Control of Hazardous Substances Plan HE3

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Name Abdul Khan Date -May-23

Firm Supervision Consultant From TIEJUN

PO Box 301702 6th Floor, Hamad Tower,
Address & Tel. No. Project/Department Shura Island – R08HE4C32
King Faisal Road, Riyadh Saudi Arabia

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Shao Cheng 27-May-23

Name Signature Date

Document Transmittal Form (TRS-DC-FRM-0001)

Revision 02, Rev. Date 03-Oct-2019

Owner’s Engineer:



Shura Island East Hotel (HE03)




00 Issued for approval Muhammad Shao Cheng Chan Song 25-May-2023

Zameer Cheng



Control of Hazardous Substances Plan

DOCUMENT No.: R08-HE3-C32-TIE-PLN-HS-0002 Rev C1

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Control of Hazardous
Substances Plan
Owner: Contractor Document number: Rev:

R08-HE3C32 -TIE-PLN-HS-0002 00
Document Title:
Control of Hazardous 2/2
Substances Plan

Revision Record
Version Date Section Page Description of Modification and basis

C0 25-05-2023 All All 1st submission

C1 10-JUL-2023 All All 2nd Submission

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances Plan

Shura Island East Hotel (HE03)

May 2022

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050


Report Name
Control of Hazardous Substances Plan- Program # 08 Shura Island concrete structure
Hotel HE3

Project Number: R08-HE3-C32


Ref. Action Print Name Position Date

01 Prepared By Muhammad Zameer HSE Manager 25-May-2023

02 Reviewer Shao Cheng Cheng Project Manager 25-May-2023
03 Approved By Chen Song Project Director 25-May-2023

Revision Record

Ref. Revision No Description Rev Date

00 C0 1st Submission 25-May-2023

C1 2nd Submission 10-JUL-2023

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................... 1
2. STATUTORY REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................. 1
3. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ............................................................................ 1
3.1. TYPES OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ......................................................................................... 1
3.1.1. STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .................................................................................. 1
3.1.3. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL REGISTER......................................................................................... 2
3.2. TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ......................................................................... 3
3.2.1. HANDLING, STORING, TRANSPORTING .................................................................................... 3
3.3. TRAINING AND AWARENESS .................................................................................................... 3
3.4. MONITORING AND AUDITING.................................................................................................... 4
3.5. HAZARDOUS WASTE MONITORING PLAN ................................................................................... 4
3.6. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ...................................................................................................... 5
5. SPCT (Spill Prevention and Control Team)…………………………………………………………..7
6. Chemical Inventory……………………………………………………………………………………...7

Annex 1 – Daily Visual Monitoring Checklist
Annex 2 – Weekly Inspection Checklist
Annex 3 – Inventory of Hazardous Material
Annex 4 – Weekly Hazardous Waste Monitoring Checklist
Annex 5 – SDS and COSHH of used Chemicals

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050


CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan

C-CESMP Contractor Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
F-CESMP Framework Construction and Environmental Social Management Plan
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
NCEC National Center for Environmental Compliance
TRSDC The Red Sea Development Company
WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment
WEM Weekly Environmental Metrics
WMP Waste Management Plan
WTN Waste Transfer Note
TRSDC The Red Sea Development Company
SPCT Spill Prevention and Control Team

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
This Hazardous Material Handling and Storage Management Plan is a Sub-Plan of the project-specific
Contractor Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan (C-CESMP) for Program # 08 Shura Island
Works Hotel HE04 Concrete Structure
Island of The Red Sea Global (RGS).
RGS has appointed TIEJUN as the EPC Contractor to undertake the Hotel HE04 Concrete Structure works as Shura

1.2. Objective
The objective of Materials management during construction is to manage the materials in a way that avoids potential
effects on human health and the environment and is compliant with RGS and National environmental legislation.

2. Statutory Requirement
The primary legislative requirement that governs Materials management in Saudi Arabia and are applicable to the
project are:
• NCEC Prevention of Major Accidents Environmental Standard
• NCEC Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids Environmental Standard
• TRSDC Environment and Sustainability Policy and Principle
• IFC PS 3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

3. Hazardous Materials Management

Hazardous materials are any materials that represent a risk to human health, property or the environment due to their
physical or chemical characteristics. When a hazardous material is no longer usable for its intended purpose and is
intended for disposal, it is considered a hazardous waste and is addressed through Waste Management Plan. The
Project seeks to proactively manage the handling and storage of hazardous materials, as well as the prevention of
accidents and the control of releases of hazardous materials to ensure the protection of the workforce, the public,
property and the environment.

3.1. Types of Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials used during Project construction may include petroleum products such as

• Gasoline

• Diesel fuel

• Hydraulic fluid

• lubricating oils

• Bitumen

• PVC Solvents
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

• Primer paint

These are the chemicals which we are going to use at Tiejun project site activities.

3.1.1. Storage of Hazardous Materials

Contractor shall implement the following measures as well as to follow the REA and CESMP to manage hazardous
materials at project site during construction phase:
• Hazardous materials will be stored in designated, secure areas with secondary containment protected from
the weather and at least 500 m away from any waterbodies or sensitive receptor.
• The secondary containment will be made up of concrete. Hazardous materials will be stored in areas with
impervious surfaces that are sloped, or bunded to retain any spills/leaks.
• The hazardous material storage (Chemicals / fuel) to be on impermeable layer, with appropriate
secondary containment, in line with pertinent IFC/WB ESH Guidelines (i.e., 110% of total volume).
• Hazardous material storage areas will be shaded, open with natural ventilation.
• Storage of fuel will be in tanks equipped with locking devices and which have secondary containment (with
110% capacity) that are located on a concrete platform have bund walls with sump in a designated ventilated
• Incompatible materials (corrosive, flammables, oxidizers etc.,) or chemicals with different hazard symbols
should not be stored together.
• Spill kits, personal protective equipment (PPE), and other necessary equipment will be available where
hazardous materials are handled, to enable any spills to be cleaned up.
• Spill Kits will contain;
• Absorbent socks /pads
• Disposal bags and ties
• Gloves
• Hand Shovels
• Others as required
• Spills kits must to follow SDS requirements.
• All sources of ignition near to flammable storage tanks are prohibited.
• Relevant signs will be posted, SDS & emergency equipment like spill containment kits/ fire extinguishers
will be available at hazardous material storage location & including emergency contact numbers.
• Only personnel trained in the relevant procedures and in contingency action and spill cleanup procedures
shall supervise the loading and unloading of bulk oil and chemicals.
• Appropriate first aid will be located close to hazardous material storage areas such as eye-wash, showers,
and first aid kits.
• The transfer of hazardous materials from vehicles to storage tanks must be conducted on impervious hard
standing, which is sloped to a collection or a containment structure.
• Containers holding flammable and/or toxic materials will be kept permanently closed and covered. They
shall be kept in their original packaging and they shall be handled and transported.
• No storage of fuel and chemicals or refueling of equipment within 100 m of the shoreline or within wadis.
• Fueling of vehicles and machine will only be undertaken in specially designated areas inside the site.
• Any liquid fuel transfer will be done in accordance with a refueling and bunkering and will at a minimum
make use of drip trays provided by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vendor.
• Sign will be posted at designated refueling locations indicating that all vehicle or equipment ignition must
be turned off and smoking is prohibited within 10m of refueling area or fuel transfer location.
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

• While refueling, suspend operation of moving equipment in the immediate vicinity (i.e., 5 m) of the
• When transferring fuel, place sorbent material around the fuel inlet prior to dispensing, and use pumping
equipment, including hose and top-fill nozzle.
• Any accidental leaks of fuel or oil will be immediately cleaned up with absorbent material and collected in
• closed and labelled containers - temporarily stored in specially designed spaces until delivery to an operator
authorized for the collection / disposal of oil waste.
• All equipment and machinery involved in the construction will be well maintained and periodically inspected
to avoid the accidental loss of fuels and oils.
Drums/containers storing hazardous materials shall be compatible with the materials stored. If the drum is damaged or
is leaking material, the material shall be transferred to an undamaged drum. Drums/containers used for transporting
hazardous materials shall comply with applicable TRSDC and NCEC transportation requirements.
All Hazardous Materials must be disposed of according to the requirements of relevant national legislation and TRSDC
procedure as described in Waste Management Plan.

3.1.2 Hazardous Material Storage as per Global Harmonized System GHS

The presence of a hazardous material should always be indicated by placing a hazardous material warning label on the
outside of the container. Everyone who works on the site must become familiar with these warning labels so that proper
safety precautions are taken. Do not use containers or bags bearing hazardous material warning labels to store non-
hazardous materials. If unfamiliar with a container or a piece of equipment which has a hazardous material warning
Label, do not use or handle it until properly instructed about the hazards by the PI/Laboratory Supervisor.

Warning Labels Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for communicating hazards to users, requires that containers be
labeled with the corresponding GHS pictograms used on the containers themselves and on the SDSs. users should
familiarize themselves with these new symbols and their meanings before working with chemicals to ensure the correct
response is taken in the event of a chemical release or exposure.

• If any chemical properties are explosive

• For the flammable chemicals

• Oxidizing Chemicals

• Corrosive chemicals

• Acute toxicity

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

• Hazardous to the environment

• Health hazard/Hazardous to the ozone layer

• Serious health hazard

• Gas under pressure

GHS markings, chemical containers are sometimes also marked with warnings such as “Flammable," "Corrosive,"
"Reactive," or "Toxic,".
All the hazardous materials shall be stored as per the chemicals compatibility chart and adequately labeled with above
mentioned Hazards pictogram in order to use and store it safely. Following the compatibility chart, all chemicals shall be
segregated to avoid any reaction along with proper distance among various hazardous chemicals.

3.1.3 Hazardous Material Register and COSHH Assessment

A hazardous material register shall be prepared to provide accurate information on existing hazardous materials. This
hazardous material register will consist of a list of all hazardous materials and chemicals in the site, reference to where
it is stored and used, reference to its SDS and information on responsible person for such product.
All chemical substances and compounds purchased from suppliers used on the site will be accompanied by their Material
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that meet the requirements of national regulation. Hazardous materials and hazardous
chemical that are anticipated to be stored at the facility during construction phase will be entered in the Hazardous
Materials Inventory template (Annex 3). These will be available in the storage locations and principal points of use.
the hazardous material register will be reviewed and updated on a monthly basis.

COSHH Assessment:

A COSHH assessment concentrates on the hazards and risks from hazardous substances in your workplace.
Health hazards are not limited to substances labelled as 'hazardous'. Some harmful substances can be produced by the

• Identify the hazards

o Identify which substances are harmful by reading the product labels and safety data sheets (SDS).
o if there is any doubt, need to contact the supplier
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

o Remember to think about harmful substances produced by your processes, such as cutting or grinding,
or to which workers may be otherwise exposed.

• Decide who might be harmed and how

o How might workers be exposed? Think about the route into the body (whether the substance can be
breathed in, get onto or through the skin or can even be swallowed) and the effects of exposure by
each of these routes.
o Think of how often people work with the substance and for how long.
o Think about anyone else who could be exposed.
o Keep in mind that maintenance workers, contractors and other visitors or members of the public who
could be exposed.
o Also think about people who could be exposed accidentally, eg while cleaning, or what happens if
controls fail.
• Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
Once we have carried out a risk assessment and identified which harmful substances are present, and how
workers can be harmed, need to think about preventing exposure.

The measures we adopt could include the following

• Changing the process to reduce risks

o Consider whether we can change the process we use to reduce the risk of exposure. For example, we
could reduce the temperature of a process to reduce the amount of vapor getting into the air or use
pellets instead of powders as they are less dusty.

• Containment
o Enclose the process or activity as much as possible to minimize the escape or release of the harmful
o Use closed transfer and handling systems and minimize handling of materials.
o Extract emissions of the substance near the source.

• Systems of work
o Restrict access to those people who need to be there.
o Plan the storage of materials, and use appropriate containers. Check that storage containers are
correctly labelled and that incompatible materials, for example acids and caustics, are separated.
o Plan the storage and disposal of waste.

• Cleaning
o Exposure to hazardous substances can occur during cleaning, so plan and organize the workplace so
that it can be easily and effectively cleaned.
o Smooth work surfaces will allow easy cleaning.
o Have the right equipment and procedures to clear up spillages quickly and safely.
o Clean regularly using a 'dust-free' method – vacuum.

3.2. Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials will only be transported in vehicles authorized for the transport of hazardous substances according
to the national requirements and which hold a transport license for hazardous substances.
Procedures for loading and transporting fuels and other hazardous materials shall meet the local government
requirements. Contractor shall ensure that all handling or packaging of hazardous materials and all paperwork for
transport of hazardous materials is performed by properly trained personnel in accordance with applicable regulations.
All hazardous materials used for the Project shall be properly stored in approved containers and labeled including during
transportation. Fuel trucks transporting fuel on-site shall travel only on approved access roads. Smaller containers shall
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

be used on-site to transport needed amounts of hazardous materials to a specific location. Transfer of materials from
large to small containers shall be performed using appropriate equipment, including pumps, hoses, and safety
equipment; hand pouring techniques shall not be utilized. These smaller containers also shall be clearly labeled.

3.2.1. Handling, Storing, Transporting

Handling of all hazardous chemicals will be carried out by properly trained workers and supervisors. No handling will be
allowed prior to undertaking the appropriate training or induction session. All manufacturers’ recommendations,
directions for use and safe practices shall be followed according to provided information. No material will be used for a
different purpose than the one for which it was designed and manufactured.
Required PPE as per SDS information will be worn at all times by workers using and handling hazardous materials.
Where spills or leaks can happen, storing area will be designed taking into account this environmental risk. Storing area
will be provided with a second container that may consist of a double container for the hazardous material, drip tray
prepared to contain the whole quantity of hazardous material or an isolating material used to protect the ground and to
prevent soil contamination due to an accidental leak or spill.
In case a minor spill takes place while handling, using or being stored, action will be taken by using remediate spill kits
available, always following SDS recommendations while dealing with the chemical and using proper PPE as required.
The source shall be isolated as soon as possible and affected area contained immediately to avoid bigger impact.

3.3. Training and Awareness

All workforce with potential for exposure to hazardous materials, that is, involved in the use, storing, transport and
handling of any hazardous material present on the construction site will be trained on the identification and use of such
material. Training sessions on hazardous materials management will be organized on weekly or monthly basis and as
required to ensure awareness of all workforce. Minimum issues addressed during training sessions shall include:
• Information on what hazardous materials can a worker or supervisor be exposed to while performing their tasks
and duties.
• Hazardous material identification.
• Labelling  what information is explained on each part of the label, what pictures mean, what critical information
has to be searched for and why each piece of information is provided in any container’s label.
• Procedure to be followed in the normal use, handling, storing and transport of hazardous materials.
• General materials’ hazardous properties.
• Procedure to be followed in the cleaning up and disposal of the hazardous material.
• SDS  availability, location, information contained therein.
• Personal protective equipment to be used.

All training sessions shall be recorded in writing and an attendance list signed by all participants. The record of such
training will be kept at office and made available upon request.
Hazardous materials issues shall also be raised during toolbox meetings in which employees’ will be given the
opportunity to share past experiences and suggestions in the best use and handling of the hazardous material for all
workforce to be aware.

3.4. Monitoring and Auditing

Daily site walkovers and visual check of hazardous material storage area throughout construction phase of the project.
Inspection of the storage of hazardous materials will be conducted within the project site to ensure proper storage of
materials and hinder the potential occurrence of spillage. The main area of concern would be the fuel / oil storage and
vehicle maintenance yard.
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

• Daily site walkovers and visual inspections of hazardous material storage area (refer to annex 1).
• Weekly environmental inspection record (refer to annex 2).
Any observation of violation during daily site walkovers, a non-conformance report will be completed. HSE Manger in
accordance with the environmental incident procedure will complete an environmental incident response form. Spills
must be reported as an incident in compliance with Project Incident reporting standard. In response, a corrective action
will be designed to prevent further exceedances.

This documentation will be kept up to date and maintained at the construction site offices. This will be included in the
Monthly report submitted to RSG.

3.5. Hazardous Waste Monitoring Plan

Tiejun will hire NCEC approved Hazardous waste vendor. Hazardous waste will be stored at designated place and
removed from site within 90 days with all approved mitigation measures. Daily site walkovers and visual inspections of
hazardous material storage area will be carried out. (Refer to annex 1).

Monitoring Frequency Param Responsibility Name of the

Description eter Responsible
Visible spills & leaks
of hydrocarbon and
Hazardous material
Daily other potentially HSE Manager
storage Area Muhammad Zameer
hazardous or
chemical pollution
Hazardous waste
Daily Visual Safety Officer Shoaib Kaker
storage area
Hazardous waste
Daily Visual Safety Officer Waqas Rasheed
storage area

Following are necessary monitoring procedure.

• Check if the containers are properly cleared and labeled from Hazardous Waste, and whether the content and
collection date is mentioned.
• Make sure if containers are closed properly.
• Verify if the wastes are stored in compatible containers.
• Evidence of container deterioration required.
• Spaces between containers should be clear of debris.
• Incompatible wastes should be properly segregated.
• Any signs of leaks or spills should be observed.

• Each container should have adequate secondary containment for its volume.
Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

• If required, an eyewash station should be accessible and ready for use.
• “Hazardous Waste” signs should be in place and clearly visible.
• Fire extinguisher need to be in place and clearly visible.
• Make sure that all waste containers are stored inside the waste storage area.
Checklist for Hazardous waste monitoring is attached in Annex-4

3.6. Environmental Report

Contractor will report on the environmental aspects of hazardous material management activities and related
environmental performance this will be included in the Monthly report submitted to RSG.

4. Role & Responsibilities

4.1 Project Manager

• Implement effectively the hazardous waste management plan at the job site.

• Build the standard chemical storage area for each work location.

• Hire competent environmental team (Manager, coordinator).

• Approved vendor from GAMP will hire for hazardous waste disposal.

• Ensure that all potential waste material has been evaluated and a hazardous waste determination has
been made prior to beginning work.

• Ensure that all chemicals brought in, owned or purchased by the contractor are removed by the
contractor prior to completion of any job.

• Ensure that all hazardous materials utilized by contractors are used in accordance with labels and SDS
information and in a manner to minimize potential exposure to the site workers.

4.2 Construction Manager/Site Manager

• to ensure proper management of hazardous waste and to prevent accumulation of old, unused,
unknown, unlabeled, abandoned or otherwise inherently waste like chemicals.
• Ensure proper selection and use of appropriate PPE and other suitable equipment required to work
safely with hazardous materials and hazardous wastes.
• Ensure that all waste generated is appropriately identified and managed.
• Ensure proper record retention is maintained and available for review of Container selection,
Container labeling, Waste minimization.
• Consult and provide training on proper and disposal of chemicals and identified hazardous waste.
• Understand the legal requirements regarding all regulated waste streams and provide training and
consultation on these regulations to waste generators.
• Ensure that they become familiar with available data concerning the chemicals in their work
environment by assuring availability of SDS.
• Ensure that all hazardous materials utilized by contractors are used in accordance with labels and
SDS information and in a manner to minimize potential exposure to the site workers.

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

4.3 H&S Manager

• Coordinate disposal services for site generated chemical, hazardous waste, regulated, in compliance
with GEMP or NCEC regulations.
• Maintain storage area for all type of chemical using at site with proper ventilation and enough capacity.
• Provide timely and efficient waste removal services with approved venders.
• Provide periodic visits to review compliance of the hazardous waste generators at site.
• Work with the site hazardous waste generators to develop and implement appropriate hazardous waste
management procedures and waste minimization strategies for their specific areas.
• Consult and provide training on proper practice for the use, storage and disposal of chemicals and
identified hazardous waste.
• Make final waste determinations on site generated wastes.

4.3 Environmental Manager

• Environmental Manager will facilitate regularly scheduled Hazardous Waste Management training.
• Schedules the initial training and the refresh training for the worker on site time to time.
• Special training sessions may be requested for groups that have specific needs or unusual hazardous
waste management requirements.
• Main the inventory of the chemical at site using, storage and upcoming.
• Maintain the proper storage area according to the quantity of the chemical.
• Segregate the chemical according to the nature and the properties of the chemical.
• Maintain any monitoring the temperature in the chemical storage area.
• Arrange the spill drills at site and educate the worker.
• Arrange the enough number of hazardous waste skips for site.
• The hazardous waste removal vendor should be approved form NCEC.
• Make a plan to minimize the hazardous waste.
• The Chemicals should be stored by compatibility with incompatible materials separated by impermeable
• Dispose of the expire material and chemical properly

4. HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response)

In the event of a release of any deleterious substances (e.g., hydrocarbon products) onsite, follow these general
• Ensure Safety

o Ensure that site personnel is safe from the release and that the environment is at no other immediate risk due to
the release.

o Wear appropriate personal protective equipment to manage the release.

• Notify your supervisor/emergency team

o Notify supervisor, who shall notify the HSE Manager/Construction, Manager. Emergency services shall be
announced as necessary.
• Assess safety risks to humans:

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

o Only attempt containment and cleanup operations of spilt substances when performed safely.
• If spilled material is flammable, eliminate ignition sources near the spill area.

o Evacuate personnel and neighbors if they are at risk.

o Secure the area and establish perimeter control at a safe distance from the spill.
• Stop the source of spill:

o When it can be performed safely, stop the source of the spill. Spill control equipment shall be available from the
Contractor and accessible next to storage and waste areas, refueling areas, maintenance areas, and bulk fuel
storage areas.
• Contain spill:

o Liquid spills - If the spill is liquid, its path will be blocked or diverted and then soaked up using an absorbent
• Clean up

o No spills shall be rinsed away.

o Contaminated soils and clean-up materials from spills shall be adequately handled using personal protective
equipment, stored in a suitable container that is then labeled and stored in the appropriate location for
subsequent disposal.

o Any stockpiles of remnant contaminated materials shall be covered.

• Dispose of with care:

o Contaminated soils and used clean-up materials shall be treated as hazardous waste and be disposed of
accordingly at a designated disposal site by GAMEP approved waste management companies.

o The Contractor will ensure that the environmental service provider signs a waste transfer note (WTN) before the

waste leaves the site.

• Document control:

o The HSE Manager shall be responsible for ensuring a report is filed containing information on the date, time,
location, type and quantity of spilled material, description and cause of the incident, action is taken, name of the
person reporting the incident, and recommended activities for ensuring the incident doesn’t reoccur.

5. SPCT (Spill Prevention and Control Team)

Following table will be used which represents the team which will be responsible for preventing and controlling the spills on

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Emergency Spill Response Team

Shura Island HE3

Role Name Contect

HSE Manager Muhammad Zameer 058-029 4693

Safety Officer Shoaib Kaker 056-853 2066

Safety Officer Waqas Rasheed 059-361 2949

Site Engineer Abdul Rahman 054-145 4192


Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

6. SPCT Activities
The Table below shows list of activities that the SPCT will carry out.

Step-1 Assess the Risk

Step-2 Immediately Notify HSE Team

Step-3 Select appropriate PPE

Step-4 Contain the spill

Step-5 Stop Product Flow

Step-6 Absorb the contained Fluids

Step-7 Dispose of contaminated materials

Step-8 Compile Incident Reports

7. SPCT Flow Chart

8. Chemical Inventory
Following chemical will be used in Shura Infrastructure project. The details are given in below table.

Primary Secondary
Item Quantity Physical State SDS Container
Chemical Name Hazard Containment
No. (L) (Solid, Liquid) Available Type
Warning (Y/N)

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

1 B.B.C Paint Flammable 1500-2000 Liquid Yes Metallic

Acrylic Lacquer Flammable
2 1500-2000 Liquid Yes Metallic
Thinner Y
3 Diesel Fuel Flammable 2000-2500 Liquid Yes Metallic Y

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

For all type of chemicals used on site we will use our chemical inventory format mentioned in Annex-3.

Work area Date & Time

Auditor Signature

Weather Wind Humidity Additional Comments

Fine No wind Not humid
Cloudy Light Low
Rainy Breeze Moderate
Sandstorm Strong High

Site operational Equipment Temperature (ºC)

Yes Yes
No No

Ambient Environment

Air Quality Oil Contamination Additional Comments

Dust emission Oil Spill
Smoke emission Visible

Environment at source

Wastewater Used Oil Solid waste Additional Comments

None None None
Collected Collected Collected
Disposal Disposal Disposal
Leakage Leakage Leakage

Gas emission Materials management Site housekeeping

None None None
Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable

Soil Contamination Noise level

Acceptable Acceptable
Unacceptable Unacceptable

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Hazardous material storage Dewatering Activities*

Ecological observations* Archaeological chance findings*

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050



Work area Date & Time

Auditor Signature

Control Satisfactory
Best Management Practices Comments / action required
ID Yes No
Confirm that all chemical substances or compounds are
accompanied with SDS at site
Confirm that storage of hazardous materials has a secondary
HM02 containment of minimum capacity of 110% of the maximum
storage capacity
Confirm that spill kits, protective equipment, area available
HM03 where hazardous materials are handled to enable any spills
to be cleaned up
Confirm that appropriate first aid is located close to
hazardous material storage areas
Confirm that all sources of ignition near to flammable storage
tanks are prohibited
Confirm that drip trays are placed underneath all static
oil/fuel bearing construction equipment
Confirm that refueling of vehicles and machineries occur only
within bunded and approved areas
Confirm that chemicals with different hazard symbols are not
stored together
Confirm that hazardous waste storage containers are secure,
undamaged and appropriately labelled
HM10 Confirm that hazardous material storage areas are able to
contain spills or leaks
HM11 Confirm that telephones with posted emergency phone
numbers are located in hazardous materials work areas
HM12 Confirm that signs prohibiting smoking, eating or drinking are
clearly posted in hazardous materials storage, handling and
use areas
HM13 Confirm that working areas used for the storage, handling
and use of hazardous materials are adequately ventilated
HM14 Confirm that “No Smoking” rule strictly enforced

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050



Work area Date & Time

Auditor Signature

Primary Secondary
Item Quantity Physical State SDS Container
Chemical Name Hazard Containment
No. (L) (Solid, Liquid) Available Type
Warning (Y/N)

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050



Work area Date & Time

Auditor Signature

Control Satisfactory
Best Management Practices Comments / action required
Yes No

Hazardous waste management

Are containers properly and clearly labeled (“Hazardous

Waste,” the specific contents, and the collection date)?

HM02 Are containers tightly closed?

HM03 Are wastes stored in compatible containers?

HM04 Is there evidence of container deterioration?

HM05 Are spaces between containers clear of debris?

HM06 Are incompatible wastes properly segregated?

HM07 Are there any signs of leaks or spills?

HM08 Are there any signs of leaks or spills?

Does each container have adequate secondary containment for its


If required, is an eyewash station accessible and ready for use?


HM11 Are “Hazardous Waste” signs in place and clearly visible?

HM12 Is a fire extinguisher in place and clearly visible?

Are all waste containers stored inside the waste storage area?

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050

Control of Hazardous Substances
PROJECT NAME: Shura Hotel (HE3) – Concrete Package

CONTRACT NO: R08-HE3C32-3050


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