Physics Grade 12 Note Unit 1 Thermodynamics:-Is A Branch of Physics Which Deals With The Conversion of Heat Energy
Physics Grade 12 Note Unit 1 Thermodynamics:-Is A Branch of Physics Which Deals With The Conversion of Heat Energy
Physics Grade 12 Note Unit 1 Thermodynamics:-Is A Branch of Physics Which Deals With The Conversion of Heat Energy
Unit 1
Thermodynamics:- is a branch of physics which deals with the conversion of heat energy
to mechanical energy and the reverse process.
i.e The conversion of mechanical energy to heat .
Atoms and moles
The moles :- is the measure of number of discrete particles in a substance (solid ,liquid or
1mole= 6.02x1023 particles or Avogadro’s No(NA)
-It is defined as the number of particles in 12 of Carbone 12.
*The r/ship b/n the number moles number of particles and Avogadro’s number is
N= N=Nna
Where N=no particles
N = number of moles
NA=Avogadro’s number
-Number of moles can be also expressed
N= Where m – mass of substance
M –molar mass of substance.
-Then when we substitute in the previous equations
N= = =
The mass of each particle(mp ) can be calculated mp= =
Exercise A block of pure carbon 12 contain 4.2 mol particles calculate.
A) The number of particles in the block .
B) The mass of the block.
C) The mass of each carbon -12 atoms.
What is the zero the law
It state that two bodies that are separately internal equilibrium with a third body must be
in thermal equilibrium with each other.
Convert the following to degree Celsius
a) The boiling point of helium 4.25k
b) The freezing point of old 1340k
Convert the following to Kelvin
a) Freezing point of mercury -39c
b) The average temperature of the universe -270.4c
Work ,Heat and first law of thorn dynamics
Work done by on a system
-Consider a system made up of as enclosed in a cylinder by friction less movable piston of
area A.
When the gas is heated it expands and cause a displacement of the movable piston. If the
pressure of the as exerts on the piston is P the force exerted by the gas (system) on the
piston is there fore
Vi vf VI >Vf –contraction of as at constant
Vf > Vi expansion of as at constant
In the process where the pressure changes the area under the carve can not be determined
by the unknown geometrical equations of area.
-we can use idea of calculus to determine exact work done.
Consider a gas that expands at constant temperature from volume Vis to Vf whate its
pressure decreases from P1 to P2 and P-V diagram is shown in below.
P P –V diagram.
Vi vf
Vi Vf
Find the work done during the thermodynamics process shown on the p-v diagram.
V cm3
100 200 300