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Manuscript History Abstract. The oxidation process as the activated sludge (AS)
system has been implemented widely in urban and
industrial wastewater treatment. Oxidation ditch can be
categorized as an advanced aeration activated sludge.
Integrated Fix-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) process has been
already developed for decades that was a reasonable
approach for technology to upgrade the activated sludge
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). IFAS processes are a
Available online
combination of biofilm reactors and activated sludge
processes, biofilm is introducing and retaining as the carrier
media for microorganism growth. Both IFAS and AS
processes can achieve similar percent removal of COD and
ammonia. Current WWTP’s development was food chain
Activated sludge; reactor (FCR) which mainly IFAS process of engineered
Food chain reactor; media that combining with natural plants with the plant
IFAS; roots submerging into the reactors. The references review
Biological process; and secondary data of the application in Jababeka’s WWTP-
Wastewater 2 for both AS and FCR system showed that FCR is needed
treatment fewer parameters to be controlled. In both AS and FCR have
KPIs of flow rate (m /day), F/M ratio, energy consumption
3 3
(kWh/m wastewater), Oxygen supply (kgO2 / m
wastewater in each reactor, % removal of COD, BOD, TSS,
NH3, TKN, NO2, and heavy metals, and pH, Dissolved Oxygen,
microorganism performance in the reactor. Different from
AS, the FCR system is not required to control the parameters
of sludge retention time (SRT), recirculated activated sludge
(RAS), sludge volume index (SVI), and mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) of activated sludge.
Corresponding author: temmy@president.ac.id
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
1 Introduction
The availability of clean water resources is increasingly gaining the attention of the
global community [1] and has become one of the important issues in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit in September 25th, 2019 in New
York. This is also an important concern for the people of Indonesia, that
conservation of natural resources is still limited and has not been properly handled,
there are still many water pollution, both surface water pollution and underground
water pollution. In general, the causes of water pollution caused by humans are
grouped into 2 classes of namely those originating from domestic activities and
those originating from industry. This study aims to discuss industrial wastewater
with a case study of the Jababeka industrial estate in Cikarang.
Fig 1. General schematic representation of a WWTP with the various stages [2]
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
treatment with membrane technology and advanced oxidation [4]. However, in the
further development of wastewater treatment technology, the classification is not
too rigid, because of the cross-group combination which then produces new
modern technology.
In this study, a discussion was made about biological industrial wastewater
treatment. Basically wastewater treatment can be done with aerobic anaerobically
principles for high levels of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), while for
wastewater with relatively low to moderate levels generally use aerobic biology
principles [3]. There are several types of wastewater treatment technology by
aerobic biological oxidation, including the activated sludge process, aeration tank,
aerated lagoon, sequence batch reactor, trickling filter, rotating bio contactor, and
the combination and further development of these process system. According to
types of media for growing aerobic microorganisms, an aerobic biological
treatment processing can be classified as suspended growth process and attached
growth process [3]. Mostly urban water treatment in Indonesia is a biological
process basis, it may be caused by cost consideration [5], for example rectangular
aeration systems in the EJIP (East Jakarta Industrial Estate park), Sequence Batch
Reactor (SBR) systems in industrial areas Bukit Indah, and the oxidation ditch
system at Jababeka Industrial Estate.
In biological process, Increasing the growth of microorganisms can be further
developed by increasing the surface area of the media thereby increasing the
number of microorganisms that can grow on the media. This means that at the
same Food and Mass (F/M) ratio, the efficiency of the number of pollutants that
can be processed increases [6]. The process of treating wastewater with aerobic
biological oxidation is quite attractive because its operations and maintenance
costs are relatively lower than chemical treatment. However, this treatment
requires relatively high energy and cost associated with hazardouse sludge
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
Fig 2. Appearance of WWTP using conventional oxidation ditch (a) and WWTP after with Organica-FCR
technology (b) source: Documentation of Jababeka
The FCR technology under the ORGANICA brand was developed in Hungary which
has been implemented for more than 8 years and according to 2015 data has been
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
applied to 50 WWTP units in Europe and Asia [7]. Comparison of the appearance of
WWTPs with conventional oxidation pond systems with FCR technology can be
seen in Fig 2, which shows that with FCR has a better aesthetic, as well as
hazardous aerosols from the wastewater aeration process is much reduced.
The research objectives according to the scope of this research work are:
inventory of key performance indicators (KPIs) that control industrial wastewater
treatment processes with conservative activated sludge (oxidation ditch)
technology based on references and their implementation at WWTP-2 Jababeka;
inventory of KPIs that determine the performance of industrial wastewater
treatment process control with FCR technology based on references and its
implementation in WWTP-2 Jababeka; comparison of KPIs oxidation ditch
(activated sludge) process technology with FCR.
2 Research Framework
The frame work applied in this study are: reference review of key performance
indicator for controlling waste water treatment process by oxidation ditch and
IFAS; Collect secondary data at WWTP of Jabababeka Industrial Estate with
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
oxidation ditch (OD) system in six month (August 2018 – February 2019) and FCR
system in six month (March 2019 – September 2019); Provide KPI’ s comparison
between OD and FCR system.
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
Table 1 Key Performace Indicators References of Activated Sludge and Oxidation Ditch System
Secondary treatment :
kWh/kg COD removed , kWh/kg NH4 removed ,
Premoved , kWh/kg TN removed
4 Tertiary and advance treatment :
2015 Tank
kWh/kg TSS removed , kWh/log reduction (for
pathohen removal), kWh/model
compound such as estradiol removed
(hazardous pollutant removal)
C. Moragaspitiya Oxidation
7 Cost and time
et.al., 2016 Dicth
Hadisoebroto Oxidation
9 Hydraulic and physical aspects
et.al., 2014 Ditch
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
H. Eslami et.al.,
3 IFAS Organic Loading Rate (OLR)
The performance study of integrated fixe film activated sludge system (IFAS)
in industrial wastewater treatment plant has shown the achievement of 98-99 %
COD removal. KPI that evaluated were: COD removal efficiency and kinetic
coefficients including yield coefficient (Y), half saturation coefficient (Ks), maximum
substrate utilization rate constant (k) and endogenous decay coefficient (kd) [19].
Study on IFAS system to synthetic grey waste water that was operated in pilot-
scale and Organic Loading Rates of 0.11–1.3 gCOD/L.d. showed the performance
as follow: In an organic loading of 0.44 gCOD/L.d, the best removal efficiency of
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
BOD5, COD, and TSS were 85.24, 92.52 and 90.21%, respectively; In an organic
loading of 0.44 gCOD/L.d , the best removal efficiencies of Total Nitrogen (TN) and
Total Phosphorus (TP) were 89.60 and 86.67%, respectively [20]. There was no
significant difference in nitrification between Activated Sludge (AS) and IFAS
systems by Enterobacter aerogenes microbes in both AS and IFAS system if the
systems were properly operated. The study revealed that E. aerogenes could be
enhanced with IFAS technology to complete heterotrophic nitrification with the
removal efficiency of 100% [21]. In IFAS process, the suspended-growth and
attached-growth biomasses worked together to perform stable COD, NH4.-N and
TN removal efficiencies even during a high pollutant load period [22].
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
control of SRT, RAS, SVI, MLSS. As the simpler operation controll, human resources
can be more efficient in process monitoring and laboratory works. Evenmore less
sludge generation was the significant advantage since increasing efficiency in
human resources , chemicals, and electricity consumption of Belt Filter operations
and maintenances, also sludge disposal cost spent to the licenced company. The
KPIs comparison between AS and FCR is summarized in Table 3.
Activated sludge suspension growth / less the diversity of biomass increased by the
biomass diversity interaction of the natural plants and biomass
Sludge age (SRT) is (2.5 - 3) day at 20 C; Very high SRT
6- 9 days at 33 – 35 C
Yield (0.45 gVSS/g oxidized substrate As the impact a predatory effect and higher SRT,
the biomass yield is lower
MLSS 3000 - 9000 g VSS/m Low MLSS (300 mg/L)
Alfa value generally 0.5 Due the lower free MLSS, alpha factor within the
aeration system is increased
Aerosol and odor problem Less odor an aerosol problem
* Source: [1], [3], [7] and log sheet operation data of WWTP2 Jababeka
6 Conclusions
From the literature review and case study of oxidation process and FCR process in
Jababeka WWTP-2 Cikarang, it can be known that the KPI’s of oxidation ditch as the
activated process were flow rate (m3/day), energy consumption (kWh/m3
wastewater), Solid Retention Time (SRT), F/M ratio, oxygen supply (kgO2/m3)
wastewater, %-efficiency removal of COD, BOD, TSS, NH3, TKN, NO2, heavy metals.
Sludge generated (ton/ m3 wastewater), %-Recirculation of Activated Sludge (RAS).
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Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 15-29, April, 2020
In aeration tank process: pH, MLSS, MLVSS, SVI, Dissolved Oxygen (DO),
microorganism performance, %-organic of activated sludge. The KPI’s of FCR
process as the IFAS process were flow rate (m3/day), F/M ratio, energy
consumption (kWh/m3 wastewater), Oxygen supplly (kgO2 / m3 waste water in each
reactor phases, % removal of COD, BOD, TSS, NH3, TKN, NO2, and heavy metals. In
FCR reactors : pH, Dissolved Oxygen, microorganism performance. In FCR system it
was not require to control of SRT, RAS, SVI, MLSS of suspended activated sludge.
7 References
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