Mcs-2 Mark (Unit-4) 1.what Is Directing?
Mcs-2 Mark (Unit-4) 1.what Is Directing?
Mcs-2 Mark (Unit-4) 1.what Is Directing?
Directing consists of the process and techniques utilized in issuing instructions and making certain that operations are carried out as originally planned. Direction is the interpersonal aspect of managing by which subordinates are led to understand and contribute effectively to the attainment of enterprise objectives. 2.What are the elements of directing? The directing function includes the following, 1.Supervision 2.Motivation 3.Leadership 4.Communication 3.What is span of supervision/control? It refers to the no. of subordinates a manager can effectively manage. If the no. of subordinates is too large,effective control may become difficult control over them. The concept of span of a management has a significant influence on the overall performance of an enterprise and hence modern management experts have recognized its importance. 4.What is meant by motivation? The basic objective of a manager is to secure from his subordinates an optimum performance toword accomplishment of the pre-determined objectives. Performance = Ability * Effort * Opportunity Motives may be defined as drives are impulses without an individual.It implies something within a person which prompts him into action. Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives,desires ,needs wishes and similar forces that induce an individual or a group of people to work. -Koontz and ODonnell Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish goals -William G.Scott
5.List out two importance of motivation. 1.Maximum utilization of factors of production 2.Reduced employee turn over and absenteeism 3.Increase in efficiency and output 4.Sense of belonging. 6.What are the five needs mentioned in need hierarchy theory? 1.Physiological(or basic or survival)needs. 2.Security(or safety )needs 3.Social(or affliation) needs 4.Ego(or esteem)needs. 5.Self realization (Self actualization)needs 7.Define leadership. Leadership is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence and zeal -Koontz and ODonnell IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP: 1.He should have team work 2.Leader is a person who motivates the subordinates. 3.Leader should guide people. 4.He is a person who brings uop changes in ana organization. 8.State the qualities of a leader/supervisor? 1.Knowledge of the organization. 2.Knowledge of work 3.Communication skill 4.Capacity to listen 5.Memory power 6.Patience
7.Decisiveness 8.Systematic in approach 9.Ability to delicate 10.Physical stamina 9.What are different types of leadership? 1.Autocratic leadership style 2.Democratic leadership style 3.Laissez Faire or free-rein leadership style 4.Paternalisic leadership style 10.Name some of the barriers to communication. The various barriers to the communication may be grouped under the following three categories, 1.Personal barrier 2.Technical or mechanical barrier 3.Organizational barrier 11.List out the types of communication Communication may be classified into following types. 1.Based on relationship 1.Formal 2.Informal
2.Based on its Flow of Direction 1.Upward 2.Downward 3.Sideward 3.Based on the method used 1.Oral 2.Written 3.Gestural
12.List out the two major motivation theories. 1.Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory 2.Herzbergs motivation Hygiene theories 13.What is an autocratic leadership? An autocratic leader is one who takes all the decisions himself without consulting his subordinates.He decides policies for the group without consulting the group and also asks the group to take steps as per policies determined by him. Merits: 1.This style leads to quick-decision making 2.It may provide strong leadership to the group 3.It suitable at lower levels in an organization Demerits: It leads to development of frustration in subordinates. It may yield fruit only in short-run. 14.Draw the schematic representation of communication process.