2800-Article Text-5143-1-10-20210812
2800-Article Text-5143-1-10-20210812
2800-Article Text-5143-1-10-20210812
Prof. S. S. Patil
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Warananagar, M.S., India
Prof.A. S. Mali
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Warananagar, M.S., India
Drinking water is basic need of the human being. Even though the earth surface is covered by 79% with
water, the drinking water is about 3% of it. Out of this 3 % only 0.4 percent is available in the form of the
rivers. In India, around 50% people are getting the water of good quality for drinking purpose. The water
quality monitoring system is needed for avoiding the hazards to human health due to use of impure water.
The major sources of the pure water are badly affected due to the poor Industrial waste management. Due to
addition of waste in the water is can’t be used for drinking purpose. Authors have proposed the water quality
management monitoring system using Raspberry-pi. The results of the monitoring system are presented in
this paper in detail.
Keywords: Water Monitoring System, Water Quality, Raspberry-pi, Wireless Network, etc.
More than 79 percent of earth’s surface is covered by the water. Even though the water is available in such a
huge amount, still we are facing the issues related to the availability of the water and the water quality
assurance. With the industrial developments in various countries, the need of water is increasing day by day.
On the other hand, the contamination of the water is also increasing because of improper waste management
Mainly the waste water when added to the clean water even in small amount, will results in to the
contamination of the water in large amount. The clean water available for the use is very less compare to the
total water available on earth. The sources of clean water are getting contaminated day by day with
extensive developments without prior planning of waste water.
The quality of the water must be monitored for assurance before use. At present, there is no such system
popularly used for water quality monitoring. Manual monitoring is expensive and less effective for water
quality assurance. Considering this fact, there is need of an effective, cheap and automatic system for water
quality monitoring.
Authors have presented the implementation of the water quality monitoring system using Raspberry-pi in
this paper. The system is found suitable for the different parameter monitoring related to the water quality.
Out of total available water only 0.6 percent water is in the usable form hence it is necessary to monitor and
quality of water continuously.
The contaminated water can be reused with proper processing on it, by maintaining the quality of water. The
developments in the automation technologies results in to, application of automation in water quality
monitoring, processing and maintaining. Authors have developed, the system based on Raspberry pi for
water monitoring.
The figure drawn below shows the percentage of the rural people in India having access to the clean
drinking water through the tap over five years. It has be observed that, about 50 percent people have the
access to the safe drinking water in India in rural places. This shows that, lot of work need to be done for
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[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website: ijiert.org
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2021
providing the clean and safe drinking water to the people. The available resources of the water to be
monitored for quality of water and requirement of processing.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Fig. 1: Percentage of Rural People having Access to Clean Drinking Water through Tap
The sensors used in the system will monitor the PH, Conductivity, Temperature and Flow of the water.
These sensors provides the information, which is then stored in the software. The data is continuously
monitored and checked for the quality parameters.
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[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website: ijiert.org
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2021
The work is carried out in order to achieve following objectives:
Developing real time water quality monitoring system.
Reducing the cost of quality enhancement system of water.
Developing the wireless system for water quality monitoring.
To obtain various quality parameters of water.
The obtained data is transmitted via Zig-Bee module to central control unit.
Using available data central control unit take appropriate decision.
The system is useful for monitoring the real time data of water. The system uses the Zig-Bee module for
controlling the parameter of data transmitted.
34 | P a g e
[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696 Website: ijiert.org
VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8, Aug. -2021
Authors have implemented the monitoring system for water. The monitoring of the water quality is achieved
through the use of the various sensors. Water quality monitoring system is useful for the real time
monitoring of the system parameters. The parameters like PH value, Temperature, Turbidity, and Dissolved
Oxygen level are observed. The results shows that the system is useful for real time monitoring of the water
quality. The wireless system stores the data monitored for water quality. Zig-Bee based system is
implemented by the authors and the results of the same system are presented in this paper.
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