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Final Exam ALS3 Virtual 202201 Avanzado 9 07 00-08 30

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26/6/23, 15:29 Final Exam ALS3 Virtual 202201 Avanzado 9 07 00-08 30

27/1/22 8:38 Final Exam ALS3: Virtual 202201 Avanzado 9 07:00-08:30

Final Exam ALS3

Due No due date Points 100 Questions 35
Available until Jan 27 at 8:45am Time Limit 50 Minutes

Dear student,

Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course.

This written exam focuses on Communication Strategies, Grammar and


You will only have one opportunity to take the test.

You will have 50 minutes to complete the test.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 50 minutes 77 out of 100 *

* Some questions not yet graded

 Correct answers are hidden.

Submitted Jan 27 at 8:38am

SECTION I: Elaborating your information

(Provide supporting ideas and details)

Question 1 Not yet graded / 6 pts

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SECTION I: Elaborating your information (Provide supporting

ideas and details)

Provide examples of the following:

There are different ways to save money.

Your Answer:

In my opinion there are many ways to save money:

For one thing, you can save your money by investing in a propery since
the value of these always grows over time.

For another, you can keep you r money in a bank using a debit account
which will generate small profit but your money will be safe.

Question 2 Not yet graded / 6 pts

SECTION I: Elaborating your information (Provide supporting

ideas and details)

Provide examples of the following:

There are some positive aspects of Genetically Modified crops.

Your Answer:

There are some positives aspects of GM crops that you should


First, the use of GM crops helps the industry outpot since this kinds of
methods protect the crops from different insect attacks.

Second, modified crops are good because the add new resources to
food such as vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.

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Question 3 Not yet graded / 6 pts

SECTION I: Elaborating your information (Provide supporting

ideas and details)

Provide examples of the following:

I'm against using credit cards.

Your Answer:

I'm against using credit card due to these reason:

In the first place, The interest of these cards are usually very high and
more so when they're for long periods of time.

In the second place, If you don't have control of the expenses you
make, It's very easy that you can get into debt using these cards.

SECTION II: Communicating

Question 4 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: I read in Forbes Magazine that investors are way too optimistic about an economic

B: _____________ . Did we get the last Forbes issue on time?

That reminds me

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Question 5 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: I just don't understand this assignment about monoculture.

B: _________________ to do some research on the internet.

It's probably a good idea

Question 6 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: I had lunch at Central, one of the best restaurants in Lima.

B: _____________ expensive.

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That must have been

Question 7 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: The number of credit cards you should have depends on your spending habits,
financial responsibility and willingness to pay annual fees.

B: __________________ how many do you have.

Excuse me for asking, but

Question 8 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: I spent the weekend in Marcahuasi. We had a 3-hour hike to get there.

B: _________ exhausted.

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You must be

Question 9 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: Do you think animals show some human behavior?

B: Well, __________ I've found that chimpanzees are sociable animals and form
elaborate communities. For another, I learned that rats dream in a similar way to that
of humans.

for one thing,

Question 10 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: What I hate about banking transactions is the long lines. I prefer to do everything

B: _________, how safe are mobile banking apps?

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By the way

Question 11 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: Slow Food is a global organization, founded to prevent the disappearance of local

food cultures and traditions. _____________

B: Yes, tell me more about that organization.

Are you following me?

Question 12 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: I participated in an Ironman Triathlon last year. It involves swimming, cycling, and


B: ________________ and physically demanding.

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That must have been difficult

Question 13 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: When used responsibly, credit cards can be valuable tools.

B: ________ ?

A: Of course. Credit cards can be beneficial when traveling, for example.

Can they?

Question 14 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: ______________ the incredible memory of dolphins, right?

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B: Yes, biologists have reported them to have the longest memories in the animal

You know about

Question 15 3 / 3 pts

Section II: Communicating

Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

A: Savings account interest rates are variable, meaning that financial institutions are
free to set and change interest rates as they wish.

B: __________ Where did you read that?


SECTION III: Checking your Grammar

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Question 16 3 / 3 pts

Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

Some circus owners even make them work until the day they die.

Question 17 3 / 3 pts

Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

Taking an online course, I learned how to get started with my first


Question 18 3 / 3 pts

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Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

I really like my job, for the most part, but I do have to put up with a lot of
tedious busywork.

Question 19 3 / 3 pts

Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

E-cash is not restricted by local currencies. However, only consumers

with electronic devices would have access to it.

Question 20 3 / 3 pts

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Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

Having been a gymnast, Lynn knew the importance of exercise.

Incorrect Question 21 0 / 3 pts

Section III: Checking your grammar

Choose the correct sentence

Yoga can increase muscle strength and tone. Even so, it improves
respiration, energy, and vitality.

SECTION IV: Developing your Vocabulary Competency

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

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Question 22 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Government officials plan to ____________ small businesses in underserved markets

with a loan. (assistance)


Question 23 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

The government is trying to push through a controversial piece of __________ to

allow the use of certain chemicals in growing food. (legislate)


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Question 24 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Your dedication and ___________________ to the real causes in our community is

awe-inspiring. (commited)


Question 25 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

You must change your eating habits. The risk of disease ________ with a healthy
diet. (diminish)


Question 26 2 / 2 pts

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SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Using a money tracker app, I'm ________________ my expenses throughout the

month. (monitor)


Question 27 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Everyone is _________ of saving some money by sticking to a budget. (capability)


Question 28 2 / 2 pts

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SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

You should consider talking with a financial __________ about education savings
plans. (profession)


Incorrect 0 / 2 pts
Question 29

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University reported that pesticides ________
in bodies with high-fat content. (accumulation)


Question 30 2 / 2 pts

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SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

His story of what happened that night didn't _________ with the witness's version.


Question 31 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

Animal intelligence has been widely ___________________ . We should use our

brains to see the world from the point of view of other species. (underestimate)


Question 32 2 / 2 pts

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SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

The defendant is _____________ to be innocent unless and until proven guilty, the
FBI said. (presume)


Question 33 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Write the appropriate form of the words in parenthesis to fill in the

You can reduce stress in your life by _________ unnecessary commitments.



Question 34 2 / 2 pts

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SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Choose the appropriate meaning of the phrasal verbs below:

I think I'm coming down with flu.

I think I'm getting the flu.

Question 35 2 / 2 pts

SECTION IV: Developing your vocabulary competence

(Identify and use new words, word forms)

Choose the appropriate meaning of the phrasal verbs below:

Let's get down to business right away- we'll stop for coffee later.

Let's start doing business now, and then we have a break.

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