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Identifying Causes of Seal Leakage

Mating Ring

Primary Ring

Illustration and analysis of seal face damage patterns

Identifying Causes of Seal Leakage

The purpose of this book is to provide educational information about seal leakage to those involved in the application and
maintenance of mechanical seals. Identifying and correcting the cause of leakage will promote long, trouble-free operation.
Observations made about the seal parts and installation are compared to symptoms, possible causes and corrective procedures.
Pictures of common seal difficulties are given for easy identification. For purposes of illustration, these pictures, symptoms,
causes and corrective procedures are based on the assumption that the primary ring is rotating.

CAUTION: Seal repairs should be undertaken only by qualified personnel. If problems continue, contact your local
John Crane sales representative immediately.
Pictorial Description of a Seven Digit John Crane Material Code

Note: Seal adaptive hardware including glands,

sleeves, collars, pins, screws, etc. are not
described by this code.
Checklist for Identifying Causes of Seal Leakage
Seal spits and sputters 1. Seal fluid vaporizing at seal interface. 1. Increase cooling of seal faces.
(“face popping”) in 2. Check with seal manufacturer for proper seal balance ratio.
operation. 3. Check design and operation of seal flush system.
4. Increase flush flow rate.
5. Check for seal interface cooling with seal manufacturer.

Seal drips steadily. 1. Faces not flat. 1. Check for incorrect installation dimensions.
2. Blistered carbon graphite seal face. 2. Check for improper materials or seals used for application.
3. Thermal distortion of seal faces. 3. Check for gland plate distortion due to over-torquing of
gland bolts.
4. Check gland gasket for proper compression.
5. Clean out foreign particles between seal faces. Re-lap faces
if necessary.
6. Check for cracks and chips at seal faces during installation.
Replace primary and mating rings.
7. Improve cooling flush lines.

1. Secondary seals nicked or scratched during 1. Replace secondary seals.

installation. 2. Check with seal manufacturer for proper seals.
2. Over-aged o-rings. 3. Check for proper lead in chamfers, burrs, etc.
3. Compression set of secondary seals (hard and 4. Check seal manufacturer for other material.
4. Chemical attack (soft and sticky).

1. Spring failure. 1. Replace parts.

2. Erosion damage of hardware. 2. Check seal manufacturer for other material.
3. Corrosion of drive.
Seal squeals during 1. Inadequate amount of liquid to lubricate seal 1. Check design and operation of seal flush system.
operation. faces. 2. Increase flush flow rate.

Carbon dust 1. Inadequate amount of liquid to lubricate seal 1. Check design and operation of seal flush system.
accumulating on outside faces. 2. Increase flush flow rate.
of gland plate. 2. Liquid film evaporating between seal faces. 3. Check with seal manufacturer for proper seal design if
pressure in seal chamber is excessively high.

Seal leaks. 1. Nothing appears to be wrong. 1. Refer to list under “seal drips steadily.”
2. Check for squareness of seal chamber to shaft.
3. Align shaft, impeller, bearing, etc., to prevent shaft vibration
and/or distortion of gland plate and/or mating ring.

Short seal life. 1. Abrasive fluid. 1. Prevent abrasives from accumulating at seal faces.
2. Check design and operation of seal flush system.
3. Use abrasive separator or filter.

2. Seal running too hot. 1. Increase cooling of seal faces.

2. Increase flush flow rate.
3. Check for obstructed flow in cooling lines.

3. Equipment mechanically out of alignment. 1. Align this equipment.

2. Check for rubbing of seal on shaft.
1. Full Contact Pattern
Typical and desired contact pattern for a mechanical seal. Full contact on both mating ring and primary ring surface through 360°. Little or no
measurable wear on either seal ring.


Seal drips steadily whether 1. Secondary seals nicked or scratched on 1. Replace secondary seals.
shaft is rotating or stationary. installation. 2. Check secondary sealing surfaces.
2. Damaged or porous secondary seal surfaces. 3. Check with seal manufacturer for proper materials.
Fails allowable emission limits. 3. Compression set of o-rings. 4. Check for proper lead in chamfers, burrs, etc.
4. Chemical attack of secondary seals. 5. Change seal to low emission design, materials or
5. Not a low emission seal or arrangement. arrangement.
6. Materials not conducive to low emissions.

Mating Ring Primary Ring

contact pattern
2. Coning (Negative Rotation)
Heavy contact on the mating ring pattern at the outside diameter of the seal. Fades away to no visible contact at the inside diameter of
contact pattern. Possible edge chipping on the outside diameter of primary ring.


Little or no leakage at high 1. Faces not flat due to pressure. 1. Check for over-pressurization of seal.
pressure. 2. Faces not flat. Incorrect lapping. 2. Check flatness of lapped parts.
Leaks steadily at low pressures.

possible edge chipping

deflection of primary ring due

to pressure

no contact
similar pattern on primary ring

heavy to moderate contact

3. Thermal Distortion (Positive Rotation)
Heavy contact on the mating ring pattern at the inside diameter of the seal. Fades away to no visible contact at the outside diameter of
contact pattern. Possible edge chipping on the inside diameter of the primary ring.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Thermal distortion of seal faces. 1. Improve cooling to seal.
is rotating. Usually no leakage 2. Faces not flat. Incorrect lapping. 2. Consult seal manufacturer for proper materials.
when shaft is stationary. 3. Check flatness of lapped parts.

possible edge chipping

deflection of mating or primary

ring due to temperature

similar pattern on primary ring

no contact heavy to moderate contact
4. Mechanical Distortion
Two large contact spots on mating ring pattern fades away between contact areas. 360° contact on primary ring.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Mechanical distortion. 1. Check for gland plate distortion due to over-torquing
is rotating or stationary. 2. Faces not flat. of bolts.
2. Check squareness of parts used to hold mating ring
in place.
3. Check seal chamber face flatness of split case pumps.
4. Check the gland plate surface in contact with the
high spots mating ring. Must be free of nicks and burrs. Surface
must show full pattern when blued with mating ring.

Excellent condition after short

static and dynamic tests.

Possible erosion of the primary ring (wire

brushing) if allowed to rotate. Out-of-flat
mating surface will cause dirt to enter the
seal area.
no contact
Possible erosion of the primary ring (wire
drawing) if allowed to remain stationary.
5. Mechanical Distortion
Uneven circumferential contact spots on mating ring, pattern fades away between contact areas. 360° contact on primary ring.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Mechanical distortion. 1. Check for gland plate distortion due to over-torquing
is rotating.or stationary. 2. Faces not flat. of bolts.
2. Check for high seal chamber pressure.
3. Check squareness of parts used to hold mating ring
in place.
4. Check seal chamber face flatness.
no contact 5. Check the gland surface in contact with the mating
ring. Must be free of nicks and burrs. Surface must
show full pattern when blued with mating ring.

Excellent condition after short static

and dynamic tests.

Possible erosion of the primary ring (wire brushing)

if allowed to rotate. Out-of-flat mating ring will
contact pattern cause dirt to enter the seal area.
Possible erosion of the primary ring (wire drawing)
if allowed to remain stationary under pressure.
6. Mechanical Distortion
Mating ring shows intermittent contacting and non-contacting areas. High spots are at each bolt location. 360° contact on primary ring.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Mechanical distortion from bolt load. 1. Check for gland distortion due to over-torquing
is rotating.or stationary. 2. Faces not flat. of bolts.
2. Change to softer gasket materials between seal
chamber and gland plate.
3. Provide full face gasket contact or contact above
centerline of bolts to prevent bending of gland plate.

no contact

Excellent condition as initial leakage will be

high, preventing any long-term service life.

contact only at high spots

7. High Wear or Thermally Distressed Surface
High wear of mating ring or thermally distressed surface (heat checking) through 360°. High primary ring wear with carbon deposits on
atmosphere side of seal. Possible edge chipping of primary ring.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Sealed liquid vaporizing at seal interface. 1. Check seal chamber pressure for adequate vapor
is rotating or stationary. Sound 2. Overloaded seal faces. pressure margin.
from flashing or face popping. 2. Check seal setting for proper working height.
3. Check for proper running clearances between shaft and
primary ring at operating temperature.
4. Review flush system design; increase flush flow rate.
5. Review details of seal selection.
surface cracks referred to as heat checking

possible wear at drive notches

possible edge
chipping on
OD and ID
8. Section of Thermally Distressed Surface
Thermally distressed area approximately 1/3 of the contact pattern. Distressed area 180° from inlet of seal flush. High primary ring wear
with possible carbon deposits on atmosphere side of seal.


Seal drips steadily when shaft 1. Sealed liquid vaporizing 180° from seal flush. 1. Check seal chamber pressure for adequate vapor
is rotating or stationary. 2. Overloaded seal faces. pressure margin.
Possible sound from flashing or 3. Inadequate flush distributed around seal faces. 2. Check seal setting for proper working height.
face popping. 3. Check for proper running clearances between shaft
and primary ring at operating temperature.
4. Review flush system design; increase flush flow rate.
5. Review details of seal selection.
good contact pattern at flush inlet 6. Use distributed flush design instead of single
point flush.

possible wear at drive notches

distressed or heat
checked area
9. Patches of Thermally Distressed Surface
One or more patches of thermally distressed surface (heat checking) on mating ring. High primary ring wear with possible carbon deposits on
atmosphere side of seal. Most likely to occur on low specific gravity liquids at high speeds and pressures.


Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Sealed liquid vaporizing at seal interface. 1. Check seal chamber pressure for adequate vapor
rotating or stationary. Leakage 2. Overloaded seal faces. pressure margin.
may be in the form of vapor. 3. Inadequate flush distributed around seal faces. 2. Check seal setting for proper working height.
Sound from flashing or face 3. Check for proper running clearances between shaft and
popping. primary ring at operating temperature.
4. Review flush system design; increase flush flow rate.
5. Review details of seal selection.
6. Use distributed flush design instead of single
point flush.
good contact pattern 7. Check for mating ring distortion.

distressed surface or hot spot possible wear at drive notches

10. High Wear and Grooving
High wear of the mating ring. Primary ring has grooved the mating ring evenly through 360°.


Seal drips steadily when shaft 1. Poor lubrication from liquid being sealed. 1. Increase cooling of seal faces.
is rotating or stationary. Common when both seal faces are made 2. Check procedures for lapping carbon primary ring.
of hard materials. Do not use abrasives for lapping hard mating ring.
2. Abrasives are embedded in softer primary 3. Check for abrasive particles in the pumpage.
ring material. 4. Check for dead-ended seal chamber.

possible wear at drive notches

depth of

Possible edge chipping of soft carbon primary

rings. Edges will be rounded for hard material
full contact pattern of construction like tungsten carbide.
11. Out-of-Square Mating Ring
Contact pattern through 360° slightly larger than primary ring face width. High spot may be present on the mating ring opposite a drive pin
hole. Mating ring without static seals will rock or move in gland plate.


Seal does not leak when shaft 1. Mating surface is not square to shaft. 1. Check the gland plate surface in contact with the
is stationary. Leaks steadily mating ring. Must be free of nicks and burrs. Surface
when rotating. must show full pattern when blued with mating ring.
2. Check for proper drive pin extension from gland plate.
3. Check shaft for proper alignment to be sure that it is
not passing through stuffing box at an angle.
4. Check for piping strain on pump casing.
highly polished
area possible
opposite drive pin
hole (only if pin
has been used)

slightly wider
contact area on wear at drive notches
mating ring
12. Wide Contact Pattern
Contact pattern considerably wider on the mating ring than the face width of the primary ring.


Seal does not leak when shaft 1. Equipment bearing failure. 1. Check and/or replace bearing.
is stationary. Leaks steadily 2. High shaft deflection whirl. 2. Check and determine if equipment is being operated
when rotating. within specifications.
3. Check and determine if shaft is bent.
4. Check and determine if coupling has been
properly aligned.
5. Check for piping strain on pump casing.

possible wear at drive notches

wider than width of primary ring face
13. Eccentric Contact Pattern
Eccentric contact pattern on mating ring. Width of contact equal to primary ring through 360°. No leakage if shaft has not
contacted inside diameter of mating ring.


If mating ring is damaged, 1. Misalignment of mating ring. 1. Check for proper clearances between gland plate and
leakage will occur when shaft seal chamber.
is stationary or rotating. 2. Check for proper mating ring design and clearances.
3. Check for proper concentricity between outside
diameter of shaft and inside diameter of seal chamber.

no abnormal wear if mating ring has

possible contact with shaft, not been damaged
which may crack mating ring.
Copyright © 2011 John Crane
Published by John Crane
6400 West Oakton St., Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 U.S.A.
All rights to illustrations and text reserved by John Crane. This work may not be copied, reproduced, or translated in
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If the products featured will be used in a potentially dangerous and/or hazardous process, your John Crane representative should be consulted prior to
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