DLL - Week 1
DLL - Week 1
DLL - Week 1
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standards
At the end of the session students should At the end of the session At the end of the session students At the end of the session At the end of the session students
be able to: students should be able to: should be able to: students should be able to: should be able to:
1. Welcoming the learners 1. Discussion of Continuation of one on-one online Virtual (via fb page of Subject Orientation
2. Video Presentation of School Tour kamustahan with the learner and MODGA)
3. Introduction of Teachers and Adviser House Rules the adviser. -subject house rules
4. Important Announcements -Praying the
2. Dissemination of (Assessment) -requirements
- Schedule of Educational Set-up:
Class Schedule -course outline
a. Sept. 5-30,
3. Election of Class -grading system
a. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting b. Oct. 3, 2022
new lesson 4. One-on-one online
Start of Face-
kamustahan with the adviser
to-face and the learner.
classes (Assessment)
c. Developing Mastery
d. Evaluation