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Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering Semester: VI

Subject.EE-345 Linear Control System Date: …………


OBJECTIVES: Inquiry Level = 1

To study and identify the damping in second order system using MATLAB.

Performance Work Ethics

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Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Ability to Conduct
5 Responsibility/Sharing 5

Total Marks

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………


In this lab, we will explore how to identify damping in a second-order system using Matlab. The
damping ratio is a measure of how quickly an oscillating system will return to its equilibrium
position. We will be using Matlab to simulate the response of a second-order system to a step
input and then use the response data to calculate the damping ratio.



 step(sys) plots the step response of the dynamic system model sys.
 step(sys,Tfinal) simulates the step response from t = 0 to the final time t = Tfinal.
 step(sys,t) uses the user-supplied time vector t for simulation.
 [y t] = Step(sys) returns the output response y and the time vector t used for simulation (if not
supplied as an argument to step). No plot is drawn on the screen.
 step(sys1,sys2,...,sysN) plots the step responses of several models sys1,..., sysN on a single figure


We use stepinfo() function to compute performance characteristics of the system from time response of
a step input signal.

 S = stepinfo(sys) computes the step-response characteristics for a dynamic system model sys.
 S = stepinfo(y,t) computes step-response characteristics from an array of step-response data y
and corresponding time vector t
 S = stepinfo(___,'SettlingTimeThreshold',ST) lets you specify the threshold ST used in the
definition of settling time. The default value is ST = 0.02 (2%).
 S = stepinfo(___,'RiseTimeLimits',RT) lets you specify the lower and upper thresholds used in
the definition of rise time. By default, the rise time is defined as the time the response takes to
rise from 10 to 90% of the steady-state value (RT = [0.1 0.9]).

A typical step response of second order system is sown below

RiseTime — Time it takes for the response to rise from 10% to 90% of the steady-state response.

SettlingTime — Time it takes for the error |y(t) - yfinal| between the response y(t) and the steady-state
response yfinal to fall to within 2% of yfinal.

SettlingMin — Minimum value of y(t) once the response has risen.

SettlingMax — Maximum value of y(t) once the response has risen.

Overshoot — Percentage overshoot, relative to yfinal).

Undershoot — Percentage undershoot.

Peak — Peak absolute value of y(t)

PeakTime — Time at which the peak value occurs

A General Second-order transfer function looks like this

Natural Frequency, ωn

The natural frequency of a second-order system is the frequency of oscillation of the system without
damping. For example, the frequency of oscillation of a series RLC circuit with the resistance shorted
would be the natural frequency.

The damping ratio, ζ

The damping ratio is a dimensionless measure describing how oscillations in a system decay after a
disturbance. The damping ratio is a system parameter, denoted by ζ (zeta), that can vary from
undamped (ζ = 0), underdamped (ζ < 1) through critically damped (ζ = 1) to overdamped (ζ > 1).

For the transfer function given as

we can see that

ωn2 = 36 so ωn = 6
2 ζ ωn = 4.6, so ζ = 0.35
System response in terms of damping ratios can be defined as

Now Calculate the damping factors for each of the systems given below and predict their output.

You can calculate the damping ratio using the formula given as

Where transfer function is given as :

Note damp() function calculates damping ratio only to maximum value of 1. This is because a second-
order system’s underdamped step response is characterized by damped oscillations. Our definition is
derived from the need to quantitatively describe this damped oscillation regardless of the time scale.
Thus, a system whose transient response goes through three cycles in a millisecond before reaching the
steady state would have the same measure as a system that went through three cycles in a millennium
before reaching the steady state.
Lab Task 1:
Simulate the Task and Write the parameter in the table.

Task No Value of Value of Natural Type of Graphical Confirmation

Damping Frequency Damping


1. Define the system shown above in Matlab as variable ‘sys’

2. Use Step(sys) function to show step response of the system
3. Use stepinfo(sys) function to get the parameters of the response
4. Use damp(sys) function to find damping ratio and natural frequency of the system
5. Verify for the following system the type of Damping.

Task Damping Type of Rise Settling Steady Overshoo Graph

No Ratio Damping Time time state t

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