Erikson's, Piaget's and Freud's theories of childhood development are summarized. Erikson's focuses on trust vs mistrust in infants and providing security. Piaget's discusses sensory motor skills and object permanence. Freud's mentions oral stimulation. Nursing implications include primary caregivers, stimulation, and age appropriate toys. Guidelines for breast milk storage by temperature are also listed.
Erikson's, Piaget's and Freud's theories of childhood development are summarized. Erikson's focuses on trust vs mistrust in infants and providing security. Piaget's discusses sensory motor skills and object permanence. Freud's mentions oral stimulation. Nursing implications include primary caregivers, stimulation, and age appropriate toys. Guidelines for breast milk storage by temperature are also listed.
Erikson's, Piaget's and Freud's theories of childhood development are summarized. Erikson's focuses on trust vs mistrust in infants and providing security. Piaget's discusses sensory motor skills and object permanence. Freud's mentions oral stimulation. Nursing implications include primary caregivers, stimulation, and age appropriate toys. Guidelines for breast milk storage by temperature are also listed.
Erikson's, Piaget's and Freud's theories of childhood development are summarized. Erikson's focuses on trust vs mistrust in infants and providing security. Piaget's discusses sensory motor skills and object permanence. Freud's mentions oral stimulation. Nursing implications include primary caregivers, stimulation, and age appropriate toys. Guidelines for breast milk storage by temperature are also listed.
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Erikson's Stages of Childhood Freud's Stags of Childhood
Developmental Nursing Developmental Nursing
Task Implications Piaget's Stages of Childhood Task Implications Infant Stages Trustofvs. Mistrust Age Provide a primary Development Span caregiver. Nursing Implication Provide experiences Provide oral Stimuli are assimilated into beginning Child learns to love Sensory motor stimulation by giving 1 month that add mentalto images. and be loved. Neonatal Reflex pacifiers; do not security, such entirely Behavior as soft reflexive. Infant whose needs discourage thumb sounds and touch. and ear-eye coordination Hand-mouth are met when those Oral Stage: Child sucking. Provide visual development. Infant spends much time needs arise, whose explores the world Breastfeeding may stimulation for looking at objects and separating self discomforts are by using mouth, provide more activefrom involvement. them. quickly removed, who Primary Circular 1-4 especially the tongue stimulation than Beginning intention of behavior is Reaction are cuddled, playedmonths formula feeding present (the infant brings thumb to with, and talked to, because it requires mouth for a purpose: to suck it). come to view the the infant to spend Enjoyable activity for this period: a world as a safe place more energy. rattle or tape of parent's voice. and people as helpful Infant learns to initiate, recognize, and dependable. and repeat pleasurable experiences from environment. Secondary Circular 4-8 Memory traces are present; infant Reaction months anticipates similar events (a parent coming near him will pick him up). Good toy for this period: mirror, good game, peek-a-boo. Infant can plan activities to attain specific goals. Perceives that others can cause activity and that activities of own body are separate from the activity of object. Can search for and retrieve toy that Coordination of 8-12 disappears from view. Recognizes secondary reaction months shapes and sizes of familiar objects. Because of increase separateness, infant experiences separation anxiety when primary caregiver leaves. Good toy for this period: nesting toys (colored boxes).
Breast Milk Storage Guidelines
Type of Breast Milk Countertop 25C or Refrigerator Freezer -18C or colder (room 4C colder temperature) Freshly expressed or Up to 4 hours Up to 4 days Up to 6 months is pumped best Up to 12 months is ok Thawed. Previously frozen Never refreeze human milk after it has been thawed Leftover form a feeding Use within 2 hours after the baby is finished feeding (baby did not finish the bottle) Pump every 3 hours for 3o minutes
Problem: poor position and latch
Express milk after a month of delivery because during the first few weeks the body is regulating milk.
milk start to come out 1-2 days after delivery
you can see if the baby feed during that time is you noticed that your baby poop and pee a lot.