Nkdubey@Bhu Ac in
Nkdubey@Bhu Ac in
Nkdubey@Bhu Ac in
Academic Qualifications
Examination Name of the Board/ Year of Percentage of Div./ Subjects
University passing Marks obtained Grade
High School/ U P Board 1971 68 First Hindi, English , Maths,
Matric Science , Biology
Intermediate/+2 U P Board 1973 63.4 First Hindi, English,
Physics, Chemistry,
Graduation Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1975 60 First Botany, Zoology
Gorakhpur University Chemistry
Post Graduation Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1977 65.2 First Botany
Gorakhpur University
Research Degree
Degree Title Date of Award University
Ph.D./D.Phil. Strudies on volatile 1981 Deen Dayal Upadhyay
activity of some higher Gorakhpur University
(A). Published Research Papers in the Peer Reviewed or UGC Listed Journals
S.No Title with page Nos. and Name of ISSN/ISBN Whether peer Authorship
Vol. No. Journal No. reviewed. Impact
factor, if any.
1. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding
S. K. Singh and S. N. Dixit, Perfumer IF: NA
Fungitoxicity of some
volatile natural products
against human pathogenic
fungi, 1981, 24(3-4), 1-3.
177. Arif, N., Yadav, V., Singh, Frontiers 2296-665X Peer reviewed Corresponding
S., Singh, S., Ahmad, P., in IF: NA
Mishra, R.K., Sharma, S., Environm
Tripathi, D.K., Dubey, N.K. ental
and Chauhan, D.K., Science
Influence of high and low
levels of plant-beneficial
heavy metal ions on plant
growth and development,
2016, 4, article 69, 1-11.
2. Exploitation of Higher Plant CSIR, New 1990 Five Lakh fifty thousand
products as natural Delhi
preservatives against
fungal deterioration of
some fruits during storage
and transportation.
5. Potentiality of Some Plant DST, New Delhi 2002 Ten Lakh ten thousand
Products As Botanical
8. Bioprospecting of plants of UGC, New 2007 Four Lakh thirty two thousand
selected angiospermic Delhi one hundred
families of Varanasi and
adjoining area as pesticidal
plants ,
10. Evaluation of efficacy of UGC, New 2010 Four Lakh forty six thousand
some plant products Delhi eight hundred
against fungal and
aflatoxin contamination of
Areca catechu and Piper
11. Efficacy of some ICMR , New 2013 Ten Lakh eighty two thousand
chemically characterised Delhi, three hundred twenty four
essential oils as a safe
botanical preservatives
against post harvest
fungal, mycotoxin
contamination and lipid
peroxidation of raw
materials of some
medicinal plants
12. Survey of endophytic fungi DBT, New Delhi 2014 Seventeen Lakh eighty five
associated with some thousand
aromatic plants of North
Eastern region and
assessment of their effect
on chemical profile and
biological activity as
antimicrobial, aflatoxin
inhibitors and antioxidant.
14. Microbial roles in yield DBT, New Delhi Oct 2016 Twenty three Lakh sixty three
management of scented thousand
rice of north east India
sanction by
15. Fungal and mycotoxin DBT, New Delhi March 2017 Twenty two Lakh seventy eight
contamination of stored thousand
maize (Zea mays Linn)
samples in Meghalaya and
antimicrobial and
mycotoxin inhibitory
efficacy of some biocontrol
agents and essential oils of
traditionally used medicinal
plants of the region
16. Mycotoxins, fungal and National Jan 2019 Thirty nine Lakh fifty eight
heavy metal contamination Medicinal thousand
of selected herbal raw Plants Board,
materials and efficacy of Ministry of
some traditionally used Ayush, New
plant products as Delhi
mycotoxins suppressors
during post harvest
(F) Fellowships/Awards
S.No. Details of Fellowship/Award Whether International/
1. Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), Allahabad, National
2. Fellow, The National Academy of Agriculrural Sciences National
(FNAAS), New Delhi, 2018
3. Smrity Roy Memorial Gold Medal “for the Best Teacher of the National
Institute of Science, BHU-2014 ”
4. Young Scientist Award of Indian Science Congress Association, National
5. Prof. M.J. Narsimhan Academic Merit Award of Indian National
Phytopathological Society, 1982
6. Top Reviewer Award for exceptional contribution to the quality of International
the International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier, 2011.
7. Chairperson, Session Coordinator and Key speaker –9th International
International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2008) held on
Aug. 24-29, 2008, Torino, Italy (Concurrent Session : Natural
compounds and disease control).
8. Fellow, Indian Botanical Society since 1990 National
9. Fellow, Indian Phytopathological Society since 2011 National
10. Fellow, Mycological society of India, 2015 National
11. Member Project Reviewer Committee for grant proposal for International
Scientific Research FNRS (FRS – FNRS ), Belgium, 2018
12. Subject Editor, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, National
India Section: B Biological Sciences (ISSN: 0369-8211) under
banner of SPRINGER, 2016-till date.
13. Visiting Fellow, South Korea, (Jan 1991 to March 1991) (INSA International
Exchange Programme)
14. Visiting Fellow, CFTRI, Mysore, (Sept 1995 Nov 1995), INSA National
15. Visiting Fellow, Tokyo, Japan, (July 1996 to Nov. 1996), INSA- International
JSPS Ex. Programme
16. Visiting Professor, Besancon, France, (Feb 1997 to March 1997) International
17. Visiting Fellow, Kings College, U.K. (Jan 2001 to March 2001) International
INSA- Royal Society Programme)
18. Young Scientist Award of Indian Science Congress Association, National
19. Prof. M.J. Narsimhan Academic Merit Award of Indian National
Phytopathological Society, 1982
20. Top Reviewer Award for exceptional contribution to the quality of International
the International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier, 2011.
21. Associate Editor, African Journal of Microbiological Research, 2011 International
22. Awarded fellowship under Exchange of Scientists Programme of International
Indian National Science Academy to visit South Korea from
August-November (1991).
23. Awarded INSA-JSPS fellowship under Exchange Programme, 1996 International
to visit Japan.
24. Visited University De French, Besancon, France for two months As International
“Invited Professor” (1997)
25. Awarded INSA-Royal Society fellowship under Exchange International
Programme for three months visit to U. K. (2001)
26. Awarded INSA visiting associateship for three months visit to International
CFTRI, Mysore, 1995.
27. Recognised amongst Top Reviewers by National Academy of National
Sciences, Allahabad (2015, 2016) for the Proceedings of National
Academy of Sciences (Biological Sciences).
28. Member Editorial Board, Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2017- National
29. Member Project Advisory Board, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy – one of International
the European largest grant making foundations – supports
fundamental and applied research in different fields (biomedicine,
nanotechnology, ICT, agrofood, etc.), 2014, 2015.
30. Member, Executive Council, Indian Botanical Society, Mycological National
Society of India, 2014-2017.
31. Member, Project Advisory Board “National Center of Science and International
Technology Evaluation”, Ministry of Education and Science Astana,
Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014
32. Recognised as a “Top- 10 most cited” author for an article published International
in Postharvest Biology and Technology. Volume 32, Issue 3 (2004),
Pages 235-245. Elsevier publication.
33. Recognised as “Top -10 Most Cited” author in Jan 2012 for a International
paper published: Evaluation of Chenopodium ambrosioides oil as a
potential source of antifungal, antiaflatoxigenic and antioxidant
activity: International Journal of Food Microbiology Volume 115,
Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 159-164 Kumar, R., Mishra, A.K., Dubey,
N.K., Tripathi, Y.B. (Elsevier Journal).
34. Young Academic Award of Banaras Hindu University (Malviya National
Memorial Award), 1986.
35. Recipient of PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION during annual International
convention of Korean Society of Mycology 1991.
36. Recipient of recognition by Wonkwang University, Korea on International
outstanding research contributions, 1991.
37. Visiting Fellow, University of Burdwan, West Bengal, September National
38. Amongst top reviewer, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, National
2014, 15, 16
Date: 03-07-2019
Place : Varanasi