QMS Management Review Schedule Template
QMS Management Review Schedule Template
QMS Management Review Schedule Template
Issue Number
Date of Meeting
Meeting Objective Quality Team review of the Management System to ensure suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness. The review is to include the assessment of opportunities for improvement
and any potential changes to the Management System and its alignment with business
objectives and strategy.
Agenda Item Things to consider (Not all have to be used, just those that are relevant)
Status of actions from previous Have all the actions from previous management reviews been carried out and confirmed
Management Reviews as effective?
Have any actions from previous management reviews not been carried out?
Evaluation of trends in the requirements of Does the Interested Parties Log include all the external stakeholders that are relevant to
relevant external interested parties the scope of the Management System?
What are the trends in the requirements of relevant external interested parties?
Management Review Schedule
Agenda Item Things to consider (Not all have to be used, just those that are relevant)
Evaluation of compliance with applicable What are the methods used to verify legal compliance?
legislation, regulations and other requirements
Are the people responsible for testifying to the Organisation’s legal compliance
sufficiently qualified to be able to do this?
Evaluation of trends in the requirements of Does the Interested Parties Log include all the internal stakeholders that are relevant to
relevant internal interested parties the scope of the Management System?
What are the trends in the requirements of relevant internal interested parties?
Evaluation of actions taken towards identified Have risks and opportunities been identified through access to a variety of sources,
risks and opportunities e.g. historical data, theoretical analysis, informed opinions, expert opinions, values of
interested parties, or perceptions of interested parties?
Has the Organisation identified examples of risks associated with not pursuing an
Have risks and opportunities been analysed and evaluated to determine appropriate risk
treatment, as necessary?
Evaluation of trends in changes to products, What are the trends in change requests in the Issues, Actions and Decisions Log?
services and processes
What are the implications of changes to products, services and processes upon quality
Have Change Implementation Plans been used to control larger projects and what was
the effect of these changes?
Review of performance towards the Which significant objectives and targets were achieved?
Management System objectives and targets
from the previous period Which significant objectives and targets were not achieved?
Which significant objectives and targets have been carried forward to the next period?
Agreement upon Management System Have all the previous objectives and targets been met?
objectives and targets for the next period
Have any objectives and targets not been met?
Have any objectives and targets been carried over to the next period?
Management Review Schedule
Agenda Item Things to consider (Not all have to be used, just those that are relevant)
Review of changes to policies relevant to the Does the Quality Policy require revision following the review of objectives and targets?
Management System
Does the Environmental Policy require revision following the review of objectives and
Does the Health and Safety Policy require revision following the review of objectives and
Evaluation of the resources required for the Is there sufficient evidence to be able to confirm the suitability of the Organisation’s
effective operation of the Management System buildings, facilities, work environment, equipment and vehicles?
Are any improvements required for the Organisation’s buildings, facilities, work
environment, equipment and vehicles?
Is there a need to recruit further staff, change people’s roles or make certain roles
Evaluation of staff competence, training, What were the trends in significant staff training and learning activities during the
awareness and knowledge management previous period?
What are the trends in new competence requirements that are anticipated for the next
Evaluation of the performance of external What were the trends in the performance of newly approved suppliers and sub-contractors
providers during the previous period?
What were the trends in the performance of existing suppliers and sub-contractors during
the previous period?
What were the trends in the unsatisfactory performance of suppliers and sub-contractors
that led to their removal during the previous period?
Evaluation of trends in the conformity of Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate that products and services provided
products and services provided consistently meet customer requirements?
Is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate that products and services provided are
consistently fit for purpose?
Management Review Schedule
Agenda Item Things to consider (Not all have to be used, just those that are relevant)
Evaluation of customer satisfaction and Is there sufficient evidence of customer satisfaction feedback being obtained for all
customer complaints categories of products and services?
Evaluation of trends in nonconformity and the Is there evidence of the Organisation’s capability to consistently identify, report and
effectiveness of corrective actions taken in investigate non-conformances arising from internal or external sources?
What were the trends in the non-conformances that were reported during the period?
Were the actions taken to correct the non-conformances and to prevent their recurrence
found to be effective?
Evaluation of the results of internal and external What were the results of the audits carried out during the previous period?
What actions were taken in response to any non-conformances identified as a result of
the audits?
What actions were taken in response to any observations identified as a result of the
Consideration of opportunities for the Does the Management System appear to be meeting the requirements of interested
improvement of the Management System parties?
What opportunities exist for the Management System be further developed, so that the
Organisation can achieve additional Certifications?
Any other business What were the results of any other third-party audits carried out during the previous