Growth and Development

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Erikson's Stages of Childhood Freud's Stags of Childhood

Developmental Nursing Developmental Nursing

Task Implications
Piaget's Stages of Childhood Task Implications
Infant Stages
Trustofvs. Mistrust Age  Provide a primary
Development Span caregiver. Nursing Implication
 Provide experiences  Provide oral
 Stimuli are assimilated into beginning
 Child learns to love
Sensory motor stimulation by giving
1 month that add
mentalto images.
and be loved.
Neonatal Reflex pacifiers; do not
security, such entirely
 Behavior as soft reflexive.
 Infant whose needs discourage thumb
sounds and touch. and ear-eye coordination
 Hand-mouth
are met when those Oral Stage: Child sucking.
 Provide visual
development. Infant spends much time
needs arise, whose explores the world  Breastfeeding may
stimulation for
looking at objects and separating self
discomforts are by using mouth, provide more
quickly removed, who
Primary Circular 1-4 especially the tongue stimulation than
 Beginning intention of behavior is
Reaction are cuddled, playedmonths formula feeding
present (the infant brings thumb to
with, and talked to, because it requires
mouth for a purpose: to suck it).
come to view the the infant to spend
 Enjoyable activity for this period: a
world as a safe place more energy.
rattle or tape of parent's voice.
and people as helpful
 Infant learns to initiate, recognize,
and dependable.
and repeat pleasurable experiences
from environment.
Secondary Circular 4-8  Memory traces are present; infant
Reaction months anticipates similar events (a parent
coming near him will pick him up).
 Good toy for this period: mirror, good
game, peek-a-boo.
 Infant can plan activities to attain
specific goals. Perceives that others
can cause activity and that activities
of own body are separate from the
activity of object.
 Can search for and retrieve toy that
Coordination of 8-12
disappears from view. Recognizes
secondary reaction months
shapes and sizes of familiar objects.
Because of increase separateness,
infant experiences separation anxiety
when primary caregiver leaves.
 Good toy for this period: nesting toys
(colored boxes).

Breast Milk Storage Guidelines

Type of Breast Milk Countertop 25C or Refrigerator Freezer -18C or
colder (room 4C colder
Freshly expressed or Up to 4 hours Up to 4 days Up to 6 months is
pumped best
Up to 12 months is
Thawed. Previously frozen Never refreeze
human milk after it
has been thawed
Leftover form a feeding Use within 2 hours after the baby is finished feeding
(baby did not finish the
Pump every 3 hours for 3o minutes

Problem: poor position and latch

Express milk after a month of delivery because during the first few weeks the body is regulating milk.

milk start to come out 1-2 days after delivery

you can see if the baby feed during that time is you noticed that your baby poop and pee a lot.

every 2-3 hours need to feed or demand feeding

power pumping

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