Chapter Iv
Chapter Iv
Chapter Iv
This chapter presents the results of the implementation of the actions in Cycle 1
which cover the results of observation, the results of the students’ vocabulary
achievement test and the reflection and the discussion.
4.1 The Result of Action in Cycle 1
The result of the action in Cycle 1 includes the implementation of the action in
Cycle 1, the result of the observation in Cycle 1, the result of students’ vocabulary
achievement in Cycle I and the result of reflection in Cycle 1.
The action of the first cycle was conducted at MTs Al Hamidi Jember. In this
semester, they started to have offline learning. There were two factors why they
chosen offline learning during this pandemic. The first factor was the limitation
media. The fact that several students did not have computer or android device made
the school chosen this option of doing offline learning. The second factor was the
ineffectiveness of online learning. During online learning, the students studied by
themselves. The teacher only gave some tasks everyday to achieve the target learning.
Therefore, the school started to have offline learning to solve the obstacles.
The action of the first cycle was done in three meetings. The first and the
second meeting were done for implementing subtitled video in teaching vocabulary.
The time allocation in each meeting was 2 x 40 minutes. The actions were conducted
based on two lesson plans that had been constructed by the researcher. Meanwhile,
the third meeting was done for vocabulary achievement test.
Table 4.1 The Schedule of The Action in Cycle
In the first meeting, the doer of the actions was the researcher, while the
teacher observed the students’ participation. The researcher started the learning
process by greeting, praying, checking the students’ attendance and gave some
leading questions to the students. Then, the researcher stated the learning objectives
of teaching vocabulary by using Subtitled Video. In the main activity, the researcher
explained the vocabulary related with the theme (family) included noun, verb, and
adjective. Afterwards, the teacher played the video and the subtitle related to the
theme. While watching the video, the researcher asked the students to make notes.
After watching the video, the researcher guided the students to ask some questions.
The questions might consist of difficult words or the content of the video. The
questions were discussed together, but if no one knew the researcher explained it by
herself. For example, if there was a student who found a difficult word, the researcher
asked it to the class but no one knew. Thus, the researcher explained it by herself.
Afterwards, the researcher started to explain kinds of vocabulary. The researcher
guided the students to classify the use of vocabulary and ask them to give examples
from the vocabulary that they found from the video. Next, the students were given
vocabulary achievement test. They did it individually in thirty minutes. After
finishing the test, the researcher discussed the test given before with the students.
This activity made the researcher knew what students’ difficulties from the test. The
last, the researcher asked the students to make conclusions from the lesson that day.
The researcher also gave feedback to the class and the result of the students’ work
and parting with the students.
The second meeting was conducted on February 11, 2021. The teaching
technique used in this meeting was the same as the first meeting. The learning activity
ran well because the students had the prior knowledge from the first meeting. In the
closure, the researcher led the students to conclude what they had learnt that day.
The classroom observation was done to get the data of the students’
participation. The researcher used observation checklist to know the students’
participation during the teaching and learning process. In this activity, the researcher
collaborated with the English teacher. The English teacher gave checkmark on the
observation sheet while the researcher was teaching. There were five indicators
observed, namely; 1) answering the leading questions, 2) making a note related to the
video, 3) finding unfamiliar words related to the video, and 4) concluding the lesson
briefly. The students were active if they could fulfill at least three indicators, but they
were passive if they could fulfill less than 3 indicators.
To know the result of the students’ participation, the data were analyzed by
using the following formula:
E= X 100%
E = the percentage of the students’ active participation
n = the total number of the students who fulfilled at least three indicators
N = the total number of students.
(Adapted from Ali, 1993:186)
a. Meeting 1
E= X 100% = 78%
b. Meeting 2
E= X 100% = 85%
S= × 100% = 85,3%
Notes :
As mentioned in Appendix 11, there were 12 students who passed the standard
score and there were 2 students who got less than the standard score. Hence, the result
of the students’ vocabulary achievement test is described as follows. There were 12
students or 85,3% of 14 students who got score ≥ 70, and there were 2 students or
14% of 14 students who got score less than 70. This result means that the students’
vocabulary achievement in Cycle 1 had achieved the target requirement of this
Based on the result of the observation that has been mentioned in Appendices 9
and 10, there were 11 students or 78% of 14 students who actively participated in the
first meeting. For the second meeting, there were 12 students or 85% of 14 students
who actively participated during teaching and learning process. It was found that the
average percentage of the students’ active participation was 81,5%. From the result, it
can be seen that there were improvement on the result of the observation from 78% in
meeting 1 to 85% in meeting 2 in Cycle 1. It could be concluded that the use of
Subtitled Video could improve the students’ active participation. The improvement of
the students’ participation during meeting 1 and meeting 2 in Cycle 1 could be seen
in the following chart.
Meeting 1 Meeting 2
Not Achieved
Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Post Test
4.2 Discussion
The success of this research was caused by two factors. The first factor was
the use of audio visual media. They got the audio from the speaker of the video and
got the visual from the animation and the subtitle that appeared under the video. In
line with this, Barani et al. (2010) stated that audio visual materials provided students
with content, meaning, and guidance. Therefore, after implementing Subtitled Video
in the classroom, the students could recognize the words easily because they learnt
vocabulary by two ways. The second factor was the repetition. In this research, the
video was played three times. The repetition made them easier to remember the
words because they did not watch it once but three times. According to Tuan (2012),
repetition was the most effective way to learn new words. Hence, the repetition
helped the students to improve their vocabulary knowledge.
This research was done only in one cycle. English learning meeting is usually
held twice a week, but during this pandemic condition, the English learning meeting
was held once a week. Therefore the time given was limited. Although the English
learning meeting was only held once a week, the result of the observation and
vocabulary test showed that using Subtitled in teaching Vocabulary brought
improvement to the students. To conclude, this research showed that the
implementation of Subtitled Video was able to improve the students’ participation
and their enthusiasm in the teaching and learning process. In addition, Subtitled
Video was able to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement.