Course Outline - Sem V - Transfer of Property Act
Course Outline - Sem V - Transfer of Property Act
Course Outline - Sem V - Transfer of Property Act
Text Books:
1. Mulla’s Transfer of Property Act (Lexis Nexis 11th ed. 2018).
2. Poonam Pradhan Saxena, Property Law, Lexis Nexis; 3rd Edn. (2017).
Reference Books:
1. Vepa P. Sarathi (Rev.) G.C.V. Subba Rao’s Law of Transfer of Property (EBC, 6th ed., 2017).
2. Sen Gupta (Rev.) Mitra’s Transfer of Property Act (Commentary).
1. Alvares, C.F., Lease and Licence (1972) 2 SCC (Jour) 1.
2. Salian Sushanth, History of the Removal of the Fundamental right to Property. Centre for Civil
3. Wahi Namita, The Fundamental Right to property in the Indian Constitution, Harvard
Law School; Centre for Policy Research (India), 2015.
4. Balganesh Shyamkrishna, Codifying the Common Law of Property in India: Crystallization and
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School – Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
Standardization as Strategies of Constraint.
Any other information: Latest and updated case laws to be incorporated while teaching.
Details of Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA): 50 Marks
Components Marks
Test 1 20 marks
Quiz 10 marks
*Group Discussion 10 marks
Class Participation 10 marks
Khyati Nayak
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Ms. Khyati Nayak) (Approved by Dean Dr. Durgambini Patel)