Chapter 2 Food Poisoning
Chapter 2 Food Poisoning
Chapter 2 Food Poisoning
Chapter 2 :
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning
a. Definition
- a general name given to illness
contracted by consuming
contaminated food or water
Food can become contaminated at any stage during its
production, processing or cooking.
For example, food poisoning can be caused by:
not cooking food thoroughly (especially poultry,
pork, burgers, sausages and kebabs)
not storing food that needs to be chilled at below
someone who is ill or who has unclean hands
touching the food
eating the food after it has passed its ‘use by’ date
cross-contamination (the spread of germs from
contaminated foods)
- Include Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of ameobic
dysentry, which spread principally by fecal contamination
of water, food & diverse objects
- Food handlers can spread this parasite
Flatworm (eg: Taenia saginata – beef
& Taenia solium – pork)
Ingested by cattle
(3) Food poisoning : virus
Hepatitis A virus, Norwalk-like virus, rotavirus, BSE
(bovine spongiform encephalopathy), etc.
(3) Food poisoning : virus
Having direct contact with an infected person
Consuming contaminated food or water
Touching contaminated surfaces and then putting your unwashed hands in your
Norovirus causes inflammation of the stomach or intestines. This is called acute
A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus. Most
people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days.
If you have norovirus illness, you can feel extremely ill, and vomit or have diarrhea many
times a day. This can lead to dehydration, especially in young children, older adults, and
people with other illnesses.
(3) Food poisoning : virus
Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Bug):
Norovirus can easily contaminate food and water because it only takes a very small
amount of virus particles to make you sick. Food and water can get contaminated with
norovirus in many ways, including when:
An infected person touches food with their bare hands that have feces or vomit particles
on them
Food is placed on a counter or surface that has feces or vomit particles on it
Tiny drops of vomit from an infected person spray through the air and land on the food
The food is grown or harvested with contaminated water, such as oysters harvested from
contaminated water, or fruit and vegetables irrigated with contaminated water in the
Recreational or drinking water can get contaminated with norovirus and make you sick or
contaminate your food. This can happen:
At the source such as when a septic tank leaks into a well
When an infected person vomits or defecates in the water
When water isn’t treated properly, such as not enough chlorine
(3) Food poisoning : virus
You can get infected with rotavirus if you get rotavirus particles in your mouth.
put your unwashed hands that are contaminated into your mouth
touch contaminated objects or surfaces then put your fingers in your mouth
eat contaminated food
The most common symptoms of rotavirus are severe watery diarrhea,
and/or abdominal pain.
Mechanism of virus transmission
(several weeks)
(4) Food
poisoning :
(4) Food poisoning : Animals
Certain fresh water & marine animals are toxic to human /
natural toxicity
In addition, many marine foods become toxic either after
consuming other forms of marine life which are themselves
toxic or as a result of microbial action after death
(secondary toxicity)
Common secondary toxicity :
Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) (Refer next slide)
Ciguatera poisoning (Fish eat the toxin in the reef)
Scombrotoxin poisoning (spoiled fish high in Histidine→
convert to Histamine---due to inappropriate storage and
bacterial growth)
Paralytic shellfish
poisoning (PSP)
Bacteria die
keeping food
in the
temperature Bacteria
danger zone of
5°C - 60°C
Food Hygiene regulation 2009
– On temperature control
Regulation 25- Food Storage
4 (d) any device used to record temperature in the facility is accurate to
a plus or minus 1oC
(5) If the storage facility referred to in subregulation (4) is a cold room, the
doors to such facility shall be fitted with an air curtain or other effective
means to avoid loss of cold air or any sudden rise in temperature.
Regulation 36- Preparing, packing and serving of food
(k) not keep any raw material, ingredient, intermediate food product or
finished food product at temperatures that is likely to support the
reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms or the formation of toxins;
(l) not interrupt the cold chain of food, but limited period outside
temperature control that does not result in a risk to health is permitted;
(m) ensure that a food warmer maintains a temperature of food above
60°C, where the food is to be served hot;
Food Hygiene regulation 2009
– On temperature control
Regulation 38. Storage of food
(1)-(g) perishable food or high risk food is stored at an appropriate temperature
that will protect it against deterioration and spoilage;
(3) A food handler shall store food intended to be sold by retail in:-
(a) a CHILLED condition for a continuous period between temperature of minus
1oC to 10oC; or
(b) a FROZEN condition for a continuous period between temperature of minus
18oC, in a storage facility.
(4) A food handler shall ensure that a cold chain of a chilled or frozen food is not
interrupted during storage of such food, but limited period outside temperature
control that does not result in a risk to health is permitted.
7 simple tips to keep your food out
of the Temperature Danger Zone
1. Plan ahead. Don’t over cater as the greater the quantity of food you prepare the
harder it is to keep it hot or cool enough. If you are catering for a lot of people
prepare food as closely as you can to the time you will serve it.
2. Keep your fridge at or below 5°C. Use a fridge thermometer to check that the
fridge temperature stays around 4 to 5°C. Also make sure you have enough room in
the fridge because if the food is packed tightly the cold air cannot circulate.
3. Check the storage instructions. Read the label on packaged food to see if it
needs to be stored in the fridge or freezer, many unrefrigerated items may need to
be refrigerated once opened.
7 simple tips to keep your food out
of the Temperature Danger Zone
4. Keep hot food at or over 60°C. Hot food needs to be kept and served at 60°C or
hotter. If you are keeping it warm for someone put it in the oven at 60°C (or at 100°C if
that is as low as your oven will go).
5. Divide food up to cool. Freshly cooked food, not for immediate consumption,
should have the temperature reduced as quickly as possible. Divide into containers in
small portions and put it into the fridge or freezer as soon as it stops steaming.
6. Keep food on the move cool. If you are transporting perishable food around such
as: refrigerated or frozen shopping, your (or your child’s) lunch or goodies for a BBQ or
a picnic always use a cooler bag and add a frozen block or drink to keep things cool.
7. If in doubt throw it out. If perishable food has been in the temperature danger
zone for 2 to 4 hours consume it immediately. After 4 hours throw it out.
Food Hygiene regulation 2009–On
temperature control
2. Using a microwave.
• Suitable for small items or single portions.
• Use 'defrost' setting and turn food frequently so that it does not begin to cook.
3. As part of the cooking process eg. frozen vegetables, some convenience products.
Foods should not be thawed at kitchen temperatures. Once defrosted the item should be used quickly.
Do not refreeze.
Personal hygiene
Personal Hygiene
• Food handlers’ personal hygiene practices and cleanliness must
minimize the risk of food contamination.
• The most important things they need to know are that they must:
1. do whatever is reasonable to prevent their body, anything
from their body or anything they are wearing, coming into
contact with food or food contact surfaces;
2. do whatever is reasonable to stop unnecessary contact with
ready-to-eat food;
3. wear clean outer clothing, depending on the type of work
they do;
Personal Hygiene
Clean hands and exposed portions of arms, including surrogate prosthetic devices for
hands and arms, for at least 20 seconds by the following method:
Ertinya : “Diriwayatkan dari Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas dari
bapanya, dari Rasulullah saw. : Sesungguhnya Allah SWT
itu suci yang menyukai hal-hal yang suci, Dia Maha Bersih
yang menyukai kebersihan, Dia Maha mulia yang
menyukai kemuliaan, Dia Maha Indah yang menyukai
keindahan, karena itu bersihkanlah tempat-
tempatmu”(HR. Tirmizi)”