Errata Strangers in Prax
Errata Strangers in Prax
Errata Strangers in Prax
Sadly, it got axed in the editing stage so as not to offend the rules lawyers. Well, I guess if a Orlanth Wind Lord ain't
gonna use Wind Words in his temple, on a cult holy day, then I guess he's never going to use it!
Anderida's hit location information (p.29) is missing this information. Add 13 points of Damage Resistance (in
brackets) to each hit location.
Unfortunately, Nose Ring and Eslas are given 12 - rather than 13 - points bracketed Damage Resistance protection on
their hit location diagrams! Change both to 13.
I believe these discrepancies must've come about when we changed how Maculus protected the other Coders - I was
originally considering the Protective Circle spell, but Mike Dawson changed how the spell worked so we switched back
to plain old Damage Resistance.
As Devin Cutler and several others pointed out on the Glorantha Digest, we kinda got our math muddled a bit in the
Lunar Coders section! Here are the correct spirit magic casting percentages of the Coders:
115% - ENC 20 = 95%
Armbreaker (allied spirit) 109%
129% - ENC 6 = 123%
Anderida is particularly susceptible to the phases of the Red Moon. All her magic skills are affected. Alter spirit magic
as follows:
96% - ENC 5 = 91%
Seris (familiar) 107%
Canus (familiar) 138%
Nose Ring
Doesn't use magic
Moonflower (allied spirit) 123%
103% - ENC 12 = 91%
Wyvern Mounts
38% - ENC (rider)
POW 16, INT 12, DEX 13 Spirit Magic: 84% - ENC (rider)
POW 15, INT 06, DEX 13 Spirit Magic: 73% - ENC (rider)