Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet
MEDIUM US: 6/7, UK: 8/7, 4.00/4.5mm Stockinette Stitch (St st, flat over any
number of sts). Row 1 (RS): Knit all sts. Row
around needle. Pull loop snug. Bring top
needle (with slipknot) over yarn tail on thumb
Medium, Worsted, Afghan, 2 (WS): Purl all sts. Rep Rows 1-2 for (bottom strand), around and under yarn and
Aran/Heavy Worsted
US: 8/9, UK: 6/5, 5.00/5.50mm
BULKY pattern.St st in the round: Knit every rnd. back up, making a loop around needle. Pull
loop snug. Cont casting on sts until desired
Bulky, Chunky Garter Stitch (in the round over any
number is reached; top yarn strand always
number of sts). Rnd 1: Purl all sts. Rnd 2:
US: 10/10.5/10.75/11 wraps around bottom needle, and bottom yarn
Knit all sts. Rep Rnds 1-2 for pattern.
UK: 4/3/2/1/0 strand always wraps around top needle.
Garter Stitch flat: Knit every row. (One
SUPER BULKY 6.00/6.5/7.00/7.5/8mm Garter ridge is comprised of two Stretchy Bind Off: Directions: K2, *insert LH
needle into front of 2 sts on RH needle and knit
Super Bulky, Roving rows/rnds.)
US: 13/15/17, UK: 00/000 JUMBO 1x1 Rib (flat or in the round, over an even
them tog—1 st remains on RH needle. K1; rep
from * until all sts have been bound off.
9.00/10.00mm Jumbo, Roving number of sts). Row/Rnd 1: (K1, P1) to end of
row/rnd. Rep Row/Rnd 1 for pattern. Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off (for 1x1
US: 13/15/17 Rib): Directions: Reverse YO, K1, pass YO over;
2x2 Rib (flat over a multiple of 4 sts plus 2).
12.00/15.00/20.00/50.00mm *YO, P1, pass YO and previous st over P1; reverse
Row 1 (RS): K2, (P2, K2) to end of row. Row
YO, K1, pass YO and previous st over K1; rep from
2 (WS): P2, (K2, P2) to end of row. Rep
* until 1 st is left, then break working yarn and pull
Rows 1-2 for pattern.
it through final st to complete BO.
2x2 Rib (in the round over a multiple of 4
Kitchener Stitch (also called Grafting):
sts). Rnd 1: (K2, P2) to end of rnd. Rep Rnd
Seamlessly join two sets of live stitches
1 for pattern.
together. Directions: With an equal number of
Magic Loop Technique: A technique using sts on two needles, break yarn leaving a tail
one long circular needle to knit in the approx four times as long as the row of sts,
round around a small circumference. and thread through a blunt yarn needle. Hold
Knitting in the Round with Two Circular needles parallel with WSs facing in and both
Needles: A technique using two long needles pointing to the right. Perform Step 2
ABBREVIATIONS circulars to knit around a small circumference.
Backward Loop Cast On: A simple,
on the first front st, then Step 4 on the first
back st, then continue from Step 1, always
all-purpose cast on that can be worked pulling yarn tightly so the grafted row tension
mid-row. Also called Loop, Single, or matches the knitted fabric: Step 1: Pull yarn
BO bind off rep repeat E-Wrap Cast On. needle K-wise through front st and drop st
BOR beginning of round Rev St st reverse stockinette from knitting needle. Step 2: Pull yarn needle
Long Tail Cast On: Fast and neat once
P-wise through next front st, leaving st on
CN cable needle stitch you get the hang of it. Also referred to as
knitting needle. Step 3: Pull yarn needle P-wise
CC contrast color RH right hand the Slingshot Cast On.
through first back st and drop st from knitting
CDD centered double dec rnd(s) round(s) Cabled Cast On: A strong and nice needle. Step 4: Pull yarn needle K-wise through
CO cast on RS right side looking basic cast on that can be worked next back st, leaving st on knitting needle. Rep
mid-project. Steps 1-4 until all sts have been grafted
cont continue Sk skip
3-Needle Bind Off: Used to easily seam together, finishing by working Step 1 through
dec decrease(es) SK2P sl, k2tog, pass
two rows of live stitches together. the last remaining front st, then Step 3 through
DPN(s) double pointed needle(s) slipped stitch over k2tog: 2 sts the last remaining back st.
Felted Join (to splice yarn): One method
inc increase SKP sl, k, psso: 1 st Short Rows: There are several options for how
for joining a new length of yarn to the end
K knit Sl slip of one that is already being used. to handle short rows, so you may see different
K2tog knit 2 sts together SM slip marker Mattress Stitch: A neat, invisible seaming suggestions/intructions in a pattern.
KFB knit into front and back of SSK sl, sl, k these 2 sts method that uses the bars between the Wrap and Turn (W&T) : Work until the st to be
stitch tog first and second stitches on the edges. wrapped. If knitting: Bring yarn to front, Sl next st
K-wise knitwise SSP sl, sl, p these 2 sts Provisional Cast On (crochet method): : P-wise, return yarn to back; turn work, and Sl
Using a crochet hook, make a slipknot, then wrapped st onto RH needle. Cont across row. If
LH left hand tog tbl
hold knitting needle in left hand, hook in purling: Bring yarn to back of work, Sl next st
M marker SSSK sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts P-wise, return yarn to front; turn work and Sl
right. With yarn in back of needle, work a
M1 make one stitch tog wrapped st onto RH needle. Cont across row.
chain st by pulling yarn over needle and
M1L make one left-leaning stitch St st stockinette stitch through chain st. Move yarn back to behind Picking up Wraps: Work to wrapped st. If knitting:
M1R make one right-leaning st(s) stitch(es) needle, and rep for the number of sts Insert RH needle under wrap, then through
stitch TBL through back loop required. Chain a few more sts off the wrapped st K-wise; K st and wrap tog. If purling: Sl
MC main color TFL through front loop needle, then break yarn and pull end wrapped st P-wise onto RH needle, use LH needle
through last chain. (CO sts may be to lift wrap and place it onto RH needle; Sl wrap
P purl tog together
incorrectly mounted; if so, work into backs and st back onto LH needle, and P tog.
P2tog purl 2 sts together W&T wrap & turn of these sts.) To unravel later (when sts need German Short Rows: Work to turning point;
PM place marker WE work even to be picked up), pull chain end out; chain turn. WYIF, Sl first st P-wise. Bring yarn over
PFB purl into front and back WS wrong side should unravel, leaving live sts. back of right needle, pulling firmly to create a
of stitch WYIB with yarn in back Provisional Cast On (crochet chain method): “double stitch” on RH needle. If next st is a K
PSSO pass slipped stitch over WYIF with yarn in front With a crochet hook, use scrap yarn to make st, leave yarn at back; if next st is a P , bring
PU pick up YO yarn over a slipknot and chain the number of sts to be yarn to front between needles. When it’s time
cast on, plus a few extra sts. Insert tip of to work into double st, knit both strands tog.
P-wise purlwise