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‘The University of Edinburgh ‘College of Science and Engineering Mathematics $ Honours ‘MATI10082 Linear Analysis Thoreday, 1 May 9018, 09:30- 11:30 (Chairman of Examiners Dr A Olde Daalhuis [External Examiner ~ Professor G Brown (Credit will be given forthe best THREE answers Calculators and other electronic ‘A scientific calculator is permitted in this examination, Itmust not bea graphics ealeulator must not be abe to communicate with any other devices. This examination wil be marked anonymously. MATH10082 Linear Analysis 1 (Q) This question concerns properties of normed liner spaces and Banach spaces. (a) Let (X,[-I) be « normed linear space and define the function X + R by i. Show that fis continvous on X. (5 marks} (©) Suppece that (XI: I) is « Banach space and $ i «subspace of X. Show that (Sil I) is Banach space if and only i $ is closed in (XH). (6 marks] (©) Lot X be vector space over the complex mumbers C and suppos that [| and [=I are tw equivalent norms on X; that is, there exists @corstant C > O such that Chel < Uhh < Cll forall x X. Furthermore suppose that (X, ll) i @ Banach spece. Show thet (X, [= [2) is ‘= Bonacls vece [8 marke} (4) Consider the space & with the norm lls = SIZ fal whore = = (x,)jo1 and consider the subspace S of € consisting of vectors x= (x) where all but finitely many zy are zero. Show that the closure of $i chat is S— (5 marks) (©) Let y denote the subspace of € consisting of vectors 2 = (z)je1 with =) -+ 5 j +. Show that eis closed with respect to the norm zn = sup, [a marks) [Please turn ve MATHi0082 Linear Analysis 2 (2) This question concerns the basic geometric properties of inner product spaces and Hilbert spaces. (6) Let (X,()) be a complex inner product spece. For complex numbers 28.748 € C, define the pairing (athe = (ox + By re + ov) Detwean vectors x,y € X. For which values of @,8,77 and o does (1), define fan Inver product on 7 Justify your answer. [4 marks] (&) Consider R¢ equipped with the 2nerm I(oy,2,u)le = VEER Tw Let S be the linear span ofthe vectors (1,0,1,1) and (1, 1,~1,0). Find the closes; vector y= (@yb,cyd) in S to z = (348,10); that i find y & 5 such that TS marks] iBflz- ah = llz—ub (6) Suppase H is a separable Hilbert space. Let M be a closed subspace with orthonormal basis {mat Suppose that (¢y}epy i an orthonormal basis for [M4 she orthogonal complement of M- Show that {fn}nzx U {ee}azr is an orthonormal basis for H. (5 marks) (4) Consiter the Hilbert space @ and let M be the subspace of # consisting of vectors 2 = (z))jo1 where x) =0 for every j whichis prime number. (@ Show that M isa closed subopace of & {5 marke] (Find the orthogonal complement A [5 marks] (ii) Find an othonormal basis for M which doesnot include e1 = (1,0,0,.-.) (ecall that 1 isnot prime number). [8 marks] (Ptease turn ove] MATH IO082 Linear Analysis 8 (8) let 2(%,¥) denote the normed linear space of bounded liner operators T= X > ¥ Detxeen two normed linear spaces (Xl: ix) and (¥, lly) The norm on £(X,¥) is given by IDK i= sup(trely : 2 X, Hllx = 1) whieh has the property that [Tl < ['IIleby for every x € X. () Show that every T € (X,Y) is continuous; that is, whenever 24 —> 2 in X, then Tz, -+ Tz in Y [4 marks} (b) Consider the Bansch space (0, 1) of continuous real-valued functions defined fn the closed interval (0,1), ith the uniform norm Ulla = sun{is(e)| + € (0,1). Let L: C((l) + R be the linear functional defined by t= [10% ‘Show that |[Li] = 1/2. [4 marks} (c) Consider the linear operator T : €° —+ ey defined by , 7 = Gs) ee with zy — 0.28 n—> 00, endowed with the norm |[Z\|o0 = SUP, [2m |: (i) Show that T is continuous with respect to the norm ||- lo. [4 marks) (i) Show that [21] = 1 [4 marks] (ii) Ror every N > 1, deine Ty 2° > a by tale) = (nuance) Stow tht Ty-+ Pin (€*9), (8 marks} (i) Dedoce that 7 compact operator. (You may we standard ea shou Compa operator fom losur yo sate hem easly) [4 tat (2a)at (Please tuca over] ‘MATHIOO82 Linear Analysis 4 (4) Let H and K be separable Hilbert spaces with orthnormal basas {ey}yo1 and Comets respectively, () Recall that_a bounded linear operator T€ £(H,K) is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator if Soa, (Te? < 20 (0) Show that Ta [Teal = Tia [Pf [? where 1° i the Hilbert space adjoint of TB: (Pens fo) = Wms In) (4 marks] (i) For N > 1, define Sy2 = Shus(T2, fn) Show that Sy > 7 as elements in CCH), (5 marks] (i) Conciude that 7 i a compact operator. (Again you may use standard results from lecture about compact operatars if you quote them presse) (8 mari] (©) State Rien’ representation theorem characterising the dual space 1. ( marks] (6) Let be a closed subspace of H and let $ € M’ be a bounded linear functional on (0) WP: HM denote the orthogonal projection ento M, show that the composition $0 Py (defined as S.0 Py = 5(Py 2) defines an element of ® (2 marks] (4) Show that [8 ¢ Pl = [Sie {8 marks] (i) Stow there exits ay € M such that So Py = (9) for all = € H. [5 marks] [Bd of Paper

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