Ethiopian Geology 2&3 2015
Ethiopian Geology 2&3 2015
Ethiopian Geology 2&3 2015
2.1. Stratigraphy
2.2. Intrusive rocks
2.3. Geodynamic evolution EAO
2.4. The Precambrian Geology of Ethiopia within
the framework of EAO
2. Survey of the stratigraphy of Ethiopia
from low- K basalts and basaltic andesites together with more mafic
intrusives in the Lower Pan-African through calc-alkaline andesites
and subordinate decites and rhyolites together with intermediate
plutonic rocks in the Middle Pan African to more evolved, felsic
volcanics rocks together with felsic intrusive rocks during the Upper
and Post Pan-African times.
Geodynamic evolution, ANS Cont..
The inferred tectonic settings for the rock associations corresponding to the
stages were;
• development or formation of numerous intra-ocianic island arcs,
• lateral accretion of arcs to form a cratonized ANS at later stages
These are:
1. The Ogaden Basin
2. Abbaya Basin
3. Mekelle Basin 2
4. Gambella Basin
5. Southern Rift Basin
5 1
Sedimentary basins, the naming and link….
• Much of the rocks are pre-Teritiary Volcanism and
• Therefore the identification of these basins is mainly based
on exposures in restricted localities that are
– either never covered by the volcanic rocks (e.g.
– or cut by erosion after volcanism (e.g. Abbaya)
Although concealed by younger strata, and disrupted by
subsequent tectonisim (ex. Rift tectonics)
Sedimentological and Paleontological evedence indicate
that some of the basins are interlinked in space and
time and hence share similar tectonic and
sedimentologoical history
Sedimentary basin-Tectonic link..
• Ogaden basin, Abbay Basin and
Mekelle Basin are presumed to be
a result of continental rifting by
It is further inferred to be related
to the Break-up of Gondwanaland
in Late Paleozoic
Sedimentray basin-Tectonic link
• Gambella Basin is also
interpreted as rift
• It forms the South
western Extension of
Cretaceous Central
African Rift System
– This basin is part of
Melut Basin of the
Sudan (currently Oil
Sedimentray Basins cont’..
• The Southern Ethiopia
Rift Basin includes
– The omo basin
– Lake Chew Bahir Basin
– And is the Continuation
of Turkana Graben in
northern Kenya
– Which was developed
during the Paleogin
Sedimentary basin-Tectonic link…
• Outside of these five basins, other
sedimentray succession are restricted to small
unknown basins
– They commonly occupy paleo-topographic lows
– Some are controlled by Precambrian structures
and hence the basis are elongated parallel to the
Precambrian structural grain
• Examples of these are exposed in western Ethiopia,
southern Ethiopia, and central Ethiopia
3.3. Sedimentary Succession of Ethiopia
Age Grouping of the sedimentary rocks
• Edagaarbi Glacials/