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Address for Correspondence

Department of Botany, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi-221005
Mob: 9415295765 Email: nkdubeybhu@gmail.com
Permanent Address
Prof. Nawal Kishore Dubey, B-34/130, A-13, Manas Nagar
Extension, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005

A rea of specialization: Mycology , Plant Pathology, Angiosperms, Herbal


Academic Qualifications
Examination Name of the Board/ Year of Percentage of Div./ Subjects
University passing Marks obtained Grade
High School/ U P Board 1971 68 First Hindi, English , Maths,
Matric Science , Biology
Intermediate/+2 U P Board 1973 63.4 First Hindi, English,
Physics, Chemistry,
Graduation Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1975 60 First Botany, Zoology
Gorakhpur University Chemistry
Post Graduation Deen Dayal Upadhyay 1977 65.2 First Botany
Gorakhpur University

Research Degree
Degree Title Date of Award University
Ph.D./D.Phil. Strudies on volatile 1981 Deen Dayal Upadhyay
activity of some higher Gorakhpur University

plants against storage

Posts held after appointment at BHU.
Designation Department Date
From To
Coordinator, M.Sc. Botany July 2012 July 2015

Teaching experience: P.G. Classes : 35 Years U.G. Classes : 35 Years

Post Doctoral Research experience: 3 Years

(A). Published Research Papers in the Peer Reviewed or UGC Listed Journals

S.No Title with page Nos. and Name of ISSN/ISBN Whether peer Authorship
Vol. No. Journal No. reviewed. Impact
factor, if any.
1. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding
S. K. Singh and S. N. Dixit, Perfumer IF: NA
Fungitoxicity of some
volatile natural products
against human pathogenic
fungi, 1981, 24(3-4), 1-3.

2. K. S. Bhargava, S. N. Dixit, Journal of 0019-4468 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey and R. D. Indian IF:NA
Tripathi, Fungitoxic Botanical
properties of Ocimum Society
canum, 1981, 60, 24-27.

3. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. N. Tripathi, R. D. Perfumer IF:NA
Tripathi and S. N. Dixit,
Fungitoxicity of the
essential oil of Ocimum
canum against Aspergillus
flavus and A. versicolor,
1981, 24(2), 22-26.

4. N. K. Dubey, A. Dikshit, N. Annals of 1744-7348 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. Tripathi, R. D. Tripathi Applied IF:2.046
and S. K. Singh, Control of Biology
fungal deterioration of
some spices during
storage by the essential oil
of Cedrus deodara, Tests
of Agrochemicals and
Cultivars, 1982, 3, 56-57.

5. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, Annals of 1744-7348 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. N. Tripathi, R. D. Applied IF:2.046
Tripathi and S. N. Dixit, Biology
Fungitoxicity of the
essential oil of Citrus
medica against storage
fungi, 1982, 58-59.

6. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Indian 0973-7715 Peer reviewed Corresponding

R. N. Tripathi and S. K. Journal of IF: 1.310
Singh, Fungitoxicity of Microbiolo
some natural products gy
against Rhizoctonia solani,
, 22(3), 1982, 217-220.

7. N. K. Dubey, S. N. Dixit Indian 0250-829X Peer reviewed Corresponding

and K. S. Bhargava, Journal of IF: NA
Evaluation of leaf extracts Botany
of higher plants against
some storage fungi, 1982,
5(1), 20-22.

8. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding

O. P. Srivastava and S. N. Perfumer IF: NA
Dixit, Evaluation of
essential oil from the
inflorescence of
ambrosioides against
Rhizocyonia solani, 26(2-
4), 1982, 228-230.

9. N. N. Tripathi, N. K. Indian 2248-9800 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, R. D. Tripathi and Phytopath IF: NA
S. N. Dixit, Growth storage ology
vis-a-vis fungitoxicity in
Iberis amara, , 36(2),
1983, 284-287.

10. N. K. Dubey, K. S. Internatio 0254-0126 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Bhargava and S. N. Dixit, nal IF: NA
Protection of some stored Journal of
food commodities from Tropical
fungi by essential oils of Plant
Ocimum canum and Citrus Diseases
medica, , 1983, 1, 177-

11. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Plant and 1573-5036 Peer reviewed Corresponding

O. P. Srivastava, A. Dixit Soil IF: 3.306
and S. K. Tripathi,
Fungitoxicity of some
higher plants against
Rhizoctonia solani, 1983,
72, 91-94.

12. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Tropical 0041-3216 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. K. Singh and A. Dixit, Agricultutr IF: NA
Antifungal properties of e
volatile fraction of
Melaleuca leucadendron,
1983, 60(3), 227-228.

13. R. N. Tripathi, N. K. Dubey Water Air 1573-2932 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. N. Dixit, and Soil
Atmosphere biopollutants Pollution IF: 1.769
of Gorakhpur, 1983,19,

14. A. Dixit, N. K. Dubey, N. N. Journal of 0022-474X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Tripathi and S. N. Dixit, Stored IF: 1.825
Cedrus oil- A promising Products
storage fungitoxicant, Research
1983, 19(4), 159-162.

15. N. N. Tripathi, N. K. Tropical 2349-1183 Peer reviewed

Dubey, A. Dixit, R. D. Plant IF: NA
Tripathi and S. N. Dixit, Science
Fungitoxic properties of Research
Alpinia galanga oil, 1983,
1(1), 49-52.

16. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Indian 2248-9800 Peer reviewed Corresponding

O. P. Srivastava and S. K. Phytopath IF: NA
Singh, Volatile fungitoxicity ology
in some higher plants as
evaluated against
Rhizoctonia solani and
some other fungi, 1984,
36(4), 724-726.

17. S. Singh, N. K. Dubey, S. Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding

C. Tripathi and S. K. Perfumer IF: NA
Singh, Fungitoxicity of
some essential oils against
Aspergillus flavus, 1984,
28(3-4), 164-166.

18. N. K. Dubey, N. N. Tripathi Indian 0973-7715 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. N. Dixit, Journal of IF: 1.310
Fungitoxicity of Citral and Microbiolo
Eugenol against some gy
storage fungi, 1984,
24(3/4), 199-201.
19. Renu, N. K. Dubey and S. Corr., Peer reviewed Corresponding
N. Dixit, Mycotoxic Beltrage IF: NA
properties of the essential Zur
oil of Aegle marmelos, Biologie
1985, 60, 325-333. der

20. H. V. Mall, N. K. Dubey, A. Indian 0019-462X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Asthana and S. N. Dixit, Drugs IF: NA
Toxicity of Cedar wood oil
against some
dermatophytes, 1985,
22(6), 296-298.

21. R. N. Tripathi, N. K. Dubey Grana 0017-3134 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. N. Dixit, IF: 1.128
Fungitoxicity of pollen
grains with special
reference to Xanthium
strumarium (Compositae),
1985, 24, 61-63.

22. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Transactio 0007-1536 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and A. Asthana, Antifungal ns of IF: NA
activity of vapours of British
rhizomes of Alpinia Mycologic
carinata against al Society
Rhizoctonia solani, 1987,
88(1), 136-138.

23. N. Kishore and N. K. Tropical 1556-9179 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Fungitoxicity of Science IF: NA
some higher plants with
special reference to the
synergistic activity of their
essential oils, 1987, 27,

24. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Indian 0973-7715 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. Gupta, Fungitoxic Journal of
properties of essential oil Microbiolo IF: 1.310
of Anethum graveolens gy
and Curcuma longa.,
1988, 28, 199-202.

25. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Tropical 1556-9179 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. N. Dixit, Fungitoxic Science IF: NA
studies with Chenopodium
ambrosioides for control of
damping off diseases of
Phaseolus aureus caused
by Rhizoctonia solani,
1988, 29, 171-176.

26. N. Kishore and N. K. Indian 0250-474X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Fungitoxicity of Journal of IF: 0.73
some higher plants against Pharmace
Trichophyton rubrum and utical
Epidermatophyton Science
floccossum., 1988, 50(6),

27. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey, Proceedin 2250-1746 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Dixit and S. K. Singh, A gs of IF: 0.396
fungitoxic constituent from National
rhizomes of Zingiber Academy
cassumunar, 1988, 58(B), of
533-536. Sciences

28. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Journal of 0019-4468 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. N. Dixit, Evaluation Indian IF:NA
of leaves of some higher Botanical
plants for their volatile Society
fungitoxicity, 1989, 68,

29. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Indian 0019-607X Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. K. Singh, 1989, Perfumer IF: NA
Fungitoxic activity of
essential oil of Juniperus
communis, 33(1), 25-29.

30. A. K. Mishra and N. K. Economic 1874-9364 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Fungitoxic activity Botany IF: 1.5
of essential oil of Amomum
subulatum against
Aspergillus flavus, 1990,
44(4), 530-533.

31. A. K. Mishra and N. K. Indian 0019-462X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Evaluation of some Drugs IF: NA
essential oils against
dermatophytes, 1990,
27(20), 1-3.

32. A. K. Mishra and N. K. Hindustan 00181935 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Fungitoxic Antibiotics IF: NA
properties of Prunus Bulletin
persica oil, 1990, 32(3-4),

33. V. N. Pandey and N. K. Acta 0379-508X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Synergistic activity Botanica IF: NA
of volatile fungitoxic Indica
compounds from some
higher plants, 1991, 19,

34. S. K. Dwivedi and N. K. Flavour 1099-1026 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Effect of essential and IF: 1.95
oils of some higher plants Fragrance
on Aspergillus flavus Link. Journal
infesting stored seed of
guar (Cyamopsis
tetragonoloba) L. (Taub.),
1991, 6, 295-297.

35. S. K. Dwivedi, A. K. Mishra Internatio 2348-3962 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: NA
Fungistatic properties of Journal of
essential oil of Pharmaco
Cinnamomum camphora, gnosy
1991, 29(4), 259-261.

36. V. N. Pandey and N. K. Biologia 1573-8264 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Effect of essential Plantarum IF: 1.424
oils from some higher
plants against fungi
causing damping-off
diseases, 1992, 34(1-2),

37. A. K. Mishra, N. Kishore, Phytother 1099-1573 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey and J. P. N. apy IF: 3.349
Chansouria, An evaluation Research
of the toxicity of the oils of
Cymbopogon citratus and
Citrus medica in rats,
1992, 6, 279-281.

38. N. K. Dubey, Y. Kyeong, Korean 2288-1123 Peer reviewed Corresponding

W. Dong, M. Hau and B. Journal of IF: NA
S. Kil, Antifungal activity of Ecology
some essential oils against
four fungi, 1992, 15(3),

39. N. Kishore, A. K. Mishra Indian 0973-7715 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Efficacy Journal of IF: 1.310
of some essential oils Microbiolo
against fungi causing gy
deterioration of Triticum
aestivum during storage,
1993, 33(4), 277-280.

40. S. K. Dwivedi and N. K. Mycopath 1573-0832 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Potential use of the ologia IF: 1.476
essential oil of
Trachyspermum ammi
against seed borne fungi
of Guar (Cymopsis
tetragonoloba L. (Taub.),
1993,121, 101-104.

41. A. K. Mishra, N. K. Dubey Pharmace 0939-9488 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and L. Mishra, A fungitoxic utical and IF: NA
principles from leaves of Pharmaco
Prunus persica, 1993, 2, logical
203-206. Letters

42. L. Mishra, V. K. Singh, N. Bioscienc 1347-6947 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Dubey and A. K. e IF: 1.255
Mishra, Synthesis and Biotechno
fungicidal activity of some logy and
5-membered heterocyclic Biochemis
derivatives containing try
Benzimidazoles, 1993,
57(6), 989-991.

43. A. K. Mishra and N. K. Applied 1098-5336 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Evaluation of some and IF: 3.633
essential oils for their Environm
toxicity against fungi ental
causing deterioration of Microbiolo
stored food commodities, gy
1994, 60, 1101-1105.

44. P. Yadav and N. K. Dubey, Indian 0250-474X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Screening of some Journal of IF: 0.73
essential oils against Pharmace
ringworm fungi, 1994, 56, utical
227-229. Science

45. V. N. Pandey and N. K. Soil 0038-0717 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Antifungal potential Biology IF: 4.926
of leaves and essential oils and
from higher plants against Biochemis
soil phytopathogens, 1994, try
26(10), 1417-1421.
46. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Phytother 1099-1573 Peer reviewed Corresponding
and J. P. N. Chansouria, apy IF: 3.349
1996, Antidermatophytic Research
action of the essential oil
of Chenopodium
ambrosioides and an
ointment prepared from it,
,10(5), 435-456.

47. P. Yadav and N. K. Dubey, Journal of 0971-3719 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dermatomycoses and their Mycopath IF: NA
control by higher plant ological
products, 1996, 34(1), 21- Research

48. T. N. Tiwari and N. K. Acta 0379-508X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Efficacy of some Botanica IF: NA
essential oils against Indica
human pathogenic fungi
and bacteria, 1996, 24,

49. N. K. Dubey, K. Takeya Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and H. Itokawa, Citral: a Science IF: 0.883
cytotoxic principle isolated
from the essential oil of
Cymbopogon citratus
against P388 leukemia
cells, 1997, 73(1), 22-24.

50. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, J. Indian 0250-474X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Varma and L. S. Young, Journal of IF: 0.73
Cytotoxicity of the Pharmace
essential oils of utical
Cymbopogon citratus and Science
Ocimum gratissimum,
1997, 59(5), 263-264.

51. N. K. Dubey, N. Kishore, Indian 0019-462X Peer reviewed Corresponding

T. N. Tiwari and L. S.
Young, Cytotoxic activity of Drugs IF: NA
the essential oils of
Trachyspermum ammi and
Eupatorium cannabinum,
1997, 34(8), 471-472.

52. V. N. Pandey and N. K. Tropical 0041-3216 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Synergistic activity Agricultutr IF: NA
between essential oils e
against Pythium
aphanidermatum and P.
debaryanum, 1997, 74(2),

53. P. Yadav and N. K. Dubey, Phillipines 0031-7683 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Screening of some plant Journal of IF: NA
products against Science
dermatomycosis, 1998,
127(2), 139-147.

54. N. K. Dubey, T. N. Tiwari Indian 0019-462X Peer reviewed Corresponding

and V. B. Pandey, Ursolic Drugs IF: NA
Acid -a cytotoxic
constituent isolated from
Allamanda cathartica,
1998, 35(7), 415-416.

55. T. N. Tiwari, J. Varma, N. Hindustan 00181935 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Dubey, J. P. N. Antibiotic IF: NA
Chansouria and Z. Ali, Bulletin
1998, Pharmacological
evaluation of some
bioactive plant products on
albino rats, 40, 38-41.

56. J. Varma and N. K. Dubey, Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prospectives of some Science IF: 0.883
botanical and microbial
products as pesticides of
tomorrow, 1999, 75(2),
172-178 (Published as
Focus Article in Current

57. P. Yadav, N. K. Dubey, V. Journal of 0974-7877 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Joshi and J. P. N. Medicinal IF: NA
Chansouria, 1999, and
Antidermatophytic activity Aromatic
of essenttial oill of Plant
Cinnamomum tamala as Sciences
herbal ointment for cure of
dermatomycosis, , 21(2),

58. J. Varma, S. Singh, C. M. Indian 0974-8180 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Chaturvedi and N. K. Journal of IF: NA
Dubey, Pesticidal activity Poultry
of essential oil of Caesulia Sciences
axillaris against some
storage pests and its effect
on puberty attainment in
Japanese quail, 1999,
34(3), 337-342.

59. N. K. Dubey, P. Tripathi Journal of 0974-7877 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and H. B. Singh, 2000, Medicinal IF: NA
Prospectives of some and
essential oils as antifungal Aromatic
agents, 22(1-B), 350-355. Plant

60. N. K. Dubey, Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Bioprospecting- Options Science IF: 0.883
for India, 2000, 78(4), 369-

61. N. K. Dubey, T. N. Tiwari, Fitoterapi 0367-326X Peer reviewed Corresponding

D. Mandin, H. a IF: 2.642
Andrriamboavonjy and J.
P. Chaumont, 2000,
Antifungal properties of
Ocimum gratissimum
essential oil
chemotype), ,71, 567-569.

62. N. Kishore, N. K. Dubey Flavour 1099-1026 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and J. P. N. Chansouria, and IF: 1.95
2001, Antimycotic activity Fragrance
of the essential oil of Journal
Artemisia nilagirica, , 16,

63. J. Varma and N. K. Dubey, Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

, Efficacy of essential oils nal IF: 3.451
of Caesulia axillaris and Journal of
Mentha arvensis against Food
some storage pests Microbiolo
causing biodeterioration of gy
food commodities, 2001,
68, 207-210.

64. P. Tripathi and N. K. Journal of 0250-9768 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Acacia nilotica- Economic IF: NA
Phytochemical and and
biological properties, , Taxonomi
2001, 25, 1-5. c Botany

65. J. Varma, N. K. Dubey, M. World 1573-0972 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Tripathi, V. J. Ram and V. Journal of IF: 2.1
B. Pandey, γ-asarone, the Microbiolo
fungitoxic principle of the gy and
essential oil of Caesulia Biotechno
axillaris, , 2002, 18, 277- logy

66. P. Tripathi, N. K. Dubey Journal of ISSN No: Peer reviewed Corresponding

and V. B. Pandey, Indian 2455 - 7218 IF: NA
Kaempferol-the antifungal Botanical
principle of Acacia nilotica, Society
2002, 81, 51-54.

67. T. N. Tiwari, N. K. Dubey Phytother 1099-1573 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and V. B. Pandey, apy IF: 3.349
Plumieride from Allamanda Research
cathartica as an
antidermatophytic agent,
2002, 16, 394-395.

68. N. Kishore and N. K. Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Fungitoxic potency Journal of IF: NA
of some essential oils in Forestry
management of damping-
off diseases in soil infested
with Pythium
aphanidermatum and P.
debaryanum, 2002, 25(4),

69. T. N. Tiwari, N. K. Dubey Pharmace 1744-5116 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and J. P. N. Chansouria, utical IF: 1.918
Antimycotic potency of Biology
some essential oils in cure
of induced
dermatomycosis on
experimental animals,
2003, 41(5), 351-356.

70. P. Tripathi and N. K. Indian 2248-9800 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Evaluation of some Phytopath IF: NA
plant extracts in the olgy
management of blue
mould rot of mandarin
oranges, 2003, 56(4), 481-

71. N. K. Dubey, R. Kumar Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and P. Tripathi, Global Science IF: 0.883
promotion of herbal
India’s opportunities, 2004,
86(1), 37-41.

72. P. Tripathi and N. K. Postharve 0925-5214 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, 2004, Exploitation st Biology IF: 3.112
of natural products as an and
alternative strategy to Technolo
control postharvest fungal gy
rotting of fruits and
vegetables, , 32, 235-245
(Top- 10 most cited
author, Top -10 Most
Downloaded author).

73. P. Tripathi, R. Banergi, N. Journal of 1017-7825 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Dubey and J. P. N. Microbiolo IF: 1.650
Chansouria, Evaluation of gy and
some essential oils as Biotechno
botanical fungitoxicants in logy
management of
postharvest rotting of citrus
fruits, World, 2004, 20,

74. N. K. Dubey, R. Kumar, M. Indian 0974-8172 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Simmonds and P. J. Journal of IF: NA
Houghton, Effects of some Entomolo
essential oils on gy
oviposition and adult
mortality of bruchids in
stored cow peas, 2004,
66(4), 374-376.

75. R. Kumar, M. Srivastava Journal of 1944-9097 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Food IF: 1.510
Evaluation of Cymbopogon Protection
martinii oil extract for
control of post harvest
insect deterioration in
cereal and pulse, 2007,
70(1), 172-178.

76. R. K. Dubey, R. Kumar, World 1573-0972 Peer reviewed World Journal of

Jaya and N. K. Dubey, Journal of IF: 2.1 Microbiology and
Evaluation of Eupatorium Microbiolo Biotechnology
cannabinum Linn. oil in gy and
enhancement of shelf life Biotechno
of mango fruits from fungal logy
rotting, 2007, 23, 467-473.

77. R. Kumar, A. K. Mishra, N. Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Dubey and Y. B. nal IF: 3.451
Tripathi, Evaluation of Journal of
Chenopodium Food
ambrosioides oil as a Microbiolo
potential source of gy
antiaflatoxigenic and
antioxidant activity,
2007,115, 159-164. (Top -
10 Most Cited author)

78. R. Kumar, N. K. Dubey, O. Journal of 1097-0010 Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. Tiwari, Y. B. Tripathi the IF: 2.379
and K. K. Sinha, Science
Evaluation of some of Food
essential oils as botanical and
fungitoxicants for Agricultur
protection of stored food e
commodities from fungal
infestation, 2007, 87,

79. R. Shukla, B. Srivastava, Internatio 2630-0192 Peer reviewed Corresponding

R. Kumar and N. K. nal IF: NA
Dubey, Potential of some Journal of
botanical powders in Agricultur
reducing infestation of al
chickpea by Technolo
Callusobrochus chinensis gy
L. (Coleoptera Bruchidae),
2007, 3(1), 11-19.

80. P. Tripathi, N. K. Dubey Asian 2221-2825 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and A. K. Shukla, Journal of IF: NA
Pharmacological Traditional
evaluation of some Medicine
fungitoxic essential oils,
2007, 2(6), 239-243.

81. B. Srivastava, P. Singh, R. World 1573-0972 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Shukla and N. K. Dubey, A Journal of IF: 2.1
novel combination of the Microbiolo
essential oils of gy and
Cinnamomum camphora Biotechno
and Alpinia galanga in logy
checking aflatoxin B1
production by a toxigenic
strain of Aspergillus flavus,
2008, 24(5), 693-697.

82. R. K. Dubey, R. Kumar, Journal of 1745-4565 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Jaya, J. P. N. Chansouria Food IF: 1.275
and N. K. Dubey, Safety
Evaluation of Amomum
subulatum Rox oil as a
source of botanical
fungitoxicant for the
protection of mango fruits
from fungal rotting, 2008,
28, 400-412.

83. R. Shukla, A. Kumar, C. S. Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prasad, B. Srivastava and nal IF: 3.562
N. K. Dubey, Antimycotic Biodeterio
and antiaflatoxigenic ration and
potency of Adenocalymma Biodegrad
alliaceum Miers against ation
fungi causing
biodeterioration of stored
food commodities and raw
herbal drugs, 2008, 62,

84. P. Singh, B. Srivastava, A. Microbial 1432-184X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar and N. K. Dubey, Ecology IF: 3.614
Fungal contamination of
raw materials of some
herbal drugs and
recommendation of
Cinnamomom camphora
oil as herbal fungitoxicant,
2008, 63(3), 555-560.

85. P. Singh, B. Sivastava, A. Journal of 1540-3580 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar, R. Gupta, Tanu Herbs, IF: NA
and N. K. Dubey, 2008, Spices
Efficacy of essential oil of and
Amomum subulatum as a Medicinal
novel aflatoxin suppressor, Plants
,14(3-4), 400-411.

86. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Innovative 1466-8564 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, C. S. Prasad and N. Food IF: 3.116
K. Dubey, Assessment of Science
Thymus vulgaris L. and
essential oil as a safe Emerging
botanical preservative Technolo
against post harvest fungal gies
infestation of food
commodities, 2008, 9(4),
575-580 (Top -10 Most
Downloaded author).

87. P. Tripathi, A. K. Shukla, World 1573-0972 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Use of Journal of IF: 2.1
some essential oils as post Microbiolo
harvest botanical gy and
fungicides in the Biotechno
management of grey logy
mould of grapes caused by
Botrytis cinerea, 2008,
24(1), 39-46.

88. P. Singh, B. Srivastava, A. Journal of 1097-0010 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar, R. Kumar, R. the IF: 2.379
Gupta and N. K. Dubey, Science
Assessment of of Food
Pelargonium and
graveolensoilas plant Agricultur
based antimicrobial and e
aflatoxin suppressor in
food preservation, 2008,
88, 2421-2425.

89. B. Srivastava, A. Kumar Journal of 0974-391X Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Current Biopestici IF: NA
status of plant products as des
botanical pesticides, 2008,
1(2), 182-186.

90. A. Kumar, P. Singh, R. Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Shukla and N. K. Dubey, Science IF: 0.883
Microbial contamination of
raw materials –a major
impediment preventing
India from becoming a
herbal giant, 2008, 95(6),

91. R. Kumar, A. Kumar, C. S. Internatio 2424-6573 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prasad, N. K. Dubey and nal IF: NA
R. Samant, Insecticidal Journal of
activity Aegle marmelos Food
(L.) Correa essential oil Safety
against four stored grain
insect pests, 2008, 10, 39-

92. R. Shukla, A. Kumar, C. S. Journal of 1347-605X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prasad, B. Srivastava and Applied IF: 0.857
N. K. Dubey, Efficacy of Entomolo
Acorus calamus L. leaves gy and
and rhizome on mortality Zoology
and reproduction of
Callosobruchus chinensis
L. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae),
2009, 44(2), 241-147.

93. R. Shukla, A. Kumar, C. S. Proceedin 2250-1746 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prasad and N. K. Dubey, gs of IF: 0.396
Ethnobotany-Problems National
and Prospects in Indian Academy
Context, 2009, 79 (Part - of
4), 346-349. Sciences

94. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: 3.562
Biodeterioration of some Biodeterio
herbal raw materials by ration and
storage fungi and aflatoxin Biodegrad
and assessment of ation
Cymbobogon flexuousus
essential oil and its
components as safe plant
based antimicrobial, 2009,
63, 712-716.

95. P. Singh, A. Kumar, R. Journal of 1750-3841 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Gupta and N. K. Dubey, Food IF: 2.018
Essential oil of Aegle Science
marmelos as a safe plant
based antimicrobial in
checking post harvest
microbial infestations and
aflatoxin contamination of
food commodities, 2009,
74(6), 302-307.

96. R. Kumari, S. B. Agrawal, Ecotoxicol 0147-6513 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Singh and N. K. Dubey, ogy and IF: 3.974
Supplemented Ultraviolet – Environm
B induced changes in ental
essential oil composition Safety
and total phenolics of
Acorus calamus L. (Sweet
flag), 2009, 72, 2013–

97. B. Srivastava, P. Singh, A. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Srivastava, R. Shukla nal IF: 2.383
and N. K. Dubey, Efficacy Journal of
of Artabotrys Food
odoratissimus oil as a Science
plant based antimicrobial and
against storage fungi and Technolo
aflatoxin B1 secretion, gy
2009, 44(10), 1909-1915.

98. R. Shukla, A. Kumar, P. Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: 3.451
Efficacy of Lippia alba Journal of
(Mill.) N.E. Brown essential Food
oil and its monoterpene Microbiolo
aldehyde constituents gy
against fungi isolated from
some edible legume seeds
and aflatoxin B1
production, 2009, 135,

99. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Journal of 1097-0010 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, A. K. Singh and N. the IF: 2.379
K. Dubey, Assessment of Science
Mentha arvensis L. of Food
essential oil in controlling and
post harvest contamination Agricultur
of chickpea by fungi, e
insects and aflatoxin,
2009, 89(15), 2643-2649.

100. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Food and 0278-6915 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, Chemical IF: 3.977
Chemical composition, Toxicolog
antifungal and y
antiaflatoxigenic activities
of Ocimum sanctum L.
essential oil and its safety
assessment, 2009, 45,

101. N. Sharma, N. K. Dubey Bioscienc 2456-2602 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and K. Sharma, 2009, e, IF: NA
Screening of insecticidal Biotechno
activity of Origanum logy and
majorana oil against Research
Tribolium castenium, , Asia
6(1), 205-208.

102. B. Srivastava, P. Singh, A. Journal of 2636-5448 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Sagar and N. K. Dubey, A Phytomed IF: NA
study to evaluate the icine and
physicochemical Therapeut
properties and ics
phytochemical constituents
of five aromatic plants,
2009, 14, 1-4.

103. C. S. Prasad, R. Shukla, Mycoses 1439-0507 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Kumar and N. K. IF: 2.793
Dubey, In vitro and in vivo
antifungal activity of
Cymbopogon martini and
ambrosioides essential oils
and their synergism
against dermatophytes,
2009, 53(2), 123-129.

104. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, Anuradha and N. K. nal IF: 2.383
Dubey, Efficacy of extract Journal of
and essential oil of Food
Lantana indica Roxb. Science
against food contaminating and
fungi and aflatoxin B1 Technolo
production, 2010, 45, 179- gy

105. N. K. Dubey, B. Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava, A. Kumar and Journal of IF: NA
P. Kapur, Surveillance Forestry
needed to protect the
indigenous economic
Bioprospecting of Indian
Flora: An Urgent issue for
Taxonomists, 2010, 33(1),

106. N. K. Dubey, R. Shukla, A. Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar, P. Singh and B. Science IF: 0.883
Prakash, Prospectives of
botanical pesticides in
sustainable agriculture,
2010, 98(2), 479-480.

107. P. Singh, R. Shukla, A. Mycopath 1573-0832 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar, B. Prakash, S. ologia IF: 1.476
Singh and N. K. Dubey,
Evaluation of Citrus
reticulata and
Cymbopogon citratus
essential oils against
fungal and aflatoxin
contamination of roots of
Asparagus racemosus,
2010, 170, 195-202.

108. P. Singh, R. Shukla, B. Food and 0278-6915 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash, A. Kumar, S. Chemical IF: 3.977
Singh, P. K. Mishra and N. Toxicolog
K. Dubey, Chemical y
profile, antifungal,
antiaflatoxigenic and
antioxidant activity of
Citrus maxima Burm. and
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
essential oils and their
cyclic monoterpene, DL-
limonene, 2010, 48, 1734-
1740. (Top- 10 most
cited author)

109. B. Prakash, R. Shukla, P. Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, A. Kumar, P. K. nal IF: 3.451
Mishra and N. K. Dubey, Journal of
Efficacy of chemically Food
characterized Piper betel Microbiolo
L. essential oil against gy
fungal and aflatoxin
contamination of some
edible commodities and its
antioxidant activity, 2010,
142, 114-119.

110. B. Prakash, R. Shukla, P. Food 0963-9969 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, P. K. Mishra, N. K. Research IF: NA
Dubey and R. N. Kharwar, Internatio
Efficacy of chemically nal
characterized Ocimum
gratissimum L. essential oil
as an antioxidant and a
safe plant based
antimicrobial against
fungal and aflatoxin B1
contamination of spices,
2011, 44, 385-390.

111. B. Srivastava, A. Sagar Food 1936-976X Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Analytical IF: 2.245
Evaluation of Methods
Cinnamomum tamala oil
and its phenylpropanoid
eugenol for their antifungal
and antiaflatoxigenic
activity, 2011, 4, 347-356.

112. Jaya, B. Prakash and N. K. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, 2011, Evaluation of nal IF: 2.383
chemically characterised Journal of
essential oils of Coleus Food
aromaticus, Hyptis Science
suaveolens and Ageratum and
conyzoides against Technolo
storage fungi and aflatoxin gy
contamination of food, ,
46(4), 754-760.

113. A. Kumar, R. Shukla, P. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, B. Prakash and N. nal IF: 2.383
K. Dubey, Chemical Journal of
composition of Ocimum Food
basilicum L. essential oil Science
and its efficacy as a and
preservative against fungal Technolo
and aflatoxin gy
contamination of dry fruits,
2011, 46(9), 1840-1846.

114. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Journal of 1097-0010 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash, A. Kumar, P. K. the IF: 2.379
Mishra and N. K. Dubey, Science
2011, Efficacy of essential of Food
oils of Lippia alba and and
Callistemon lanceolatus Agricultur
and their major e
constituents on mortality,
oviposition and feeding
behaviour of pulse beetle,
Callosobruchus chinensis
L., , 91(12), 2277-2283.

115. A. Singh and N. K. Dubey, Journal of 1996-0875 Peer reviewed Corresponding

An ethnobotanical study of Medicinal IF: NA
medicinal plants in Plant
Sonebhadra District of Research
Uttar Pradesh, India with
reference to their infection
by foliar fungi, 2012,
6(14), 2727-2746.

116. P. K. Mishra, R. Shukla, P. Industrial 0926-6690 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, B. Prakash and N. Crops and IF: 3.849
K. Dubey, Caesulia Products
axillaris Roxb. essential oil
as a safe shelf life
enhancer of herbal raw
materials based on its
efficacy as fungitoxicant,
aflatoxin suppressor and
antioxidant, 2012, 36, 74-

117. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Food 0956-7135 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash and N. K. Dubey, Control IF: 3.667
Antifungal, aflatoixn
inhibition and antioxidant
activity of Callistemon
lanceolatus (Sm.) Sweet
essential oil and its major
component 1,8-cineole
against fungal isolates
from chickpea seeds,
2012, 25(1), 27-33.

118. B. Prakash, P. Singh, P. K. Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: 3.451
Safety assessment and Journal of
antifungal, antiaflatoxin, Food
antioxidant activity of Microbiolo
chemically characterized gy
Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb.
essential oil and its
efficacy as antimicrobial in
preservation of Piper
nigrum L. fruits, 2012, 153,

119. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Journal of 1745-4557 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash, Anuradha and N. Food IF: 0.841
K. Dubey, Antifungal, Quality
aflatoxin inhibitory and free
radical scavenging
activities of some
medicinal plant extracts,
2012, 35(3), 182-189.

120. A. Singh and N. K. Dubey, Journal of 0972-7167 Peer reviewed Corresponding

New report of Cercospora Basic IF: NA
apii S. lat. on some Applied
medicinal plants from Mycology
Sonebhadra forest U P,
2010, 9(I & II), 11-16.
121. B. Prakash, P. Singh, A. Journal of 1745-4565 Peer reviewed Corresponding
Kedia, A. Singh and N. K. Food IF: 1.275
Dubey, Efficacy of Safety
essential oil combination of
Curcuma longa L. and
Zingiber officinale Rosc. as
a post harvest
fungitoxicant, aflatoxin
inhibitor and antioxidant,
2012, 32, 279-288.

122. P. K. Mishra, R. Shukla, P. Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, B. Prakash, A. nal IF: 3.562
Kedia and N. K. Dubey, Biodeterio
Antifungal and ration and
antiaflatoxigenic efficacy of Biodegrad
Jamrosa essential oil and ation
its major components
against fungi causing
biodeterioration of herbal
drug raw materials and
their free radical
scavenging activity, 2012,
74, 11-16.

123. B. Prakash, P. Singh, A. Food 0963-9969 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kedia and N. K. Dubey, Research IF: NA
Assessment of some Internatio
essential oils as food nal
preservatives based on
antifungal, antiaflatoxin,
antioxidant activity and in
vivo efficacy in food
system, 2012, 49, 201-

124. B. Prakash, P. Singh, A. Journal of 1745-4565 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kedia, A. Dwivedi, A. Food IF: 1.275
Singh and N. K. Dubey, Safety
Mycoflora and aflatoxin
analysis of Arachis
hypogea L and
assessment of Anethum
graveolens L. seed and
leaf essential oils against
isolated fungi, aflatoxin
production and their
antioxidant activity, 2012,
4, 481-491.

125. A. Singh, S. Kumar, R. Mycosphe 2077-7019 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, A re IF: 2.015
new species of
Corynespora causing foliar
disease on Ficus religiosa
from forest of Sonebhadra,
Uttar Pradesh, India, 2012,

126. V. K. Madhukar, S. K. Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava and N. K. Journal of IF: NA
Dubey, Enumeration of Forestry
family Bignoniaceae in
India, 2012, 35(4), 521-

127. S. Sharma, A. Singh, B. Prajna 0554-9884 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash and N. K. Dubey, Journal IF: NA
Wall Flora of Varanasi
City: Taxonomic and
Ecological Approach,
2012-13, 58(1), 150-157.

128. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: 2.383
2013, Efficacy of Acorus Journal of
calamus essential oils as Food
a safe plant based Science
antioxidant, aflatoxin B1 and
suppressor and broad Technolo
spectrum antimicrobial gy
against food infesting
fungi, , 48, 128-135.

129. B. Prakash, P. Singh, S. Food and 0278-6915 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Yadav, S. C. Singh and N. Chemical IF: 3.977
K. Dubey, Safety profile Toxicolog
assessment and efficacy y
of chemically
glaucescens essential oil
against storage fungi,
insect, aflatoxin secretion
and as antioxidant, 2013,
53, 160-167.

130. P. K. Mishra, P. Singh, B. Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash, A. Kedia, C. S. nal IF: 3.562
Chanotiya and N. K. Biodeterio
Dubey, Assessing ration and
essential oil components Biodegrad
as plant-based ation
preservatives against fungi
that deteriorate herbal raw
materials, 2013, 80, 16-21.

131. A. Kumar, N. K. Dubey Industrial 0926-6690 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and S. Srivastava, Crops and IF: 3.849
Antifungal evaluation of Products
Ocimum sanctum essential
oil against fungal
deterioration of raw
materials of Rauvolfia
serpentina during storage,
2013, 45, 30-35.

132. S. Kumar, A. Singh, R. Canadian 2291-3262 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, Journal of IF: NA
Corynespora bambacina Plant
causing foliar disease on Protection
Bombax ceiba from
Sonebhadra forest of Uttar
Pradesh, 2013, 1(2), 76-

133. V. K. Madhukar, S. K. American 2158-2750 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava and N. K. Journal of IF: NA
Dubey, Revision of genus Plant
Crescentia L. Sciences
(Bignoniaceae) in India,
2013, 4, 1164-1168.

134. V. K. Madhukar, S. K. ENVIS 0974-1992 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava and N. K. Newslette IF: NA
Dubey, Campsis radicans r,
(Bignoniaceae): An
ornamental climbing shrub
in India, 2013, 18(1), 3.

135. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari Bioherald 2248-9061 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, (Internatio IF: NA
Enumeration of tribe nal
Heliantheae (family – Journal of
Asteraceae) in Indian flora, Biodiversit
2013, 3, 82-96. y and

136. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Journal of IF: NA
Spilanthes radicans Jacq Forestry
(Asteraceae) – A lesser
known plant from Uttar
Pradesh, 2013, 36(4), 509

137. A. Kedia, B. Prakash, P. K. Internatio 0168-1605 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra and N. K. Dubey, nal IF: 3.451
Antifungal and Journal of
antiaflatoxigenic properties Food
of Cuminum cyminum L. Microbiolo
seed essential oil and its gy
efficacy as a preservative
in stored commodities,
2014, 168-169, 1-7.

138. Jaya, P. Singh, B. Prakash Journal of 0975-8402 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Food IF: 1.797
Insecticidal activity of Science
Ageratum conyzoides L., and
Coleus aromaticus Benth. Technolo
And Hyptis suaveolens (L.) gy
Poit essential oils as
fumigant against storage
grain insect Tribolium
castaneum Herbst, 2014,
51, 2210-2215.

139. A. Kedia, B. Prakash, P. K. Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra, C. S. Chanotia and nal IF: 3.562
N. K. Dubey, 2014, Biodeterio
Antifungal, ration and
antiaflatoxigenic and Biodegrad
insecticidal efficacy of ation
spearmint (Mentha spicata
L.) essential oil, , 89, 29-

140. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Anasai Prajna 0554-9884 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, 2013-14, Journal IF: NA
Additions to the flora of
BHU Campus, , 59(2),

141. B. Prakash, P. K. Mishra, LWT - 0023-6438 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Kedia and N. K. Dubey, Food IF: 3.129
Antifungal, antiaflatoxin Science
and antioxidant potential of and
chemically characterized Technolo
Boswellia carterii Birdw gy
essential oil and its in vivo
practical applicability in
preservation of Piper
nigrum L. fruits, 2014, 56,

142. B. Prakash, P. Singh, R. Journal of 0975-8402 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Goni, A. K. P. Raina and Food IF: 1.797
N. K. Dubey, 2015, Science
Efficacy of Angelica and
archangelica essential oil, Technolo
phenyl ethyl alcohol, α– gy
terpineol alone and in
combination (1:1:1)
against isolated molds
from walnut, aflatoxin B1
production and their
antioxidant activity,.
52 (4), 2220-2228.

143. A. Kedia, D. S. Ivanov and Indian 0976-0512 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey, 2014, Fungal Journal of IF: NA
contamination of stony Natural
endocarp (Rudraksh) of Products
Elaeocarpus spp from and
three different countries, Resource
5(1), 97-100. s

144. J. K. Vaisya, A. A. Ansari Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Notes on Journal of IF: NA
Parthenium argentatum A. Forestry
Gray (Asteraceae), 2014,
37(2), 237-240.

145. A. Singh, S. Kumar, R. Current 2229-2225 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh and N. K. Dubey, A Research IF: NA
new species of in
Corynespora from Environm
Sonebhadra forest of Uttar ental and
Pradesh, India, 2014, 4(1), Applied
149-151. Mycology

146. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari Journal of 0250-9768 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, 2014, Economic IF: NA
Synedrella vialis (Less) A. and
Gray (Asteraceae) - A new Taxonomi
record for Punjab, , 38(2), c Botany

147. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari Bioherald( 2248-9061 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Internatio IF: NA
Taxonomic status of nal
Xanthium inacquilaterum Journal of
DC (family – Asteraceae), Biodiversit
2014, 4(1), 7-9. y and

148. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari, Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey and S. Journal of IF: NA
Sachan, Note on Forestry
Synendrella vialis (Less)
A. Gray (Asteraceae),
2014, 37(3), 313-316.

149. J. K. Vaishya, A. A. Ansari Indian 0971-9431 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and N. K. Dubey, Notes on Journal of IF: NA
Tridax trilobata (Cav) Forestry
Hemsl. (Asteraceae),
2014, 37(3), 295-296.
150. D. K. Tripathi, V. P. Singh, Ecotoxicol 0147-6513 Peer reviewed Corresponding
S. M. Prasad, D. K. gy and IF: NA
Chauhan, N. K. Dubey and Environm
A. K. Rai, Silicon-mediated ental
alleviation of Cr(VI) toxicity Safety
in wheat seedlings as
evidenced by chlorophyll
florescence, laser induced
breakdown spectroscopy
and anatomical changes,
2015, 113, 133-144.

151. A. Kedia, B. Prakash, P. K. Industrial 0926-6690 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra, A. K. Dwivedy and Crops and IF: 3.849
N. K. Dubey, Products
Trachyspermum ammi L.
essential oil as safe plant
based preservative in food
system, 2015, 69, 104-

152. B. Prakash, P. K. Mishra, Journal of 1745-4557 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Kedia, A. K. Dwivedy Food IF: 0.841
and N. K. Dubey, Efficacy Quality
of some essential oil
components as food
preservatives against food
infestating molds, aflatoxin
B1 production and free
radical generation, 2015,
38, 231-239.

153. P. K. Mishra, B. Prakash, Internatio 0964-8305 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Kedia, A. K. Dwivedy, nal IF: 3.562
N. K. Dubey and S. Biodeterio
Ahmad, Efficacy of ration and
Caesulia axillaris, Biodegrad
Cymbopogon khasans and ation
Cymbopogon martinii
essential oils as plant
based preservatives
against degradation of
medicinal component of
raw materials of
Andrographis paniculata
by fungal spoilage, 2015,
104, 244-250.

154. S. K. Singh, N. K. Dubey Palynolog 1558-9188 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and G. K. Srivastava, y IF: 1.383
Microspore morphology of
some species of
Selaginella from India,
2015, 40(2): 216-229,

155. V. K. Madhukar, S. K. Journal of 0075-3424 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava and N. K. Japanese IF: NA
Dubey, Typification of Botany
Bignonia africana Lam.
(Bignoniaceae), 2015, 90,

156. B. Prakash, A. Kedia, P. K. Internatio 1365-2621 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra, A. K. Dwivedy, N. nal IF: 2.383
K. Dubey, Assessment of Journal of
chemically characterized Food
Rosmarinus officinalis L. Science
essential oil and its major and
compounds as plant based Technolo
preservative in food gy
system based on their
efficacy against food borne
molds, aflatoxin secretion
and as antioxidant, 2015,
50, 1792–1798.
157. A. Kedia, B. Prakash, P. K. Journal of 1226-8615 Peer reviewed Corresponding
Mishra, A. K. Dwivedy and Asia IF: 0.875
N. K. Dubey, Cuminum Pacific
cyminum essential oil and Entomolo
its major components gy
against infestation of
chickpea and wheat from
Callosobruchus chinensis
and Sitophilus oryzae,
2015, 18 (3), 383-388.

158. P. K. Mishra, A. Kedia and Plant 1724-5575 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey, Chemically Biosystem IF: 1.203
characterised s
Cymbopogon martini
(Roxb.) Wats essential oil
for shelf life enhancer of
herbal raw materials based
on antifungal,
antioxidant activity and
favourable safety profile,
2015, 150(6): 1313–1322.

159. B. B. Yadav, S. K. Singh, Taiwania 0372-333X Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey, S. K. Shukla IF: 0.421
and G. K. Srivastava,
2015. Hydrochemical
characterisation of some
stands of Isoetes dixitei in
India., 60 (2), 63-70.

160. A. Kedia, A. K. Dwivedy, Journal of 1365-2672 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Pandey, R. R. Kumar, Applied IF: 2.16
P. Regmi and N. K. Dubey, Microbiolo
Efficacy of chemically gy
characterized Foeniculum
vulgare Mill. seed essential
oil in protection of raw
tobacco leaves during
storage against fungal and
aflatoxin contamination,
2015, 119, 991-998.

161. D. K. Tripathi, V. P. Singh, Plant 0981-9428 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. M. Prasad, D. K. Physiolog IF: 2.718
Chauhan and N. K. Dubey, y and
Silicon nanoparticles Biochemis
(SiNp) alleviate chromium try
(VI) phytotoxicity in Pisum
sativum (L.) seedlings,
2015, 96, 189-198.

162. D. K. Tripathi, V.P. Singh, Bioctalysi 1878-8181 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. M. Prasad, D. K. s and IF: NA
Chauhan, N. K. Dubey, Agricultur
2015. An efficient e
approach of Laser Induced Biotechno
Breakdown Spectroscopy logy
(LIBS) and ICAP-AES to
detect the elemental profile
of Ocimum L. Species.,

163. A. K. Dwivedy, M. Kumar, Medicinal 2161-0444 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. Upadhyay and N. K. Chemistry IF: 1.18
Dubey, Green Chemistry
in Agriculture Pest
management, 2015,

164. B. Prakash, N. K. Dubey Asian 2347-4114 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and Kiran S. Plants Journal of IF: NA
derived products: As an Advanced
Ecofriendly Alternative of Basic
Synthetic Pesticide for Science
Agri- Pest Management: A
Review, 2015, 4 (1): 73-

165. V. Madhukar, S. K. Phytotaxo 0972-4206 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivastava and N. K. nomy IF: NA
Dubey, Revision of the
genus Kigelia
(Bignoniaceae) in India,
2015, 15, 15-21.

166. A. Kedia, A. K. Dwivedy, Protoplas 1615-6102 Peer reviewed Corresponding

D. K. Jha and N. K. Dubey, ma IF: 2.457
Efficacy of Mentha spicata
essential oil in suppression
of Aspergillus flavus and
aflatoxin contamination in
chickpea with particular
emphasis to mode of
antifungal action, 2016,
253, 647-653.

167. A. K. Dwivedy, A. Kedia, Current 0011-3891 Peer reviewed Corresponding

M. Kumar and N. K. Science IF: 0.883
Dubey. Essential oils of
traditionally used aromatic
plants as green shelf life
enhancers for herbal raw
materials from microbial
contamination and
oxidative deterioration,
2016, 110 (2), 143-145.

168. M. Kumar, N. K. Dubey The 2249-7390 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and R. Tilak. Antifungal Internatio IF: NA
activity of Jamarosa and nal
Nagarmotha essential oils Journal of
against Microsporum Plant
gypseum and Reproduct
Trichophyton rubrum, ive
2016, 8 (Special Volume): Biology

169. D. K. Tripathi, V. P. Singh, Journal of 1011-1344 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. M. Prasad, N. K. Dubey, Photoche IF: 3.165
D. K. Chauhan and A. K. mistry and
Rai. 2016. LIB Photobiol
spectroscopic and ogy B
biochemical analysis to
characterize lead toxicity
alleviative nature of silicon
in wheat (Triticum
aestivum L.) seedlings.
Journal of Photochemistry
and Photobiology B:
Biology, 154: 89-98.

170. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Journal of 0976-5026 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash and N. K. Dubey. Essential IF: 0.681
Assessment of essential Oil
oil of Acorus calamus L. Bearing
and its major constituent β- Plants
asarone in post harvest
management of
Callosobruchus chinensis
L., 2016, 19(3), 542-552.

171. S. K. Singh, N. K. Dubey Palynolog 1558-9188 Peer reviewed Corresponding

and G. K. Srivastava. y IF: 1.383
Microspore morphology of
some species of
Selaginella from India,
2016, 40(2) 216-229.

172. B. Prakash, A. Kedia, A. Journal of 1745-4557 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, S. Yadav, S. Arti, A. Food IF: 0.841
Yadav, Deepika and N. K. Quality
Dubey. Antifungal,
antiaflatoxin and
antioxidant activity of plant
essential oils and their in
vivo efficacy in protection
of chickpea seeds, 2016,
39, 36–44.

173. A. K. Dwivedy, M. Kumar, Current 2214-7993 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. Upadhyay, B. Prakash Opinion in IF: 3.734
and N. K. Dubey. Plant Food
Essential Oils against Science
Food borne fungi and
Mycotoxins, 2016, 11, 16-

174. D. K. Tripathi, S. Singh, V. Frontiers 2296-665X Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. Singh, S. M. Prasad, D. in IF: NA
K. Chauhan and N. K. Environm
Dubey. Silicon ental
Nanoparticles more Science
efficiently alleviate
arsenate toxicity than
silicon in maize cultiver
and hybrid differing in
arsenate tolerance, 2016,
4, Article 46, 1-14.

175. S. Singh, D. K. Tripathi, N. Materials 2169-4303 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K. Dubey and D. K. Focus IF: NA
Chauhan. Effects of nano-
materials on seed
germination and seedling
growth: striking the slight
balance between the
concepts and
controversies, 2016, 5(3),

176. Shweta, D. K. Tripathi, S. Materials 2169-4303 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, S. Singh, N. K. Focus IF: NA
Dubey and D. K. Chauhan.
Impact of Nanoparticles on
Challenges and
Opportunities, 2016, 5(5):

177. Arif, N., Yadav, V., Singh, Frontiers 2296-665X Peer reviewed Corresponding
S., Singh, S., Ahmad, P., in IF: NA
Mishra, R.K., Sharma, S., Environm
Tripathi, D.K., Dubey, N.K. ental
and Chauhan, D.K., Science
Influence of high and low
levels of plant-beneficial
heavy metal ions on plant
growth and development,
2016, 4, article 69, 1-11.

178. D. K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, Geograph 2347-8845 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Singh, D. K. Chauhan y and You IF: NA
and N K Dubey. Phytoliths:
Add to biosequestration.
2016, 9-11.

179. P. Sarma, M. Kumar, M. Asian 2278-5957 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dkar, H. Kayang, R. Journal of IF: NA
Laldinthar, N. K. Dubey Biological
and R. Raghubanshi. and Life
Endophytic fungi Sciences
associated with the
medicinally important
aromatic plant Artemisia
nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp.
and antimicrobial activity of
selected endophytic fungi
against Rhizoctonia solani.
2016, 5(2), 154-160.

180. R. Shukla, P. Singh, B. Journal of 0976-5026 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Prakash and N. K. Dubey, Essential IF: 0.681
Assessment of essential Oil
oil of Acorus calamus L. Bearing
and its major constituent β- Plants
asarone in post harvest
management of
Callosobruchus chinensis
L., 2016, 19, 542-552.

181. N. Arif, V. Yadav, S. Singh, Journal of 2161-0525 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Singh, R. K. Mishra, S. Environm IF: NA
Sharma, N. K. Dubey, D. ental and
K. Tripathi and D. K. Analytical
Chauhan. Current Trends Toxicolog
of Engineered y
Nanoparticles (ENPs) in
Sustainable Agriculture:
An Overview, 2016, 6, 1-5.

182. V. Yadav, N. Arif, S. Singh, Biochemis 2167-0501 Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. K. Srivastava, S. try and IF: NA
Sharma, D. K. Tripathi, N. Pharmaco
K. Dubey and D. K. logy
Chauhan. Exogenous
Mineral Regulation under
Heavy Metal Stress:
Advances and Prospects,
2016, 5, 1-4.

183. V. Madhukar, S. K. Phytotaxa 1179-3163 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Srivatava and N. K. IF: 1.185
Dubey. Lectopifications
Millingonia L.f (Oroxyleae
Bignoniaceae). 2016, 283

184. P. K. Mishra, A. Kedia and Plant 1724-5575 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey, Chemically Biosystem IF: 1.203
characterised s
Cymbopogon martini
(Roxb) Wats essential oil
for shelf life enhancer of
herbal raw materials based
on antifungal,
antioxidant activity and
favourable safety profile.,
2016, 150 (6): 1313-1322.

185. D. K. Tripathi, Shweta, S. Plant 0981-9428 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, S. Singh, R. Physiolog IF: 2.718
Pandey, V. P. Singh, N. C. y and
Sharma, S. M. Prasad, N. Biochemis
K. Dubey and D. K. try
Chauhan, An overview on
nanoparticles in plants;
uptake, translocation,
accumulation and
phytotoxicity. 2017, 110, 2-

186. D. K. Tripathi, S. Singh, V. Plant 0981-9428 Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. Singh, S. M. Prasad, N. Physiolog IF: 2.718
K. Dubey and D. K. y and
Chauhan. Silicon Biochemis
nanoparticles more try
effectively alleviated UV-B
stress than silicon in wheat
(Triticum aestivum)
seedlings, 2017, 110, 70-

187. D. K. Tripathi, S. Singh, S. Plant 0981-9428 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, P. K. Srivastava, V. Physiolog IF: 2.718
P. Singh, S. Singh, S. M. y and
Prasad, P. K. Singh, N. K. Biochemis
Dubey, A. C. Pandey and try
D. K. Chauhan. Nitric
oxide alleviates silver
nanoparticles (AgNps)-
induced phytotoxicity in
Pisum sativum seedlings,
2017, 110, 167-177.

188. D. Natarajan, C. RSC 2046-2069 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Ragavendran and N. K. Advances IF: 2.936
Dubey. Beauveria
bassiana (Clavicipitaceae):
A potent fungal agent for
controlling mosquito
vectors of Anophelrs
stephensi, Culex
quinquefasciatus and
Aedes aegypti (Diptera:
Culicidae), 2017, 7, 3838-

189. K. D. Yadav, A. K. Indian 0250-474X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dwivedi, A. K. Chaudhary Journal of IF: 0.73
and N. K. Dubey. A Novel Pharmace
herbo- mineral formulation utical
“Sahaj Vati” as shelf life Science
enhancer of nutraceuticals
based on Aflatoxin
inhibitory and antioxidant
activity, 2017, 79(1): 29-

190. S. Singh, D. K. Tripathi, S. Environm 0098-8472 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, S. Sharma, N. K. ental and IF: 3.666
Dubey, D. K. Chauhan and Experime
M. Vaculík, Toxicity of ntal
aluminium on various Botany
levels of plant cells and
organisms, 2017, 137,

191. D. K. Tripathi, A. Tripathi, Frontiers 1664-302X Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Gaur, S. Singh, Y. in IF: 4.019
Singh, K. Vishwakarma, G. Microbiolo
Yadav, S. Sharma, V. K. gy
Singh, R. K. Mishra, N. K.
Dubey, R. G. Upadhyay,
Y. Lee, D. K. Chauhan,
Uptake, accumulation and
toxicity of silver
nanoparticle in autotrophic
plants, and heterotrophic
microbes: A concentric
review, 2017, 8, 1-16.

192. D. K. Tripathi, R. K. Frontiers 1664-462X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Mishra, S. Singh, S. Singh, in Plant IF: 3.678
K. Vishwakarma, S. Sciences
Sharma, V. P. Singh, P. K.
Singh, S. M. Prasad, N. K.
Dubey, A. C. Pandey, S.
Sahi, and D. K. Chauhan.
Nitric oxide ameliorates
zinc oxide nanoparticles
phytotoxicity in wheat
seedlings: Implications of
the ascorbate-glutathione
cycle, 2017, 8, 1-9.

193. S. K. Shukla, S. K. Singh, Taiwania 0372-333X Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. K. Shukla, N. K. Dubey, IF: 0.421
H. Kanam and G. K.
Srivastava. A new
subspecies of Isoetes
(Isoetaceae) from Gujrat,
India., 2017, 62(2):121-

194. S. Singh, K. Vishwakarma, Plant 2352-4073 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Singh, S. Sharma, N. K. Gene IF: NA
Dubey, V. K. Singh, S. Liu,
D. K. Tripathi and D. K.
Chauhan. Understanding
the plant and nanoparticle
interface at transcriptomic
and proteomic level: A
concentric overview, 2017,
11, 265-272.

195. A. K. Dwivedy, M. Kumar, Plant 1724-5575 Peer reviewed Corresponding

A. Kedia, P. K. Mishra, C. Biosystem IF: 1.203
S. Chanoutia and N. K. s
Dubey. Assessment of
chemically characterized
Abelmoschus moschatus
Medik seed essential oil as
shelf life enhancer of
herbal raw materials based
on antifungal,
antiaflatoxigenic and
antioxidant efficacy, 2017,
151(1), 139–147.

196. N. K. Dubey, A. Kumar, A. Journal of 2591-796X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kunar and S. Das, Efficacy Food IF: NA
of Luvunga scandens Technolo
Roxb. essential oil as gy and
antifungal, aflatoxin Preservati
suppressor and on
antioxidant, 2017, 1, 37-

197. A. Kujur, S. Kiran, N. K. LWT - 0023-6438 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey and B. Prakash. Food IF: 3.129
Microencapsulation of Science
Gaultheria procumbens and
essential oil using Technolo
chitosan-cinnamic acid gy
microgel: Improvement of
antimicrobial activity,
stability and mode of
action, 2017, 86, 132-138.

198. D. Kumar, D. K. Tripathi, Plant 2352-4073 Peer reviewed Corresponding

S. Liu, V.K. Singh, S. Gene IF: NA
Sharma, N. K. Dubey, S.
M. Prasad and D.K.
Chauhan, Pongamia
pinnata (L.) pierre tree
seedlings offer a model
species for arsenic
phytoremediation, 2017,
11, 238-246.

199. A. K Dwivedy, B. Prakash, Food and 0278-6915 Peer reviewed Corresponding

C. S. Chanotiya, D. Bisht Chemical IF: 3.977
and N. K. Dubey, Toxicolog
Chemically characterized y
Mentha cardiaca L.
essential oil as plant based
preservative based on
against biodeteriorating
fungi of dry fruits, aflatoxin
secretion, lipid
peroxidation and safety
profile assessment, 2017,

200. M. Kumar, P. Sharma, R. Journal of 0975-8402 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Raghubanshi M. S. Dkhar, Food IF: 1.797
H. Kyang and N. K. Dubey. Science
Assessment of chemically and
characterised Gaultheria Technolo
fragrantissima Wall. gy
essential oil and its major
component as safe plant
based preservative for
millets against fungal,
aflatoxin contamination
and lipid peroxidation
during storage, 2018,
55(1): 111-119.

201. N. Upadhyay, A. K. Journal of 0976-5026 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dwivedy, M. Kumar, B. Essential IF: 0.681
Prakash, N. K. Dubey. Oil
Essential oils as eco- Bearing
friendly alternatives to Plants
synthetic pesticides for the
control of Tribolium
castaneum (Herbst)
Tenebrionidae), 2018, 21,

202. A. K. Dwivedy, V. K. Food and 0278-6915 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, B. Prakash and N. Chemical IF: 3.977
K. Dubey. 2018. Toxicolog
Nanoencapsulated Illicium y
verum Hook.f. essential oil
as an effective novel plant-
based preservative against
aflatoxin B1 production and
free radical generation.
Food and Chemical
Toxicology., 111, 102–113.

203. S. K. Shukla, S. K. Singh, Indian 0970-2741 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey, P. K. Shukla Fern IF: NA
and G. K. Srivastava. Journal
Arbuscular mycorrhizal
colonization in isoetes
(quillworts, lycopodiopsida)
from India, 2018, 35, 139-

204. S. Das, V. K. Singh, A. K. Natural 1478-6427 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dwivedy, A. K. Chaudhury, Product IF: 1.928
N. Upadhyay, A. Singh, B. Research
Prakash, A. K. Saha, S.
Raychaudhary, N. K.
Dubey, Assessment of
chemically characterised
Myristica fragrans
essential oil against fungi
contaminating stored
scented rice and its mode
of action as novel aflatoxin
inhibitor, 2018, (Accepted).

205. S. Jain, S. Muneer, G. Plant 1559-2324 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Guerriero, S. Liu, K. Signaling IF: 1.395
Vishwakarma, D. K. and
Chauhan, N. K. Dubey, D. Behaviour
K. Tripathi, S. Sharma,
Tracing the role of plant
proteins in the response to
metal toxicity: a
comprehensive review,
2018, 13, e1507401.

206. A. K. Chaudhari, V. K. Natural Peer reviewed Corresponding

Singh, A. K. Dwivedy, S. Product IF: 1.928
Das, N. Upadhyay, A. Research
Singh, M. S. Dkhar, H
Kyang, B. Prakash,
Chemically characterised
Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr.
essential oil as a novel
plant based antimicrobial
against fungal and
aflatoxin B1 contamination
of stored maize and its
possible mode of action,
2018, (Accepted).

207. S. K. Singh, S. K. Shukla, Phytotaxa 1179-3163 Peer reviewed Corresponding

N. K. Dubey and P. K. IF: 1.185
Shukla, 2018. Isoetes x
(Isoetaceae), a new
interspecific sterile hybrid
from central India, 362(1),

208 E. A. Shalaby and N. K. Indian 0975-1033 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dubey, Polysaccharides Journal of IF: 0.289
from cyanobacteria: Geo
response to biotic and Marine
abiotic stress and their Sciences
antiviral activity, 2018, 47
(01), 21-33.

209. Bhanu Prakash, Anupam Food 0956-7135 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kujur, Amrita Yadav, Control IF: 3.667
Akshay Kumar, Prem
Pratap Singh, N. K. Dubey,
Nanoencapsulation: An
efficient technology to
boost the antimicrobial
potential of plant essential
oils in food system, 2018,

210. Durgesh Kumar Tripathi, Frontiers 2296-665X Peer reviewed Corresponding

Shweta Singh, Shweta in IF: NA
Gaur, Swati Singh, Environm
Shiliang Liu, Vaishali ental
Yadav, Shivesh Sharma, Science
Vijay Pratap Singh, Sheo
Mohan Prasad, N K
Dubey, Devendra Kumar
Chauhan, Shivendra Sah ,
2018 Acquisition and
homeostasis of iron in
higher plants and their
probable role in abiotic
stress tolerance , Volume
5, Article Number, 86

211. Neha Upadhyay, Vipin LWT - 0023-6438 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar Singh, Abhishek Food IF: 3.129
Kumar Dwivedy, Science
Somenath Das, Anand and
Kumar Chaudhari and Technolo
Nawal Kishore Dubey gy
Cistus ladanifer L.
essential oil as a plant
based preservative against
molds infesting oil seeds,
aflatoxin B1 secretion,
oxidative deterioration and
biosynthesis, 2018, 92,

212. Akanksha Singh, A K Biocatalys 1878-8181 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Dwivedi, V K Singh, Neha is and IF: NA
Upadhyay , A K Agricultur
Chaudhary , Somenath al
Das and N K Dubey, Biotechno
Essential oils based logy
formulations as safe
preservatives for stored
plant masticatories against
fungal and mycotoxin
contamination: a review,
2018, 17, 313-317.

213. M. Kumar, A.K. Dwivedy, Plant 1724-5575 Peer reviewed Corresponding

P. Sarma, M.S. Dkhar, H. Biosystem IF: 1.203
Kayang, R. Raghuwanshi, s
and N.K. Dubey, 2019.
Chemically characterised
Artemisia nilagirica
(Clarke) Pamp. essential
oil as a safe plant-based
preservative and shelf-life
enhancer of millets against
fungal and aflatoxin
contamination and lipid
peroxidation, 1-8.

214. Neha Upadhyay, Vipin Environm 1614-7499 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar Singh, Abhishek ental IF: 2.8
Kumar Dwivedy, Science
Somenath Das, Anand and
Kumar Chaudhari and Pollution
Nawal Kishore Dubey, Research
Assessment of Melissa
officinalis L. essential oil
as an eco-friendly
approach against
biodeterioration of wheat
flour caused by Tribolium
castaneum Herbst, 2019,
26, 14036-14049.

215. S K Singh, S K Shukla, N Flora 0367-2530 Peer reviewed Corresponding

K Dubey , P K Shukla and IF: 1.365
Richard V. Lansdown
Morphological studies of
the ligules of selected
Indian species of
(Selaginellaceae): 2019,
252, 69-75.

216. S N Das and N K Dubey, Prajna 0554-9884 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Winter season agricultural Journal IF: NA
weeds of B.H.U. campus
and adjacent areas, 2018,
63 (1), 158-165.

217. Amrita Yadav, Anupam LWT - 0023-6438 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kujur, Akshay Kumar, Food IF: 3.129
Prem P Singh, Bhanu Science
Prakash, and N K Dubey, and
Assessing the preservative Technolo
efficacy of gy
nanoencapsulated mace
essential oil against food
borne molds, aflatoxin B1
contamination, and free
radical generation, 2019
108, 429-436.

218. Vipin Kumar Singh, Post 0925-5214 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Somenath Das, Abhishek Harvest IF: 3.112
Kumar Dwivedy, Raju Biology
Rathore, and Nawal and
Kishore Dubey Technolo
Assessment of chemically gy
Ocimum sanctum essential
oil against aflatoxigenic
fungi contaminating herbal
raw materials and its novel
mode of action as
methyglyoxal inhibitor,
2019, 153, 87-95.

219. Somenath Das, Vipin Internatio 0141-8130 Peer reviewed Corresponding

Kumar Singh, Abhishek nal IF: 3.909
Kumar Dwivedy, Anand Journal of
Kumar Chaudhari, Neha Biological
Upadhyay, Pallavi Singh, Macromol
Sarika Sharma and Nawal ecules
Kishore Dubey, 2019.
Encapsulation in chitosan-
based nanomatrix as an
efficient green technology
to boost the antimicrobial,
antioxidant and in situ
efficacy of Coriandrum
sativum essential oil.

(B) Ph.D. awarded under supervision

Sl. Name of the Scholar Title of Thesis Date of award of
No. Degree
1. Ashwini Kumar Mishra Studies on some higher plant products against 1992
storage fungi
2. Suresh Kumar Dwivedi Efficacy of some plant products against fungi 1992
infecting guar
3. Virendra Nath Pandey Studies on some essential oils against fungi 1992
causing damping off seedlings
4. Pratibha Yadav Studies on some essential oils against 1995
5. Tarkeshwar Nath Tewari Efficacy of some plant products as fungitoxicants 2000
6. Jaya Varma Efficacy of some plant products against postharvest 2000
7. Pramila Tripathi Efficacy of some volatile plant products against 2002
fungi fruit rotting
8. Ajay Kumar Mishra Studies on some plant products against insects 2003
infesting wheat during storage
9. Rajesh Kumar Dubey Efficacy of some essential oils storage fungi 2004
infecting fruits
10. Rajesh Kumar Survey of plants for pesticidal activity with reference 2005
to evaluation of some essential oils as botanical
11. Bhawana Shrivastava Bioprospection of selected higher plants as 2008
12. Priyanka Singh Studies on efficacy of some plant products in 2009
protection of raw materials of some herbal drugs
from fungal deterioration.
13. Ashok Kumar Evaluation of some higher plant essential oils 2010
against fungi, causing deterioration of some herbal
raw material during storage.
14. Jaya Evaluation of the higher plants of selected families 2010
of Varanasi for pesticidal activity.
15. Ravindra Shukla Studies on efficacy of some plant products as 2010
botanical pesticides.
16. Bhanu Prakash Efficacy of essential oils against storage fungi and 2013
aflatoxin production in some spices and areca nut.
17. Prashant Kumar Mishra Fungal and aflatoxin contamination of raw materials 2014
of some medicinal plants and their control by some
higher plant products.
18. Akash Kedia Efficacy of some plant products against losses of 2014
food commodities from storage pests.
19. Virendra Kumar Madhukar Taxonomic revision of the family Bignoniaceae in 2016
20. Jeetendra Kumar Vaishya Taxonomic revision of Tribe Heliantheae cass. 2017
(Asteraceae/Compositae) in India.
21. Manoj Kumar Efficacy of some plant products against post harvest 2017
fungal and mycotoxin contamination of millets.
22. Abhishek Kumar Dwivedy Efficacy of some plant products against storage 2018
fungi and aflatoxin production in some dry fruits.
23. Manoj Kumar Bioprospection of some higher plant products 2018
against selected fungi causing dermatomycoses
(C) Books Published as Single Author or Co-Author/ Editor of a Book or Journal
S.N Title with page nos. Type of Publisher & Whether Authorship: No. of
o Book & ISSN/ISBN No. peer Sole Author/Co- co-
Authorship reviewe author/Editor author
/ d s
1. Fungal Ecology and Research Rastogi Yes Editors: B. Rai, D. 3
Biotechnology, 1993, pp. Publishers, K. Aroara, N. K.
310 Meerut, ISBN Dubey and P. D.
No. 81-7133- Sharma

2. Trends in Microbial Research International Yes Editors: B. Rai , R.

Exploitation, 1998, Society for S. Upadhyay and
Conservation of N. K. Dubey
Varanasi, India)
ISBN No: 81-

3. Flora of B.H.U. Campus Academic Publication Yes Sole author : N. K. NA

2004. Cell, B.H.U., Dubey
Varanasi, ISBN
No. 81-85305

4. Natural Products in Plant Research CABI, Yes Editor : N. K. NA

Pest Management 2011, pp. and Oxfordshire, Dubey
293 academic U.K., ISBN -
13:978 1 84503
671 6

5. Plants as Source of Natural Research CABI, Yes Editor : N. K. NA

Antioxidants, 2014, pp. 317. and Oxfordshire, Dubey
academic U.K.) ISBN :

6. Microbial Biodiversity and Research Springer, ISBN Yes Editors: R. N. 3

biotechnology in Food and No. 978-81- Kharwar, R. S
Security, 2014, pp. 509 academic 322-1800-5 Upadhyay, N. K.
Dubey and Richa

7. Phytoremediation of Research CRC press, Yes Editors: Ram 2

Environmental and Taylor and Chandra, N. K.
Pollutants: Hyperaccumulato academic Francis Group, Dubey and Vineet
r Plants, Mechanisms and USA - Kumar
Adaptation, 2016, pp. 510. ISBN No.

8. Nanomaterials in Plants, Research Academic Yes Editors: Durgesh 4

Algae and Microorganisms: and Press, ISBN Kumar Tripathi,
Concepts and academic No; Parvaiz Ahmad,
Controversies, Volume-1, 978012811487 Shivesh Sharma,
2017, pp. 550. 2 Devendra
Chauhan and
Nawal Kishore

9. Urban Flora of Varanasi Research Under Final Author : N. K. NA

(under final stage of and Stage Dubey
publication, expected to be academic
published in June 2019 )

10. Nanomaterials in Plants, Research Academic Yes Editors: Durgesh 4

Algae, and Microorganisms: and Press, ISBN Kumar
Concepts and academic No.: Tripathi, Parvaiz
Controversies, (Volume-2), 978012811488 Ahmad, Shivesh
2019, pp. 382. 9 Sharma, Devendr
a Chauhan and N.
K. Dubey

(D) Articles/Chapters Published in Books

S. Chapter title with Book title & ISSN/ISBN No. Whether Authors
No page nos. Publisher peer
1. Fungitoxic Recent advances in Yes N. K. Dubey, K.
essential oils vis-a- plant pathology, H. K. S. Bhargava and
vis disease control, Saxena (Ed.), Feschrift S. N. Dixit
1983, p. 248-252. Print House, Lucknow, (First author)
2. Higher plants- A Recent Advances in Yes N. K. Dubey, N.
promising source Botanical Research, N. Tripathi and S.
of antifungal Prof. R. P. Roy N. Dixit
constituents, 1984, Commemoration (First author)
p. 221-228. Volume, Patna
3. Higher plants in Recent Developments Yes N. K. Dubey and
fungal disease in Biocontrol of Plant S. N. Dixit
control, 1992, p. Diseases, K. G. (First author)
111-123. Mukherjee et.al.
(Eds.), Aditya
4. A review on Fungal Ecology and 9788171331819 Yes N. K. Dubey and
essential oils of Biotechnology in: B. A. K. Mishra
higher plants as Rai, D. K. Arora, N. K. (First author)
storage Dubey and P. D.
fungitoxicants, Sharma (Eds.),
1993, p. 289-293 Rastogi Publishers,
5. Ecology and New Trends in Yes T. N. Tiwari and
etiology of some Microbial Ecology, B. N. K. Dubey
micro-organisms Rai and M. S. Dhar (Corresponding
causing (Eds.), Publisher author)
dermatophytosis ISCON, BHU
and actinomycosis,
1998, pp. 368-371.
6. Prospectives of Prof. D.D. Nautiyal Yes N. K. Dubey and
Indian Flora as Commemoration P. Tripathi
Pesticidal Plants, Volume, Department of (First author)
2000, 285-292. Botany, Allahabad
7. Evaluation of some Recent Mycological 9788188237807 Yes P. Tripathi, P.
essential oils for Researches, S. C. Sati Kumar and N. K.
their fungitoxicity (Ed.), I. K. Dubey
against Penicillium International (Corresponding
expansum (Link), Publishing House, author)
2006, p. 119-128. New Delhi
8. Synthetic verses Biotechnology: Plant 9788181890702 Yes R. Kumar and N.
botanical Health management, K. Dubey
pesticides in plant N. Sharma and H. B. (Corresponding
protection, 2007, p. Singh (Eds.), Prof H. author)
573-582. N. Verma
Volume, International
Book distributing
9. Exploitation of Recent Developments 978-1-4020- Yes N. K. Dubey, A.
natural in eco- in Management of 8803-2 Kumar, P. Singh
friendly Plant Diseases, Plant and R. Shukla
management of Pathology in the 21st (First author)
plant pests, 2010, Century, U. Gisi,
p. 181-198. I. Chet, M. L. Gullino
(Eds.), Springer
Publication of ICPP -
2008 series
10. Botanicals in Management of Yes A. Kumar, P.
agricultural pest Fungal Pathogens: Singh and N. K.
management, Current Trends and Dubey
2010, p. 14-27. Progress, A. Arya and (Corresponding
A. E. Perelló (Eds.), author)
CAB International,
11. Global Scenario on Natural Products in 9781845936716 Yes N. K. Dubey, R.
the application of Plant Pest Shukla, A. Kumar,
Natural products in Management, N. K. P. Singh and B.
integrated pest Dubey (Ed.), CAB Prakash
management, International, U. K. (First author)
2010, p. 1-20.
12. Plant chemicals in Plant Defense: 978-94-007- Yes N. K. Dubey, P.
post harvest Biological Control, J. 1932-3 Singh, B. Prakash
technology for M. Merillon and K. G. and P. K. Mishra
management of Ramawat (Eds.), (First author)
fungal, mycotoxin Springer Publication
and insect
contamination of
food commodities,
2012, p. 195-208.
13. Botanicals in Contribution to the Yes P. Singh, R.
control of microbial Mycological Progress, Shukla, A. Kumar,
spoilage of food S. C. Sati and M. B. Prakash, S.
commodities, Belwal (Eds.), Daya Singh and N. K.
2012, p. 65-98. Publishing House, Dubey
New Delhi (Corresponding
14. Botanical Microbes: Diversity 9789381450109 Yes N. K. Dubey, R.
pesticides: An eco- and Functions, D. J. Shukla, P. Singh,
chemical natural Bagyaraj, K. V. B. R. A. Singh and B.
alternatives, 2012, Tilak and H. K. Kehri Prakash
p. 403-418. (Eds.), New India (First author)
Publishing Agency,
New Delhi
15. Current status and Medicinal Plants: Yes A. Kedia, B.
impediments Various Perspectives, Prakash, P. K.
preventing India J. P. Keshri and R. Mishra and N. K.
from becoming a Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Dubey
herbal giant, 2013, CAS, Department of (Corresponding
p. 254-263. Botany, Burdwan author)
University, Burdwan,
16. Role of Improvement of Crops 978-1-4614- Yes D. K. Tripathi, V.
micronutients in in the Era of Climate 8823-1 P. Singh, D. K.
plant growth and Change, P. Ahmad, M. Chauhan, S. M.
acclimation: recent R. Wani, M. M. Azooz Prasad and N. K.
advances and and L. P. Tran (Eds.), Dubey
future perspective, Springer, New York, (Corresponding
2014, p. 197-216. author)
17. Aflatoxins as Aflatoxins: Food 978- Yes L. Sharma, B.
serious threat to Sources, Occurrence 1631172984 Srivastava, S.
economy and and Toxicological Rana, A. Sagar
health, 2014, p. Effects, A. G. Faulkner and N. K. Dubey
259-286. (Ed.) Nova Science (Corresponding
Publishers, author)
Hauppauge, N.Y.,
18. Fungal and Microbial Diversity and 978-81-322- Yes N. K. Dubey, P.
mycotoxin Biotechnology in Food 1800-5 K. Mishra, A.
contamination of security, R. N. Kedia and B.
herbal raw Kharwar, R. S. Prakash
materials and Upadhyay, N. K. (First author)
prospects of higher Dubey and R.
plant products as Raghubanshi, (Eds.),
plant based Springer publication,
during post harvest
processing, 2014,
p. 495-504.
19. Silicon as a Water Stress and Crop 9781119054450 Yes D. K. Tripathi, V.
beneficial element Plants: A Sustainable P. Singh, D. K.
to combat the Approach, P. Ahmad Chauhan, N. K.
adverse effect of (ed.), John Wiley and Dubey and S. M.
drought in Sons Prasad
agricultural crops, (Corresponding
2016, p. 682-694. author)
20. Global explicit Water Stress and Crop 9781119054450 Yes S. Singh, D. K.
profiling of water – Plants: A Sustainable Tripathi, V. P.
deficit induced Approach, P. Ahmad Singh, D. K.
diminutions in (Ed.), John Wiley and Chauhan and N.
agricultural crop Sons, K. Dubey
sustainability, (Corresponding
2016, p. 58-74. author)
21. Iron and abiotic Plant Metal Interaction: 9780128031582 Yes D. K. Tripathi, S.
stress tolerance of Emerging remediation Singh, R. Singh,
plants with special technology, P. Ahmad S. Singh, D. K.
reference to (Ed.), John Wiley and Chauhan and N.
agriculture: present Sons K. Dubey
and future (Corresponding
prospective, 2016. author)
22. Glutathione and Plant Metal Interaction 9780128031582 Yes S. Singh, D. K.
Phytochelatins : Emerging Tripathi, D. K.
mediated redox remediation Chauhan and N.
homeostasis and technology, P. Ahmad K. Dubey
stress signal (Ed.), John Wiley and (Corresponding
transduction in Sons, author)
plants : an
overview, 2016, p.
23. Ethnomedicinal Plant Diversity of Uttar Yes A. Singh, A.
Plants of Mirzapur Pradesh, G K Mishra, Kedia and N. K.
and Sonebhadra Sanjeeva Nayaka and Dubey
forests, Uttar D C Saini (Eds.), ASR (Corresponding
Pradesh, 2015, pp. Publication, author)
79-127. Ghaziabad
24. Plant essential oils Battle Against 978-84-942134- Yes A. Kedia, D K Jha
as natural Microbial Pathogens: 6-5 and N. K. Dubey
fungicides against Basic Science, (Corresponding
stored product Technological author)
fungi. (volume 1), Advances and
2015, pp. 208-214. Educational Programs,
A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.),
Publisher: Formatex
Research Center
25. Plants of Indian Plants as a Source of 9781780642666 Yes N. K. Dubey, A.
traditional Natural Antioxidants, Kedia, B. Prakash
medicine with N. K. Dubey (Ed.), and N. Kishore
antioxidant, 2015, CAB International, UK, (First author)
pp. 1-14.
26. Essential oils for Sustainable Agriculture 978-3-319- Yes B. Srivastava, A.
pest control for Reviews, E. Lichtfouse 09131-0 Sagar, N. K.
agro-ecology, (Ed.), vol. 15, Springer, Dubey and L.
2015, pp. 329-352. Sharma
(First author)
27. Plant – derived Perspectives of Plant 9788170195269 Yes N. K. Dubey, B.
products in Pathology in genomic Prakash, A. K.
sustainable pest era, P. Chowdappa, P. Dwivedy and M.
management: Sharma, D. Singh and Kumar
Current Status and A. K. Mishra (Eds). (First author)
Future Prospects. Today and Tomorrows
2016, pp. 457-467. Printers and
Publishers, Dehradun
28. Assessment of Plant Responses to 978-981-10- Yes Arif, Namita, V.
Antioxidant Xenobiotics, A. Singh, 2859-5 Yadav, S. Singh,
Potential of Plants S. M. Prasad, R. P. B. K. Kushwaha,
in Response to Singh (Eds.) Springer S. Singh, D. K.
Heavy Metals., Singapore Tripathi, K.
2016, pp. 97-125. Vishwakarma, S.
Sharma, N. K.
Dubey, and D. K.
29. Silicon: A potential UV-B Radiation: From 978-1-119- Yes D. K. Tripathi,
Element to Combat Environmental Stress 14360-4 Shweta, S. Singh,
Adverse Impact of to Regulator of Plant V. Yadav, N. Arif,
UV-B in Plants, Growth, V. P. Singh, S. S. Singh, N. K.
2017, pp. 175 - Singh, S. M. Prasad Dubey and D. K.
195. and P. Parihar (Eds.), Chauhan
John Wiley, (Corresponding
30. Nutritional oils for Reference Module in 9780081005965 Yes V. K. Singh, S.
food and their Food Sciences, Das, N. K. Dubey
quality Elsevier, (Corresponding
improvement using author)
(GMOs), 2017, pp.
31. Plants and Carbon Nanotechnology: Food 978-981-10- Yes Shweta, K.
Nanotube (CNT) and Environmental 4677-3 Vishwakarma, S.
Interface: Present Paradigm, R. Sharma, R. P.
Status and Future Prasad, V. Kumar, M. Narayan, P.
Prospects. 2017, Kumar, (Eds.), Srivastava, N. K.
Springer Nature Dubey, D. K.
Singapore Pte Ltd. Tripathi and D. K.
32. Common toxic Natural products and 9780081020814 N. K. Dubey, A.
plants and their drug discovery, K. Dwivedy , A. K.
forensic Subhas C. Mandal Chaudhari and
significance. 2018, (Ed.) Elsevier Somenath Das
pp., 349-374. Publication, (First author)
33. Fungal endophytes Microbial 978-981-10- Yes Vipin Kumar
from seaweeds: An Biotechnology (Volume 7139-3 Singh, Abhishek
overview. 2018, 2: Application in Food Kumar Dwivedy,
pp. 483-498. and Pharmacology), Akanksha Singh,
Springer, Singapore, Simran Asawa,
Dwivedi, and
Nawal Kishore
34. Nanoencapsulation Nanomaterials in 9780128114889 Yes Akash Kedia and
of Essential Oils: A Plants, Algae and Nawal Kishore
Possible Way for Microorganisms: Dubey
an Eco-Friendly Concepts and (Corresponding
Strategy to Control Controversies (Volume author)
Postharvest 2), Academic Press,
Spoilage of Food
Commodities From
Pests, 2018, pp.
35. Bioprospection of Angiosperm 978-81-211- Yes Abhishek Kumar
Traditionally used Systematics: Recent 0981-9 Dwivedy, Vipin
Medicinal Plants: Trends and emerging Kumar Singh,
An Overview, Issues, M/s Bishen Manoj Kumar,
2018, pp. 443-479. Singh Mahendra Pal Neha Upadhyay,
Singh Publications, Somenath Das,
Dehradun, India Anand Kumar
Chaudhari and
Nawal Kishore
36. Therapeutic Nanomaterials in 9780128114889 Yes Abhishek Kumar
Potential of Plant- Plants, Algae and Dwivedy, Neha
Based Metal Microorganisms: Upadhyay,
Nanoparticles: Concepts and Simran Asawa,
Present Status and Controversies (Volume Manoj Kumar,
Future 2), Academic Press, Bhanu Prakash
Perspectives. and Nawal
2019, pp. 169-196. Kishore Dubey
37. Adaptation Phytoremediation of 9781138062603 Yes Supriya Tiwari
strategies of plants Environmental and N. K. Dubey
against heavy Pollutants, CRC Press (Corresponding
metal stress. 2018, author)
pp. 81-98.
38. Biodiversity Ethnopharmacology 9781771887731 Yes Abhishek Kumar
Bioprospection and Biodiversity of Dwivedy, Vipin
with Medicinal Plants, Kumar Singh,
Respect to Apple Academic Somenath Das,
Medicinal Plants Press, CRC press, a Anand Kumar
Taylor & Francis Chaudhari, Neha
Group Upadhyay,
Akanksha Singh,
Archana Singh,
and Nawal
Kishore Dubey

(E) Research Project

(E) (i) Sponsored Project
S.No. Title Agency Period Amount of Grant
(In Lakh)
1. Exploitation of Higher plant UGC, New 1989 Two Lakh forty thousand
products as natural Delhi
fungicides for control of
fungal deterioration of
Vinga radiata during

2. Exploitation of Higher Plant CSIR, New 1990 Five Lakh fifty thousand
products as natural Delhi
preservatives against
fungal deterioration of
some fruits during storage
and transportation.

3. Evaluation of practical UGC, New 1994 Three Lakh seventy thousand

Potentiality of some plant Delhi
products as natural
pesticides against storage
fungi and insects with
special reference to their
animal toxicity and

4. Evaluation of some ICAR, New 1999 Eleven Lakh ten thousand

Practical Applicability of Delhi
some Plant Products as
Harbal pesticides for
control of Post harvest
biodeterioration of wheat
by fungi and insects.

5. Potentiality of Some Plant DST, New Delhi 2002 Ten Lakh ten thousand
Products As Botanical

6. Survey of angiospermic CSIR, New 2004 Nine Lakh fifteen thousand

flora of Varanasi and Delhi
adjoining area of selected
families as pesticidal plants
7. Control of fungal DST, New Delhi 2007 Eleven Lakh seventeen
contamination of raw thousand
materials of some
medicinal plants by higher
plant products.

8. Bioprospecting of plants of UGC, New 2007 Four Lakh thirty two thousand
selected angiospermic Delhi one hundred
families of Varanasi and
adjoining area as pesticidal
plants ,

9. Evaluation and practical CSIR, New 2009 Fourteen Lakh

applicability of some plant Delhi
products as safe
preservatives in post
harvest processing of raw
materials of some
medicinal plants based on
their efficacy as
antimicrobial and aflatoxin

10. Evaluation of efficacy of UGC, New 2010 Four Lakh forty six thousand
some plant products Delhi eight hundred
against fungal and
aflatoxin contamination of
Areca catechu and Piper

11. Efficacy of some ICMR , New 2013 Ten Lakh eighty two thousand
chemically characterised Delhi, three hundred twenty four
essential oils as a safe
botanical preservatives
against post harvest
fungal, mycotoxin
contamination and lipid
peroxidation of raw
materials of some
medicinal plants

12. Survey of endophytic fungi DBT, New Delhi 2014 Seventeen Lakh eighty five
associated with some thousand
aromatic plants of North
Eastern region and
assessment of their effect
on chemical profile and
biological activity as
antimicrobial, aflatoxin
inhibitors and antioxidant.

13. Nanoencapsulation of CSIR, New June 2016 Twenty three Lakh

selected essential oils to Delhi
enhance their antifungal
,antiaflatoxigenic and
antioxidant activity for
controlling biodeterioration
of some herbal raw

14. Microbial roles in yield DBT, New Delhi Oct 2016 Twenty three Lakh sixty three
management of scented thousand
rice of north east India
sanction by

15. Fungal and mycotoxin DBT, New Delhi March 2017 Twenty two Lakh seventy eight
contamination of stored thousand
maize (Zea mays Linn)
samples in Meghalaya and
antimicrobial and
mycotoxin inhibitory
efficacy of some biocontrol
agents and essential oils of
traditionally used medicinal
plants of the region

16. Mycotoxins, fungal and National Jan 2019 Thirty nine Lakh fifty eight
heavy metal contamination Medicinal thousand
of selected herbal raw Plants Board,
materials and efficacy of Ministry of
some traditionally used Ayush, New
plant products as Delhi
mycotoxins suppressors
during post harvest

(E) (ii) Project Outcome/Output (Patent/Technology Transfer)

Sl. No. Details of Project Outcome/Output (Patent/Technology Transfer)
1. 2586/DEL/2006 (Dec 4, 2006): “Novel composition for controlling storage pests and mycotoxin
production (Melaleuca leucadendron and Carum carvi)” (granted in 2018)
2. 2587/DEL/2006 (Dec. 4. 2006): “Novel composition for controlling storage pests and mycotoxin
production (Melaleuca leucadendron and Cymbopogon flexuosus)” (granted in 2018)
3. 233/DEL/2011 (Feb. 1, 2011): “A novel plant essential oil synergistic composition and its preparation”
(Status: Provisionally accepted for granting patent)
4. 2588/DEL/2006 (Dec. 4. 2006): “Novel composition for controlling storage pests and mycotoxin
production (Cymbopogon flexuosus and Carum carvi)” (Status: Patent under examination)

(F) Fellowships/Awards
S.No. Details of Fellowship/Award Whether International/
1. Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), Allahabad, National
2. Fellow, The National Academy of Agriculrural Sciences National
(FNAAS), New Delhi, 2018
3. Smrity Roy Memorial Gold Medal “for the Best Teacher of the National
Institute of Science, BHU-2014 ”
4. Young Scientist Award of Indian Science Congress Association, National
5. Prof. M.J. Narsimhan Academic Merit Award of Indian National
Phytopathological Society, 1982
6. Top Reviewer Award for exceptional contribution to the quality of International
the International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier, 2011.
7. Chairperson, Session Coordinator and Key speaker –9th International
International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2008) held on
Aug. 24-29, 2008, Torino, Italy (Concurrent Session : Natural
compounds and disease control).
8. Fellow, Indian Botanical Society since 1990 National
9. Fellow, Indian Phytopathological Society since 2011 National
10. Fellow, Mycological society of India, 2015 National
11. Member Project Reviewer Committee for grant proposal for International
Scientific Research FNRS (FRS – FNRS ), Belgium, 2018
12. Subject Editor, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, National
India Section: B Biological Sciences (ISSN: 0369-8211) under
banner of SPRINGER, 2016-till date.
13. Visiting Fellow, South Korea, (Jan 1991 to March 1991) (INSA International
Exchange Programme)
14. Visiting Fellow, CFTRI, Mysore, (Sept 1995 Nov 1995), INSA National
15. Visiting Fellow, Tokyo, Japan, (July 1996 to Nov. 1996), INSA- International
JSPS Ex. Programme
16. Visiting Professor, Besancon, France, (Feb 1997 to March 1997) International
17. Visiting Fellow, Kings College, U.K. (Jan 2001 to March 2001) International
INSA- Royal Society Programme)
18. Young Scientist Award of Indian Science Congress Association, National
19. Prof. M.J. Narsimhan Academic Merit Award of Indian National
Phytopathological Society, 1982
20. Top Reviewer Award for exceptional contribution to the quality of International
the International Journal of Food Microbiology, Elsevier, 2011.
21. Associate Editor, African Journal of Microbiological Research, 2011 International
22. Awarded fellowship under Exchange of Scientists Programme of International
Indian National Science Academy to visit South Korea from
August-November (1991).
23. Awarded INSA-JSPS fellowship under Exchange Programme, 1996 International
to visit Japan.
24. Visited University De French, Besancon, France for two months As International
“Invited Professor” (1997)
25. Awarded INSA-Royal Society fellowship under Exchange International
Programme for three months visit to U. K. (2001)
26. Awarded INSA visiting associateship for three months visit to International
CFTRI, Mysore, 1995.
27. Recognised amongst Top Reviewers by National Academy of National
Sciences, Allahabad (2015, 2016) for the Proceedings of National
Academy of Sciences (Biological Sciences).
28. Member Editorial Board, Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2017- National
29. Member Project Advisory Board, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy – one of International
the European largest grant making foundations – supports
fundamental and applied research in different fields (biomedicine,
nanotechnology, ICT, agrofood, etc.), 2014, 2015.
30. Member, Executive Council, Indian Botanical Society, Mycological National
Society of India, 2014-2017.
31. Member, Project Advisory Board “National Center of Science and International
Technology Evaluation”, Ministry of Education and Science Astana,
Republic of Kazakhstan, 2014
32. Recognised as a “Top- 10 most cited” author for an article published International
in Postharvest Biology and Technology. Volume 32, Issue 3 (2004),
Pages 235-245. Elsevier publication.
33. Recognised as “Top -10 Most Cited” author in Jan 2012 for a International
paper published: Evaluation of Chenopodium ambrosioides oil as a
potential source of antifungal, antiaflatoxigenic and antioxidant
activity: International Journal of Food Microbiology Volume 115,
Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 159-164 Kumar, R., Mishra, A.K., Dubey,
N.K., Tripathi, Y.B. (Elsevier Journal).
34. Young Academic Award of Banaras Hindu University (Malviya National
Memorial Award), 1986.
35. Recipient of PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION during annual International
convention of Korean Society of Mycology 1991.
36. Recipient of recognition by Wonkwang University, Korea on International
outstanding research contributions, 1991.
37. Visiting Fellow, University of Burdwan, West Bengal, September National
38. Amongst top reviewer, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, National
2014, 15, 16

(G) Other information related to academic achievement

Sl. No. Details
1. Member, Executive Council, Indian Botanical Society, 2014-2017 Member, Executive Council,
Mycological Society of India 2014-2017
2. Member Editorial Board, Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 2017-2020
3. Associate Editor, African Journal of Microbiological Research ISSN 1996-0808, ISI IMPACT FACTR
0.533, (since 2011)
4. Associate Editor, Pharmacognosy Magazine, (A publication of Phcog.Net, ISI Impact factor 1.525,
(since 2014)
5. Delivered First Prof K. S. Bhargava Memorial Lecture at Gorakhpur University. 2012
6. Research Projects Conducted: 16
7. Ph. D. Supervised: 23 (Students are recipient of NASI young Scientist Award, Best paper and poster
awards of Indian Botanical Society, Indian Phytopathological Society, Dr. D. S. Kothari Fellowship,
National Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Young Scientist Medal of U.P. State Council of Science and
Technology, DST Fast Track Young Scientist Award)
8. Foreign Visits: Japan, France, South Korea, Belgium, Malaysia, U.K., Italy
9. Research papers published in full: 219
10. Books authored/ edited: 10

Date: 03-07-2019

Place : Varanasi

Prof. Nawal Kishore Dubey

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