Neonatal Resuscitation

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The Route, Dose, and Interval of

Epinephrine for Neonatal

Resuscitation: A Systematic Review
Tetsuya Isayama, MD, MSc, PhD,a Lindsay Mildenhall, MBChB, FRACP,b Georg M. Schmölzer, MD, PhD,c,d Han-Suk Kim, MD, PhD,e

Current International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation recommendations on

CONTEXT: abstract
epinephrine administration during neonatal resuscitation were derived in 2010 from indirect
evidence in animal or pediatric studies.
Systematic review of human infant and relevant animal studies comparing other
doses, routes, and intervals of epinephrine administration in neonatal resuscitation with
(currently recommended) administration of 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg doses given intravenously
(IV) every 3 to 5 minutes.

Medline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature,

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and trial registry databases.
STUDY SELECTION: Predefined criteria were used for selection.
DATA EXTRACTION: Risk of bias was assessed by using published tools appropriate for the study
type. Certainty of evidence was assessed by using Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation.
RESULTS: Only 2 of 4 eligible cohort studies among 593 unique retrieved records yielded data
allowing comparisons. There were no differences between IV and endotracheal epinephrine
for the primary outcome of death at hospital discharge (risk ratio = 1.03 [95% confidence
interval 0.62 to 1.71]) or for failure to achieve return of spontaneous circulation, time to
return of spontaneous circulation (1 study; 50 infants), or proportion receiving additional
epinephrine (2 studies; 97 infants). There were no differences in outcomes between 2
endotracheal doses (1 study). No human infant studies were found in which authors
addressed IV dose or dosing interval.
The search yielded sparse human evidence of very low certainty (downgraded for
serious risk of bias and imprecision).
CONCLUSIONS: Administration
of epinephrine by endotracheal versus IV routes resulted in similar
survival and other outcomes. However, in animal studies, researchers continue to suggest
benefit of IV administration using currently recommended doses.

National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; bMiddlemore Hospital, Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand; cCentre for the Studies of Asphyxia and Resuscitation, Neonatal
Research Unit, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; dUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; eDepartment of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea; fUniversity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; gSt Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and hMater Research Institute and Mater Clinical School, Faculty of
Medicine, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

To cite: Isayama T, Mildenhall L, Schmölzer GM, et al. The Route, Dose, and Interval of Epinephrine for Neonatal Resuscitation: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2020;

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020:e20200586 REVIEW ARTICLE
Asphyxia is a leading cause of using GRADE, together with the nonstandard routes, doses, or
neonatal death and disability possibility that relevant human or intervals of administration or they
worldwide, and some of these deaths animal evidence had been published reported predefined outcomes of
may be preventable by since the 2010 ILCOR review, led to infants receiving nonstandard
improvements in neonatal a decision to conduct a new administration of epinephrine. For
resuscitation.1 Epinephrine systematic review. Polling of the this review (reflecting the ILCOR
(adrenaline) is recommended as ILCOR Neonatal Life Support Task 2010 CoSTR), the standard
a key medication in neonates who Force prioritized 3 areas of focus. In administration of epinephrine was
have not responded to previous collaboration with the ILCOR defined as IV administration of
resuscitation measures, including Neonatal Life Support Task Force, 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg per dose, and if
lung ventilation and chest we use this systematic review and return of spontaneous circulation
compressions2; however, the meta-analysis to assess the (ROSC) did not occur in response,
evidence for its use is limited. The following areas: the doses, routes, it was defined as repeated
International Liaison Committee on and intervals of epinephrine administration at 3- to 5-minute
Resuscitation (ILCOR) evaluates and administration in neonatal intervals.2
promotes the best available evidence resuscitation.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
on resuscitation in all age groups
and nonrandomized studies (non-RCTs,
using rigorous review processes to
METHODS interrupted time series, controlled
generate an international consensus
The systematic review protocol was before-and-after studies, and cohort
on science with treatment
registered in the International studies) were eligible for inclusion.
recommendations (CoSTR), which
Prospective Register of Systematic Unpublished studies (eg, conference
can be used to develop national and
Reviews (CRD42019132219). abstracts, trial protocols), case series in
multinational resuscitation
which authors could not provide an
guidelines and algorithms.3 The most
Review Question estimate of incidence of outcomes, and
recent ILCOR treatment
With this systematic review, we animal studies were excluded. In
recommendations on epinephrine for
assessed the question, “Among cohort studies, authors may compare
neonatal resuscitation were derived
neonates (of any gestation) at different interventions or report
largely from indirect evidence from
#28 days of age who have no outcomes for a single arm receiving
pediatric studies of uncertain
detectable cardiac output, have one intervention. For this review,
relevance to neonates or from animal
asystole, or have a heart rate ,60 observational studies were considered
studies.2 These recommendations
beats per minute despite ventilation to be cohort studies eligible for
are for epinephrine at a dose of 0.01
and chest compressions, does any inclusion if the authors used
to 0.03 mg/kg intravenously (IV)
nonstandard dose, interval, or route a defined strategy to ensure that the
(with repeated doses each
of epinephrine (adrenaline) improve participants were either all of those
3–5 minutes if needed) if adequate
the primary outcome (death at who received an exposure of interest
assisted ventilation of the lungs and
discharge) or any secondary in a defined population (eg, infants
chest compressions have failed to
born at a hospital between specified
increase the heart rate .60 beats outcomes compared to standard-
dose IV epinephrine dates) or were sampled in such
per minute. Endotracheal
(0.01–0.03 mg/kg at intervals of a way as to be representative of
epinephrine administration at
every 3–5 minutes)?” such a population.6 Otherwise, the
a higher dose (0.05–0.1 mg/kg) is
study was considered to be an
suggested but only if IV access is
Criteria for Study and Participant ineligible case series. All languages
unavailable. These 2010
Inclusion were eligible if there was an English
recommendations still stand because
for the 2015 CoSTR, ILCOR did not Eligible participants were neonates of
rereview epinephrine for neonatal any gestational age within 28 days of
resuscitation.4 birth who had either no detected Outcomes
cardiac output or asystole or heart The prespecified primary outcome
Since 2015, ILCOR has used the rate ,60 beats per minute despite was death at hospital discharge, and
Grading of Recommendations ventilation and chest compressions secondary outcomes were rate of
Assessment, Development and and had received epinephrine for failure to achieve ROSC (defined as
Evaluation (GRADE) process to resuscitation. In eligible studies, a sustained audible heart rate .60
appraise evidence.5 The need to authors either compared predefined beats per minute),7,8 time until ROSC,
assess evidence for epinephrine use outcomes between infants receiving moderate or severe hypoxic ischemic
during neonatal resuscitation by epinephrine by using standard or encephalopathy (only for term

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2 ISAYAMA et al
infants), intraventricular hemorrhage interventions, and outcomes. Study bias, inconsistency, indirectness,
grade III or IV, other morbidities in authors were contacted to obtain imprecision, and other considerations
early infancy (eg, necrotizing missing data or for clarification. where applicable.18
enterocolitis, retinopathy of
prematurity, bronchopulmonary Risk-of-Bias Assessment and Data Narrative Summary of Noneligible
dysplasia, periventricular Synthesis Human Studies
leukomalacia [only for preterm Two authors (T.I. and L.M.) assessed Because there were so few eligible
infants]), and neurodevelopmental the risk of bias of each included study studies during screening, articles in
outcomes. The need for repeat doses as low, moderate, serious, or which outcomes for nonstandard
of epinephrine was evaluated as critical using the Risk of Bias in doses, routes, or dosing intervals were
a post hoc secondary outcome. Nonrandomized Studies - of reported but did not meet inclusion
Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool for criteria for the systematic review were
Literature Searches comparative cohort studies.13 For set aside to include in a table and
single-arm (uncontrolled) cohort narrative summary.
An information specialist (C.Z.)
studies, a modification of a tool
conducted database searches on March Narrative Summary of Animal
proposed by Murad et al14 was used.
6, 2019, from Ovid Medline, Embase, Studies
the Cochrane Central Register of For studies in which authors Because there were few eligible
Controlled Trials, the Cochrane compared either primary or human studies, the searches were
Database of Systematic Reviews, and secondary outcomes between two subsequently rerun to include animal
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied interventions, meta-analyses were studies. They were expected to
Health Literature. The search strategies, performed with random-effect contribute information regarding
adapted for each database, used models because heterogeneity was mechanisms, pharmacokinetics or
a comprehensive combination of anticipated. Review Manager version pharmacodynamics, or toxicity and
subject headings and keywords for 5.3 (Nordic Cochrane Centre, adverse effects. Animal studies were
neonates, cardiac arrest, and Copenhagen, Denmark) was used for not submitted to GRADE analysis,
epinephrine, combined by using the the analyses.15 The results are shown combined with human studies, or
Boolean operator “AND.” The Medline with risk ratio (RR) for binary used for estimates of magnitude of
search strategy is found in the outcomes and mean differences effect.
Supplemental Information. The (MDs) for continuous variables along
databases were searched from with their 95% confidence intervals
inception, and no language limits were RESULTS
(CIs). For studies in which authors
applied. The Medline search strategy assessed one intervention (single Study Selection
was peer reviewed by another arm), the proportions of outcomes Among 593 unique articles retrieved,
information specialist using the Peer were calculated. Statistical 98 articles were selected for full-text
Review of Electronic Search Strategies significance was determined by using screening, and 4 studies were
checklist.9 References from included two-sided P values ,.05. No considered eligible (Supplemental
studies and review articles were also adjustment was conducted for Fig 2, Table 1).7,8,19,20 Initial agreement
hand searched, and ILCOR Neonatal multiple outcomes, which is typical of between the two reviewers was fair (k
Life Support Task Force and Working systematic reviews. Heterogeneity = 0.34), but differences were resolved
Group members were consulted. Trial was evaluated among included by discussion. All 4 included studies
registries in the United States, Europe, studies by examining forest plots, the were single-center, retrospective cohort
and Australia and/or New Zealand I2 statistic, and x2 tests for studies and included only newly born
were searched.10–12 heterogeneity.16 infants. Three studies were from the
Study Selection and Data Extraction The GRADEpro Guideline Development same institution, although the study
Titles and abstracts were Tool (software) was used to assess the populations did not overlap.7,8,20 In two
independently screened by two authors certainty of evidence as high, moderate, sequential studies from one institution,
(T.I. and H.G.L.) who then screened full- low, or very low for each outcome.5,17 authors reported outcomes of infants
text articles selected by either reviewer. For nonrandomized studies assessed receiving chest compressions for
Discrepancies were resolved by by using ROBINS-I, in accord with resuscitation, some of whom received
consensus of all investigators. Cohen’s recent recommendations of GRADE epinephrine initially via endotracheal
k statistic for agreement was methodologists, an initial assumption and some via IV administration
calculated. The same two authors of high certainty of evidence was (referred to hereafter as two-arm
independently extracted the data on applied.18 Ratings were downgraded studies).7,8 Of note, the endotracheal
study designs, study population, on the basis of the assessment of risk of epinephrine doses used in both

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020 3
TABLE 1 Included Studies
Halling et al7 2017 Barber and Wyckoff8 2006 Jankov et al19 2000 Perlman and Risser20 1995
Study design Cohort study (2 arms) Cohort study (2 arms) Cohort study (1 arm) Cohort study (1 arm)
Setting Single center (level 3 NICU), Texas, Single center (level 3 NICU),
Single center (level 3 Single center (level 3 NICU), Texas,
United States Texas, United States NICU), Ontario, Canada United States
Years of recruitment 2006‒2014 1999‒2004 1990‒1996 1991‒1993
Infants included in Newborns who received Newborns who received Newborns with birth Preterm infants who received
this review epinephrine in DR epinephrine in DR wt #750 g who epinephrine in DR
received epinephrine
in DR
Authors’ exclusion Lethal anomalies (n = 5); infants Lethal congenital anomalies Major congenital Not specified
criteria born outside of the hospital (n = 1) (n = 3); infants born outside the anomalies; infants not
hospital (n = 1); missing charts intubated in DR
(n = 1)
No. infants receiving 50 47 12 8
included in this
Proportion of infants 0.05 (56 of 114 367) 0.06 (52 of 93 656) 6.06 (12 of 198) 0.13 (39 of 30 839) for all term and
receiving preterm infantsa
epinephrine among
all infants in the
cohort, % (n of N)
Interventions Initial endotracheal epinephrine Initial endotracheal epinephrine Endotracheal Endotracheal epinephrine
(0.03–0.05 mg/kg) (0.01 mg/kg) epinephrine (median (0.01–0.03 mg/kg)
total dose of 0.1 mg)
without IV epinephrine
Controls Initial IV epinephrine (0.01 mg/kg) Initial IV epinephrine None None
(0.01 mg/kg)
Indication for NRP guidelines (ie, HR ,60 beats NRP guidelines (ie, HR ,60 HR ,100 beats per HR ,80 beats per minute after 30 s of
epinephrine per minute) beats per minute) minute after intubation CPR
and chest
Intervals between 3–5 min 3–5 min Not applicable 3–5 min
epinephrine doses
Outcomes reported Death in DR, death at discharge, Apgar 10 min, death at
Death in DR, death Death, neurodevelopmental
time of first epinephrine-dose discharge, ROSC, and time to
before discharge, and impairment, IVH, PVL, and seizure
ROSC, and time to ROSC ROSC neurologic impairment
at median 24 mo of age
Notes Initial endotracheal epinephrine The original study was focused The authors provided Of 16 epinephrine-treated infants, 5
dose changed from 0.03 to on 37 infants who received additional data for this term infants received epinephrine, (4
0.05 mg/kg from 2006–2008 (June) initial endotracheal epinephrine systematic review. endotracheal and 1 IV), but their
to 2008 (July)–2014. The authors and responded (n = 14) or results were not presented by route of
provided additional data for this responded to subsequent IV administration and 4 additional
systematic review. epinephrine (n = 23). preterm infants received epinephrine
without chest compressions. Only the
8 preterm infants who received
epinephrine by a known route
(endotracheal) are included in
subsequent tables.
CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DR, delivery room (birth location as used by authors; may have included operating theater); HR, heart rate; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NRP,
Neonatal Resuscitation Program; PVL, periventricular leukomalacia.
a Proportion of preterm infants who received epinephrine not reported.

studies (0.01 mg/kg per dose7 and infants in the first to 30 of 50 infants in outcomes of preterm infants receiving
0.03–0.05 mg/kg per dose8) the second study, indicating a practice endotracheal epinephrine for
were lower than those currently shift. In both studies, some infants who resuscitation (single-arm studies).19,20
recommended (0.05–0.1 mg/kg per initially received endotracheal Jankov et al19 included only infants
dose).2 Furthermore, the proportion of epinephrine subsequently received $1 #750 g birth weight. Although
infants receiving initial endotracheal doses of IV epinephrine. In the other Perlman et al20 included preterm and
epinephrine decreased from 44 of 47 two studies, authors reported the term infants, the subgroup of term

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4 ISAYAMA et al
a Stated in the article that, “As might be expected, for infants who received the first dose of epinephrine IV, there was sufficient time to anticipate that IV access would be needed (early recognized abruption, maternal motor vehicle crash, and

b The mean gestational age and time of initial endotracheal epinephrine of infants included in this review from Barber and Wyckoff8 (2006) was derived for 37 infants who responded to endotracheal or IV epinephrine. The gestational age and time
infants (with one group receiving IV

Median (range): 672 (575–750) Median (range): 1186 (626–1785)

Median (range): 7.22 (6.60–7.33)

Median (range): 29 (25–33)
Endotracheal (0.01–0.03) epinephrine) were excluded from this

Median (range:) 1 (0–6)

review because their outcomes were
Risser20 1995
Perlman and

3 of 8 (38)

2 of 8 (25)
not reported by route of


administration. Therefore, gestation

and birth weight characteristics were

lower for included infants from these
two studies than for the two-arm
studies (Table 2). None of the included
studies were specifically designed to
Endotracheal (0.01) IV (0.01) Endotracheal (median dose 0.1)

Median (range): 25 (24–28)

Median (range): 3 (1–15)

address the question for this

Median (range): 1 (1–5)
Jankov et al19 2000

systematic review, so we extracted

0 of 12 (0)

such data that did allow any



comparison of review outcomes

(Table 2). Reasons for exclusion of
other studies are summarized in
Supplemental Table 5.

Risk-of-Bias Assessment
Barber and Wyckoff8 2006a


On the basis of the ROBINS-I, both

two-arm studies had very serious risk
Mean: 4.2–5.2b

of bias because of the risk of

Mean: 36b

confounding (Supplemental Table



6).7,8 On the basis of the modified

Murad’s tool,14 both single-arm
studies had serious risk of bias (or
Mean 6 SD: 2559 6 1073 Mean 6 SD: 2868 6 1487

Mean 6 SD: 6.98 6 0.2 Mean 6 SD: 6.97 6 0.17

indirectness) because the thresholds

Mean 6 SD: 220 6 8
Mean 6 SD: 5.4 6 2.2
Mean 6 SD: 35 6 5

Median 0 (IQR 0–0)

for administering epinephrine

13 of 20 (65)

16 of 20 (80)

appeared to be lower than those of

IV (0.01)

prolonged shoulder dystocia). In each case, there was time to mobilize appropriate personnel and equipment.”8

current ILCOR recommendations

(Supplemental Table 7).19,20
Halling et al7 2017

of initial endotracheal epinephrine for 7 infants who failed to respond epinephrine were not reported.

Initial Endotracheal Versus Initial IV

Route (dose of initial epinephrine treatment), mg/kg Endotracheal (0.03–0.05)

Mean 6 SD: 219 6 9

Mean 6 SD: 5.1 6 2.7
Mean 6 SD: 36 6 6

Median 0 (IQR 0–1)

In only one study did authors provided

17 of 30 (57)

21 of 30 (70)

data used to address the primary

outcome of the systematic review. This

study (reporting 50 infants treated

TABLE 2 Infants’ Baseline Characteristics in Included Studies

with epinephrine) revealed no

difference in death at hospital
discharge between initial endotracheal
and IV epinephrine (RR = 1.03 [95% CI
0.62 to 1.71]; absolute risk difference
[ARD] = 17 more [209 fewer, 391
Emergency cesarean delivery, n of N (%)

more] per 1000 infants; very low

IQR, interquartile range; NA, not available.

certainty of evidence, downgraded for

Time to first epinephrine, min

very serious risk of bias and very

serious imprecision) (Table 3, Fig 1).7
Cord blood base excess

For the secondary outcome of failure to

Asystole, n of N (%)

achieve ROSC, meta-analysis of two

studies (97 infants treated with
Gestation, wks

Apgar 1 min
Birth wt, g
No. infants

epinephrine) revealed no difference

Cord pH

between initial endotracheal and initial

IV administration (RR = 0.97 [95% CI
0.38 to 2.48]; ARD = 7 fewer [135

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020 5
TABLE 3 GRADE Evidence Profile Table Comparing the Outcomes After Initial Endotracheal Versus Initial IV Epinephrine Administration
No. Studies Certainty Assessment No. Patients Effect Certainty Importancea
Study Design Risk of Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Initial Initial IV Relative RR Absolute RR (95%
Bias Considerations Endotracheal Epinephrine (95% CI) CI)
Death at hospital discharge
N = 17 Observational Very Not serious Not serious Very None 17 of 30 (57%) 11 of 20 1.03 (0.62 17 more per 1000 Very low Critical
studies seriousb seriousc (55%) to 1.71) (from 209 fewer to
391 more) infants
Failure to achieve ROSC
N = 27,8 Observational Very Not serious Not serious Very None 14 of 74 (19%) 5 of 23 (22%) 0.97 (0.38 7 fewer per 1000 Very low Critical
studies seriousb seriousc to 2.48) (from 135 fewer to
322 more) infants
Time to ROSC (in min)
N = 17 Observational Very Not serious Not serious Seriousd None 11 9 — MD 2 more (0.6 Very low Important
studies seriousb fewer to 4.6 more)
Receiving additional doses
after initial epinephrine
administration (post hoc)
N = 27,8 Observational Very Not serious Not serious Very None 58 of 74 (78%) 16 of 23 1.94 (0.18 654 more per 1000 Very low Important
studies seriousb seriousc (70%) to 20.96) (from 570 fewer to
1000 more) infants
On the basis of GRADE,18 serious risk of bias in ROBINS-I corresponds to very serious risk-of-bias GRADE (downgrade 2 levels). —, not applicable.
a Importance was assigned by the consensus of the ILCOR Neonatal Life Support Task Force.
b In the included studies, no adjustment for potential confounders (gestational age, Apgar score, asystole, cord blood pH, or base excess, etc) was conducted. Furthermore, there was a high risk of indication bias.
c The relative risk included both the benefit (RR = 0.75) and harm (RR = 1.25) as well as the null effect (RR = 1.00).
d The relative risk included the null effect (RR = 1.00).

Hoc Analysis)

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died or had severe

Supplemental Fig 3).7

administration (RR = 1.94

Endotracheal Epinephrine
endotracheal versus initial IV
received subsequent doses of
very low certainty of evidence,

with very serious risk of bias;

of the proportion of infants who

revealed no difference after initial

a mean gestation of 25 weeks).19

Infants Who Received Only Initial

for infants only exposed to initial

was 0.58 (7 of 12 infants born at

fewer, 322 more] per 1000 infants;

to hospital discharge among these

[95% CI 0.18 to 20.96]; ARD = 654

downgraded for very serious risk of

downgraded for very serious risk of

two doses (30 infants in one study

0.03 vs 0.05 mg/kg per Dose (Post
neurodevelopmental impairment at
Outcomes in Single-Arm Studies of

The rates of death at discharge and

bias and very serious imprecision).7,8
bias and very serious imprecision).7,8

epinephrine (two studies; 97 infants)

for very serious risk of bias and very

a median assessment age of 2 years

and initial IV epinephrine (MD = 2.00

Doses of Endotracheal Epinephrine:

failure to achieve ROSC were similar

treated with epinephrine) revealed no

[95% CI 20.60 to 4.60] minutes; very

infants was 0.38 (3 of 8 infants born

endotracheal epinephrine.19,20 In one
difference between initial endotracheal

low certainty of evidence, downgraded

for infants treated with each of these

more [570 fewer, 1000 more] per 1000
For time to ROSC, one study (50 infants

the second study, the proportion who
study, authors reported that mortality
serious imprecision).7 Post hoc analysis

In two studies, authors provided data

at a mean gestation of 30 weeks)20 In

infants; very low certainty of evidence,
Forest plots comparing the primary and secondary outcomes between initial endotracheal epinephrine and IV epinephrine. Meta-analyses were
performed with random-effect models by using Review Manager version 5.3. A, Death at hospital discharge. B, Failure to achieve ROSC. C, Time to ROSC (in
minutes). D, Receiving additional epinephrine after initial dose (post hoc). df, degree of freedom; I2, I2 statistic; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.

Narrative Summary of Additional these points in Table 4. Data on the use to admission and time until ROSC with
Human Studies of high-dose IV epinephrine for high-dose epinephrine; however, the
neonatal resuscitation are meager quality of evidence was very low, the
No studies eligible for this systematic (Table 4). In adults and children, subgroup of pediatric studies revealed
review evaluated alternative doses of a systematic review of 15 RCTs in no difference, and the applicability to
IV epinephrine, routes other than IV which authors compared high-dose newborn infants is uncertain.21
and endotracheal (eg, intraosseous, versus standard-dose epinephrine for Although authors of a few case series
intramuscular [IM]) administration, or cardiac arrest (typical starting dose for reported high-dose IV or endotracheal
dosing intervals. We summarized children of 0.1 mg/kg vs 0.01 mg/kg) epinephrine in preterm infants, the
results of ineligible studies assessing reported a slight reduction in survival safety and effectiveness of high

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020 7
TABLE 4 Additional Referenced Studies
Study Study Design Population and Interventionsa Resultsa Conclusionsa
High dose of
Finn et al21 2019 SR of RCTs Fifteen RCTs were included comparing High-dose epinephrine slightly There is uncertainty about the effect
a high dose versus standard dose increased survival to admission of high-dose epinephrine versus
of epinephrine (mostly (n = 5764; RR 1.13 [95% CI 1.03 to standard dose because of very
administered IV) for cardiac arrest 1.24]) and ROSC in adults (n = 7014; low quality of evidence and
in adults (12 RCTs; n = 6697) or RR 1.15 [95% CI 1.02 to 1.29]) (very uncertain applicability to
children (3 RCTs; n = 317). low quality of evidence). No neonates because they were
Standard dose in children was significant differences in survival at excluded from most studies.
mostly 0.01 mg/kg per dose, and discharge were noted. No significant
the high dose was 0.1 mg/kg per difference in ROSC in children was
dose. noted.
Schwab and von Case series Preterm infants (median gestation 29 Free plasma epinephrine was Free epinephrine is degraded over
Stockhausen23 (N = 9) wk; birth wt 1225 g) received increased to 28.6 (7.4–1283) nmol/L 1–2 h in preterm infants after
1994 a high dose of endotracheal in ∼30 min and reduced to 5.07 high-dose endotracheal
epinephrine (0.25 mg/kg per dose). (1.2–44.4) nmol/L at ∼100 min after epinephrine.
endotracheal epinephrine.
Goetting and Case series Consecutive children in cardiac arrest All 3 preterm infants responded to the In these 3 infants given epinephrine
Oaradis22 1989 (N = 7) (3 given a high dose of epinephrine high dose of epinephrine and had via umbilical arterial catheter,
preterm (0.2 mg/kg) after failure to respond an ROSC within 2–3 min after the adverse effects were not
infants) to 2 doses of 0.01 mg/kg. A high dose. All survived. reported. All 3 were also given
dose of epinephrine (0.2 mg/kg per atropine before high-dose
dose) was given via umbilical epinephrine.
arterial catheter in 3 preterm
infants (28, 29, and 34 wk’
gestation) on day 2–3 after birth.
Epinephrine intervals
Hoyme et al24 2017 Cohort study Children #18 y old with in-hospital The survival to discharge was lower The study raises the possibility that
(N = 1133) cardiac arrest who received .2 for longer intervals (crude OR 0.62 more frequent exposure to
epinephrine doses at intervals of [95% CI 0.49 to 0.79], 0.56 [0.39 to epinephrine impairs survival. The
1–5, .5–,8, and 8–,10 min 0.81]) but higher after adjusting for change in direction of effect after
(1630 events) (the average interval several variables. (adjusted OR 1.71 adjustment and uncertainty
was calculated by dividing the time [1.27 to 2.31] and 1.93 [95% CI 1.23 about applicability to newborns
between the first dose and end of to 3.03]) comparing 1–5 min to limit the conclusions that can be
resuscitation by the total No. between 5–8 and 8–10 min, drawn.
doses) respectively.
Intraosseous route
Ellemunter et al25 Cohort study Preterm and term infants of median All intraosseous line insertion was The authors concluded that
1999 with 1 arm (range) gestation = 31 (25–41) wk successful with a procedure time of intraosseous line is quick, safe,
(N = 27) and birth wt = 1560 (515–4050) g #2 min with no major and effective in neonatal
received intraosseous line for complications. Complications resuscitation even for extremely
resuscitation after birth. (Not all included 1 hematoma, 1 preterm or low birth wt infants.
infants received intraosseous subcutaneous necrosis, and 3
epinephrine.) dislocations of intraosseous lines.
Suominen26 2015 Case report A 24-day-old infant received The neonate had dislodgement of —
(N = 1) continuous epinephrine and intraosseous line twice and
norepinephrine infusion via developed compartment syndrome
intraosseous line after 24 h after intraosseous line
cardiopulmonary resuscitation and insertion that resulted in the below-
hypothermia treatment of 24 h. knee amputation of lower limb.
Oesterlie et al27 Case report A neonate received volume and The neonate developed white —
2014 (N = 1) ionized calcium infusion via demarcation likely because of
intraosseous line to manage septic extravasation of calcium that
shock. progressed to tissue necrosis
resulting in transtibial amputation.
IM route
Doglioni et al28 2015 Case report Case report of a term infant who The infant developed a “circumscribed, —
received IM epinephrine irregular, edematous, red-violet,
(0.02 mg/kg; concentration 1: 3 cm 3 2 cm plaque surrounded by
10 000) in the right thigh an ischemic line” at the injection

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8 ISAYAMA et al
TABLE 4 Continued
Study Study Design Population and Interventionsa Resultsa Conclusionsa
Time for securing
epinephrine routes
Heathcote et al29 Cohort study Infants with 1-min Apgar score of Median postnatal age of intubation, The real-life times for UVC
2018 with 1 arm 0 received full resuscitation central IV access, and IV placement and IV epinephrine
(N = 27) (median [range] gestation 36 wk epinephrine were 3.8 (95% CI 2.0 to were longer than those reported
[27–41 wk]; birth wt 2774 g 7.5), 9.0 (95% CI 7.0 to 14.0), and 10.0 in previous simulated studies.
[980–4778 g]). (95% CI 8.0 to 14.0) min after birth.
McKinsey and Simulation Time for intubation, UVC placement, Mean postnatal age of intubation, UVC Applicability to infants is uncertain.
Perlamn30 2016 cohort study and IV epinephrine administration placement, and IV epinephrine
with 1 arm were measured in simulation of injection were ∼2, 6, and 6.5 min
neonatal resuscitation of simulated after birth, respectively.
asystole neonates performed by 10
neonatal fellows.
Rajani et al31 2011 Simulation A total of 40 health care personnel (16 Mean procedure time (from time that Applicability to infants is uncertain.
crossover residents, 6 fellows, 5 hospitalists, the relevant vascular access kit was
RCT 5 neonatal nurse practitioners, and opened to time that lines were
8 neonatologists) performed inserted and flushed) was
intraosseous and UVC placement significantly shorter for
on neonatal manikins in simulated intraosseous than UVC by a mean of
neonatal resuscitation scenarios 46 s (59 vs 105 s; P , .001). The
after practice of intraosseous and time difference was larger for
UVC procedures. residents than for other groups. No
differences were found in the No.
errors or ease of use between
intraosseous and UVC, although
residents considered UVC
significantly more difficult than
Abe et al32 2000 Simulation First- and second-year medical The mean procedure time was Applicability to infants is uncertain.
students (n = 42) without previous significantly shorter for
experience with intraosseous and intraosseous than for UVC (52 and
UVC performed intraosseous and 134 s in the first attempt and 45 and
UVC procedures on task training 95 s in the second attempt for
models (twice for each procedure). intraosseous and UVC, respectively).
The intraosseous procedure was
considered to be less difficult than
the UVC procedure.
OR, odds ratio; SR, systematic review; —, not applicable.
a Information most pertinent to our systematic review is summarized in this table.

doses remain unknown.22,23 Longer authors commented that intraosseous administering epinephrine (Table 4).
latency between doses was examined access was always accomplished within In a cohort of neonates who had a
in an observational cohort study of 2 minutes (although data were not 1-minute Apgar score of 0 (median
children with cardiac arrest and was shown) and incurred few major gestation of 36 weeks [range 27–41
associated with improved survival. complications.25 Nevertheless, in a few weeks]), among 23 for whom the time
However, the direction of effect had case reports, authors have described was documented, umbilical venous
reversed after adjustment for severe complications including catheter (UVC) placement was
confounders, suggesting a high risk amputation of an extremity due to accomplished at a median time of 9
of bias.24 extravasation and compartment (95% CI 7 to 14) minutes after birth,
syndrome attributable to intraosseous probably longer than ideal for
In a few studies, authors described lines in infants.26,27 In one case report, asystolic neonates, whereas
routes for epinephrine administration authors described severe skin lesions endotracheal tubes were placed much
other than via endotracheal or IV at the site of an IM epinephrine earlier at a median time of 3.8 (95%
during neonatal resuscitation. In injection.28 CI 2.0 to 7.5) minutes after birth.29
a cohort study of 27 neonates within Simulation studies in which authors
5 hours of birth (median gestation of In several studies, authors addressed used neonatal manikins suggest
31 weeks [range 25–41 weeks]), the the time to obtain access suitable for shorter times to intraosseous than

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020 9
UVC placement, but variation in study into the right atrium at 0.05 or and endotracheal epinephrine for
design, participants, and models 0.1 mg/kg resulted in a greater neonatal resuscitation.
makes it difficult to know whether increase in heart rate and systemic
these results would correspond to vascular resistance than lower The 2010 ILCOR recommendations
clinically meaningful time differences doses (0.001 and 0.01 mg/kg).36 were informed by indirect evidence
in practice.31,32 Furthermore, However, the higher dose from animal or pediatric studies of
selection of participants in some (0.1 mg/kg) blunted the rise in uncertain applicability to newborns.2
of these studies may have been cardiac output and stroke volume, The human studies provided evidence
weighted to those who had greater probably because of a dose- against using doses .0.03 mg/kg IV. A
previous familiarity with dependent rise in peripheral pediatric case series suggested some
intraosseous insertion than UVC vascular resistance.36 Vali et al37 improvement in ROSC if a higher dose
placement. examined asphyxiated term lambs was used after two lower doses had
in cardiac arrest with transitioning failed to achieve ROSC,22 authors of
Narrative Summary of Relevant fetal circulation and fluid-filled another study that included children
Animal Studies lungs to compare IV versus found no associated benefit,38 and the
Several animal studies provided endotracheal epinephrine. In this only pediatric RCT suggested harm.39
relevant information, although there study, epinephrine administered via Of note, the “high” epinephrine doses
were variations in animal models and the right atrium or UVC (0.03 mg/kg of these pediatric studies
interventions (Supplemental Table 8). every 3 minutes; maximum 4 doses) (0.1–0.2 mg/kg per dose) were 3 to
This systematic review was based on achieved higher and faster peak 6 times higher than the maximum
the presumption that epinephrine is plasma concentrations than dose currently recommended for
efficacious, but this is based on expert epinephrine administered via newborns (0.03 mg/kg per dose).
opinion because there are no adequate endotracheal (0.1 mg/kg) and Taken together, the evidence at that
human newborn infant trials.2 Animal resulted in a shorter time to ROSC time was assessed as suggesting that
studies are used to address this with fewer doses.37 endotracheal might be less effective
question. In near-term lambs than IV epinephrine, with the
DISCUSSION possibility that lower response rates
undergoing perinatal transition with
asphyxia-induced cardiac arrest, The human infant data on which to could be mitigated by using a higher
administration of IV epinephrine base guidelines for epinephrine endotracheal dose.2 The evidence from
(0.01–0.015 mg/kg) was critical for treatment during neonatal the current systematic review is
increasing carotid arterial pressure and resuscitation are sparse. In this insufficient to confirm or refute these
carotid blood flow and thereby systematic review, we included 4 recommendations, and the available
achieving ROSC.33 However, authors of retrospective cohort studies in which studies highlight the difficulties of
other animal models after the perinatal authors reported outcomes for 117 studying, in vulnerable patients, rare
transition (porcine asphyxial cardiac eligible neonates. Only two studies events (eg, 0.05%–0.06% of all births)
arrest) found no benefit of reporting 97 neonates allowed that are difficult to predict.7,8 Even if
epinephrine.34,35 Wagner et al35 comparison of endotracheal and IV multihospital databases were used to
reported that 50% of animals achieving epinephrine administration, and only increase the sample size, the high risk
ROSC did so without epinephrine, one of these allowed analysis of the of bias seems inescapable in
whereas Linner et al34 revealed that primary outcome for this systematic retrospective studies of routine
80% of saline controls achieved ROSC. review: death at hospital discharge.7,8 practice for rare events. The reasons
Both reported that epinephrine did not The combined results revealed no for choice of route of epinephrine
improve the rate of ROSC.34,35 difference in the primary outcome or administration were not predefined in
Furthermore, early epinephrine the other critical and important either of the two studies that allowed
(0.01 mg/kg administered before outcomes that were reported: failure to comparison of routes. The choice was
closed-chest cardiac massage) did achieve ROSC, time to ROSC, or the likely to have been influenced by
not reduce the time to achieve proportion of infants receiving factors such as the extent of
ROSC, improve the rate of ROSC, additional epinephrine doses (post forewarning and the characteristics of
or improve postresuscitation hoc analysis). The very low certainty of the resuscitation team available at the
survival compared with saline the evidence indicates that the findings time.7,8 Because the use of epinephrine
controls.34 of “no difference” should be in newborn resuscitation is rare and
interpreted cautiously; the wide CIs unpredictable and the decision to use
A neonatal lamb study (asphyxial mean that the data could still be it must be made rapidly, it is difficult
cardiac arrest) revealed that consistent with large, clinically to design and perform adequate,
epinephrine doses administered meaningful differences between IV ethical randomized trials in human

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10 ISAYAMA et al
infants, especially if previous by Halling et al,7 most of the infants (11 These transitional model studies
parental informed consent is required. of 15 [73%]) who achieved ROSC after revealed benefit of IV epinephrine
Prospective, multicenter cluster- IV epinephrine required a cumulative treatment compared to no
randomized trials could offer a way dose of 0.03 mg/kg or more (median epinephrine or endotracheal
forward. of $2 doses). This raises the epinephrine.33,37
possibility that the initial IV dose of
We justified the decision to include 0.01 mg/kg per dose was too low for
single-arm cohort studies that did not most infants. However, considering
all the evidence, the balance of Strengths of our study include
allow any comparison between our
rigorous literature searching and
predefined “intervention” and “control” benefits and harms of higher doses
epinephrine for neonates remains systematic review by using
by the extreme paucity of any evidence
unresolved. a preregistered protocol, assessment
from comparative studies, but these
of certainty of evidence by using
studies did not alter the direction or The best route of administration for GRADE,18 and input from experts
strength of evidence. They provided epinephrine is also uncertain. Although from the ILCOR Neonatal Life Support
data on preterm infants, but no robust in their study, Halling et al7 reported Task Force. Limitations include the
conclusion about the efficacy or safety similar median time for first absence of RCTs and the small
of endotracheal epinephrine in preterm epinephrine administration via number of eligible studies and
infants can be drawn.19,20 In the cohort endotracheal and IV (median 5.1 and infants. Because all eligible studies
studied by Jankov et al,19 as many as 5.4 minutes after birth, respectively), included only newly born infants,
6% of all infants #750 g received further research is needed to the findings may not be applicable
epinephrine, raising the possibility that determine if this is achievable in other later in the neonatal period.
not all the infants were asphyxiated. A institutions. It is suggested in other Furthermore, no eligible studies
proportion of those receiving chest evidence that there may be potential examined alternative doses of IV
compressions and epinephrine might for endotracheal administration to be epinephrine, nonstandard intervals
have responded to better lung achieved faster, but the impact on of repeated epinephrine, and
ventilation alone, leading to efficacy is unknown.29,30 Although routes other than IV and
overestimation of survival and quality simulation studies (also of uncertain endotracheal.
of survival after epinephrine. external validity with respect to
resuscitation of newborn infants)
The lack of studies in which authors CONCLUSIONS
indicated faster time for insertion of
evaluated high doses, administration
intraosseous than umbilical venous We found evidence that administration
routes other than endotracheal or IV,
lines,31,32 caution is needed because of epinephrine by endotracheal versus
and nonstandard intervals of
severe complications of intraosseous IV routes was associated with similar
administration of epinephrine
lines in neonates have been rates of death at discharge, failure to
precluded any conclusions about
reported.26,27 There is a need for achieve ROSC, time to ROSC, and the
efficacy and risks. The narrative
future research to investigate any proportion of patients receiving
summary of human studies that did not
advantages and the safety of additional doses of epinephrine, but the
meet the inclusion criteria of this
intraosseous lines in neonatal evidence is of very low certainty.
systematic review yielded little more.
resuscitation. However, indirect evidence from
The applicability of very low certainty
evidence from a recent systematic For the key questions of this animal studies supports IV
review of adults and children in cardiac systematic review, animal studies administration over endotracheal
arrest to newborns is uncertain.21 reveal mixed results, which might be administration at the 0.01 to
There are major differences in the because of the variation in models. 0.03 mg/kg dose that has been
conditions that necessitate chest These include term or near-term recommended by ILCOR. Although
compressions and epinephrine in lambs or piglets either during the epinephrine can be administered
adults (predominance of asystole due perinatal transition or at a few days via intraosseous instead of IV
to cardiac causes), in children (mixed of age. The studies reflecting routes, further human infant data
causes), and in neonates (mostly transitional physiology, that is, are needed.
intrapartum hypoxia or asphyxia before closure of fetal shunts and
related, against the background of the before establishment of sustained ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
perinatal cardiorespiratory transition). lung aeration,34,38 might provide Several of the authors of this study
Therefore, the extrapolation of study more valid evidence for newly were ILCOR Neonatal Life Support
findings from adults and children to born infants than studies in Task Force members (T.I., L.M., G.M.S.,
neonates requires caution. In the study which authors use older animals. H.-S.K., Y.R., and H.G.L.). The following

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number 4, October 2020 11
additional task force members Roehr (University of Oxford and John
provided input to the review protocol, Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United
interpretation of the results, and on Kingdom); Dr Edgardo Szyld ARD: absolute risk difference
the article as experts in neonatal (University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma CI: confidence interval
resuscitation: Dr Myra Wyckoff (The City, OK); Dr Daniele Trevisanuto CoSTR: consensus on science with
University of Texas Southwestern (University of Padua, Padua, treatment
Medical Center, Dallas, TX); Dr Veneto, Italy); and Dr Sithembiso recommendations
Jonathan Wyllie (James Cook Velaphi (Chris Hani Baragwanath GRADE: Grading of Recommendations
University Hospital, Middlesbrough, Academic Hospital, Johannesburg, Assessment, Development
Cleveland, United Kingdom); Dr South Africa). and Evaluation
Khalid Aziz (Royal Alexandra ILCOR: International Liaison
Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, We thank the authors of two included Committee on Resuscitation
Canada); Dr Maria Fernanda de studies (Dr Cecilie Halling, The IM: intramuscular
Almeida (Federal University of Sao University of Texas Southwestern IV: intravenous(ly)
Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil); Dr Ruth Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Dr Robert MD: mean difference
Guinsburg (Federal University of Sao P. Jankov, Children’s Hospital of RCT: randomized controlled trial
Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil); Dr Eastern Ontario and the Ottawa ROBINS-I: Risk of Bias in Non-
Shigeharu Hosono (Jichi Medical Hospital, Ontario, Canada) for randomized Studies - of
University Saitama Medical Center, providing additional data for this Interventions
Saitama, Japan); Dr Vishal Kapadia systematic review. We also thank Dr ROSC: return of spontaneous
(The University of Texas Monica Kleinman (Boston Children’s circulation
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Hospital, Boston, MA) for overseeing RR: risk ratio
TX); Dr Jeffrey Perlman (Weill and monitoring the progress of UVC: umbilical venous
Medical College, Weill Cornell our review as an ILCOR domain catheter
Medicine, New York, NY); Dr Charles lead.

Dr Isayama drafted the protocol, screened studies, abstracted data, completed risk-of-bias evaluations and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation, completed the analysis, and prepared the first draft of the manuscript; Dr Mildenhall applied risk-of-bias assessment tools to articles
regarding human infants and drafted sections of the manuscript; Prof Schmölzer screened animal studies, extracted data, and drafted the section of the
manuscript in which the results of animal studies are reported; Dr Kim screened animal studies; Dr Rabi monitored the progress of this systematic review and
provided editorial and methodologic feedback at each step as a representative of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Liaison Committee of
Resuscitation; Ms Zeigler constructed the literature search strategies, obtained additional expert review of the search strategies and performed the database
searches, and drafted the part of the Methods section in which these processes are described; Prof Liley screened the human infant studies, extracted data, and
oversaw manuscript development; two reviewers provided suggestions to the manuscript; and all authors conceptualized and designed the study, including
preparing the protocol and critically reviewing and revising the manuscript for important intellectual content, approved the final manuscript as submitted, and
agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Accepted for publication Jun 16, 2020
Address correspondence to Tetsuya Isayama, MD, MSc, PhD, Division of Neonatology, Center for Maternal-Fetal Neonatal and Reproductive Medicine, National Center
for Child Health and Development, 2-10-1 Okura, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8535, Japan. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2020 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Funded by the American Heart Association, on behalf of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation for article submission to the editor. Dr
Isayama received payment from this funding source to complete this systematic review as expert systematic reviewer. The St Michael’s Hospital Health Sciences
Library received payment from this funding source for performing a literature search in this systematic review. Our information specialist, Ms Ziegler, did not
personally receive compensation. Dr Schmölzer is a recipient of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and University of Alberta Professorship in Neonatal Resuscitation,
is a National New Investigator of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Canada, and is an Alberta New Investigator of the Heart and Stroke Foundation Alberta; the other
authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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14 ISAYAMA et al
The Route, Dose, and Interval of Epinephrine for Neonatal Resuscitation: A
Systematic Review
Tetsuya Isayama, Lindsay Mildenhall, Georg M. Schmölzer, Han-Suk Kim, Yacov
Rabi, Carolyn Ziegler, Helen G. Liley and INTERNATIONAL LIAISON
Pediatrics 2020;146;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0586 originally published online September 9, 2020;

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The Route, Dose, and Interval of Epinephrine for Neonatal Resuscitation: A
Systematic Review
Tetsuya Isayama, Lindsay Mildenhall, Georg M. Schmölzer, Han-Suk Kim, Yacov
Rabi, Carolyn Ziegler, Helen G. Liley and INTERNATIONAL LIAISON
Pediatrics 2020;146;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0586 originally published online September 9, 2020;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
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