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Kiln System Maintenance

Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner


Course name : : Kiln System Maintenance

Module number : 0
Module title : Maintenance procedures for preheater and cal-
Module objectives : The participants will be able to:

 Describe and perform maintenance procedures

for the preheater and calciner

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Kiln System Maintenance
Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner



1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 6
1.2 DESIGN................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.1 Design components....................................................................................... 10 Tangential duct + 1st stage central pipe. ............................................... 10 Cyclones and calciner. .......................................................................... 12 Riser ducts ............................................................................................ 13 The smoke chamber. .............................................................................. 13 Down pipes ............................................................................................ 14 By-pass where applicable ...................................................................... 20 Platforms ................................................................................................ 21 Instrumentation ...................................................................................... 21 lining ...................................................................................................... 22
1.2.10 Central Pipes ........................................................................................... 22
AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT. .......................................................................... 24
2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 24
2.2 PRINCIPLES OF THE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ................................ 25
2.2.1 Scheduled preventive maintenance .............................................................. 26
2.2.2 Condition based preventive maintenance ..................................................... 27
2.3 MAINTENANCE POLICY AND PLANNING ................................................. 28
2.5.4 Checking of condition .................................................................................. 31 Dew Point Corrosion 25 - 150 °C.......................................................... 32 High temperature corrosion .................................................................. 33
Oxidation and phase transformations ........................................................... 33
Intergranular corrosion (sensitization) ......................................................... 34
Carburization................................................................................................. 34
Halogen attack (chloride, chlorine, …) ......................................................... 35
Sulphidation ................................................................................................... 35
Carburization of high alloyed steels for central pipes (Green rot). .............. 35

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Kiln System Maintenance
Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner Air blasters (A10) ................................................................................. 36

2.5.5 Replacement ............................................................................................ 36
2.5.6 Performance test ...................................................................................... 36
3.0 REMARKS ON SAFETY AROUND A PREHEATER. .................................... 37
DOWN ................................................................................................................... 38

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Fig. 0 1 Kiln design development ................................................................................ 6
Fig. 0 2 ILC – In-Line Calciner. .................................................................................. 8
Fig. 0 3 Suspension preheater ...................................................................................... 7
Fig. 0 4 Different preheater designs ............................................................................ 8
Fig. 0 5 Heat transfer ................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 0 6 Function .......................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 0 7 Typical preheater tower design .................................................................... 10
Fig. 0 8 Tangential duct + 1st stage cyclon ............................................................... 11
Fig. 0 9 Tangential duct + 1st stage cyclone ............................................................. 11
Fig. 0 10 SLC-D Calciner .......................................................................................... 12
Fig. 0 11 Typical riser ducts ...................................................................................... 13
Fig. 0 12 The smoke chamber ................................................................................... 14
Fig. 0 13 High temperature double sluice flap (A version) ....................................... 15
Fig. 0 14 High temperature single sluice flap (B version)......................................... 15
Fig. 0 15 Expansion joint. .......................................................................................... 16
Fig. 0 16 Splitter and dividing Gate .......................................................................... 17
Fig. 0 17 Lamella seal for splitter gate ...................................................................... 17
Fig. 0 18 Material Distribution Box .......................................................................... 18
Fig. 0 19 Clean-out ports ........................................................................................... 18
Fig. 0 20 Cyclone Door with Auxiliary Port ............................................................. 19
Fig. 0 21 Air blasters ................................................................................................. 19
Fig. 0 22 Air lances.................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 0 23 By-pass ....................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 0 24 Platforms .................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 0 25 Instrumentation........................................................................................... 21
Fig. 0 26 1 st. stage central pipe ................................................................................. 22
Fig. 0 27 2.nd. stage pendulum supported central pipe ............................................. 23
Fig. 0 28 2.nd. stage pendulum supported central pipe ............................................. 23
Fig. 0 29 Lowermost central pipes. Cast steel elements ............................................ 24
Fig. 0 30 Corrosion rate as a function of condensation, acid content and temperature
........................................................................................................................... 32
Fig. 0 31 Cyclone plug .............................................................................................. 39
Fig. 0 32 Cyclone blow-out ....................................................................................... 39
Fig. 0 33 Air blasters ................................................................................................. 40
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Fig. 0 34 Protective clothing...................................................................................... 40

Fig. 0 35 Dust Hazard ................................................................................................ 41
Fig. 0 36 Dust Hazard ................................................................................................ 41
Fig. 0 37 Fall protection ............................................................................................ 42

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner



The kiln system group of machines are a central group of machines in a cement
manufacturing plant. A high availability/high run-factor is essential for the overall
economy of the plant. This implies a stable mechanical function of the equipment
over a period as long as possible.

Spontaneous stop of the system will cause expenses for spare parts and repair. It will
also be the cause for loss of production, which can be difficult to retrieve.

The competent management will, of course, take precautions against such situations
and for this purpose introduce preventive maintenance to the preheater system in-
cluding the calciner.

The preheater and calciner are comparatively new introductions to the kiln system.
The fig bellow illustrates the development of the equipment through time.





2000 -

Fig. 0 1 Kiln design development

The latest addition to the equipment being the calciner, with its own individual de-
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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

 Low-Nox and
 Dawn draft.


The preheater consists in a series of cyclones with the mission to provide for the heat
transmission from the kiln gases to the raw mill feed before it enters the calciner or
kiln inlet. The process is illustrated in the figures shown bellow.

SP - Suspension preheater

Fig. 0 2 Suspension preheater

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ILC - In-Line Calciner

Fig. 0 3 ILC – In-Line Calciner.

Fig. 0 4 Different preheater designs

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The counter current flow between the raw meal and the kiln gases provides for the
heat transmission as shown in the figures above and in detail in the figure bellow.

Material Heat
Separation Transfer

Fig. 0 5 Heat transfer

The gas enters the cyclone (Figure 1) tangentially at the top of the cylindrical section
and spirals downwards into the conical section. Dust particles which have more iner-
tia than the gas molecules, are pulled out of the gas towards the wall. The dust is col-
lected at the bottom, while the gas leaves the cyclone by the central outlet at the

Fig. 0 6 Function

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Fig. 0 7 Typical preheater tower design

1.2.1 Design components.

The cyclone preheater consists of the following parts:
1 Tangential duct + 1st stage central pipe
2 Cyclones
3 Riser duct
4 Where necessary, a calciner
5 Smoke chamber
6 Downpipe with various equipment .
7 Where necessary, a bypass duct
8 Platforms + various cleaning equipment
9 Instrumentation
10 Lining
11 Central pipes. Tangential duct + 1st stage central pipe.

The central pipe of the first (uppermost) stage consists of rolled steel plates

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

specifically designed for attaining maximum efficiency of the cyclone. A

tangential duct, also fabricated from steel plates, is mounted on top of the
central pipe, its function being to extract the air in the preheater without oc-
cupying too much space.
The cyclone is made of steel plates, lined on the inner side with insulation and
refractory material.

Fig. 0 8 Tangential duct + 1st stage cyclon

Low Pressure-cyclones

Fig. 0 9 Tangential duct + 1st stage cyclone

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Fig. 0 10 SLC-D Calciner Cyclones and calciner.

The function of the cyclone is to separate the raw material for the ce-
ment-making process from the process gases. In geometric
terms, the cyclone is designed for optimization of the processing ca-

Dependent upon the specific layout of the plant, a calciner may

be incorporated in the cyclone preheater. The design of the
calciner depends on the chosen type of process, the fue ls de-
ployed for firing, and any environmental requirements which
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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

must be met. Generally, the calcinator is manufactured from a

rolled steel plate which is lined on the inner side with insulation
and refractory material. One of the functions of the calciner is to
expel CO2 from the raw materials Riser ducts

The riser duct is the process connecting duct between, for example, two cy-
clones. The heat exchange process takes place in the riser duct in which the
separated raw material from a superjacent (colder) cyclone is admitted via a
distribution box in the riser duct, and this material is subsequently directed to
the next cyclone in which the material is once again separated from the proc-
ess gases. The riser duct is made of steel plates which are lined on the inner
side with insulation and refractory material.

Fig. 0 11 Typical riser ducts The smoke chamber.

The smoke chamber constitutes the interface between the cyclone preheater
and the rotary kiln, its primary function being to divert the exhaust gases from

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the kiln up into the cyclone preheater and to feed the preheated raw material
into the kiln. The smoke chamber is a sectionalized structure made up of steel
plates which are lined on the inner side with insulation and refractory material

Fig. 0 12 The smoke chamber Down pipes.

To transfer the raw material separated in the cyclone to the next stage in
the process, down pipes are incorporated from the bottom of the
cyclone to the exact point where the raw material is to be re-
introduced to the process. The feed point is normally provided with a
distribution box, the purpose of which is to disperse the material in the
process gases. The down pipes contain a number of integrated com-
ponents, a brief description of which is given below:

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Sluice flaps
The sl ui ce fl ap i s a vai l abl e i n t wo versi ons. The A version is
mounted vertically and features two flaps; version B is mounted at
inclined angle and features one flap. The function of the sluice flap
is to prevent the process gas from being drawn through the down-pipe
up into the cyclone, instead leading it through the riser duct. The sluice
flaps are manufactured from steel plates on the outer side and of
special, heat-resisting steel on the inner side.

Fig. 0 13 High temperature double sluice flap (A version)

Fig. 0 14 High temperature single sluice flap (B version)

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Expansion joints
Expansion joints are manufactured from steel bellows and are in-
tegrated in the system to absorb the thermal expansions in the
downpipes. For pipes of substantial length, the same pipe may
quite often be provided with several expansion joints.

Splitter gate:
The splitter gate is manufactured from steel plates with a rotat-
ing central section which, via its physical position, will divide
the flow of material to two downpipes in the desired ratio.

Changeover gate

The changeover gate is manufactured from steel plates with a

rotating centre section which is positioned so that it functions
as an ON/OFF gate

Fig. 0 15 Expansion joint.

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Fig. 0 16 Splitter and dividing Gate

Fig. 0 17 Lamella seal for splitter gate

Distribution box
The distribution boxes are manufactured from steel plating on the outer side
and from special, heat-resistant steel on the inner side. Its purpose is de-
scribed in the introductory notes of this section

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Fig. 0 18 Material Distribution Box

Clean-out port
To be able to clean or unblock a cyclone with air lances they are supplied
with clean-out ports (Pocking holes)

Fig. 0 19 Pocking hole

Cyclone Doors with Auxiliary Port.

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The side skirts of the cyclones are procided with hinged dors as shown in the
Fig bellow.

Fig. 0 20 Cyclone Door with Auxiliary Port

Air blasters

For clean-up operations, air lances and air blasters are nor-
mally included in the supply in quantities deemed necessary by
FLS to start up the process.

Fig. 0 21 Air blasters

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Fig. 0 22 Air lances By-pass where applicable

Dependent upon the chemical properties of the raw materials,

the input fuel and the process characteristics, it may be adva n-
tageous to incorporate a bypass, the function of which will be
to extract a certain percentage of the process gases.

Fig. 0 23 By-pass

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner Platforms

Platforms are provided at strategic locations for the operation a n d

s e r vi c i n g o f t h e c yc l o n e p r e h e a t e r . T h e d e s i g n o f the platforms
is such that operations such as adjustments, cleaning, and the tak-
ing of readings can be carried out in a safe manner.

Fig. 0 24 Platforms Instrumentation

Various instruments which are used for controlling the process are fit-
ted at vital locations. The signals from these points of measurements are
normally assembled in a central control system from which the process
is controlled.

thermocouple test port pressure tap

Fig. 0 25 Instrumentation

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner lining

To protect the individual steel components against the extreme process

temperature, they are equipped with insulation and refractory lining
materials on the inner side. A description of the inter-related position
of the materials and their composition is given in separate instruction
manuals and on the general standard drawings.

1.2.10 Central Pipes

The primary function of the central pipe is to enhance the efficiency of the cyclone,
thereby ensuring effective separation of the raw meal from the gas stream.

There are 3 types of central pipe designs:

1. Stage:

Welded directly to the 1.stage cyclone and with a bottom plate cone to provide
for extra stiffness

Fig. 0 26 1 st. stage central pipe

2 nd and intermediate stage cyclone pipes:

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This pipes are made with a hinged suspension as shown in the fig bellow.
The pipe are made of heat resistant plate material and usually provided with a
reinforcement ring in the bottom.

Fig. 0 27 2.nd. stage pendulum supported central pipe

Fig. 0 28 2.nd. stage pendulum supported central pipe

Lowermost central pipes. Cast steel elements.

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The central pipe consists of cast steel elements. See fig 0.29.
The single elements are mounted by staggered bonding and that means that
each element is involved in the process in maintaining the structural stability
of the pipe.
A locking element is fitted at the termination end of the pipe, and this ele-
ment is also mounted trough bonding.

Fig. 0 29 Lowermost central pipes. Cast steel elements



The main objective of the preventive maintenance is to perform actions in order to
prevent breakdowns or faults to occur. This means that the preventive maintenance
does not necessarily comprise actions due to an observed fault, which might evolve
to a breakdown. Instead, the preventive maintenance is generally based on actions
taken before faults start to happen.

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The performance of preventive maintenance work will necessarily also include a cer-
tain attitude towards and understanding of the production process as a whole. This
can easily be illustrated just by putting the simple question:

"Why bother about that particular machine - it works just fine for the moment?"

The ultimate goal of the preventive maintenance is to secure a sustained and reliable
function of the equipment according to its specifications. However, this will to some
degree cause a dilemma since most preventive maintenance actions inevitably will
require a shutdown of the machinery, at least for some period. The solution to that
will then be to find the correct balance between:

 the amount of preventive maintenance which is regarded necessary


 the production loss during the shutdown period required to perform this

For a preheater installation this can at least partly be solved by utilizing the normal
shutdown periods during re-bricking of the kiln, where the preheater in any case is at
a standstill.

To cover the preventive maintenance required for all possible preheater types that
one might encounter in the a cement plants, will be beyond the scope of this module.
Therefore a more general approach has been taken and some actions common for
several preheater types have been described and covered in this module as follows:

 Principles of the preventive maintenance

 Maintenance policy and planning
 Preventive maintenance vs. daily maintenance
 General elements of preventive maintenance
 Procedures for periodic wear part condition checks


The bases for all preventive maintenance are the manufacturer's instruction manuals,
of which a copy should be readily available at the preheater at all times. Roughly,
the preventive maintenance can be based upon two different principles, viz.:
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 Scheduled or planned preventive maintenance.

 Condition-based preventive maintenance.

In the following a short description of the two different principles will be given.

2.2.1 Scheduled preventive maintenance

The need for scheduled preventive maintenance arose around the great World War
II. Up to this period, equipment was fairly basic (e.g. many units were cable oper-
ated and employed dry friction clutches), easy to repair and relatively inexpensive by
today's standards. Production rates were low, which justified a "fix when fail" or
"repair when broke" strategy. The effect of this was an inefficient and ineffective
maintenance, which in many cases was limited only to lubrication of moving parts.

The war imposed a great change in technology and the attitude towards maintenance.
Equipment had to be more reliable so both materials and design had to be improved
considerably. At the same time, equipment started to become more complex e.g. the
introduction of fluid couplings - and also more expensive to produce. From that time
until the late 70's and the early 80's, equipment design and reliability changed dra-
matically and with that the maintenance needs. Hydraulics and electronics were in-
troduced and soon regarded as compulsory components in any type of equipment.
The power: weight ratios increased, power economy improved and superior lubri-
cants were developed. Larger, more reliable and also more expensive units were
built as the industry demanded an increase in both production and productivity.

In the course of this development, the old "fix when fail" strategy soon became to-
tally inadequate and as a result "scheduled (or planned) maintenance" was intro-
duced. This was a conscious effort to:

 reduce costs
 lower downtime
 increase productivity.

The approach, which originated in the aircraft industry, required components to be

replaced at specified time intervals (run hours) regardless of their condition, in con-
junction with a scheduled programme of major overhauls.

The "Repair before failure" strategy was born, with too much rather than too little
maintenance being the standard. It is interesting to note that a side effect of this
strategy was that the relations between the production and maintenance department
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became very hostile. The maintenance people tended to look upon the production
staff as some brutes doing their best in trying to destroy the machinery. The produc-
tion people, on the other hand, saw the maintenance as a "pain in the neck" forcing
them to long production stops just because the run hour meter said that a particular
part was due for change, even though the machinery was running perfectly well.

2.2.2 Condition based preventive maintenance

From the early 80's to date, reliability and maintainability has been achieved through
an even greater emphasis during the design phase of all machinery. One aim has
been to 'out-design' maintenance as much as possible. Vital machinery parts are de-
signed as easily changeable modules, which in case of a failure can be exchanged in
a very short time. Actual repair work can then be performed at the workshop thus
limiting the interference with the production as much as possible.

Many types of today's machinery have on-board diagnostics and sophisticated elec-
tronics to aid maintenance. Due to that, equipment produced now is highly complex
and very expensive, representing a considerable investment. The maintenance re-
quires the specialists’ knowledge/skills and a much more professional and disci-
plined approach compared to previous needs.

This has lead to the concept of:

 "Condition Monitoring"


 "Condition-based Maintenance"

which in many applications is replacing the "Scheduled Maintenance". Other devel-

opments that assist the maintenance planning and programming are e.g. failure
analysis, diagnostic tools, hazard studies, failure modes and effects analysis.

The "Condition-based preventive Maintenance" has in addition led to a change in the

relationship between production- and maintenance staff, which has become more co-
operative with an increased understanding of the counterpart's way of viewing
things. In some cases the production and maintenance departments have even been
merged into an operations department.

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The basis of a "Condition-based preventive maintenance" is an accumulation of data

through "Condition Monitoring", which have to be sufficient both in quantity and
quality. The collected data is then treated and by establishing developing trends, a
potential failure can be predicted and the necessary corrective action taken.

Reliable diagnostic tools and skills are essential if the "Condition-based preventive
Maintenance" concept is to become a success.

 Faults must be diagnosed "Right First Time" and an accurate report of

what is wrong will have to be produced, allowing the appropriate actions to
be taken.

Should a wrong diagnosis be made, an unnecessary and perhaps expensive repair

might be carried out, with the wrong spare parts being ordered, a compartment
opened up or a component removed that did not need to be. This could possibly
cause a new rather than solve an existing problem. Meanwhile, the real problem
goes unchecked, which possibly in time will lead to a failure with greater dam-
age and longer downtime with higher costs.

To make "Condition-based maintenance" work, good "diagnostic skills" are in

some cases more important than "fix it skills".
Inspections play a vital part in maintaining a plant in a good condition because
they provide data on the condition of the equipment inspected.

 The main aim of inspection is to locate potential faults before they develop
and thereby way prevent an unplanned production stop due to a breakdown
- following need for repair. Unless carried out thoroughly and by a well-
qualified staff an inspection is of only little value and may be misleading.
It is important to keep in mind that the parts most difficult to access are
most likely to repay careful inspection.


The maintenance policy of the cement plant is formulated by the management in line
with the general strategy of the company. The maintenance policy explains how to
implement the maintenance philosophy including the parameters of success, which
should be aimed at and the "tools" which are supposed to be applied.

Modern cement plants in a competitive market are extremely attentive to the devel-
opment in turnover and costs. Generally a clear tendency can be observed:

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

 Cement plants wish to reduce the number of permanent staff and are also
highly interested in reducing the amount of capital tied up in spare parts

As precisely such views are catered for by the maintenance philosophy based on the
condition of the equipment, i.e. condition based preventive maintenance, many pro-
gressive plants base their maintenance policy on this philosophy.

However, a prerequisite of the success of such a maintenance policy is that the plant
is able to pinpoint the maintenance tasks which is necessary to perform at a given
moment. Another prerequisite is that the plant is capable of carrying out the activi-
ties in question at that particular moment, meaning that a sufficient number of quali-
fied personnel and all spare parts required for the operation are available.


It is of paramount importance to realise that the heading "Preventive maintenance vs.
daily maintenance" does not indicate that there is any kind of contradiction between
the one in relation to the other. On the contrary, both kinds of maintenance proce-
dures serve the same and ultimate goal:

 To keep the related machinery in good working condition, thus ensuring a

sustained and reliable production.
The daily maintenance procedures consist mainly of inspections and observations of
machinery performance. The daily maintenance does normally only include a limited
quantity of what would be labelled "mechanical work" whereas the preventive main-
tenance to a very large degree consists of such. However, this does not mean that the
daily maintenance is inferior to or independent of the preventive maintenance, but
rather a prerequisite for a well functioning preventive maintenance.

As already mentioned above, the condition-based maintenance relies heavily on ob-

served performance data and the ability to interpret these data. Even though many of
these data may come from more or less automatic sensors, e.g. temperature readings,
vibration measurements, ultrasonic investigations and similar, the human perception
and ability to distinguish an abnormal observation from the normal one, still play a
most important part of the maintenance operation.

Whatever sophisticated sensor device is applied for automatic registration of some

property, it can never fully replace the operator who during one of his daily mainte-
nance inspection tours suddenly notices that a particular part of the machinery "does
not sound like it used to" or "smells strange". With the correct attitude towards the
need for maintenance, such an observation should immediately cause an alarm from

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the one responsible for the daily maintenance, by alerting the preventive mainte-
nance staff to locate the cause of the observation.

This clearly shows that instead of a contradiction, the relation between the daily and
the preventive maintenance is rather a highly co-operative one where they rely upon
each other to reach the same target.


The preventive maintenance consists mainly of tasks connected to the following:

3 Inspection and adjustment
4 Checking of condition
5 Replacement (incl. lubricants)
6 Performance test

Pos. Text .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
Al Steel plates . . . A T .
A2 Doors/holes/hatches . . 2A A T .
A3 Expansions . 2A . A T .
A4 Sluice flaps • • 2A A . .
A5 Distribution boxes . . . A • •
A6 Air lances . . . A T .
A7 Central pipe, stage I . . . A T .
By-pass . • • A T .
A9 Measuring points . 2A . A T .
A10 Air Blasters .T T T T

D = per 8-hour operation A number in front of the

S = weekly letter indicates the fre-
M = monthly quency of procedure.
A = yearly For example, 2M
T = see text in instruction twice a month.

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

2.5.2 Clean-up

The most important part of the preventive maintenance, which unfortunately though of-
ten is more or less neglected or looked upon as a necessary evil, is cleaning. A clean and
proper workspace is a prerequisite for a well functioning maintenance, both the daily
and the preventive, as well as it is highly contributively to the safety.

Expansions (A3)
All expansions must be cleaned so that bellows or cloth are clean in order to ensure op-
timum functionality.

Measuring points (A9)

All points of measurements, associated pipes and instruments, must be cleaned to en-
sure optimum functionality.

Air blasters (A10)

See instruction manual from the manufacturer of units!

2.5.3 Inspection and adjustment

Doors/holes/hatches (A2)
All doors, clean-out holes and hatches must be inspected and adjusted to ensure full

Sluice flaps (A4)

All sluice flaps must be inspected and adjusted to ensure full functionality.

Air blasters (A 10)

See instruction manual from the manufacturer of units!

2.5.4 Checking of condition Cyclone preheater (A01) - (A09)

It is very important to check on a regular annual basis ALL parts of the cyclone prehea-
ter for any signs of corrosion. This work may be carried out using an electronic thick-

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ness meter for metal. (DO NOT FORGET to calibrate the instrument for the expected
In case the parts are affected by corrosion to an extent which exceeds 20 per cent of the
original thickness, some special action must be taken without undue delay to determine
what remedial action should be taken.

The corrosion attacks of the preheater and calciner can be generally divided in to to
types: Dew Point Corrosion 25 - 150 °C

Description: Dew point corrosion is the attack in the low-temperature section of

combustion equipment resulting from acidic flue gas vapours that condense and
cause corrosion damage to the plant materials. It occurs when gas is cooled below
the saturation temperature pertinent to the concentration of condensable species
contained by the gas. Waste flue gas produced by the combustion of fossil fuels
may contain several components such as SO3, HCl and H2O and therefore may
display several dew-point temperatures at which the various species begin to con-
dense. Corrosion rate peaks related to individual condensation processes may ap-
pear, see Fig. 1, but the formation of protective corrosion products and the deposi-
tion of soot and ash can moderate the corrosive effects of deposited acids.

Fig. 0 30 Corrosion rate as a function of condensation, acid content and temperature

It is difficult to give blanket advice on lessening dew-point corrosion because
much depends on the precise plant configuration and service environment. How-
ever, general comments are:

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

1) Plant operation: careful plant operation and maintenance represent a major and
more general way to prevent dew point corrosion. The inherent variability of ex-
cess oxygen, furnace temperature, combustion method and fuel ashing characteris-
tics can affect this type of corrosion more than changes in fuel sulphur content.
Adequate temperature monitoring of stacks should be ensure at top and bottom.
Stack operating temperature should be maintained within design limits at all times.
For low-carbon steel stacks, adequate insulation and lining condition must be en-
sured. Stacks should not be run wet or cold unless specifically designed to do so.

2) Design: all air in-leakage in ductwork, expansion joints, sampling ports and ac-
cess doors must be prevented. Door seals should be replaced routinely, and a gas-
tight fit ensured. Thermal insulation should be maintained in good condition, leak-
ing expansion joints replaced and sampling port covers properly refitted after use. High temperature corrosion

Oxidation and phase transformations

Description: When a metal is exposed to an oxidising gas at elevated temperatures
corrosion can occur by direct reaction with the gas, without the need for the pres-
ence of a liquid electrolyte. This type of corrosion is referred to as tarnishing, high
temperature oxidation or scaling.

Prevention: If temperature can not be lowered, the only solution is to change the
steel quality for another with a higher oxidation resistance. Fig. 2 shows the corro-
sion rate expressed as weight loss of carbon steels at 430, 540, 650 and 760 °C
(800, 1000, 1200 and 1400 °F). These results suggest that carbon steel is not suit-
able for temperatures above 650 °C (1200 °F). However regarding creep strength
the limit is 400º C.
Chromium is the most important alloying element for improving oxidation resis-
tance. This is due to the formation of the more protective chromium oxide layer. A
minimum of 18 wt % Cr is needed to develop a continuous chromia (chromium ox-
ide) scale that protects against further oxidation attack.
Chromium-Molybdenum (Cr-Mo) steels are used at higher temperatures than car-
bon steel because of higher tensile and creep-rupture strengths. Mo and Cr provide
not only solid solution strengthening but also carbide strengthening.
When service temperatures are above 640 °C (1200 °F), ferritic steels drastically
loose their strengths. Another problem of the ferritic qualities is the so-called 475
°C (885 °F) embrittlement: a phase transformation in the ferritic structures due to
which the steel becomes brittle. Then for use at 475 °C or at temperatures above
640 °C, austenitic qualities are required. The stabilisation of austenite, obtained by
addition of Nickel (Ni), provides the steel with higher strength and more creep re-
sistance. Nevertheless, some austenitic stainless steels can suffer significant ductil-
ity loss or embrittlement upon exposure to temperatures in the range 540 to 800 °C
(1000 to 1500 °F) due to sigma phase formation

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Intergranular corrosion (sensitization)

Description: Intergranular corrosion is defined as the localised attack at and adja-
cent to grain boundaries, with relatively little corrosion of the grains. The alloy dis-
integrates (grains fall out) and / or loses its strength.
A degradation type related to intergranular corrosion is weld decay, a failure asso-
ciated with welded structures. The weld decay zone is usually a band in the parent
plate somewhat removed from the weld

Prevention: Three methods are used to control or minimise intergranular corrosion

of the austenitic stainless steels:
1) Employing high temperature solution heat treatment, commonly termed quench-
annealing or solution-quenching. This method consists of heating to 1065-1120 °C
(1950 to 2050 °F) followed by water quenching. Chromium carbide is dissolved at
the high temperatures and a more homogeneous alloy is obtained. Quenching or
rapid cooling is very important. If cooling is slow, the entire structure will be sus-
ceptible to intergranular corrosion.
2) Adding elements that are strong carbide formers (called stabilisers) like Nio-
bium, titanium and tantalum. These elements have a much greater affinity for car-
bon than does chromium and are added in sufficient quantity to combine with all of
the carbon in the steel.
3) Lowering the carbon content below 0.03 % does not permit sufficient carbide to
form to cause intergranular attack in most applications. However, stainless steels
with such low carbon levels are not suitable for long term exposure at temperatures
above 450 °C (842 °F), due to phase transformation.

Description: Metals or alloys are generally susceptible to carburization when ex-
posed to an environment containing carbon source (e.g. carbon monoxide, methane
or other hydrogen containing gases at elevated temperatures, or pet-coke). Carburi-
zation attack generally results in the formation of chromium (Cr), Molybdenum
(Mo) or even iron (Fe) carbides within the grains and at the grain boundaries, which
often cause the alloy to suffer embrittlement as well as degradation in the mechani-
cal properties due to sensitisation

Prevention: If possible, the environment should be changed from reducing to oxi-

dising. For instance, when firing with pet-coke, it is very important that the pet
coke particles are as small as possible, so they burn as quickly as possible, and in
any case before they deposit on the metal surfaces. Recent investigation reveals that
petcoke (6% S) can be used 50-70% as fuel and petcoke (4% S) can be used 100%
as fuel. The petcoke must in both cases be ground bet-ter than 95%<90 µm. See
case story about carburization of central pipes.

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Halogen attack (chloride, chlorine, …)

Description: Many metals react readily with halogen gases (chlorides, fluorides,
bromides,…) at elevated temperatures to form volatile metal halides. Many metal
halides also exhibit low melting points. Some metal halides even sublime at rela-
tively low temperatures. As a result, alloys containing elements that form volatile
halides can suffer severe high-temperature corrosion.

Prevention: If possible, the amount of aggressive gases in the environment should

be reduced to a minimum. If changes in the environment can not be performed, a
proper steel quality shall be chosen.

Description: Sulphur is one of the most common corrosive contaminants in high-
temperature industrial environments. Sulphur is generally present as an impurity in
fuels or feed stocks. When combustion takes place with excess air to ensure com-
plete combustion of fuel for generating heat in many industrial processes, such as
coal- and oil-fired power generation, sulphur in the fuel reacts with oxygen to form
SO2 and SO3. An atmosphere of this type is oxidising. Oxidising environments are
usually much less corrosive than reducing environments, where sulphur is in the
form of H2S. However, sulphidation in oxidising environments (as well as in re-
ducing environments) is frequently accelerated by other fuel impurities such as so-
dium, potassium and chlorine, which might react among themselves and / or with
sulphur during combustion to form sat vapours. These salt vapours may then de-
posit at lower temperatures on metal surfaces, resulting in accelerated sulphidation

Prevention: If the environment can not be changed to a more oxidising one or tem-
perature can be changed, a proper alloy shall be chosen

Carburization of high alloyed steels for central pipes (Green rot).

Description: FLS's new Central Pipe consists of steel casted segments of relatively
small size, see Encl. 2. This makes them easy to install and to adapt into any size
of cyclone dimension. Furthermore, installation requires very short down time pe-
riods and do not require any special tools or lifting equipment.

Energy saving is attained through improvement of cyclone efficiency in the hot cy-
clone leading to a decrease in power consumption. Among other advantages of the
use of central pipes, the following can be mentioned: Production increase, less
clogging tendency, reduction of the required capacity of the smoke gas fans and
possibility of adjustment of the final composition of the material leaving the pre-

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Prevention: As this form for corrosion is due to the presence of a carburizing at-
mosphere at high temperatures, two solutions can be suggested:

1. Change of the environment: Either use another fuel than pet-coke or try to
burn the pet-coke before the small particles reach the surface of the central
pipe. This can some times be achieved by milling the pet-coke to a very fine

2. Change of the alloy used for the steel casting: Materials recommended in lit-
erature to withstand carburization are: W.St.Nr. 2.4879 or the ASTM quali-
ties A297 - HT, HP, HW and HX. Air blasters (A10)

The air blasters constitute a risk factor because of the working pressure of 5 - 7 bar.
Proper maintenance of these units is of critical importance to prevent pipe and hose
connections, screwed connections, miscellaneous valves and the pressure tank from
posing any danger to the operators etc.. It is essential to ensure that the operators are
trained in how to maintain and handle these units, in accordance with the instructions
given by the manufacturer.

2.5.5 Replacement

Steel parts and various components must be replaced, at the latest, when 50 per cent of
the original material thickness is gone as a result of corrosion.
Otherwise, replacements must be made as and when deemed to be necessary.

2.5.6 Performance test

Air blasters (A10)

See instruction manual from the manufacturer of units!

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner




Hot raw meal may accumulate in cyclones, riser pipes and feed pipes and must be re-
Inspection or cleaning cyclones, riser pipes or feed pipes involves a certain risk which,
however, is reduced on the condition that the below rules are adhered to.
Before carrying out the job, check that the voltage to the control cabinet for air blasters
is interrupted and that all blasters have been vented.
There must be a slight negative pressure in the system during all cleaning jobs.
The negative pressure reduces the risk that hot air and dust blows on the persons doing
the cleaning job.
All personnel doing cleaning jobs on cyclones in operation must know the escape
Persons who are to inspect a cyclone, a riser pipe or feed pipes must wear a face mask, a
helmet, long heat-insulating, fireproof gloves and wooden-soled boots or other suitable
During work in places involving a risk of dust rushes or other dropping material, the
person doing the job must wear a safety belt with life-line which is held by an assistant.
Before opening clean-out doors or hatches, check through the small inspection hole that
there are no dust accumulations behind the door/hatch which will flow out when the
door/hatch is opened.
On account of the risk of hot dust or raw meal flowing out when opening doors/hatches,
never stand directly on the ordinary floor or platform, but on a scaffold elevated above
the floor.
When opening clean-out holes in a cyclone preheater, there will always be hot dust be-
hind the opening, and therefore the scaffold, platform or other means used for standing
on must be made of non-inflammable material.
In case of a platform, same must be a grate so that any hot material will drop through
the grate. Be aware of where the material may drop and which damage it may cause,
e.g. to electric cables, etc. Provide the necessary shielding/roping-off.
In case of dust accumulations, remove these by cleaning through the small inspection
Dust accumulations or cakings are most efficiently removed with air spears.
When cleaning cyclones, riser pipes or feed pipes, start at the bottom so that the mate-
rial loosened can proceed through the system.

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Be aware that there may be rushes of hot material from higher-level cyclones.
Following any inspection of cyclones, riser pipes or feed pipes, make sure that all clean-
out doors and hatches are closed carefully again.



In connection with any major kiln stop during which the plant is cooled down, cyclones,
riser pipes and feed pipes must be checked.
This check can be made from both outside and inside.
Inside inspection of the cyclone preheater must not be done before the cyclone preheater
has cooled off sufficiently.
Be aware that large dust accumulations may feel cold on the surface, but can still be
very hot inside.

The power supply for control cabinet of air-blasters must be interrupted and all blasters
must have been vented.
If the installation is equipped with gamma ray level indicators, they must be set on OFF
and be locked before making an inside inspection.
All work lamps must be connected to low voltage.
Check that no foreign objects have been left in the cyclone preheater.
All hatches and doors must be closed and heating be started immediately after this
If hot material is to be discharged from cyclone preheater or tertiary air duct during op-
eration, this must be done properly so that the hot material under no circumstances can
injure persons or damage equipment.
The hot material must cool off by itself without using any auxiliary means.
Using water or similar may cause serious steam explosions!

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Never work anywhere on a kiln system while a preheater

vessel is plugged. If the plug breaks free it will rush like
water through the system, burning everything in its path.

Fig. 0 31 Cyclone plug

Hot Dust

Hot dust can unexpectedly blow out through any

opening in the system. Keep doors and ports closed!
Hot dust can ignite flammable materials in the area.

Fig. 0 32 Cyclone blow-out

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Air Blasters

Shut off Discharge Lock Out Test That

the Air the Tank the Air Valve the Tank
is Empty
Fig. 0 33 Air blasters

Protective Clothing

When working with hot dust a complete

fireproof suit must be worn.

Fig. 0 34 Protective clothing

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Dust Hazard

Be careful around kiln seals. Hot dust can blow

out during process upsets. Kiln dust also
contains lime, which can burn skin and eyes.

Fig. 0 35 Dust Hazard

Dust Hazard

Know where your shower and eyewash stations are!

Fig. 0 36 Dust Hazard

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Module 0: Maintenance Procedures for Preheater and Calciner

Fall Protection

Always wear your safety harness

when working above ground.
Fig. 0 37 Fall protection

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