GANDAPURA - 1 - Formulasi Dan Drug Release

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748


Vikrant Nikam*, Pooja Ugale, Anjali Abhale, Pooja Chavan
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Amrutvahini college of Pharmacy, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India

Corresponding author*:
Vikrant Nikam
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics
Amrutvahini College of Pharmacy, Sangamner (M.S.) India 422608.


The aim of the study was to formulate and evaluate the ajwain oil and wintergreen oil loaded
niosomal gel. Span 40 and span 60 used as SAA, Carbopol 934 as gelling agent, cholesterol as
membrane stabilizer(lipid), phosphate buffer saline as hydration medium. All the formulation
were passed various evaluatoryparameters and found within limits. Among all formulation
highest % entrapment efficiency shown in F8 formulation i.e. 89.65% . It contains increase
amount of span 60 concentration and hence showed better and desired drug release pattern.

Keywords: Ajwain oil, Wintergreen oil, Carbopol 934, Cholesterol, Gel, Niosome, TDDS, %
Entrapment efficiency.


Transdermal Drug Delivery System (TDDS)

Transdermal drug delivery system(TDDS) is a method of developing drug via the skin to
generate local as well systemic therapeutic effects. Drug administration method of TDDS is
convenient, simple to use, non- invasive as well as improving patient compliance.It also
decreases drug concentration fluctuations in the blood, maintains stable plasma levels, reduces
the risk of overdosing, and facilitates drug detection. At the same time, it avoids the effects of the

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gastrointestinal environment, such as pH, enzymatic activity, and drug-food interactions on drug
efficacy and the liver's "first pass effect" (where active drug molecules might be transformed to
inactive molecules or even molecules that cause side effects), prolong the therapeutic impact of
medicines with a shorter half-life and improve the drug's long-term stability . After the stimulus
has been removed from the location, medication administration can be discontinued at any time.
Despite the various benefits of TDDS, the use of medicines in TDDS is currently limited. The
SC of the skin provides the highest resistance to drug penetration through the skin. Topical drug
delivery system means delivery of API through or in to the skin for direct treatment of cutaneous
disorder or the cutaneous manifestation. When a large number of medicines are administered
through the skin, achieving an acceptable permeability rate to meet therapeutic needs is
challenging. Nanotechnology may be a viable option for overcoming these challenges.7

Nanotechnology is the technique of producing or processing macromolecular materials into a

substance with a particle size of 1-100 nm utilising a single atom or molecule. Nano-
formulationsare an essential aspect of nanotechnology. Nano-formulations have a higher effect
on drug retention, specificity, and targeting because of their tiny particle size, making them an
excellent TDDS. They offer a number of benefits, including painlessness, little skin damage
(does not affect the overall structure of the skin's SC or impair the skin barrier function), and the
ability to enhance macromolecular drug penetration, which has been a prominent area of TDDS
research. Vesicles, such as liposomes, transfersomes, ethosomes, niosomes, and invasomes, and
nanoparticles, such as lipid nanoparticles, polymeric nanoparticles, and nano-emulsions, are two
types of nano-formulation.The categorization, components, features, transdermal mechanism,
and application of nano-formulations are the subject of this study, which is based on recent
developments in research on passive TDDS nano-formulations. We want to provide the
groundwork for future study in nano-formulations for TDDS, as well as improve our
understanding of clinical and therapeutic implications.10,11

Advantages of Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

1. Transdermal medication delivers a steady infusion of a drug over an extended period of time.
Adverse effects or therapeutic failures frequently associated with intermittent dosing can also be

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2. Transdermal delivery can increase the therapeutic value of many drugs by avoiding specific
problems associated with the drug e.g., gastro-intestinal irritation, low absorption, decomposition
due to hepatic ‟first- pass” effect, formation of metabolites that cause side effects, short half -
life necessitating frequent dosing etc.

3. Due to the above advantage, it is possible that an equivalent therapeutic effect can be elicited
via transdermal drug input with a lower daily dose of the drug than is necessary, if, for
example,the drug is given orally.10

4. The simplified medication regimen leads to improved patient compliance and reduced inter &
intra- patient variability.

6. Self administration is possible with these systems.

Disadvantages of Topical Drug Delivery System

1. Skin irritation of contact dermatitis may occur due to the drug and/or excipients.8

2. Poor permeability of some drugs through the skin.

3. Possibility of allergenic reactions.

4. Can be used only for drugs which require very small plasma concentration for action.10

5. Enzyme in epidermis may denature the drugs.

6. Drugs of larger particle size not easy to absorb through the skin.


Materials and Suppliers:

The following materials were used with AR/LR grade or the best possible grades available were

Ajwain oil and wintergreen oil purchased from Sci Tech. Pune ; Carbopol 934, Chloroform,
Glycerine and Methanol purchased from LOBA Chemie Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai ; Cholesterol
purchased from SDFCL-SD Fine-Chem Ltd. ; Span 40 and Span 60 purchased from Pure
Chemie Lab. Pune.

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Formulation of niosomal gel by Thin Film Hydration Method:
Adjust temp. of water bath to desired temp.

Weigh span 40 and span 60 and cholesterol in RBF

Add organic solvents (chloroform /methanol/triethanolamine) to dissolve the contents

Attach the flask to rotary evaporator and allow to evaporate for at least 30 min.

Detached RBF and add aqueous solution of drug (Ajwain oil and Wintergreen oil along with
Phosphate Buffer Saline as a hydration medium )

Re-attach RBF and allow to run for at least 60 min.

Sonicate for at least 1 – 2 min.

Centrifugation for 30 min. and then niosomes formed

Table no. 1. Formulation Composition For Niosomal Gel :
Ingredients F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
Ajwain oil 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Wintergreen 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Span 40 1 1 2 - - - 1 1 2
Span 60 - - - 1 1 2 1 2 1
Cholesterol 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2
Chloroform 10 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10ml

PBS 7.4 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml 6ml

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Evaluation and Characterization of optimize batch of Niosomes :

1. FTIR:

FTIR spectra of pure drug and physical mixture of pure drug with excipients were carried
out.The FTIR studies are perform for characterization of drug and to observe the any interaction
between drug and excipients in the formulation.

The FTIR spectrum of Ajwain oil and Wintergreen oil loaded Niosomes formulation batch was
recorded in the wavelength range of 4000 to 400 cm-1 The characteristics IR absorption peaks of
were studied.

2. Particle size ,Zeta potential and PDI value:

The particle size and zeta potential are two important parameters that characterize colloidal drug
delivery systems and their effects on the stability of the carriers is a well established
relationship. In order to prevent the aggregation of systems it is necessary to provide some
barrier between the particles or introducing a charge on the surface of the vesicles. Zeta potential
is an indicator for the size of this barrier. If all of the particles have large enough zeta potential
the particles may repel each other strong enough to so that they will not have the tendency of
coming together. However, this phenomenon is an assumption and there are several other
parameters that affect the stability such as particle size, viscosity, chemical interactions within
the system, storage conditions etc. As the ratio of gravitational forces to Brownian forces
increase the particle size of the niosomes becomes more dominant on the stability of the systems
because the electrostatic interactions do not provide sufficient protection against precipitation.
The mean particle size analysis and PDI value was done. Zeta potential determines stability of
formulation by measuring change of the drug loaded droplet surface. Zeta potential for
optimized batch was measured using HORIBA scientific.

3. TEM:

Shape and surface morphology of Niosomes was observed by Transmission electron

microscope. TEM study was carried out using ZEISS Apparatus.

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4. Accelerated stability study of F8 batch :

The leakage was relatively low at low temperature and this was expected because the drug
leakage increases with temperature due to enhanced fluidity of the niosome membrane. Under
the stability test conditions drug leakage was observed for all of the niosomal formulations.
Although the niosome formulations contain cholesterol which increase the rigidity of niosomes
and form less leaky niosomes. Accelerated stability was carried out for 3 month. Particle size and
entrapment efficiency was determine.



Preformulation parameters

I. Organoleptic properties Ajwain Oil Wintergreen oil

Appearance Mobile liquid Mobile liquid

Colour Reddish brown Colourless liquid

Odour Peppery aroma Sweet, rooty

II. Boiling point 232℃ 222℃

III. Solubility mg/ml mg/ml

Water 0.1191 0.8071

Phosphate buffer 8.146 0.8821

Chloroform 8.775 2.7142

Ethanol 8.932 3.2107

Drug-Excipient Compatibility Studies

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The FTIR spectroscopy used as supplementarytechnique in order to investigate possible

chemical interactions. The figure no. 1 presents the IRspectra of API and APIwith different


API+Span 40
Transmitance (%)

API+Span 60


API+Carbopol 934


Fig.No. 1 IRspectra of API and APIwith different excipients.


1. Appearance, pH, drug content, spreadability:

Homogenecity and clarity of niosomes were observed. The appearance of F8

F formulation gel was
found to be translucent and clear. The pH of the gel was measured using digital ph meter and
found to be suitable with skin pH (between 3 - 9). The spreadability of gel formulation was

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determined by using sliding plate apparatus and by measuring the diameter of 1 gm of gel
between horizontal plates after 1 min. The standardized weight tied on the upper plate of 125 gm
. The bottom slide is anchored to the apparatus and weights are placed in the pan. The time in
seconds needed to separate the two slides is taken as measure of spreadability. A shorter time
interval indicates better spreadability and determined by using formula :


Where, S= spreadability

M= weight tie to upper slide

L= length of glass slide

T= time taken to separate two slides in sec.

Table No. 3. Evaluation Parameters Parameters Observations

1. Appearance Translucent

2. pH 6.7 ± 0.6

3. Drug content (%) 84.50 ± 0.51

4. Spreadability (cm) 2.5 ±0.37

2. Viscosity measurement :

Viscocity of prepared gel was measured using Brookfield viscometer. From below figure it was
concluded that as shear rate increases the viscosity decreases upto certain point and then
viscosity remains constant.

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Fig. No.2.
No. Viscosity measurement of F8 batch
3. UV Spectrophotometric analysis of Ajwainoil and Wintergreen oil in Ethanol:

of Ajwain oil was found to be 274 nmand that of Wintergreen oil was found to be 305 nm.

Construction of Beer lamberts plot of Ajwain oil in ethanol –

The Beer’s lamberts plot for Ajawain oil in ethanol was constructed. The regression coefficient
of the lines obtained in ethanol was found to be 0.999 which is shown in Figure No.3.
No. The
linearity ofdrug in ethanol was found in the concentration range of 00-25μg/ml.

Table No.4.. Reading of construction of Beer’s lamberts plot in ethanol

Sr. no. Concentration Absorbance

( / )

1 5 0.148

2 10 0.317

3 15 0.467

4 20 0.65

5 25 0.789

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g.No. 3.. Beer Lamberts plot of Ajwain oil in ethanol

Construction of Beer lamberts plot of Wintergreen oil in ethanol –

The Beer’s lamberts plot for Wintergreen oil in ethanol was constructed. The regression
coefficient of the lines obtained in ethanol was found to be 0.999 which is shown in Figure No.4.
The linearity drug
rug in ethanol was found in the concentration range of 00-25μg/ml.

Table No.5.. Reading of construction of Beer’s lamberts plot in ethanol

Concentration ( /
Sr. No. Absorbance

1 5 0.156

2 10 0.278

3 15 0.424

4 20 0.561

5 25 0.693

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Fig. No. 4.
4. Beer Lamberts plot of Wintergreen oil in ethanol

4. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy(FTIR) :

The FTIR studies are perform for characterization of drug and to observe the any
interaction between drug and Surfactant in the formulation. FTIR study of optimized
niosome was carried out. The FTIR spectra of optimized nanoparticle were shown in the
following Fig. No. 5.

Fig. No. 5. FTIR spectra of F8 batch of noisome

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Table No. 6. Interpretation of FTIR spectra of niosome

Functional groups Observed ranges Observed ranges Standard ranges

( ) at 0 days ( ) at 14 days ( )

C=C aromatic 1441.62 1441.62 1600-1430

C-Cl Streching 798.97 798.97 750-900
C-N Streching 1203.11 1203.11 1380-1250
N-H Streching 2916.60 2616.60 3000-2800

5. Zeta potential :
Zeta potential give the type of charge present on the surface of the nanoparticle and
stability of the prepared formulation. It is used for the quantification of the magnitude
of the charge. Zeta potential graph is shown in the Figure No. 6.

Fig. No. 6. Zeta potential

Table No. 7. Zeta potential and conductivity

vity measurement data
Determination of zeta potential Result Obtained
(mV) of optimized batch (F8) and

Zeta potential -35.1

Conductivity 0.283

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6. Particle size and Poly Dispersibility Index (PDI):

Particle size was done by zeta sizer of optimized batch F8.The average particle size of
optimized batch F8 was observed 12.3nm. It show that cross-linker
cross linker has a significant
influence on particle size of nanoparticle. The bar graph of particle size for prepared
niosome formulation is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. No. 7.. Particle size of optimized F8 formulation

7. Poly dispersibility index: (PDI)

PDI is an index of width or spread or variation within the particle size distribution. Monodisperse
sample have lower PDI value, whereas PDI of higher value indicates a wider particle size
distribution and polydisperse nature of sample. PDI can be calculat
ed by the following equation

Where, Δ dis the width of distribution denoted by SD and the average particle size
denoted by MV (nm) in particle size data sheet.

PDI= Δd/davg = 0.4

8. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM):

By Transmission electron microscopy TEM the surface morphology of drug particles can be
studied. From the TEM photographs of optimized batch F8 the figure confirm that niosomes
were spherical in shape, size and surface structure of niosome and also showed the porous
ace with no drug crystal on the surface of niosome. The size affected by the encapsulation.
The sample was observed under scanning electron microscopy at 5 KX magnetic resonance.

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Fig. No. 8.. TEM of optimized F8 formulation

9. Optical Microscopy(F8 batch):
Optical microscopy of the sample was carried out by using a Digital Microscope (Motic).
From the microscopy, it was concluded that F8 batch niosomes were spherical in shape.

Fig. No. 9.. Optical microscopy F8 formulation

10. Entrapment efficiency:

Percentage Entrapment efficiency of batches F1 to F9 was in range from 51.85% to 89.65%
of Ajwain oil & Wintergreen oil . Highest % entrapment efficiency shown in F8 batch was
89.65% respectively listed in Table No. 8.. from this, it was concluded that, increase
in in
span 60 concentration increases percentage entrapment efficiency.

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Batch Entrapment Efficiency Entrapment % production

(%) of ajwain oil Efficiency (%) of yield
wintergreen oil

Placebo 93.30
F1 55.23 ± 0.65 51.85±0.46 91.65
F2 57.59 ± 0.99 49.65±0.53 92.75
F3 62.89
62.89±0.72 64.7± 0.68 93.1
F4 67.86
67.86±0.65 69.8 ±0.46 89.7
F5 64.25
64.25±0.47 68.8 ±0.78 84.5
F6 72.85 ± 0.62 69.5 ±0.71 95.1
F7 73.65 0.61
73.65± 74.44± 0.81 94.5
F8 87.28 0.24
87.28± 89.65 ±0.48 96.6
F9 82.19 ± 0.19 85.7 ±0.73 94.25

Table No. 8 Entrapment efficiency of all formulations

11. In vitro drug release study :

Fig. No. 10. In vitro release of Ajwain oil

Fig. No. 11.

1 . In vitro release of Wintergreen oil

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In vitro drug release of niosomal batches was carried out by dialysis bag method. Our main
purpose of this study was to sustain the release of drug . Different batches were evaluated ,
according to the study of F8 batches it is observed that maximum entrapment efficiency
was found to be that the surfactants in higher concentrations act as sustained release
polymers which cause the drug to release at the controlled rate. Sustained drug permeation
and possibly a greater drug deposition and increased drug release where drug containing
vesicular systems used, as compared to a pure drug solution.

12. Release kinetic study :

Batch Zero order First Higuchi/ Hixson- Korsmeyer- Best fit kinetic
Code model order Matrixm Crowell Peppas model
model odel model model

R R R R R n

F1 0.6550 0.6680 0.9585 0.6550 0.9561 0.6680 First Order

F2 0.5030 0.6540 0.9684 0.5030 0.9977 0.6540 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F3 0.7015 0.6220 0.9579 0.7015 0.9970 0.6220 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F4 0.6370 0.6123 0.9769 0.6370 0.9980 0.6123 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F5 0.6460 0.5570 0.9458 0.6460 0.9973 0.5570 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F6 0.7075 0.5630 0.9680 0.7075 0.9870 0.5630 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F7 0.6020 0.5090 0.9839 0.6223 0.9780 0.5090 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F8 0.6230 0.5635 0.9723 0.6151 0.9753 0.5635 Higuchi/Matrix
F9 0.5879 0.5580 0.8072 0.5879 0.9919 0.5580 First Order

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Table No. 9 Release kinetics of Ajwain oil

Batch Zero First Higuchi Hixson Korsmeyer- Best fit kinetic
Code order order /Matrix Crowell Peppas model
model model model model model

R R R R R n

F1 0.5738 0.9880 0.9764 0.9880 0.9764 0.5738 First order

F2 0.6532 0.9770 0.9875 0.9770 0.9875 0.6532 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F3 0.6627 0.9769 0.9886 0.9769 0.9886 0.6627 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F4 0.6796 0.9764 0.9866 0.9764 0.9866 0.6796 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F5 0.4994 0.9770 0.9837 0.9770 0.9837 0.4994 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F6 0.6333 0.9680 0.9719 0.9680 0.9719 0.6333 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F7 0.5293 0.9543 0.9864 0.9543 0.9864 0.5293 Korsmeyer-Peppas
F8 0.7395 0.9455 0.9656 0.9455 0.9656 0.7395 Higuchi/Matrix
F9 0.5730 0.8420 0.9820 0.8420 0.9820 0.5730 Korsmeyer-Peppas

Table No. 10 ReleasekineticsofWintergreenoil

13. Stability study :

Time period Appearance of F8 batch % Drug content of F8


Initial Translucent 85.49 ± 0.16

After 1 month Translucent and stable 83.20 ± 0.15

After 2 months Translucent and stable 80.25 ± 0.30

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After 3 months Translucent and stable 82.31 ± 0.33

Fig. No. 12. FTIR spectra of F8 batch at 0 days Fig. No. 13

13 FTIR spectra of F8
batch at 90days


All the formulations show satisfied organoleptic properties. The characterization of drug
and excipients was done, all result obtained are compared with the standards and from
results obtained it was concluded that drug and excipients are pure and it is of standard
quality. From the FTIR study it can co
ncluded that no unaccountable peak was observed.
So that developed formulation are pure and no interaction with drug and excipient. From
the characterization, it is conform that there was no possible interaction between excipient
and drugs. The characterization
characterization of optimized niosome under FTIR, SEM, zeta potential and
particle size its concluded that the highest drug are entrapped in niosome ,and drug are
stable, uniform distribution pattern are achieved for the controlled release of drug.
Optimized gel formulation
ulation was examined for visual appearance and it was found to be
transparent. The pH of the formulation was found to be in between the skin pH range which
is in tolerable range for transdermal route. Hence it is concluded that above formulation can
be moree effective than conventional gel used in treatment of arthritis and back pain.

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