11 JC Van Der Walt Sans Methods
11 JC Van Der Walt Sans Methods
11 JC Van Der Walt Sans Methods
First Draft 1 8
Second draft 7 5
Total 69 81
SANS 3001-AG1
Civil engineering test methods Part AG1: Particle size analysis of aggregates by sieving
SANS 3001-AG2
Civil engineering test methods Part AG2: Determination of the average least dimension of
aggregates by direct measurement
SANS 3001-AG3
Civil engineering test methods Part AG3: Determination of the average least dimension of
aggregates by computation
SANS 3001-AG4
Civil engineering test methods Part AG4: Determination of the flakiness index of coarse aggregate
SANS 3001-AG10
Civil engineering test methods Part AG10: ACV (aggregate crushing value) and 10% FACT (fines
aggregate crushing test) values of coarse aggregates
SANS 3001-AG20
Civil engineering test methods Part AG20: Determination of the bulk density, apparent density and
water absorption of aggregate particles retained on the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials
SANS 3001-AG21
Civil engineering test methods Part AG21: Determination of the bulk density, apparent density and
water absorption of aggregate particles passing the 5 mm sieve for road construction materials
SANS 3001-AG22
Civil engineering test methods Part AG22: Apparent density of crushed stone base
SANS 3001-GR1
Civil engineering test methods Part GR1: Wet preparation and particle size analysis
SANS 3001-GR2
Civil engineering test methods Part GR2: Dry preparation and dry particle size analysis of gravels
and sands
SANS 3001-GR10
Civil engineering test methods Part GR10: Determination of the one-point liquid limit, plastic limit,
plasticity index and linear shrinkage
SANS 3001-GR11
Civil engineering test methods Part GR11: Determination of the liquid limit with the two-point method
SANS 3001-GR12
Civil engineering test methods Part GR12: Determination of the flow curve liquid limit
SANS 3001-GR20
Civil engineering test methods Part GR20: Determination of the moisture content by oven-drying
SANS 3001-GR30
Civil engineering test methods Part GR30: Determination of the maximum dry density and optimum
moisture content
SANS 3001-GR31
Civil engineering test methods Part GR31: Determination of the maximum dry density and optimum
moisture content of laboratory mixed cementitiously stabilized materials
SANS 3001-GR40
Civil engineering test methods Part GR40: Determination of the California bearing ratio
SANS 3001-GR50
Civil engineering test methods Part GR50: Preparation, compaction and curing of specimens of
laboratory mixed cementitiously stabilized materials
SANS 3001-GR51
Civil engineering test methods Part GR51: Sampling, preparation, compaction and curing of field
mixed freshly cementitiously stabilized materials including the determination of the maximum dry
density and optimum moisture content
SANS 3001-GR52
Civil engineering test methods Part GR52: Sampling and preparation of cored specimens of field
compacted, matured, cementitiously stabilized material
SANS 3001-GR53
Civil engineering test methods Part GR53: Determination of the unconfined compressive strength of
compacted and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials
SANS 3001-GR54
Civil engineering test methods Part GR54: Determination of the indirect tensile strength of
compacted and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials
SANS 3001-GR55
Civil engineering test methods Part GR55: Determination of the wet-dry durability of compacted and
cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials by hand brushing
SANS 3001-PR1
Civil engineering test methods Part PR1: Determination of uncertainty of measurement,
repeatability, reproducibility and bias
SANS 3001-PR2
Civil engineering test methods Part PR2: Use and assessment of repeat, check or duplicate tests
SANS 3001-PR5
Civil engineering test methods Part PR5: Computation of soil-mortar percentages, coarse sand
ratio, grading modulus and fineness modulus
SANS 3001-PR10
Civil engineering test methods Part PR10: Checking, handling, maintenance and verification of test
SANS 3001-AS1
Civil engineering test methods Part AS1: Making of asphalt briquettes for Marshall tests and other
specialized tests
SANS 3001-AS2
Civil engineering test methods Part AS2: Determination of Marshall stability, flow and quotient
SANS 3001-AS10
Civil engineering test methods Part AS10: Determination of bulk density and void content of
compacted asphalt
SANS 3001-AS11
Civil engineering test methods Part AS11: Determination of the maximum void-less density of
asphalt mixes and the quantity of binder absorbed by the aggregate
SANS 3001-AS20
Civil engineering test methods Part AS20: Determination of the soluble binder content and particle
size analysis of an asphalt mix
SANS 3001-BT10
Civil engineering test methods Part BT10: Ball penetration test for the design of surfacing seals
SANS 3001-BT11
Civil engineering test methods Part BT11: Texture depth measurement for the design of surfacing
SANS 3001-BT12
Civil engineering test methods Part BT12: Determination of the in situ permeability of a bituminous
surfacing (Marvil test)
SANS 3001-BT20
Civil engineering test methods Part BT20: Certification of a binder distributor
SANS 3001-BT21
Civil engineering test methods Part BT21: Validation of a binder distributor dipstick
SANS 3001-BT22
Civil engineering test methods Part BT22: Power and road speed indicator tests for a binder
SANS 3001-BT23
Civil engineering test methods Part BT23: Pump system performance of a binder distributor
SANS 3001-BT24
Civil engineering test methods Part BT24: Measurement of transverse distribution ('Bucket test') for
a binder distributor
SANS 4001-BT1
Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT1: Penetration grade bitumen
SANS 4001-BT2
Specifications for bituminous road materials Part BT2: Cutback bitumen
SANS 3001 AG5
Civil engineering test methods Part AG5: Sand equivalent value of fine aggregates
SANS 3001 GR41 Civil engineering test methods Part GR41: Determination of the California
Bearing Ratio of lime treated materials
SANS 3001 GR56
Civil engineering test methods Part GR56: Determination of the wet-dry durability of compacted
and cured specimens of cementitiously stabilized materials by mechanical brushing
Preparation of asphalt samples for modified Lottman, air permeability, MMLS and repeated load
beam tests
Gyratory compaction
PAV, DSR & BBR – Little local testing experience. It is suggested that for now the relevant ASTM
test methods should be used
Concrete Durability and other cement tests?
Gyratory compaction
PLEASE NOTE: Measurement of
quality points in appointment of
laboratories (site and main) based on
increasing minimum number of tests
SANS are working on 22 methods. It does not seem possible
to get them to work faster. With the series of approval steps
required the new methods take 2 years to digest and publish.