Erslev 2015
Erslev 2015
Erslev 2015
Eric A. Erslev
Department of Earth Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
that "trishear," here defined as distributed, balanced in cross section, any combination of ing that simple shear is actually a subset of
strain-compatible shear in a triangular (in pro- trishear increments is also area balanced. TRI- trishear.
file) shear zone, may provide an alternative SHEAR minimizes polygon width for accuracy O n e increment of homogeneous trishear uni-
kinematic model for fault-propagation folding. and uses multiple increments ( > 2 0 ) of slip to formly rotates each tie line spanning a shear
This paper presents this new kinematic hypothe- approximate continuous deformation. The tri- zone (Figs. 2 and 3), forming a single, inclined
sis for fault-propagation folds and explores the shear algorithm gives simple shear in tabular tie line. Increased deformation in the shear zone
consequences of distributed shear in triangular shear zones with a zero apex angle, demonstrat- center can be approximated by heterogeneous
shear zones.
A. Hanging-Wall Triangular Shear Zone
Displacements within a triangular shear zone
can be approximated by defining a set of initially
fault-normal tie lines between the sides of a
plane-strain shear zone (Fig. 2). An increment of
deformation will rotate these tie lines; those
closer to the fault rotate more because the shear
zone narrows toward the fault. Individual parti- B. Footwall Triangular Shear Zone
cle trajectories can be calculated by requiring
each particle to remain on its tie line for a given
increment of deformation. If the shear zone is
asymmetrically distributed to either the hanging
wall (Fig. 2A) or the footwall (Fig. 2B), a
change in volume must occur in the triangular
shear zone. This paper will focus on symmetric
triangular shear zones (Fig. 2C), with equal in-
volvement of the hanging wall and footwall, be-
C. Symmetric Triangular Shear Zone
cause symmetric shear zones do not require
volume flux. For symmetric shear zones, each
polygon defined by adjacent tie lines and the
connecting sides of the shear zone can be proven Equal
to remain of equal volume during displacement
by comparing the geometry of initial and de- Volume
formed polygons or by using the Gauss triangle
Figure 2. Geometric end members of triangular shear-zone folding.
If all motion trajectories are assumed to paral-
lel fault slip, distributed simple shear can move
each particle from an initial tie line (Fig. 3A) to
a deformed tie line (Fig. 3B). Unfortunately, this
A. Initial Geometry
results in volume imbalance, because simple
shear expands the base of the polygons while
contracting the top of the polygons. To maintain
volume balance over the entire triangular shear
zone, a component of motion oblique to the
fault must bring material from the hanging-wall
side to the footwall side of the shear zone (Fig. INITIAL AREA
3C). This variant on simple shear is the trishear
defined above.
The trishear hypothesis was tested by imple-
menting trishear geometry in a computer pro- B. Simple Shear C. Trishear
gram. The T R I S H E A R program generates a
layered stratigraphy of pixels and then rotates
the layers so the fault is horizontal and ends at
the origin, which is also the apex of the triangu-
lar shear zone. The program incrementally de-
forms the pixels according to their position
relative to the triangular shear zone. Trishear
particle trajectories can be closely approximated
for each increment of motion by calculating the
volume of a polygon below an initial point (Fig.
3A) and calculating the geometry of the de- DEFORMED AREA > INITIAL AREA DEFORMED AREA = INITIAL AREA
formed polygon (Fig. 3C) with the same vol- Figure 3. Simple shear and trishear approximations of homogeneous shear in triangular shear
ume. Because each increment of trishear is area zones.
trishear, which is analogous to heterogeneous angle. Constant shear-zone apex angles are used homogeneous trishear always forms curved fold
simple shear, where shear strain increases to- herein with the acknowledgment that triangular surfaces. Second, a line traversing a homogene-
ward the shear-zone center (Ramsay and Gra- shear zones may thin with time as resistant rocks ous trishear zone at an oblique angle deforms
ham, 1970). In heterogeneous trishear, tie-line impinge on the shear zone. heterogeneously, with greater rotations on line
segments in the center of the shear zone rotate The apex position of the triangular shear zone segments closer to the shear-zone apex. The only
more than those on the shear-zone margins. This can be fixed with respect to either the footwall initial line in a trishear zone that remains linear
can be modeled by subdividing each increment or the hanging wall. If the triangular shear zone is a line normal to the fault. This line remains
of trishear into a series of trishear stages with pro- is fixed with the footwall, the synclinal upturn linear only for the first increment of deforma-
gressively narrowing apex angles. The shear-zone is fixed and progressive deformation brings tion, after which it is no longer normal to the
center is deformed by all stages of deformation, hanging-wall "basement" through the anticlinal fault. Third, progressive increments of motion
whereas the shear-zone rim is deformed by only hinge into the shear zone, causing "basement" cause strain gradients by moving undeformed
the Erst stage of each deformation increment. folding. If the triangular shear zone is fixed with sections of hanging wall into the shear zone (for
Fold models in Figure 4 locate the apex of the the hanging wall, the anticlinal hinge is fixed and footwall-fixed trishear) or moving deformed sec-
triangular shear zone at the contact between hanging-wall "basement" will not enter the tri- tions of the footwall out of the shear zone (for
faulted massive rocks (e.g., resistant basement angular shear zone and thus will not be penetra- hanging-wall-fixed trishear).
rocks of Laramide uplifts or massive carbonate tively deformed. Bed strains predicted by TRISHEAR are very
rocks of thrust belts) and overlying layered Cross sections of TRISHEAR-generated complex. Beds adjacent to the anticlinal hinge
strata. In these models the triangle opens up- fault-propagation fold surfaces (Fig. 4) include are commonly thinned and elongated, particu-
ward, although the models can be viewed angular to gently curved geometries, with bed larly for higher angle faulting, due to material
upside-down to give a downward-opening tri- curvature resulting from three effects. First, in- flux into the footwall. Beds near the synclinal
hinge are thickened and shortened, particularly
Heterogeneous Trishear during low-angle thrusting, which may also
Homogeneous Trishear
shorten strata in the anticlinal hinge. Fixed fold
Footwall-Fixed Hanging-Wall-Fixed Footwall-Fixed Hanging-Wall-Fixed
hinges are more angular and intensely strained
than those that migrate through the structure.
Several of the trishear models in Figure 4
provide better approximations of experimental
(Fig. 1, B, C, and D ) and natural examples of
fault-propagation folding than previous kink-
band models. Specifically, folds resulting from
footwall-fixed trishear in front of thrust faults
are closely analogous to the thrust geometry in
Figure IB. Folds resulting from hanging-wall-
fixed, heterogeneous trishear in front of reverse
and normal faults are very similar to the geome-
tries in Figure 1 (C and D).
The transition from footwall-fixed trishear in
thrust models to hanging-wall-fixed trishear in
higher angle fault models may be controlled by
the strength of the fault wedge. Narrow thrust
wedges are weaker and more likely to be inter-
nally deformed, allowing the triangular shear
zone to remain fixed with respect to the foot-
Figure 4. TRISHEAR-generated, homogeneous and heterogeneous fault-propagation folding wall. In higher angle basement wedges at Rat-
above (A) thrust (30° dip, 60° apex angle), (B) reverse (60° dip, 60° apex angle), and (C) normal tlesnake Mountain (Erslev, 1990; 83° bounding
(60° dip, 40° apex angle) faults. normal fault, no measurable basement folding)
and Forellen Peak (Rogers, 1989; 64° bounding
reverse fault, 11° of basement folding) anticlines
A. Anticlinal Stretching B. Synclinal Crowding in Wyoming, hanging-wall-fixed trishear pre-
dominates because the fault wedges are too
strong to allow major penetrative deformation.
Fault-wedge strength may control the continu-
ous gradation between footwall-fixed trishear
folds in front of low-angle thrusts and hanging-
wall-fixed trishear folds above near-vertical
faults. Structures with moderate fault-wedge
strengths may combine footwall-fixed and hang-
ing-wall-fixed trishear to form intermediate fold
Figure 5. Fault-propagation trajectories suggested by homogeneous, footwall-fixed trishear in The TRISHEAR program assumes a ductile
front of thrust faults (45° dip, 60°apex angle). rheology within the triangular shear zone that is
most analogous to conditions in ductile meta- gation folds. However, more detailed analyses of G.M., 1988, Comparison of mesoscopic and mi-
morphic rocks. Footwall-fixed trishear will natural fault-propagation folds are needed to test croscopic deformation styles in the Idaho-
Wyoming thrust belt and the Rocky Mountain
cause the anticlinal hinge to roll back, similar to the trishear hypothesis. With further testing and
foreland, in Schmidt, C.J., and Perry, W.J., Jr.,
the hinge migration folding proposed by Beutner refinement, trishear may provide an important eds., Interaction of the Rocky Mountain foreland
and Diegel (1985) on the basis of rotated fibers analytical tool for the prediction and modeling and the Cordilleran thrust belt: Geological So-
in pressure shadows from asymmetrical folds of of fault-propagation folds. ciety of America Memoir 171, p. 119-141.
the Martinsburg Slate. Recent investigations in Mitra, S., 1990, Fault-propagation folds: Geometry,
kinematic evolution, and hydrocarbon traps:
the Helvetic nappes of Switzerland have deter-
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ing of ductile units in synclines is observed in ciety of America field trip guidebook, 1988;
many thrust belts and in experiments. Trishear Centennial meeting: Golden, Colorado School of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Mines Professional Contribution 12, p. 141-150. Supported by the Donors of the Petroleum Re-
of less ductile rocks, however, may result in ex-
Friedman, M., Hugman, R.H.H., and Handin, J., search Fund, administered by the American Chemical
cess material in the syncline. This extra material 1980, Experimental folding of rocks under con- Society. I thank Donald Stone, James L. Rogers,
can be dispersed by back-thrusting up the steep fining pressure, Part VIII—Forced folding of un- Mark Rowan, Philip Molzer, and David Ward for
limb of the fold or by thrusting on flats parallel- consolidated sand and of lubricated layers of important insights, and Donald L. Blackstone, Jr.,
ing footwall bedding (Fig. 5B). A combination limestone and sandstone: Geological Society of Donald G. Cook, Nicholas B. Woodward, and
America Bulletin, v. 91, p. 307-312. J. Casey Moore for helpful reviews.
of these modes of fault propagation may result
Jamison, W.R., 1987, Geometric analysis of fold de-
in the triangle zones and the ramp-flat geome- velopment in overthrust terranes: Journal of Manuscript received October 22, 1990
tries of many thrust belts. Structural Geology, v. 9, p. 207-220. Revised manuscript received January 7, 1991
Mitra, G„ Hull, J.M., Yonkee, W.A., and Protzman, Manuscript accepted January 14, 1991
Trishear provides a strain-compatible mecha-
nism for linking the concentrated simple shear of
narrow fault zones with the distributed deforma-
tion of fault-propagation folds. Initial trishear
Reviewer's comment
models of fault-propagation folding above
thrust, reverse, and normal faults closely approx- Provides a valuable conceptual tool for understanding fault-propagation folding.
imate the complex fold surfaces and associated J. Casey Moore
strains of natural and experimental fault-propa-
Geology 1991;19;617-620
doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<0617:TFPF>2.3.CO;2
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