National Building Code PD 1906
National Building Code PD 1906
National Building Code PD 1906
Section 501. Fire Zones – areas within which only certain types of buildings are
permitted to be constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of construction
High Restrictive Fire Zone – located partly in one (1) fire zone and partly in
- or 1/3 of its floor area is located in such zone
Section 601. Fire Resistive Rating –the which a material can withstand fire
Section 602. Fire Resistive Time Period Rating – 1 hr, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, etc.
Section 808. Window Openings – at least 10% of floor area (not provided w/
artificial ventilation system)
a. Exits
1. Number of Exits
Above 1st storey – 10 occupant – 2 exits
Mezzanine – 185 sq.m area or more than 18m in dimension – 2 exits
500-999 – 3 exits
2. Exits – if only 2 exits required, shall be placed distance apart not < 1/5
of the perimeter area.
3. Distance of Exits – w/o sprinkler – 45m from exterior exit door, w/
sprinkler 60m
4. Doors
a. Swing – exit door shall swing to exit travel in hazardous areas w/
50 or more occupant load
b. Double acting doors – view panel of not < 1,300 sq. cm.
c. Width and Height – not < 900mm in width, not < 2.00m in
height, opening – 90 degrees and exit way clear width not <
5. Door Leaf Width – max of 1.20
6. Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies
a. Width – not < 1.10m
b. Dead Ends – max 6.00m in length
7. Stairways
a. Width – serving an occupant load of more than 50 shall not be <
1.10m, occupant load of 50 or less may be 90m (900mm) wide,
private stairways serving an occupant load of < 10 may be .75m
b. Rise and Run. Rise – max 0.20m (200mm), Run - 0.25m
c. Winding Stairways – narrower side of the thread 150mm – 300mm
d. Circular Stairways – used as exit w/ min width of run not < 250mm
e. Landings – straight run – max of 1.20m, vertical
f. Distance bet landings – max of 3.60m vertical distance landings.
g. Handrails – not < 800mm nor more than 900mm.
h. Stairway to Roof – if 4 or more storeys in height
i. Headroom – clearance 2.00m
8. Ramps – width – 1.10m min
9. Exit Outlets, Courts, Passageways
a. Slope – exit courts max of 1:10, exit passageway max of 1:8
b. Openings – on exit court not < 3.00m protected by fire assemblies
not < ¾ hour fire resistive. Except openings > 3.00m may be
c. Exit signs illumination – not < 10.7 lux at the floor level
a. Width – not < 800mm if serving one side, not < 1m if serving both
sides, side aisles shall not < 1.10m
b. Exit Distance
1. Groups H, I occupancies w/o seats, line of travel to exit door by an
aisle is not > 45.00m
2. Exit doors clear width 1.70m if 30 seats bet aisles and 1m
distance of seat back to back
c. Slope – max of 1:8
a. Seat Spacing - spacing of rows of seats from back to back – not <
840mm (standard seating), Clear width of rows (continental seating) as follows:
450 mm Rows of 18 seats
500mm Rows of 35 seats or less
520mm Rows of 45 seats or less
550mm Rows of 46 seats or more
b. Width – not < 450mm (0.45m) min, max of 480 (0.48m)
1. Aisles Required – seats w/o backrest, the rise from row to row
doesn’t not exceed 300mm per row, number of rows doesn’t
exceed 11 in height, top seating board is not over 3.00m above
grade, 1st seating board not more than 500mm above grade
2. Stairs required – aisle is elevated more than 200nn above grade,
provide a stairway or ramp.
e. Stairs and Ramps
1. Guardrails – provide top seat plank is more than 1.20 above
2. Railings – 1.10m
3. Midrail – 250mm
f. Foot Boards – shall be provided above the 3rd row & where seating
plank is more than 600mm above grade
g. Safe Dispersal Area – at least 2 exits, more than 6000 min of 3
exits, more than 9000 person min of 4 exits, clear width of
exits not < 1 exit unit of 600 mm for each 500 persons, clear
width not < 1.10m
13.Boiler Rooms – except Group A, 2 egress 1 ladder.
d. Glass for Transmission of Light – not < 12.5mm thick, glass over 100 area have wire mesh
1. Definitions
a. Building Permit – a written authorization granted by the BO to an applicant
allowing the applicant to proceed w/ the construction w/ specific project after
plans, specs and other pertinent doc….
b. Construction – All on site work done
c. Erection – installation of components of a building/structure
d. Addition – new construction w/c increases the height or area of an existing
e. Alteration – changes in materials, utilities, partitioning, etc but doesn’t
increase the overall area thereof.
f. Renovation – physical change made to increase its value & improve its
aesthetic quality.
g. Conversion – change in use or occupancy
h. Repair – remedial work done on any damaged/deteriorated portion of bldg.
i. Moving – transfer of any bldg. from original location to another
j. Demolition – systematic dismantling of a bldg in whole or part.
k. Ancillary Bldg./Structure – secondary bldg. located w/in the same
premises the use of incidental to that main bldg.
b. Repairs
1.4.3 Sanitary/Plumbing
1.4.4 Electrical
1.4.5 Mechanical
1.4.6 Fire Safety & Control
1.5 Final Evaluation
1.6 Issuance of Bldg. Permit
1.7 Non-Issuance, Suspension or Revocation of Bldg. Permits
a. Errors found in the plans & specs.
b. Incorrect data or info supplied
c. Non-compliance w/ pertinent provisions of the code or any
rule/regulation issued thereunder
1.8 Terms & Conditions of Permits
1.9 Validity of a Bldg Permit – if the bldg or work authorized therein
is not commenced w/in 1 year from the date of such permit, or
bldg. or work is suspended/abandoned at anytime after it has
been commenced for 120 days.
Rule V – Signs
Sign – any letter, word, numeral, illustration use to announce or advertise
Specific Provisions:
1. Business Signs – max width 1.20m & length not exceeding the
frontage of the bldg.
2. Ground Signs – shall not exceed 6.00m in height from the street
crown, self supporting outdoor signs 10.00m away from PL
3. Projecting Signs - Sign Boards 1m to electric & telephone wires
4. Wall Signs – not extend more than 300mm & not < 3m above the
sidewalk. W/ combustible materials shall not exceed 4.00sq.m. area
5. Temporary Signs
a. Steamers – lowest pt. of bottom edge have min clearance 4.30m
above the pavement
6. Administrative Provisions
a. Exemptions – sign not exceeding 0.20sq.m. of display surface.
5. Ventilation
5.1 Ventilation Openings
5.1.1. Size – not < per KVA of transformer capacity in
service, except the net are shall not be < 0.1sqm for any
capacity under 50KVA
5.1.2. Drainage – vaults w/ more than 100KVA transformer capacity
shall be provided w/ drain
6. Capacitors
6.1 Transformers Used w/ Capacitors – KVA rating shall not be <
135% of capacitor rating
Access Roads
Interior/rear lots access road w/ min width depending Not < 3.00m wide
upon the no. of bldgs./units approve by local planning
Multiple living units on same lot. (Apartments,
rowhouses/accesorias/groups of single-detached bldgs)
Up to 6 units 3.00 wide
7-15 units 4.00 wide
16-25 units 5.00 wide
26-35 units 6.00 wide
More than 35 units 7.50 wide
2. Protective Methods/Devices
3. Fence – erected @ sidewalks/walkways not < 2.40m in height above curb line.
4. Canopy
4.1 Protective canopy - 2.40m above the walkway
4.2 Railings – not < 1m high and solid toe boards not < 300mm placed
along the street and ends of the canopy. Canopy safely sustaining a load
of 800kg per sq.m.
4.3 Underside of canopy properly lighted not < one (1) 100 watt bulb
every 6m of its length
5. Protective Nets/Screen – G.I wire gauge 16,38mm mesh nylon net; canvas
6. Walkways & Railings
6.1 Temporary walkway adjacent to the street line not more than 1.20m
wide (for the use of pedestrians). Where the road right of way is
5m or less, no temporary walkway shall be allowed
6.2 Width of walkway shall not < 1.20m but more than 1/3 the width of
the sidewalk.
6.3 Walkways capable of supporting uniform live load of 650kg per sq.m.
6.4 Railings – not < 1m in height
7. Precautionary Measures
7.1 Every Trench, 1.50m or more in depth, provided w/ means of exit at
least 7.50 of its length
8. Storage of Materials
8.1 No materials piled/stacked higher than 1.8m except in yards/sheds.
When Piles exceed 1.2m height, material be arranged that the sides &
ends of the piles taper back.
9. Fire Protection
9.1 All buildings – 1 standpipes outlet @ each floor.
9.2 In every construction – at least 1 approved handpump, tank or
portable chemical or dry fire extinguisher.
9.3 No material/construction equipment shall be placed w/in 3m of such
hydrant/connection bet it and the center of the street.
10.Sanitation & First Aid
10.1 Where more than 200 workers are employed, a properly first-aid
room shall be provided w/ a physician/nurse.
11.Temporary Light & Power
11.1 Passageways, stairways and corridors – average light intensity not <
2 foot candles.
11.2 Locations where tools & or machinery are used – 5 foot candles.
12.Hoist Towers – shall be screened/protected on all sides not < 1.80m height
18.4 Chutes w/c at an angle 45 degrees from the horizontal may be left
open on the upper side
18.5 Openings into matl’s/debris are dumped are dumped at the top of a chute
shall be protect by a substantial guardrail extending @ least 1.90m
above the level of the floor
2. Courts – unoccupied space bet bldg. lines & lot lines other than yard: free, open
and unobstructed from the ground upward.
a. Inner court – bounded on all sides/around its periphery by bldg. lines.
b. Open court – bounded by 3 sides by bldg. lines w/ 1 side bounded by
another open space
c. Through court – bounded on 2 opposite sides by bldg. lines w/ the other
opposite sides bounded by other open space.
Every court shall have a width not < 2.00m for 1 and 2 storey bldgs.
This may reduced to not < 1.50m in cluster living units (quadruplexes,
rowhouses) for 1 or 2 storeys in height w/ adjacent courts w/ area not
< 3.00m. Irregularly shaped lots like triangular shall be < 3.00m
Bldgs more than 2 storeys in height, min width of the court shall be
increased at the rate of 300mm
R-1 Low Density Residential Zone – single family, single detached dwellings
R-2 Medium Density Residential Zone – medium density housing like low and
medium rise, multiple family dwellings
R-3 High-Density Residential Zone – mixed housing type & high density
3. Setbacks – vacant space bet the bldg. & lot lines not < 2.00m in width
4. Ceiling Heights
4.1 Table Form
Habitable rooms provided w/ artificial ceiling heights not < 2.40 from floor
ventilation to ceiling
Bldgs. of more than 1st storey Min ceiling height shall be 2.70m
2nd storey 2.40m
Succeeding storeys Unobstructed typical head-room
clearance of not < 2.10m above the
finished floor
Above stated rooms w/ natural Not < 2.70m
Mezzanine Floors Clear height not < 1.80m above and
below it
7. Window Openings
7.1 Windows w/ a total free area of openings equal to @ least 10% of the
floor area of the room, provided that such opening not < 1sq.m. Toilet,
laundry, & similar rooms shall be provided w/ windows w/ area not <
7.2 Eaves over required windows not < 750mm from the side & rear
Property Lines.
8. Vent Shafts
8.1 Horizontal cross sectional area (CSA) of not < 0.10sq.m for every meter
of height of shaft but in no case shall the area be < 1.00sq.m. No vent
shaft have its least dimension less < 600mm
8.2 Air ducts – min unobstructed CSA not < 0.30 sq.m w/ min dim. of
300mm above the bottom of the shaft
1. Parking space ratings listed are min off street requirements for specific
uses/occupancies for bldg./structures:
3. Special Provisions
3.1 1 parking slot for the handicapped per 50 up to 150 parking slots &
an additional slot for every 100 slots thereafter.
3.2 Wheel chair transfer area – one between 2 spaces, directly connect to
accessible walk of travel and bldg entrances.
3.3 Maximum distance of accessible parking area from facility served. Parking
areas for handicapped shall be w/in 60m of the facility being
4.1 Stores, manufacturing, wholesale or 1 loading slot for every 5,000 sq.m of
merchantile bldgs/structures, or similar gross floor area w/ a min of 1 truck
occupancies loading slot
4.2 Hotels and Hospitals 1 truck loading slot