Toi Te Kupu Maori Food Dictionary
Toi Te Kupu Maori Food Dictionary
Toi Te Kupu Maori Food Dictionary
He PapaKupu Toiora
Brought to you by Toi Tangata
AND THE Heart Foundation
Toi te Kupu is a Māori-to-English and English-to-Māori dictionary
about kai, cooking, our body and our minds. It is the result of the
commitment of two organisations working together to improve
the health of our country.
At the Heart Foundation, we have a responsibility to teach
children about the importance of healthy food, a healthy body and
a healthy mind. In doing so, we ensure that future generations
will continue to share this knowledge and live a lifestyle that can
reduce their risk of developing heart disease.
Teaching these kupu to children so they grow up with the
knowledge of both the te reo Māori and English translations
allows all children to develop an understanding of the history,
culture and language that underpins Aotearoa.
This Heart Foundation resource can be of benefit across a
vast range of areas and disciplines: from teachers in schools to
community educators; from health care professionals to university
The more we share these kupu across disciplines and across
Aotearoa, the stronger the focus will be on using te reo Māori
every day. With a strong emphasis on holding fast to the language
and holding fast to our heart health, our country will thrive.
Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora te manuhiri
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.
Clive Nelson
Chief Executive
The Heart Foundation NZ
Tuia ki runga, tuia ki raro, Toi te kupu,
Tuia ki roto, tuia ki waho, Toi te mana,
Tuia te here tangata, Toi te whenua,
Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao. Tīhei mauri ora!
Megan Tunks
Chief Executive
Toi Tangata
M ori
English to Maori
Te Taketakenga o Te Kai Māori 4
Nga Tātai Kai e Whā – Kai Māori Kai Ora 6
Vegetable Preparation Methods | Tikanga Tunu Huawhenua 52
Words Used in Cooking | Kupu Tunu Kai 54
Cooking Equipment | Ngā Taputapu Kai 56
Whakapakari Tinana
Play | Tākaro 70
Sports/Play Gear | Taputapu tākaro 74
Te Taketakenga o Te Kai Māori
I te timatanga ko te kore,
Ka tū te pō, he pō nui, he pō roa
Ko Rangi e tū ake, ko Papa e takoto iho
Ka puta a rāua tamariki
Forced to live in darkness, the children of Rangi and
Papa became restless. They conspired to separate
their parents and it was Tāne who achieved this feat.
Angered by their actions, Tāwhiri sought revenge.
Tangaroa and Tāne were then defeated whilst
Haumia and Rongo hid within their mother.
Tāwhiri then approached Tū, who cried out to his
brothers, “Let us face Tāwhiri together to defeat
him!” But Tū was left to stand alone.
A great battle took place with neither gaining
superiority; eventually both withdrew.
Tū’s rage then turned towards his brothers who
had left him to face Tāwhiri. Fashioning hooks,
snares, spears and digging tools, Tū captured
and consumed the descendants of his siblings.
Through his actions and karakia they were
transformed to common objects, their tapu made
noa. As descendants of Tū, we may also seek to
grow, gather and get hold of the foods of his
brothers – Tāne, Tangaroa, Rongo and Haumia.
Ngā Tātai Kai e Whā – Kai Māori Kai Ora
Nau mai e ngā hua
o te wao
o te ngakina
o te wai tai
o te wai Māori
Nā Tāne
Nā Rongo
Nā Tangaroa
Nā Haumia
Ko Ranginui e tū iho nei
Ko Papatūānuku e takoto nei
Tuturu whakamaua
Kia tina! TINA! Hui e! TĀIKI E! I
Ngā kai a Tāne
Foods of Tāne
Ngā Kai a Tāne
Deer Tia
Duck Pārera
Goat Koti
Grubs (edible) Hūhū
Kākā (a flock of) He pōkai kākā
Kererū (tree favoured by Kererū) Rākau titipa
Muttonbird Tītī
Pig Pōaka
Possum Paihama
Tūī (an area favoured by Tūī) Hāpua kōkō
Tūī (female) Kōkōtea
Tūī (male) Kōkōuri
Waxeye Tauhou/Pihipihi
Kōkōtea Koti
Pārera Pōaka
Ko wai a Tangaroa
The authority of Tangaroa extends to oceans,
lakes, rivers and all their inhabitants. The bountiful
life that resides in our oceans and waterways
has provided our people with sustenance for
thousands of years.
From the fresh water harvests of īnanga and tuna
to the saltwater fish such as tāmure and kahawai;
all forms of shellfish such as pipi, pāua and kūtai
are also included.
Such an abundant array of life provides many
essential nutrients in pure form including protein,
Omega 3, iodine, calcium and selenium. Although
not as plentiful as in former times, the produce of
Tangaroa continues to influence our diets and our
Ngā kai a Tangaroa
Kōura Kūtai/Kūkū
Mangā Pāua
Tuangi Wheke
Ngā kai a Tangaroa
Sardine Mohimohi
Sea snail Pūpūtai
Sea-egg Kina
Seaweed Rimurimu
Shark Mango
Snapper Tāmure
Spotty Pākirikiri
Stingray Whai
Trevally Araara
Tuna Ahiahi
Kina Kōkopu
Mango Rimurimu
Tāmure Whai
Ko wai a Haumia
Haumia is the deity of uncultivated foods. Our
ancestors were semi-agricultural people and
therefore wild foods were extremely significant.
In the North Island the āruhe or fern root was
a staple food, whilst in the South Island the Tī
or cabbage tree was extremely important.
These foods were reliable and generally grew
despite extreme weather.
Wild foods grow in forests, wetlands, grasslands
and even in our parks and backyards.
Access to these foods depends on one’s
knowledge and dedication to the kaupapa.
Mātauranga Māori emphasises that the wellness
of our people is inextricably linked to the
knowledge that surrounds the kai we consume.
Wild foods provide a great deal of nutritional
value, while cultivated foods continue to have
a place in our pātaka (storehouse).
Our dependency on wild foods elevated
Haumia to the aristocratic ranks of divinity,
and is a tradition worthy of revival.
Ngā kai a Haumia
Horehore Iho
Kōwhitiwhiti Mamaku
Ko wai a Rongo
The domain of Rongo is cultivation and other
peaceful, creative activities. An important
component of the traditional diet was cultivated
foods, especially the kūmara. From soil preparation,
harvesting and storing, cultivation was back-
breaking work. Hard workers were admired,
slackers despised. With the arrival of Pākehā, new
foods such as the potato, corn and wheat were
introduced. Fruit trees such as apples and pears
were grown with great enthusiasm.
Cultivated foods provide us with a variety of life-
giving nutrients including many vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants, fibre and folate which are essential
to good health and wellbeing.
Rongo has sustained te iwi Māori physically and
spiritually for decades and should continue to do so.
Ngā kai a Rongo
Beetroot Rengakura
Broccoli Pūpihi/Poroki
Cabbage Kāpeti
Carrot Uhikaramea/Kāreti
Cauliflower Puānīko/Pūputi/Kareparāoa
Celery Tutaekōau/Hereri/Herewī
Courgette Roroa iti
Cucumber Kūkamo
Dark green leafy vegetables Huawhenua rau māota
Lettuce Rētehi
Mushroom Harore
Onion Riki/Aniana
Radish Uhikura
Rhubarb Rūpapa
Silverbeet Kōrare
Spinach Rengamutu/Kōkihi
Split pea Pī tiwae
Pūpihi/Poroki Rengakura
Rētehi Uhikaramea/Kāreti
Ngā kai a Rongo
Starchy Vegetables
Huawhenua Māngaro
Calabash/Gourd Hue
Cassava Manihota
Corn Kānga
Corn, fermented Kānga wai
Breadfruit Kuru
Parsnip Tāmore mā/Uhitea
Potato Rīwai
Pumpkin Paukena
Root vegetable Huawhenua kōmore
Squash Kamokamo
Sweet potato Kūmara
Taro Taro
Turnip Kotami
Yam Uwhiuwhi
Kūmara Paukena
Taro Uwhiuwhi
Ngā kai a Rongo
Apple Āporo
Apricot Āperekoti
Avocado Awakato
Banana Panana/Maika
Blackberry Hua mangu
Blueberry Hua kikorangi/Purūpere
Cherry Tīere
Coconut Niu
Fig Piki
Grape Karepe/Hua waina
Grapefruit Hua karape
Orange Ārani
Peach Pīti
Pear Pea
Pineapple Painioro/Whara
Raspberry Rāpere
Strawberry Rōpere
Tomato Tōmato
Āporo Ārani
Panana/Maika Rōpere
Ngā kai a Rongo
More Produce
Ngā Momo Hua Anō
Date Tēti
Dried fruit mix Hanumi huarākau maroke
Fruit kebab Kohiku huarākau
Mashed ripe banana Panana maoka penupenu
Nut mix Hanumi nati
Pureed apple Āporo maoa whakapē
Raisin Reihana
Seed mix Hanumi purapura
Sultana Karepe maroke
Hanumi nati Hanumi purapura
Rēnetihi Tēti
Ngā momo kai anō
Kuhukuhu Parāoa pāpapa
Ngā momo kai anō
Falafel Wherawhe
Filled pasta Parāoa rimurapa whakakī
Filled roll Pīrori whakakī
Flat bread Parāoa parehe
Fried rice Raihi parai
Fruit bread Parāoa huarākau
Garlic bread Parāoa kāriki
Iced buns Pana huka
Instant noodles Kihu parāoa tere
Lasagne Rahānia
Muesli Patahua
Multigrain Parāoa kakano rau
Non-iced bun Pana kore huka
Noodles Kihu parāoa
Oats Ōti
Pasta Parāoa rimurapa
Pita bread Parāoa pīta
Pita pocket Kōpaki pīta
Pizza Pīta/Parehe Ītariana
Puffed rice (rice bubbles) Raihi pupū
Raisin toast Tōhi reihana
Rice risotto Raihi rihato
Rolled oats Ōti pēpē
Sago Hekō
Savoury rice Raihi raukikini
Sliced bread Poro parāoa
Spaghetti Pākēti
Taco Tako
Tapioca Tapioka
Toasted muesli Patahua tōhi
Toasted sandwich Hanaweti tōhi
Toastie Tōhinga
Tortilla Tōtīra
Wheat biscuit Pihikete wīti
Wrap Komehe
Ngā momo kai anō
Omelette Hēki kōrori/Omareta
Raw meat Mīti whakarae
Salami Harāmi
Sausage roll Hōtiti pīrori
Saveloy Hōtiti pūwhero
Stewing steak Kiko kau pūioio/Mīti tiu
Surimi Ika hurimi
Turkey Korukoru
Ngā momo kai anō
Dairy Products
Momo Hua Mīraka
Cheese slice Poro tīhi
Cheese slice, light Poro tīhi he iti te ngako
Cheese, cheddar Tīhi tera
Cheese, cottage Tīhi pupuru
Cheese, creamed Tīhi kirīmi
Cheese, edam Tīhi erama
Cheese, feta Tīhi wheta
Cheese, grated Tīhi kuoro
Cheese, hard Tīhi mārō
Cheese, mozzarella Tīhi motorera
Cheese, ricotta Tīhi rikota
Cheese, soft Tīhi ngohengohe
Milk, evaporated Miraka whakaeto
Milk, flavoured Miraka whai hā
Milk, frozen Miraka whakatio
Milk, full fat (dark blue) Miraka kau noa
Milk, goat Miraka nanenane
Milk, lite (light blue) Miraka iti te hinu
Milk, non-fat Miraka kore hinu
Milk, rice Miraka raihi
Milk, soy Miraka hoi
Milkshake Whāranu miraka
Sour cream Kirīmi kawa
Yoghurt, Greek Miraka tepe Kīriki
Yoghurt, plain Miraka tepe
Miraka kore hinu Miraka tepe
Ngā momo kai anō
Inu hākinakina Inu pūngao
Ngā momo kai anō
Types of Snacks
Ngā Momo Paramanawa
Baked fruit bar Pīhi huarākau tunutunu
Breakfast bar Pīhi parakuihi
Celery and peanut butter Herewī me te pata pīnati
Corn chip Tītipi kānga
Cracker and cheese pack Pākete pihikete me te tīhi
Cracker Pihikete pakō
Cracker, rice Pihikete raihi
Cracker, rye Pihikete rae
Cracker, water Pihikete wai
Cracker, wheat Pihikete wīti
Dried fruit leather Rera huarākau whakamaroke
Energy bar Pīhi pūngao
Fritter (corn) Kao/Rengarenga (kānga)
Iced bun Pana huka
Muesli bar Pīhi patakai
Muffin, fruit Māwhene huarākau
Muffin, savoury Māwhene raukikini
Muffin, split Māwhene tīwae
Nachos Kotakota kānga
Non-iced bun Pana kore huka
Pikelet Paraha
Plain biscuit Pihikete noa
Potato chip Tītipi rīwai
Rice cake/wheel Keke/Wīra raihi
Rusk Rūhuki
Scone Kōno
Sweet muffin Māwhene reka
Treat food Kai āhua reka
Vegetable chip Tītipihuawhenua
Ngā momo kai anō
Mixed Meals
Kai Whakahanumi
Bolognese Poronēhi
Hamburger Hamipāki/Hamupeka
Junk food Kai paraurehe
Lentil pie Takai rēnetihi
Macaroni cheese Tīhi makaroni
Mixed meal Kai whakahanumi
Pasta sauce Parāoa wairanu
Pie, bacon and egg Takai hēki me te pēkena
Pie, mince Takai mīti
Powdered soup mix Hanumi hupa paura
Quiche Kīhi
Samosa Hāmoha
Shepherd’s pie Takai hēpera
Stir fry Parai korori/Kai kapekape
Takeaways Ō rangaranga
Hamipāki/Hamupeka Hāmoha
Ngā momo kai anō
Huarākau karamu Kahitete/Kātete
Ngā momo kai anō
Kīnaki hirikakā Mīere
Rauamiami Tinitia
Ngā momo kai anō
Coleslaw Huamata kapeti
Vegetable salad Huamata huawhenua
Potato salad Huamata rīwai
Bean salad Huamata pīni
Caesar salad Huamata hiha
Chicken salad Huamata heihei
Greek salad Huamata Kīriki
Egg salad Huamata hēki
Huamata heihei Huamata kapeti
Raukikini Tote
Tunu kai
Vegetable preparation
Tikanga Tunu Huawhenua
Chopped vegetables Huawhenua tapatapahi
Cooked vegetables Huawhenua maoa
Diced vegetables Huawhenua kokoti
Grated vegetables Huawhenua kuoro
Hash browns Rīwai whakapē paraone
Mashed vegetables Huawhenua penupenu
Medium-sized vegetables Huawhenua āhua rahi
Oven-baked wedges Wēti ā-umu
Steamed vegetables Huawhenua mamaoa
Vegetable sticks Kakau huawhenua
Vegetable stir fries Huawhenua parai kōrori
Huawhenua kokoti Huawhenua kuoro
Tunu kai
Marinate Whakapūkara
Pan-fry Parai ki te iputahi
Raw meat Mīti whakarae
Reduced-fat (cheese) (Tīhi) ngako rūnā
Reduced-fat Ngako rūnā
Recipe Tohu tao/Tohu whakataka kai
Reheat Whakatao anō
Render Whakarewa
Replace Whakakapi
Roast (chicken) (Heihei) Tunutunu/Parahunu
Sauté Paraingia ititia
Simmer Āta koropupū
Steamed Mamaoa
Sterilise Whakahoromata
Topping Paparanga
Mamaoa Rorerore/Huhunu
Tunu kai
Cooking equipment
Ngā Taputapu Kai
Aluminium pot Kōhua konumohe
Blender Whakahanumi
Bowl Oko
Bread knife Mira parāoa
Carving fork Mārau
Cheese grater Kuoro tīhi/Waru tīhi
Colander/Sieve Tātari
Cutting board Papa tapahi/Kokoti
Deep fryer Parai rūmaki
Dish cloth Muku
Dishwasher Purere hōroi rīhi
Dishwashing brush Taitai
Dishwashing liquid Waihopi rīhi
Egg beater Kōheri
Element Tārahu
Fillet knife Mira tītipi
Fish slice Kauhuri ika
Freezer Whakatio
Fridge Whata matao
Fork Paoka
Grater Kuoro
Kitchen scales Whārite kīhini
Ladle Kōtutu, koutu, tīkoko
Lemon squeezer Kotē rēmana
Kauhuri ika Kōheri
Tunu kai
Ipuine Kōhua
Kokoine Ngaruiti
Hau ora me te matū ora
Nutrients in Food
Ngā Momo Matū o te Kai
Antioxidant Ārai āpiti hāora
Artificial sweetener Awenewene kēā
Caffeine Kāwhena
Calcium Konupūmā
Carbohydrate Warowaihā
Cholesterol Matū ngako
Electrolyte Kawehiko
Energy Pūngao
Essential mineral Opapa waiwai
Essential nutrient Matū kai waiwai
Fat Ngako
Fat-soluble vitamin Huaora ngako rerewa
Fat, saturated Ngako kukū
Fats, monounsaturated Ngako hamanga tahi
Fats, polyunsaturated Ngako hamanga rau
Fibre Muka
Food information Pārongo kai
Food label Tapanga kai
Fortified (milk) (Miraka) Whakakaha
Iodine Konutawa
Iron Rino
Kilojoule (kj) Mano waengao (kj)
Millilitre Ritamano
Mineral Ōpapa
Nutrient Matū kai
Nutritional need Matea matū kai
Nutritional requirement Ngā matea kai tōtika
Nutritional value Uara kaiora
Omega 3 fat Ngako ōmeka 3
Omega 6 fat Ngako ōmeka 6
Package size Rahinga mōkihi/Mōki
Packet Mōkī/Mōkihi
Protein Pūmua
Supplement Turuki opapa
Vitamin (A) Huaora (A)
Hau ora me te matū ora
Digestive System
Pūnaha kūnatu kai
kōpani pūkai
Skeletal System
Pūnaha kōiwi
kauae runga
kauae raro
pūkaka ringa/
papatoiake kōwhiti
pūkaka āpiti
whenua kapu
Hau ora me te matū ora
Leg Waewae
Liver Ate
Mouth Waha
Neck Kaki
Nose Ihu
Oesophagus Pukai
Pancreas Repe taiaki huka
Pelvis Papatoiake
Pupil Whatu
Radius Āpiti
Rectum Tero
Rib Rara/Tāiki
Saliva Hūware/Hāware
Scalp Kiri angaanga
Shoulder Pakihiwi/Pokohiwi
Skull Te papa o te angaanga
Spinal column Tuahiwi
Sternum Whaturei
Stomach Puku/Pukukai
Tendon Ua here
Thigh Kūhā/Kūwhā
Tibia Takakaha
Throat Korokoro
Tongue Arero
Tonsil Miramira
Tooth Niho
Ulna Pūkaka ringa/Kōwhiti
Waist Hope
Hau ora me te matū ora
Words about skin
Ngā kupu mō te kiri
Bruise Marū
Cut, wound Motu
Eczema Mate papaka/Mate tongoko
Graze Hārau
Itch Mangeo
Lump Huahua/Puku
Ointment Pūreke/Rongoā panihinu
Rash Kopukupuku
Scab Tongako/Paku
Scar Nawe
Skin (chapped) Kirirua
Skin lesion Hakihaki
Sunburn Tīkākā
Wart Kiritona
Hau ora me te matū ora
Words about emotional health
Ngā kupu mo te Hauora Kare ā-roto
Anxiety, anxious Manawapā
Behaviour Whanonga
Be needed/required Matea
Counsellor/practitioner Kaiwhakamahereora
Culture Ahurea
Depressed/depression Hākerekere/Pāpōuri/
Ngākau pōuri
Emotional health Hauora kare ā-roto/Aurongo
Emotions Kare ā-roto/Aurongo
Energy (feeling energetic) Kōrou
Equality Mana ōrite
Happy Hari
Mental health Hauora hinengaro
Nervous Āmaimai/Taiatea
Relax Mauritau
Sad Pouri/Whakaaroha
Spiritual health Hauora wairua
Stress Tāmitanga
Success/successful Angitu/Momoho waimārie
Therapy Haumanu
Therapist Kaituku hanumanu
Tired Ngenge
Worry Māharahara
Whakapakari Tinana
Aerobic Āhāora
Anaerobic Hāorakore
Basketball Poitūkohu
Boot camp Kāpuni putu
Climbing Piki
Crawling Ngaoki/Ngōki
Cricket Kirikiti
Cycling Eke paihikara
Dancing Kanikani
Drawing Tā pikitia
Gardening Mahi māra
Golf Hahau pōro
Group fitness Te ohu whakapakari
Gym Whare whakapakari tinana
Hockey Hōkī/Haki
Jogging/running Oma/Omaoma
Jumping Pekepeke/Peke
Kapa haka Kapa haka
Kayaking/canoeing Kōreti/Hoehoe tāwhai
Kī-o-rahi Kī-o-rahi
Martial arts Tu taua
Mau rākau Mau rākau
Moderate intensity Ngohe mauru
aerobic activity
Eke paihikara Kanikani
Whakapakari Tinana
Movement Nekehanga
Netball Poitarawhiti
Painting Waituhi
Resistance training Mamahi ātete
Rollerblading Eke hū wīra
Rugby Whutupaoro/Whutupōro
Skateboarding Papawīra
Skipping Piu taura
Soccer Poiwhana/Whana poikiri
Sprint Oma parhuti/Kokiri
Stretch Whātotoro
Swimming Kaukau
Tennis Tēnehi
Touch rugby Pā whutupōro/Pā paoro
Tramping/hiking Takahitanga
Tree climbing Piki rakau
Vigorous intensity Ngohe haukori
aerobic activity
Waka ama Waka ama
Walking Hīkoi
Warm-down Whakamakaka
Warm-up Whakatangatanga
Weaving Raranga
Weight training Hiki maitai
Yoga Tauhōkai
Eke hū wīra Hīkoi
Whātotoro Whutupaoro/Whutupōro
Whakapakari Tinana
Sports/Play Gear
Taputapu tākaro
Balance beam Pae whakatautika
Ball Pōro
Bicycle Pahikara
Cone Koeke
Cricket bat Whiro/Rakau
Cricket wicket Tumu
Exercise machine Pūrere mamahi
Flax Harakeke
Foam mat Whāriki pāhuka
Frisbee Ripi
Goggles Mōhiti kaukau
Gymnastic mat Whāriki takaporepore
Hacky sack Pōro kano
Hockey stick Rākau hake
Hoop Tūkohu
Net Hao
Paper Pepa
Pen Pene
Poi Poi
Racquet Rākete
Rope Taura
Sneakers/running shoes Hū konihi
Skipping rope Taura piu
Swiss ball Paoro huiterangi
Weighted plate Pōria maitai
Hū konihi Mōhiti kaukau
Pōro Rākete
M ori
Maori to English
Ngā kai a Tāne
Ngā Kai a Tāne | Foods of Tāne 80
Ngā MOMO kai AnŌ
Parāoa me ngā Hua patakai | Breads & Cereals 96
Momo Mīti me te Hēki | Meat Products & Eggs 100
Momo Hua Mīraka | Dairy Products 102
Ngā Momo Inu | Drinks & Beverages 104
Ngā Momo Paramanawa | Types of Snacks 106
Kai Whakahanumi | Mixed Meals 108
Kai Āhuareka | Desserts & Sweets 110
Momo Hinu/Namunamuā | Oils, Spreads & Seasonings 112
Huamata | Salad 114
Tikanga Tunu Huawhenua | Vegetable Preparation Methods 116
Kupu Tunu Kai | Words Used in Cooking 118
Ngā Taputapu Kai | Cooking Equipment 120
Whakapakari Tinana
Tākaro | Play 132
Taputapu tākaro | Sports/Play Gear 136
Ngā kai a Tāne
Kōkōtea Koti
Pārera Pōaka
Ngā kai a Tangaroa
Araara Kina
Kōura Kūtai/Kūkū
Mangā Mango
Ngā kai a Tangaroa
Pāua Abalone
Pūpūtai Sea snail
Rāwaru Blue cod
Rimurimu Seaweed
Tāmure Snapper
Tarakihi Tarakihi
Tawatawa Mackerel (blue)
Tuangi Cockle
Whai Stingray
Wheke Octopus
Tangaroa ki Uta
Foods of the waterways
Inanga Whitebait (adult)
Kēwai Freshwater crayfish
Kōkopu Whitebait
Matamoe Eel (short-finned)
Ōrea Eel (long-finned)
Piharei/Kanakana Lamphrey
Pōkai mārearea Whitebait (school of)
Tuna Eel
Kōkopu Pāua
Rimurimu Tuangi
Whai Wheke
Ngā kai a Haumia
Horehore Iho
Kōwhitiwhiti Mamaku
Ngā kai a Rongo
Harore Mushroom
Huawhenua rau māota Dark green leafy vegetables
Kāpeti Cabbage
Kōrare Silverbeet
Kūkamo Cucumber
Pī tiwae Split pea
Puānīko/Pūputi/Kareparāoa Cauliflower
Pūpihi/Poroki Broccoli
Rengakura Beetroot
Rengamutu/Kōkihi Spinach
Rētehi Lettuce
Riki/Aniana Onion
Roroa iti Courgette
Rūpapa Rhubarb
Tutaekōau/Hereri/Herewī Celery
Uhikaramea/Kāreti Carrot
Uhikura Radish
Pūpihi/Poroki Rengakura
Rētehi Uhikaramea/Kāreti
Ngā kai a Rongo
Huawhenua Māngaro
Starchy Vegetables
Huawhenua kōmore Root vegetable
Hue Calabash/Gourd
Kamokamo Squash
Kānga Corn
Kānga wai Corn, fermented
Kotami Turnip
Kūmara Sweet potato
Kuru Breadfruit
Manihota Cassava
Paukena Pumpkin
Rīwai Potato
Tāmore mā/Uhitea Parsnip
Taro Taro
Uwhiuwhi Yam
Kūmara Paukena
Taro Uwhiuwhi
Ngā kai a Rongo
Āperekoti Apricot
Āporo Apple
Ārani Orange
Awakato Avocado
Hua karape Grapefruit
Hua kikorangi/Purūpere Blueberry
Hua mangu Blackberry
Karepe/Hua waina Grape
Niu Coconut
Painioro/Whara Pineapple
Panana/Maika Banana
Pea Pear
Piki Fig
Pīti Peach
Rāpere Raspberry
Rōpere Strawberry
Tīere Cherry
Tōmato Tomato
Āporo Ārani
Panana/Maika Rōpere
Ngā kai a Rongo
Hanumi nati Hanumi purapura
Rēnetihi Tēti
Ngā momo kai anō
Parāoa me ngā
Hua Patakai
Breads & Cereals
Hanaweti tōhi Toasted sandwich
Hekō Sago
Karamupeti Crumpet
Kihu parāoa Noodle
Kihu parāoa tere Instant noodles
Komehe Wrap
Kōpaki pīta Pita pocket
Kuhukuhu Couscous
Mutumutu Doughboys
Ōti Oats
Ōti pēpē Rolled oats
Pākēti Spaghetti
Pana huka Iced bun
Pana kore huka Non-iced bun
Parani Bran
Parāoa huarākau Fruit bread
Parāoa iti/Pāni Bun
Parāoa kakano rau Multigrain
Parāoa kāriki Garlic bread
Parāoa mā Bread, white
Parāoa mā nui te muka Bread (high-fibre white)
Parāoa mira paraone Bread, wholemeal
Hekō Karamupeti
Ngā momo kai anō
Tapioka Tapioca
Tōhi reihana Raisin toast
Tōhinga Toastie
Tōhinga tīhi Cheese toastie
Tōtīra Tortilla
Wherawhe Falafel
Ngā momo kai anō
Pati mīti/Kao mīti Meat patty
Pīwhi/Kiko-kau Beef
Poaka tōtea Ham
Poro ika/Korepe ika Fish, fillet
Pū heihei Chicken nugget
Rohi mīti Meat loaf
Waewae heihei Chicken leg
Whiritata Frittata
Ngā momo kai anō
Miraka kore hinu Miraka tepe
Ngā momo kai anō
Inu hākinakina Inu pūngao
Ngā momo kai anō
Pihikete wīti Cracker, wheat
Rera huarākau whakamaroke Dried fruit leather
Rūhuki Rusk
Tītipi kānga Corn chip
Tītipi rīwai Potato chip
Tītipihuawhenua Vegetable chip
Ngā momo kai anō
Kai Whakahanumi
Mixed Meals
Hamipāki/Hamupeka Hamburger
Hāmoha Samosa
Hanumi hupa paura Powdered soup mix
Kai paraurehe Junk food
Kai whakahanumi Mixed meal
Kīhi Quiche
Ō rangaranga Takeaways
Parai korori/Kai kapekape Stir fry
Parāoa wairanu Pasta sauce
Poronēhi Bolognese
Takai hēki me te pēkena Pie, bacon and egg
Takai hēpera Shepherd’s pie
Takai mīti Pie, mince
Takai rēnetihi Lentil pie
Tīhi makaroni Macaroni cheese
Hamipāki/Hamupeka Hāmoha
Ngā momo kai anō
Kai Āhuareka
Desserts & Sweets
Aihikirīmi Ice cream
Huarākau karamu Fruit crumble
Huarākau keke Sponge
Kahitete/Kātete Custard
Kānga pahū whai hā reka Sweet flavoured popcorn
Karamea Caramel
Kirīmi ngako rūnā Reduced-fat cream
Kirīmi tāwhiuwhiu Whipped cream
Pōhā aparau Croissant
Pōhā tanihi Danish pastry
Purini maoa Baked pudding
Purini mamaoa Steamed pudding
Purini parāoa pata Bread & butter pudding
Purini raihi Rice pudding
Rare paera Boiled sweet
Tawhe Toffee
Tiēre huarākau Fruit jelly
Whāti Fudge
Huarākau karamu Kahitete/Kātete
Ngā momo kai anō
Momo Hinu/Namunamuā
Oils, Spreads & Seasonings
Hinu huawhenua Vegetable oil
Hinu nīkau Palm oil
Hinu niu Coconut oil
Hinu oriwia Olive oil
Hīoi Mint
Hirikakā Chilli
Hirikakā (waitī) Chilli (sweet)
Kīnaki hirikakā Chilli sauce
Kirīmi kawa Sour cream
Kohikatanga īhi Yeast extract (Marmite, Vegemite)
Maionēhi Mayonnaise
Maionēhi māmā Mayonnaise, light
Mātiarīni Margarine
Mīere Honey
Miere kōura Golden syrup
Panikakā Mustard
Pani tōmato iti Tomato paste
Paparanga huka Icing
Pata pīnati (mānihi) Peanut butter (smooth)
Pīkara Pickle
Pīkara reka Chutney
Ranu huamata Salad dressing
Ranu wīwī French dressing
Ranu tōmato/Kīnaki tōmato Tomato sauce
Kīnaki hirikakā Kohikatanga īhi
Mīere Panikakā
Ngā momo kai anō
Rauamiami Herbs
Raukikini Spices
Rehu hinu Oil spray
Rehukakā Mustard powder
Renga Turmeric
Tapaono whaihā Stock cube
Tinitia Ginger
Tote Salt
Toutou Dip
Toutou awakato Guacamole
Toutou tomato Salsa
Winika Vinegar
Huamata heihei Chicken salad
Huamata hēki Egg salad
Huamata hiha Caesar salad
Huamata huawhenua Vegetable salad
Huamata kapeti Coleslaw
Huamata Kīriki Greek salad
Huamata pīni Bean salad
Huamata rīwai Potato salad
Huamata heihei Huamata kapeti
Raukikini Tote
Tunu kai
Huawhenua kokoti Huawhenua kuoro
Tunu kai
Pūhake Concentrated
Rorerore/Huhunu BBQ
Tahu Grill
Tapatapahi/Kokoti Chopped
Tapiri huka Added sugar
Tohu tao/Tohu whakataka kai Recipe
(Heihei) Tunutunu/Parahunu Roast (chicken)
Waikiri Batter
Wai korohū Boiled water
Whakahoromata Sterilise
Whakakapi Replace
Whakapūkara Marinate
Whakarewa Render
Whakatao anō Reheat
Whakatio Frozen
Mamaoa Rorerore/Huhunu
Tunu kai
Ipuine Kauhuri ika
Kōheri Kōhua
Kokoine Oko
Tunu kai
Pīnohi Tongs
Purere hōroi rīhi Dishwasher
Rapa Spatula
Tahi rīwai Potato peeler
Taitai Dishwashing brush
Taora rīhi Tea towel
Tārahu Element
Tātari Colander/Sieve
Umu, tō Stove, oven
Waihopi rīhi Dishwashing liquid
Whakahanumi Blender
Whakatio Freezer
Whārite kīhini Kitchen scales
Whata matao Fridge
Pīnohi Tahi rīwai
Hau ora me te matū ora
Ōpapa Mineral
Opapa waiwai Essential mineral
Pārongo kai Food information
Pūngao Energy
Pūmua Protein
Rahinga mōkihi/Mōki Package size
Rino Iron
Ritamano Millilitre
Tapanga kai Food label
Turuki opapa Supplement
Uara kaiora Nutritional value
Warowaihā Carbohydrate
(Miraka) Whakakaha Fortified (milk)
Hau ora me te matū ora
Kupu Hauora
Words about Health
Ngā wāhanga o te tinana
Parts of the body
Āpiti Radius
Arero Tongue
Ate Liver
Hamo Back of the head
Hope Waist
Hūware/Hāware Saliva
Ihu Nose
Kaki Neck
Kāpiti Fibula
Kauae raro Jaw, lower
Kauae runga Jaw, upper
Kikopuku Arm, upper
Kikowhiti Arm, lower
Kiri angaanga Scalp
Kōpiro koromeke Intestine (bowel), small
Kōpiro nui Intestine (bowel), large
Korokoro Throat
Kūhā/Kūwhā Thigh
Miramira Tonsil
Niho Tooth
Paemanu Collarbone/clavicle
Pakihiwi/Pokohiwi Shoulder
Papatoiake Pelvis
Peke Humerus
Popoki Kneecap
Pūkaka Femur
Pukai Oesophagus
Pūkaka ringa/Kōwhiti Ulna
Puku/Pukukai Stomach
Rara/Tāiki Rib
Repe taiaki huka Pancreas
Ringa Hand
Takakaha Tibia
Te papa o te angaanga Skull
Tero Rectum
Tuahiwi Spinal column
Tuke Elbow
Ua here Tendon
Waewae Foot
Waewae Leg
Waha Mouth
Whatu Eye(s)
Whatu Pupil
Whaturei Sternum
Whenua kapu Hand, bone of the
(carpals, metacarpals)
Whenua punga Foot, bones of the
(metatarsals, tarsals)
Hau ora me te matū ora
Ngā kupu mō te kiri
Words about skin
Hakihaki Skin lesion
Hārau Graze
Huahua/Puku Lump
Kirirua Skin (chapped)
Kiritona Wart
Kopukupuku Rash
Mangeo Itch
Marū Bruise
Mate papaka/Mate tongoko Eczema
Motu Cut, wound
Nawe Scar
Pūreke/Rongoā panihinu Ointment
Tīkākā Sunburn
Tongako/Paku Scab
Illnesses and Injuries
Ārai mate Immunise
Huaketo Virus
Haumanu korikori Physiotherapy
Huakita/Kitakita/Ngarara Bacteria
Iokerewai/Paraiha Paralysis
Iroriki Germs
Katirehe Sore throat
Kōangi/Mate tikotiko/Torohī Diarrhoea
Hau ora me te matū ora
Kurupo/Kōmaoa/Keha Ulcer
Mate ā hae Hay fever
Mate huka Diabetes
Mate kōpukupuku Measles
Mate kōroke Constipation
Mate kōtingotingo Chickenpox
Mate pāwera Allergy
Mate wīti/Mate kurutini Coeliac disease
Ngau puku Stomach ache
Niho tunga Toothache
Pakaua hukihuki Tetanus
Panui te ara hā Anaphylactic shock
Pāpāuku Plaster cast
Pā wera ā-kai Allergies
Pukupuku/Pupuhi Swelling
Repe hūare pupuhi Mumps
Rewharewha Cold/flu
Tahumaero/Mate whakapoke Infection
Takoki Sprain
Tanuku Tear/strain
Tihe/Matihe/Tihei Sneeze
Tohu Symptom
Whakapāwera Allergen
Wharanga Injury
Whengu Blow the nose
Ngā kupu mo te Hauora Kare ā-roto
Words about emotional health
Ahurea Culture
Āmaimai/Taiatea Nervous
Angitu/Momoho waimārie Success/successful
Hākerekere/Pāpōuri/ Depressed/depression
Ngākau pōuri
Hari Happy
Haumanu Therapy
Hauora hinengaro Mental health
Hauora kare ā-roto/Aurongo Emotional health
Hauora wairua Spiritual health
Kaituku hanumanu Therapist
Kaiwhakamahereora Counsellor/practitioner
Kare ā-roto/Aurongo Emotions
Kōrou Energy (feeling energetic)
Māharahara Worry
Mana ōrite Equality
Manawapā Anxiety, anxious
Matea Be needed/required
Mauritau Relax
Ngenge Tired
Pouri/Whakaaroha Sad
Tāmitanga Stress
Whanonga Behaviour
Whakapakari Tinana
Āhāora Aerobic
Eke hū wīra Rollerblading
Eke paihikara Cycling
Hahau pōro Golf
Hāorakore Anaerobic
Hiki maitai Weight training
Hīkoi Walking
Hōkī/Haki Hockey
Kanikani Dancing
Kapa haka Kapa haka
Kāpuni putu Boot camp
Kaukau Swimming
Kī-o-rahi Kī-o-rahi
Kirikiti Cricket
Kōreti/Hoehoe tāwhai Kayaking/canoeing
Mahi māra Gardening
Mamahi ātete Resistance training
Mau rākau Mau rākau
Nekehanga Movement
Ngohe haukori Vigorous intensity
aerobic activity
Ngohe mauru Moderate intensity
aerobic activity
Ngaoki/Ngōki Crawling
Eke hū wīra Eke paihikara
Hīkoi Kanikani
Whakapakari Tinana
Oma/Omaoma Running/jogging
Oma parhuti/Kokiri Sprint
Papawīra Skateboarding
Pā whutupōro/Pā paoro Touch rugby
Pekepeke/Peke Jumping
Piki Climbing
Piki rakau Tree climbing
Piu taura Skipping
Poitarawhiti Netball
Poitūkohu Basketball
Poiwhana/Whana poikiri Soccer
Raranga Weaving
Tā pikitia Drawing
Takahitanga Tramping/hiking
Tauhōkai Yoga
Tēnehi Tennis
Te ohu whakapakari Group fitness
Tu taua Martial arts
Waituhi Painting
Waka ama Waka ama
Whakamakaka Warm-down
Whakatangatanga Warm-up
Whare whakapakari tinana Gym
Whātotoro Stretch
Whutupaoro/Whutupōro Rugby
Oma/Omaoma Piki rakau
Poitūkohu Tauhōkai
Whātotoro Whutupaoro/Whutupōro
Whakapakari Tinana
Taputapu tākaro
Sports/Play Gear
Hao Net
Harakeke Flax
Hū konihi Sneakers/running shoes
Koeke Cone
Mōhiti kaukau Goggles
Pae whakatautika Balance beam
Pahikara Bicycle
Paoro huiterangi Swiss ball
Pene Pen
Pepa Paper
Poi Poi
Pōria maitai Weighted plate
Pōro Ball
Pōro kano Hacky sack
Pūrere mamahi Exercise machine
Rākau hake Hockey stick
Rākete Racquet
Ripi Frisbee
Taura Rope
Taura piu Skipping rope
Tūkohu Hoop
Tumu Cricket wicket
Whāriki pāhuka Foam mat
Whāriki takaporepore Gymnastic mat
Whiro/Rakau Cricket bat
Hū konihi Mōhiti kaukau
Pōro Rākete
Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora te manuhiri
With your food basket and my food basket,
the people will thrive.
Toi Tangata
8/48 Maki Street
Auckland 0814
ISBN 978-0-473-52751-8
First published January 2014, updated edition (version 3) June 2020
Hau ora me te matū ora
Foods of Tāne
Ngā Kai a Tāne