Fathia Rosyida - SUMMARY
Fathia Rosyida - SUMMARY
Fathia Rosyida - SUMMARY
* Indicates operating load of a bus exceeds the bus critical limit ( 100.0% of the Continuous Ampere rating).
# Indicates operating load of a bus exceeds the bus marginal limit ( 95.0% of the Continuous Ampere rating).
Project: TAKE HOME TEST Page: 2
Location: UNJANI Date: 01-25-2023
Contract: 2212212040 SN:
Engineer: FATHIA ROSYIDA Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: 2212212040_Fathia Rosyida Config.: Normal
Project: TAKE HOME TEST Page: 3
Location: UNJANI Date: 01-25-2023
Contract: 2212212040 SN:
Engineer: FATHIA ROSYIDA Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: 2212212040_Fathia Rosyida Config.: Normal
CKT / Branch From-To Bus Flow To-From Bus Flow Losses % Bus Voltage
% Drop
ID MW Mvar MW Mvar kW kvar From To in Vmag
Z10 5.602 7.479 -5.482 -7.121 119.5 358.6 81.4 78.3 3.12
15032.5 46622.8
Project: TAKE HOME TEST Page: 4
Location: UNJANI Date: 01-25-2023
Contract: 2212212040 SN:
Engineer: FATHIA ROSYIDA Revision: Base
Study Case: LF
Filename: 2212212040_Fathia Rosyida Config.: Normal
% Alert Settings
Critical Marginal
Bus 100.0 95.0
Bus Voltage
OverVoltage 105.0 102.0
Generator Excitation
OverExcited (Q Max.) 100.0 95.0
Critical Report
MW Mvar MVA % PF
Number of Iterations: 2