11 JC Van Der Walt Sans Methods

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J C van der Walt / Dave Wright


STATUS April 2012 April 2013

First Draft 1 8

Awaiting comments from Industry 1 1

Second draft 7 5

Methods with SANS 24 22

Methods already published by SANS 36 45

Total 69 81
SANS 3001-AG1
Civil engineering test methods Part AG1: Particle size analysis of aggregates by sieving

SANS 3001-AG2
Civil engineering test methods Part AG2: Determination of the average least dimension of
aggregates by direct measurement

SANS 3001-AG3
Civil engineering test methods Part AG3: Determination of the average least dimension of
aggregates by computation

SANS 3001-AG4
Civil engineering test methods Part AG4: Determination of the flakiness index of coarse aggregate

SANS 3001-AG10
Civil engineering test methods Part AG10: ACV (aggregate crushing value) and 10% FACT (fines
aggregate crushing test) values of coarse aggregates

SANS 3001 AG13

Civil engineering test methods Part AG13: Determination of the soundness of mudrock aggregates
(Venter test)

SANS 3001 AG15

Civil engineering test methods Part AG15: Determination of rock durability using 10% FACT (fines
aggregate crushing test) values after soaking in ethylene glycol

SANS 3001-AG20
Civil engineering test methods Part AG20: Determination of the bulk density, apparent density and
water absorption of aggregate particles retained on the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials
SANS 3001-AG21
Civil engineering test methods Part AG21: Determination of the bulk density, apparent density and
water absorption of aggregate particles passing the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials

SANS 3001-AG22
Civil engineering test methods Part AG22: Apparent density of crushed stone base

SANS 3001 AG23

Civil engineering test methods Part AG23: Particle and relative densities of aggregate

SANS 3001-GR1
Civil engineering test methods Part GR1: Wet preparation and particle size analysis

SANS 3001-GR2
Civil engineering test methods Part GR2: Dry preparation and dry particle size analysis of gravels
and sands

SANS 3001 GR3

Civil engineering test methods Part GR3: Particle size analysis of material smaller than 2mm
(hydrometer method)

SANS 3001 GR5

Civil engineering test methods Part GR5: Wet preparation and air-drying of samples for plasticity
index and hydrometer tests

SANS 3001-GR10
Civil engineering test methods Part GR10: Determination of the one-point liquid limit, plastic limit,
plasticity index and linear shrinkage
SANS 3001-GR11
Civil engineering test methods Part GR11: Determination of the liquid limit with the two-point method

SANS 3001-GR12
Civil engineering test methods Part GR12: Determination of the flow curve liquid limit

SANS 3001-GR20
Civil engineering test methods Part GR20: Determination of the moisture content by oven-drying

SANS 3001-GR30
Civil engineering test methods Part GR30: Determination of the maximum dry density and optimum
moisture content

SANS 3001-GR31
Civil engineering test methods Part GR31: Determination of the maximum dry density and optimum
moisture content of laboratory mixed cementitiously stabilized materials

SANS 3001-GR40
Civil engineering test methods Part GR40: Determination of the California bearing ratio

SANS 3001-GR50
Civil engineering test methods Part GR50: Preparation, compaction and curing of specimens of
laboratory mixed cementitiously stabilized materials

SANS 3001-GR51
Civil engineering test methods Part GR51: Sampling, preparation, compaction and curing of field
mixed freshly cementitiously stabilized materials including the determination of the maximum dry
density and optimum moisture content
SANS 3001-GR52
Civil engineering test methods Part GR52: Sampling and preparation of cored specimens of field
compacted, matured, cementitiously stabilized material

SANS 3001-GR53
Civil engineering test methods Part GR53: Determination of the unconfined compressive strength of
compacted and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials

SANS 3001-GR54
Civil engineering test methods Part GR54: Determination of the indirect tensile strength of
compacted and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials

SANS 3001-GR55
Civil engineering test methods Part GR55: Determination of the wet-dry durability of compacted and
cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials by hand brushing

SANS 3001-PR1
Civil engineering test methods Part PR1: Determination of uncertainty of measurement,
repeatability, reproducibility and bias

SANS 3001-PR2
Civil engineering test methods Part PR2: Use and assessment of repeat, check or duplicate tests

SANS 3001-PR5
Civil engineering test methods Part PR5: Computation of soil-mortar percentages, coarse sand
ratio, grading modulus and fineness modulus
SANS 3001-PR10
Civil engineering test methods Part PR10: Checking, handling, maintenance and verification of test

SANS 3001-AS1
Civil engineering test methods Part AS1: Making of asphalt briquettes for Marshall tests and other
specialized tests

SANS 3001-AS2
Civil engineering test methods Part AS2: Determination of Marshall stability, flow and quotient

SANS 3001-AS10
Civil engineering test methods Part AS10: Determination of bulk density and void content of
compacted asphalt

SANS 3001-AS11
Civil engineering test methods Part AS11: Determination of the maximum void-less density of
asphalt mixes and the quantity of binder absorbed by the aggregate

SANS 3001-AS20
Civil engineering test methods Part AS20: Determination of the soluble binder content and particle
size analysis of an asphalt mix

SANS 3001-BT10
Civil engineering test methods Part BT10: Ball penetration test for the design of surfacing seals

SANS 3001-BT11
Civil engineering test methods Part BT11: Texture depth measurement for the design of surfacing
SANS 3001-BT12
Civil engineering test methods Part BT12: Determination of the in situ permeability of a bituminous
surfacing (Marvil test)

SANS 3001-BT20
Civil engineering test methods Part BT20: Certification of a binder distributor

SANS 3001-BT21
Civil engineering test methods Part BT21: Validation of a binder distributor dipstick

SANS 3001-BT22
Civil engineering test methods Part BT22: Power and road speed indicator tests for a binder

SANS 3001-BT23
Civil engineering test methods Part BT23: Pump system performance of a binder distributor

SANS 3001-BT24
Civil engineering test methods Part BT24: Measurement of transverse distribution ('Bucket test') for
a binder distributor

SANS 4001-BT1
Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT1: Penetration grade bitumen

SANS 4001-BT2
Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT2: Cutback bitumen
SANS 3001 AG5
Civil engineering test methods Part AG5: Sand equivalent value of fine aggregates

SANS 3001 AG11

Civil engineering test methods Part AG11: Polished stone value

SANS 3001 AG12

Civil engineering test methods Part AG12: Soundness of aggregates (magnesium sulphate

SANS 3001 AG14

Civil engineering test methods Part AG14: Determination of the ethylene glycol durability index for

SANS 3001 AG16

Civil engineering test methods Part AG16: Determination of the durability mill index for aggregates

SANS 3001 AG22

Civil engineering test methods Part AG22: Determination of the apparent density of crushed stone

SANS 3001 GR35

Civil engineering test methods Part GR35: Determination of in-place dry density (sand

SANS 3001 GR41 Civil engineering test methods Part GR41: Determination of the California
Bearing Ratio of lime treated materials
SANS 3001 GR56
Civil engineering test methods Part GR56: Determination of the wet-dry durability of compacted
and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials by mechanical brushing

SANS 3001 GR57

Civil engineering test methods Part GR57: Determining the initial stabiliser consumption of soils
and gravels

SANS 3001 GR58

Civil engineering test methods Part GR58: Determination of the cement or lime content of
stabilized materials by means of the back titration (acid base) method

SANS 3001 NG1

Civil engineering test methods Part NG1: Administration, handling and maintenance of a nuclear
density gauge

SANS 3001 NG2

Civil engineering test methods Part NG2: The validation of standard calibration blocks

SANS 3001 NG3

Civil engineering test methods Part NG3: Calibration of a nuclear density gauge

SANS 3001 NG4

Civil engineering test methods Part NG4: Verification of a nuclear density gauge

SANS 3001 NG5

Civil engineering test methods Part NG5: Determination of in situ density using a nuclear density
SANS 3001 AS21
Civil engineering test methods Part AS21: The determination of the bitumen content of an asphalt
mix by ignition

SANS 3001 AS22

Civil engineering test methods Part AS22: Determination of binder content of mixtures used in
bituminous slurry seals

SANS 3001 AS23

Civil engineering test methods Part AS23: Determination of moisture in asphalt

SANS 4001 BT3

Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT3: Anionic emulsion

SANS 4001 BT4

Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT4: Cationic emulsion

SANS 4001 BT5

Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT5: Inverted emulsion
SANS 3001 GR32
Civil engineering test methods Part GR32: Electrical conductivity and pH of saturated soil-paste

SANS 3001 PD1

Civil engineering test methods Part PD1: MMLS3 testing of asphalt mixtures

SANS 3001 PR3

Civil engineering test methods Part PR3: Inter laboratory testing

SANS 3001 BSM1

Civil engineering test methods Part BSM1: Determining the foaming characteristics of bitumen

SANS 3001 AS3

Civil engineering test methods Part AS3: Determining the indirect tensile strength of asphalt
SANS 3001 PD2
Civil engineering test methods Part PD2: MMLS3 testing of surfacing seals

5 BSM test methods from TG2

Modified Lottman moisture susceptibility

Preparation of asphalt samples for modified Lottman, air permeability, MMLS and repeated load
beam tests

Gyratory compaction

PAV, DSR & BBR – Little local testing experience. It is suggested that for now the relevant ASTM
test methods should be used
 Concrete Durability and other cement tests?

 Statistical Assessment of Results (COLTO) –


 Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)

 Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV)

Part of new
SANS 3001
• Little local testing experience. It is methods
suggested that for now the relevant ASTM
test methods are used

 5 BSM test methods from TG2

 Modified Lottman Moisture susceptibility

 Gyratory compaction
 PLEASE NOTE: Measurement of
quality points in appointment of
laboratories (site and main) based on
increasing minimum number of tests
 SANS are working on 22 methods. It does not seem possible
to get them to work faster. With the series of approval steps
required the new methods take 2 years to digest and publish.

 There are about 5 minor amendments to already published

SANS 3001 methods which should be issued within the next
3 months.

 New SANS methods / standards incorporated into SANRAL’s

pro-forma specifications from April 2012. RMC agreed at
meeting of 24 April 2013 to also start using the new SANS
methods / standards.

 Changes made in the detail and general procedures remain

much the same, alterations in the laboratory are not difficult.
 The problem (financial implications) of re-accreditation of
methods transferred for TMH1 to SANS is under discussion
between SANAS and NLA. Agreed to allow the use of old
TMH1 approved equipment until such time it requires

The only method that requires replacement of equipment is

the Marshall test where the block has to be replaced to
improve consistency in results.

 The brief to the service providers was to work on existing

methods FIRST and not on new work.
“Where a road
follows right on
its heels”

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