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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

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The examination of virtual reality at the intersection of consumer T

experience, shopping journey and physical retailing

Maya F. Farah , Zahy B. Ramadan, Dana H. Harb
Lebanese American University, PO Box: 13-5053, Chouran, Beirut 1102 2801, Lebanon


Keywords: Virtual reality (VR), as a multi-sensory experience, plays a prominent role in the contemporary business land-
Amazon scape. This paper investigates the effects of the accelerating adoption of head-mounted devices by brands and
Dash button consumers on retailers’ in-store traffic and discusses how VR could complement the consumer experience across
SST the shopping journey. A qualitative research design interviewing both experts and consumers was adopted. The
findings show that there is an expectations’ gap buildup through the usage of VR versus what could be the actual
Consumer-retailer relationship
Purchase involvement
generic in-store experience. Risks and potentials of VR within the shopping journey vis-à-vis brands and retailers
are discussed.

1. Introduction themselves enticed to strategically rearrange the way they conduct their
business (Reason et al., 2015). In fact, the customer experience pro-
Virtual reality (VR) is not confined to entertainment boundaries. vided by innovative retailers is being altered through the likes of virtual
While people associate the term ‘virtual’ with advanced video games reality applications, which are enabling shoppers to interact with dif-
that offer an enjoyable and indulging real-time experience, VR in- ferent touch points in innovative ways (Diemer et al., 2015). Retailers
creasingly plays a prominent role in the contemporary business land- are nowadays facing increasingly more demanding customers who ex-
scape (Pantano and Naccarato, 2010; Tredinnick, 2018). Virtual reality pect satisfying experiences alongside the products and services that
is a multi-sensory experience defined as real-time inducing graphics they seek (McKinney, 2004; Sipe and Testa, 2018). Undeniably, con-
with multi-dimensional framework, complemented by a display tech- sumers value the experience of enjoyable and memorable moments
nology that provides the end user with model integration (Earnshaw, provided by companies that strive to engage with them in a customized
2014). It leaps to the forefront of technological advancements and and personalized manner (Pine and Gilmore, 2003). Besides, the human
creativity across various industries including construction, aerospace, brain is believed to enhance the virtual experience provided by some
and oil and gas among other fields with the aim to improve the lives of retailers and brands through the activation of some personal past ex-
people (Slater and Sanchez-Vives, 2016; Higgins, 2017). Interestingly, periences (Ohta and Tamura, 2014).
VR can pave the way for robust transformation in the world of retail Given these significant changes in the retail landscape, it is im-
whilst facilitating the logistics, business management and customer perative to assess the viability of VR in the retail business and its impact
experience (Laria and Pantano, 2011; Slater and Sanchez-Vives, 2016). on the existence of physical stores. For this purpose, this paper aims to
Virtual reality is undoubtingly altering the way shoppers, brands and investigate the effects of the accelerating adoption of VR on retailers’ in-
retailers behave nowadays (Grewal et al., 2017). store traffic. The paper discusses how VR could complement the con-
The prominence of VR in the world of retail and its impact on the sumer experience across the different shopping journey stages. To the
demise of physical stores can no longer be overlooked nor placed at the best of the researchers’ knowledge, no qualitative research using both
back end of priorities. In an era of fierce competition, VR continues to consumer and elite interviewing has been conducted to date to assess
expand in the business world affecting retailers and consumers alike such impact and best use. The integration of both experts’ and con-
(Grewal et al., 2017). Accordingly, the thrust of VR has lately attracted sumers’ views, experience and knowledge is a unique approach that this
not only the interest of many researchers, but also that of retailers study uses in order to triangulate and synthesize the findings that ad-
(Glazer et al., 2017). In order to avoid being carved out of the market dress the effect of VR on the consumer experience, shopping journey
because of a limited customer experience, numerous retailers find and physical retailing. The contributions of this study are multi-faceted;

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: mfarah@lau.edu.lb (M.F. Farah), zahy.ramadan@lau.edu.lb (Z.B. Ramadan), dana.harb01@lau.edu (D.H. Harb).

Received 23 November 2018; Received in revised form 1 February 2019; Accepted 18 February 2019
0969-6989/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.F. Farah, et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

(1) the mapping of the usage of VR along the shopper journey, (2) the customer experience (Stone and Woodcock, 2014). Indeed, technology
effects of VR on consumers’ experience and in-store traffic, and (3) the has always been at the forefront of all kinds of imaginative thinking to
integration of multiple views (experts and consumers) for the first time enhance customer experience. Throughout the years, starting with
in a VR shopper journey study, which provides a higher level of gran- stories and robotics, holograms and such, the human mind has grasped
ularity to the findings and mapping. the concept of coupling reality with the virtual and felt the need to do
so in many cases (Chen and Sun, 2012).
2. Literature review In marketing, the act of implementing VR in campaigns is likely to
enhance consumers’ overall experience and loyalty, and consequently
The first virtual system was introduced by Mortin Heilig in companies’ revenues (Riva et al., 2007). In the past decade, the news
1960–1962 through the incorporation of a prerecorded colored film have been abounding with brands successfully utilizing this technology.
with sensory effects such as sound and scent, while lacking individual For instance, Mercedes advertised its SL model with a virtual drive on
interaction (Li et al., 2016). This technology went through many im- the Pacific Coast Highway in California, allowing users to discover the
provement stages such as interactive graphics, head tracking, and new new design in an interactive way (Gaudiosi, 2016). Oreo used VR to
image processing techniques allowing interaction among individuals advertise for its new cupcake-flavored cookies through a mystical fan-
(Earnshaw, 2014). Although the first commercial VR devices were in- tasyland filled with Milk Rivers and chocolate canyons (Smiley, 2016).
troduced to the market 50 years ago, it was only until few years ago Particularly, HMDs, which are the focus of this study, have extensively
that companies started making the right use out this technology (Slater been utilized by innovative brands in various industries such as Volvo,
and Sanchez-Vives, 2016). Technically, VR today relies on a Head Qantas, Adidas, Sherry FitzGerald Estate agency, and Topshop. In 2014,
Mounted Display (HMD), meaning that the projected image can only be when launching the XC90 SUV, Volvo targeted the younger generation
seen through its built-in screen (Xu et al., 2015). Coupled with a gy- who were interested in buying their first luxurious car. For that aim,
roscope, this headpiece makes 3-dimensional places and characters Volvo launched a test-drive VR experience using an HMD. The results
appear as life-sized while stepping away from the boundaries of tele- were impressive, as sales surged with a 412% increase in units com-
vision or computer monitors. pared to the precedent year (Gajsek, 2017). Similarly, in 2016, Qantas
As advancement in technology allowed for the creation of a lighter Airlines launched an entertainment service using Samsung's Gear VR.
version of a virtual prototype gear to be released to the masses, the The service offered premium passengers in First Lounges at Sydney and
gaming industry joined the competition to create attractive content Melbourne airports, as well as in First Class cabins on select A380
valuable for both marketers and consumers (Hamari et al., 2017). Ex- services from Australia to Los Angeles, a unique experience that im-
amples on the integration of this technology in everyday life include: mersed customers in a virtual world. The HMD device showcased the
(a) driving license courses and military trainings (Bhagat et al., 2016), hotspots of network destinations, the latest Qantas products, and the
(b) information retrieval through virtual libraries (Rowley and Hartley, inflight blockbuster movies (Qantas, 2016). Virtual reality has also been
2017), (c) entertainment while playing music or sports exercises (Zyda, exploited in the real estate sector. Indeed, through Samsung Gear VR
2005), and most importantly, (d) fun and interactive ways to reach headsets, Sherry FitzGerald, Ireland's largest firm of estate agents,
customers. Nowadays, VR technology allows consumers to indulge in provided their potential clients with a virtual walk through yet unbuilt
alternate dimensions of reality that sometimes dwarf the effects of real- houses, making house hunting easier and faster (Buttons, 2016). Simi-
life experience (Pantano and Naccardato, 2010; Cruz et al., 2018). larly, in the retail sportswear sector, Adidas launched in 2017 a VR
experience for its customers to follow climbers through their ascent.
2.1. Consumer experience and VR technology With such an immersive technology, Adidas was able to replicate out-
door sports experiences and provide richer information about Adidas
Na and Weihua (2012) establish that many business organizations TERREX products (Takle, 2017). Last but not least, the fashion retailer
nowadays are capable of surviving the ever-growing competition with Topshop offered its customers a unique opportunity to experience a
the help of VR technology. Indeed, VR is believed to have a utilitarian Topshop catwalk show through HMDs as a way to promote their brand
component satisfying some consumers’ needs and expectations (Fox and latest offerings. Furthermore, in 2017, Topshop engaged its shop-
et al., 2009), and enhancing their overall experience. According to pers through Oculus Rift headsets: riders waterslide through a 3D
Meyer and Schwager (2007), consumer experience is derived from (a) rendition of the real Oxford Street in London into the actual store in
customer care quality, (b) product packaging, (c) product usage ease, order to celebrate the start of the summer (Melnick, 2017).
and (d) advertising strategies. It can be divided into five interrelated Consumers’ adaptability to new technologies has increased, and its
dimensions, namely: (1) sensory, (2) affective, (3) intellectual, (4) be- connectivity to the various platforms has attracted consumers even
havioral, and (5) social (Schimtt, 2011). These dimensions led to the more (Meyer and Schwager, 2007). Virtual reality technology is paving
initiation of the concept of customer empowerment through the in- the way to a robust transformation in the world of retail, whilst facil-
crease in customer engagement with the firm and the creation of a bond itating the logistics, business management and customer experience
between both parties (Hoyer et al., 2010; Libai et al., 2010). The cus- (Laria and Pantano, 2011). VR provides retailers with innovative means
tomer experience is also based on a consumer's level of satisfaction, to revolutionize customer experience engaging them with an ever more
trust, and commitment following a purchase (Lemon and Verhoef, interactive content (Lau and Lee, 2015).
2016). This is achieved through the usage of different online and offline
touch points that offer a distinctive customer experience at the various 2.2. The changing shopping journey and the retail environment in light of
stages of the consumer journey (Kumar et al., 2016). Kumar et al. VR integration
(2016) point out that touch points could be either customer-initiated
(such as checking online reviews about a specific restaurant) or firm- The literature in the field of retailing reflects the increasing im-
initiated (such as content or promotions available online or websites). portance of web-based mediums and e-commerce channels for retail
Accordingly, experiences are looked at from two different perspectives: shopping (Liu and Forsythe, 2011) that is often paralleled by a steep
the customers’ point of view (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2003; reduction in interest for physical stores (Hsiao, 2009). This rise in de-
Chandler and Lusch, 2015; De Keyser et al., 2015), and the firm's point mand for web-based online stores has forced conventional selling
of view (Stuart and Tax, 2004; Elia et al., 2016). channels to innovate. In order to keep up with the fast pace of tech-
Based on their understanding of how consumers spend their time nological advancements, physical retailers are increasingly testing the
and the devices that they use, companies started integrating VR tech- potentials of integrating VR into the shopping journey so as to be able
nologies into effective marketing strategies in order to enhance the to sustain current market share and seize new opportunities (Bonetti

M.F. Farah, et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

et al., 2018). role in their decision-making process (Quidt, 2016). In general, con-
A dire need exists today for point of sale environments to take ad- sumers’ or shoppers’ journey is divided into three stages, namely: (a)
vantage of VR techniques to disseminate a broader range of useful in- consider (driven by a stimulus), (b) evaluate/engage (comparing al-
formation, and accordingly facilitate the decision-making mechanism ternatives in-store with different stores), and (c) purchase (Bousaleh
(Kowatsch and Maass, 2010). VR tools enable the proliferation of in- and Mathew, 2011). Edelman (2010) proposes that this journey that
novative channels, rich in interactive three-dimensional images, gra- typically starts with an awareness stage, is followed by enjoyment and
phic icons and hyperlinks (Crawford et al., 2016). They also provides a bond building, which is likely to lead to loyalty in the long run. During
haven for human-computer engagements and interactions (Lee and each phase, consumers and shoppers are influenced by different types
Chung, 2008). These new-fangled digital channels introduce core fea- of messages, and most of the advertisement is directed toward the
tures that facilitate (a) immersion (the feeling of being encircled by “consider” and “buy” phases although the “evaluate” phase can make
digital environment) (b) presence (the feeling of existing in a virtual the biggest difference if the products’ display is attractive (Edelman,
landscape), and (c) interactivity which allows users to virtually engage 2010). Companies continuously strive to maximize their total sales
with objects and surroundings in real-time (Lee and Chung, 2008). value equation composed of three main elements: (1) penetration,
Similarly to physical stores, ambience, atmosphere and store layout which refers to the number of people who enter the shop multiplied by
play a substantial role in virtual contexts (Vrechopoulos et al., 2004). the percentage of people who buy from a specific category, (2) fre-
Immersing customers in a visually appealing dimension is a direct at- quency, which refers to how many times the shopper buys from this
tempt to stimulate purchase; this falls under the customer re-enchant- same product, and last but not least, (3) weight, which refers to how
ment process and the reinvention of the retail experience (Suddaby much the shopper pays for each transaction performed in the same shop
et al., 2017). Re-enchantment entails many connotations, mainly re- (Ramadan and Farah, 2017).
siding in the fact that individuals feel the need for novel ways to present Following the above review of literature on the various applications
goods (Puccinelli et al., 2009). The atmosphere, which cannot be re- of VR in the marketing field, it is noteworthy to highlight that while the
plicated elsewhere, is the most prominent point of attraction, as in- latter provides a high potential for retailers to enhance consumer ex-
dividuals feel the need to encounter varying daily stories. The di- perience, this technology is still largely underused by physical stores.
chotomy between reality and the digital sphere is the aim here, and can Given this current missed opportunity, this research looks at the ability
be created by accompanying the customer through every step of the of VR to reinstate physical stores’ in-store traffic alongside the overall
visit, from reception to payment, and even withdrawal (Burke, 2002). shopping journey.
For instance, a travel agency could provide customers with virtual short
trips to various destinations to facilitate the purchase decision of their 3. Methodology
travelers. This would not only help the customers make their choice,
but also grow brand loyalty and trust (Kim et al., 2004). The impact of The emergence of cost-effective HMDs has fostered marketers’ use of
VR use will further shorten the “patience” factor, shortening distances VR as an engagement tool with the customer (Srivastava et al., 2014).
between consumers and retailers, and in some cases eliminating the Indeed, HMDs allow the immersion of consumers in virtual environ-
need for a physical store altogether (Lou, 2017). ments, providing them with heightened experiences that can mimic not
Virtual reality has extended its reach and impact into the world of e- only the purchasing process, but also the consumption of products and
tailing and e-commerce, merging both reality and virtuality (Kock, services (Olszewski et al., 2016). Hence, this study specifically focused
2008). Such a practice has not only created a different dimension, but on the growing usage of such HMD devices by both marketers and
also allowed for better navigation to take place, beautiful graphics and consumers. A pioneering exploratory research methodology covering
artworks to be displayed in new ways, and out-of-the-box visual mer- both elite and consumer participants was accordingly utilized. In fact,
chandizing to be implemented, thus augmenting the customers’ sa- such a qualitative approach was needed given the complex character of
tisfaction levels (Wang et. al, 2011). the field and the aim of the study to discern new patterns and accord-
The literature in the field has widely discussed the most effective e- ingly map out the effects of VR on the consumer experience, shopping
store modalities to be used in order to present merchandise and related journey and physical retailing (Shah and Corley, 2006). Moreover, such
information in appealing storefront framework (Vrechopoulos et al., a methodology is recommended when a real-life context is of interest
2004; Oh et al., 2008; Cornelius et al., 2010). Several studies high- (Sinkovics et al., 2005). Participants were recruited from Europe, North
lighted how VR can facilitate navigation, and ultimately enhance the Africa, the Middle East and Western Asia, with a pre-selection criterion
overall shopping experience (Glazer et al., 2013). Based on the premise that both subgroups had hands-on knowledge of HMD-related experi-
that virtual appeal is positively related to enhanced consumer percep- ences. The aim of the study was to better understand the effects of such
tions and satisfaction, a significant number of retailers today focus on VR devices on the overall consumer journey and physical stores’ in-
providing innovative and entertaining tools that aid in establishing an store traffic.
increasingly efficient online store (Pantano and Naccarato, 2010; Laria In relation to the interviewed experts, open-ended semi-structured
and Pantano, 2011; Pantano et al., 2018). Inevitably noticeable is the Skype interviews were conducted. The sample included 15 participants
heightened interest in visual and aesthetic appeals as opposed to the (6 female and 9 male) with experience ranging between 4 and 17 years
products themselves (Pantano and Corvello, 2010). in the following fields: digital marketing, media planning, software and
Alibaba, a major e-commerce site with over 300 million users, is program development, VR headset development, gaming and retailing.
considered as the pioneer in the world of retail that relies heavily on VR The sample was recruited based on a convenience snowball metho-
technology. Alibaba was established in 1999 in China with the belief dology. Since no guidelines are provided on the sample size needed to
that the internet would provide small enterprises to make use of tech- reach data saturation (Morse, 1995), the recommendation made by
nology in order to grow and compete more effectively on the local and Creswell (1998) to conduct between 5 and 25 interviews was respected.
international fronts (Stone and D’Onfro, 2014). It launched its use of VR Data saturation was reached after the twelfth interview when sufficient
as part of China's Singles’ Day celebration with the objective to increase information was collected, and additional interviews brought no in-
the excitement of people on that day and accordingly boost sales (Xu, cremental insight (Guest et al., 2006; Baker et al., 2012); yet, three
2017). While Ali Baba's VR users can experience the shop virtually, they additional interviews were conducted to ensure the comprehensiveness
still lack the sensational in-store shopping experience, which could af- of the discussion and potential implications.
fect their decision-making process. The consumer group was interviewed in parallel with a sample
Companies aiming to operate only in the virtual space should take consisting of 24 respondents (13 male and 11 female) using semi-
into consideration that consumers’ presence in the shop plays a huge structured face-to-face interviews. Age brackets of the respondents were

M.F. Farah, et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

as follows; 37.5% for the 18–24 years old, 29% for the 25–31 years old, which allowed consumers to live and feel the festival season upon
21% for the 32–38 years old, and 12.5% for respondents who are older wearing the head mounted display” (Founder of a VR company, 10
than 39 years. Data saturation was reached starting the twentieth in- years of experience).
terview, yet four additional respondents were interviewed to ensure
Numerous brands are currently relying on VR in their activations.
that all possible consumers’ feedback were covered.
Virtual reality is indeed used for various purposes such as for the launch
The interviews were all performed in English and lasted an average
of a new product or service, or for a promotion of an existing brand.
of 45 min each. A brief background of the study objectives was given at
This technology is increasingly becoming accessible to consumers,
the start of each interview to clarify the purpose of the research and
bringing to them a heightened level of excitement and a feeling of
warrant participation agreement. The respondents were all guaranteed
sensory-immersion into the virtual world (Biocca and Delaney, 1995).
confidentiality and anonymity. The interviews were digitally recorded
Interestingly, human beings are mostly drawn to all that is new; their
upon the consent of the respondents for later verbatim transcription,
curiosity can be a stimulus that will push them into trying new tech-
coding and analysis.
nologies that offer convenience and a better experience. One important
An updated version of the semi-structured questions was refined
aspect VR is also offering to consumers is the convenience of checking
during the data collection and after the third interview for each group.
items irrespective of their location.
The final interview questions were developed to tackle various subjects
depending on the groups interviewed. For the experts’ group the “VR saves me time; I can describe it as a parallel virtual time where
questions tackled the following subjects: (a) the interviewees’ educa- convenience and experience are one” (Consumer, 32 years old).
tional and professional background; (b) the respondents’ knowledge of
“For example, in case you are searching for an apartment to buy, you
VR in general and how it is affecting both retailers and the consumer
can put on the glasses, go over as many apartments as you want, then
journey; (c) the risks and the opportunities arising from this technology;
pick only a few to visit in real” (Founder of a VR company, 10 years of
and last but not least, (d) virtual reality and its future application in the
marketing field. On the other hand, the interview questions for the
consumer group examined: (a) the interviewees’ general background; From both the consumer and the retailer perspective, VR is still a
(b) the respondents’ knowledge and usage of VR with brands and at largely underused tool due to its affordability and awareness. While the
given retailers, (c) how VR is affecting their decision-making process full integration of this technology into the retailing environment re-
along the consumer journey; and (d) their experience on that particular mains a challenge due to cost and space, experts and consumers alike
gamification of the decision-making process. expressed the need for what we can coin as the ‘omni-reality of VR’. The
Data analysis was performed using NVIVO (version 10). In order to latter can be defined as the integration of VR into all marketing
ensure validity, the transcribed interviews were read and crosschecked touchpoints, where the consumer would have one brand experience
by two researchers who coded the data independently. The researchers across all communication channels through the use of VR. This virtual
then checked jointly the coding and extracted themes. omni-channel experience would not only integrate the different mar-
keting touchpoints, but it would also augment the experience sought
4. Findings and discussion from each of the channels.
“The real disruption potential of VR will only come when all current
According to both groups of respondents, namely experts and con-
marketing communication channels are integrated together and will be
sumers, VR is believed to be perceived as a promising technology that
experienced via VR; imagine if you could via VR chat with the sales
could enhance their experience. Nevertheless, the experts recognize
person, do a live product simulation test such as a test drive, go virtually
many shortcomings to it. A major limitation to the usage of VR is re-
to the store, purchase, and post live on social media about your experi-
lated to how retailers are currently introducing this technology to their
ence! Everything is integrated like omni-channel but through a VR lens”
shoppers without developing a related well-rounded strategy. Experts
(Head of interactive unit, 20 years of experience).
recommend that VR should actually include content that is relevant,
attractive and actionable to the target audience. Retailers who adopt “VR has a lot of potential. I expect that one day all of our interactions
this technology are perceived as being highly innovative and futuristic. with brands or companies will be through that headset. PCs and mobiles
This is likely to lead to a higher in-store traffic driven by an enhanced will become obsolete as VR will take over embedding everything there.
consumer experience across the shopping journey. Conversely, laggard The long-term future might virtual reality in 3D holograms where you
retailers that do not follow the trend in providing their customers with a wouldn’t even need any more a headset” (Consumer, 28 years old).
developed retailing experience are expected to lose market share to
more innovative counterparts. This was also voiced by the interviewed
consumers whereby they felt that the current implementation of VR 4.2. Virtual reality and the shopping journey
technologies by retailers is still sporadic.
Whenever a shopper wants to purchase an item or a service, he/she
4.1. The potential disruptions of VR on purchasing behavior typically goes through a long decision process. The latter starts with an
emerging need that the consumer wants to fulfill. Subsequently, the
According to the respondents, while VR has been introduced in the shopper initiates a search phase to list potential alternatives to satisfy
1960s and is expected to reach more than 150 million users by 2018, it his/her need. The search can be based either on the opinion of one's
is still seen as a burgeoning technology. Nonetheless, VR seems already surrounding or on reviews posted on various social media platforms
to be currently offering a rather interesting consumer experience to (Ramadan et al., 2018). Only then, the evaluation of the alternatives
innovators and early adopters. becomes possible to reach the desired choice (Senecal et al., 2005). To
that end, companies are increasingly introducing VR into their activa-
“I would like to think of it as a teleportation portal for the mind. It
tions in order to ensure that the sales conversion is happening based on
transports your vision, thoughts and senses into a virtual environment”
a sense of presence, which emerges from an effective virtual experience
(Managing Director, 17 years of experience).
(Li et al., 2002; Hoban and Bucklin, 2015).
“The thrill that accompanies the use of VR is out of this world! The The research findings were aligned with the literature in that par-
experience is really amazing” (Consumer, 24 years old). ticular direction, while adding a further understanding on best prac-
tices, uses, and the impact of VR along the purchase funnel as it si-
“An example of the use of VR is Coca Cola's 2016 Christmas campaign,
mulates consumers’ experience (Li et al., 2002). The usage of VR seems

M.F. Farah, et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

to complement early-on both the awareness and the considerations

“Whenever VR tools will be affordable, this technology will be more
stages, which prelude the consumer journey. Virtual reality usage is
accessible, and people will start using them more. In return, companies
expected to outpace visits to the physical stores in these early stages, as
will implement more activation that requires the use of virtual reality
consumers would virtually experience the brand and the store. Never-
devices” (Managing Director, 17 years of experience).
theless, VR tools’ trial and adoption will depend on the age group of the
targeted shoppers. “The main limitation for VR today is cost. Most of my friends do not have
one yet. It's kind of sad that I can’t relate or talk much about my ex-
“I think the adoption of VR depends on the consumer's age. It is definitely
perience with them as they wouldn’t know what I’m talking about”
easier for young people to incorporate VR tools into their search and get
(Consumer, 24 years old).
the feel of the sought product in a virtual world. VR will complement the
early stages and would probably add excitement to people who might “Before Facebook was launched, chat rooms where the predominant
consider more the products/services that they see through the virtual channels used; however, what made Facebook a hit was the right content.
glasses than any other product” (Head of Interactive unit, 20 of ex- So, when companies will find the right content for VR activations, this
perience). technology will succeed and be the optimal link between the consumer
and the brand” (Head of Interactive Unit, 20 years of experience).
“Experimenting virtually the use of a certain brand and navigating the
aisles of a retail store before being physically present there is like a Furthermore, the respondents recommended that the VR technology
booster to the initial shopping need. It definitely enhances my experience adopted by retailers stress more on the human senses as also discussed
and initial interest in the brand or service” (Consumer, 22 years old) in the literature, which sees VR as a medium “to serve the needs of the
users’ sensorimotor channels” (Biocca and Delaney, 1995, p.57). This
The respondents considered the engagement stage as the main tip-
technology adoption would immerse the user into a virtual world,
ping point of the overall consumer journey. VR's key effectiveness is
tapping on one's various senses such as touch, sight and smell (Gutierrez
attributed to the level of excitement and engagement consumers might
et al., 2008). According to Abbas and Ryan (2004), in an immersive VR,
derive from it. Indeed, VR is increasing enjoyment as retailers adopt
the user is likely to experience full insertion into a computer-generated
best VR practices not only to reach consumers but also to engage them
environment where he/she gets to manipulate the said environment
in innovative and entertaining ways.
through correspondence with various immersive output devices that
“Engagement is at its heights here; all your senses are immersed in that help extend consumers’ senses (Biocca and Delaney, 1995). In line with
experience. It is not as if you are watching it on a PC screen or mobile in this recommendation, Shridhar and Herschman (2017) give an example
a disconnected feeling. You feel that you’re part of it.” (Consumer, 28 how Lowe's, one of the largest retailers, is effectively using VR on its
years old) premises, whereby customers using VR glasses can virtually mix-and-
match the countertops, cabinets and appliances by using their fingers to
“I truly believe that the VR experience some companies are providing to
choose from a menu of options.
their customers allows a heightened engagement of their senses leading to
a gamification of the overall shopping journey.” (VR games developer, “When VR will have an additional advantage over the ‘traditional’ online
7 years of experience). platforms, such as sensing the products whenever you put on the glasses
or gloves, traffic to the retail stores will definitely be affected” (Head of
According to the interviewees, VR also enhances the overall ex-
Interactive unit, 20 years of experience).
perience across the shopping journey yet lacks a direct sales conversion
as highlighted in the literature (Li et al., 2002). With the exception of “The more immersive VR will be, the less we will feel the need to actually
Ali Baba using VR that propels shoppers into a Macy's store where they go to the physical store. If I can virtually touch the product and hear and
can do a direct transaction, the best practices of VR remain in enhan- feel the environment around me, I think it will be a killer for physical
cing the engagement stage. stores” (Consumer, 41 years old)
“Virtual reality is mainly used and seen as a main tool that enhances
consumers’ experience rather than helping with the actual sales conver-
5. Implications
sion” (Head of Interactive unit, 20 years of experience).
“I don’t use VR to actually buy products. Once I’m ready to buy, I leave From a scholarly perspective, this paper fills a gap in the literature
the headsets and drive to the actual store to buy what I’ve been checking in relation to the potentials of VR technology within a physical store
virtually.” (Consumer, 34 years old) environment as well as across the overall shopping journey. While VR is
seen as utilizing “a wearable device (typically a headset), which blocks out
“The usage of VR drastically drops down during the purchase stage where
‘real world’ sensory experiences to provide an arguably more engaging and
shoppers start actually visiting the actual physical store” (CEO, 15 years
innovative shopping environment” (Bonetti et al., 2018, p. 120), this re-
of experience).
search shows that the VR technology presents considerable potentials
Virtual reality is also considered as a very important tool that comes not only within an in-store environment, but also across the overall
at the end of the purchase journey, namely at the loyalty and advocacy consumer journey. Accordingly, this paper fills a gap in the “fragmented
stage. The findings show that VR usage is likely to maintain the re- body of existing academic research and limited evidence of practical uses of
lationship with consumers after the purchase. AR and VR in a retailing context” (Bonetti et al., 2018, p. 120).
From a managerial perspective, this research sheds light on the
“As consumers keep on using VR even after their purchases, we have
opportunities that HMD VR-related technology presents to physical
noticed an increase in repeated purchases and a higher level of customer
retailers. This study looked first at the potential disruption of such a
satisfaction and loyalty. Users keep coming back to the physical store
technology on shoppers’ behavior and presented the case for an ‘omni-
albeit at a lower rate, nevertheless the communication between us and the
reality of VR’, where all marketing communication channels are in-
users seems to be more recurrent” (Senior marketing director, 12 years
tegrated under that one virtual experience. The research expanded the
of experience).
discussion into the usage of VR throughout the various consumer
The interviewees concurred that for VR to be effective at each of the journey stages. The findings indicate that VR effectiveness seems to
consumer journey stages, companies should take into consideration the reach its peak at the engagement stage only to drop steadily at the
cost of the VR device to the consumer and focus on the content deliv- purchase stage, to finally stabilize at the last loyalty phase. Inversely,
ered to assure an overall heightened experience. upon the utilization of VR tools by retailers and subsequently by

M.F. Farah, et al. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 48 (2019) 136–143

Fig. 1. The impact of VR throughout the consumer journey stages.

consumers, the in-store traffic seems to grow at a slower pace in the related to the immersive content provided to its users, content
initial stages of the consumer journey as customers could prefer the creation becomes a crucial component of this overall experience.
convenience of the playful experience at home. Nevertheless, the in- Furthermore, and as per the findings of this study, a well-targeted
store traffic is expected to outpace the usage of VR at the purchase content that engages all senses can have a much higher sales con-
stage, whereby shoppers feel the need to have a concrete encounter version rate. Accordingly, content should be led by brands as they
with both the product and the store. In sum, there seems to be an ex- have the tools, the knowhow, and a thorough understanding of the
pectations’ gap buildup through the usage of VR versus what could be various aspects that are closely related to their brand's identity and
the actual generic in-store experience. This expectations’ gap progres- unique selling proposition (USP). Moreover, the innovative VR ex-
sively decreases as the consumer switches to the purchase stage. At this perience as well as the specific content developed by the brand
stage, an inflection point emerges whereby the transition between become a core competitive advantage, especially if the ensuing ex-
virtual and actual realities is demarcated. This could present an actual perience can be shared by customers on the various social media
risk to retailers that would entail consumer disappointment and platforms. This would ultimately lead to positive word of mouth,
churning. Fig. 1 summarizes in a visual representation the above dis- which in turn will be translated into a higher in store traffic.
cussion in relation to the expected impact and best uses of VR in each of
the consumer journey stages. In sum, the above recommendations provide clear implications and
Following the findings of this study, and with the gradual integra- directions for brands and retailing in relation to the usage of VR vis-à-
tion of VR into the consumer journey, brands and retailers are advised vis the consumer experience, shopping journey and physical retailing.
to take the following strategies into consideration:
6. Conclusion and future research
– Turning the linear shopper journey into a non-linear one: in order to
reduce the expectations gap as well as the transition risk that could The proliferation of VR has occupied the interest of researchers and
negatively affect in-store purchases, the implementation of VR in- executives alike across the world. Its echoing impact on the future of
side the store would be a fundamental strategy to adopt by retailers retail business can no longer be overlooked. Businesses are increasingly
and supported by brands. This would entail retailers to provide shifting gears towards the adoption of VR technology within their
HMD devices to become a mainstream touch point inside the stores. business streams shaping the way they present their products and
Accordingly, consumers would no longer be expected to invest in molding the means through which they deliver service and enjoyable
costly HMDs on an individual level as the experience will be offered customer experience to end users. This research paper shed light on the
to all inside the store, leading to a full democratization of the VR increasing importance of VR and gauges the perceived value of experts
experience. Consequently, the awareness (A), consideration (C) and in the field towards this technology. The paper focused on the uses of
engagement (E) stages would be combined into one in-store ex- VR in retailing and its impact on the different stages of the consumer
periential stage, the VR-ACE stage. Accordingly, “retail-tainment” journey turning it from a linear to a non-linear one. It also offered
would be achieved alongside a higher in-store traffic that would specific guidelines on the approach to adopt in order to reduce con-
minimize the expectations gap typically found in a linear shopping sumers’ expectations gap, ultimately leading to higher purchase inten-
journey. tions.
– Spreading HMDs’ cost: Following the previous recommendation, and Nevertheless, the paper is not without limitations. Indeed, it looked
building on the findings of this study, retailers and brands should at the usage of VR in the retail sphere in general. Accordingly, to ex-
consider alleviating the cost burden of HMDs through joint-part- pand the literature in this area, future studies could include a broader
nerships that would have specific performance measures, building range of participants in different geographical areas and diverse brands
on the integration of the three ACE stages. The agreed-upon key of products or services.
performance indicators (KPIs) would hence tackle increasing a
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