TEMPLATE Presentation - Offer For Partners

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Implementation proposal

for an integrated business software solution

The software

[Partner name]
The project

The pricing
[ All the slides with this logo (as this slide) must be deleted when sent to customer.

All italic texts between “ [ ] “ must also be deleted when the presentation is sent to customer

Refer yourselves to the Implementation template document and to the Partnership Knowledge Base to
understand how to make a good implementation offer.

You can use the graphic elements from slides 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55 to illustrate your presentation.

Tips for an efficient powerpoint:

- Avoid long sentences and too much key words. Short sentences are better !

- You must use your presentation to illustrate your speech and not the opposite

- Keep it light in text and graphics and use bold words to emphasize important ideas

- If you think “ I’ll briefly present this slide”, then you should delete it

- Keep the same design as the one used in this presentation

(Typography “Montserrat”) ]
Your need

[ To be written by the partner. You must mention:

- Why did they reach out to you or Odoo

- The general need requested by the customer, its legacy system,

pain points...

- That this document and solution are based on the conversation

you had together with the customer ]
About Odoo
Odoo software

All-in-one business management software

Fully featured and very customizable solution

One app for one need among a broad app store

Leading suite with integrated and automated apps

Odoo software
[ You can adjust this slide with other advantages of Odoo that might be interesting for your customer: Odoo integration,
automation, the multi-company feature, multi-currency, its availability in 19 languages… Use icons for the illustration ]

Broad community Modularity User friendly Up to date

Large network of Fits large and small Very intuitive interface. Meets customers’
Odoo partners (+2800) companies alike. Suited Covers complex needs evolving needs. New
and committed for any type of business, without being version released yearly
community. from 1 to 300 000 users. complicated. and large investments in
Odoo company

Founded in 2005 Our mission is to help companies grow.

In Belgium We want to unleash companies’ potential
by empowering users with tools they love.

11 offices 1100+
Europe, America, Fabien Pinckaers,
Middle-East, Asia employees CEO of Odoo
Key figures

60% 6M+ 175+ 26 000+ 2 800+

Yearly Satisfied Countries Apps Odoo
Growth Users Partners
Odoo positioning

Intuitive software that solves the traditional conflicting

choice between the need for a large business coverage
and a user-friendly solution.

Odoo is a flexible solution that evolves as your business

grows: add more apps and customize your database
whenever you want according to your needs.
Some Odoo references

Other customer references are to be found on https://www.odoo.com/blog/customer-reviews-6

About [Partner name]
Partner presentation
How to present your company?

[ To introduce your company, you can mention its history, the core activity, your goals, the benefits of working with
an Odoo partner, your partner level... or any other related info to help better understand your business.

Tips to write a company introduction :

- Your customer knows who you are. However, make it easy to read and understandable for those who
receive the offer and do not know yet who you are. (I.e. Senior management)
- You are not selling your company or the project yet but simply introducing yourself and providing an image
of your company.
- Use icons / visuals in a balanced way to make the presentation easy to read
- Limit the number of slides
[Partner name] company
[ Here is a template slide to present your company.
You can draw inspiration from it (or add icons from slides 51, 52, 53, 54 & 55): ]
[ i.e. Insert picture
or illustrating graphic element]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit

esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident

[Partner name] company
[ Example bis (see icons on slides 51, 52, 53, 54 & 55) :

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum

Ut enim ad minim Duis aute irure dolor in Excepteur sint occaecat Lorem ipsum dolor sit
veniam, quis nostrud reprehenderit in cupidatat non proident, amet, consectetur
exercitation ullamco voluptate velit esse sunt in culpa qui officia adipiscing elit, sed do
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea cillum dolore eu fugiat deserunt mollit anim id eiusmod tempor
commodo consequat. nulla pariatur. est laborum. incididunt ut labore et
dolore magna aliqua.

[ Explain your focus, expertise, the usual approach you take in this slide.

For instance: your market, country, industry specialties, previous projects and
scopes, usual processes, usual work habits or implementation methodology.

Number of customers, retention rate, growth… All those key figures can also be
used to support your experience and expertise.

Example: ]
Key figures

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Sed do eiusmod tempor 60 73% 8 23

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit Consectetur Lorem

Consectetur adipiscing elit Incididunt ut labore


[ If possible, put logos from your references and previous projects on this slide.

Example: slide 12 ]
Project description
Project presentation
[The following slides are dedicated to your customer’s project.
Describe the project and what you understood about it.

To do so, introduce the customer, its business, why he contacted you (general purpose)
or everything else that would be relevant to understand the big picture of the project.
Example : ]
Lorem ipsum
Dolor sit
Lorem ipsum
Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea Dolor sit Dolor sit
commodo consequat.

Duis aute
Irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu
fugiat nulla pariatur.
Your need
[You will write the requirements made by your customer in the following slides.

Here are some tools to help you describe each requirement:

- Mention their legacy flow or system and the bottlenecks they need to solve.
- Was it a pain point or a new challenge?
- Write a description and details about those needs.
- Why do they need that improvement? What do they expect from it?
- Is it a must-have from their side? Is it a nice-to-have?

To present requirements and their solutions, you should present one need and then its solution on the slide just after
it. For instance, for several requirements: need 1, solution 1, need 2, solution 2, need 3, solution 3…. ]
Tips to efficiently present your solutions.

If a ROI analysis was made:

First mention that this proposed solution is based on the discussion you had together with the customer.
You must also mention that the objectives defined in the ROI report will be the priorities for this project. Add that
any change request along the way could have a considerable impact on the following evolution of the project. Any
change request will therefore be reviewed and evaluated.

If no ROI analysis was made:

First mention that this proposed solution is based on the discussion you had together with the customer. You must
also mention that the project focus has been defined in common agreement and any change request along the
way could have a considerable impact on the following evolution of the project. Any change request will therefore
be reviewed and evaluated.
Tips to efficiently present your solutions.

You can draw inspiration from the following plan to present your solution:

- Slide 1: Need 1

- Slide 2: Solution 1
App(s) (short intro + use for that case)
Suggested flow within Odoo
Odoo Standard = X
Customized development = X

- Slide 3: Need 2

- Slide 4: : Solution 2
App(s) (intro + use)
Suggested flow within Odoo
Odoo Standard = X
Customized development = X

- Slide 5 : Need 3 ... ]

!! You must clearly indicate what are Odoo standard features and what are specific developments in each solution !!

You could also use screenshot to detail the suggested flow for that solution. The following slides are examples that you can
draw on and reuse to present the needs and solutions. ]
Your need (1)
[ You write the first requirement made by your customer here below. Example: ]

Inventory management
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


● Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

● Consectetur adipiscing elit
● Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
Solution (1)
[You can draw inspiration from the following plan to present your first solution (use screenshot to illustrate the flow if needed: ]

Inventory, Purchase & Sales apps

Odoo standard:

The Inventory app will help you [lorem ipsum dolor sit - Lorem ipsum dolor
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit] - Sit amet consectetur
- Consectetur adipiscing

With the Purchase application, [sed do eiusmod tempor

incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua] Customized development:
- Sed do eiusmod
Using the Sales app will allow your business to [ut enim ad - Tempor incididunt
minim veniam] - Ut labore et dolore magna
Solution (1)
[ Layout example about flows with the use of screenshots: ]

Your Inventory flow within Odoo will be presented as

follows. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit

esse cillum.

Lorem ipsum

Commodo consequat

Fugiat nulla pariatur

Id est laborum
Your need (2)
Solution (2)
Your need (3)
Solution (3)
Hosting platform
[Please keep the right section among the following choices (Odoo.sh / On-Premise).
Don’t forget to mention the specific related hosting price. Here’s a summary to keep in mind about the hosting price :

Type SAAS Odoo.Sh On-Premise

!! You must also mention there are added costs:
Standard apps V V V
Odoo Enterprise license, your implementing
Specific dev X V V services and maintenance costs if any !!
Third party apps X V V
Cloud V V X
Here is a illustrated table to remind you the
# workers (60€) difference between Odoo hostings. Feel free to
Pricing FREE
# Storage (0.8€)
Customer use it if needed.
Shared/dedicated (500€)
Staging Env. (15€)

[ Keep one of the following slides according to the hosting type your customer will use: ]
Hosting platform
Your database will be hosted on Odoo.sh Odoo.sh allows its users to have:

- Database replication ;
- Staging servers ;
- 99,9% database uptime ;
Full stack Platform as a Service Unlimited development branches with a
- Full backup servers ;
(PaaS) hosted on cloud and out configurable number of staging branches
of the box - Automated testing ;
- SSH access ;
- DNS & routes ;
- Email gateways ;
- 24/24 monitoring ;
- Tier-III certified data centers ;
Allows you to make your Use of 60+ Certified Odoo Apps,
own developments while Odoo 26.000+ third apps and any custom - Top notch hosting ;
manages the infrastructure module - Your own runbot ;
- ...
Hosting platform
Your database will be hosted On Premise On Premise allows its users to have:

- Database replication ;
Odoo software hosted on the partner’s / your own server
- Staging servers ;
- Backup servers ;
- Automated testing ;
On-site hosting that gives total control on the IT infrastructure
- SSH access ;
- DNS & routes ;
Implementation, updates, added modules, developments and - Email gateways ;
maintenance will be managed by the partner’s / your own IT department.
- 24/24 monitoring ;
- Top notch hosting ;
[to be filled by the partner.
- Your own runbot ;
The solution will be hosted on a server of choice, this may either be on the premise of - ...
the partner, the client or externally rented servers (ex. Google / Amazon) .
It is advised to mention where the servers are, the type of access the client has and
any additional conditions, services or SLA’s come with this hosting type (think of
back-ups, maintenance etc.)
(Don’t forget to mention the pricing related to that specific hosting.) ]
Agreed methodology

Implementation approach

[ You need to detail the methodology and main guidelines you’ll follow to implement the project. It involve as many aspects as you
want as long as it is relevant to help the customer understand your implementation approach.

First, explain the different goals and with which implementation methodology you’ll face them.

The best one is a phased approach. It allows to agree on first milestones to focus on and to let the customer work with Odoo
while expanding the applications. You can detail the project phases in the next section “Planning”.

“The implementation methodology we support is a phased approach.
In various phases, we implement Odoo in the different departments of your organization. This way we avoid a Big-Bang

You can also agree with the customer on common activities you’ll work on together and write them down here. For instance:
frequent feedback, agile communication, scheduled training sessions, weekly update meetings or any other habit relevant to
mention. ]
Agreed methodology - Roles and responsibilities
[ Define from the start who will do what and from which side. As a partner, you can mention the services that you guarantee to bring.
As customers, they need to know what is expected from them. Recurring roles :

Project leader
- Ask questions about the business scope.
- Manages the implementation and customer expectations.
- Organises the steering committees, tracks inefficiencies and offers solutions, reports on the project status.

SPOC (The Single Point of Contact):

- The single one contact person for each party whose role is to align and report internally.

- Functional experts that assist in the gap analysis and can challenge the customer on business processes.
- Key users that assist in the definition of business processes.

- Provide functional (and sometimes technical) training to the customer.

Odoo Account Manager:

- Main point of contact from Odoo side representing the editor;
- Key contact point between the editor, the partner and the customer;
- Ensures the project runs smoothly and successfully;
- Available for future needs as upsells and management of contract.
Agreed methodology

Roles and responsibilities

Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname

Job position, company Job position, company Job position, company

[Project role] [Project role] [Project role]

Name Surname Name Surname Name Surname

Job position, company Job position, company Job position, company

[Project role] [Project role] [Project role]

Agreed methodology

Other relevant section?

[ Don’t hesitate to add any other section as long as it is relevant to better understand the project, your vision on it and
how the project should evolve. I.e. a chart about good habits? ]
The following slide represents the usual phases of a project. You can add another slide after the next one, with a Gantt chart to detail the implemented
flows and their length during each step on the implementation timeline. Expected phases could be:

1. Sales flow:
- APPS: CRM, Sales, Invoicing
- Contains:
Data import (products & contacts)
Configuration of the apps
Training of the sales team
Testing, feedback & fine tuning

2. Inventory / Warehouse flow:

- APPS: Inventory, Purchase

This agile approach suggests intermediary go-live steps between the phases, during which the customer practices constant testing / feedback.

Don’t hesitate to adapt the schemes to the current project so the customer has a concrete overview of how the implementation will take place.

You also need to explain to your customer the implementation approach you’ll take for its project:

- For instance, you can choose a sprint approach: it means you implement separate flows one after another. Once a flow is on production, you start
implementing the next one needed.
[Don’t hesitate to complete, add or delete phases following your customers’ needs.

If any ROI analysis has been / has to be conducted, put it in the right sequence in
the following scheme.

Pre-analysis Offer Validation Implementation Production Post-implementation

Next steps from here :

- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

- Dolor sit amet consectetur
- Consectetur adipiscing elit
- Adipiscing elit

Determining factors in pricing :


Odoo Enterprise Implementing Maintenance,

License Services Upgrade & Your pricing

[ Keep one of the following slides according to the hosting type your customer will use: ]
Pricing Odoo Enterprise

Price per user x number of users Depends on:

using 1 to n applications
Hosted - Number of workers
on Odoo.sh
+ - Quantity of GB storage
- Number of staging
Total of the prices of each app environments
used by 1 to n users
Your pricing

= Odoo Enterprise License

+ Hosting
+ Implementing Services
+ Maintenance, Upgrade & Implementing Maintenance,
Support Services Upgrade & Support

[ Implementing services [ Recurrent maintenance costs

offered by the partner and the for developments to be defined
estimated hours, development and detailed by the partner: ]
fees, gap analysis pricing, any
additional service… ]

Hosted On Premise


Odoo Enterprise Implementing Maintenance,

License Services Upgrade & Your pricing

[ Adapt the slide according to the customer’s hosting type ]

Pricing breakdown


[ Describe which hosting you’ll provide, its features and pricing. ]

Pricing breakdown

Odoo Enterprise License

[ Describe the license that he’ll subscribe to, detail the features and explain the pricing.

Here is an example you can use and re-adapt for the customer to show how the license pricing
will be computed:

How to calculate the Odoo Enterprise License price?

Price per user x number of users + Total of the prices of each app
using 1 to n applications used by 1 to n users

Example: 100 users + 5 apps = (22€*100) + 56€ = 2256€ monthly

As reminder, pricing is degressive as follows: monthly > yearly > multiyear. ]

Pricing breakdown

Implementing services

[ Mention your implementing services, its features and pricing.

You can also detail how you will invoice the customer (fixed-price or time-material basis) and
the estimated hours. ]
Pricing breakdown

Maintenance, Upgrade & Support

[ Mention that besides the one-time costs previously mentioned, developments involve recurrent
maintenance fees. You can choose if you apply:

- Standard maintenance pricing of 16€ / 100 lines of code (most advised and used option).

You perform the services of maintenance and upgrades since you collect that amount. Odoo acts as a warranty
that the maintenance and upgrades will be done by Odoo if and only if the partner doesn't perform.

+ monthly payment
+ the customer decides when he wants to activate that and on which customization
+ this service can be activated via the subscription or the SO

- Use your own pricing and contract for the maintenance, upgrade and support of custom code.

It means there is no intervention from Odoo and no support or help guarantee from Odoo’s side for the customer
if you don’t deliver the services. If you choose this option, detail how you’ll proceed about maintenance, support
and upgrade and what is included in those costs. You must also inform the customer there’s no Odoo warranty
Your pricing

Monthly Yearly* 3Y* 5Y*

Odoo Enterprise



upgrade & support
(recurrent fees)


Degressive pricing: monthly > yearly > multiyear (*to be paid as a one-time prepaid payment)
Thank you
Let’s keep in touch !

+32 2
[ Here are some graphic elements you can use to illustrate your presentation.
To change the color of the icon: click on the object you want to change. Then click on the paint bucket and select
the color you want. ]
[ To change the color of the icon: click on the object you want to change. Then click on the paint bucket and select
the color you want. ]

Business icons Creative Process icons

[ To change the color of the icon: click on the object you want to change. Then click on the paint bucket and select
the color you want. ]

Help & Support icons Teamwork icons

Odoo apps icons you can copy and reuse

[ More official Odoo graphic elements are to be found on https://www.odoo.com/page/brand-assets ]

[ Don’t hesitate to add forms to your slides to put texture to your powerpoint.
You can change its size, shadow, color, etc. ]

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