Cummins Diagramas Electricos de Motores QSC 8 3

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Cummins Diagramas Electricos De Motores Qsc 8 3

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Subject This AEB is for the following applications:
Installation Recommendations
Automotive Industrial Power Generation

Date April 2001 (Rev Dec 2001) Page 1 of 38 AEB Number 15.44

Engine Models included: QSB,QSC,QSL9,QSM11,QSX15,QSK19,QST30,QSK45,QSK60

Fuel Systems included:

Changes in blue


The Quantum Installation Recommendations Technical Package was written to assist OEMs in integrating
Quantum engines into their equipment. This technical package includes the wiring diagram, pinouts, and other
pertinent information needed to install a Quantum engine

Refer to the following other Industrial AEB’s:

AEB 15.40 – Electronic Features

AEB 15.42 – OEM Components and Interfaces

AEB 15.43 – Datalinks and Diagnostics

Authors: Scott Decker, Michael L. Hill, Brian Landes, Jeffrey Martin, Stewart Sullivan, Tiffany Walker

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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents................................................................................................................................. 2

Section I – Grid Heaters.................................................................................................................... 3-4

Section II – Power and Ground Requirements .................................................................................. 4-5

System Grounding Requirements ..................................................................................................... 4
High-Current Accessory Grounds...................................................................................................... 4
Cylinder Block as Ground ................................................................................................................. 4
Starter Ground................................................................................................................................. 4
Frame Returns................................................................................................................................. 4
Switches and Sensor Grounding Requirements ................................................................................. 5
Solenoid Grounding Requirements.................................................................................................... 5
Section III – Keyswitch Requirements.................................................................................................. 6
Keyswitch Connection Requirements ................................................................................................ 6
Sourcing.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Fusing............................................................................................................................................. 6
Inductive Load Sharing..................................................................................................................... 6
Fault Lamp/Keyswitch Wiring Configuration ....................................................................................... 6
Optional 2-Lamp Strategy Wiring ...................................................................................................... 6
Section IV – Welding Requirements..................................................................................................... 7

Section V – OEM Harness and Harness Routing............................................................................... 7-8

Wire Section.................................................................................................................................... 7
Contacts and Connectors ................................................................................................................. 7
Protective Covering.......................................................................................................................... 8
Harness Routing and Support ........................................................................................................... 8
Section VI – Datalink Requirements for QSM11 and QSX15................................................................. 9

Section VII – Wiring Diagrams/Pin Mapping ................................................................................. 10-18

QSK45/60 Cense Wiring Diagram ................................................................................................... 10
QSB Wiring Diagram...................................................................................................................... 12
QSC Wiring Diagram...................................................................................................................... 14
QSM11 Wiring Diagram.................................................................................................................. 16
QSX15 Wiring Diagram .................................................................................................................. 18
QSK19/45/60 Wiring Diagram......................................................................................................... 20
QST30 Wiring Diagram .................................................................................................................. 22
QSB Pin Mapping .......................................................................................................................... 24
QSC/QSL9 Pin Mapping............................................................................................................ 25-26
QSM11/QSX15 Pin Mapping ..................................................................................................... 26-28
QSK19 Pin Mapping.................................................................................................................. 29-30
QST30 Pin Mapping.................................................................................................................. 30-31
Section VIII – Pinout Specifications .............................................................................................. 32-43
5V Sensor Voltage Source Pinout Specifications.............................................................................. 32
5V Switched Pullup Input Pinout Specifications ................................................................................ 33
10V Switched Pullup Input Pinout Specifications .............................................................................. 34
ECM Supply and Return Pinout Specifications ................................................................................. 35
Ratiometric Analog Input Pinout Specifications ................................................................................ 36
Resistive Analog Input Pinout Specifications.................................................................................... 37
Switched Pulldown Input Pinout Specifications................................................................................. 38
Switched Sink Driver Output Pinout Specifications ........................................................................... 39
Switched Source Driver Output Pinout Specifications ....................................................................... 40
Tachometer Source Driver Output Pinout Specifications ................................................................... 41
Variable Reluctance Input Pinout Specifications (Differential Input) ................................................... 42
Variable Reluctance Input Pinout Specifications (Single-Ended Input) ............................................... 43
Cummins Diagramas Electricos De Motores Qsc 8 3
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Section I - Grid Heaters


The intake air heater system is used to aid in starting during cold temperatures and to reduce white smoke after
such a start. The system consists of two heater elements that are controlled by the ECM via two high current
relays. Grid heaters are required for QSB/C/L9 engines.

Note: The installer is responsible for procuring and mounting the grid heater power relays in a location
free of road splash and also for routing battery connections through the relay contacts to the (2) grid
heaters which are shipped with the engines. The intake air heater relays must not be mounted on engine.

Since power routed to the grid heaters is through one wire then the gauge of the wire should be 2 AWG minimally
since each of the grid heating elements require 105 amps during the heating cycle. The gauge of the wire from
the grid heater, relays to the grid heater elements, also need to be 6 AWG minimally to carry the required current.
Fuses or fusible links set to 125 amps are advocated for the grid heating elements. The 24 V DC heater-relay is
connected to the OEM interface connector. The ECM can source up to 3 amps to turn this relay on. The switch
contact of this relay must carry the current from battery (+) to the grid heating elements. Only one relay is
required to drive both grid heaters on 24 V DC systems since the grid heaters are wired in series.

QSM11, QSX15
The intake air heater system is used to aid in starting during cold temperatures and to reduce white smoke after
such a start. The system consists of one heater elements that are controlled by the ECM via one high current

Note: The installer is responsible for procuring and mounting the grid heater power relays in an
acceptable location in respect to vibration and environmental influences such as road splash. The intake
air heater relays must not be mounted on engine.

The gauge of the wire from the grid heater, relays to the grid heater elements, also need to be sized for the
heater's current requirement. Typically, a 6 AWG minimally to carry the required current. Fuses or fusible links
set to 125 amps are advocated for the grid heating elements. The 24 V DC heater-relay is connected to the OEM
interface connector. The ECM can source up to 3 amps to turn this relay on. The switch contact of this relay
must carry the current from battery (+) to the grid heating elements. Only one relay is required to drive both grid
heaters on 24 V DC systems since the grid heaters are wired in series.

The QSM11 grid heater requires that the installer provide the ground wire or strap. This ground wire should be
routed directly to the starter ground connection or the battery ground. It is not acceptable to ground the grid
heater to the engine block or cylinder head.

The QSX15 grid heater is grounded directly to the engine's ground lug. The QSX15 grounding wire is supplied
with the engine.

QST 30
The intake air heater system is used to aid in starting during cold temperatures, while helping to reduce white
smoke. The system consists of twelve heater elements that are controlled by a primary and secondary ECM via
two high current relays. The ECM can source up to 3 amps.

Note: The installer is responsible for routing battery (+) connections to the contacts of the grid heater
relays, which are shipped with each engine.

Each grid heater element is rated for 86A@12V. As a result, each bank of grid heater elements will draw 258
amps in an ideal 24-volt system and have a total current draw of 512 amps for both banks. Therefore, the

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