Barriers To Eye Care For
Barriers To Eye Care For
Barriers To Eye Care For
Barriers to eye care for conditions.4 Although Filipino senior 3 Department of Health, Republic of the
Philippines. Eye health services part of
citizens are entitled to discounts and
older people in the tax exemptions for goods and services,
Universal Health Care – DOH. 2019.
Philippines most provincial private clinics do not services-part-of-universal-health-care-DOH
(accessed Jan 14, 2022)
recognise these privileges.4 Poor health 4 WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
We read with interest the Article by literacy also contributes to the low Older people’s visual impairment: situational
analysis of programmes and services in the
Jacqueline Ramke and colleagues uptake of eye care services, as many Philippines. 2016.
regarding global eye health.1 In low- Filipinos harbour misconceptions bitstream/handle/10665.1/13487/
income and middle-income countries in about vision problems and view 9789290617846-eng.pdf (accessed Jan 14,
the Western Pacific region, population visual impairment as a natural part of 5 Syed A, Polack S, Eusebio C, et al. Predictors of
ageing has contributed greatly to a ageing.4,5 attendance and barriers to cataract surgery in
Kenya, Bangladesh and the Philippines.
surge in non-communicable diseases We agree with Ramke and colleagues Disabil Rehabil 2013; 35: 1660–67.
(NCDs),2 of which blindness and visual that there is an urgent need to
impairment are serious consequences. improve access and promote equity
In the Philippines, a lower-middle in eye care. 1 For the Philippines,
income country in southeast Asia, this entails lowering out-of-pocket
blindness and visual impairment are costs, strengthening eye care
growing public health concerns, with a services at the primary care level, and
prevalence rate of 1·98%.3 Despite this, ensuring proper implementation
an estimated 4 million Filipinos with of government programmes. The
eye problems remain undiagnosed,3 as recently passed Universal Healthcare
socioeconomic hurdles preclude access Act is a promising start, as it aims to
to sight-saving care. provide more comprehensive eye care
Geographical disparities in services, integrate eye care within local
accessibility and availability of health health systems, and confront common
resources remain obstacles to eye care eye diseases that cause reversible
for many Filipinos. Many community- and irreversible visual impairment.3
based health centres lack the necessary Future eye health promotion activities
equipment for comprehensive eye must target older Filipinos and their
examinations, and regional hospitals families through culturally sensitive
face similar resource limitations. 4 approaches that dispel conventional
Mobilising human resources for notions about ageing and promote
health in communities has also the view that older people are valuable
proven challenging, as the majority of assets to their communities.
ophthalmologists practise in capital We declare no competing interests.
cities, such as Metro Manila.4 Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by
Although the existing Philippine Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the
Plan of Action for Senior Citizens aims CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.