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Questioning Techniques - Infographics Questioning

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Suggestions to write Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)

The multiple-choice questions consist of a stem, which identifies the question or problem and the response alternatives or choices. Usually,
students are asked to select the one alternative that best completes a statement or answers a question. MCQ’s can be used to test questions
based on various levels of bloom’s. As an example, the multiple-choice question below is testing not only information recall but also the
ability to use judgment in analysing and evaluating.


Present a definite,
Q. Multiple choice tests can be used explicit and singular
to test the ability to: question or problem
1. Recall memorized information in the stem.
2. Apply theory to routine cases
3. Apply theory to novel situations When possible, state Eliminate excessive
4. use judgment in analyzing and the stem as a direct Eg- The science of verbiage or irrelevant
evaluating question rather than mind and behaviour is information from the
as an incomplete called… stem.
Options Eg- Which of the
A. 1 only following ways of heat
B. 1 and 2 only transfer explains why
How are alloys
C. 1, 2 and 3 only Jane’s hand was burnt
ordinarily produced?
D. All of the above (Answer) after she touched a
hot iron.
Lets us list down Let us list down situations
situations where where we would like to
we would like to use MCQ’s?
avoid use of
Make alternatives
approximately equal in
Include in the stem Use negatively stated length. Eg-
any word(s) that What is the most general
stems sparingly.
cause of low individual
might otherwise be When used, Make the alternatives incomes in the country?
repeated in each underline and/or mutually exclusive. A. A lack of valuable
alternative. capitalize the Do not provide productive services to sell
Eg- In national negative word. overlapping ranges. (Answer)
elections in the Eg- Which of the B. The population’s overall
United States the following is NOT cited unwillingness to work.
President is officially C. The nation’s increased
as an accomplishment Eg- What is the daily reliance on automation.
chosen by of the government? minimum required D. An increasing national
A. the people. . amount of milk a 10 level of inflation.
B. members of years old child should
Congress. drink? A. 1 glass.
C. the House of Reps. B. 2 glasses.
D. the Electoral C. 3 glasses. (Answer)
college. (Answer) D. 4 glasses. SUGGESTION 7
Suggestions to write True and False (T&F)
In True-false questions a statement is presented and the student indicates whether the statement is true or false. In other words, there
are only two possible responses for each question, and the student chooses between them.

Can test various concepts
Suggestion 2
• Students can answer 3-4 questions per minute
• True-false questions are adaptable to the measurement Express the question statement as simply and as
of a wide variety of learning outcomes. clearly as possible.
• Scoring is easy Eg- The construction and maintenance of interstate
highways are provided by both state and federal
• True-false questions do not require higher language
• True-false questions helps in testing misconceptions.


Suggestion 1 Express a single idea in each test
Base true-false questions upon statements that cannot be Question.
interpret into more than one way, thus eliminating anonymity.
Eg- Water will boil at a higher
temperature if the atmospheric pressure
Eg- Geneticists and eye specialists believe that the on its surface is increased.
predisposition to near-sightedness is hereditary.
Do you agree that if Let us think and
created thoughtfully, list down
T&F can provide
disadvantages of
diagnostic data?
True and False.
SUGGESTION 4 Avoid using negatively stated item statements.
Eg- The supreme court is not composed of nine
Include enough background information and
qualifications so that the ability to respond correctly
to the question does not depend on some special, VS
uncommon knowledge.
The Supreme is composed of nine justices.
Eg- According to John Dewey, the second
principle of education is that the individual
gathers knowledge.
Avoid the use of unfamiliar vocabulary.
Eg- According to some politicians, the
SUGGESTION 5 raison d’etre for capital punishment is
Avoid lifting statements from the text, lecture or other
materials so that memory alone will not permit a correct VS
According to some politicians,
Eg- If you were to stand in a canoe and throw a life jacket
justification for capital punishment is
forward to another canoe, chances are your canoe
would jerk backward.
Suggestions to write Match the
A simple matching item consists of two columns: one SUGGESTION
column of stems or problems to be answered, and
another column of responses from which the answers
are to be chosen. Traditionally, the column of stems is Include directions which clearly state the basis for matching the stimuli with
placed on the left and the column of responses is the responses.
placed on the right. Explain whether or not a response can be used more than once and indicate
where to write the answer.

Eg- Directions: On the line to the left of each identifying location and
characteristics in Column I, write the letter of the country in Column II that is
best defined. Each country in Column II may be used more than once.


Avoid grammatical or other clues to the correct response.

Eg- Directions: On the line to the left of each statement write the letter of the philosopher from the right hand
column that the statement describes. Use each philosopher once.
____1. Thought government was a science requiring experts. A. Hobbes
____2. Described methods of achieving political unity. B. Marx
____3. Founded Communism. C. Machiavelli
____4. Believed that human nature made absolute D. Durkheim
monarchy desirable and inevitable E. Plato
The student reads a stem (Column A) and finds the
correct response from among those in Column B. The
student then writes the letter of the correct response SUGGESTION
in the blank beside the stem in Column A.
An alternative is to have the student draw a line from
the correct response to the stem, but this is more time Use only questions that share the same foundation of information.
consuming to score.
Eg- Directions: Match the following.
1. Water A. NaCl
2. Discovered Radium B. Fermi
• Maximum coverage at knowledge level in a
3. Salt C. NH3
minimum amount of space/preparation time
4. Ammonia D. 1942
• Valuable in content areas that have a lot of facts
5. Year of the first E. H20
6.Nuclear Fission F. Curie
• Time consuming for students
G. 1957
• May not be appropriate for higher levels of learning

Can you guess
why we have
added an extra The column of stimuli on the left should set the question clearly.
response in
every question? Eg- Directions: On the line to the left of each definition, write the letter of the term in the right hand
column that is defined. Use each term only once.
____1. Live in areas of high population density. A. Pastoral nomads
____2. Move from one place to another in search of wild animals. B. Ranchers
____3. Move from one place to another with grazing animals. C. Hunter-gatherers
____4. Till land for cash crops. D. City dwellers
E. Farmers
Suggestions to write Subjective Questions SUGGESTION 1 SUGGESTION 2

A typical essay test usually consists of a small number of questions for Create the question so that Pay attention to the number
which the student is expected to recall and organize information in logical the task is clearly defined of items.
and integrated answers. An essay test question can be an extended for the students.
response question or a short answer question. An example of each type

Extended Response
Compare the writings of Bret Harte and Mark Twain in terms of settings,
depth of characterization, and dialogue styles of their main characters. (10 Eg- In order to obtain a
pts. 20 minutes) Eg- Compare Marx and broader sampling of
Nietzsche in their course content, use a
Short Answer analysis of the relatively large number
Identify research methods used to study the S-R (Stimulus- Response) and
underlying problems of of questions requiring
S-O-R ( Stimulus-Organism-Response) theories of personality. (5 pts. 10
their day in 19th century shorter answers , rather
European society. than just a few questions
Essay and short answer questions permit students to demonstrate involving long answers.
achievement of such higher level objectives as analysing and critical
thinking. Written questions offer students the opportunity to use their own
judgment, writing styles, and language skill. • Students less likely to guess .
• Easy to construct.
• Stimulates more study.
• Allows students to demonstrate ability to
organize knowledge, express opinions, show

Avoid the use of optional Write essay items at Prepare students to take Choose a scoring model.
questions on an essay test different levels of learning. essay exams.

Essay tests are valid

measures of student
The goal is to write essay The major task in scoring
achievement only if students
When students answer different questions that measure essay tests is to maintain
questions, they are actually taking know how to take them. Take
higher cognitive processes. consistency, to make sure
different tests. If there are five some class time to tell
The questions should that answers of equal quality
essay questions and students are students how to prepare for
told to answer any three of them,
represent a situation that are given the same number
and how to take an essay
then there are ten different tests tests the student’s ability to of points. There are two
exam. Use old exam
possible. It makes it difficult to use knowledge in order to approaches for scoring essay
questions and let students
discriminate between the student analyze, justify, explain, questions: (1) Analytic or
who could respond correctly to all see what an "A" answer looks
contrast, evaluate, and so on. point method and (2) Holistic
five, and the student who could like and how it differs from a
Try to use verbs that elicit the or rating method.
answer only three. "C" answer.
kind of thinking you want the
Use of optional questions also students to demonstrate. Analytical- Have model
affects the reliability of the Instructors often have to use Answer / Rubric for
scoring. If we are going to their best judgment about evaluation.
compare students for scoring what cognitive skill each Let us think and
purposes, then all students should question is measuring. Ask a Holistic- This method involves
perform the same tasks. Another list down
colleague to read the considering the student’s
problem is that students may not
questions and classify them limitations of answer as a whole and
study all the course material if
they know they will have a choice according to Bloom’s Subjective judging the total quality of
among the questions. taxonomy. Questions. the answer.

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