Arc085 P3 Exam

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ARC-085 blk no.

1 November 3, 2022 10:30am-3:00pm


P3 Exam

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1. Explain in 8-12 sentences how metadata is integrated in
business framework in each category:

a) Technical

ANS: Business framework technical metadata might originate from many

different sources. Metadata tools frequently provide plug-ins that
enable the automatic collection of metadata using a variety of
approaches. For instance, it's possible that the metadata from
databases, ETL tools, XML files, and data modeling tools will be loaded
automatically or partially automatically. There may be manual entry
required for other source.

The approval procedure is one significant distinction between the

technical and business tracks. Technical data items have probably
previously undergone some sort of evaluation before being loaded. Data
sources are typically at the production level, meaning they have been
built and tested, making it clear what to load. For instance, data
models should have been changed by data modeling peers and a data
architect. The same holds true for additional data sources that have
previously been set up throughout the company. However, a data
management board is advised to monitor what is added to the repository.
The description of data as it is handled by software tools is known as
technical metadata. For instance, databases need to specify the columns
(format, size, etc.), tables, and indexes; ETL tools need to specify
the fields, the mappings between the sources and targets, the
transformations, and the workflows; and BI tools need to specify the
fields and reports. The purpose of all of this metadata is to make it
possible for software tools—not people—to comprehend and handle data.

Technical information
Data transformation rules, data storage structures, semantic layers,
and interface layers are all examples of technical metadata.

The length of a field, the shape of a data structure, the name of a

table, the physical properties of a field, the amount of bytes in a
table, the indexes on a table, and the data defining language (DDL) for
a table are all examples of metadata for data models and physical

b) Business

ANS: Data's meaning in a business context is described by business

metadata. The actual table and column names in the database serve as
the foundation for the business interpretation of data components in
the data warehouse. This mapping information, business definitions, and
rule information are collected by business metadata.
Business metadata, on the other hand, is focused with giving data
context within the enterprise.
In a company, Business Semantics Management (BSM) employs tools and
processes to manage the business metadata and minimize ambiguities.
What exactly is recorded in the aforementioned column crcd16, for
instance? Using the correct categorization enables users to distinguish
catalog objects containing credit card data using a single, approved
attribute name, for example, pii:creditcard, rather than marking the
column object with freeform attributes like "credit card" or "CCN."

Your data warehouse and your business users are connected by business
metadata. Business users need to understand the data warehouse's
resources from a different angle than IT experts like you. Business
metadata acts as a map or an accessible information directory that
identifies the contents and provides directions. It functions as a road
map for managers and business analysts as well as a tour guide for

Business metadata must provide information in business terms while

describing the contents in clear English. For instance, the names of
the data tables or specific data pieces must not be obscure but rather
be words that business users will understand. It is unacceptable to use
the data item name calc pr sle. This should now be called calculated-

Textual documents, spreadsheets, and even loosely expressed company

rules and regulations account up a sizable percentage of business
metadata. Although a lot of business meta-data comes from unofficial
sources, such data dictionary entries, it is just as significant as
metadata from official sources. It is necessary to record, standardize,
and store as business metadata in the data warehouse all of the
informal metadata.

c) Operational

ANS: Operational metadata assists in ensuring accurate, current, and

error-free data quality. Operational metadata, according to IBM,
"describes the events and processes that occur and the affected

It improves data management and, consequently, its utilization by

adding more specificity to data repositories and ETL procedures. Data
practitioners should use the most recent version of the data in their
work because outdated data is just as dangerous as poor data.

Insurance companies must provide updated patient data to data

engineers. The team will be able to determine the date the data was
first ingested, when and how it was used, and what form (raw, semi-
structured, or structured) it is currently in thanks to operational

When it comes to data analysis, this is crucial. Data engineers have

visibility into lineage that the operational information gives to
discover, comprehend, and repair the cause of the mistakes if data
scientists fear analyses may have been done using flawed data.
When you perform a job that was created in IBM® InfoSphere® DataStage®
and QualityStage®, operational metadata specifies the actions that take
place, the processes that are carried out, and the objects that are

Operational metadata must first be enabled, either for the project

containing the job or for the job itself, before you may collect it.
The operational metadata for the job run is then stored in an XML file
that is generated each time you run that job. Each time a job in a
sequence is executed, a unique XML file is produced.
Operational metadata is not generated for stages that are not directly
connected to data sources since it describes the reads and writes to
and from a data source. For instance, a stage that acts as a row-
generator does not produce operational metadata.

2. Explain in 5-10 sentences how alignment happens and when to

know you are already in this part of cycle?

ANS: The harmonization of structural metadata used for information

exchange is known as metadata alignment.

either by establishing mappings between the words of two or more

structural specifications
information or by establishing broad agreement on the application
of a shared specification.
You're in a region of when you trade information, you cycle.
aiding in data mapping when data is transformed from operational
environment to the environment of the data warehouse. facilitating
the comparison between current data that is both extremely
summarized and detailed. 
3. UPANG as a reference, choose one from the following the reason
it maintained the success to it’s operation to a quality
education system and explain in 10-15 sentences.

ANS: BUSINNESS MOTIVATION, Because A person's motivation determines

how or why they act in a certain way. It also influences people's
willingness and motivation to act. Enthusiasm occurs when there is
motivation. We all have motivation; it is an internal thing. It
influences how we behave and how we act.

The word "motive" can also refer to a group of justifications or

evidence that we present to back up a claim. "We present the
following proposal and motivation for consideration," it says.

The word "motivation" has a distinct connotation in the business and

management worlds. It all comes down to the elements that motivate
people to remain dedicated to and engaged in their work.
People can drive themselves to achieve a goal or objective with the
aid of motivational forces.

If a person gives them a cash incentive, some people are simple to

motivate. Financial incentives might take the form of cash payments,
bonuses, commissions, or tax breaks.
The topic of business motivation is how to motivate employees to give
their best effort. Motivated employees perform better because they
care about the company's success.

A staff that is sufficiently driven to succeed will produce more.

Additionally, they will feel more committed. The employees will put
more of themselves into their work.

However, if you allow your staff members more freedom, their drive
will soar. If you let people contribute their own thoughts to the
working process, it will develop as well.

Simply said, motivation solely depends on the promise of an external,

or outside, source. On the other hand, motivation is internal, that
is, it comes from within the person.

If your employees don't take pride in their work, their capacity to

function well won't last long. They'll search for a job where they
can take satisfaction in what they do. In other words, people will
look for employment in an environment where they enjoy their work.

a) Business motivation
b) Business canvas model
c) Business framework
d) Value stream
e) Business capability model
g) Metadata

4. Describe how business architecture works including the above

choices a-g in your explanation within 10-15sentences.

ANS: When a change is being considered, the business architecture

gives information on the components that are most important for the
change's goals, enabling for resource allocation and prioritization.
A business architecture can be used to give impact analysis to
determine what other aspects of the business may be impacted by the
change because it also demonstrates how the pieces are related.

It is possible to utilize the business architecture itself as a tool

to discover adjustments that are required. It is possible to track
and evaluate the performance metrics for each component of the
architecture to determine when one is underperforming. The
performance of the organization can be used to compare the
significance of each component. When deciding where to invest and
how to prioritize those decisions, this helps decision-makers.

By connecting action with the organization's vision, goals, and

strategy, business architecture serves to allow coordinated and
synchronized action throughout the organization. The architectural
models produced throughout this process are the instruments used to
make the vision, goals, and strategy's intent clear, unified, and
understandable as well as to make sure that resources are directed
toward the organizational components that support and align with
this direction.

Business architecture explains how an organization is formed and

shows how components (such information and capabilities) of the
business fit together, which aids in aligning the organization with
its business divisions.

To enable enterprises to drive investments based on a shared view of

the business, business architecture is generally used in conjunction
with other business and operating models (which are focused on
process, people, and technology). An organization can connect its
operational model with a comprehensive business strategy thanks to a
clearly defined business architecture.

The person in charge of creating the organization's business

architecture is frequently referred to as a business architect.
Company architects play a crucial role in guiding business efforts,
such as transformation and improvements, by acting as change agents
with top stakeholders.

It takes a lot of work to develop and implement a business

architecture. It needs imaginative designers, excellent business
leadership, and cooperation between all company organizations. It is
not a project-type program with a predetermined start and end date
and set budget, but rather a new company culture.
It is important to elevate business architecture from more than
boxes and arrows and embed the discipline as an integral part of an
enterprise business and technology transformation to enable business
architecture to succeed.

_ God Speed

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