Chapter 2 Food Poisoning

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FST 200

Chapter 2 :
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning
a. Definition
- a general name given to illness
contracted by consuming
contaminated food or water

b. What causes food poisoning ?

The food poisoning time bomb

 Food can become contaminated at any stage during its
production, processing or cooking.
 For example, food poisoning can be caused by:
not cooking food thoroughly (especially poultry,
pork, burgers, sausages and kebabs)
not storing food that needs to be chilled at below
someone who is ill or who has unclean hands
touching the food
eating the food after it has passed its ‘use by’ date
cross-contamination (the spread of germs from
contaminated foods)

 the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms

are unintentionally transferred from one substance or
object to another, with harmful effect.

 Cross-contamination is a cause of food poisoning that is

often overlooked. It occurs when harmful bacteria are
spread between food, surfaces and equipment.

 For example, if you prepare raw chicken on a chopping board and

do not wash the board before preparing food that won't be
cooked or a ready-to-eat meal such as a salad, harmful bacteria
can be spread from the chopping board to the food.

 Cross-contamination can also occur if you store raw meat above

ready-to-eat meals. The meat juices can drip on to the meals and
contaminate them.
(1) Food poisoning: bacteria
 The main food poisoning bacteria
 Staphylococcus aureus
 Salmonella spp
 Bacillus cereus
 Clostridium spp
 Escherichia coli
 V. parahaemolyticus
a) Infection
(1) Food b) Intoxication
Bacteria  For bacterial food
infection/intoxication to
occur, approx. ≥ 1 mil.
bacteria must be present
in food
Food infection

 Illness that occurs when pathogenic microbes

enter the body along with the food eaten
 Bacteria multiply rapidly – irritates lining of
intestines causing nausea, diarrhoea &
abdominal pains
 Incubation period : 12 – 24 hrs
 Eg: Salmonella sp, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, etc.
Food intoxication

 Illness that occurs when m/o grow in food and

produce toxin – the toxin causes illness when
food is eaten
 Toxins produced during multiplication of
bacterial cells
 Incubation period : 2 -6 hrs
 Eg: Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus
aureus & Clostridium batulinum
Food infection vs Food intoxication
Food intoxication Food infection

Cause Toxin Living microbes

Incubation 2 hrs (Shorter) 12 – 24 hrs

Symptoms Nausea & vomiting, Diarrhoea, abdominal pain,
diarrhoea, usually no fever fever, vomiting

Duration 1 day, sometimes longer 1 – 7 days, sometimes longer

Organism Staphylococcus Salmonella, Campylobacter

aureus, Escherichia coli jejuni, Listeria
O157, Clostridium monocytogenes, Shigella,
perfigens, and Clostridium Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
botulinum. Norwalk Viruses, and
Hepatitis A
Detail example (Bacteria)
 1. Botulism:
 Botulism is caused by the ingestion of food containing the neurotoxin (toxin
that affects the nervous system) produced by Clostridium botulinum, an
anaerobic spore forming bacterium.
 Sixty to seventy per cent cases of botulism die.

 There are 7 types (type A, B, C, D, E, F, G) of these neurotoxins recognised on

the basis of serological specificity.
 The neurotoxin of C. botulinum is a protein. It has been purified and crystallized
and is so powerful that only a dose as low as 0.01 mg is said to be fatal to
human beings. The toxin is absorbed mostly in the small intestine and paralyzes
the involuntary muscles of the body.
(2) Food
poisoning :
(2) Food poisoning : parasites
 Food acts as carriers of parasites which can be ingested by
man to initiate infections
 Principal parasitic infections of human : protozoa, flatworms
& roundworms
 Water & food are carriers of these infecting agents

- Include Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of ameobic
dysentry, which spread principally by fecal contamination
of water, food & diverse objects
- Food handlers can spread this parasite
Flatworm (eg: Taenia saginata – beef
& Taenia solium – pork)

Exists in the form of eggs in the soil

Ingested by cattle

Inside cattle, eggs release embryos

Embryos penetrate intestinal tract of animals & travels to other tissues

to develop larvae

Consumption of the animal’s meat resulted in ingestion of larvae by

human, causing disease
(3) Food
poisoning : a


(3) Food poisoning : virus

 Viruses do not grow in foods. Food act as carrier

 Incubation period : usually several weeks during

which the viral invade host cells & replicate (in
human, not food)

 Transmission of virus : fecal – oral route

(3) Food poisoning : virus
 Eg:
a food handler suffering from hepatitis A doesn’t
wash his/her hands after using restroom. The hands
become contaminated with fecal material that
contains viral particles.

 Touching foods that are eaten without any further

preparation such as sandwiches & salads can
transfer virus to consumer

 Eg:
Hepatitis A virus, Norwalk-like virus, rotavirus, BSE
(bovine spongiform encephalopathy), etc.
(3) Food poisoning : virus
 Having direct contact with an infected person
 Consuming contaminated food or water
 Touching contaminated surfaces and then putting your unwashed hands in your
 Symptom
 Norovirus causes inflammation of the stomach or intestines. This is called acute
 A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus. Most
people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days.
 If you have norovirus illness, you can feel extremely ill, and vomit or have diarrhea many
times a day. This can lead to dehydration, especially in young children, older adults, and
people with other illnesses.
(3) Food poisoning : virus
Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug):
 Norovirus can easily contaminate food and water because it only takes a very small
amount of virus particles to make you sick. Food and water can get contaminated with
norovirus in many ways, including when:
 An infected person touches food with their bare hands that have feces or vomit particles
on them
 Food is placed on a counter or surface that has feces or vomit particles on it
 Tiny drops of vomit from an infected person spray through the air and land on the food
 The food is grown or harvested with contaminated water, such as oysters harvested from
contaminated water, or fruit and vegetables irrigated with contaminated water in the
 Recreational or drinking water can get contaminated with norovirus and make you sick or
contaminate your food. This can happen:
 At the source such as when a septic tank leaks into a well
 When an infected person vomits or defecates in the water
 When water isn’t treated properly, such as not enough chlorine
(3) Food poisoning : virus
 You can get infected with rotavirus if you get rotavirus particles in your mouth.
 put your unwashed hands that are contaminated into your mouth
 touch contaminated objects or surfaces then put your fingers in your mouth
 eat contaminated food

 The most common symptoms of rotavirus are severe watery diarrhea,
 vomiting,
 fever,
 and/or abdominal pain.
Mechanism of virus transmission

Food contaminated with virus

Food containing virus is consumed

Illness & antibody production result

(several weeks)
(4) Food
poisoning :
(4) Food poisoning : Animals
 Certain fresh water & marine animals are toxic to human /
natural toxicity
 In addition, many marine foods become toxic either after
consuming other forms of marine life which are themselves
toxic or as a result of microbial action after death
(secondary toxicity)
 Common secondary toxicity :
 Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) (Refer next slide)
 Ciguatera poisoning (Fish eat the toxin in the reef)
 Scombrotoxin poisoning (spoiled fish high in Histidine→
convert to Histamine---due to inappropriate storage and
bacterial growth)
Paralytic shellfish
poisoning (PSP)

 PSP is a rare illness caused by eating

shellfish containing paralytic shellfish
toxins (PST).
 PST are produced by certain types of
algae during algal blooms and bio-
accumulate in bivalve filter-feeding
shellfish such as oysters, mussels and
 Contaminated seafood looks and tastes
 The toxins are not destroyed by cooking
or freezing.
(5) Food
poisoning :
(5) Food poisoning : Plants
 Certain plants contain natural poisonous substances – GI

 Eg: poisonous mushrooms like Amanita phalloides & A. muscaria

 A.phalloides toxins (phallotoxins & amatoxins) damage liver &
cause death. This toxins are extremely resistant to boiling & frying
 Toxin muscarin produced by A.muscaria produce hallucinatory

 Green potatoes – green, sprouting & damaged potatoes contain

high amounts of salonine – toxic to human. Causes vomiting,
diarrhoea & abdominal pain within 8 hrs after consumption.
(6) Food
poisoning :
(6) Food poisoning : Chemicals

 Most common form of poisoning – metallic poisoning

 Metals consumed in excess cause toxicity
 These contaminants present in environment & may
accumulate during different stages of food
preparation. By the time food ready to be
consumed, it reach levels which are toxic to humans
 Common toxic metals : arsenic, lead, mercury,
copper, tin, aluminium & cadmium.
(7) Food poisoning : Fungus
 Mould
 Microscopic fungi that live on plant or animal.
 Grows from tiny spores that float around in the air
 Mould can grow when some of the spore fall on a damp food
 Example:
 Aflatoxins are poisonous carcinogens and mutagens that are produced
by certain molds (Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus) which
grow in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains.
 Animals fed contaminated food can pass aflatoxin transformation
products into eggs, milk products, and meat
 Other example: in groundnut -The permitted level of aflatoxin in
groundnut for human consumption according to international standards,
is 4 parts per billion (ppb) in the European Union and 20 ppb in the US.
Ways to prevent bacteria from multiplying in food

 Use suitable preservatives such as salt and sugar.

 Use various packing methods like gas flushing or

vacuum packing.

 Not allowing dried foods to absorb moisture.

 Keeping high risk foods at temperatures that inhibit the

growth of bacteria (ie. out of the danger zone). Food
should be kept below 4°C in a refrigerated unit, or
above 70°C in a suitable warming unit.
 Ensuring that during preparation, food is in the danger zone for
as short a time as possible. High risk foods must not be left
sitting out at room temperature.

 Adequately cooking food, ensuring a minimum internal

cooking temperature of 80°C is reached.

 Heat processing such as pasteurisation, sterilisation or canning.

 A combination of a suitable temperature and sufficient time is

always required to destroy bacteria. The time and
temperature required will depend on the particular organism,
(eg. spores of Clostridium perfringens are much more heat
resistant than Salmonella bacteria).
Reasons for the occurrence of food poisoning
in food establishments

• Inadequate cooling/refrigeration, food left at room

• Too long between preparation & consumption.
• Inadequate reheating.
• Inadequate cooking.
• Cross-contamination from raw to high risk or ready to eat foods.
• Infected food handlers.
• Inadequate hot holding temperatures.
• Inadequate hand washing.
• Contaminated raw foods and ingredients.
• Improper cleaning of equipment and utensils.
Characteristics of potentially hazardous foods

- Moist, high-proteins, and low-acid foods

- Perishable foods which can support the growth of harmful bacteria and are intended to
be eaten without further treatment such as cooking, which would destroy such organisms

The food examples include :

 Shell eggs
 Meats & Poultry
 Milk or milk products
 Fish & Shellfish
 Edible crustaceans, eg. shrimp, lobster, crab
 Tofu or other soy protein products
 Baked or boiled potatoes
 Plant foods that have been heat treated (eg. beans)
 Raw seed sprouts
 Sliced melon
 Synthetic ingredients, eg. textured soy protein
 Cooked rice
2.3 Controls of Food Poisoning
Temperature control

“Water activity” describes the amount of water in foods

available to bacteria for their multiplication

This value ranges between a maximum of 1.0 (pure

water) and 0.0 (solid rock). Most foods’ Aw is between
0.9 and 0.99, as are moisture needs of virtually all


 Take home task-→ What is the water activity Aw Range

for all the food classification

 Lowmoisture and low fat eg. flour, sugar,

pasta, rice, cocoa, dried peas and beans.
 Most canned and bottled goods.
 May be stored at room temperature
(18°C) for relatively long periods.
 Items still low in moisture, but containing more fat.
 Keep quite well for 1-3 months at room temperature (18°C) eg.
snack foods, potato crisps, pretzels, deep frying
 compound, biscuits.
 Keeping qualities of some items may be improved if held under
refrigeration temperatures eg. eggs, nuts, butter, margarine, firm
 The quality of these goods deteriorates rapidly at
room temperature.
 Shelf life of between 2-10 days eg. meats, poultry,
fish, shellfish, milk, cream, fresh and soft cheese,
 fruits, most vegetables, cooked foods, products
made with eggs or stock.
 A sub-group within the perishable category is the
potentially hazardous foods.

These require special temperatures

 Fresh meat. 1-3°C
 Poultry 0°C
 Fish, shellfish. 0°C on crushed ice
 Small goods 2-8°C
 Dairy products 4-8°C
Which foods are ‘potentially hazardous foods’?
 Potentially hazardous foods are foods that might contain food poisoning bacteria and are
capable of supporting growth of these bacteria or formation of toxins to levels that are
unsafe for consumers, if the foods are not stored at correct temperatures. Toxins are
poisonous chemicals produced by some types of bacteria.
 The following are examples of potentially hazardous foods:
 raw and cooked meat or foods containing meat, such as casseroles, curries and
 dairy products, for example, milk, custard and dairy based desserts;
 seafood (excluding live seafood);
 processed fruits and vegetables, for example, salads;
 cooked rice and pasta;
 foods containing eggs, beans, nuts or other protein rich foods, such as quiche and soy
 foods that contain these foods, such as sandwiches and rolls.
Which foods are not potentially hazardous foods?
 Many preserved foods do not contain food poisoning bacteria. Also,
bacteria will not grow in some types of food.
 Examples include canned and bottled food, dried fruit, salted dried
meats, fermented dried meats, yoghurts, hard cheeses, spreads, some
sauces, dried pasta, breads and dried foods.
 However, some foods that are not potentially hazardous can become
potentially hazardous if you alter the food in some ways.
 For example, dry custard powder is not potentially hazardous but when
milk or water is mixed with the powder to make custard, the custard is
potentially hazardous.
 Some foods may not be potentially hazardous but need refrigeration to
stop them from spoiling. It is an offence to sell spoiled food.
Water Activity of Foods Table
Microorganisms grow at this aw and above Food examples

0.95 Highly perishable foods (fresh and canned fruits,

Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Proteus,Shigella, Klebsi vegetables, meat, fish), milk, cooked sausages,
ella, Bacillus, Clostridium perfringens, some yeasts breads, foods with up to 4 oz sucrose or 7% NaCl
Some cheese (Cheddar, Swiss, Provolone), cured
0.91 Salmonella, Vibrio parabaemolyticus,C.
meat, fruit juice concentrates with 55% sucrose or
botulinum, Lactobacillus, some molds
12% NaCl, Seafood
0.87 Many yeasts, Candida, Torulopsis, Hansenula
Fermented sausage, sponge cakes, dry cheese,
margarine, foods with 65% sucrose or 15% NaCl

Most fruit juice concentrates, condensed milk,

0.80 Most molds,
syrup, flour, high-sugar cakes, pulses containing
most Saccharomycesspp., Debaryomyces, Staphy
15-17% moisture
lococcus aureus

Jam, marmalade, glace fruits, marzipan,

0.75 Most halophilic bacteria, Mycotoxigenic

Dried fruits with 15-20% moisture, caramel, toffee,

0.60 Osmophilic yeasts, few molds
Noodles with 12% moisture, spices with 10%
Whole egg powder with 5% moisture

Whole milk powder with 2-3% moisture,

dehydrated soups
Most microorganisms grow well at 0.91 to 0.99.
Clostridium botulinum will grow and produce deadly
botulism toxin if the pH is above 4.6 and the water
activity is above 0.85.

Source:Water Activity of Some Foods and Susceptibility to Spoilage by

Microorganisms Adapted from Beuchat (1981).
Keeping hot food hot and cold food cold

Bacteria die

keeping food
in the
temperature Bacteria
danger zone of
5°C - 60°C


Food Hygiene regulation 2009
– On temperature control
Regulation 25- Food Storage
 4 (d) any device used to record temperature in the facility is accurate to
a plus or minus 1oC
 (5) If the storage facility referred to in subregulation (4) is a cold room, the
doors to such facility shall be fitted with an air curtain or other effective
means to avoid loss of cold air or any sudden rise in temperature.
Regulation 36- Preparing, packing and serving of food
 (k) not keep any raw material, ingredient, intermediate food product or
finished food product at temperatures that is likely to support the
reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms or the formation of toxins;
 (l) not interrupt the cold chain of food, but limited period outside
temperature control that does not result in a risk to health is permitted;
 (m) ensure that a food warmer maintains a temperature of food above
60°C, where the food is to be served hot;
Food Hygiene regulation 2009
– On temperature control
Regulation 38. Storage of food
 (1)-(g) perishable food or high risk food is stored at an appropriate temperature
that will protect it against deterioration and spoilage;
 (3) A food handler shall store food intended to be sold by retail in:-
(a) a CHILLED condition for a continuous period between temperature of minus
1oC to 10oC; or
(b) a FROZEN condition for a continuous period between temperature of minus
18oC, in a storage facility.
 (4) A food handler shall ensure that a cold chain of a chilled or frozen food is not
interrupted during storage of such food, but limited period outside temperature
control that does not result in a risk to health is permitted.
7 simple tips to keep your food out
of the Temperature Danger Zone
 1. Plan ahead. Don’t over cater as the greater the quantity of food you prepare the
harder it is to keep it hot or cool enough. If you are catering for a lot of people
prepare food as closely as you can to the time you will serve it.

 2. Keep your fridge at or below 5°C. Use a fridge thermometer to check that the
fridge temperature stays around 4 to 5°C. Also make sure you have enough room in
the fridge because if the food is packed tightly the cold air cannot circulate.

 3. Check the storage instructions. Read the label on packaged food to see if it
needs to be stored in the fridge or freezer, many unrefrigerated items may need to
be refrigerated once opened.
7 simple tips to keep your food out
of the Temperature Danger Zone
 4. Keep hot food at or over 60°C. Hot food needs to be kept and served at 60°C or
hotter. If you are keeping it warm for someone put it in the oven at 60°C (or at 100°C if
that is as low as your oven will go).
 5. Divide food up to cool. Freshly cooked food, not for immediate consumption,
should have the temperature reduced as quickly as possible. Divide into containers in
small portions and put it into the fridge or freezer as soon as it stops steaming.
 6. Keep food on the move cool. If you are transporting perishable food around such
as: refrigerated or frozen shopping, your (or your child’s) lunch or goodies for a BBQ or
a picnic always use a cooler bag and add a frozen block or drink to keep things cool.
 7. If in doubt throw it out. If perishable food has been in the temperature danger
zone for 2 to 4 hours consume it immediately. After 4 hours throw it out.
Food Hygiene regulation 2009–On
temperature control

 Rules for Meat and Fish.

 Refer Food Hygiene regulation 2009
Temperature control
When must food be kept under temperature control?
 You must ensure that the temperature of potentially hazardous food is either
at 5°C or colder or at 60°C or hotter when it is received, displayed,
transported or stored.

 If you want to receive, display, transport or store potentially hazardous food

at another temperature, you must be able to show an enforcement officer
that you have a safe alternative system in place.

 You do not have to keep potentially hazardous food at any specified

temperature when you are processing or preparing it because that would
be impractical, but you must keep the processing or preparation time as
short as possible so that bacteria do not get a chance to multiply to
dangerous levels or form toxins.
Digital Food Thermometer
Cooling potentially hazardous food

 If you cook potentially hazardous food that you intend to

cool and use later, you need to cool the food to 5°C or
colder as quickly as possible.
 There may be food poisoning bacteria in the food even
though it has been cooked.
 Faster cooling times limit the time when these bacteria are
able to grow or form toxins.
 The standards require food to be cooled from 60°C to
21°C in a maximum of two hours and from 21°C to 5°C
within a further maximum period of four hours.
Cooling potentially hazardous food
 Alternatively, if you want to cool food over a longer time period
you must be able to show that you have a safe alternative system
in place.
 If you don’t know how fast your food is cooling, use a probe
thermometer to measure the warmest part of the food – usually in
the centre. For information on the use of thermometers, see the
fact sheet ‘Thermometers and using them with potentially
hazardous food’.
 To chill food quickly; divide it into smaller portions in shallow
containers. Take care not to contaminate the food as you do it.
Reheating previously cooked and
cooled potentially hazardous food
 If you reheat previously cooked and cooled potentially hazardous
food, you must reheat it rapidly to 60°C or hotter.
 Ideally, you should aim to reheat food to 60°C within a maximum of
two hours to minimise the amount of time that food is at
temperatures that favour the growth of bacteria or formation of
 This requirement applies only to potentially hazardous food that
you want to hold hot, for example, on your stove or in a food
display unit. It does not apply to food you reheat and then
immediately serve to customers for consumption, for example, in a
restaurant or a take away shop.

 Remember! Freezing does not kill bacteria, it only stops

their growth while food is in the frozen state.

 As soon as the water in the food begins to return to the

liquid state, bacteria become active.

 Food is even more vulnerable as the temperature

begins to rise.
Acceptable methods of thawing:
1. In a refrigerator/cold-room.
• Place the food on a tray to catch the drips.
• Position food for thawing on shelves below any cooked food or ready to eat products.
• This method is slow and thus requires some planning ahead.

2. Using a microwave.
• Suitable for small items or single portions.
• Use 'defrost' setting and turn food frequently so that it does not begin to cook.

3. As part of the cooking process eg. frozen vegetables, some convenience products.

4. Under clean, cold running water.

• Food should remain in original undamaged wrapper.
• Place on wire rack.
• Do not place directly in sink.
• Never leave food to thaw in a sink of warm water.

Foods should not be thawed at kitchen temperatures. Once defrosted the item should be used quickly.
Do not refreeze.
Personal hygiene
Personal Hygiene
• Food handlers’ personal hygiene practices and cleanliness must
minimize the risk of food contamination.

• The most important things they need to know are that they must:
1. do whatever is reasonable to prevent their body, anything
from their body or anything they are wearing, coming into
contact with food or food contact surfaces;
2. do whatever is reasonable to stop unnecessary contact with
ready-to-eat food;
3. wear clean outer clothing, depending on the type of work
they do;
Personal Hygiene

4. Make sure bandages or dressings on any exposed parts of the

body are covered with a waterproof covering;
5. Not eat over unprotected food or surfaces likely to come in
contact with food;
6. Not sneeze, blow or cough over unprotected food or surfaces
likely to come into contact with food;
7. Not spit, smoke or use tobacco or similar preparations where
food is handled; and
8. Not urinate or defecate except in a toilet.
Personal Hygiene Practices
 Bathe or shower daily
 Keep fingernails trimmed, clean and free from nail polish
 Avoid touching nose, mouth, hair and skin during food
 Prevent coughing, spitting or sneezing directly onto any food
 Tie back long hair and wear head gear (such as hats and
disposable hair nets) to prevent hair getting into food
 Use disposable tissues to blow the nose and wash hands after
each time
 Wear minimum jewelry (a plain wedding band is acceptable).
Work Practices
• Do not wear uniforms outside the food area
• Wear suitable protective clothing while preparing and
handling food
• Use disposable gloves appropriately
• Do not change clothes or eat or drink in food
preparation areas
• Cover cuts or sores with a waterproof, bright
(preferably blue) band-aid
• Inform visitors of personal hygiene rules
• Ensure personal hygiene rules are observed at all times
while in a food preparation area.
Hand washing
What is effective handwashing?
 It is the act of cleansing hands by applying soap and
water, rubbing them together vigorously, rinsing them with
clean water, and thoroughly drying them.

 This process gets rid of dirt and germs.

 Every hand washing stage is important and effectively

contributes to soil removal and reduction of
microorganisms that can cause illness.
Hand washing
Why is handwashing important?

• Handwashing reduces the spread of pathogenic microorganisms that are

transmitted through food.
• The hands of food employees can be colonized with microorganisms such
as Staphylococcus aureus or contaminated with organisms from human fecal
material, such as Norovirus, Shigella spp., hepatitis A virus, E. coli O157:H7,
or Salmonella typhi, or contaminated from raw animal foods, with E. coli O157:H7
and Salmonella spp.
• These and other pathogenic microorganisms can get on the hands from a
number of sources and then move from hands to food during preparation and
• An infected food employee with unclean hands, and exposed portions of arms or
fingernails, can contaminate food.
• If a consumer eats contaminated food, foodborne illness may result.
When should food employees wash their hands?

a) They should do this immediately after engaging in

activities that contaminate the hands and;
b) When entering a food preparation area;
c) Before putting on clean, single-use gloves for working
with food and between glove changes;
d) Before engaging in food preparation;
e) Before handling clean equipment and serving utensils;
f) When changing tasks and switching between handling
raw foods and working with RTE (ready to eat) foods;
When should food employees wash their hands?

g) After handling soiled dishes, equipment, or utensils;

h) After touching bare human body parts, for example,
parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed
portions of arms;
i) After using the toilet;
j) After coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose, using
tobacco, eating, or drinking; and
k) After caring for or handling services animals or aquatic
animals such as molluscan shellfish or crustacea in
display tanks.
What hand washing steps do food employees need to follow?

Clean hands and exposed portions of arms, including surrogate prosthetic devices for
hands and arms, for at least 20 seconds by the following method:

1. Rinse under clean, warm running water;

2. Apply soap and rub all surfaces of the hands and fingers together vigorously with
friction for at least 10 to 15 seconds, giving particular attention to the area under
the fingernails, between the fingers/fingertips, and surfaces of the hands, arms,
and surrogate prosthetic devices;
3. Rinse thoroughly with clean, warm running water; and
4. Thoroughly dry the hands and exposed portions of arms with single-use paper
toweling, a heated-air hand-drying device, or a clean, unused towel from a
continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel.

• Avoid recontamination of hands and arms by using a clean barrier, such as a

paper towel, when turning off hand sink faucets or touching the handle of a
restroom door.
Hand washing

 Can hand antiseptics (hand sanitizers) be used in place of

adequate hand washing in food establishments?

 NO. Hand antiseptics should be used only in addition to proper hand

 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a system to ensure that
products meet food safety, quality and legal requirements

 HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) can be part of

GMP and is a systematic program to assure food safety.

 GMP contains ten principles that introduces employees to critical

established by industry leaders and international governing
bodies to maintain good manufacturing practices in industrial
Get the info from here


 Ertinya : “Diriwayatkan dari Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas dari
bapanya, dari Rasulullah saw. : Sesungguhnya Allah SWT
itu suci yang menyukai hal-hal yang suci, Dia Maha Bersih
yang menyukai kebersihan, Dia Maha mulia yang
menyukai kemuliaan, Dia Maha Indah yang menyukai
keindahan, karena itu bersihkanlah tempat-
tempatmu”(HR. Tirmizi)”

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