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This chapter presents the problem and its setting. It includes the background of the study,

the statement of the problem, significance of the study, and scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

In today's generation with the increasing demand for technology, it is extremely difficult

for teachers to keep students' attention when lessons are not linked to computer-related programs.

In some cases, students do not participate well in classroom discussions, which leads to poor

academic performance. To meet the needs of 21st-century learners, 21st-century teachers must

acquire computer skills. The teacher of the twenty-first century must be adaptable to the

changing industry. They may use various computers and computer applications to help learners

become motivated and interested. The use of computer-based technology must be strengthened

further to produce competent 21st-century learners.

We can see how important technology is in our country because of the ongoing pandemic.

It was labeled the "silver lining of our education system" in a virtual round table discussion titled

"Education in Tough Times" held in October 2020. "We live in a technological and digitalized

era. Let us capitalize on all of this and continue to help each other and find solutions to the

challenges that the education sector is facing," said Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, SEAMEO

secretariat director.

Technology bridges the quarantine and education divide. We can recall how our

education sector conducted online classes in the second quarter of 2020. Many local

governments distributed mobile devices to students, teachers were trained to maximize digital

learning, and educational programming was added to our television channels. In fact, by January

2021, the DepEd TV team hoped to produce 220 episodes per week covering all subject areas.

Zoom has grown in popularity not only in the United States but also globally, as a primary tool

for virtual classes. Smartphones have become more than just a luxury item. In this day and age,

everyone requires access to digital technology.

Teachers are crucial when it comes to classroom technology because they are the ones

who design lessons that use technology to help students learn. Educators can use mobile

computing to create learning materials for their students, allowing them to teach more

effectively. Teachers can use a laptop to take notes, gather information from textbooks and the

internet, create lesson plans, manage student rosters, and much more. Instead of just using print

materials, they can use a laptop to find resources for every subject area and grade level. A laptop

can also help educators keep better track of student records and progress, making communication

with parents easier.

Educators have been using them for educational purposes for many years, relying on their

ability to run specific software. This enables them to create learning materials that students can

access outside of school hours. A lecturer, for example, can create a PowerPoint presentation

about various topics and use one to display in the class and send the rest to students to complete

on their own. Educators are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to engage students

in learning materials. Aside from the numerous benefits of using laptops in the classroom,

teachers can also use them for their professional development.

The use of a laptop computer during the teaching-learning process is essential. Over the

last few decades, society has become more computer-literate, and as technology has advanced,

society's reliance on computing systems has grown. A laptop's role in the teaching process can

also be used to interact with students outside of the school environment as an aid to homework

and assignments set during vacation periods. This concept ensures that help is always available,

with the added benefit of making tasks more interactive. The advantages of a laptop or computer

system are that it is fast and efficient, gathering information almost instantly and allowing you to

process and access information that would take you a long time to do manually.

The purpose of this research study is to determine the impact of using a laptop in the

teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran. Furthermore, it states

reasons why using a laptop in education is important and states its benefits.

Statement of the Problem

The main thrust of this study was to determine the impact of using laptop in the teaching

process of private school teachers.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of

Casiguran in terms of:

1.1 Name (optional)

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

1.4 Subject being taught?

1.5 Computer applications/software programs often use

2. What are the benefits of laptop in the teaching process of teachers in terms of:

2.1 Time and Effort

2.2 Access to Information

2.3 Communication

3. What are the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of private school teachers

in terms of:

3.1 Student’s learning process

3.2 Teacher’s teaching performance

4. Is there any significant relationship between the profile of the private school teachers

and the impact of using laptop in their teaching process? Is there a significant effect

of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers to the student’s learning and

teacher’s teaching performance?

Significance of the Study

The outcomes of this study are expected to offer the following:

Teachers: Through this study, the teachers will be able to identify the advantages and

disadvantages of using laptop in their teaching process.

Students: The results of this study will help to improve the student’s learning process because

the teachers may consider the advantages of using laptop in their teaching methods and


The Private School Administrator: The findings may help them in knowing the impact of

using laptop in the teaching process of private teachers. And be aware of its advantages that may

serve as their guide to improve the teaching and learning process of both teachers and students.

Future Researchers: The future researchers may also benefit from the results of this study. The

results of this study may help them in gathering information and for the betterment of this

specific field.

Scope and Delimitation

To address the primary emphasis of the study, which was on the impact of using laptop in

the teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran. This study mainly

identified how using of laptop provides additional advantages in both teaching and learning

process of both students and teachers. The study covered the demographic profile of the teachers

such as age, gender, subject that they are teaching, benefits of laptop, and the impact of using

laptop in the teaching process of private school teachers in terms of student’s learning process

and teacher’s teaching performance.

The researchers limited the study to twenty (20) teachers of Mount Carmel College of

Casiguran. Each of the respondents was given a chance to answer the survey questions. The

teachers were selected from different grade levels to prevent bias and get objective answers. This

study was conducted with a limited amount of financial resources and time framework.

It delimits that the study cannot be presumed to be representative of, or generalizable to,

to the entire set of participants and individuals that were involved with this study, also to other

populations or other school teachers. It can’t be use as a measure to the impact of using laptop in

the teaching process of the teachers who do not belong to the population. The main source of

data was the questionnaire, which was prepared by the researchers.



This chapter includes all gather principles and information, which constitute the

secondary data of the study. These were discussed in related literature section of this chapter.

Related Literature

Paje, Y. M., Rogayan, D. V., & Dantic, M. J. P. (2021) recommended that ICT trainings

that cover the various uses and benefits of various applications and computer software are

required be made available to teachers, encourage all teachers, regardless of profile, to use

computer-based instruction. It enhances their learning and is a significant factor in improving

education because of the benefits of computer-based instruction, schools may emphasize its

regular use. All teachers must be required to learn and to incorporate computer-based instruction

into the teaching-learning process. Workshop on ICT training be made available to teachers

regardless of profile. The topics should range from ICT literacy to troubleshooting, exploration

of computer software and applications, multimedia integration, and internet-based learning

materials. Every school should have ICT-based materials, such as computers with internet

access. It is recommended that if there is a high or significant difference in the qualities and

profile variables of teachers. The number of respondents may be increased by subsequent

researchers. The greater the number of respondents, the greater the greater the opportunity to

evaluate their qualities. Additional research may be conducted to validate the findings of this

study and to discover other variables that can improve and be observed to be effective in

teacher’s reliance on computer-based technology.

Susi Susanti (2017) discovered that the use of technology in the classroom can make

learning more enjoyable for students. Technology has the potential to transform education by

ushering in a new model of connected teaching. This model connects teachers to their students as

well as professional content, resources, and systems to help them improve their classroom

instruction. Technology also increases student engagement and motivation while also

accelerating learning. However, most students become dissatisfied with traditional teaching tools

and methods. Teachers' creativity in modifying teaching and technology is required in this case,

as students are increasingly engaged with their digital devices.

The findings of the research study about Teachers' Perception of Instructional

Technology Application and Integration Competence to the Teaching-Learning Process by

Abulencia, C. C., Ampo, P. H. B., Gonzales, F. M., Hyldgaard, S. E., Mangulabnan, M. C., Leva,

E. F., ... & Vivo, M. V. C. (2022) showed that the teachers' ICT competence is average. All of

the chosen teachers used technology in their classrooms. They were extremely proficient in MS

Word and MS PowerPoint and, on average, proficient in MS Excel and the Internet.

Furthermore, teachers encountered difficulties when implementing ICT in the classroom.

Furthermore, teachers perceived that technology in teaching significantly impacts students'

learning. It captivated the students' interest and concentration, improved their teaching activities,

and assisted them in delivering the lesson/s effectively. The study suggested that teachers receive

ICT training to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to use new

programs/applications. The administration should also develop a long-term ICT strategy and

continue to encourage and train teachers to integrate ICT into their classroom instruction.

Picton, I. (2019) the majority of teachers believe that technology can improve children's

literacy learning. However, varying levels of access to hardware, software, and Wi-Fi, as well as

a lack of training, present barriers to effective classroom technology use. Building on previous

research on the impact of technology on literacy, this is the first time we have thoroughly

investigated teachers' perspectives on access to and use of technology to support literacy.

According to the report, most teachers believe that the ability to engage and enable students is

the primary benefit of using technology in the classroom; teachers believe that technology can

have a particularly positive impact on reluctant readers and writers as well as less able readers

and writers; teachers believe that technology can help pupils overcome barriers to learning; and

teachers say they have received no training to use technology to support literacy.

Students' Attitudes toward Teacher Use of Technology in Classrooms (2018) states that

Students believe that teachers' use of technology in the classroom is critical to their overall

performance in life, and they thrive when teachers use technology in group projects. Students

become more attuned to the subject matter when they work in groups on assignments, especially

when the teacher allows the content to be delivered via PowerPoints/Google Slides or by creating

a movie.

A Case Study of the Integration of Information and Communication Technology in a

Northern Ontario First Nation Community High School: Challenges and Benefits (2017) show

that there was a wide skill set range among teachers in the adoption of ICT integration into their

teaching. Recommendations include more professional development in ICT for teachers,

additional resources for ICT, and more development of software.

Cavanaugh, C., Dawson, K., & Ritzhaupt, A. (2011) investigates how laptop computing

technology, teacher professional development, and systematic support led to changes in teaching

practices and increased student achievement in 47 K-12 schools across 11 Florida school

districts. According to data analysis, laptop computing had a positive impact across districts,

particularly in terms of changes in teaching practices. Increases in student achievement were also

seen across the board. This study highlights systemic issues related to successful laptop

implementation and offers implications for statewide laptop programs.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Teacher’s profile in terms of: Impact of using laptop in the
 Name (optional) teaching process of the
 Age teachers in terms of:
 Gender
 Subject being taught?  Student’s learning
 Computer process
applications/software  Teacher’s teaching
Moderator Variable performance
programs often use

Benefits of laptop in the

teaching process of teachers
in terms of:

 Time and Effort

 Access to Information
 Communication

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

The study focused on the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers of

Mount Carmel College of Casiguran.

In identifying the possible impact of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers,

it is important to know the characteristic and nature of an individual in teaching with laptop.

Several explanations for the impact of using laptop in the teaching process may be possible.

The conceptual framework of the study consists the independent, dependent, and

moderator variable. The independent variable is the demographic profile of the teachers such as

age, gender, the subject that they are teaching, and the computer applications/software programs

they often use. The dependent variable is the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

private school teachers in terms of student’s learning process and teacher’s teaching

performance. The moderator variable is the benefits of laptop in the teaching process of teachers

in terms of time and effort, access to information, and communication.

Research Assumptions

In conducting the study, the researchers assume that:

1. The difficulties of using laptop in the teaching process of private school teachers vary

because of their demographic profile.

2. There are specific benefits of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers to

the student’s learning process and teacher’s teaching performance.

3. There are particular impact of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers of

Mount Carmel College of Casiguran.

4. There is a way to lessen the negative impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are defined to further help the readers understand the study


Impact – is the striking of one thing against another; forceful contact or having an effect on


Teaching Process – is a process in which one individual teaches or instruct another individual.

Teaching is considered as the act of imparting instructions to the learners in the classroom


Teaching-learning Process – is a transformation process of knowledge from teachers to


Rigorous Process – is a test, system, or procedure that is very thorough and strict.

ICT – Information and Communications Technology, is the mode of education that use

information and communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of




This chapter presents the research design, location of the study, population of the study,

sampling method, data gathering procedure, research instrument, and the statistical treatment of


Research Design

This study employed the use of the descriptive style of research to determine the impact

of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran.

Descriptive research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or

phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions (Shona

McCombes, 2019). Descriptive method used in gathering information about the present existing

condition and describing the nature of situation that existed at that time of the study. It also

generated data that would best describe the attributes of the target sampling. This is also a

quantitative method where survey was utilized to describe the impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of private school teachers.

The Sample

The researchers employed purposeful or purposive sampling, which involves identifying

and selecting individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or

experienced with a phenomenon of interest (Cresswell & Plano Clark, 2011). The purposive

sampling focused on particular characteristic of a population that are of interest which will best

to answer the research questions. Purposive sampling can be very useful for situation needed to

reach the targeted sample quickly and used most often when a difficult-to-reach population needs

to be measured.

The main respondents of the study were the twenty (20) teachers of Mount Carmel

College of Casiguran, which was composed of teachers from Elementary Department, and

teachers from High School Department.

This study was conducted at Mount Carmel College of Casiguran Incorporated, this place

was selected for conveying the impact using laptop in the teaching process of private school

teachers, which is located in Brgy. 6 Poblacion, Casiguran Aurora. The current Principal of the

School is Mrs. Virginia G. Sacramento, Ph.D. Mount Carmel College of Casiguran is the only

Catholic School in Casiguran Aurora Province.

Therefore, the researchers chose twenty (20) teachers that are suitable and can help the

researchers to identify the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers of

Mount Carmel College of Casiguran.

The Instrument

The main instrument that the researchers used to gather and collect necessary information

data from the respondents was a survey, the questionnaire has three parts. The first part contains

the demographic profile of the respondents such as the age, gender, subject that they are

teaching, and the computer applications/software programs they often use. The second part

involves the benefits of laptop in the teaching process of teachers. The last part deals with

statements that describe the impact of the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

private school teachers through student’s learning process and teacher’s teaching performance.

Each statement was provided with coded response category described as follows:

1 – Always

2 – Sometimes

3 – Never

Data Collection Procedure

To gather information for this research study about the impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran. At first, the researchers

prepared a title and was approved by the research adviser. It gives the main problem that is

sought to answer at the end of the study. The researchers prepared research questionnaires and

asked permission from every twenty (20) teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran before

conducting a survey.

The researchers did the survey questionnaire according and well connected to the said

statement of the problem to seek for the answer on the main problem. Before starting the survey,

the respondents were told that their participation has no compensation or incentives, because it is

voluntary and that they do not have to answer any questions they are not comfortable answering.

The researchers employed a careful and rigorous process of participant selection to ensure that

all answers of the respondents were considered.

This study represented a quantitative method that can provide valuable insights, based on

the teachers’ answers about the impact of using laptop in their teaching process. Findings of this

study cannot be presumed to be representative of, or generalizable to, to the entire set of

participants and individuals that were involved with this study. As soon as the survey finished,

the researcher will collect the data they gather starting from the number of respondents,

including the percentage of every question.

Plan for Data Analysis

To treat the collected data, the researchers tallied the response using frequency count,

percentile and weighted mean.

Frequency count and percentile were used in the first part which is the demographic

profile of the respondents such as the age, gender, subject that they are teaching, computer

applications/software programs they often use and percentile in second part which is the benefits

of laptop in the teaching process of the respondents.

The formula to get the percentile is:

P = F / N x 100


P = percentage

N = total number of respondents

F = frequency

The last part of the questionnaire dealt with the statements that describe the impact of the

impact of using laptop in the teaching process of private school teachers in terms of student’s

learning process and teacher’s teaching performance. Frequency count and weighted mean were

used which were verbally interpreted.

The formula to get the weighted mean is:

WM = Ʃ FW / Ʃ N


WM = weighted mean

F = frequency

W = weighted responses

N = total number of respondents

In interpreting the analyzed data, the following scale was used for the last past of the


1.00 – 1.67 Always Not a difficulty

1.68 – 2.33 Sometimes Mild difficulty

2.34 – 3.00 Never Difficulty



This chapter contains presentation and analysis of the result of the study. The data

gathered were statistically tested and analyzed on specific study questions.


I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents:

Table 1:

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

20 - 34 17 85% 1

35 - 49 2 10% 2

50 - 65 1 5% 3

Total 20 100%

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the teachers in terms of age.

With the total of 20 respondents, 17 (85%) among the respondents are 20 - 34 years old,

2 (10%) are 35 - 49 years old, and 1 (5%) are 50 - 65 years old. The majority has the ages 20 - 34

years old which is 85% and the least has the ages 50 - 65 years old which is 5%.

Table 2:

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 9 45% 2

Female 11 55% 1

Total 20 100%

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the teachers in terms of


Out of the total 20 respondents, 9 (45%) are Male and 11 (55%) respondents are Female.

The result of the profile of the respondents in terms of gender shows that Female with the

average number of 11 was higher than the number of 9 Male.

Table 3:

Subject Frequency Percentage Rank

Science 2 10% 2
English 1 5% 3
Mathematics 1 5% 3
Filipino 2 10% 2
Araling Panlipunan 1 5% 3
Technology and Livelihood 2 10% 2
Christian Living 0 0% 4
Music, Arts, Physical Education, 1 5% 3
and Health
Both English and Filipino 2 10% 2
Both Science and Christian 1 5% 3
Both English and Christian 1 5% 3
Both English and Mathematics 1 5% 3
Mathematics; Araling 1 5% 3
Panlipunan; and Technology and
Livelihood Education
All Subjects 4 20% 1
Total 20 100%

Table 3 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the residents in terms of

their subject being taught.

Out of the 20 respondents, 4 (20%) are teaching all subjects, 8 (40%) are teaching two to

three subjects, and 8 (40%) are teaching different subjects. The result shows that majority of the

teachers are teaching different subjects and two to three subjects with an average of 8 (40%).

Table 4:

Application/Software Program Frequency Percentage Rank

Word Processing (e.g. MS Word) 16 80% 2

PowerPoint (e.g. MS PowerPoint) 19 95% 1

Spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excel) 13 65% 3

Don’t use laptop applications/software programs 1 5% 4

Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the teachers in terms of the

laptop applications/software programs they often use.

Of all 20 respondents, 16 (80%) often use Word Processing, 19 (95%) often use

PowerPoint, 13 (65%) often use Spreadsheet, and 1 (5%) don’t use laptop applications/software

programs. The result shows that majority of the respondents often use PowerPoint in their

teaching process with an average of 19 (95%).

II. Benefits of laptop in the teaching process of teachers:

Table 5:

Questions Answers Frequency Percentage

I can save time in finding teaching materials using Yes 20 100%

laptop No 0 0%

I can prepare my teaching materials ahead Yes 19 95%

No 1 5%

Laptop helps me to find more interactive teaching Yes 20 100%

materials easily No 0 0%

Table 5 presents the benefits of using laptop in the teaching process of teachers in terms

of time and effort.

Out of the total of 20 respondents, 20 (100%) can save time in finding teaching materials,

and 0 (0%) can’t save time finding teaching materials using laptop. On the second question, 19

(95%) can prepare their teaching materials ahead and 1 (5%) can’t. On the last question, 20

(100%) can find more interactive teaching materials easily, and 0 (0%) can’t find more

interactive teaching materials easily with the help of laptop.

Table 6:

Questions Answers Frequency Percentage

I use websites/search engine to access different Yes 20 100%

types of information No 0 0%

Laptop helps me to gather information easily Yes 20 100%

No 0 0%

Laptop helps me gather more information than Yes 18 90%

any other teaching materials No 2 10%

Table 6 presents the benefits of using laptop in the teaching process of teachers in terms

of access to information.

With the total of 20 respondents, 20 (100%) use websites/search engine to access

different types of information, and 0 (0%) don’t. On the second question, 20 (100%) said that

laptop help them to gather information, and 0 (0%) said that laptop don’t help them to gather

information easily. On the last question, 18 (90%) can gather more information by using laptop

than any other teaching materials, and 2 (10%) can gather more information by using any other

teaching materials than laptop.

Table 7:

Questions Answers Frequency Percentage

I use laptop to communicate with my students Yes 10 50%

No 10 50%

I use laptop to attend online seminars Yes 14 70%

No 6 30%

I use laptop to communicate with those who are Yes 13 65%

knowledgeable about teaching No 7 35%

Table 7 presents the benefits of using laptop in the teaching process of teachers in terms

of communication.

Of all 20 respondents, 10 (50%) use laptop to communicate with their students, and 10

(50%) don’t use laptop. On the second, question, 14 (70%) use laptop to attend online seminars,

and 6 (30%) use other digital devices. On the last question, 13 (65%) use laptop to communicate

with those who are knowledgeable about teaching, and 7 (35%) don’t.

III. Impact of using laptop in the teaching process of private school teachers:

Table 8:

Statements Frequency WM Rank V.I

Always Sometimes Never

(1) (2) (3)

My students can understand 11 9 0 1.45 3 Always

every lesson in my subject

My students are focused on my 11 9 0 1.45 3 Always


My students can recall the past 15 5 0 1.25 1 Always

lessons when I use interactive


My students can deal with the 13 7 0 1.35 2 Always

activities in my subject

Laptop motivates my students to 10 10 0 1.50 4 Always

do more study

Using laptop in the classroom 15 5 0 1.25 1 Always

make the subject matter more

interesting for my students

TOTAL 1.38 Always

1.00 – 1.67 Always

1.68 – 2.33 Sometimes

2.34 – 3.00 Never

WM Weighted Mean

V.I Verbal Interpretation

Table 8 presents the weighted mean of the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

private school teachers in terms of student’s learning process.

Statement No. 1 result shown weighted mean 1.45 (Always) observed that students can

understand every lesson in their subject always. Statement No. 2 observed that students are

focused on the teacher’s discussions with the weighted mean of 1.45 (Always). Statement No. 3

shows the weighted mean of 1.25 (Always) observed that students can recall the past lessons

when the teacher use interactive materials. With the weighted mean of 1.35 (Always) statement

No. 4 observed that students can deal with the activities in their subject. Statement No. 5 result

shown weighted mean 1.50 (Always) observed that laptop motivates the students to do more

study always. And Statement No. 6 with weighted mean of 1.25 (Always) observed that using

laptop in the classroom make the subject matter more interesting for the students.

Table 9:

Statements Frequency WM Rank V.I

Always Sometimes Never
(1) (2) (3)
I use laptop for my teaching 13 6 1 1.25 5 Always
I use laptop for grade keeping 20 0 0 1.00 1 Always
I engage my students to 19 1 0 1.05 2 Always
understand every lesson in my
I can easily discuss my lessons 12 7 1 1.30 2 Always
by using laptop
I use interactive materials for 16 4 0 1.20 4 Always
my students to retain the lessons
I create presentations for easier 16 4 0 1.20 4 Always
and more convenient learning
and teaching process
I can create detailed lecture and 17 3 0 1.15 3 Always
handouts easily by creating
presentations using laptop
I use laptop for storing my 16 4 0 1.20 4 Always
teaching materials, in organized
files and folders
TOTAL 1.17 Always

1.00 – 1.67 Always

1.68 – 2.33 Sometimes

2.34 – 3.00 Never

WM Weighted Mean

V.I Verbal Interpretation

Table 9 presents the weighted mean of the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

private school teachers in terms of teacher’s teaching performance.

Statement No. 1 result shown weighted mean 1.25 (Always) observed that teachers use

laptop for my teaching practice always. Statement No. 2 observed that teachers use laptop for

grade keeping with the weighted mean of 1.00 (Always). Statement No. 3 shows the weighted

mean of 1.05 (Always) observed that teachers engage their students to understand every lesson in

their subject. With the weighted mean of 1.30 (Always) statement No. 4 observed that teachers

can easily discuss their lessons by using laptop. Statement No. 5 observed that teachers use

interactive materials for their students to retain the lessons easily with the weighted mean of 1.20

(Always). Statement No. 6 shows the weighted mean of 1.20 (Always) observed that teachers

create presentations for easier and more convenient learning and teaching process. With the

weighted mean of 1.15 (Always) statement No. 7 observed that teachers can create detailed

lecture and handouts easily by creating presentations using laptop. And Statement No. 8 with

weighted mean of 1.20 (Always) observed that teachers use laptop for storing their teaching

materials, in organized files and folders.

Table 10:

Regression Statistics Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.376134406 Multiple R 0.43083
R Square 0.141477092 R Square 0.185615
Adjusted R Square 0.093781374 Adjusted R Square 0.140371
Standard Error 3.918931094 Standard Error 3.816863
Observations 20 Observations 20


Regression Statistics Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.302121 Multiple R 0.318687
R Square 0.091277 R Square 0.101561
Adjusted R Square 0.040793 Adjusted R Square 0.051648
Standard Error 4.031878 Standard Error 4.008999
Observations 20 Observations 20

The standard table for interpretation of the correlation was stated below:
Range Interpretation
0 No Correlation
0.0 – 0.2 Very Weak Correlation
0.2 – 0.4 Weak Correlation
0.4 – 0.6 Moderately Strong Correlation
0.6 – 0.8 Strong Correlation
0.8 – 1.0 Very Strong Correlation
1 Perfect Correlation

Table 10 shows the relationship of the demographic profile and impact of using laptop in

the teaching process of the private school teachers.

In terms of age, the data got 0.38 of multiple r which means weak correlation. While in

the teachers’ gender, the data got 0.43 of multiple r which means moderately strong

correlational. In terms of the subject that the teachers are teaching the data got 0.30 of multiple r

which means weak correlation. And lastly, for the software programs that the teachers often use,

the data got 0.32 of multiple r which means weak correlation.



This chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendations derived from the findings of

the study.


The purpose of this research study is to determine the impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran. Furthermore, to state

reasons why using laptop in education is important and to state its benefits. Specifically, it

sought to characterize teachers as to age, gender, subject being taught, and laptop

applications/software programs they often use and to describe the impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of private school teachers. The data were gathered from 20 teachers from two

different department.

The first research question is the demographic profile of the teachers of Mount Carmel

College of Casiguran in terms of age, gender, subject that they are teaching, and laptop

applications/software programs they often use. Using the mean and percentage the study found

out that the majority of the teachers that use laptop in their teaching process age varies from 20 -

34 years old which is 85% and the female respondents (55%) are higher than the male

respondents (45%). The result shows that most of the teachers are teaching different subjects and

two to three subjects with an average of 40% and 20% are teaching all subjects. It also shows

that majority of the respondents often use PowerPoint in their teaching process which is 95%.

The second research question seek to answer the benefits of laptop in the teaching

process of teachers. In terms of the time and effort, the researchers find out that all of the

respondents which is 100% can save time in finding teaching materials using laptop, 95% of

them can prepare their teaching materials ahead, and also 100% or all of them can find more

interactive teaching materials easily with the help of laptop. The researchers also find out that

with the total of 20 respondents, all of them or 100% use websites/search engine to access

different types of information and said that laptop help them to gather information easily, and

90% of them can gather more information by using laptop and the 10% can gather more

information by using any other teaching materials. In terms of communication, 50% of the

respondents use laptop to communicate with their students, 70% use laptop to attend online

seminars while the other 30% use other digital devices, and 65% of them use laptop to

communicate with those who are knowledgeable about teaching.

The third research question, is used to determine the impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of private school teachers. In terms of student’s learning process, it is observed

that always (1.38) which means that the respondents are not having a difficulty on enhancing the

learning process of the students, by using laptop the teachers can help their students always

understand the lesson in every subject that they are teaching, make them focused on the

discussions, recall the past lessons, deal with the activities, motivates them to do more study, and

make the subject matter more interesting for the students. In teacher’s teaching performance, it is

observed that always (1.17) which means the teachers don’t have a difficulty in performing their

duty, most of them use laptop in their teaching practice; for grade keeping; in engaging their

students to understand every lesson; to discuss their lessons easily; create presentations for easier

and convenient learning and teaching process; create detailed lecture and handouts easily; and

for storing teaching materials, in organized files and folders.

In the test of relationships between the demographic profile and impact of using laptop in the

teaching process of the private school teachers the result revealed that the teacher’s age, gender,

subject being taught, and laptop applications/software programs they often use had a weak

correlation along the student’s learning process and teacher’s teaching performance. The study

revealed that there is a significant effect of using laptop in the teaching process of the teachers to

the student’s learning and teacher’s teaching performance.

The findings of this study show that using a laptop can help improve education, it reveals

that the recommendation of Paje, Y. M., Rogayan, D. V., & Dantic, M. J. P. (2021) that ICT

trainings for teachers covering the various uses and benefits of various applications and

computer software be made available to teachers, in order to encourage all teachers, regardless of

profile, to use computer-based instruction. There’s a need for schools to emphasize its regular

use because it improves their learning and it is a significant factor in improving education due to

the benefits of computer-based instruction. All teachers must be required to learn about

computer-based instruction and incorporate it into the teaching-learning process.

The results of this study agree with the findings of Susi Susanti (2017) that using technology

in the classroom can make students enjoy learning more. By ushering in a new model of

connected teaching, technology has the potential to transform education. Technology also

improves student engagement and motivation while speeding up learning. Most students,

however, become dissatisfied with traditional teaching tools and methods. As students become

more engaged with their digital devices, teachers' creativity in modifying teaching and

technology is required.

The findings of the study about Teachers' Perception of Instructional Technology

Application and Integration Competence to the Teaching-Learning Process (2022) revealed that

the teachers' ICT competence is average. All of the teachers chosen used technology in their

classrooms. They were extremely proficient in MS Word and MS PowerPoint, and proficient in

MS Excel and the Internet on average. Furthermore, teachers believe that technology in the

classroom has a significant impact on students' learning. It piqued the students' interest and

concentration, enhanced their teaching activities, and aided them in effectively delivering the

lesson/s. According to the study, teachers should receive ICT training to equip them with the

knowledge and skills required to use new programs/applications. In addition, the administration

should create a long-term ICT strategy and continue to encourage and train teachers to

incorporate ICT into their classroom instruction. According to the findings of this study, most of

the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran use MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS in

their teaching process, and they can engage their students with their lesson with the help of these

programs. It also reveal that the teachers need to undergo ICT trainings to enhance their skills.

According to the study about Students' Attitudes Toward Teacher Use of Technology in

Classrooms (2018), students believe that teachers' use of technology in the classroom is critical

to their overall performance in life, and they thrive when teachers use technology in group

projects. When students work in groups on assignments, they become more aware of the subject

matter, especially when the teacher allows the content to be delivered via PowerPoints/Google

Slides or by creating a movie. This study about the impact of using laptop in the teaching process

of private school teachers will serve as substantial evidence that using technology as an

instructional tool enhances student learning and educational outcomes.

Based on the result of the findings, the researchers reached the number of conclusions

regarding the Impact of Using Laptop in the Teaching Process of Private School Teachers. From

the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the difficulties of using laptop in the

teaching process of the teachers vary because of their demographic profile, because they have

different age, gender, number of subject that they are teaching, and applications/software

programs they often use.

The findings also show that there are specific benefits of using laptop in the teaching

process of the teachers to the student’s learning process and teacher’s teaching performance. The

teachers often use PowerPoint in their teaching process, when you teach without using a laptop,

you seem to take longer to teach and there is also a change that the students lose the desire to

listen to the lesson, but when we use a laptop and create a PowerPoint, it will be easier to teach

the students and they will enjoy listening in the lesson because they will focus more on what is

on the PowerPoint. Based on the gathered data, the private school teachers are experiencing less

time-consuming in finding their teaching materials using a laptop by searching/browsing on the

internet accessing different types of information in any websites that will help their teaching or

connected to the lesson to be taught to their students, the corollary being that, many of them

agreed that laptops help them gather information easily which they can get everything well set,

well organized and well prepared with their teaching materials forwards. However, there are still

teaching materials that can be used to gather information. Many teachers find interactive

teaching materials easier with their laptops and can maintain the right balance between orderly

instruction and student engagement. It shows that the demographic profile of the private school

teachers in using laptops are efficient and convenient for their teaching. Additionally, it improves

their skills in terms of time management, efforts, access to information, and in communication.

Based on the finding of this study, the impact of using laptop in the teaching process of

private school teachers in terms of their performance is that they can teach their students more

easily. From the gathered data, all the respondents use a laptop to keep their students' grades,

because by using a laptop they will not have difficulty writing the grades of their students, most

of them answered always because of the use of laptops, their students will be engaged so that

they can understand the lessons well, it is also easier for the teachers to discuss their lesson and

they will be able to create a clearer lecture and handout, and they will be able to present their

lesson properly . But not all teachers use a laptop to teach their students, most of them teach

sometimes without using a laptop. By using a laptop there are benefits that they can use in terms

of their teaching.

The researchers also concluded that there is a way to lessen the negative impact of using

laptop in the teaching process of the teachers of Mount Carmel College of Casiguran. The

teachers should have limits in using laptop in their teaching process, and may not depend on it all

the time. They must not forget to check the information that they’ve gather thus, it may contain

inappropriate information. The information in the internet is unlimited however, teachers must

not always depend on it, they must balance traditional and modern form of teaching.


On the basis of the findings and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations

were offered:

1. The teachers may provide activities that are engaging to the students and may provide

more interactive videos of their lessons from the internet for additional knowledge and

also for those students that are auditory and visual learners. They may also use well

suited laptop for their work in order to not face technical difficulties, specially having

said that their device is full of important files. However, they should limit themselves in

using laptop in their teaching process, and may not depend on it all the time, and check

the information that they’ve gather thus, it may contain inappropriate information.

2. The students should actively participate in their teacher’s teaching process every time

because it will help them improve their learning process and to have a better classroom


3. The Private School Administrator should provide laptops to those teachers who are in

need because through the use of laptop the teaching process of the teachers may be

improved. They may also conduct ICT trainings that cover the various uses and benefits

of various applications and computer software are required be made available to teachers,

encourage all teachers, regardless of profile, to use computer-based instruction.

4. To the future researchers, this study may help them in gathering information about the

impact of using laptop in the teaching process of the private school teachers, they should

also conduct research study to other teachers from different private schools.


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