Intergrity:-Honesty + Morality: Personality
Intergrity:-Honesty + Morality: Personality
Intergrity:-Honesty + Morality: Personality
2.2 Ethics in
Private relationships: Ethics focus on trust, honesty,
respect, and loyalty.
Public relationships: Ethics involve fairness, justice,
transparency, and accountability.
Inculcating values
1. Role of family: Family being the first and major agency of
socialization has great influence and bearing on the
development of the child. Studies shows that most of
successful achievers come from the families where
sustaining wholesome relationship exist.
2. Role of society: Society plays a crucial role in inculcating
values by providing a collective framework for individuals
to learn, adopt, and practice shared ethical and moral
3. Role of educational institutes: Educational institutions
have a significant role in instilling values in students. By
teaching moral education, cultivating integrity, fostering
character development, and facilitating ethical reflection
and personal growth.