100 16 20 0.050 1411 18 40 0.030 1980

680 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.065 1200 16 25 0.043 1843 18 40 0.030 2050

820 12.5 25 0.045 1500 16 25 0.055 1300 18 25 0.035 1900 18 40 0.030 2215

1000 12.5 25 0.038 1700 16 25 0.043 1600 16 35.5 0.025 1967

1500 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.038 2000

2200 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.034 2300

3300 18 35.5 0.022 3000


WL series


160 200 250 350

Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

Item Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance
current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

1 6.3 11 3.5 45

10 10 16 3.0 230 10 20 3.5 300 10 20 2.9 180

22 10 20 1.3 440 10 20 1.5 440 12.5 20 2.3 480 12.5 20 2.1 270

33 10 20 1.3 560 12.5 20 0.91 590 12.5 25 1.7 630 16 20 0.91 600

47 12.5 20 0.91 725 12.5 20 0.91 780 12.5 25 1.7 630 16 25 0.73 700

68 12.5 25 0.63 950 12.5 25 0.63 950 16 25 1.0 1000 16 31.5 0.49 1100

82 16 25 1.0 1100 16 35.5 0.45 1130

100 16 25 0.45 1280 16 25 0.45 1280 16 31.5 0.63 1400 18 31.5 0.40 1170

120 18 35.5 0.37 1200

18 25
150 16 31.5 0.35 1300 16 25 0.35 1500 0.42 1450 18 40 0.35 1250

18 31.5

18 35.5 0.39
220 16 31.5 0.30 1300 18 31.5 0.30 1700 1485
18 40 0.35

330 18 31.5 0.25 1700 18 35.5 0.21 1900

400 420 450 500

Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

Item Impedance Impedance Impedance Impedance
current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

3.3 10 20 6.5 150

4.7 12.5 20 3.6 200

10 16 3.5 176 10 16 5.0 230

10 12.5 25 3.5 260
10 20 2.9 180 12.5 25 2.5 315

12.5 25 2.0 525 12.5 30 2.3 420

22 12.5 25 1.3 300

16 25 1.7 570 16 25 2.2 470

33 16 20 0.91 600 16 25 1.7 600 18 31.5 1.8 560

16 25 1.7 660 16 35.5 1.7 650

47 16 25 0.73 700 16 25 1.9 630 16 31.5 1.6 720

18 35.5 1.5 700

18 25 1.5 720

16 31.5
56 1.8 740 18 25 1.5 800 16 40 1.3 740

18 25

16 35.5 16 35.5 1.3 900 16 45 1.2 820

68 16 31.5 0.49 1100 1.5 810
18 25 18 31.5 0.93 900 18 40 1.1 900

16 40 0.93 1000
16 40 1.0 960 16 50 1.1 940

82 16 35.5 0.42 1150 18 31.5 0.83 1000

18 31.5 1.0 900 18 40 1.0 1000

18 35.5 0.75 1200

16 40 18 45 1.0 1200
100 18 35.5 0.34 1200 0.8 1100 18 35.5 0.71 1200
18 35.5 20 41 0.8 1250

16 50 0.71 1250
120 18 40 0.34 1270 18 40 0.50 1500 22 45 0.8 1370
18 40 0.71 1200

150 20 41 0.33 1380 20 41 0.32 1600


RP Extremely Low Impedance

Series Low Impedance Long Life Solvent Proof

High reliability long life(10000 hours)

Operating temperature 55 ~ +105 C

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance

at high frequency

Ideally suited for use in switching power supply, main board

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

Low temperature characteristics WV 6.3 10 16 ~ 25 35 ~ 50

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-55 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 3

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value

tan Less than 200% of specified value

D D 5, 6.3 D 8 D 10 D 12.5

Life time 4000 hours 6000 hours 7000 hours 10000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

P 0.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.91 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.92 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.93 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00


RP series


WV 6.3 10 16

Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C
105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

47 5 11 0.65 180

68 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.30 280

100 5 11 0.65 180 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.30 280

150 5 11 0.65 280 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280

220 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450

330 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450

470 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.10 660

680 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.08 850

1000 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.08 850 10 20 0.054 1100

1500 10 20 0.054 1100 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.050 1400

2200 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.038 1700

3300 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.038 1700 16 25 0.030 2100

4700 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.030 2100 16 25 0.025 2600

6800 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.025 2600 16 35.5 0.022 3000

10000 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.022 3000

15000 18 35.5 0.022 3000

WV 25 35 50

Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C
105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

1.0 5 11 3.5 40

2.2 5 11 3.0 55

3.3 5 11 2.6 65

4.7 5 11 2.3 90

6.8 5 11 1.4 120

10 5 11 1.4 120

22 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 1.2 150

33 5 11 0.70 180 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.60 200

47 5 11 0.65 180 6.3 11 0.30 280 6.3 11 0.43 250

68 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.24 340

100 6.3 11 0.30 280 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.24 340

150 8 11.5 0.14 450 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.17 490

220 8 11.5 0.14 450 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.12 650

330 10 12.5 0.10 660 10 16 0.080 850 10 20 0.10 810

470 10 16 0.080 850 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.085 1100

680 10 20 0.054 1100 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.065 1200

1000 12.5 20 0.050 1400 12.5 25 0.038 1700 16 31.5 0.043 1600

1500 16 25 0.030 1400 16 31.5 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.038 2000

2200 16 25 0.030 2100 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.034 2300

3300 16 31.5 0.025 2600 18 35.5 0.022 3000

4700 18 35.5 0.022 3000


WF High ripple current,

Extremely Low Impedance Series Low Impedance Long Life Solvent Proof

Operating temperature range of 40 ~ +105 C

Extremely low impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C

For E-meter

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C

Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08

Low temperature characteristics WV 6.3 10 16 25 ~ 100

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 3

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value

tan Less than 200% of specified value

D D = 5, 6.3 D = 8, 10 D 12.5

Life time 5000 hours 7000 hours 10000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
0.5 max.

P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

P 0.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.91 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.92 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.93 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00


WF series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current

D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

33 5 11 0.90 150

47 5 11 0.90 150 5 11 0.90 150

100 5 11 0.90 150 5 11 0.90 150 6.3 11 0.40 250 6.3 11 0.40 250

220 6.3 11 0.40 250 6.3 11 0.40 250 8 11.5 0.25 400 8 11.5 0.25 400

330 6.3 11 0.40 250 8 11.5 0.25 400 8 11.5 0.25 400 10 12.5 0.16 580

470 8 11.5 0.25 400 8 11.5 0.25 400 10 12.5 0.16 580 10 16 0.120 770

1000 10 12.5 0.16 580 10 16 0.120 770 10 20 0.078 1050 12.5 20 0.062 1300

2200 12.5 20 0.062 1300 12.5 20 0.062 1300 12.5 25 0.048 1650 16 25 0.034 1850

3300 12.5 20 0.062 1300 12.5 25 0.048 1650 16 25 0.034 1850 16 31.5 0.029 2000

4700 16 25 0.034 1850 16 25 0.034 1850 16 31.5 0.029 2000 18 35.5 0.025 2200

6800 16 25 0.034 1850 16 31.5 0.029 2000 18 35.5 0.025 2200

10000 16 31.5 0.029 2000 18 35.5 0.025 2200

15000 18 35.5 0.025 2200

WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current

D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

0.47 5 11 5.5 30 5 11 6.0 15

1.0 5 11 4.0 50 5 11 4.5 20

2.2 5 11 2.5 55 5 11 3.0 30

3.3 5 11 2.2 65 5 11 2.7 40

4.7 5 11 1.9 88 5 11 2.5 65

10 5 11 1.5 100 5 11 2.3 87 6.3 11 1.2 140

22 5 11 0.9 150 6.3 11 1.30 140 8 11.5 0.63 160

33 5 11 0.90 150 6.3 11 0.40 250 6.3 11 1.20 140 10 12.5 0.43 230

10 12.5 0.43 230

47 6.3 11 0.4 250 6.3 11 0.4 400 8 11.5 0.63 210

10 16 0.31 290

12.5 16 0.23
100 8 11.5 0.25 400 8 11.5 0.25 500 10 12.5 0.43 300 750
12.5 20 0.16

220 10 12.5 0.16 580 10 16 0.12 770 10 25 0.210 520 16 25 0.073 900

330 10 16 0.120 770 10 20 0.08 1050 12.5 20 0.160 660 16 25 0.073 900

390 10 20 0.095 900 10 20 0.075 1170 12.5 25 0.140 700 12.5 34.5 0.073 1650

470 10 20 0.078 1050 12.5 20 0.062 1300 12.5 25 0.120 750

1000 12.5 25 0.048 1650 16 25 0.034 1850 16 31.5 0.054 1390

2200 16 31.5 0.029 2000 18 35.5 0.025 2200

3300 18 35.5 0.025 2200


LK High Ripple Current

Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

(2000 ~ 4000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

WV 6.3 ~ 63 100
Operating temperature range
temperature range -55 ~ +105 C -40 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08

Low temperature characteristics Z-55 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)

3 2

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

D D 5, 6.3 D 8 D 10 D 12.5

Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 4000 hours 5000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


L max.
1.5 2.0
15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.32 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.40 0.63 0.82 0.91 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.45 0.67 0.84 0.92 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.50 0.70 0.86 0.93 1.00

2200 ~ 0.60 0.75 0.88 0.94 1.00


LK series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current

D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

33 5 11 0.800 200

47 5 11 0.800 200 5 11 0.550 200

100 5 11 0.850 200 5 11 0.600 200 8 11.5 0.350 550 8 11.5 0.240 550

150 8 11.5 0.490 550 8 11.5 0.350 550 8 11.5 0.240 550 10 12.5 0.160 927

220 8 11.5 0.300 550 8 11.5 0.240 550 10 12.5 0.160 927 10 12.5 0.130 927

330 8 11.5 0.240 550 10 12.5 0.160 927 10 12.5 0.130 927 10 16 0.095 1100

470 10 12.5 0.140 927 10 12.5 0.130 927 10 16 0.095 1100 10 20 0.075 1280

680 10 16 0.110 1100 10 16 0.095 1100 10 20 0.075 1280 10 25 0.055 1495

1000 10 20 0.075 1280 10 20 0.075 1280 10 25 0.055 1495 12.5 25 0.043 2100

1500 10 25 0.055 1495 10 25 0.055 1495 12.5 25 0.043 2100 16 25 0.034 2607

2200 12.5 25 0.043 2100 12.5 25 0.043 2100 12.5 30 0.034 2480 16 31.5 0.032 2840

3300 12.5 30 0.034 2480 16 25 0.034 2607 16 31.5 0.032 2840 16 35.5 0.029 3017

4700 16 31.5 0.032 2840 16 31.5 0.032 2840 16 35.5 0.029 3017 18 40 0.027 3379

6800 16 35.5 0.029 3017 16 35.5 0.029 3017 18 40 0.027 3379

WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current

D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)

(mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C (mm) 20 C

105 C 105 C 105 C 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

1.0 5 11 4.00 36

2.2 5 11 3.50 54 5 11 5.00 38

3.3 5 11 3.00 66 5 11 5.00 44

4.7 5 11 2.20 74 5 11 5.00 53

10 5 11 2.000 115 5 11 1.06 135 6.3 11 2.00 89

22 5 11 2.000 200 5 11 1.800 160 6.3 11 0.520 215 8 11.5 1.200 159

33 5 11 1.500 200 6.3 11 1.200 285 8 11.5 0.350 320 10 12.5 0.800 221

47 8 11.5 0.700 550 8 11.5 0.700 550 8 11.5 0.250 365 10 16 0.600 350

100 10 12.5 0.200 927 10 12.5 0.200 927 10 20 0.120 750 12.5 20 0.300 405

150 10 12.5 0.160 927 10 16 0.120 1100 10 25 0.090 950 12.5 25 0.250 541

220 10 16 0.120 1100 10 20 0.095 1280 12.5 20 0.065 1140 16 25 0.150 885

330 10 20 0.095 1280 10 25 0.075 1495 12.5 25 0.049 1420 16 31.5 0.100 991

470 10 25 0.075 1495 12.5 25 0.055 2100 16 25 0.042 1700 18 40 0.068 1401

680 12.5 25 0.055 2100 16 25 0.043 2770 16 31.5 0.032 2050

1000 12.5 30 0.043 2480 16 31.5 0.034 2840 18 35.5 0.029 2280

1500 16 31.5 0.034 2840 16 35.5 0.032 3017

2200 16 35.5 0.032 3017 18 40 0.029 3379

3300 18 40 0.029 3379


MK High Ripple Current

Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

Ripple current compared with LK series

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

(2000 ~ 3000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.

Dissipation factor max.

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.08

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)

3 2

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

D D = 5, 6.3 D = 8 D 10

Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 5000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8


L max.
1.5 2.0
15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.94 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.96 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.96 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.97 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.97 1.00


MK series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

10 5 11 1.000 250 5 11 1.000 250

22 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 1.000 250 5 11 0.525 250

33 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250

47 5 11 0.450 250 5 11 0.450 250 5 11 0.450 250 5 11 0.450 250

5 11 0.450 250
100 5 11 0.450 250 5 11 0.450 250 6.3 11 0.225 405
6.3 11 0.300 405

150 6.3 11 0.300 405 6.3 11 0.300 405 6.3 11 0.225 405 8 11.5 0.160 760

220 6.3 11 0.225 405 6.3 11 0.225 405 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 11.5 0.160 760

330 6.3 11 0.225 405 8 11.5 0.175 760 8 11.5 0.108 760 10 12.5 0.098 1030

8 15 0.098 880 8 15 0.098 1030

390 8 11.5 0.108 550 8 11.5 0.108 760
10 12.5 0.098 880 10 12.5 0.098 1030

8 11.5 0.108 760 10 12.5 0.098 1030

470 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 15 0.098 1030 10 16 0.065 1430

10 12.5 0.088 1030 10 20 0.060 1500

8 15 0.098 880 8 15 0.098 880 8 20 0.088 1030 8 20 0.088 1430

10 12.5 0.098 880 10 12.5 0.098 880 10 16 0.088 1030 10 16 0.088 1430

8 15 0.098 10 16 0.065 1430

680 10 12.5 0.088 1030 1030 10 16 0.065 1430
10 12.5 0.088 10 20 0.050 1820

820 10 16 0.075 1030 10 12.5 0.088 1030 10 16 0.065 1450 10 20 0.050 2000

8 20 8 20 0.088 10 20 0.050 2100

0.088 1030 1500
1000 10 16 0.065 1430 10 12.5 10 16 0.065 10 25 0.045 2360

10 16 0.065 1430 10 20 0.050 1820 12.5 20 0.043 2600

1200 10 16 0.065 1820 12.5 20 0.043 2650

10 25 12.5 25 0.029 2770

1500 10 20 0.050 1820 10 20 0.050 1820 0.043 2360
12.5 20 16 20 0.024 2880

1800 10 20 0.050 1820 12.5 20 0.043 2000 12.5 25 0.029 2450 12.5 25 0.029 2900

10 20 0.05 1820

2200 12.5 20 0.043 2360 10 25 0.048 10 30 12.5 25 0.029 3000

2360 0.029 2770

12.5 20 0.043 12.5 25 16 25 0.024 3114

12.5 25
3300 12.5 20 0.040 2360 0.029 3140 16 25 0.024 3200 16 31.5 0.024 3312
16 20

4700 16 25 0.024 3114 16 25 0.024 3200 16 31.5 0.024 3312 18 35.5 0.022 3420

6800 16 25 0.024 3114 16 31.5 0.024 3312 18 35.5 0.022 3420

10000 16 31.5 0.024 3312 18 35.5 0.022 3420

15000 18 35.5 0.022 3420


MK series


WV 35 50 63 100

Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

current current current current
D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max. D L (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
20 C 20 C 20 C 20 C
(mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C (mm) 105 C

F 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

0.22 5 11 5.00 250

0.47 5 11 4.00 250

1.0 5 11 3.00 250

2.2 5 11 3.00 250 5 11 3.000 125

3.3 5 11 1.50 250 5 11 2.000 165 5 11 2.000 125

4.7 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 1.50 250 5 11 2.000 165 5 11 2.000 125

10 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 1.000 250 5 11 0.500 165 6.3 11 0.500 205

22 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.500 250 6.3 11 0.300 265 8 11.5 0.300 355

33 5 11 0.450 250 6.3 11 0.300 405 6.3 11 0.300 265 10 12.5 0.250 450

8 15 0.200 500
47 6.3 11 0.300 405 6.3 11 0.300 405 8 11.5 0.200 500
10 16 0.200 580

56 6.3 11 0.300 405 8 11.5 0.160 580 10 12.5 0.160 680 10 16 0.160 750

8 11.5 0.108 760 10 20 0.150 800

100 8 11.5 0.160 760 10 16 0.100 945
8 15 0.108 770 12.5 20 0.100 1045

150 8 11.5 0.108 760 10 12.5 0.088 1030 10 20 0.080 1100 12.5 25 0.070 1195

8 15 0.098 1030
220 10 16 0.065 1430 10 25 0.070 1300 16 25 0.060 1600
10 12.5 0.088 1030

330 10 16 0.065 1430 10 20 0.050 1820 12.5 20 0.050 1495 16 31.5 0.040 1750

390 8 20 0.088 1430 10 20 0.050 1820 12.5 25 0.038 1600 16 31.5 0.040 1750

8 20 0.088
470 10 16 0.065 12.5 20 0.043 2360 16 20 0.035 1990 18 40 0.030 2060

10 20 0.050 1820

10 20 0.050 1820
680 12.5 25 0.029 2770 16 25 0.030 2780
12.5 20 0.043 2360

12.5 20 0.043 2500

1000 16 25 0.027 3114 16 35.5 0.020 2835
12.5 25 0.029 2770

12.5 25 0.029 2770

1500 16 20 0.027 2880 16 31.5 0.024 3312

16 25 0.024 3114

2200 16 31.5 0.024 3312 18 35.5 0.022 3420

3300 18 35.5 0.022 3420


MQ High Ripple Current

Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

High Ripple current with MK series

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

(2000 ~ 4000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)

Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics

Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C

I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)

Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)

Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20 C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)

3 2

After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.

The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage

combined must not exceed the rated voltage.

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value

tan Less than 200% of the specified value

D D 5, 6.3 D 8 D 10 D 12.5

Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 4000 hours 5000 hours

After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105 C)
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

0.5 max.

D 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16

P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5

d 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8


L max.
1.5 2.0
15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.40 0.65 0.82 0.94 1.00

47 ~ 270 0.50 0.70 0.84 0.96 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.75 0.86 0.96 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.88 0.97 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.90 0.97 1.00


MQ series


WV 6.3 10 16

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(Ω)max. (Ω)max. (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
10 5 11 0.525 250
22 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 270
33 5 11 0.525 270 5 11 0.525 270 5 11 0.525 290
47 5 11 0.450 290 5 11 0.450 290 5 11 0.450 310
100 5 11 0.450 310 5 11 0.450 310 6.3 11 0.225 405
150 6.3 11 0.225 405 6.3 11 0.225 405 6.3 11 0.225 460
220 6.3 11 0.225 460 6.3 11 0.225 460 8 11.5 0.108 760
330 6.3 11 0.225 505 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 11.5 0.108 950
470 8 11.5 0.108 950 8 11.5 0.108 950 10 12.5 0.088 1280
680 10 12.5 0.088 1280 10 12.5 0.088 1280 10 16 0.065 1785
1000 10 16 0.065 1785 10 16 0.065 1785 10 20 0.050 2270
1200 10 16 0.065 2200
1500 10 20 0.050 2270 10 20 0.050 2270 12.5 20 0.043 2950
2200 12.5 20 0.043 2950 12.5 20 0.043 2950 12.5 25 0.029 3460

WV 25 35 50

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
4.7 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 1.50 270
10 5 11 0.525 250 5 11 0.525 270 5 11 0.750 290
22 5 11 0.525 270 5 11 0.525 290 5 11 0.390 310
33 5 11 0.525 290 5 11 0.450 310 6.3 11 0.255 405
47 5 11 0.450 310 6.3 11 0.225 460 6.3 11 0.210 460
100 6.3 11 0.225 460 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 11.5 0.108 950
150 8 11.5 0.108 760 8 11.5 0.108 950 10 12.5 0.088 1280
220 8 11.5 0.108 950 10 12.5 0.088 1280 10 16 0.065 1785
330 10 12.5 0.088 1280 10 16 0.065 1785 10 20 0.050 2270
470 10 16 0.065 1785 10 20 0.050 2270 12.5 20 0.043 2950
680 10 20 0.060 2270 12.5 20 0.043 2950 12.5 25 0.029 3460
1000 12.5 20 0.060 2950 12.5 25 0.029 3460 16 25 0.027 3890
1200 12.5 20 0.043 3100
1500 16 20 0.024 3600 16 25 0.024 3890
2200 16 25 0.024 3890


MZ Ultra Low Impedance

Series Low Impedance Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Low impedance compared with MK series

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency
High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
(2000 ~ 3000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) 3 2
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Leakage current Less than specified value
Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
D D = 5, 6.3 D=8 D 10
Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 5000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦

~ 33 0.42 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00

47 ~ 270 0.50 0.73 0.92 0.96 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.77 0.94 0.97 1.00

1000 ~ 1500 0.60 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


MZ series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
4.7 5 11 0.35 250
10 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
22 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
33 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
47 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250
100 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405
150 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.1 760
220 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.09 760
330 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.012 760 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.08 1030
470 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.010 760 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430
680 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.027 1820
1000 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.027 1820 12.5 20 0.025 2360
1500 10 20 0.027 1820 10 20 0.027 1820 12.5 20 0.025 2360 16 20 0.020 3460
2200 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.018 2770 16 25 0.015 3460
3300 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.024 2770 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
4700 16 25 0.015 3460 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 35.5 0.014 3800
6800 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 35.5 0.014 3800
10000 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 35.5 0.014 3800
15000 18 35.5 0.014 3800

WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
0.47 5 11 2.0 250
1.0 5 11 2.0 250
2.2 5 11 2.0 250 5 11 2.0 125
3.3 5 11 1.0 250 5 11 2.0 165 5 11 2.0 125
4.7 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 1.0 250 5 11 2.0 165 5 11 2.0 125
10 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.50 250 5 11 0.45 165 6.3 11 0.50 205
22 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.4 250 6.3 11 0.30 265 8 11.5 0.30 355
33 5 11 0.30 250 6.3 11 0.17 405 6.3 11 0.30 265 10 12.5 0.25 450
47 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.14 405 8 11.5 0.20 500 10 16 0.20 580
100 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.105 760 10 16 0.10 945 12.5 20 0.10 1045
150 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.061 1030 10 20 0.08 1100 12.5 25 0.070 1195
220 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 25 0.07 1300 16 25 0.060 1600
330 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.032 1820 12.5 20 0.04 1495 16 31.5 0.040 1750
470 10 20 0.027 1820 12.5 20 0.025 2360 16 20 0.035 1990 18 40 0.030 2060
680 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.020 2770 16 25 0.030 2780
1000 12.5 25 0.019 2770 16 25 0.018 3460 16 35.5 0.020 2835
1500 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
2200 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 35.5 0.014 3800
3300 18 35.5 0.014 3800


MB Low Imp., High Ripple Current

Series Low Impedance Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Ultra low impedance

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
For SMPS, IP-Board, Adaptor, Noise Filter, Charger
Complied to the RoHS directive, Halogen-Free

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
Dissipation factor max.
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
When rated Capacitance is over 1000 F, tan shall be added 0.02 to the listed value with increase
of every 1000 F.
Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C/Z+20 C Z-25 C/Z+20 C
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) 3 2
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Leakage current Less than specified value
Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value
tan Less than 200% of the specified value
D D 5, 6.3 D 8 D 10 D 12
Life time 2000 hours 3000 hours 4000 hours 5000 hours
Shelf life (at 105°
C) After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire


5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
D 0.5 max.

P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
1 ~ 180 0.40 0.75 0.90 0.95 1.00
220 ~ 560 0.50 0.85 0.94 0.96 1.00
680 ~ 1800 0.60 0.87 0.95 0.97 1.00
2200 ~ 3900 0.75 0.90 0.95 0.97 1.00
4700 ~ 18000 0.85 0.95 0.98 0.99 1.00


MB series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
68 5 11 0.300 250
5 11 0.030 250
6.3 11 0.015 385
150 5 11 0.300 250 6.3 11 0.130 405
220 5 11 0.300 250 6.3 11 0.130 405 8 11.5 0.072 760
6.3 11 0.130 405
330 10 12.5 0.053 1030
8 11.5 0.094 600
390 8 15 0.060 818
10 12.5 0.053 1030
470 6.3 11 0.130 405 8 11.5 0.072 760
10 16 0.038 1430
560 8 11.5 0.075 1200 8 20 0.050 1260
10 16 0.038 1430
8 15 0.060 818
680 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 20 0.023 1820
10 12.5 0.053 1030 12.5 16 0.031 1452
820 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 20 0.023 2000
8 15 0.060 818 8 20 0.050 1260 10 20 0.025 1900
1000 10 12.5 0.053 1030
10 16 0.038 1430 10 25 0.022 2150
10 16 0.038 1430
8 15 0.060 818
1200 8 20 0.050 1260
10 12.5 0.053 1030
10 16 0.038 1430
1500 8 20 0.050 1260 10 20 0.023 1820 10 20 0.023 1820 12.5 20 0.021 2360
12.5 16 0.031 1452
10 16 0.038 1430
1800 10 25 0.022 2150 12.5 25 0.020 2770
12.5 16 0.031 1452
12.5 25 0.020 3000
2200 10 20 0.023 1820 10 25 0.022 2150 12.5 20 0.021 2360 16 20 0.021 3140
18 20 0.023 2860
2700 12.5 25 0.020 2770 18 25 0.018 3611
16 20 0.021 3140
3300 10 25 0.022 2150 12.5 20 0.021 2360 16 25 0.019 3460
18 20 0.023 2826
12.5 35 0.017 3400
3900 12.5 20 0.021 2360 12.5 25 0.020 2770
18 25 0.018 3611
16 20 0.021 3140
4700 12.5 25 0.020 2770 16 25 0.019 3460
18 20 0.023 2826
12.5 30 0.018 3290
16 25 0.019 3460
5600 16 20 0.021 3140 16 31.5 0.013 3680
18 20 0.023 2826 18 25 0.018 3611
6800 16 25 0.019 3460 16 31.5 0.013 3680
16 31.5 0.013 3680
18 25 0.018 3611


MB series


WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
1.0 5 11 2.500 53
2.2 5 11 2.500 56
3.3 5 11 2.300 60 5 11 2.000 125
4.7 5 11 1.500 82 5 11 2.000 125
10 5 11 1.000 250 5 11 0.45 165 6.3 11 0.500 205
22 5 11 0.300 250 8 11.5 0.030 355
27 5 11 0.300 250
33 6.3 11 0.300 265 10 12.5 0.250 450
47 5 11 0.300 250 6.3 11 0.140 350 8 11.5 0.200 500 10 16 0.200 580
56 6.3 11 0.140 385
68 10 12.5 0.160 600
100 6.3 11 0.130 405 8 11.5 0.072 724 10 16 0.100 945 12.5 20 0.100 1045
120 8 15 0.060 818
150 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.061 979 10 20 0.080 1100 12.5 25 0.070 1195
180 8 20 0.050 1260
220 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.042 1370 10 25 0.070 1300 16 25 0.060 1600
270 8 15 0.060 818 12.5 16 0.042 1071
330 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 20 0.030 1580 10 25 0.070 1300 16 31.5 0.040 1750
390 8 20 0.050 1260
10 16 0.038 1430 16 31.5 0.040 1750
470 12.5 20 0.027 2050 16 20 0.035 1990
12.5 16 0.031 1452 18 40 0.030 2060
560 10 20 0.023 1820 12.5 25 0.020 2410
10 20 0.023 1820
680 16 25 0.030 2780
10 25 0.022 2150
820 16 20 0.023 2730

12.5 20 0.021 2360 16 25 0.021 3010
1000 16 35.5 0.020 2835
12.5 25 0.020 2770 18 20 0.022 2850
1200 12.5 25 0.020 2770 18 25 0.020 3140
16 20 0.021 3140
18 20 0.023 2860
16 25 0.019 3460
18 25 0.018 3611
16 25 0.019 3460
16 31.5 0.013 3680


LZ Low Impedance, Long Life

Series Low Impedance Long Life Solvent Proof

Operating temperature range of -40 ~ +105 C

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency range
High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C
(6000 / 8000 hours for as specified below)
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) 3 2
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Leakage current Less than specified value
Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
D D 5, 6.3 D 8 D 10
Life time 6000 hours 8000 hours 10000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz

~ 33 0.32 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.40 0.63 0.82 0.91 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.45 0.67 0.84 0.92 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.50 0.70 0.86 0.93 1.00

2200 ~ 0.60 0.75 0.88 0.94 1.00


LZ series
WV 6.3 10 16
Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple
ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
47 5 11 0.600 300 5 11 0.600 300 5 11 0.600 300
100 5 11 0.600 345 5 11 0.600 345 6.3 11 0.300 345
150 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 0.300 540
220 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 0.300 345 8 11.5 0.200 540
330 6.3 11 0.300 540 8 11.5 0.200 608 8 11.5 0.140 945
470 8 11.5 0.140 540 8 11.5 0.140 630 10 12.5 0.105 945
8 20 0.105 945
680 10 12.5 0.105 945 10 12.5 0.105 945
10 16 0.075 1250
820 10 12.5 0.105 945 10 16 0.075 945 10 20 0.054 1760
8 20 0.105 945 8 20 0.075 1250
10 12.5 0.105 945
1000 10 16 0.075 1250
10 16 0.075 1250 10 20 0.054 1760
10 20 0.054 1650
1200 10 16 0.075 1500 10 16 0.075 1760 10 20 0.054 1960
1500 10 20 0.054 1760 10 20 0.054 1760 12.5 20 0.050 1960
1800 10 20 0.054 1760 10 20 0.054 1760 12.5 20 0.050 2250
2200 12.5 20 0.050 1960 12.5 20 0.050 1960 12.5 25 0.040 2480
2700 12.5 20 0.050 2250 12.5 25 0.040 2250 12.5 25 0.040 2900
3300 12.5 20 0.050 2480 12.5 25 0.040 2480 16 25 0.030 3250
3900 12.5 25 0.040 2480 16 25 0.030 2480 16 25 0.030 3570
4700 16 25 0.030 3250 16 25 0.030 3250 16 31.5 0.027 3630
5600 16 25 0.030 3570 16 25 0.030 3570
6800 16 25 0.030 3630 16 31.5 0.027 3630
8200 16 31.5 0.027 3700 18 35.5 0.025 3700

WV 25 35 50

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
10 5 11 3.000 160
22 5 11 1.800 240
33 5 11 1.800 292
47 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 1.000 450
56 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 0.700 450
68 6.3 11 0.300 345 6.3 11 0.300 345 8 11.5 0.500 490

0.300 345 6.3 11 0.300 500 0.300 724
100 6.3 11 8 11.5
8 11.5 0.250 540
120 6.3 11 0.300 345 8 11.5 0.200 540 8 11.5 0.200 950
150 8 11.5 0.250 345 8 11.5 0.160 945 10 12.5 0.120 979
0.200 345 8 20 0.120 1200
180 8 11.5 8 11.5 0.140 945
10 12.5 0.120 1190
8 11.5 0.140 945 8 20 0.120 1370
220 8 11.5 0.160 345
10 12.5 0.105 945 10 16 0.075 1370
8 15 0.120 945
270 10 12.5 0.105 945 10 20 0.064 1580
10 16 0.075 1250
330 10 12.5 0.105 945 10 16 0.075 1330 10 20 0.064 1870
8 15 0.105 1250 0.054
390 10 20 1500 10 20 0.064 2050
10 12.5 0.105 1250
8 20 0.085 1430
470 10 16 0.075 1330 10 16 0.075 1600 12.5 20 0.050 2050
10 20 0.054 1760
8 20 0.054 12.5 20 0.050 0.040
560 1700 1960 12.5 25 2410
10 20 0.054
10 16 0.075 10 20 0.054 1850
680 1760 12.5 20 12.5 25 0.040 2410
10 20 0.054 0.050 2250
10 25
10 20 0.054
820 2300 12.5 25 0.040 2350 16 20 0.040 2730
12.5 20 0.050
1000 12.5 20 0.050 2350 12.5 25 0.040 2480 16 25 0.036 3010
1200 12.5 20 0.050 2480 16 20 0.040 2900
1500 16 20 0.040 2480 16 25 0.030 3250
1800 16 20 0.040 2900 16 25 0.030 3570
12.5 30 0.040 2900
2200 16 31.5 0.027 3630
16 25 0.030 3250
2700 16 25 0.030 3570
3300 16 31.5 0.027 3630


ML Ultra Low Impedance, Long Life

Series Low Impedance Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Long Life compared with MZ series

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency
High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C
(6000/8000 hours for as specified below)
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) 3 2
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Leakage current Less than specified value
Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
D D = 5, 6.3 D=8 D 10
Life time 6000 hours 8000 hours 10000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦

~ 33 0.42 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00

39 ~ 270 0.50 0.73 0.92 0.96 1.00

330 ~ 680 0.55 0.77 0.94 0.97 1.00

820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


ML series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
10 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
22 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
33 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.35 250
47 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250
100 5 11 0.30 250 5 11 0.30 250 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405
150 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.072 760
220 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.072 760
330 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.08 760 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.053 1030
390 6.3 11 0.15 405 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 15 0.072 1250
470 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430
560 8 11.5 0.072 630 10 12.5 0.053 650 10 12.5 0.053 1100 8 20 0.072 1800
680 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.027 1820
1000 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.027 1820 12.5 20 0.025 2360
1500 10 20 0.027 1820 10 20 0.027 1820 12.5 20 0.025 2360 16 20 0.015 3460
2200 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.018 2770 16 25 0.015 3460
3300 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.022 2770 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
4700 16 25 0.015 3460 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
6800 16 25 0.015 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
10000 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 35.5 0.014 3800

WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

10 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.50 250 5 11 0.45 165 6.3 11 0.50 205
22 5 11 0.35 250 5 11 0.34 250 6.3 11 0.30 265 8 11.5 0.30 355
33 5 11 0.30 250 6.3 11 0.17 405 6.3 11 0.30 265 10 12.5 0.25 450
47 6.3 11 0.30 405 6.3 11 0.14 405 8 11.5 0.20 500 10 16 0.20 580
56 6.3 11 0.15 405 6.3 11 0.14 405 8 11.5 0.17 540 10 16 0.20 630
68 8 11.5 0.10 540 8 11.5 0.10 540 10 12.5 0.15 760 8 20 0.25 700
10 20 0.18 800
100 8 11.5 0.072 760 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 16 0.10 945
12.5 20 0.10 1045
8 20 0.120
150 8 11.5 0.072 760 10 12.5 0.061 1030 1200 12.5 25 0.080 1195
10 20 0.080
220 10 12.5 0.053 1030 10 16 0.038 1430 10 25 0.070 1300 16 25 0.060 1600
330 10 16 0.038 1430 10 20 0.032 1820 12.5 20 0.040 1495 16 31.5 0.040 1750
8 20 0.038 1600
470 12.5 20 0.025 2360 16 20 0.037 1990 18 40 0.030 2060
10 20 0.027 1820
680 12.5 20 0.025 2360 12.5 25 0.020 2770 16 25 0.030 2780
1000 12.5 25 0.022 2770 16 25 0.018 3460 16 35.5 0.020 2835
1500 16 25 0.018 3460 16 31.5 0.015 3680
2200 16 31.5 0.015 3680 18 40 0.02 3500


MN High Ripple Current,

Ultra Low Impedance Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

High ripple current compared with MZ series

Enabled high ripple current by a reduction of impedance at high frequency range
High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
(2000~4000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

Low temperature characteristics Z-40 C / Z+20 C Z-25 C / Z+20 C

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) 3 2

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
(after application of the rated tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 5000 hours at 105° C) D D=8 D = 10
Life time 3000 hours 5000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 8 10
P 0.5 P 3.5 5.0
Ød 0.6 0.6

L max. 15 min. 4 min.

β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 220 0.50 0.73 0.92 0.96 1.00
390 ~ 680 0.55 0.77 0.94 0.97 1.00
820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00
2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


MN series


WV 6.3 10 16

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(Ω)max. (Ω)max. (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
470 8 11.5 0.036 1140
8 15 0.028 1490
680 8 11.5 0.036 1140
10 12.5 0.026 1540
820 8 11.5 0.036 1140
8 15 0.028 1490 8 20 0.021 1870
10 12.5 0.026 1540 10 16 0.019 2000
1200 8 15 0.028 1490
8 20 0.016 1950 8 20 0.021 1870
1500 10 20 0.013 2550
10 12.5 0.026 1540 10 16 0.019 2000
8 20 0.021 1870
1800 10 20 0.013 2550 10 25 0.015 2800
10 16 0.019 2000
2200 10 20 0.013 2550 10 25 0.012 2800
3300 10 25 0.012 2800

WV 25 35 50

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(Ω)max. (Ω)max. (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
100 8 11.5 0.096 1086
120 8 15 0.080 1558
150 10 12.5 0.083 1612
180 8 20 0.065 1888
220 8 11.5 0.036 1140 8 11.5 0.073 1417 10 16 0.057 1985
270 8 15 0.059 2050 10 20 0.042 2322
330 10 12.5 0.053 2190 10 25 0.037 2626

390 8 15 0.028 1490 8 20 0.041 2380
470 10 12.5 0.026 1540 10 16 0.038 2550
560 8 20 0.019 1870 10 20 0.028 2880

680 10 16 0.019 2000 10 25 0.024 3150

820 10 20 0.013 2550

1000 10 25 0.015 2800


MD High Ripple Current,

Ultra Low Impedance Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

High ripple current compared with MZ series

Enabled ripple current with extremely low impedance
at high frequency range
High reliability withstanding 2000 hours load life at 105 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16

Low temperature characteristics WV 6.3 10 16

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C / Z+20 C 3 3 3
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING (See page 123) Unit : mm


WV 6.3 10 16

Item Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current Impedance Ripple current
ØD L (Ω)max. (mA rms) ØD L (Ω)max. (mA rms) ØD L (Ω)max. (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C (mm) 20°
C 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz

470 8 11.5 0.021 1340

8 15 0.020 1850
680 8 11.5 0.021 1340
10 12.5 0.016 1960
820 8 11.5 0.021 1340
8 15 0.020 1850 8 20 0.013 2350
10 12.5 0.016 1960 10 16 0.013 2460
1200 8 15 0.020 1850
8 20 0.013 2350
1500 10 12.5 0.016 1960 10 20 0.011 2770
10 16 0.013 2460
1800 8 20 0.013 2460 10 20 0.011 2770 10 25 0.011 3230
2200 10 20 0.011 2770 10 25 0.09 3230
3300 10 25 0.09 3230


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦

~ 820 0.55 0.77 0.94 0.97 1.00

1000 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00

2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


SJ For PSU, Long Life

Series Long Life

High reliability withstanding 8000 hours load life at 85 C

Suitable for CFL, adapter and power supply
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV+25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 450 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 450 500

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z(-25 C) / Z(+20 C) 6 6

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
voltage for 8000 hours at 85° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 16 18
D 0.5 max.

P 7.5 7.5
P 0.5 Ød 0.8 0.8
L≤40mm 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min. L≻40mm 3.0

Safety vent

WV 450 500
47 16 35.5 360

56 16 40 420
16 35.5 560 16 45
68 490
18 31.5 560 18 40
16 40 630
82 16 50 520
18 31.5 630
16 40 750
18 35.5 750
120 16 50 800
150 16 50 870

Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
450V 1.00 1.40 1.50 1.75 2.00
500V 1.00 1.35 1.45 1.69 1.80


LY Miniature, Long Life, For LED Lighting

Series Long Life Solvent Proof

Miniature, long life

For LED Lighting
High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
I = 0.01CV or 3 A wichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.03CV or 4 A wichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 10 16 25 35 50

(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.45 0.35 0.30 0.22 0.19

Low temperature characteristics WV 10 16 25 35 50

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 4 3

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 25% of the initial value
voltage for 10000 hours at 105° C) tan Less than 200% of the specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm
Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire
D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8
P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5

Safety vent 6.3 up)


WV 10 16 25 35 50

Item Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 105°C (mm) 105°C (mm) 105°C (mm) 105°C (mm) 105°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
1 5 11 32
2.2 5 11 42
3.3 5 11 84
4.7 5 11 96
10 5 11 108
22 5 11 132
33 5 11 156 5 11 175 6.3 11 228
47 5 11 175 5 11 175 6.3 11 252 6.3 11 228
100 5 11 175 6.3 11 252 6.3 11.5 252 8 11.5 396 8 11.5 324
220 6.3 11 252 8 11.5 396 8 11.5 396 8 15 430
330 8 11.5 396 8 11.5 396


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 33 0.42 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
47 ~ 0.55 0.73 0.92 0.96 1.00


LQ Low Imp., High Ripple Current

Series Low Impedance Miniaturized Solvent Proof

For LED Lighting

High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C
(6000 ~ 9000 hours for smaller case sizes as specified below)
Complied to the RoHS directive, Halogen-Free

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08

Low temperature characteristics Z-25 C / Z+20 C 2

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C / Z+20 C 3
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Rated voltage (Vdc) 6.3 ~ 10 16 ~ 100
Capacitance change Within 30% of initial value Within 25% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Life time (hrs)

6.3Vdc 10~50Vdc 63~100Vdc
5 ~ 6.3 6000 7000 6000
8 11.5L 8000 9000 8000
8 15L ~ 20L 9000 10000 9000
10 12.5L 9000
10 16L ~ 25L
12.5 ~
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6305 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
D 0.5 max.

P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent ( 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 33 0.42 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
47 ~ 270 0.50 0.73 0.92 0.96 1.00
330 ~ 680 0.55 0.77 0.94 0.97 1.00
820 ~ 1800 0.60 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00
2200 ~ 0.70 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


LQ series
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35

Item IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple
ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
47 5 11 0.400 450
68 5 11 0.400 450
100 5 11 0.400 450 6.3 11 0.170 700
120 5 11 0.400 450
150 5 11 0.400 450 6.3 11 0.170 700
180 8 11.5 0.075 1200
220 5 11 0.400 345 8 15 0.059 1600
270 6.3 11 0.170 700 10 12.5 0.053 1700
330 5 11 0.170 700 8 11.5 0.075 1200 8 20 0.041 1960
390 8 15 0.059 1600 10 16 0.038 2000
470 6.3 11 0.170 540 8 11.5 0.075 1200 10 12.5 0.053 1700 10 16 0.038 2100
560 8 11.5 0.075 1200 8 15 0.059 1600 8 20 0.041 1960 10 20 0.028 2500
680 8 15 0.059 1600 10 12.5 0.053 1700 10 16 0.036 2000 10 25 0.024 2900
820 8 11.5 0.075 945 10 12.5 0.053 1700 8 20 0.041 1960 12.5 20 0.025 2600
1000 8 15 0.059 1250 10 16 0.041 1960 10 16 0.036 2000 10 20 0.027 2500 12.5 20 0.025 2800
1200 10 12.5 0.053 1500 10 16 0.036 2000 10 25 0.023 2900 12.5 25 0.019 3200
12.5 30 0.018 3660
1500 8 20 0.041 1500 10 20 0.027 2500 12.5 20 0.024 2600
16 20 0.021 3330
12.5 34.5 0.016 4120
1800 10 16 0.036 1760 10 20 0.027 2500 10 25 0.023 2900 12.5 25 0.018 3200
16 25 0.017 3810
12.5 30 0.017 3660
2200 10 25 0.023 2900 12.5 20 0.024 2600
16 20 0.020 3330
2700 10 20 0.027 1960 10 20 0.024 2600 12.5 25 0.018 3200 12.5 34.5 0.015 4120
12.5 30 0.017 3660
3300 10 25 0.023 2250 12.5 25 0.018 3200 16 25 0.016 3810
16 20 0.020 3300
3900 12.5 20 0.024 2480 12.5 34.5 0.015 4120
12.5 20 0.018 3660
4700 12.5 25 0.018 2900 16 25 0.016 3810
16 25 0.016 3300
16 25 0.021 4120
5600 12.5 30 0.017 3450
16 25 0.017 3810
12.5 34.5 0.015 3570
16 20 0.020 3250
8200 16 25 0.016 3630
WV 50 63 80 100

Item IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C 20°
C 105°C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
8.2 5 11 1.200 220
12 5 11 1.200 220
18 5 11 0.710 240 6.3 11 0.460 370
27 5 11 0.480 310 6.3 11 0.460 370
33 8 11.5 0.450 620
8 15 0.350 780
47 6.3 11 0.380 400 6.3 11 0.280 420 8 11.5 0.290 620
10 12.5 0.250 780
56 6.3 11 0.220 500 8 15 0.200 780
8 20 0.250 1040
68 10 12.5 0.170 780
10 16 0.105 1040
82 8 11.5 0.180 720 8 20 0.160 1040 10 16 0.105 1140
10 20 0.080 1430
100 8 11.5 0.120 950 8 15 0.130 990 10 16 0.110 1040
12.5 16 0.105 1430
120 8 15 0.082 1230 10 12.5 0.110 990 10 25 0.066 1620
10 20 0.084 1430
150 10 12.5 0.073 1280 8 20 0.096 1200 12.5 20 0.650 1750
12.5 16 0.110 1430
180 8 20 0.058 1580 10 16 0.076 1200 10 25 0.069 1620
220 10 16 0.050 1650 12.5 20 0.062 1750 12.5 25 0.045 2210
12.5 30 0.040 2400
270 10 20 0.056 1570 12.5 25 0.047 2210
16 20 0.046 1950
12.5 30 0.042 2400
330 10 20 0.036 2060 10 25 0.046 1990 12.5 34.5 0.034 2600
16 20 0.048 1950
12.5 40 0.030 2860
390 10 25 0.030 2240 12.5 20 0.041 1990 12.5 34.5 0.036 2600 16 25 0.036 2430
18 20 0.045 2270
12.5 40 0.032 2860 16 31.5 0.030 2640
470 12.5 20 0.030 2300 12.5 25 0.031 2460 16 25 0.038 2430
18 25 0.034 2500
18 20 0.045 2270
12.5 30 0.028 2760 16 35.5 0.028 2860
560 16 31.5 0.032 2640
16 20 0.032 2380 18 31.5 0.029 2860
16 35.5 0.029 2860 16 40 0.026 3510
680 12.5 25 0.024 2800 12.5 34.5 0.024 3040
0.036 2500 0.026 3510
18 25 18 35.5
12.5 30 0.022 3370 16 40 0.027 3510
820 16 25 0.025 2890 18 40 0.025 3860
16 20 0.025 3070 18 31.5 0.030 2860
12.5 34.5 0.020 3810
1000 16 31.5 0.023 2950 18 35.5 0.027 3510
16 25 0.021 3510
1200 18 40 0.026 3860
2200 18 40 0.02 3200


LJ series


WV 10 16 25 35 50

Item IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple
(Ω)max. current (Ω)max. current (Ω)max. current (Ω)max. current (Ω)max. current
ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms)
C 130°C 20°
C 130°C 20°
C 130°C 20°
C 130°C 20°
C 130°C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
4.7 8 11.5 0.850 100
10 8 11.5 0.60 200
22 8 11.5 0.350 260
33 8 11.5 0.28 300
47 8 11.5 0.28 300
100 8 11.5 0.220 360 10 12.5 0.180 520
220 8 11.5 0.220 360 10 12.5 0.150 620 10 20 0.082 890
330 8 11.5 0.22 360 8 11.5 0.22 360 10 12.5 0.150 620 10 16 0.10 800 12.5 20 0.065 1000
470 10 12.5 0.15 620 10 12.5 0.15 620 10 16 0.100 800 10 20 0.073 960 12.5 25 0.051 1200
1000 10 20 0.07 960 10 20 0.07 960 12 20 0.06 1100 12.5 25 0.040 1430 16 31.5 0.037 2180
2200 12.5 25 0.040 1430 12.5 25 0.040 1430 16 31.5 0.034 2300 16 35.5 0.031 2550 18 40 0.029 2800
3300 16 25 0.038 1900 16 31.5 0.034 2300 16 35.5 0.031 2550 18 35.5 0.028 2800
4700 16 31.5 0.034 2300 16 35.5 0.031 2550

WV 63 100 200 400

Item IMP. Ripple IMP. Ripple Ripple Ripple

(Ω)max. current (Ω)max. current current current
ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms) ØD L (mA rms)
C 130°C 20°
C 130°C 130°C 130°C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
1.0 8 11.5 65
8 11.5 75
8 15 80
8 11.5 75
8 15 85
8 11.5 75
2.2 8 15 90
8 20 110
8 15 95
8 20 115
3.3 8 20 120
8 20 120
4.7 8 11.5 1.300 100 8 11.5 120
10 16 125
8 11.5 130 10 16 130
8 15 180 10 20 145
8 11.5 130 10 20 150
8 15 180
8 15 200
10 8 11.5 1.000 200
8 20 240
8 15 200
8 20 240
8 20 240
22 8 11.5 0.670 220
10 16 240
33 8 11.5 0.40 250 10 12.5 0.45 260 10 20 320
47 10 12.5 0.27 400 10 16 0.33 330
100 10 16 0.20 450 12.5 20 0.17 670
220 12.5 20 0.100 820 16 25 0.130 1100
330 12.5 25 0.072 1000 16 31.5 0.100 1300
470 16 25 0.069 1500 18 31.5 0.092 1600
1000 16 31.5 0.056 1850
1500 18 40 0.043 2350


BA For PSU, Smaller Case Size


105 C 2000 hours

Smaller case size for energy saving lamp & ballast
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
I = 0.03CV + 15 A (CV 1000)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.02CV + 25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 350 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15

WV 160 200 250 350 400 450

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 4 6 6
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 - - -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Less than specified value
Leakage current
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent


WV 160 200 250 350 400 450
1.0 8 11.5 27 10 12.5 27

2.2 10 12.5 37 10 12.5 43 10 12.5 33

3.3 10 12.5 44 10 12.5 53 10 16 58 10 16 51

4.7 8 11.5 53 10 12.5 53 10 16 64 10 16 66 10 20 66

10 10 12.5 77 10 12.5 86 10 16 88 10 20 110 10 20 125 12.5 20 101

22 10 16 140 10 16 140 10 20 168 12.5 20 175 12.5 25 196 16 25 168

33 10 20 206 10 20 206 12.5 20 223 16 20 240 16 25 260 18 25 228

47 10 20 266 12.5 20 266 12.5 25 297 16 25 311 18 25 317

100 12.5 25 420 16 25 460 18 25 470 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

220 18 25 500 Case size D L (mm)


μF Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00 2.00 2.00
100 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.34 2.00 2.00 2.00


RH For PSU High Ripple Current, Long Life

Series Long Life

High ripple current

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
Suited for ballast application
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
WV 160 ~ 450 500
Operating temperature range
Temperature range -40 ~ 105 C -25 ~ 105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV 15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.24 0.24 0.24

WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 4 6 6 6
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 8 10 10 -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5 16 18 20 22

P 0.5
P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 10.0
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0

β 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.
α 0.5 1.0
Safety vent


μF Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 4.7 0.25 0.30 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00
6.8 ~ 15 0.30 0.40 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
22 ~ 0.40 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


RH series


μF WV 160 200 250 350
1.0 10 12.5 80
2.2 10 12.5 90
10 12.5 100
10 16 130
4.7 10 16 200
6.8 10 12.5 120 10 12.5 120 10 16 200
10 10 16 250 10 16 300 10 20 300 10 20 280
15 10 12.5 260
10 16 360 10 16 360
22 12.5 20 600 12.5 20 350
10 20 500 10 20 500
10 20 500
33 10 20 500 12.5 20 600 16 20 500
12.5 20 600
47 12.5 20 600 12.5 20 660 12.5 25 720 16 25 660
68 12.5 25 600 12.5 25 760 16 25 920 16 31.5 800
82 16 20 760 16 20 880 16 25 1120 18 31.5 920
100 16 25 1100 16 25 1120 16 31.5 1200 18 31.5 1020
120 16 25 1180 16 31.5 1200 18 25 1200 18 31.5 1150
18 25 1250
150 16 31.5 1300 16 31.5 1300 18 40 1250
18 31.5 1250
220 18 35.5 1600

μF WV 400 450 500

1.0 10 12.5 90
10 12.5 100
2.2 10 16 120
10 16 120
3.3 10 16 140 10 16 140
4.7 10 16 180 10 20 180
6.8 10 16 200 10 20 200
10 10 20 280 12.5 20 300 12.5 20 300
15 12.5 16 280
22 12.5 25 430 16 25 550 16 25 420
33 16 25 640 16 31.5 700 16 31.5 560
47 16 31.5 750 16 31.5 700

700 18 35.5
56 18 25 750 18 35.5 740
18 25 900
68 16 31.5 880 18 35.5 900
18 31.5 1000
18 31.5 1035
82 16 35.5 1000 18 40 1030
18 35.5 1100
18 45 1100
100 18 35.5 1120 18 35.5 1296
20 41 1200
120 18 40 1250 18 40 1400
150 20 41 1380 20 41 1796
180 20 41 1450 22 45 1800

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


RU For PSU, High Ripple Current


High ripple current compared with RH series

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
Suited for ballast application
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
WV 160 ~ 450 500
Operating temperature range
Temperature range -40 ~ +105 C -25 ~ 105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV 25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.24

WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 4 6 6 6
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 8 10 10 -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm
DRAWING (See page 140)


μF WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
3.3 10 12.5 180
6.8 10 12.5 250
10 16 310
10 10 16 290 10 16 350 10 16 350 10 20 325 12.5 20 345 12.5 20 345
10 20 325
15 10 16 340 10 16 430 10 16 430 10 20 360 10 20 400 16 20 530 16 25 490
12.5 20 475 16 20
22 10 16 415 10 20 525 12.5 20 525 12.5 20 405 635 16 25 485
12.5 25 500 16 25
16 25
33 10 20 580 12.5 20 695 12.5 20 695 16 20 580 16 25 740 810 16 31.5 650
18 20
18 25 18 25
47 12.5 20 635 12.5 20 765 12.5 25 835 16 25 765 870 900 18 35.5 810
16 31.5 16 31.5
16 20 1000
68 12.5 25 695 12.5 25 880 18 25 925 18 31.5 1020 18 31.5 1160 18 35.5 1040
16 25 1065
16 25 1275
82 12.5 25 880 16 25 1100 18 25 985 18 31.5 1160 18 31.5 1250 18 40 1100
18 25 1300
100 16 20 1200 16 25 1275 18 25 1330 18 31.5 1180 18 35.5 1300 18 35.5 1450 20 41 1275
120 16 25 1330 18 25 1390 18 25 1450 18 31.5 1330 18 40 1450 18 40 1620 22 45 1800
18 45 1500 18 45 1700
150 16 25 1450 18 25 1500 18 25 1550 18 40 1450
20 41 1600 20 41 1800

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


μF Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 47 0.35 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00
68 ~ 0.40 0.65 0.85 0.92 1.00


BH For PSU, High Ripple Current

Series Long Life

Higher ripple current compared with RH series

Operating tempersture range of -25 ~ +105 C
High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
I = 0.04CV + 100 A (after 1 minute)
Leakage current max.
I = 0.02CV + 25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 200 250 350 400

(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.24

Low temperature characteristics WV 200 250 350 400

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value

Shelf life (at 105°

C) After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm
DRAWING (See page 140)


μF WV 200 250 350 400
2.2 10 16 160

3.3 10 16 190 10 16 180
4.7 10 16 220 10 16 220
6.8 10 16 280 10 16 280
8 20 300 8 20 400
8.2 10 16 300 10 20 400
8 20 300 8 23 400
10 10 16 320 10 16 320
10 20 400 10 20 400
8 20 300 8 23 350 10 30 500 12.5 20 700
12.5 20 650
22 10 20 550 10 20 550 12.5 25 780
12.5 25 680
33 12.5 20 700 12.5 20 800 16 25 910 16 25 920
12.5 30 1050
47 12.5 20 980 12.5 25 1040
18 20 1150
12.5 20 1100
68 16 25 1350 16 31.5 1300
12.5 25 1300
82 16 20 1450 12.5 30 1450
Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz
12.5 30 1550
100 Case size D L (mm)
16 25 1630


μF Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 4.7 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00
6.8 ~ 10 0.35 0.40 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
22 ~ 0.40 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


PQ For PSU, High Ripple Current, Long Life


High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

Suitable for CFL, adapter and power supply
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV+25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 400 450

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z(-25 C) / Z(+20 C) 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 12.5 16 18 20

P 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8

β 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min. α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent


WV 400 450
22 12.5 25 215 16 25 175

33 16 25 320 16 31.5 350

47 16 31.5 375 16 31.5 350

68 16 31.5 435 18 25 520

82 18 31.5 500 18 31.5 600

100 18 35.5 560 18 35.5 750

120 18 40 625 18 40 850

150 20 41 690 20 41 930

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)


μF Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 68 0.80 1.00 1.60 1.80 1.90 2.00
82 ~ 0.50 1.00 1.08 1.33 1.50 1.67


BL For PSU, High Ripple Current, Long Life

Series Long Life

High ripple current

Operating temperature range of -25 ~ +105 C
For power supply and adapter
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV + 25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.24

Low temperature characteristics WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 4 6 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5 16 18 20

P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0

P 0.5 Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8

β 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min. α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent

μF WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
4.7 10 12.5 190 10 16 220
6.8 10 12.5 190 10 16 220 10 16 220 10 16 220
10 10 16 250 10 16 250 10 20 280 10 20 280 10 20 280 12.5 20 320 12.5 25 320
12.5 20 400 16 25 560
22 10 20 500 10 20 500 12.5 20 600 12.5 20 350 12.5 25 430 12.5 25 400
16 25 560 16 31.5 675
33 10 20 500 12.5 20 600 12.5 20 600 16 20 500 16 25 640 18 25 700 18 35.5 720
47 12.5 20 660 12.5 20 660 12.5 25 720 16 25 660 18 25 840 18 31.5 880 18 40 1000
12.5 25 760 18 25 1000 18 35.5 1000
68 12.5 25 760 16 25 920 18 25 840 18 31.5 870
10 30 950 18 31.5 1000 18 40 1060
82 12.5 25 830 16 25 955 16 25 1010 18 31.5 900 18 35.5 950 18 35.5 1050
18 35.5 1100
100 16 25 1120 18 25 1120 18 25 1200 18 40 1000
18 40 1150
120 18 40 1200
150 18 25 1360 18 25 1360 20 41 1300
Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz
Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.35 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


BG For PSU, Long Life

Series Long Life

High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C

For power supply and adapter
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 400 450

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z(-25 C) / Z(+20 C) 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 12.5 16 18 20

P 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8

β 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.
α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent


WV 400 450
22 12.5 25 430 12.5 25 350

33 16 20 640 16 25 650

47 18 20 840 18 20 880

68 18 25 870 18 25 1000

82 18 31.5 950 18 31.5 1050

100 18 31.5 1000 18 35.5 1100

120 18 40 1160 18 40 1300

150 20 41 1280 20 41 1440

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


BJ For PSU, High Ripple, Long Life

Series Long Life

High reliability withstanding 12000 hours load life at 105 C

Suitable for CFL, adapter and power supply
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C (160 ~ 250WV), -25 ~ +105 C (350 ~ 500WV)
CV 1000 : I = 0.01CV + 40 A (after 1 minutes), I = 0.03CV + 15 A (after 5 minutes)
Leakage current max.
CV > 1000 : I = 0.04CV + 100 A (after 1 minutes), I = 0.02CV + 25 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.24

WV 160 200 250 350 400 450 500

Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 6 6 6 6
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 - - - -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 12000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value

Shelf life (at 105°

C) After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 2.0

Safety vent


WV μF 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
4.7 ~ 15 0.30 0.60 0.90 0.95 1.00
160~450 22 ~ 47 0.40 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
68 ~ 220 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00
10 ~ 33 0.40 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
47 ~ 68 0.50 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


BJ series


μF WV 160 200 250 350
4.7 10 12.5 150
6.8 10 12.5 250 10 16 230
10 10 16 280 10 16 320 10 16 320 10 20 350
22 10 16 450 10 20 500 10 20 500 12.5 20 530
33 10 16 600 10 20 650 12.5 20 670 16 20 710
47 10 20 680 12.5 20 780 12.5 20 780 16 25 935
12.5 25
68 12.5 20 760 820 16 20 920 18 25 1010
16 20
82 12.5 25 820 16 25 900 16 20 1070 18 25 1140
12.5 25 16 25
100 1050 16 25 1120 1200 18 31.5 1220
16 20 18 20
120 16 25 1150 16 25 1200 18 25 1300
150 16 25 1300 18 25 1360 18 25 1500
220 18 25 1750 18 31.5 1800

μF WV 400 450 500

4.7 10 16 180 10 16 180
10 16 230
6.8 10 16 230
10 20 280
10 20 330
10 10 20 330 12.5 20 300
12.5 20 400
12.5 20 400
15 12.5 20 400 12.5 25 440
12.5 25 500
12.5 25 740
22 12.5 25 600 16 25 560
16 20 750
16 25 16 31.5
33 16 20 800 910 675
18 20 18 25
16 25
47 900 18 25 1050 18 31.5 720
18 20
68 16 31.5 1080 18 31.5 1170 18 40 1000
82 18 31.5 1350 18 35.5 1430 18 40 1050
100 18 35.5 1640 18 40 1690 20 41 1150

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


BD High Ripple, Long Life

Series Long Life

High reliability withstanding 12000 hours load life at 105 C

For power supply and adapter
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 400 450

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z(-25 C) / Z(+20 C) 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 12000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 12.5 16 18
D 0.5 max.

P 0.5 P 5.0 7.5 7.5

Ød 0.6 0.8 0.8
β 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


WV 400 450
22 12.5 25 600 12.5 25 740

33 16 20 800 16 25 910
16 31.5
47 16 25 900 1050
18 20
68 16 31.5 1080 18 31.5 1170

82 18 31.5 1350 18 35.5 1430

100 18 35.5 1640 18 40 1690

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


μF 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
22 ~ 47 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00

68 ~ 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00


BK For PSU, High Temperature


High reliability withstanding 5000 Hours load life at 125 C

Suitable for compact energy saving lamp
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +125 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV+15 A (CV 1000), I = 0.02CV+25 A (CV 1000) (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 160 200 250 350 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.24 0.24

Low temperature characteristics WV 160 200 250 350 ~ 450

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 5000 hours at 125 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
450WV products are for 2000 hours.
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 125°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5 16
D 0.5 max.

P 0.5
P 5.0 5.0 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8
β 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


WV 160 200 250 350 400 450
2.2 10 12.5 90 10 12.5 90

3.3 10 12.5 90 10 16 120 10 16 100

10 12.5 100 10 16 130
4.7 10 12.5 90 10 12.5 100 10 20 170 10 25 104
10 16 120 10 20 170
10 12.5 110 10 12.5 130 10 16 140
10 12.5 20 250 12.5 20 250 12.5 20 155
10 16 140 10 16 160 10 20 170
22 10 20 280 10 20 280 12.5 20 300 16 25 277
Ripple current (mA rms) at 125 C,
33 12.5 20 400 12.5 20 400 12.5 25 450 16 31.5 365
47 12.5 25 520 12.5 25 520 Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.30 0.40 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00


BM For PSU, 2000 hours at 150 C


High reliability withstanding 2000 hours load life at 150 C

Suitable for compact energy saving lamp
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +150 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 4 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 160 200 350 400
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20 0.24 0.24

Low temperature characteristics WV 160 200 350 400

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 6 6
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 150 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 150°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5
D 0.5 max.

P 5.0 5.0
P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.6
β 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


μF WV 160 200 350 400
2.2 10 12.5 36 10 16 42
3.3 10 12.5 48 10 16 50
4.7 10 16 77 10 20 83
5.6 10 20 100 12.5 20 97
10 10 12.5 110 10 16 83 12.5 25 120 12.5 25 105
22 10 20 160 10 20 170
33 12.5 20 230 12.5 20 210 Case size D L (mm)
47 12.5 25 250 12.5 25 240 Ripple current (mA rms) at 150 C, 120Hz


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.75 1.00 1.50 1.75 1.77 1.80


LU For Slim PSU, 2000 hours at 105 C


High reliability withstanding 2000 hours load life at 105 C

Suitable for Slim application
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C( ~ 250V), -25 ~ +105 C(350V ~ )
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV +15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 200 ~ 250 350 ~ 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.20

WV 200 ~ 250 350 450 500

Low temperature characteristics 8 8 8
Z(-25 C)/Z(+20 C) 3
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z(-40 C)/Z(+20 C) 4 - - -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 2000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 8 10 12.5
D 0.5 max.

P 3.5 5.0 5.0

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.6
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


μF WV 200 250 350 450 500
16 8 40 145 8 40 165 10 50 155
8 50 210
22(21) 8 40 150 8 45 210 10 50 230
10 30 250
39 8 45 215 10 45 350 10 50 375 12.5 50 360
47 8 50 250 10 45 380 10 50 410 12.5 50 390
53 10 40 375 10 50 395 10 50 520 12.5 60 430
56 10 40 395 10 50 405 12.5 40 520 12.5 60 460
60 12.5 60 470
68 10 40 435 12.5 40 495 12.5 50 635
82 10 45 505 12.5 45 570 12.5 50 700
100 12.5 30 530 10 50 585 12.5 50 660 12.5 60 720
150 12.5 50 765

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.75 2.00


LB For Slim PSU, 10000 hours at 105 C

Series Long Life

High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C

(WV 350V : reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C)
Suitable for slim application
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C(250V), -25 ~ +105 C(350V ~ 500V)
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV +15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 250 350 ~ 500
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.20

WV 250 350 450 500

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 8 8 8
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 - - -
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
Load life
tan Less than 200% of specified value
Life time D 8 D 10
WV 250 5000 hours 10000 hours
WV 350 5000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm
DRAWING Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 8 10 12.5
D 0.5 max.

P 3.5 5.0 5.0

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.6
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


μF WV 250 350 450 500
16 8 40 145 8 40 165 10 50 155
21 8 40 150 8 45 180 8 50 240 10 50 230
22 12.5 30 250
27 8 45 175 10 40 220 10 50 280 10 50 260
39(40) 8 45 215 10 40 350 10 50 375 12.5 50 360
47 8 50 375 10 45 380 10 50 410 12.5 50 390
10 30 380
56 10 50 405 12.5 40 520 12.5 60 460
10 40 395
60 12.5 60 470
12.5 45 560
68 10 40 550 12.5 40 560
12.5 50 635
82 10 45 560 12.5 45 570 12.5 50 700
100 10 50 585 12.5 50 660 12.5 60 720
150 12.5 50 765 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz
180 12.5 50 800 Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.75 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.75 2.00


PF High Ripple Current, High Reliability

Series Long Life

High ripple current for diaplay module

High reliability withstanding 10000 hours load life at 105 C
Suited for ballast application
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV+15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 160 200 250 275
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 160 200 250 275

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 4
After an application of DC bias voltage plus the rated AC ripple current for 10000 hours at 105 C.
The measurement shall meet the following limits. The DC voltage plus the peak AC voltage
combined must not exceed the rated voltage.
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
tan Less than 200% of specified value

Shelf life (at 105°

C) After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 2.0

Safety vent


μF WV 160 200 250 275
10 10 16 320 10 16 320 10 16 320
22 10 16 500 10 16 500 10 20 500 10 20 350
33 10 20 650 10 20 650 12.5 20 770 12.5 20 500
47 10 20 750 12.5 20 840 12.5 20 980 12.5 25 840
68 12.5 20 970 12.5 25 970 16 20 1080 16 25 970
82 12.5 25 1060 16 20 1125 16 20 1190 18 25 1100
100 12.5 25 1250 16 20 1230 16 25 1425 18 25 1400
120 16 20 1350 16 20, 18 20 1435 18 25 1660 18 31.5 1600
16 25 1610 18 25 1740 18 25 2000 18 35.5 1900
18 31.5 2075

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz

Case size D L (mm)


Frequency(Hz) 50(60)Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.30 0.40 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


CS For Charger and Adapter


Load life of 2000 hours at 105 C

Voltage range 400 ~ 450V
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV + 15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. 0.2max. at 120Hz, 20 C
Appearance Normal
Surge test Leakage current Less than specified value
(1.5kVDC: 5th interval 5 sec) Capacitance change Within initial value
tan Less than specified value

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
voltage for 2000 hours at 105° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

P 0.5

15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent

ØD 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8
β 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Note : Other case sizes, rated voltage or capacitance are available upon request.
Please check with us about individual size and dimensions.


RB High Temperature, For 125 C Use

Series Solvent Proof
WV 100V

Load life of 2000 hours at 125 C

For Electronic Control unit and other high
temperature applications
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range WV 50: -55 ~ +125 C, WV 63: -40 ~ +125 C
WV 50: I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Leakage current max.
WV 63: 0.03CV +10 A(after 5 min.)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
Rated Votage(V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 ~ 100 160 ~ 250
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.15

WV 6.3 ~10 16 ~ 250

Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 5 4

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 300% of specified value
voltage for 2000 hours at 125° C)
5, 6.3 and WV 100 products are for 1000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 125°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


WV μF 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 47 0.38 0.50 0.78 1.00 1.00 1.00
6.3~100 68 ~ 680 0.46 0.57 0.77 0.86 0.93 1.00
1000 ~ 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.77 0.88 1.00
0.47 ~ 220 0.44 0.56 0.78 0.89 0.94 1.00
330 ~ 0.60 0.67 0.75 0.77 0.88 1.00


RB series


WV 6.3 10 16

Item Ripple Ripple Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 125°C (mm) 125°C (mm) 125°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
47 5 11 124
68 5 11 124 6.3 11 176
100 5 11 120 6.3 11 168 6.3 11 212
150 6.3 11 180 6.3 11 212 8 11.5 310
220 6.3 11 228 8 11.5 310 8 11.5 368
330 8 11.5 234 8 11.5 368 10 12.5 500
470 10 12.5 460 10 12.5 480 10 16 616
680 10 16 560 10 16 616 10 20 816
1000 10 20 760 10 20 848 12.5 20 1129
1500 10 25 976 12.5 20 1134 12.5 25 1328
2200 12.5 20 1150 12.5 25 1368 16 20 1440
3300 12.5 25 1368 16 20 1480 16 25 1676
4700 16 25 1548 16 31.5 1936 16 35.5 2144
6800 16 31.5 1896 16 35.5 2144 18 35.5 2320
10000 16 40 2200 18 40 2432
15000 18 40 2368

WV 25 35 50

Item Ripple Ripple Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current ØD L current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 125°C (mm) 125°C (mm) 125°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
1.0 5 11 29
1.5 5 11 36

2.2 5 11 43
3.3 5 11 53
4.7 5 11 65
6.8 5 11 73
10 5 11 92
15 5 11 116
22 5 11 128 6.3 11 156
33 5 11 124 6.3 11 180 6.3 11 192
47 6.3 11 168 6.3 11 216 8 11.5 275
68 6.3 11 208 8 11.5 307 8 11.5 328
100 8 11.5 306 8 11.5 368 10 16 465
150 8 11.5 368 10 12.5 500 10 20 656
220 10 12.5 480 10 16 616 10 25 832
330 10 16 600 10 20 848 12.5 20 1025
470 10 20 816 12.5 20 1121 12.5 25 1200
680 12.5 20 1114 12.5 25 1328 16 20 1304
1000 12.5 25 1328 16 20 1416 16 31.5 1696
1500 16 20 1416 16 31.5 1908 16 40 1928
2200 16 25 1641 16 35.5 2144 18 40 2048
3300 16 35.5 2144 18 40 2432
4700 18 40 2368


RB series


WV 63 100 160

Ripple current Ripple current Ripple current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
125°C 100kHz 125°C 100kHz 125°C 100kHz
0.47 8 11.5 13 8 11.5 13 10 12.5 10
1.0 8 11.5 19 8 11.5 19 10 12.5 15
2.0 8 11.5 28 10 12.5 33 10 16 24
3.3 8 11.5 34 10 16 44 10 16 32
4.7 8 11.5 41 10 16 52 10 20 38
10 8 11.5 60 10 20 83 12.5 20 66
22 10 16 113 12.5 25 157 16 25 118
33 10 20 151 16 25 214 16 31.5 158
47 12.5 20 211 16 31.5 279
100 12.5 25 336

WV 200 250

Ripple current Ripple current
(mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) (mm)
125°C 100kHz 125°C 100kHz
0.47 10 12.5 10 10 12.5 10
1.0 10 12.5 15 10 12.5 14
2.0 10 16 24 10 16 24
3.3 10 20 32 10 20 32
4.7 10 20 38 12.5 20 45
10 12.5 20 72 16 25 79
22 16 31.5 129


WT High Temperature, For 125 C Use

Long Life Series Low Impedance Solvent Proof

Load life of 5000 hours at 125 C

Low impedance at high frequency
For electronic control unit and other high
temperature applications
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +125 C
Leakage Current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance Tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation Factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20°
tan 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08

WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 6 6 4 3 3 3 3 3

Capacitance change Within 30% of initial value

Load life tan Less than 300% of the specified value
(after application of the rated Leakage current Less than specified value
voltage for 5000 hours at 125° C) D D 6.3 D 8 D 10 D 12.5
Life time 1000 hours 2000 hours 3000 hours 5000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 125°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16

P 0.5
P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
~ 33 0.20 0.50 0.80 0.90 1.00
47 ~ 100 0.25 0.60 0.90 0.95 1.00
150 ~ 220 0.35 0.70 0.92 0.96 1.00
330 ~ 680 0.45 0.75 0.95 0.97 1.00
1000 ~ 1500 0.50 0.80 0.96 0.98 1.00
2200 ~ 0.55 0.85 0.98 0.99 1.00


WT series


WV 6.3 10 16 25

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
47 5 11 0.80 250
68 5 11 0.80 250 5 11 0.80 250 6.3 11 0.34 405
100 5 11 0.80 250 6.3 11 0.34 405 6.3 11 0.34 405 6.3 11 0.34 405
150 6.3 11 0.34 405 6.3 11 0.34 405 6.3 11 0.34 405 8 11.5 0.28 760
220 6.3 11 0.34 405 8 11.5 0.30 760 8 11.5 0.28 760 10 12.5 0.14 1030
330 8 11.5 0.28 760 8 11.5 0.28 760 10 12.5 0.14 1030 10 16 0.10 1430
470 10 12.5 0.14 1030 10 12.5 0.14 1030 10 16 0.10 1430 10 20 0.08 1500
680 10 16 0.10 1430 10 16 0.10 1430 10 20 0.06 1500 12.5 20 0.06 1720
1000 10 20 0.06 1500 10 20 0.06 1500 12.5 20 0.06 1720 12.5 25 0.05 1900
1500 10 25 0.06 1620 12.5 20 0.06 1720 12.5 25 0.05 1900
2200 12.5 20 0.06 1720 12.5 25 0.05 1900
3300 12.5 25 0.05 1900

WV 35 50 63 100

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current ØD L (Ω)max. current
(mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C (mm) 20°
C 125°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
22 5 11 0.80 250 10 12.5 0.80 480
33 6.3 11 0.34 405 8 11.5 0.45 300 8 11.5 1.50 150 10 12.5 0.80 480
47 6.3 11 0.34 405 8 11.5 0.35 440 10 12.5 0.59 530 10 16 0.55 630
68 8 11.5 0.19 760
100 8 11.5 0.28 760 10 12.5 0.18 555 10 16 0.41 690 12.5 20 0.25 990
150 10 12.5 0.14 1030
220 10 16 0.10 1430 10 20 0.10 930 12.5 20 0.16 1050 16 25 0.11 1500
330 10 25 0.06 1620 12.5 20 0.09 1330 12.5 25 0.12 1290 16 31.5 0.08 1790
470 12.5 20 0.06 1720 12.5 25 0.08 1650 12.5 34.5 0.10 1460
680 12.5 25 0.05 1900 16 31.5 0.05 2430


VA 130 C, Long Life, Low Impedance

Series Low Impedance Long Life Solvent Proof

Load life of 4000 hours at 130 C

Low impedance at high frequency
For Electronic Control Unit and other high temperature applications
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +130 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage(V) 10 16 25 35
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12

WV 10 16 25 35
Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 2 2 2
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 6 4 3 3

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life Capacitance change Within 30% of initial value
(after application of the rated tan Less than 300% of specified value
voltage for 4000 hours at 130° C) D D 10 D 12.5
Life time 2000 hours 4000 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 130°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 8 10 12.5 16 18
D 0.5 max.

P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

P 0.5 Ød 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8

β 1.5 2.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


Frequency 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦

~ 330 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.95 0.97 1.00

470 ~ 1500 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.98 0.99 1.00

2200 ~ 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00


VA series


WV 10 16

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current
(Ω)max. (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 130°C (mm) 20°
C 130°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
330 8 11.5 0.22 360 8 11.5 0.22 360
470 10 12.5 0.15 620 10 12.5 0.15 620
1000 10 20 0.073 960 10 20 0.073 960
2200 12.5 25 0.040 1430 12.5 25 0.040 1430
3300 16 25 0.038 1900 16 31.5 0.034 2300
4700 16 31.5 0.034 2300 16 35.5 0.031 2550

WV 25 35

Item Impedance Ripple Impedance Ripple

ØD L current ØD L current
(Ω)max. (Ω)max.
(mA rms) (mA rms)
(mm) 20°
C 130°C (mm) 20°
C 130°C
μF 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz 100kHz
220 8 11.5 0.22 360 10 12.5 0.15 500
330 10 12.5 0.15 620 10 16 0.10 700
470 10 20 0.10 800 10 20 0.073 800
1000 12.5 25 0.055 1100 12.5 25 0.040 1100
2200 16 31.5 0.034 2300 16 35.5 0.031 2550
3300 16 35.5 0.031 2550 18 35.5 0.028 2800


VB 155 C, High Temp, High Reliability

Series Solvent Proof

Load life of 1000 hours at 155 C use

For Electronic Control Unit and other high
temperature applications
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +155 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 4 A whichever is greater (after 1 minute)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
Rated Voitafe(V) 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08

WV 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 30% of initial value
voltage for 1000 hours at 155° C) tan Less than 300% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 155°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5 16 18
P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
D 0.5 max.

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8

β 2.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦

1000 ≦ CV 0.67 0.91 0.95 1.00

1000 ≻ CV 0.50 0.83 0.91 1.00


VB series


WV 10 16 25 35
Item Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple
current current current current
ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms)
155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz
1.0 10 12.5 35
2.2 10 12.5 50
3.3 10 12.5 60
4.7 10 12.5 85
10 10 12.5 175
22 10 12.5 200
33 10 12.5 225
47 10 12.5 250
100 10 12.5 250 10 20 400
220 10 16 300 12.5 20 500 12.5 25 600
330 10 16 300 10 20 400 12.5 25 600 16 25 800
470 10 20 400 12.5 20 600 16 25 800 16 31.5 1000
1000 12.5 25 600 16 25 800 16 31.5 1000 18 40 1300
2200 16 31.5 1000 18 35.5 1200
3300 18 35.5 1200 18 40 1300
4700 18 40 1300

WV 50 63 80 100

Item Ripple Ripple Ripple Ripple

current current current current
ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms) ØD L(mm) (mA rms)
155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz 155°C 100kHz
22 10 12.5 390
33 10 12.5 420 10 16 510
47 10 16 550 10 20 640
56 10 12.5 430 10 20 690 10 20 640
68 10 16 560 10 20 690 12.5 20 760
100 10 16 380 10 20 710 12.5 20 820 12.5 25 950
220 12.5 20 640 12.5 25 1040 16 25 1250 16 31.5 1380
330 16 20 770 16 20 1080 16 31.5 1480 18 31.5 1430
470 16 25 960 16 25 1280 18 31.5 1530
560 16 31.5 1080 16 31.5 1520
680 18 25 1190 16 35.5 1520
1000 18 31.5 1420


UT For Flame Retardancy


Flame retardancy series for general purposes

Load life of 2000 hours at 105 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -25 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.02CV +15 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. Rated Voltage (V) 400 450
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.20 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 400 450

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 6 6

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 25% of initial value
voltage for 2000 hours at 105° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 10 12.5 16 18 20

P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0

P 0.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8

β 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min. α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent

WV 400 450
2.2 10 12.5 47
2.7 10 12.5 52
4.7 10 16 125
6.8 10 16 161
10 10 20 131 10 20 197
22 12.5 25 225 16 25 371
33 16 20 397 16 31.5 422
47 16 25 476 18 31.5 598
68 16 31.5 615 18 31.5 663
100 18 40 727 18 35.5 718
120 18 40 745
150 20 41 798

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz

Case size D L (mm)


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 50kHz 100kHz≦
Coefficient 0.80 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.40


NP Non-Polarized
Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof
WV 100V

Standard non-polarized series

Designed for use in circuits with reversing polarity
Higher voltage ratings available up to 250V
Load life of 2000 hours at 85 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 160 200,250
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.20

WV 6.3 10 16 25~100 160~250

Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2 3
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 10 8 6 4 5

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 2000 hours at 85° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 22 25.4


P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 12.5

P 0.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0

β 1.5 2.0 3.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min.
α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00

68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.34 1.50

1000 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.13 1.15


NP series


6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100 160 200 250

5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
18 18 18 18
5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
21 21 21 21
5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
26 26 26 26
5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 10 16 10 16 10 20
32 32 32 32 49 42 46
5 11 5 11 5 11 6.3 11 10 16 10 20 12.5 20
38 38 38 44 59 55 63
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20
46 46 52 62 77 78 78
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25
55 64 64 75 109 95 103
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25
61 78 78 92 107 134 127 140
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5
73 84 94 111 129 142 177 170 186
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5
78 103 103 136 158 173 189 240 239 256
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 16 35.5 18 40
87 107 123 145 189 207 226 265 329 321
5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 18 35.5
100 120 129 175 203 249 272 319 348 425
6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 16 25
139 145 184 247 270 329 329 387 468
6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25
171 210 262 331 361 404 474 516 573
8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5
244 295 347 437 437 574 625 694 797
10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 16 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40
347 396 464 535 628 850 850 976 1098
10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 18 40 22 41

454 516 553 750 818 1110 1164 1311 1443
10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
595 729 781 984 1091 1503 1577 1736 1896
12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
847 883 1033 1323 1519 1912 2105 2299
12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
999 1132 1338 1748 1968 2386 2607
12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 51
1272 1463 1781 2254 2481 3221
16 25 16 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
1672 1985 2360 2890 3157
16 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 51
2221 2579 2987 3927
18 41 22 41 25.4 51
2840 3214 4004
22 41 25.4 51 Case size D L (mm)
3516 4290 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz


NS Non-Polarized, Height 7mmL

Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Non-polarized series with 7mmL height

Load life of 2000 hours at 85 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.05CV or 10 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 40 50 63
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.10

WV 6.3 10 16~25 35~63

Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 4

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 2000 hours at 85° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 4 5 6.3
D 0.5 max.

P 1.5 2.0 2.5

P 0.5
Ød 0.45 0.5 0.5
β 1.0 1.5
L max. 15 min. 4 min.


WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 40 50 63
1.0 4 7 13 4 7 14
1.5 4 7 16 4 7 17
2.2 4 7 19 5 7 24
3.3 4 7 20 4 7 21 4 7 18 5 7 27 6.3 7 34
4.7 4 7 23 4 7 24 5 7 29 5 7 25 6.3 7 37 6.3 7 40
6.8 4 7 26 5 7 32 5 7 33 6.3 7 39 5 7 29
10 4 7 31 5 7 39 6.3 7 47 6.3 7 48 6.3 7 41
15 4 7 35 5 7 44 6.3 7 55
22 5 7 49 6.3 7 62 6.3 7 67 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

33 6.3 7 69 6.3 7 76 Case size D L (mm)

47 6.3 7 83


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
Coefficient 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00


NE Non-Polarized, Height 5mmL

Series Miniaturized Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Non-polarized and low profile series with 5mmL height

Uniquely designed for use in lightweight
and portable equipment
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.05CV or 10 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.15

WV 6.3 10 16, 25 35, 50

Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 3

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 1000 hours at 85° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 4 5 6.3
D 0.5 max.

P 1.5 2.0 2.5

P 0.5
Ød 0.45 0.45 0.45
β 1.0 1.5
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

μF WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
1.0 4 5 10
1.5 4 5 12
2.2 4 5 14 4 5 15 5 5 17
3.3 5 5 20 5 5 21 5 5 21
4.7 4 5 21 5 5 24 5 5 25 6.3 5 30
6.8 5 5 29 6.3 5 33 6.3 5 36 6.3 5 36
10 4 5 28 5 5 35 6.3 5 41 6.3 5 43
15 4 5 31 5 5 39 6.3 5 50
22 5 5 43 6.3 5 55 6.3 5 60 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz
Case size D L (mm)
33 6.3 5 62 6.3 5 68
47 6.3 5 74


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
Coefficient 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00


BP For Speaker Networks

Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Non-polarized series for crossover networks in Hi-Fi sound systems

Excellent frequency characteristics
Close capacitance tolerance
Extended voltage range of 25V, 50V, 100V, 200V
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Series BP
Dissipation factor max. Frequency 25WV, 50WV, 100WV 200WV
(at 120Hz, 20°C) 1kHz 0.10 0.12
5kHz 0.15 0.30

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 15% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 2000 hours at 85° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 8 10 12.5 16 18 22 25.4

P 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 12.5

P 0.5 Ød 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0

β 1.5 2.0 3.0

L max. 15 min. 4 min. α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent


1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100
8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25
67 82 114 139 166 222 297 364 440 678 890
8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 31.5 16 35.5
67 82 114 139 166 222 297 364 440 678 890 950 1170
10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40
100 125 150 185 225 275 340 420 543 737 790 983 1253
16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40 22 40 25.4 40
403 540 687 884 920 1218 1614

Case size D L (mm)

Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 1kHz


RN Non-Polarized, Wide Temperature Range

Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Wide operating temperature range of -40 ~ +105 C

Designed for use in circuits with reversing polarity
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max.
WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

WV 6.3 10 16 25 ~ 100
Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 3
Leakage current Less than specified value
Load life
Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 1000 hours at 105° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 22 25.4


P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10.0 12.5

P 0.5
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0

β 1.5 2.0 3.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.
α 0.5 1.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00

68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.34 1.50

1000 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.13 1.15


RN series


6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 80 100

5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
11 12 12 13
5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
14 15 15 16
5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11
17 18 18 19
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11
21 23 26 27
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5
4.7 23 25 31 31 39
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5
6.8 27
26 34 37 44 54
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5
10 38
31 31 41 53 62 65
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 16
15 55
34 38 44 60 76 76 88
5 11 5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16
22 67
38 41 53 63 84 101 101
5 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 16 10 20
33 95
46 58 77 77 113 124 135
6.3 11 6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20
47 125
63 69 92 106 147 161 189
6.3 11 8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25
68 164
76 98 128 140 177 227 248
8 11.5 10 12.5 10 16 10 20 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25
100 198
109 139 170 185 251 300 333
10 12.5 10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5
150 285
155 186 227 267 336 408 468
10 12.5 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5
220 376
188 246 323 323 451 567 609
10 16 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40
330 511
252 354 396 431 634 745 782
10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41
470 701
328 422 515 571 812 933 1027
12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
680 904
464 554 687 788 1025 1236 1350
12.5 25 16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
1000 1151
613 745 956 1026 1368 1637
16 25 16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41
1500 1451
800 999 1184 1243 1694
16 35.5 18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 51
2200 1974
1072 1242 1428 1572
18 35.5 18 40 22 41 25.4 41 Case size D L (mm)
3300 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz
1361 1534 1835 2005
18 40 22 41 25.4 51
1650 1942 2498
22 41 25.4 51
2060 2603
25.4 51


For Speaker Networks

BR Series Non-polarized

Non-polarized series for crossover networks in Hi-Fi sound systems

Excellent frequency characteristics
Close capacitance tolerance
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C

Series BR
Dissipation factor max. Frequency 200WV
(at 120Hz, 20°C) 1kHz 0.12
5kHz 0.30

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 15% of initial value
(after application of the rated
tan Less than 200% of specified value
voltage for 2000 hours at 105° C)
Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8

L 2.0 max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


3. 3 4. 7 6. 8 10 15 22 33 47 68 100
10 16 10 20 12.5 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 18 25 18 40 18 40 18 40
185 250 300 340 420 650 730 920 935 950

Case size D L (mm)

Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 1kHz


NF For Horizontal Deflection Current Correction

Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Designed for horizontal deflection current correction in TV,

monitor or computer
Stable characteristics at high frequency and high ripple current
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV+50 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 10, 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. 0.04 max. at 120Hz, 20 C

Low temperature characteristics Z-25 C/Z+20 C 1.5

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C/Z+20 C 3.0

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 15% of initial value
(after application of DC 12V
superimposed with specified tan Less than 200% of specified value
ripple current) Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
NF series are for 2000 hours at 85 C
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5
Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L 2.0 max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 8.2 10
10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40
25, 50
1.8 2.4 3.3 4.5 60 8.0 9.0 10.0
Case size D L (mm)
Ripple current (Ap-p) at 85 C, 15.75kHz


NH For Horizontal Deflection Current Correction

Series Non-polarized Solvent Proof

Designed for horizontal deflection current correction in TV,

monitor or computer
Stable characteristics at high frequency and high ripple current
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.03CV+50 A (after 5 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 10, 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. 0.04 max. at 120Hz, 20 C
Low temperature characteristics Z-25 C/Z+20 C 1.5
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C/Z+20 C 3.0

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life
Capacitance change Within 15% of initial value
(after application of DC 12V
superimposed with specified tan Less than 200% of specified value
ripple current) Test method Polarity reverse each 250 hours
NH series are for 2000 hours at 105 C
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 10 12.5 16 18
P 0.5 P 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

Ød 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
L 2.0 max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent


1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 8.2 10
10 20 12.5 20 12.5 25 16 25 16 31.5 16 35.5 16 40 18 40
25, 50
2.3 3.1 4.8 6.5 8.6 10.6 10.4 10.7
Case size D L (mm)
Ripple current (Ap-p) at 85 C, 15.75kHz


LL Low Leakage Current

Series Low Leakage
Solvent Proof

Standard low leakage current series

Suited for high gain audio coupling applications
Stable leakage current characteristics for a long period of use
Voltage range of 10 ~ 100V
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.002CV or 0.4 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Capacitance > 1000 F : tan increases by 0.02 for each 1000 F from below value.
Dissipation factor max. WV 10 16 25 35 40 50 63 100
(at 120Hz, 20°C)
tan 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.09

WV 10~25 35 40 50 63 100
Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 2 1.75 1.75 1.5 1.5 1.5
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 4 4 2 2 2

Leakage current Less than specified value

Load life WV 16 WV > 16
(after application of the rated Capacitance change D 6.3 20% 20%
voltage for 2000 hours at 85° C) D > 6.3 20% 15%
tan Less than 150% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
C) The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18

P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5

Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent 6.3 up)


Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00

68 ~ 680 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50

1000 ~ 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.15


LL series


μF WV 10 16 25 35
6.8 5 11 46
10 5 11 55 5 11 55
15 5 11 61 5 11 68 5 11 68
22 69 5 11 73 5 11 82 6.3 11 94
33 5 11 84 5 11 90 6.3 11 116 6.3 11 116
47 5 11 101 6.3 11 123 8 11.5 163 8 11.5 163
68 6.3 11 139 6.3 11 148 8 11.5 196 10 12.5 227
100 6.3 11 169 8 11.5 212 10 12.5 276 10 16 302
150 8 11.5 244 10 12.5 302 10 16 370 10 20 404
220 10 12.5 344 10 16 401 10 20 489 12.5 20 574
330 10 16 461 10 20 535 12.5 20 703 12.5 25 766
470 10 20 600 12.5 20 750 12.5 25 914 12.5 25 914
680 12.5 20 847 12.5 20 902 12.5 25 1100 16 25 1220
1000 12.5 20 1028 12.5 25 1193 16 25 1480 16 31.5 1619
1500 12.5 25 1298 16 25 1522 16 31.5 1835 18 35.5 2066
2200 16 25 1659 16 31.5 1908 18 35.5 2341
3300 16 31.5 2124 18 35.5 2502
4700 18 35.5 2737

Case size D L (mm)

Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz

μF WV 40 50 63 100
1.0 5 11 20 5 11 18
1.5 5 11 25 5 11 22
2.2 5 11 30 5 11 26
3.3 5 11 35 5 11 37 5 11 32
4.7 5 11 38 5 11 42 5 11 44 5 11 38
6.8 5 11 46 5 11 50 5 11 53 6.3 11 53
10 5 11 55 6.3 11 70 6.3 11 73 8 11.5 76
15 6.3 11 78 6.3 11 85 8 11.5 106 8 11.5 93
22 6.3 11 94 8 11.5 122 8 11.5 129 10 12.5 130
33 8 11.5 136 8 11.5 149 10 12.5 183 10 16 175
47 8 11.5 163 10 12.5 207 10 16 239 10 20 227
68 10 12.5 227 10 16 273 10 20 314 12.5 20 313
100 10 16 302 10 20 361 12.5 20 447 12.5 25 380

150 10 20 404 12.5 20 519 12.5 25 596 16 25 508
220 12.5 20 475 12.5 25 685 16 25 801 16 31.5 699
330 12.5 25 766 16 25 931 16 31.5 1074 16 35.5 983
470 16 25 1014 16 31.5 1216 16 35.5 1345 18 40 1320
680 16 25 1220 18 35.5 1534 18 40 1821
1000 16 31.5 1699 18 40 2095
1500 18 40 2168

Case size D L (mm)

Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz


LS Low Leakage Current, Height 7mmL

Series Low Leakage
Solvent Proof

Low leakage current series with 7mmL height

Load life of 2000 hours at 85 C
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.002CV or 0.4 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 40 50 63
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10

WV 6.3 10 16, 25 35 ~ 63
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2 2
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 8 6 4 3

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
voltage for 2000 hours at 85° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

ØD 4 5 6.3
D 0.5 max.

P 1.5 2.0 2.5

P 0.5
Ød 0.45 0.5 0.5
β 1.0 1.5
L max. 15 min. 4 min.


WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 40 50 63
1.0 4 7 14 4 7 14
1.5 4 7 17 4 7 17
2.2 4 7 21 4 7 21
3.3 4 7 25 5 7 29
4.7 4 7 28 4 7 28 5 7 35 6.3 7 40
6.8 4 7 31 5 7 38 5 7 39 5 7 42 6.3 7 49
10 4 7 35 5 7 43 5 7 46 5 7 47 6.3 7 59
15 4 7 38 5 7 49 5 7 53 6.3 7 66 6.3 7 66 6.3 7 72
22 4 7 43 5 7 53 5 7 60 6.3 7 74 6.3 7 80 6.3 7 79
33 5 7 60 5 7 65 6.3 7 85 6.3 7 91
47 5 7 71 6.3 7 90 6.3 7 101
68 6.3 7 99 6.3 7 109 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz
100 6.3 7 120 Case size D L (mm)


μF 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00
68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50


LE Low Leakage Current, Height 5mmL

Series Low Leakage Miniaturized Solvent Proof

Low leakage current series with 5mmL height

Designed for use in lightweight and
portable equipment
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ +85 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.002CV or 0.4 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.35 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10

WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35, 50
Low temperature characteristics
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-25 C/Z+20 C 7 4 3 2 2 2
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 15 10 8 6 4 3
Load life Leakage current Less than specified value
(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
voltage for 1000 hours at 85° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 85°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 4 5 6.3
P 0.5 P 1.5 2.0 2.5
Ød 0.45 0.45 0.45

15 min. 4 min.
β 1.0 1.5
L max.


WV 4 6.3 10 16 25 35 50
1.0 4 5 12
1.5 4 5 15
2.2 4 5 18
3.3 4 5 22
4.7 4 5 25 5 5 31
6.8 4 5 27 5 5 34 6.3 5 44
10 4 5 31 5 5 38 5 5 42 6.3 5 53
15 4 5 34 5 5 44 6.3 5 55 6.3 5 59
22 4 5 37 5 5 47 6.3 5 62 6.3 5 66
33 5 5 44 5 5 53 6.3 5 68 6.3 5 76
47 5 5 52 6.3 5 74 6.3 5 81
68 6.3 5 74 6.3 5 89 Ripple current (mA rms) at 85 C, 120Hz
100 6.3 5 89 Case size D L (mm)


μF 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00
68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50


RL Low Leakage Current, Wide Temperature

Range Series Low Leakage
Solvent Proof

Low leakage current series

Wide operating temperature range of -55 ~ +105 C
For Hi-Fi sound audio systems
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -55 ~ +105 C
Leakage current max. I = 0.002CV or 0.4 A whichever is greater (after 2 minutes)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 10 16 25 35 40 50
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.15 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

WV 10 16 25~50
Low temperature characteristics
Z-25 C/Z+20 C 2 2 1.5
(Impedance ratio at 120Hz)
Z-40 C/Z+20 C 4 3 2

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 15% of initial value
voltage for 1000 hours at 105° C) tan Less than 150% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
The measurement shall be performed at 20 C by the KS C 6035 clause 5.4.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 5 6.3 8 10
P 0.5 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0
Ød 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
L max. 15 min. 4 min. β 1.5 2.0

Safety vent 6.3 up)


μF WV 10 16 25 35 40 50
1.0 5 11 14
1.5 5 11 17
2.2 5 11 21
3.3 5 11 25
4.7 5 11 30
6.8 5 11 36
10 5 11 44 5 11 44
15 5 11 54 6.3 11 62 6.3 11 62
22 5 11 65 6.3 11 75 6.3 11 75 6.3 11 75
33 5 11 65 6.3 11 92 6.3 11 92 8 11.5 109 8 11.5 109
47 5 11 70 6.3 11 90 6.3 11 110 8 11.5 129 8 11.5 129 8 11.5 129
68 6.3 11 96 6.3 11 108 8 11.5 156 8 11.5 156 10 12.5 181 10 12.5 181
100 6.3 11 117 8 11.5 154 8 11.5 189 10 12.5 219
150 8 11.5 169 8 11.5 189 10 12.5 269
220 8 11.5 205 10 12.5 266 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 120Hz
330 10 12.5 291 Case size D L (mm)


μF 50Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz≦
~ 47 0.75 1.00 1.55 2.00
68 ~ 0.80 1.00 1.35 1.50


VM For Refolw, 5000 hours at 105 C

Series Low Leakage
Solvent Proof

High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at 105 C

Suitable for CFL, adapter and power supply
Complied to the RoHS directive

Item Characteristics
Operating temperature range -40 ~ 105 C
WV 100 WV > 100
Leakage current max.
I = 0.01CV or 3 A whichever is greater (after 2 min.) I = 0.02CV + 25 A (after 5 min.)
Capacitance tolerance 20% at 120Hz, 20 C
Dissipation factor max. WV 25 35 50 100 160 250
(at 120Hz, 20°C) tan 0.16 0.13 0.12 0.08 0.14 0.20

Low temperature characteristics WV 25 35 50 100 160 250

(Impedance ratio at 120Hz) Z-40 C/Z+20 C 5 4 3 3 6 8

Load life Leakage current Less than specified value

(after application of the rated Capacitance change Within 20% of initial value
voltage for 5000 hours at 105° C) tan Less than 200% of specified value
After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacitance and tan are same as load life value.
Shelf life (at 105°
C) The measurement shall be performed after exposure for 24 hours at room temperature after
application of DC reted voltage to the capacitors for 30 minutes.

DRAWING Unit : mm

Insulating sleeve d 0.05 Tinned copper-ply wire

D 0.5 max.

ØD 8 10

P 0.5 P 3.5 5.0

Ød 0.5 0.6
β 1.5 2.0
L max. 15 min. 4 min.

Safety vent

μF WV 25 35 50 100 160 250
15 8 20 375
22 8 20 375 10 16 469
33 8 20 469 10 20 625
47 10 20 625
68 8 20 630
82 10 16 725
100 10 20 830
180 8 20 760
220 10 16 810
330 10 20 890
470 8 20 780 8 20 810
560 8 20 930 10 20 1029
680 10 16 1089 10 20 1295 Ripple current (mA rms) at 105 C, 100kHz
820 10 20 1351 Case size D L (mm)
1000 10 20 1600


Frequency 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 50kHz 100kHz
~ 33 0.32 0.80 0.90 0.95 1.00
39 ~ 270 0.40 0.82 0.91 0.95 1.00
330 ~ 1000 0.45 0.84 0.92 0.96 1.00
Refer to page 182 for soldering recommendation.

Reflow soldering method for series of VM

1. Recommended conditions for reflow soldering

The aluminum electrolytic capacitor is subjected to soldering by reflow method.
Temperature and time conditions of reflow soldering shall be set as per each temperature profile shown below
as a standard. The following are recommended conditions in the case of reflow soldering method for the
aluminum electrolytic capacitor.

(1) The capacitor shall not be subjected to either flow or dip soldering method.
(2) Avoid soldering twice by reflow. The number of reflow time for aluminum electrolytic capacitor shall be once
basically. If this type of capacitor has to be inevitably subjected to the reflow twice, enough cooling time between
the first and the second reflow (at least more than 30 minutes) shall be taken to avoid the consecutive reflows
by all means.
(3) On setting the reflow conditions, it shall be done lest the temperature at surface of the capacitor should exceed
more than 175 C





Ts max.

Ts min.

Ramp down

Ts (150 C max., 120sec.max)

Time (sec.)
t (25 C to Peak)

Soldering condition
Profile Feature
Ø8 ~ Ø10
Average Ramp-up Rate (TL to TP) 2 C / second max.
Temperature Min. (TS min) 100 C
Preheat Temperature Max. (TS max) 125 C
Time (TS min to TS max) 60 ~ 90 seconds
TS max to TL - Ramp-up Rate 2 C / second max.
Time maintained Temperature (TL) 140 C
above Time (tL) 40 ~ 60 seconds
Peak/classification Temperature (TP) 175 C
Time within 5 C of actual peak temperature(TP) 10 seconds max.
Ramp-Down rate 3 C / second max.
Time 25 C to peak temperature 6 minute max.


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