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1 Introduction to Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 343

y y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

−3−2−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x −2−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x
−1 −1
−2 −2
−3 −3

y = j(x) = log2 (x) −−−−−−−−−−−−→ y = f −1 (x) = log2 (x + 3) + 1

4. We now verify that f (x) = 2x−1 − 3 and f −1 (x) = log2 (x + 3) + 1 satisfy the composition
requirement for inverses. For all real numbers x,

f −1 ◦ f (x) = f −1 (f (x))

= f −1 2x−1 − 3

2x−1 − 3 + 3 + 1
= log2

= log2 2x−1 + 1

= (x − 1) + 1 Since log2 (2u ) = u for all real numbers u

= xX

For all real numbers x > −3, we have9

f ◦ f −1 (x) = f f −1 (x)

= f (log2 (x + 3) + 1)

= 2(log2 (x+3)+1)−1 − 3

= 2log2 (x+3) − 3

= (x + 3) − 3 Since 2log2 (u) = u for all real numbers u > 0

= xX
Pay attention - can you spot in which step below we need x > −3?
344 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

5. Last, but certainly not least, we graph y = f (x) and y = f −1 (x) on the same set of axes and
see the symmetry about the line y = x.


−3−2−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x

y = f (x) = 2x−1 − 3
y = f −1 (x) = log2 (x + 3) + 1
7.1 Introduction to Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 345

7.1.1 Exercises
1. Evaluate the expression.
(s) log36 36216
(a) log3 (27) (j)log 1000000
(t) ln e5

(b) log6 (216) (k) log(0.01)
ln e3

(c) log2 (32) (l) 9

 (u) log 1011
(d) log6 36 (m) log4 (8) √ 
(e) log8 (4) (n) log6 (1) (v) log 105
(f) log36 (216) (o) log13 13
√ (w) ln √1e
(g) log 1 (625) 4

(p) log36 36
(x) log5 3log3 (5)

(h) log 1 (216)
(q) 7log7 (3)
(y) log eln(100)

(i) log36 (36) (r) 36log36 (216)

2. Find the domain of the function.

f (x) = ln(x2 + 1) (i) f (x) = log x2 + x + 1

(b) f (x) = log7 (4x + 8)
(j) f (x) = 4 log4 (x)
(c) f (x) = ln(4x − 20) (k) f (x) = log9 (|x + 3| − 4)
f (x) = log x2 + 9x + 18 √

  (l) f (x) = ln( x − 4 − 3)
(e) f (x) = log 1
x2 − 1 (m) f (x) =
 2 3 − log5 (x)

x + 9x + 18
(f) f (x) = log −1 − x
4x − 20 (n) f (x) =
log 1 (x)
(g) f (x) = ln(7 − x) + ln(x − 4) 2

f (x) = ln(4x − 20) + ln x2 + 9x + 18 (o) f (x) = ln(−2x3 − x2 + 13x − 6)


3. For each function given below, find its inverse from the ‘procedural perspective’ discussed in
Example 7.1.5 and graph the function and its inverse on the same set of axes.

(a) f (x) = 3x+2 − 4 (c) f (x) = −2−x + 1

(b) f (x) = log4 (x − 1) (d) f (x) = 5 log(x) − 2

4. Show that logb 1 = 0 and logb b = 1 for every b > 0, b 6= 1.

5. (Crazy bonus question) Without using your calculator, determine which is larger: eπ or π e .

6. (The Logarithmic Scales) There are three widely used measurement scales which involve
common logarithms: the Richter scale, the decibel scale and the pH scale. The computations
involved in all three scales are nearly identical so pay close attention to the subtle differences.
346 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

(a) Earthquakes are complicated events and it is not our intent to provide a complete dis-
cussion of the science involved in them. Instead, we refer the interested reader to a
solid course in Geology10 or the U.S. Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazards Program
found here and present only a simplified version of the Richter scale. The Richter scale
measures the magnitude of an earthquake by comparing the amplitude of the seismic
waves of the given earthquake to those of a “magnitude 0 event”, which was chosen to
be a seismograph reading of 0.001 millimeters recorded on a seismometer 100 kilometers
from the earthquake’s epicenter. Specifically, the magnitude of an earthquake is given
by  x 
M (x) = log
where x is the seismograph reading in millimeters of the earthquake recorded 100 kilo-
meters from the epicenter.
i. Show that M (0.001) = 0.
ii. Compute M (80, 000).
iii. Show that an earthquake which registered 6.7 on the Richter scale had a seismograph
reading ten times larger than one which measured 5.7.
iv. Find two news stories about recent earthquakes which give their magnitudes on the
Richter scale. How many times larger was the seismograph reading of the earthquake
with larger magnitude?
(b) While the decibel scale can be used in many disciplines,11 we shall restrict our attention
to its use in acoustics, specifically its use in measuring the intensity level of sound.12
The Sound Intensity Level L (measured in decibels) of a sound intensity I (measured in
watts per square meter) is given by
L(I) = 10 log .

Like the Richter scale, this scale compares I to baseline: 10−12 m

2 is the threshold of
human hearing.
i. Compute L(10−6 ).
ii. Damage to your hearing can start with short term exposure to sound levels around
115 decibels. What intensity I is needed to produce this level?
iii. Compute L(1). How does this compare with the threshold of pain which is around
140 decibels?
Rock-solid, perhaps?
See this webpage for more information.
As of the writing of this exercise, the Wikipedia page given here states that it may not meet the “general notability
guideline” nor does it cite any references or sources. I find this odd because it is this very usage of the decibel scale
which shows up in every College Algebra book I have read. Perhaps those other books have been wrong all along
and we’re just blindly following tradition.
7.1 Introduction to Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 347

(c) The pH of a solution is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. Specifically, pH = − log[H+ ]

where [H+ ] is the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter. A solution with a pH
less than 7 is an acid, one with a pH greater than 7 is a base (alkaline) and a pH of 7 is
regarded as neutral.
i. The hydrogen ion concentration of pure water is [H+ ] = 10−7 . Find its pH.
ii. Find the pH of a solution with [H+ ] = 6.3 × 10−13 .
iii. The pH of gastric acid (the acid in your stomach) is about 0.7. What is the corre-
sponding hydrogen ion concentration?
348 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

7.1.2 Answers
(s) log36 36216 = 216

1. (a) log3 (27) = 3 (j)
log 1000000 = −6
(b) log6 (216) = 3 (k)log(0.01) = −2 (t) ln(e5 ) = 5
ln e3 = 3

(c) log2 (32) = 5 (l)

(u) log 1011 = 119

(d) log6 36 = −2 (m) log4 (8) = 23 √ 
(e) log8 (4) = 23 (n)log6 (1) = 0 (v) log 105 = 35
√  1
(f) log36 (216) = 32 (o)log13 13 = 2
√ (w) ln √1e = − 12
(g) log 1 (625) = −4 (p) log36 4 36 = 14

(x) log5 3log3 5 = 1

(h) log 1 (216) = −3 (q) 7log7 (3) = 3
(y) log eln(100) = 2

(i) log36 (36) = 1 (r) 36log36 (216) = 216

2. (a) (−∞, ∞) (f) (−6, −3) ∪ (5, ∞) (k) (−∞, −7) ∪ (1, ∞)
(b) (−2, ∞) (g) (4, 7) (l) (13, ∞)
(c) (5, ∞) (h) (5, ∞) (m) (0, 125) ∪ (125, ∞)
(d) (−∞, −6) ∪ (−3, ∞) (i) (−∞, ∞) (n) No domain

(e) (−2, −1) ∪ (1, ∞) (j) [1, ∞) (o) (−∞, −3) ∪ 2, 2

3. (a) f (x) = 3x+2 − 4 (b) f (x) = log4 (x − 1)

f −1 (x) = log3 (x + 4) − 2 f −1 (x) = 4x + 1
y y
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

−4−3−2−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x −2−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
−1 −1
−2 −2
−4 y = f (x) = log4 (x − 1)
y = f −1 (x) = 4x + 1
y = f (x) = 3x+2 − 4
y = f −1 (x) = log3 (x + 4) − 2
7.1 Introduction to Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 349

(c) f (x) = −2−x + 1 (d) f (x) = 5 log(x) − 2

f −1 (x) = − log2 (1 − x) f −1 (x) = 10 5
y y

1 3
−2 −1 1 2 x
−1 −4−3−2−1 1 2 3 4 5 x
y = f (x) = −2−x + 1
y = f −1 (x) = − log2 (1 − x) y = f (x) = 5 log(x) − 2
y = f −1 (x) = 10 5

6. (a) i. M (0.001) = log = log(1) = 0.
80, 000
ii. M (80, 000) = log = log(80, 000, 000) ≈ 7.9.
(b) i. L(10−6 ) = 60 decibels.
ii. I = 10−.5 ≈ 0.316 watts per square meter.
iii. Since L(1) = 120 decibels and L(100) = 140 decibels, a sound with intensity level
140 decibels has an intensity 100 times greater than a sound with intensity level 120
(c) i. The pH of pure water is 7.
ii. If [H+ ] = 6.3 × 10−13 then the solution has a pH of 12.2.
iii. [H+ ] = 10−0.7 ≈ .1995 moles per liter.
350 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

7.2 Properties of Logarithms

In Section 7.1, we introduced the logarithmic functions as inverses of exponential functions and
discussed a few of their functional properties from that perspective. In this section, we explore
the algebraic properties of logarithms. Historically, these have played a huge rule in the scientific
development of our society since, among other things, they were used to develop analog computing
devices called slide rules which enabled scientists and engineers to perform accurate calculations
leading to such things as space travel and the moon landing. As we shall see shortly, logs inherit
analogs of all of the properties of exponents you learned in Elementary and Intermediate Algebra.
We first extract two properties from Theorem 7.2 to remind us of the definition of a logarithm as
the inverse of an exponential function.

Theorem 7.3. (Inverse Properties of Exponential and Log Functions) Let b > 0, b 6= 1.

ˆ ba = c if and only if logb (c) = a

ˆ logb (bx ) = x for all x and blogb (x) = x for all x > 0

Next, we spell out in more detail what it means for exponential and logarithmic functions to
be one-to-one.

Theorem 7.4. (One-to-one Properties of Exponential and Log Functions) Let f (x) =
bx and g(x) = logb (x) where b > 0, b 6= 1. Then f and g are one-to-one. In other words:

ˆ bu = bw if and only if u = w for all real numbers u and w.

ˆ logb (u) = logb (w) if and only if u = w for all real numbers u > 0, w > 0.

We now state the algebraic properties of exponential functions which will serve as a basis for
the properties of logarithms. While these properties may look identical to the ones you learned
in Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, they apply to real number exponents, not just rational
exponents. Note that in the theorem that follows, we are interested in the properties of exponential
functions, so the base b is restricted to b > 0, b 6= 1. An added benefit of this restriction is that it
eliminates the pathologies discussed in Section ?? when, for example, we simplified x2/3 and
obtained |x| instead of what we had expected from the arithmetic in the exponents, x1 = x.
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 351

Theorem 7.5. (Algebraic Properties of Exponential Functions) Let f (x) = bx be an

exponential function (b > 0, b 6= 1) and let u and w be real numbers.

ˆ Product Rule: f (u + w) = f (u)f (w). In other words, bu+w = bu bw

f (u) bu
ˆ Quotient Rule: f (u − w) = . In other words, bu−w = w
f (w) b
ˆ Power Rule: (f (u))w = f (uw). In other words, (bu )w = buw

While the properties listed in Theorem 7.5 are certainly believable based on similar properties
of integer and rational exponents, the full proofs require Calculus. To each of these properties of
exponential functions corresponds an analogous property of logarithmic functions. We list these
below in our next theorem.

Theorem 7.6. (Algebraic Properties of Logarithm Functions) Let g(x) = logb (x) be a
logarithmic function (b > 0, b 6= 1) and let u > 0 and w > 0 be real numbers.

ˆ Product Rule: g(uw) = g(u) + g(w). In other words, logb (uw) = logb (u) + logb (w)
u u
ˆ Quotient Rule: g = g(u) − g(w). In other words, logb = logb (u) − logb (w)
w w
ˆ Power Rule: g (uw ) = wg(u). In other words, logb (uw ) = w logb (u)

There are a couple of different ways to understand why Theorem 7.6 is true. Consider the
product rule: logb (uw) = logb (u) + logb (w). Let a = logb (uw), c = logb (u), and d = logb (w). Then,
by definition, ba = uw, bc = u and bd = w. Hence, ba = uw = bc bd = bc+d , so that ba = bc+d . By
the one-to-one property of bx , we have a = c + d. In other words, logb (uw) = logb (u) + logb (w).
The remaining properties are proved similarly. From a purely functional approach, we can see
the properties in Theorem 7.6 as an example of how inverse functions interchange the roles of
inputs in outputs. For instance, the Product Rule for exponential functions given in Theorem 7.5,
f (u + w) = f (u)f (w), says that adding inputs results in multiplying outputs. Hence, whatever f −1
is, it must take the products of outputs from f and return them to the sum of their respective inputs.
Since the outputs from f are the inputs to f −1 and vice-versa, we have that that f −1 must take
products of its inputs to the sum of their respective outputs. This is precisely what the Product Rule
for Logarithmic functions states in Theorem 7.6: g(uw) = g(u) + g(w). The reader is encouraged to
view the remaining properties listed in Theorem 7.6 similarly. The following examples help build
familiarity with these properties. In our first example, we are asked to ‘expand’ the logarithms.
This means that we read the properties in Theorem 7.6 from left to right and rewrite products
inside the log as sums outside the log, quotients inside the log as differences outside the log, and
352 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

powers inside the log as factors outside the log. While it is the opposite process, which we will
practice later, that is most useful in Algebra, the utility of expanding logarithms becomes apparent
in Calculus.

Example 7.2.1. Expand the following using the properties of logarithms and simplify. Assume
when necessary that all quantities represent positive real numbers.
8 100x2
1. log2 4. log 3
x yz 5
2. log0.1 10x2

3. ln 5. log117 x2 − 4




1. To expand log2 x , we use the Quotient Rule identifying u = 8 and w = x and simplify.

log2 = log2 (8) − log2 (x) Quotient Rule

= 3 − log2 (x) Since 23 = 8

= − log2 (x) + 3

2. In the expression log0.1 10x2 , we have a power (the x2 ) and a product. In order to use the

Product Rule, the entire quantity inside the logarithm must be raised to the same exponent.
Since the exponent 2 applies only to the x, we first apply the Product Rule with u = 10 and
w = x2 . Once we get the x2 by itself inside the log, we may apply the Power Rule with u = x
and w = 2 and simplify.

log0.1 10x2 = log0.1 (10) + log0.1 x2

Product Rule

= log0.1 (10) + 2 log0.1 (x) Power Rule

= −1 + 2 log0.1 (x) Since (0.1)−1 = 10

= 2 log0.1 (x) − 1
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 353

3 2

3. We have a power, quotient and product occurring in ln ex . Since the exponent 2 applies
to the entire quantity inside the logarithm, we begin with the Power Rule with u = ex and
w = 2. Next, we see the Quotient Rule is applicable, with u = 3 and w = ex, so we replace
3 3

ln ex with the quantity ln(3) − ln(ex). Since ln ex is being multiplied by 2, the entire
quantity ln(3) − ln(ex) is multiplied by 2. Finally, we apply the Product Rule with u = e and
w = x, and replace ln(ex) with the quantity ln(e) + ln(x), and simplify, keeping in mind that
the natural log is log base e.

3 3
ln = 2 ln Power Rule
ex ex

= 2 [ln(3) − ln(ex)] Quotient Rule

= 2 ln(3) − 2 ln(ex)

= 2 ln(3) − 2 [ln(e) + ln(x)] Product Rule

= 2 ln(3) − 2 ln(e) − 2 ln(x)

= 2 ln(3) − 2 − 2 ln(x) Since e1 = e

= −2 ln(x) + 2 ln(3) − 2

4. In Theorem 7.6, there is no mention of how to deal with radicals. However, thinking back to
Definition ??, we can rewrite the cube root as a 13 exponent. We begin by using the Power
354 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Rule1 , and we keep in mind that the common log is log base 10.
s 1/3
100x2 100x2

log = log
yz 5 yz 5
= 3 log Power Rule
yz 5
log 100x2 − log yz 5
= 3 Quotient Rule

log 100x2 − 31 log yz 5
= 3

1 1
log(100) + log x2 log(y) + log z 5
= 3 − 3 Product Rule

log(100) + 31 log x2 − 31 log(y) − 13 log z 5
= 3

= 3 log(100) + 32 log(x) − 13 log(y) − 53 log(z) Power Rule

= 3 + 23 log(x) − 31 log(y) − 53 log(z) Since 102 = 100

= 3 log(x) − 13 log(y) − 53 log(z) + 2

5. At first it seems as if we have no means of simplifying log117 x2 − 4 , since none of the

properties of logs addresses the issue of expanding a difference inside the logarithm. However,
we may factor x2 − 4 = (x + 2)(x − 2) thereby introducing a product which gives us license
to use the Product Rule.

log117 x2 − 4

= log117 [(x + 2)(x − 2)] Factor

= log117 (x + 2) + log117 (x − 2) Product Rule

A couple of remarks about Example 7.2.1 are in order. First, while not explicitly stated in
the above example, a general rule of thumb to determine which log property to apply first to a
complicated problem is ‘reverse order of operations.’ For example, if we were to substitute a number
for x into the expression log0.1 10x2 , we would first square the x, then multiply by 10. The last
step is the multiplication, which tells us the first log property to apply is the Product Rule. In a
At this point in the text, the reader is encouraged to carefully read through each step and think of which quantity
is playing the role of u and which is playing the role of w as we apply each property.
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 355

multi-step problem, this rule can give the required guidance on which log property to apply at each
step. The reader is encouraged to look through the solutions to Example 7.2.1 to see this rule in
action. Second, while we were instructed to assume when necessary that all quantities represented
positive real numbers, the authors would be committing  a sin of omission if we failed to point out
that, for instance, the functions f (x) = log117 x2 − 4 and g(x) = log117 (x + 2) + log117 (x − 2)
have different domains, and, hence, are different functions. We leave it to the reader to verify the
domain of f is (−∞, −2) ∪ (2, ∞) whereas the domain of g is (2, ∞). In general, when using log
properties to expand a logarithm, we may very well be restricting the domain as we do so. One
last comment before we move to reassembling logs from their various bits and pieces. The authors
are well aware of the propensity for  some students to become overexcited and invent their own
2 2
properties of logs like log117 x − 4 = log117 x − log117 (4), which simply isn’t true, in general.
The unwritten2 property of logarithms is that if it isn’t written in a textbook, it probably isn’t
Example 7.2.2. Use the properties of logarithms to write the following as a single logarithm.

1. log3 (x − 1) − log3 (x + 1) 3. 4 log2 (x) + 3

2. log(x) + 2 log(y) − log(z) 4. − ln(x) − 2

Solution. Whereas in Example 7.2.1 we read the properties in Theorem 7.6 from left to right
to expand logarithms, in this example we read them from right to left.
1. The difference of logarithms requires the Quotient Rule: log3 (x−1)−log3 (x+1) = log3 x+1 .

2. In the expression, log(x) + 2 log(y) − log(z), we have both a sum and difference of logarithms.
However, before we use the product rule to combine log(x) + 2 log(y), we note that we need
to somehow deal with the coefficient 2 on log(y). This can be handled using the Power Rule.
We can then apply the Product and Quotient Rules as we move from left to right. Putting it
all together, we have

log(x) + 2 log(y) − log(z) = log(x) + log y 2 − log(z)

Power Rule

= log xy 2 − log(z)

Product Rule
= log Quotient Rule

3. We can certainly get started rewriting 4 log2 (x) + 3 by applying the Power Rule to 4 log2 (x)
to obtain log2 x4 , but in order to use the Product Rule to handle the addition, we need to

rewrite 3 as a logarithm base 2. From Theorem 7.3, we know 3 = log2 2 , so we get
The authors relish the irony involved in writing what follows.
356 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4 log2 (x) + 3 = log2 x4 + 3

Power Rule

= log2 x4 + log2 23 Since 3 = log2 23


= log2 x4 + log2 (8)

= log2 8x4

Product Rule

4. To get started with − ln(x) − 21 , we rewrite − ln(x) as (−1) ln(x). We can then use the Power
Rule to obtain (−1) ln(x) = ln x . In order to use the Quotient Rule, we need to write 21

as a natural logarithm. Theorem 7.3 gives us 21 = ln e1/2 = ln ( e). We have

1 1
− ln(x) − 2 = (−1) ln(x) − 2

= ln x−1 − 1

2 Power Rule

= ln x−1 − ln e1/2 Since 1

= ln e1/2

= ln x−1 − ln ( e)

= ln √ Quotient Rule
= ln √
x e

As we would expect, the rule of thumb for re-assembling logarithms is the opposite of what
it was for dismantling them. That is, if we are interested in rewriting an expression as a single
logarithm, we apply log properties following the usual order of operations: deal with multiples of
logs first with the Power Rule, then deal with addition and subtraction using the Product and
Quotient Rules, respectively. Additionally, we find that using log properties in this fashion can
increase the domain of the expression. For example, we leave it to the reader
  to verify the domain
of f (x) = log3 (x−1)−log3 (x+1) is (1, ∞) but the domain of g(x) = log3 x+1 is (−∞, −1)∪(1, ∞).
We will need to keep this in mind when we solve equations involving logarithms in Section 7.4 - it
is precisely for this reason we will have to check for extraneous solutions.
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 357

The two logarithm buttons commonly found on calculators are the ‘LOG’ and ‘LN’ buttons
which correspond to the common and natural logs, respectively. Suppose we wanted an approxi-
mation to log2 (7). The answer should be a little less than 3, (Can you explain why?) but how do
we coerce the calculator into telling us a more accurate answer? We need the following theorem.

Theorem 7.7. (Change of Base) Let a, b > 0, a, b 6= 1.

ˆ ax = bx logb (a) for all real numbers x.

logb (x)
ˆ loga (x) = for all real numbers x > 0.
logb (a)

The proofs of the Change of Base formulas are a result of the other properties studied in this
section. If we start with bx logb (a) and use the Power Rule in the exponent to rewrite x logb (a) as
logb (ax ) and then apply one of the Inverse Properties in Theorem 7.3, we get
bx logb (a) = blogb (a = ax ,

as required. To verify the logarithmic form of the property, we also use the Power Rule and an
Inverse Property. We note that
loga (x) · logb (a) = logb aloga (x) = logb (x),

and we get the result by dividing through by logb (a). Of course, the authors can’t help but point
out the inverse relationship between these two change of base formulas. To change the base of
an exponential expression, we multiply the input by the factor logb (a). To change the base of a
logarithmic expression, we divide the output by the factor logb (a). While, in the grand scheme
of things, both change of base formulas are really saying the same thing, the logarithmic form is
the one usually encountered in Algebra while the exponential form isn’t usually introduced until
Calculus.3 What Theorem 7.7 really tells us is that all exponential and logarithmic functions are
just scalings of one another. Not only does this explain why their graphs have similar shapes, but
it also tells us that we could do all of mathematics with a single base - be it 10, e, 42, or 117. Your
Calculus teacher will have more to say about this when the time comes.

Example 7.2.3. Use an appropriate change of base formula to convert the following expressions to
ones with the indicated base. Verify your answers using a calculator, as appropriate.

The authors feel so strongly about showing students that every property of logarithms comes from and corresponds
to a property of exponents that we have broken tradition with the vast majority of other authors in this field. This
isn’t the first time this happened, and it certainly won’t be the last.
358 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

1. 32 to base 10 3. log4 (5) to base e

2. 2x to base e 4. ln(x) to base 10


1. We apply the Change of Base formula with a = 3 and b = 10 to obtain 32 = 102 log(3) . Typing
the latter in the calculator produces an answer of 9 as required.

2. Here, a = 2 and b = e so we have 2x = ex ln(2) . To verify this on our calculator, we can graph
f (x) = 2x and g(x) = ex ln(2) . Their graphs are indistinguishable which provides evidence
that they are the same function.

y = f (x) = 2x and y = g(x) = ex ln(2)

3. Applying the change of base with a = 4 and b = e leads us to write log4 (5) = ln(4) . Evaluating
this in the calculator gives ≈ 1.16. How do we check this really is the value of log4 (5)?
By definition, log4 (5) is the exponent we put on 4 to get 5. The calculator confirms this.4

4. We write ln(x) = loge (x) = log(x)

log(e) . We graph both f (x) = ln(x) and g(x) =
log(e) and find
both graphs appear to be identical.

y = f (x) = ln(x) and y = g(x) = log(e)

Which means if it is lying to us about the first answer it gave us, at least it is being consistent.
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 359

7.2.1 Exercises
1. Expand the following using the properties of logarithms and simplify. Assume when necessary
that all quantities represent positive real numbers.

(a) ln(x3 y 2 ) (h) log 1 (9x(y 3 − 8))

128 (i) log 1000x3 y 5

(b) log2
x2 + 4  2 
 z 3 (j) log3
(c) log5 81y 4
25 r 
(d) log(1.23 × 1037 ) (k) ln 4
√  ez
(e) ln 216 4
xy (l) log6
x3 y
(f) log5 x2 − 25

 √ 3

(g) log√2 4x3 (m) ln √

10 yz

2. Use the properties of logarithms to write the following as a single logarithm.

(a) 4 ln(x) + 2 ln(y) (h) − 31 ln(x) − 13 ln(y) + 31 ln(z)

(b) 3 − log(x) (i) log2 (x) + log 1 (x − 1)
(c) log2 (x) + log2 (y) − log2 (z)
(j) log2 (x) + log4 (x − 1)
(d) log3 (x) − 2 log3 (y)
1 (k) log5 (x) − 3
(e) 2 log3 (x) − 2 log3 (y) − log3 (z)
(l) log7 (x) + log7 (x − 3) − 2
(f) 2 ln(x) − 3 ln(y) − 4 ln(z)
(g) log(x) − 31 log(z) + 12 log(y) (m) ln(x) + 2

3. Use an appropriate change of base formula to convert the following expressions to ones with
the indicated base.
(a) 7x−1 to base e 2
(c) to base e
(b) log3 (x + 2) to base 10 3
(d) log(x2 + 1) to base e

4. Use the appropriate change of base formula to approximate the following logarithms.
(a) log3 (12) 1
(d) log4
(b) log5 (80) 10
(e) log 3 (1000)
(c) log6 (72) 5
(f) log 2 (50)
360 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

5. Compare and contrast the graphs of y = ln(x2 ) and y = 2 ln(x).

6. Prove the Quotient Rule and Power Rule for Logarithms.

7. Give numerical examples to show that, in general,

(a) logb (x + y) 6= logb (x) + logb (y)

(b) logb (x − y) 6= logb (x) − logb (y)
x logb (x)
(c) logb 6=
y logb (y)

8. The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation: Suppose HA represents a weak acid. Then we have a

reversible chemical reaction
H + + A− .
The acid disassociation constant, Ka , is given by

[H + ][A− ] [A− ]
Kα = = [H + ] ,
[HA] [HA]

where the square brackets denote the concentrations just as they did in Exercise 6c in Section
7.1. The symbol pKa is defined similarly to pH in that pKa = − log(Ka ). Using the definition
of pH from Exercise 6c and the properties of logarithms, derive the Henderson-Hasselbalch
Equation which states
[A− ]
pH = pKa + log

9. Research the history of logarithms including the origin of the word ‘logarithm’ itself. Why is
the abbreviation of natural log ‘ln’ and not ‘nl’ ?

10. There is a scene in the movie ‘Apollo 13’ in which several people at Mission Control use slide
rules to verify a computation. Was that scene accurate? Look for other pop culture references
to logarithms and slide rules.
7.2 Properties of Logarithms 361

7.2.2 Answers

1. (a) 3 ln(x) + 2 ln(y) (h) −2+log 13 (x)+log 13 (y −2)+log 31 (y 2 +2y +4)

(b) 7 − log2 (x2 + 4) (i) 3 + 3 log(x) + 5 log(y)
(c) 3 log5 (z) − 6 (j) 2 log3 (x) − 4 − 4 log3 (y)
(d) log(1.23) + 37 1
(k) 4 ln(x) + 14 ln(y) − 1
4 − 14 ln(z)
(e) 2 ln(z) − ln(x) − ln(y)
(l) 12 − 12 log6 (x) − 4 log6 (y)
(f) log5 (x − 5) + log5 (x + 5)
(m) ln(x) − ln(10) − 12 ln(y) − 21 ln(z)
(g) 3 log√2 (x) + 4 3

2. (a) ln(x4 y 2 ) x y
(g) log √ 3

(b) log r 
x (h) ln 3
 xy  xy
(c) log2
x (i) log2
(d) log3 x−1
y2 √ 
√  (j) log2 x x − 1
x  x 
(e) log3 (k) log5
x x(x − 3)
(f) ln (l) log7
y3z4 49

(m) ln (x e)
3. (a) 7x−1 = e(x−1) ln(7) 2 2
(c) = ex ln( 3 )
log(x + 2) 3
(b) log3 (x + 2) = ln(x2 + 1)
log(3) (d) log(x2 + 1) =
4. (a) log3 (12) ≈ 2.26186 1
(d) log4 ≈ −1.66096
(b) log5 (80) ≈ 2.72271 10
(e) log 3 (1000) ≈ −13.52273
(c) log6 (72) ≈ 2.38685 5
(f) log 2 (50) ≈ −9.64824
362 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

7.3 Exponential Equations and Inequalities

In this section we will develop techniques for solving equations involving exponential functions.
Suppose, for instance, we wanted to solve the equation 2x = 128. After a moment’s calculation, we
find 128 = 27 , so we have 2x = 27 . The one-to-one property of exponential functions, detailed in
Theorem 7.4, tells us that 2x = 27 if and only if x = 7. This means that not only is x = 7 a solution
to 2x = 27 , it is the only solution. Now suppose we change the problem ever so slightly to 2x = 129.
We could use one of the inverse properties of exponentials and logarithms listed in Theorem 7.3 to
write 129 = 2log2 (129) . We’d then have 2x = 2log2 (129) , which means our solution is x = log2 (129).
This makes sense because, after all, the definition of log2 (129) is ‘the exponent we put on 2 to get
129.’ Indeed we could have obtained this solution directly by rewriting the equation 2x = 129 in
its logarithmic form log2 (129) = x. Either way, in order to get a reasonable decimal approximation
to this number, we’d use the change of base formula, Theorem 7.7, to give us something more
calculator friendly,1 say log2 (129) = ln(129)
ln(2) . Another way to arrive at this answer is as follows

2x = 129
ln (2x ) = ln(129) Take the natural log of both sides.
x ln(2) = ln(129) Power Rule
x =
‘Taking the natural log’ of both sides is akin to squaring both sides: since f (x) = ln(x) is
a function, as long as two quantities are equal, their natural logs are equal.2 Also note that we
treat ln(2) as any other non-zero real number and divide it through3 to isolate the variable x. We
summarize below the two common ways to solve exponential equations, motivated by our examples.

Steps for Solving an Equation involving Exponential Functions

1. Isolate the exponential function.

2. (a) If convenient, express both sides with a common base and equate the exponents.
(b) Otherwise, take the natural log of both sides of the equation and use the Power Rule.

Example 7.3.1. Solve the following equations. Check your answer graphically using a calculator.

You can use natural logs or common logs. We choose natural logs. (In Calculus, you’ll learn these are the most
‘mathy’ of the logarithms.)
This is also the ‘if’ part of the statement logb (u) = logb (w) if and only if u = w in Theorem 7.4.
Please resist the temptation to divide both√ sides by ‘ln’ instead
√ of ln(2). Just like it wouldn’t make sense to
divide both sides by the square root symbol ‘ ’ when solving x 2 = 5, it makes no sense to divide by ‘ln’.
7.3 Exponential Equations and Inequalities 363

1. 23x = 161−x 3. 9 · 3x = 72x 5. 25x = 5x + 6

ex −e−x
2. 2000 = 1000 · 3−0.1t 4. 75 = 100
6. 2 =5


1. Since 16 is a power of 2, we can rewrite 23x = 161−x as 23x = 24 . Using properties of
exponents, we get 23x = 24(1−x) . Using the one-to-one property of exponential functions, we
get 3x = 4(1−x) which gives x = 74 . To check graphically, we set f (x) = 23x and g(x) = 161−x
and see that they intersect at x = 47 ≈ 0.5714.

2. We begin solving 2000 = 1000 · 3−0.1t by dividing both sides by 1000 to isolate the exponential
which yields 3−0.1t = 2. Since it is inconvenient to write 2 as a power of 3, we use the natural
log to get ln 3−0.1t = ln(2). Using the Power Rule, we get −0.1t ln(3) = ln(2), so we
divide both sides by −0.1 ln(3) to get t = − 0.1ln(2) 10 ln(2)
ln(3) = − ln(3) . On the calculator, we graph
f (x) = 2000 and g(x) = 1000 · 3−0.1x and find that they intersect at x = − 10ln(3)
≈ −6.3093.

y = f (x) = 23x and y = f (x) = 2000 and

y = g(x) = 161−x y = g(x) = 1000 · 3−0.1x

3. We first note that we can rewrite the equation 9·3x = 72x as 32 ·3x = 72x to obtain 3x+2 = 72x .
Since it is not convenientto express both sides as a power of 3 (or 7 for that matter) we use
the natural log: ln 3x+2 = ln 72x . The power rule gives (x + 2) ln(3) = 2x ln(7). Even
though this equation appears very complicated, keep in mind that ln(3) and ln(7) are just
constants. The equation (x + 2) ln(3) = 2x ln(7) is actually a linear equation and as such we
gather all of the terms with x on one side, and the constants on the other. We then divide
both sides by the coefficient of x, which we obtain by factoring.
364 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

(x + 2) ln(3) = 2x ln(7)
x ln(3) + 2 ln(3) = 2x ln(7)
2 ln(3) = 2x ln(7) − x ln(3)
2 ln(3) = x(2 ln(7) − ln(3)) Factor.
2 ln(3)
x = 2 ln(7)−ln(3)

Graphing f (x) = 9·3x and g(x) = 72x on the calculator, we see that these two graphs intersect
2 ln(3)
at x = 2 ln(7)−ln(3) ≈ 0.7866.
4. Our objective in solving 75 = 1+3e −2t is to first isolate the exponential. To that end, we

clear denominators and get 75 1 + 3e−2t = 100. From this we get 75 + 225e−2t = 100,

which leads to 225e−2t = 25, and finally, e−2t = 19 . Taking the natural log of both sides
gives ln e−2t = ln 19 . Sincenatural log is log base e, ln e−2t = −2t. We can also use

the Power Rule to write ln 19 = − ln(9). Putting these two steps together, we simplify
ln e−2t = ln 91 to −2t = − ln(9). We arrive at our solution, t = ln(9)
2 which simplifies to
t = ln(3). (Can you explain why?) The calculator confirms the graphs of f (x) = 75 and
g(x) = 1+3e −2x intersect at x = ln(3) ≈ 1.099.

y = f (x) = 9 · 3x and y = f (x) = 75 and

y = g(x) = 72x y = g(x) = 1+3e−2x

5. We start solving 25x = 5x + 6 by rewriting 25 = 52 so that we have 52 = 5x + 6, or
52x = 5x + 6. Even though we have a common base, having two terms on the right hand side
of the equation foils our plan of equating exponents or taking logs. If we stare at this long
enough, we notice that we have three terms with the exponent on one term exactly twice that
of another. To our surprise and delight, we have a ‘quadratic in disguise’. Letting u = 5x ,
we have u2 = (5x )2 = 52x so the equation 52x = 5x + 6 becomes u2 = u + 6. Solving this as
u2 − u − 6 = 0 gives u = −2 or u = 3. Since u = 5x , we have 5x = −2 or 5x = 3. Since
5x = −2 has no real solution, (Why not?) we focus on 5x = 3. Since it isn’t convenient to
express 3 as a power of 5, we take natural logs and get ln (5x ) = ln(3) so that x ln(5) = ln(3)
7.3 Exponential Equations and Inequalities 365

or x = ln(5) . When we graph f (x) = 25x and g(x) = 5x + 6, we see that they intersect at
x= ln(5) ≈ 0.6826.
x −x
6. At first, it’s unclear how to proceed with e −e 2 = 5, besides clearing the denominator to
obtain ex − e−x = 10. Of course, if we rewrite e−x = e1x , we see we have another denominator
lurking in the problem: ex − e1x = 10. Clearing this denominator gives us e2x − 1 = 10ex ,
and once again, we have an equation with three terms where the exponent on one term is
exactly twice that of another - a ‘quadratic in disguise.’ If we let u = ex , then u2 = e2x so the
equation e2x − 1 = 10ex can be viewed
√ as u2 − 1 = 10u. Solving u2 − √10u − 1 = 0, we √ obtain
by the quadratic formula u = 5 ± √ 26. From this, we have e x = 5 ± 26. Since 5 − 26 < 0,

x = 5 − 26, but for ex = 5 + 26, we take natural logs to obtain
we get no real solution
√  to e
x −x
x = ln 5 + 26 . If we graph f (x) = e −e and g(x) = 5, we see that the graphs intersect
√  2
at x = ln 5 + 26 ≈ 2.312

ex −e−x
y = f (x) = 25x and y = f (x) = 2 and
y = g(x) = 5x + 6 y = g(x) = 5

The authors would be remiss not to mention that Example 7.3.1 still holds great educational
value. Much can be learned about logarithms and exponentials by verifying the solutions obtained
in Example 7.3.1 analytically. For example, to verify our solution to 2000 = 1000 · 3−0.1t , we
substitute t = − 10ln(3)
and obtain
“ ”
10 ln(2)
? −0.1 − ln(3)
2000 = 1000 · 3
2000 = 1000 · 3 ln(3)
2000 = 1000 · 3log3 (2) Change of Base
2000 = 1000 · 2 Inverse Property
2000 = 2000

The other solutions can be verified by using a combination of log and inverse properties. Some
fall out quite quickly, while others are more involved. We leave them to the reader.
366 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Since exponential functions are continuous on their domains, the Intermediate Value Theorem
4.1 applies. As with the algebraic functions in Section ??, this allows us to solve inequalities using
sign diagrams as demonstrated below.
Example 7.3.2. Solve the following inequalities. Check your answer graphically using a calculator.

1. 2x
2 −3x
− 16 ≥ 0 ex 3. xe2x < 4x
2. ≤3
ex − 4
1. Since we already have 0 on one side of the inequality, we set r(x) = 2x −3x − 16. The domain
of r is all real numbers, so in order to construct our sign diagram, we seed to find the zeros of
2 2 2
r. Setting r(x) = 0 gives 2x −3x − 16 = 0 or 2x −3x = 16. Since 16 = 24 we have 2x −3x = 24 ,
so by the one-to-one property of exponential functions, x2 − 3x = 4. Solving x2 − 3x − 4 = 0
gives x = 4 and x = −1. From the sign diagram, we see r(x) ≥ 0 on (−∞, −1] ∪ [4, ∞), which
corresponds to where the graph of y = r(x) = 2x −3x − 16, is on or above the x-axis.

(+) 0 (−) 0 (+)

−1 4

2 −3x
y = r(x) = 2x − 16

2. The first step we need to take to solve exe−4 ≤ 3 is to get 0 on one side of the inequality. To
that end, we subtract 3 from both sides and get a common denominator

≤ 3
ex − 4

−3 ≤ 0
ex − 4

ex 3 (ex − 4)
− ≤ 0 Common denomintors.
ex − 4 ex − 4

12 − 2ex
≤ 0
ex − 4
7.3 Exponential Equations and Inequalities 367

We set r(x) = 12−2e x
ex −4 and we note that r is undefined when its denominator e − 4 = 0, or
when e = 4. Solving this gives x = ln(4), so the domain of r is (−∞, ln(4)) ∪ (ln(4), ∞). To
find the zeros of r, we solve r(x) = 0 and obtain 12 − 2ex = 0. Solving for ex , we find ex = 6,
or x = ln(6). When we build our sign diagram, finding test values may be a little tricky since
we need to check values around ln(4) and ln(6). Recall that the function ln(x) is increasing4
which means ln(3) < ln(4) < ln(5) < ln(6) < ln(7). While the prospect of determining the
sign of r (ln(3)) may be very unsettling, remember that eln(3) = 3, so
12 − 2eln(3) 12 − 2(3)
r (ln(3)) =
= = −6
e −4 3−4
We determine the signs of r (ln(5)) and r (ln(7)) similarly.5 From the sign diagram, we
find our answer to be (−∞, ln(4)) ∪ [ln(6), ∞). Using the calculator, we see the graph of
f (x) = exe−4 is below the graph of g(x) = 3 on (−∞, ln(4)) ∪ (ln(6), ∞), and they intersect
at x = ln(6) ≈ 1.792.

(−) ” (+) 0 (−)

ln(4) ln(6)

y = f (x) = ex −4

y = g(x) = 3

3. As before, we start solving xe2x < 4x by getting 0 on one side of the inequality, xe2x − 4x < 0.
We set r(x) = xe2x − 4x and since there are no denominators, even-indexed radicals, or logs,
the domain of r is all real numbers. Setting r(x) = 0 produces xe2x − 4x = 0. With x both
in and out of the exponent, this could cause some difficulty. However, before panic sets in,
we factor out the x to obtain x e − 4 = 0 which gives x = 0 or e2x − 4 = 0. To solve the

latter, we isolate the exponential and take logs to get 2x = ln(4), or x = ln(4)
2 = ln(2). (Can
you explain the last equality using properties of logs?) As in the previous example, we need
1 3
to be careful about choosing test values. Since ln(1) = 0, we choose ln 2 , ln 2 and ln(3).
Evaluating,6 we have r(ln 1 ) = ln 1 e2 ln( 2 ) − 4 ln 1 . Applying the Power Rule to the log
2 2 2
This is because the base of ln(x) is e > 1. If the base b were in the interval 0 < b < 1, then logb (x) would
We could, of course, use the calculator, but what fun would that be?
A calculator can be used at this point. As usual, we proceed without apologies, with the analytical method.

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