What Is Bronchitis 2

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What is bronchitis?


Bronchitis is inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tubes (bronchi),the air passage between
the nose and the lungs. More specifically, bronchitis is when the lining of the bronchial tubes
becomes inflamed or infected. Bronchitis is caused by viruses, bacteria, and other particles that
irritate bronchial tubes.


Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a shorter illness that commonly follows a cold or viral infection, such as the
flu Acute bronchitis usually lasts a few days or weeks.

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a persistent mucus-producing cough on most days of the

month three months of a year fort to successive years and absence of a secondary cause of the

Due to E/F

Microorganism enter into the respiratory tract by inhalation

Widespread inflammation occurs

Thin mucus lining of the bronchi can become irritated and swollen

Cell that makes up this lining may leak fluid and in response to the inflammation

Coughing as a reflex that works to clear secretion from the lungs

Alveolar fluid response

Narrowing of the airways

Ventilation decrease as a secretion thickens

Mucus within the airways produces resistance in small airways and can cause severe ventilation
perfusion imbalance


Signs & symptoms of bronchitis

 Inflammation or swelling of the bronchi

 Coughing
 Production of clear, white, yellow, grey, or green mucus (sputum)
 Shortness of breath
 Wheezing
 Fatigue
 Fever and chills
 Chest pain or discomfort
 Blocked or runny nose
Pharmacologic management

 Antibiotics – these are effective for bacterial infections, but not for viral infections. They
may also prevent secondary infection.

 Cough medicine – one must be careful not to completely suppress the cough, for it is an
important way to bring up mucus and remove irritants from the lungs.

 Bronchodilators - these open the bronchial tubes and clear out mucus.

 Mucolytics – these thin or loosen mucus in the airways, making it easier to cough up

 Anti-inflammatory medicines and glucocorticoid steroids – these are for more persistent

 Pulmonary rehabilitation program – this includes work with a respiratory therapist to help

Nursing management

1. Assess the condition of patient.

2. Assess the vital signs.
3. Provide comfortable position.
4. Change the position periodically.
5. Maintain personal hygiene.
6. Use pulse oximetry & suction.
7. Deep breathing exercise learn to patient.
8. Refer to physiotherapist(if need).
9. Provide oxygen according to physician order.
10. Provide psychological support to patient.
11. Provide knowledge about chronic bronchitis.
12. Administer medication according to physician order.
Bronchodilators, antibiotics, mucolytics.

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