Results Removed
Results Removed
Results Removed
This section shows the results and findings on audiovisual aids and listening skills
throughout the entire development of the research. The interpretation of the data is aligned to
the research objectives. In this sense, the pretest and posttest instrument scores are compared
in order to measure the effectiveness of the audiovisual aids on listening comprehension skills,
on the other hand, to understand the students' perception of the use of audiovisual aids towards
improving listening comprehension skills, the questions from the mixed-type questionnaire are
shown and supported with the information collected from the field notes and some students'
answers in the open-ended questions from the same questionnaire.
Pretest Posttest
60% 46%
38% 38%
0% 3% 0%
Does not reach the required Close to achieve the required Achieves the required Masters the required learning
learning 0-4 learning 4,01-6,99 learning 7.00-8.99 9-10
Figure 1. Listening Comprehension Pretest and Posttest scores compared to the Ecuadorian
National Grading Scale.
As it is shown in the illustration, students displayed a significant improvement after the
treatment since their overall trends in the posttest increased. For instance, while in the pretest,
many of the participants scored an average of 4.50/10 (45%), at the end of the intervention they
achieved 8.31/10 (81.1%). In other words, there was a considerable upward of 3.81 points in
the participants listening comprehension performance which reflected a certain level of
effectiveness from audiovisual aids towards the improvement of this language skill.
Table 1
Mean score differences between the listening comprehension pretest and posttest.
Number of
Indicators Score students Pretest Posttest Difference
Listening for details 4/4 37 2.12 3.28 1.16
Listening for the gist 4/4 37 1.19 3.30 2.11
Making inferences 2/2 37 1.19 1.73 0.54
TOTAL 10/10 N/A 4.50 8.31 3.81
It turns out, from Table 1, that students' listening comprehension development in each
component increased. In this context this table illustrates the fluctuation of the participants'
listening skill scores by comparing the mean scores they obtained in the pretest (before the
intervention plan) and in the posttest (after the intervention plan), within three listening
comprehension components namely listening for details, listening for the gist and making
inferences. In addition, it is worth clarifying that the components of listening for details and
listening for the gist were assigned a score of 4 points and the component of making inferences
had a score of 2 points, the sum of these reflects a maximum score of 10 points.
Now, turning to the details Table 1 data shows that in the pretest regarding to “listening
for details” component the participants obtained an average of 2.12/4 since it was observed that
they did not identify words, dates, years and specific information from the audios. On the other
hand, in the posttest, they got an average of 3.28/4 showing a somewhat increase of 1.16 points
which was reflected in the recognition of specific words, as well as most of the students
distinguished data, prepositions and information from the audios that gave meaning to the oral
Concerning the "listening for the gist" component, students' recognition of the general
meaning of the spoken text was ineffective, as a consequence they obtained an average of
1.19/4. It is interesting to note that this was the component that seemed to be the most difficult
for the students. In this sense, it was found that many of the students were not able to understand
what was happening in the audios, so they could not order the main events mentioned within
the listening lessons. In contrast, after the intervention there was a significant change with an
average score of 3.30/10, reflecting an overwhelming upward trend of 2.11 points. At this point,
students were able to distinguish the most important themes in conversations and interviews as
well as recognize changes in scenarios and events throughout the videos and audios presented.
Finally, in terms of "making inferences" the participants obtained a mean of 1.19/2. It is
clear from the data that most of the students found it easy to use relevant acoustic, visual, and
contextual information in order to compensate the missing information. In spite of this, in the
posttest it was evident that there was a slight difference of 0.54 points as they obtained a mean
of 1.73/2. This reveals that at the end of the intervention the students reflected their ability to
extract what is not explained by the material and also to obtain the meaning of a statement that
is unknown to them.
In general, students' listening comprehension skills improved in all three listening
components under study: Listening for the gist, listening for details and making inferences.
Although positive results were obtained, the intervention process faced several limitations, such
as the short duration of the intervention plan and the lack of technological adaptations in the
educational institution. It should also be mentioned that the students still need more training
and practice to master oral comprehension and become active language users.