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‘The University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering. Mathematics 4 Honours MATH10051 Fourier Analysis Tuesday, 179 May 2016 9:30am ~ 11:30am ‘Chairman of Examiners ~ Professor 1 M Figueros-O'Farill External Examiner ~Professor J Greenlees Credit willbe given forthe best THREE. answers Calculators and other electronic aids A scientific calculators permitted in this examination. It must no be a graphical calculator. must not be able to communicate with another device. ‘This examination willbe marked anonymotsly. ‘MATHLO051 Fourier Analysis 1 (1) In this questior you may ase any result about summabilty methods but please state ‘ny res you se (a) Define the Neh Cesiro mean of & I-periodic, intgpable funtion f : R > C land states basle convergence result about the Cesiro meats of a cantinons fanetion f € CCT) [4 marks) {b) Suppoee tht two continuous, 1-perodie functions fg € CCT) have the property that Fie) = G(r) fr alin 2. Show that J(2) = a2) fo all # ER [6 marke} (6 Suppese the Fouser sais of a periodic function f € CCH) converges uniformly. Show that Ma) = T Fain for al 2 eR. 4 marks} (a) Show that for any Lpesiodie, integrable fmction J: RC, we have [sx1te)— eye + 0 00 where Sy f(z) denotes the Vth Fourier patil sum of f. Hint: you may use a esl which allows you to pass to the Cusivo means. [6 marks] (e) Let J(@) = sin(2x0)+cos( tz). Write down a solution u(x y) = u(r os(@),rsin()} of Laplace's equation in the unit dise with boundary data f. Show that urcoa(0),rsin()) —+ J(0) 98 71, uniform in 0. [marks] [Peense turn over] ‘MATHO051 Fourier Analysis 2 which guarantee that a Fourier sories (2) This question examines vations con converges. (a) Suppose that J € C4). Show that there is a constan: A, depending on J, such that . WFO) ¢ Ak-® forall Bez tnd hence deduce that f has an absolutely convergent Peuier series, [6 marks} (©) Suppose that J € CCT}. Show that f has an absolutdy convergent Fourier series. [6 marks) (6) Suppose row that f € CCT i Lipschitz; that is there isa constant such that Ue +8) ~ Fe) < Ald for all 2, he Give an outne ofan argument showing that the Fourie series of J converges everywhere and f(2) = Dg, (Be forall = € R. (7 marks} (@) Finully consider the folowing periodic function J : R= € defined by f(z) = Viel when x € [-1/2 1/2) Show that thre sa contan: A such that WF) < AL? for all bez w by complting the fllowing steps (i) Write F(x) as a cosine integral over [0, 1/2], and show that f(—K) = F(k) for every k. Hence it sufces to establish (f) when k > 1. (2 marks) (i) Establish (4) by splitting the integral defining /(k) at r = 1/ and integrate by part tice when + 2 1/k. (marks) (ii) Dedvce that J hes au absolutely convergent Fourier series. [mark] [Please turn over} ‘MaTHLO081 Fourier Analysis, 3 (8) Recall that a sequence {en}+g1 € (0.1) is equidistributed if for every interval J.C (0.1), Hi sneN:x,€l} we ES sn Yer dts heat oe inte {a) Ave there equidistibuted sequences {2q),21 © (0,1) consisting entitely of tational numbers? Give ressons. Hint! you may want to refer to a result ‘stable in one o the workshops 4 marks] (0) State the Weyl extaion which gives a necessary and sufficient condition for @ sequence {5 }nat C Py 1) to bo equidistributed (5 marks) (©) Fora real number a, consider z4 = (na) = na na, the sequence of fractional parts of multiples 0. () Ie Q, show that (15)yg1 not equidistributed in [0,1). [4 marks) (i) Mev €.Q, show that (2) i equidisteibutad in 01) fa marks) (@) Toimplement Wey’ evterion, i is usoful to compare sums to integrals | [ferrse- Soon Ss [en rea 520 [Vel solde = XL gp VO whic is valid for ay £ © CLL, ‘Show thatthe sequence = (YA) equidistributed in 0,1). (8 marks} [Pence turn over] “MATHIO061 Fourier Analysis ‘ (4) In tie question, we will examine the Scart space S(R) and the Fourier transform. Recall the sizes puw(J) = spre f2" (x) of «function f on tho realli R. An infinitely differnt Futon J lis in the Sehwnets space S() precisely when unlf) <0 for erery pale of nonnegative integers (E, N). (6) In terms ofthe sizes py, give a necessary and sufficient bouneduess contin for a lines operator T= S(R) ~ 5(B) to be continous [6 marks} (0) For any he R, define Ty :$(B) + S(R) by TH(J)(a) = fe—H). Show that Ti, is continuous, [5 marks} () The Fourier ansform F : $(R) + $(R) is linear operator defined by FI) = [steed This is a continuous linear operator and we often write F/(é) = f(g. Now din the Pose enisorn FA = A of tnpeted dition A € SR) by fig) = A (i) Show that J defines « tempered distribution. [6 marks) (ii) Compute the Fourier transform ofthe &, the derivative of the Dirac delta. function, and show that (4) =0 whenever ¢ € S(R) is an even function. [e amarks] [End of Paper

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