FR 2023

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ekSykuk vkt+kn jk"Vªh; izkS|ksfxdh laLFkku Hkksiky& 462003

(िश ा मं ालय,भारत सरकार के अधीन रा ीय मह का laLFkku)

(An Institute of National importance under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India )

Advt. No.Rectt/FR/2023/01 Dated: 04/07/2023


Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal is an Institute of National
Importance under the aegis of Ministry of Education- Government of India. The Institute invites
online applications for filling up under-mentioned faculty positions in the specified area of
specialization. Candidates may refer to the subsequent pages of this advertisement for vacancy
details, eligibility criteria, and other instructions.
Sl. Name of the Group and level of pay Number of Posts Department/Dis
no. Post ciplines where
vacancies exist
1. Assistant Group A, Level-10 Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 62 Detailed on
Professor (Entry pay ₹70,900/- ) [UR-30, OBC-15, SC-07, ST-06, EWS-4] subsequent
Grade-II (on (Pre-revised pay in PB-3, pages of this
Contract AGP Rs. 6000).  The candidate must have prescribed advertisement
Basis) credit-points.

Assistant Group A, Level-12

Professor (Entry pay ₹1,01,500/-)
Grade-I (Pre-revised pay in PB-3,
AGP Rs. 8000).

2. Associate Group A, Level-13A2 Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 44

Professor (Entry Pay ₹1,39,600/-) [UR-20, OBC-12, SC-07, ST-03, EWS-2]
(Pre-revised pay in PB-4,
AGP Rs. 9500).  The candidate must have prescribed
3. Professor Group A, Level-14A Total Vacancies (Including Backlog): 21
(Entry pay ₹1,59,100/-) [UR-8, OBC-07, SC-03, ST-02, EWS-1]
(Pre-revised pay in PB-4,
AGP Rs. 10500).  The candidate must have prescribed

The number of vacancies is tentative and may be increased and/or decreased at any time.

Horizontal reservation of PwD to be maintained as per the Government of India norms. As per Section
34 of the Rights of PwDs Act, 2016, Out of above, the PwD vacancies are earmarked for different
Disabilities as under:

(a) Blindness & low vision.

(b) Deaf & hard of hearing.
(c) Locomotor Disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and
muscular dystrophy.
(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;
(e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clause (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the
posts identified for each disabilities.

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Apart from Indian Citizens, candidates holding Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card would
also be eligible to apply for above posts. Candidates may refer to subsequent pages for
detailed instructions and eligibility criteria.


APPLICATION FORMS AGAINST THE ADVT. NO. Estt/FR/2021/996 Dated: 13/08/2021

All those candidates who have earlier applied for the post of Assistant Professor against Advt.
no.Estt/FR/2021/996 Dated: 13/08/2021, if interested, then they need to apply again against
the vacancy in the current advertisement through However,
they need not pay any fee for the current fresh application. They must enclose a copy of
payment receipt of the application fee and fill in the application form as deposited with respect
to Advt. no.Estt/FR/2021/996 Dated: 13/08/2021. The exemption of fee shall be applicable
only for submission of one application.


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S. Department / Centre where Specialization

No. vacancies exist
1. Architecture and Planning 1. Housing
2. Infrastructure Planning
3. Urban Planning/Regional Planning
4. Landscape
5. BEM Construction Technology & Management
6. Traffic and Transportation
2. Centre of Artificial Intelligence 1. AI Algorithms & Applications of AI
2. Machine Learning/ Deep Learning
3. Soft Computing
3. Biological Science and Engineering* N.A.

4. Centre of Excellence in Product 1. Additive Manufacturing

Design and Smart Manufacturing
2. Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS)
3. Robotics & Automation
4. Micro Manufacturing
5. Centre of Excellence in Water 1. Water Resources Engineering and Management
2. Water Quality and Monitoring
3. Climate Change
4. Hydropower Engineering
6. Chemical Engineering 1. Process Control and Process System
2. Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation
3. Biochemical Engineering
4. AI & ML and Data Analytics in Chemical
5. Risk Assessment and Hazard Analysis
7. Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry
2. Organic Chemistry
3. Analytical Chemistry
4. Physical Chemistry
8. Civil Engineering 1. Geo-informatics
2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
3. Environmental Engineering
9. Computer Science and Engineering 1. System and Networking Security
2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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S. Department / Centre where Specialization
No. vacancies exist
3. Systems (Database Systems, Operating
Systems, Information Systems, Cloud Computing)
4. High Performance Computing
5. Networking
6. Theoretical Computer Science
10. Electrical Engineering 1. Power System
2. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
3. Instrumentation and Control
4. Renewable Energy Systems
11. Electronics and Communication 1. Communication Systems
Engineering 2. Signal Processing
3. VLSI Design and Modelling
4. Cyber Physical Systems
12. Energy Centre 1. Solar Thermal

13. Humanities 1. Economics

2. Intellectual Property Law
14. Management Studies* N.A.
15. Materials and Metallurgical 1. Extractive Metallurgy (Ferrous and Non-Ferrous)
Engineering 2. Computational Material Science
3. Mechanical Metallurgy
16. Mathematics, Bioinformatics and 1. Probability & Statistics
Computer Applications 2. Computational Mathematics
3. Theoretical Computer Science
4. Data Science
5. Software Engineering
17. Mechanical Engineering 1. Thermal Engineering
2. Design Engineering
3. Production and Industrial Engineering
18. Physics 1. Nuclear Physics
2. Astrophysics
3. Condensed Matter Physics

*Only for serving regular faculty members of MANIT Bhopal. As per prevailing guidelines, For the
departments which are not having any vacancy, movement in higher AGP/cadre will be carried out
as per prescribed selection process but it will be restricted to only for serving faculty members of
the respective departments.

Serving regular faculty members of MANIT Bhopal shall be eligible to apply for higher
positions in their own departments irrespective of their specializations, if they satisfy other
advertised criteria.

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For All Engineering Departments, B.Tech./BE or any other equivalent degree, M.Tech./ME/MS or
any equivalent degree and Ph.D. in relevant discipline.

For Humanities/Applied Science: B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. or any equivalent undergraduate degree,

M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. or any equivalent PG degree and Ph.D. in relevant discipline.

Essential Qualification for Department of Mathematics, Bioinformatics and Computer

Applications: Faculty (Mathematics): Ph.D. in relevant discipline with Mathematics at graduation
level and M.Sc./MS/M.A. in Mathematics/M.Sc. Data Science/M. Tech. in Mathematics and Data
Science/Dual Degree B. Tech. and M. Tech. in Mathematics and Computing/Statistics and Data
Science (BS-MS 5 Years)/Mathematics and Computing (BS-MS 5 Years)/Mathematics and
Computing (M.Sc. 5 Years)/equivalent PG Degree. Faculty (Computer Applications): Ph.D. in
relevant discipline with B.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons) /BCA of minimum 3 years or B. Tech. (CSE/IT) four years
full-time degree from a recognized university in relevant discipline and MCA (minimum three
years)/M.Tech. (CSE/IT) from a recognized university.

Essential Qualification for Architecture and Planning: B.Arch./B.Plan. and

M.Arch./M.Plan./M.Tech. in relevant field with one year of professional experience for Assistant
Professor at Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 6000 and for higher cadre, Ph.D. in area of specialization.

Essential Qualification for Centre for Artificial Intelligence: B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering;
M.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence/ CSE/ IT and Ph.D. in area of specialization related to AI.

Essential Qualification for Centre of Excellence in Product Design & Smart Manufacturing:
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engg./ Smart manufacturing, Bachelor of Design, M.Tech. in Artificial
Intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Artificial Intelligence in Robotics, Micro Manufacturing, Machine
Learning Techniques in Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. in the relevant area of specialization
related to smart manufacturing field.

Essential Qualification for Energy Centre: B.E./B.Tech. or any equivalent degree in

Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering, B.Sc. in Physics,
M.E./M.Tech. in Energy/Renewable Energy/Thermal Energy, M.Sc. in Physics or any other Energy
related specialization and Ph.D. in area of specialization mentioned.

Essential Qualification for Centre for Excellence in Water Management: B.E./B.Tech. in Civil
Engineering, M.E./M.Tech. and Ph.D. in area of specialization mentioned.

For detailed requirements of the posts, please refer the enclosed Schedule ‘E’ of first statutes of
NITs (Recruitment rules).

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How to apply
1. Application form will be available in online mode only i.e.
2. The applicant must be a citizen of India or should be a person registered as an Overseas
Citizen of India (OCI) cardholder under Section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 (57 of 1955).
3. Before filling the Application Form, the candidate must ensure his/her eligibility for the post in
respect of qualification and other requisite criteria. The candidate should carefully go through
details and instructions available on MANIT Bhopal website Apart from
Schedule E available in this Advertisement, candidates are also advised to go through the
following important Rules/Orders:

Sl. Document/order/guidelines Uploaded with

no. this Advt. as
1 NITSER Act, 2007 Annexure I
2 First Statutes of NIT Annexure II
3 MoE F.No.33-9/2011/TS.III dated 16 April 2019 Annexure III
4 MoE F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 30 November 2017, Annexure IV
5 MoE F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 20 April 2018 Annexure V
6 MoE F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 13 September 2017 Annexure VI
7 Gazette Notification dated 07 March 2019 of CEI (Reservation in Annexure VII
Teachers’ Cadre) Ordinance, 2019
8 Prescribed format for Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD) Annexure VIII

4. Candidates serving in Government/Semi-Government/PSUs/Universities/Educational Institutions

should send their applications through Proper Channel. They may send an advance copy of the
application form and relevant enclosures. However, they should furnish a No Objection Certificate
(NOC) and vigilance clearance from their employer/competent authority at the time of interview.
5. Candidates should apply sufficiently in time without waiting for last date, no request for any extension of
last date will be considered on any ground whatsoever.
6. Since all the posts are to be filled-in by open advertisement only, internal candidates aspiring for higher
posts/Pay Levels/Higher cadre may also apply subject to fulfilling eligibility criteria.
Application Fee
7. Candidates belonging to Unreserved/OBC category have to pay application fee of ₹1200.00
(Rupees One Thousand Two Hundred Only) through SBI Collect which is non-refundable. The
fee can be paid by accessing the relevant page on following path: State of Corporate/Institution:
Madhya Pradesh; Type of Corporate/Institution: educational institutions→ Educational Institutions
name: DIRECTOR-MANIT→ Recruitment Application Fee. For the Indian Nationals applying from
abroad (for all categories) and OCI Card-holders, an application fee of USD $50 is required to be
8. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD categories and Women candidates are exempted from
application fee.
9. Candidates will be required to submit separate Application Form for each post and each
Department with separate application fee.
10. Application fee once submitted is not transferable; is non-refundable; and is non-adjustable for
any future vacancy.
11. In case of candidates applying for multiple posts, they are required to fill separate forms and
have to pay the application fee separately for each post.

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Vacancy Details
12. The Institute reserves the right to modify/defer or cancel full/part of the advertisement/recruitment
at any stage of processing without assigning any reason. Number and nature of posts shown
above may change and vary at the time of selection/recruitment. Further, the Institute reserves
the right not to fill any post(s).
13. In case of those Departments/Centres where no vacancy exist for the advertised post, the
internal serving faculty members of those Departments/Centres may apply, in terms of para 5 of
Note I of Schedule E of NIT Statutes, subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria, for movement to
higher Academic Grade Pay or cadre as per specified selection process.
Short-Listing and Eligibility Criteria
14. The selection process will consist of scrutiny of applications for eligibility of applicants as per
Gazetted notification 24/07/2017 schedule E, Statute 23(5)(A). Short-listing of eligible applicants
will be based on their credit point score subsequently followed by presentation and interview.
15. In case of large number of applicants, for short listing of applications, the Institute has the right to
set higher norms for scrutiny than minimum prescribed norms, or to conduct a written
examination for short-listing of candidates. Mere fulfillment of the required qualifications,
experience, credit points, etc., does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview/selection.
Short listing criteria for calling for interview may be higher than those advertised.
16. The areas of specialization and the post/level applied-for will be taken into account while short
listing. Due consideration shall be given to the requirements of the individual departments. In
addition, short listing criteria may vary for different posts intra-department and inter-department
as per specific requirements of each department. Ministry of Education guidelines received from
time to time for recruitment will be followed. The decision of the Institute related to all matters
pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and binding on all applicants.
17. Serving Regular Faculty member shall be eligible to apply to higher positions in their own
department irrespective of their specialization, if they satisfy other advertised criteria.
18. As per Schedule “E” of the Statutes of NIT vide Gazette of India No.651 dated July 24, 2017,
previous experience must be from the Institute of repute as per oversight committee resolution
(MoE vide F.No.33-9/2011/TS.III dated 16th April 2019- Annexure III with this advt.). The above
definition of Institute of repute shall only be considered to determine eligibility and calculation of
credit points. However, the above criterion does not apply for serving regular faculty
members. For the serving regular faculty members, previous experience irrespective of
above conditions will be considered.
Selection Process
19. Institute reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the Recruitment Process, if need
arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason therefore.
20. It is mandatory for the candidates to appear in person for written test and/or Technical
Presentation and Interview.
21. Facility of Technical Presentation and Interview through video conferencing for candidates
residing abroad is available at their own risk as Institute is not responsible for any technical issue
related to internet connectivity resulting in failure to appear before the presentation/ selection
22. SC/ST outstation candidates will be paid to and fro travelling allowance of second-class Railway
fare by the shortest route (subject to production of tickets) as admissible under the Rules upon
furnishing of claim in prescribed format with proof of journey. However, Travelling Allowance is
not admissible to those SC/ST candidates who are already in service of Central/State
Government services, Central/State Government Corporation, Public Sector Undertakings, Local
Government Institutions and Panchayats and those who have availed concession from Railways,
if any, for undertaking journey for attending examination.

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23. All documents in original and valid photo ID proof (Passport/Voter ID/PAN Card/Aadhar Card/ Any
Government issued Id) along with a photocopy will have to be produced at the time of Technical
Presentation and Interview. In case the candidate does not produce any valid ID proof mentioned
above then he/she will not be allowed to attend the same.
24. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept the candidature of any applicant at any stage.
Communication and Interim Inquiry
25. All general communications in regard with recruitment will be made through Institute website
only, and communications addressed to specific candidates will be by Email only. Candidates
should check their email including SPAM folder regularly. No separate intimation will be sent by
post or any other mode.
26. Hence, candidates are advised in their own interest to provide their working e-mail id and to
white-list the e-mail id so that communication from Institute does
not end up in spam folder. Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of intimation via e-mail
due to any technical reason/problem not attributable to the Institute.
27. Schedule of written test and/or Presentation of shortlisted applicants will be uploaded on the
Institute website in due course of time. Applicants are advised to keep visiting the Institute
website on regular basis.
28. In case of any inadvertent omission in advertisement/selection process discovered even after
issuance of appointment letter, the institute reserves all rights to withdraw/cancel/modify any
communication made to the candidates.
29. The institute reserves the right to alter / insert any corrections / additions in the advertisement /
website in the event of any typographical error etc. before the last date of submission of
application form, for which the candidates are advised to be in the lookout for announcements on
the institute website:
30. The Institute reserves the right for issuing corrigendum/addendum after the advertisement. All
such addendum/ corrigendum will be published on the Institute Website only.
31. The decision of the Institute in all matters related to this recruitment shall be final. No correspondence
/interim inquiries will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of selection /
interview/result etc.

32. Period of Probation and Age of Superannuation: Subject to the provisions of the Act and the
Statutes, all appointments to posts under the Institute shall be made on probation for a period of
one year wherever applicable. On completion of probation period the appointee, if confirmed,
shall continue to hold his/her office subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes, till the
end of the month in which he/she attains the prescribed superannuation age for teaching posts.
The appointing authority shall have the power to extend the period of probation of any employee
of the Institute for such periods as it may deem fit.
Pay-protection and Claim for Higher Pay
33. Basic pay of the selected candidate will be fixed as per the recommendations of the selection
committee only. Candidate from Government/Semi Government/Quasi Government service
seeking pay protection and those seeking higher pay than minimum must stake their claim before
the selection committee at the time of interview for necessary recommendation to avail pay
protection/higher pay.
34. Reservation policies will be as per Government of India norms as applicable to NITs.
35. Relevant caste/category (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD) certificates in prescribed format are required to
be submitted at the time of presentation/interview, if shortlisted. No other certificate will be

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accepted. Prescribed formats are hosted at Institute website as Annexure VIII with the
advertisement. OBC (NCL) Certificate and EWS Certificate obtained after 01.04.2023 would
only be considered.
Responsibility of Information Submitted & Jurisdiction
36. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be subject to Courts / Tribunals
having jurisdiction over Bhopal.
37. The candidate is responsible for furnishing the correct information in the application form. If at any
stage the information supplied by the candidate is found to be concealed or distorted his/her
candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage.
38. In case, it is found that the candidate has undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and
has suppressed the said information, then his/her candidature will be cancelled.
39. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.

Closing date of application and check list

40. Closing date for submission of online application shall be 03/08/2023. The cutoff date for
determining eligibility of candidates is the closing date of receipt of application form.
41. Completely filled application form along with credit point sheet and all enclosures in support of
educational qualification, experience, category, documents for credit points claimed etc. must
reach to “The Registrar, MANIT Bhopal, Link Road Number 3, Near Kali Mata Mandir,
Bhopal (M.P.) – 462003” so as to reach Institute by last date of receipt of application i.e.
03/08/2023 only by Speed Post/Registered Post. The copy of payment proof should be
attached with hardcopy of application form.
42. The name of the post and department must be super-scribed “Post applied for [name of the
post] Department [Name of the department]” clearly on the envelope without fail.
43. Candidates should enclose only very specific documents in support of claims and should
refrain from enclosing redundant or irrelevant documents (e.g. Ph.D. thesis, complete
published papers etc.). Such irrelevant documents will be separated from application
dossier and shall be discarded, and Institute shall not be responsible in any way if some
relevant document is discarded too in the process.
44. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. Request for individual
acknowledgements shall not be considered. Applications received after last date will be liable to
be summarily rejected. Applications submitted through e-mail will not be considered.
45. Institute strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are
encouraged to apply.
46. Documents/Records of the candidates, who are not be selected after declaration of result, shall
not be preserved beyond Six (06) months from the date of declaration of the result of selection.

Place : Bhopal Sd/-

Date : 04.07.2023 REGISTRAR

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(Note: Candidates are advised to refer to original MoE orders/guidelines available on Institute
Website. This Extracts is only for guidance purpose.)

Attention of candidates is invited to following further clarification/changes affected in Recruitment

Rules by Ministry of Education/Govt. of India:

1. One time relaxation having already been extended to eligible faculty members, such relaxation
will be available no more [para 3(1) of MoE communication F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 16
April 2019].
2. Experience gained under International / National Post-Doctoral Fellowships offered by National
Agencies of respective countries will be considered. Experience gained under Post-Doctoral
Fellowship offered by institutions which are in QS / The World ranking upto 500 will be
considered. Such experience will be considered for appointment to the post of Assistant
Professor (AGP 8000) [ibid, para 3(2)].
3. The points for activities mentioned at sl. no. 1,2,3,4 & 21 of Credit Points System Table
(Schedule E) will be non-exhaustible. Credit points in respect of rest of the activities mentioned
in Schedule E are exhaustible at every level of direct recruitment [ibid, para 3(3)].
4. For any movement from one position to other, if the exhaustible credit points are more than the
minimum required credit points for the selected position, then differential credit points from the
exhaustible credit points shall be carried forward to the exhaustible component only. This
provision will not affect the non-exhaustible credit points, which will be carried forward in toto.
Credit points earned during the period from the last date of submission of application and date
of joining, which was not considered in the selection process, shall be carried forward[ibid,
para 3(4)].
5. First Class degree means degree specified as first class by awarding University/Institution. If
not specifically mentioned by the University/Institution, then degree with 60% marks or having
CGPA 6.5 will be considered first class. “New Entrant” are as defined in MoE letter F.No. 33-
9/2011-TS.III dated 31 January 2018 [ibid, para 3(5)].
6. The term “Preceding Degrees” means Bachelor’s degree onward [ibid, para 3(6)].
7. The Teaching and Research Experience in reputed academic Institute or Research and
Development Labs or relevant industry may also be considered in case of Associate
Professors as has been done in case of other faculty members (MoE clarification vide F.No.
33-9/2011-TS.III dated 20th April 2018).
8. Experience (including prior to implementation of NIRF) in the following institutions will be
considered as experience in “Institution of repute”:
i. Fully funded Central Educational institutions.
ii. IIMs and other management Institutions ranked by NIRF upto 50 for any two years.
iii. State Educational Institutions funded by respective State Governments.
iv. Other Educational Institutions ranked by NIRF upto 100 in overall, Universities,
Engineering, upto 50 for Pharmacy and 10 for Architecture, for any two years.
However, with regard to criteria on Institute of repute, the Institute Board of Governors
may take a call on relaxing the criteria, if needed, with recorded justification [ibid, para
3(7)].Further, the Board will also have power to define the criteria for “Industry of repute”
[ibid, para 3(10)].
9. The consultancy amount of 5 lakh can be in single assignment or can be in cumulative amount
of multiple assignments [ibid, para 3(15)].

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10. As per RR, the new entrants are required to have Ph.D. in relevant or equivalent discipline and
shall have first class in the preceding degrees. In this context, the new entrant means a
candidate who is not existing faculty of concerned NIT. Therefore, existing faculty will not be
considered as new entrant. Apart from this, there will not be any distinction between the
external and internal candidates with regard to the requirement of qualification experience
[MoE letter F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 31 January 2018].
11. The date of effect of recruitment will be the date of approval of BoG [MoE guidelines vide
F.No. 33-9/2011-TS.III dated 30th November 2017, Para 2(iii)].
12. The Total working experience / length of mandatory service requirements could be
combination of services in NITs & other Institute of repute [ibid, para 3(5), as further
amended vide MoE dated 04 December 2017]. Research experience as Post-Doctoral as
approved in [F.No33-9/2011-TS.III dated 16 April 2019, Pt 2], Research experience in
Institute of Repute/ National Agencies of the country like government major R&D lab (CSIR,
ICAR, DAE, ISRO, DRDO etc) / Industrial experience with industries having turnover more
than 100 Crores/ for Architecture applicants, experience in Architecture Firms having Projects
of more than 20 Crores per annum.
13. The qualifications and other terms and conditions of appointment as notified in the Recruitment
Rules are bare minimum and the Board of Governors can however fix higher benchmarks,
higher than the prescribed in consultation with the Council of NITSER [ibid, Annexure-IV,
para 2(a)].
14. All the faculty posts in the Institute shall be filled by direct recruitment only [ibid, Annexure-IV,
para 2(b)].
15. Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of faculty
with exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded
research projects[ibid, Annexure-IV, para 2(c)].
16. All recruitment and pay fixation shall be done by the BoG of the Institute only on the
recommendations of duly constituted Selection Committee. There shall be no scope of fixing of
altering pay (pay in pay-band or grade pay) outside the selection committee. The Selection
Committee shall be the only entity empowered to consider the past services and qualifications
of a candidate [ibid, Annexure-IV, para 2(e)].
17. To avoid in-breeding (i.e. induction of Institute’s own students in faculty), the Institute will
follow the following policy:
(i) Candidates who have obtained or are expected to obtain their most recent degree
(Ph.D.) from the Institute (MANIT Bhopal) will normally not be considered for
recruitment, except where there is a 3 years’ gap (approximately) between leaving the
Institute and expected date of joining.
(ii) This is not applicable to candidates who are already members of the faculty, either
regular or on contract, and are pursuing a higher degree in the Institute.
(iii) In special cases, where the Department (at the time of short-listing) or the Selection
Committee feels that an exception needs to be made (for reasons such as severe
shortage of faculty in a given academic field or exceptionally brilliant candidate or any
other), the reasons for such exceptions are to be recorded in writing and put up to the
Board of Governors for approval. The Board, if convinced, may confirm the selection.
Such appointments shall not serve as precedence.[ibid, Annexure-IV, para 2(h)].
18. Serving regular faculty members shall be eligible to apply for higher positions in their own
Departments irrespective of their specializations, if they satisfy other advertised criteria. [ibid,
Appendix-A1, para 10].
19. The Institute reserves the right to frame such short-listing criteria as it deems fit. Such short-
listing criteria may include, among others, such conditions as:

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(i) Superior academic record – all through first class career or higher grades in
B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech, higher than advertised criteria,
(ii) Reputation of institutions from where the candidate has obtained his degrees,
(iii) Number of unsuccessful attempts for the same post [Candidates who have been rejected
in the past may be called only if there is a good reason, the reason to be recorded in
(iv) Specialization, including micro-specialization,
(v) Professional service record – reputation of organization where experience has been
earned, nature of job, current activities etc. [ibid, Appendix-A1, para 15].
20. Director’s decisions shall be final for the purpose of calling a candidate to the interview. The
decision of the Board on the selection shall be final and binding [ibid, Appendix-A1, para 16].
21. In addition to formal application, candidates will be required to submit all documents as per
checklist mentioned in online application form, all documents for which Credit points are
claimed and only First page of publications where the journal and authors name are
22. The short listed candidates will be invited by the Chairman, ACoFAR or the Registrar for
seminar presentation and personal interview with the selection committee constituted in
accordance with the NITSER Act, 2007 and the Statutes of the Institute. The seminar
presentation in the Departments, and/or any other form of academic interaction with the faculty
will be open to the faculty and students of the Institute and will be well publicized in advance to
invite a decent audience. The feedback of the faculty will be communicated to the Selection
Committee by the HoD. Candidates located outside the country or otherwise not in position of
attending personal interview, may be interviewed over video conferencing or be selected in
absentia at the discretion of the Selection Committee [ibid, Appendix-A1, para 18].
23. The Selection Committee shall employ the same yard stick to evaluate all candidates for a
post or AGP – external, internal and shall prepare a common panel of recommended
candidates. Out of this panel, the vacant posts will be filled on the basis of merit without
consideration of external or internal candidates [ibid, Appendix-A1, para 20].


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