Feedcs Exp7

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Control Systems


College of Engineering and Architecture
Computer Engineering Department


Steady-State Error Analysis and System Types

Objective: The objective of this exercise will be to show how to classify the steady state
error according to the type of the system and to demonstrate the ability of control
system to follow step, ramp and parabolic inputs.

List of Equipment/Software
Following equipment/software is required:


A complete lab report including the following:

 Summarized learning outcomes.

 MATLAB scripts and their results for examples, exercises and Dorf (text book) related
material of this lab should be reported properly.


The steady-state error is defined as the difference between the input and output for a prescribed
test input as t →∞. In controlled system, the steady-state error indicates the goodness of the
controller. Figure (7-1) shows the block diagram for closed loop control system.

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 1
Control Systems

Fig. 7-1. Block Diagram for closed loop control system.

If the closed loop control system output signal C(s) does not follow the changes of input
reference R(s) the error signal E(s) is indicated.

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Substituting for B(s) in (1) from (2) then

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

From (3) and (4) the transfer function becomes

( )
Then we can find that

( )

( )
( ) ( )

using final value theorem

( )

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 2
Control Systems

Test inputs

The following tables summarize the different test inputs.

Table 7-1. Test inputs

Waveform Name Physical Time Laplace
Interpretation Function

step constant position 1 1



ramp constant velocity t 1



parabolic constant t2 1
acceleration 2 s3

Step inputs represent constant position and thus are useful in determining the ability of the
control system to position itself with respect to a stationary target such as a satellite in
geostationary orbit.

Ramp inputs represent constant velocity inputs to a position control system by their linearly
increasing amplitude. This can be used to test a system's ability to follow a linearly increasing
input or to track a constant-velocity target such as a satellite that moves across the sky at a
constant angular velocity.

Parabolic inputs, whose second derivatives are constant, represent constant acceleration inputs to
position control systems and can be used to represent accelerating targets such as missiles.

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 3
Control Systems

System Type

A system can be type 0, type 1, etc. The following tables summarize how steady-state error
varies with system type.

Table 7-2. Steady State Error in terms of Gain K

System Type Step Input R(t) = 1 Ramp Input R(t) = t Parabolic R(t) = t2
0 1/(1+ Kp) Infinity Infinity
1 0 1/Kv Infinity
2 0 0 1/Ka

The error coefficients Kp, Kv and Ka describe the ability of the system to reduce or eliminate the
steady-state error. Therefore they are indicative of steady state performance.

By using Matlab and Simulink, the transfer function can be performed to represent the system
response to step input as shown in Figures 7-2 for type zero, Figure 7-3 for type one and Figure
7-4 for type two.

Figure 7-2. Matlab and Simulink Representation for Type Zero System

Figure 7-3. Matlab and Simulink Representation for Type One System

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 4
Control Systems

Figure 7-4. Matlab and Simulink Representation for Type Two System


Step 1: Consider a system of the form shown below.

let G(s) equal the following.

Since this system is type 1, there will be no steady-state error for a step input and
there will be infinite error for a parabolic input. The only input that will yield a
finite steady-state error in this system is a ramp input. We wish to choose K such
that the closed-loop system has a steady-state error of 0.1 in response to a ramp
reference. Examine the ramp input response for a gain of K = 1.

Step 2: Input the following Matlab commands

s = tf('s');
G = ((s+3)*(s+5))/(s*(s+7)*(s+8));
T = feedback(G,1);
t = 0:0.1:25;
u = t;
[y,t,x] = lsim(T,u,t);
xlabel('Time (sec)')
title('Input-purple, Output-yellow')

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 5
Control Systems

Step 3: Plot the graph

Step 4: Interpret the graph and analyze the steady-state error.


Step 5: Now, consider a ramp input response for K = 37.33 by entering the following
code in the MATLAB command window.

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 6
Control Systems

Step 6: Plot the graph

Step 7: Interpret the results.




Step 8: Save your work and exit the program. That concludes the laboratory simulation.

1. For the block diagram of figures 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4, show the output response y (t) for a
unit step input using Matlab and Simulink.
2. Repeat step 1 for a ramp input.
3. Derive the transfer function of figures (5-2), (5-3) and (5-4).
4. Find the steady state error using Laplace transform for a unit step, and ramp input.
5. Compare the results obtained with the simulated results.

Prepared by: Engr. Wilbert M. Llanos, MSECE & Cirilo C. Calibjo, Ph.D. Page 7

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