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Aromatherapy Chakra (PDFDrive)

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of Nature
A plant is the spirit, but a plant does not have a soul. Spirit is balance. It’s not afraid, it’s
not chasing anything. It lives here and now. Plants only give what people need. Nature
knows the needs of people. Nature does this naturally and simply, because intelligence
won’t get in the way. Plants allow us to understand our own life. The essential oils obtained
from plants have the ability to cleanse our aura also known as the energetic field. That way
they support our health, happiness and satisfaction. This is a process that affects other
dimensions of our naturalism that are not known to most people. Even when we feel that
by inhaling essential oils we contribute to our physical body, in reality it is the effect of
the care of the energetic fields. All of the physical illnesses have spiritual and emotional
causes. That is the reason why we concentrate on the care of the spirit – that mirrors the
main causes of the illnesses and is decisive for the overall care of the person.

Welcome to the scents of life that change life for a better one.
Our concept of aromatherapy does not replace qualified medical care. It helps during care
not only due to the wonderful scents that the essential oils spread but mainly because of
the psychic support they give. They remove the negative energetic pockets that we fill during
our lives.
We place in your hands a unique collection of the energy aromatherapy that has not only
smoothing effect but mainly care effect. This essential care therapy is excellent not only for
home use but only in the professional care of the body and soul.
Our wish is that you will, due to this new approach to aromatherapy, realise that your
health is in your own hands and should be a priority.
We wish you success on your way to realising this.

Our company philosophy

Each individual has a body and a soul. Both these parts are inseparably connected. When
one of these parts becomes unwell, the other does likewise. The positive harmony can
only be achieved by doing something just for yourself. And it can only be done by yourself.
The recognition of this situation leads us to responsibility towards ourselves and towards
society. We need to know that we can and must do something to enjoy life once again.

The aim of these products, which have been created just for you, is to give you the feeling of
joy and happiness, to get your body and soul into perfect harmony and to enter the inner
nature of a person due to the natural essences. Let yourself be inspired by naturalness and
beauty but mainly by the incredibly pure power that is present in these essential oils.

Hanna Maria



For professional and home aromatherapy

care of the body, spirit and soul.
M ost of us live a very hectic lifestyle: work, lots of obligations, busy with family and friends. All
that is happening in our lives is a very large burden on us, and is affecting us greatly. That is
the reason why we need some sort of balance between the outside and inside world. It is necessary to
renew the connection with our soul and our inner source of life energy. It is necessary to spend time
on ourselves daily; or at least once a week to start with.
We need this time to relax our body and mind and get into deeper consciousness in our inner self, and
think a bit about ourselves and maybe even change the values of our life.
By blocking the flow of energy we start losing vitality and energy. As the flow gets weaker our body
renews more slowly and in the end we get sick. Our body wastes away.
We can eliminate these problems from our lives by relaxing and curing our emotions and by searching
for things that make us happy. Our body gets stronger and we feel great again. This is all possible only
under one condition – we have to be willing to do this for ourselves.
Every therapy that enables us to relax and forget the worries – even if it is
just for a little while – is so strong that it can activate the process of self
treatment. And above all the treatment is about learning how
to give and take unbounded love. This love is greater than the
romantic love and has the largest healing power.
Give happiness and your body and soul will become
Essential oils can help you to achieve this.
They are the strongest curers in the whole flora.


E ssential natural oils obtained from nature have the ability to cleanse our aura. This brings us stron-
ger health, happiness and satisfaction. This is a process that affects other dimensions of our nature
more than most people know.
Our mixtures focus on clearing gentle intangible parts of our body. These directly affect our physical
body. The impression is that our physical body benefits from inhaling essential oils. In reality this is
just a result of curing the energy fields.
In practice we focus mainly on treating our physical body, we concentrate on the physical symptoms
of illness. But the spiritual and emotional reasons are ignored. The art of natural healing takes into ac-
count mainly our spirituality – our soul – which is a main reason of illnesses and is necessary for any
type of cure. Essential oil therapy is not based on our physical body. It is mainly our psyche, spiritual
condition and problems of our life that affect the functioning and state of our physical body.
While herbs are effective in treating physical symptoms, essential oils have concentration and consis-
tent power to intensively clean and cure the aura. They neutralise unpleasant radiation in the energetic
field and cure holes, rifts and weak spots. They strengthen the energetic field and speed up the remo-
ving of negative pockets of waste. During proper relaxation while combining mixtures of oils we can
create a cleansing process for our psyche and release long and fulfilled emotions.
I n the distant past, only the privileged elite had access to these oils. These days due to the technical
processing of oils these are accessible to the wide public and they can be in every household.
Essential oils are extracted from all parts of plants and trees: roots, rootstocks, rinds, resins, stems,
barks, leaves, flowers. Raw materials for extraction of the essential oils differ according to the type.
Essential oils are the strongest curing materials in the whole flora. They have very highly concen-
trated and potent effects. Essential oils can not be confused with the plant or fruit oils. Plant oils are
extracted from nuts, seeds and grains. They are thicker in consistency and more oily compared to the
essential oils. They are used as a carrier in combination with the essential oils.
For your comparison – you will easily find out this difference – after pouring plant oil into hot water
this oil will rise to the surface and the molecules do not penetrate into the skin. On the other hand the
essential oils in your bath (even in a very small amount) will penetrate into the skin and evoke deep
warm feeling. Once they get under the skin they move around in intercellular fluid that surrounds skin
cells. From here they enter the blood and are transmitted into internals organs and into the lymphatic
and immune system. Essential oils are evaporative, they evaporate very quickly. An aromatherapy
bath speeds up this process.
Essential oils cleanse the aura field and after inhaling the steam into the lungs they enter the physical
body. Molecules of oil are caught by the nose when breathing in and are further lead up to the olfacto-
ry organ where the smell is created. There, tens of millions of olfactory start vibrating in the mucous
membranes inside the nostrils. This information is then transmitted via nerves to the brain where it
recalls memories and affects behaviour. They also influence the nervous system, arouse desire, and
positively affect motivation, mood, intuition and creativity. Apart from the strengthening effect on our
physical body they mainly affect our psyche. They can arouse sexual desire, calm down stress, ease
pain and renew balance of the emotions etc.
Aromatherapy is not only a prevention but a cure as well. Its main aim is to strengthen the immune
system of body. Aromatherapy in sensitive hands is one of the best ways of dismissing the unfavou-
rable effects of stress.


W e would like to show you life from the favourable side, thanks to our products. We concentrate
on well being, relaxation and balance of psyche. We would like to help any care of your life’s
possible traumas, gloom and psychic depression. We would like to give more quality to your life, har-
mony and happiness. We want your life to be more resistant to the negative surroundings that cause
everyday problems. Our wish is for you to accept our products as a HYGIENE for men and women
of all ages. That’s when aromatherapy can be easily introduced into your practical life and it is up to
you which method will suit you most.
You can relax while listening to beautiful music with a burning candle or breathe in our inhaling pro-
ducts such as aroma-lamps or room sprayers. Or just put a few drops of oil onto your handkerchief
and inhale. A massage or aromatherapy bath is also a wonderful method to relax.
All you have to do is to choose a product that is most suitable for your life situation. You can find
a detailed description of each of our products in this brochure. And now let us take care of you.
AROMATHERAPY – natural etheric oils
W onderful scent flows around you and fills the atmosphere. Slowly but surely it takes away
your tiredness, problems and worries of a hard day and lays you on a quiet meadow full of
fragrant flowers, shrubs and trees. Their perfumes are lovely, relaxing and makes you want to rest
with beautiful music or just with a burning candle in uninterrupted silence.

How AROMATHERAPY affects you when inhaling?

O ils, as well as any other odours, affect our smell above all. As soon as you open the bottle of
essential oil, its fragrance immediately escapes from the closed vessel and spreads around. Its
molecules are caught by your nose when breathing-in, and further they are lead up to the olfactory or-
gan where the smell is created. There, tens of millions of olfactus start vibrating in the mucous mem-
branes inside your nostrils, and thus the scents are identified. This information is then transferred via
nerves to the brain, where it recalls memories and affects the emotional and physical behaviour of an
individual. It has been proved, that smells influence and stimulate taste, body temperature, immunity,
thinking, reaction, sexual desire, mood or creativity. Smells evoke psychological and physiological
responses by stimulating the production of endorphins and neurotransmitters in the brain. Although
essential oils are tools of fine therapy, they have the power to impact deep in the psyche and thus relax
the mind and raise the spirits. These chemicals call up various feelings: they may ease pain, reduce
stress, evoke the feeling of self-confidence and balance. When breathed in, the essential oils penetrate
into the respiratory system. Inside the lungs the oil molecules bind with oxygen molecules; they are
distributed into the blood circulation and go throughout the body. Inside individual cells these oils
activate the ability of self-therapy.
Artificial substitutes are usually derived from petroleum, a non-renewable re-
source, and thus may cause allergies, or their use is limited to a certain
time only. Obviously, their production costs, and therefore the prices are
lower. Fortunately, people have gradually begun to realize that the qua-
lity of their lives and the positive effects of pure essences on their health
give a benefit that the substitutes can never offer.

Some important tips:

• The essential oils are highly concentrated, sometimes as much as one hundred times stronger
than a plant or dried herb. Even a single drop may cause skin irritation.
• If you do not like the smell of some oil, do not use it.
• Inhale the essential oils for a short time only.
• Follow the instructions given by the producer, never exceed the recommended number of
drops, even if you think it might be too little.
• If you experience any unpleasant reaction to some oil, do not use it.
• If you suffer from any serious disease (heart disease especially), or you have any doubts
about the use of essential oils, consult with your doctor before using any oil listed on our
• Do not use essential oils for babies and children younger than three years.
• Do not use essential oils internally.


T o fully understand the sensations and experiences that appear during the use of the essential oils
we first have to get to understand the concepts and consequences surrounding light-physical bo-
dies and systems of chakra. By combining this knowledge with our knowledge of our physical body
we can get a better understanding of who we are.

By no means can we consider ourselves as a never changing being with just one life. We are eternal
beings on an eternal journey expressing our fundamental essence through many lives; expanding
our experiences and learning the meaning of creativity. We are the energy that appears in a form of
We deposit tiny parts of our light and consciousness into atoms that is our physical form, and into all
substances that pass through our digestive system. Every atom travels in its own evolutionary jour-
ney. As we continue our journey we radiate more and more light. We expand our horizons, understan-
ding, and our ability to become a part of the process of creation. By understanding the way that we are
driven, we gain insight into questions like who and what we are; where did we come from and where
we are going. Endless possibilities for the future will open up and we will be free of limitations.


O ur spiritual mission in this life is to learn how to balance the energy of our body and soul, our
mind and actions, and our physical and mental energy. Above all our body has the quality to
heal. Taking into account that energy is inherent to our biological system, every thought, idea or belief
that we nourish inside ourselves, every memory that we cherish, is changed into positive or negative
direction within our body. We are biological creatures as per the master plan – nothing occurs coin-
Here is the question that we often ask – what is the meaning of life?
Your individuality, same as your body, is only a part of your overall make-up. The same applies to
your decisions and your acts. In every moment of your life you make decisions that will form your
experiences and everything that you concentrate your attention to. These decisions affect your de-
velopment. The same applies to every human being. Emotions of fear and violence can be reflected
in your individuality. Only your individuality can experience anger, fear, animosity, sorrow, shame,
or disappointment. And only individuality can yearn for exoterical intensity and the ability to use it.
Your individuality can be full of love, remorse and wisdom but these do not come out from the indi-
viduality, these are experiences of the soul.
Your soul is your immortal part, every person has it. But people who are limited by their perception
to only five senses (smell, touch, hearing, taste and sight) are not aware of their souls. That is why
they are not able to recognise its effects. The soul does exist – without a beginning or end, and it is
constantly evolving towards transcendency and integrity. Your individuality is emerging from your
soul as a natural force. It is the energy instrument that the soul accommodates, for functioning in our
material world. Every being is unique because every configuration, thus set up, of spiritual aspects
is unique. This configuration was formed through many of our lives. Our soul exists beyond time. Its
dimension is fathom less and its understanding is far above the understanding of the individuality.
Souls that have chosen for their evolution a  physical experience of life have already many times
incarnated its energy into lots of other psyches or physical forms. For every incarnation the soul is
creating a different body and different individuality. By that it contributes to the development of the
soul by its own style, its ability and by what has to be learned. People (individualities) are souls that
try to heal themselves.


A s we have mentioned at the beginning, it

would be a mistake to think that our body is
only a material object. The human being is more
Bodies do not form individual layers but blend to-
gether. Together they create an AURA, which is
only visible to clairvoyants. It appears as a colour-
than just a  physical body. Everyone has a  soul ful cover that is moving around a  person. Here,
and the soul is a product of the mutual functio- colours of different shades can be seen and they
ning of mind and matter. These are products of differ at a distance from the physical form. A big-
God’s source of energy. The human being also ger harmony between bodies means a larger aura.
has a individuality (ego) that includes the Before death when life energy is dra-
logical mind, emotions and physical ining away the aura gets much
body. In our language we talk smaller. It is interesting that
about „bodies“, accordingly subconsciously we perceive
light bodies (outside of the aura of other people
physical body) because when we choose where
we can not observe the- to sit or how close to
se with normal eye- the other person we
sight. can get.


E nergy centres or chakras are sequenced according the path of the brain stem and spinal cord. Ener-
gies inside chakras rotate in a spiral fashion and are mutually connected.
Disposition of our chakras during our spiritual journey reflects disposition of our energy field. Each
one of the main seven chakras has a specific relation to certain glands and organs. The blockage of
light-physical bodies can be caused by damage, trauma or unresolved emotional or mental disposi-
tions. This can cause suspension or alteration of the supply of the energy to chakras and thus to the
specific areas of the physical body. Holes found in an aura field, in every case until now, showed up
in chakras.
Every chakra is also relevant to specific spiritual characters that in their mutual entirety formulates
specific effects and targets the entire human being.
Chakras Múladhára (1), Svádhišthána (2) and Manipúra (3) are related to the personality. Anáhata
(4), Višuddhi (5) and Sahasrára (7) Chakras are related to the soul. Chakra Ádžňa (6) is the negotiator
between soul and personality. Personality is the carrier of the soul on this planet. The evolution of
the first three chakras is essential to life because it allows full expression of the energies of the soul.
As long as chakras are in mutual harmony, they consent and energy is flowing fully and without any
obstacles. Our internal system and functioning on this planet is dependant on the energy received and
transmitted by chakras.
Every chakra is connected with the zone of the physical body (there are few exceptions). When an
imbalance occurs it largely interferes with a bigger number of chakras, but usually one area is afflic-
ted strongly and this is where the problems are located. In today’s life many illnesses are related to
the lower chakras. Lots of people have problems of the spiritual character, which concentrates in the
astral body and becomes evident as a physical illness. Therefore we mainly need to pay attention to
the spiritual and emotional areas of the patient.
The more knowledgeable a person is in the separate areas of life, the less chance that stress and impure
experiences can create blocks in chakras. More open and active chakras belonging to these areas mean
an easier flow of energy.
We can also regard chakras as a modality of the vibration fields i.e. energy bodies. They serve as a re-
ceiver for all frequencies of energy and information that connect us with the world of finer energies.
Chakras also radiate energy to their surroundings and change its atmosphere. Through them, we can
radiate healing vibrations similar to conscious and unconscious messages. This can impact on people
in both a positive and negative sense.
Knowledge of chakras can become an invaluable help in self-realisation; foremost to gaining signifi-
cant pieces of knowledge about ourselves and indulging in fulfilment and enjoyment of life. And that
is our common desire.
Our essential mixtures of oils are prepared so they most effectively touch on the spiritual and emotio-
nal dispositions of the patient, and they positively influence the dispositions of the individual chakras.
They dissolve emotional sediments and blocks in these energy centres. And that is the unique power
of the essential oils, the pure natural essences.









Thanks to their composition and effects the oils in this mixture evoke the feeling of comfort, peace,
joy and good mood. The mixture is intended for special occasions and a relaxed atmosphere.
Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-AWARENESS
The mixture supports awareness of your own balance within this world, encourages vitality, activity
and creativity. It brings a feeling of security, protection and inner stability.
The mixture contains the following 100% pure natural essential oils:
Colour: red
Primary principle: physical will is present as a counterpart of the spiritual will to exist in the
seventh chakra
Declaration for the spiritual growth: I fully comprehend my role on the Earth and I know that my
primary needs will always be fulfilled

Parts of the body: everything firm, such as spine, bones, teeth, nails, also anus, colon, rectum,
prostate, production of blood and composition of cells
Psychic function of chakra: physical energy, will to live, physical potency. Faith in the future,
feeling of stability with regards to life on Earth
Nourishes: colon and motoric system
First – primary – chakra (Múladhára) connects us with the physical world.
Primary chakra means a positive attitude towards life on this planet; it is the energy of activity and
creative action in this world. It gives us the power to achieve and persevere. It has an effect on the
framework of existence, material security and preservation of our own kind by establishing family. It
also affects sexuality as a physical function and a device for propagation. The first chakra is an essential
principle and stream of vital power for higher chakras. Through that we are connected to an inexhaus-
tible source of energy. The first chakra should be in balance with seventh chakra (Sahasrára) so we can
keep our own inner stability. When the chakra is open and is functioning harmonically we form a deep
personal connection with the Earth and its creatures; we also possess vitality, satisfaction, stability
and inner strength. We are part of the natural lifetime - constantly changing - serenity, activity, death
and new life. It becomes simple to realize our aims on Earth. We live for the feelings of grace, nouris-
hment, safety and protection. On the other hand when the basic chakra is blocked or closed the physical
structure is very weak and we have a very little physical and spiritual power to overcome things.
To escape anxiety we try to aim for self-assuredness by surrounding ourselves with various outer
subjects such as a home, family, work. If we do not keep ourselves down with feelings of fear, we
will eventually find our own balance. People that try to harmonise this primary chakra are quite often
perfectionists who are afraid of failure and try to achieve their target with might and strength. That
would give them the feeling of safety. Unfortunately we can not exactly define what is perfect, and
these targets are usually not defined accurately and that is why they are also unapproachable. This
leads to more feelings of failure. These people can become irritable and aggressive or on the other
hand they can just „hide in a corner“.
The primary chakra is based in the zone of the sacral bone, edge bone, rectum, urinary tract and ge-
nitals. When someone is not feeling safe or feels anxiety it is quite common that he or she covers this
part of the body with hands or legs. Legs wrapped around each other shows a deep-rooted feeling of
doubt and not enough self-confidence. These people quite often behave defensively; they refuse new
ideas that could shake their fragile life. Imbalance can also be seen in people that are not able to keep
still. It is the aspect of their feelings that they can not stand firmly in this world. Also parts of the body
where a larger amount of fat is stored express the need of protection in these places. For example
a big bottom means the wish to be protected and safe, strong legs (mainly in women) are a burden to
someone who in reality does not want to be here, and it reflects dubiousness and oversensitivity.



Owing to their composition and effect, the oils in this mixture affect the harmonisation of the inner
power and vitality of your body, and the release of its energy. They strengthen positive attitude to-
wards life, enhance satisfaction and creativity.

Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-RESPECT

Mixture supports harmony between male and female energies, positively affects close relations
between people, and helps us to live life to the fullest in a new real and fulfilling way. It supports
self-respect and creativity.

This mixture contains the following 100% pure natural essential oils:

Colour: orange
Primary principle: creative reproduction of oneself
Declaration for the spiritual growth: I acknowledge my needs and the needs of others in every relation
and I am willing act accordingly.

Parts of the body: gluteus, reproduction organs, kidneys, bladder, everything that is liquid – blood,
sap, digestive lymph, sperm.
Psychic function of chakra: Love of the opposite sex, sensual pleasures, sexuality. Resources of
sexual energy, sex appeal.
Nourishes: intestine tract, kidney and urinary and sexual system

Second chakra is a centre of the original, unfiltered emotions, sexual energy and creative powers. It is
the place of the generating power. In men the sphere of its action covers the zone of the sexual organs.
They have in them, the impulse for creating new life. In women this chakra affects the areas where this
fertile impulse is accepted and where new life arises, and where afterwards the growing infant is pro-
tected, nourished and provided with everything that is needed. This chakra is assigned to the element
of water from which all life arises; but also it cleanses, eases and washes away everything that soli-
difies and is in the way of the life-giving stream. On the level of soul we experience this as a release
and a washing away of our feelings. That allows us to experience life more sincerely and freshly. The
second chakra has defining style on our human relations, especially towards the other sex. Harmonic
function of the open second chakra is demonstrated in our nature, and melts into the flow of life by
its feelings. That means that we are attracted to other people, and especially towards the opposite sex;
we are more open and natural. When the chakra harmonises, our feelings are natural, our actions are
creative, and it makes our own life and lives of the others procreative. On the other hand the result
of the disharmony is deficiency of tenderness and physical proximity. Insufficient function of second
chakra originates in most cases during childhood. Mostly parents repress their own sensuality and the
child misses sensual stimulation, touch, caress and affection.


Self-respect means to make room for your own creative power and by that allowing the union of the
soul and substance. We can not grow without that and this leads to hatred against people that we assu-
me is exhibited from the evolution of our own endogenous matter.
One of the most important devices how to maintain mutual respect is communication. Without com-
munication, a relationship is destined to end. Fragile balance between mutual dependence and inde-
pendence, which is the aim of every relationship, depends on understanding, respect and love of both

Deciding zone is Svádhišthána chakra. It represents ability to create and have room to create. Putting
a hand on the lower part of the stomach can be a sign of fear from emotional harm or rejection. It is
important to remember this when you are dealing with someone whose body language is related to
the Svádhišthána zone of chakra. This person needs space connected with unconditional love to fully
express him or herself.





Antiseptic oil substances contained in this mixture neutralise the bacteria transmitted by air, clears and
freshens the room and provides relief. They are convenient for rooms of the ill, and as prevention of
diseases caused by colds in the autumn and winter months.
Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-APPRECIATION
This mixture is advisable for self-appreciation, inner fulfilment, treats low self-esteem, helps people
to get the right attitude towards their surroundings.
The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:
Colour: yellow to golden yellow
Primary principle: figuration of being
Declaration for the spiritual growth: I deserve to live my life to the fullest, without fear and guilt
and listen only to the voice inside me
Parts of the body: lower part of the back, enterocoele, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gall-
bladder, vegetative nervous system

Psychic function of chakra: Spiritual wisdom, awareness of our position in the Universe. Will, con-
trol of the emotions and imagination
Nourishes: liver, spleen and other alimentary organs

This chakra is the place of the lower emotions – anger, fear, guilt, jealousy, selfishness and unhealthy
ambitions. It can be found right under the breastbone in the place where the pectoral girdle is connec-
ted just above the stomach and only a few centimetres away from the heart. This chakra symbolises
the centre that is connected closely to the emotional body and astral level. It represents our centre of
power. Through here we receive solar energy that also nourished the ethereal vibration field and from
that gives vitality to the physical body which maintains it. Through the third chakra we enter into an
active relationship with worldly things and other people. It is the territory from where our emotional
energy leaves our body. From there our interpersonal relations are directed; those of sympathy and
empathy, and also strength of the permanent emotional structures. It is the home of individuality. Vital
emotive powers, wishes and feelings of the lower chakras are analysed here and transformed into
higher energies. A positive attitude towards life and a meaningful integration of our feelings, wishes
and our life experiences lead to the releasing and opening of the third chakra; and by that the light in-
side us gets more powerful and shines on our life and our whole world. Our overall atonement is very
dependant on the amount of the light inside us. When our third chakra is open we feel fresh, joyful
and fulfilled. A blocked chakra causes an unbalanced mood and bleakness.


The sense of self-appreciation is the ability to appreciate ourselves just because of the way we are.
Next step is to learn how to love ourselves (Anáhata chakra). Both aspects are closely related however.
The way towards love must go through a valuation of your own worthiness. The aim of the individual
is to gain belief in yourself without the dependence on the positive response of your surroundings.
This is not selfishness or even self-centeredness but a full acceptance of ourselves with the pleasure
of the inside Creator. To refuse what we are, means to refuse our Creator. As soon as we achieve this
aim our next challenge is to realize the wishes of the soul and transfer the ability to draw energy from
the needs of the individual to the needs of the soul. During this transformation the energy from solar
plexus (Manipúra) moves into Anáhata chakra. The person who believes in his own worthiness does
not need to tell everyone. These people act openly and objectively.

Solar plexus is the chakra that needs protection the most because in this zone, a person takes in the
changes in vibrations in the atmosphere, especially when they are related to the emotions. Arms cros-
sed on the stomach can mean cool-headedness but it becomes more important – when it happens in-
advertently, after an intimate personal question. In this case it reveals sensitivity to a specific subject
interconnected with self-appreciation and the need to protect ourselves against more pain.





Thanks to their composition and effects the oils in this mixture influence the harmonisation of body
and energy release. They evoke relaxing, slightly refreshing feelings. They are convenient for evening
rest and relief.

Psychic support of the mixture: INTERNAL HARMONY (SELF-LOVE)

Mixture is mainly for people that need to accept themselves, find themselves inside their hearts and
learn how to feel happiness. Mixture helps to find love inside us and share it with others.

The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:


Colour: green, also pink and gold

Primary principle: resignation
Declaration for spiritual growth: I love myself and others unconditionally, I give and take
Parts of the body: heart, upper part of the back with thorax, lower part of lungs, blood and blood
circulation, skin.

Psychic function of chakra: Love towards other people and everything alive, unreservedness, sensi-
tivity. Will to change outside world and conform it to own actions
Nourishes: heart and blood system, thorax, spine and hands

Anáhata creates a centre of the systems of chakras. In this chakra there are connected three physio-
emotional centres with three upper spiritual ones. Here is located the ability to feel oneself, sympa-
thise, tune in to other people, live with them. Through here we also take in the beauty of the nature
and harmony in music, fine art and poetry. The role of this chakra is unification through love. Every
yearning for affectionate contact, for fusion, harmony and love is shown through Anáhata. We even
experience this during the period of grief, pain, fear of separation, or loss of love. Anáhata is the
centre through which power radiates very strongly. When open, Anáhata has spontaneous healing and
changing ability towards others. Anáhata is the gate to the soul. It is not only the place of the deepest
most lively feelings of love, through this chakra we can also connect with the universal part of our
soul; God’s glow in us. This chakra has a dominant role in refining perception that is related to the
opening of Ádžňa chakra (6th), because it is resignation that allows us to notice subtle parts of the
Creation. It means that at the same time as the evolution of the Anáhata chakra the higher abilities of
Ádžňa chakra (6th chakra) are evolving.


In Solar plexus (Manipúra) it is about the need to be accepted, here it is the need to be loved. Those
two conditions are mutually connected. When the heart is open and free it radiates a feeling of hap-
piness. When the heart is closed and the flow between the heart and solar plexus is not harmonious
the radiated feelings contain pain, vulnerability and sometimes also bitterness. We feel the pain when
something that we expect does not happen, which leads to frustration and the feeling of rejection.
Pain can reach so far that the bitterness starts appearing. This is one of the most destructive emotions,
especially when you allow this one to develop during many years.

Children that are told off quite often stand in the corner of the room with their arms on their chest.
They protect their aching heart. They carry this habit with them into adulthood and that becomes
evident every time they need reassurance.
Touch became one of the most important elements of the additional therapy. Unfortunately in today’s
world there are many people that have not been comforted or touched by other people for many many





Owing to their composition the oils in this mixture influence activation and excitement of the body,
help with tiredness, stimulate the tired brain, increase performance and concentration, reduce heada-
ches. They bring about a fresh and creative atmosphere and are suitable for ill-ventilated offices and
rooms with a high concentration of people.
Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-EXPRESSION
Mixture is appropriate for people with problems of self-expression, poor communication or verbosity.
The mixture helps cure poor concentration; it is great for people that are in constant contact with large
concentrations of people.
The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:
Colour: light blue, also silver and aquamarine
Primary principal: resonance with Being
Declaration for spiritual growth: I am willing to profess the real Me and by that fully participate
in my creation.

Parts of the body: neck area (nape), back of the neck and jowl, ears, sensorium of voice, larynx,
upper part of the lungs, wind pipe, pharynx, shoulders
Psychic function of the chakra: The ability to satisfy your own needs, ability to embrace what the
world has to offer. It offers self-fulfilment in sociable and professional life; Realization of your own
involvement in your profession, satisfaction with work.
Nourishes: Respiratory organs, neck, hearing organs, skin.

In Višuddhi is located the centre of people’s ability to express themselves, their communication and
inspiration. The fifth chakra creates an important connection between the lower chakras and the
chakras of the head. It serves as a bridge between our mind and feelings; it stimulates and reacts to
these. Through Višuddhi we express everything that lives in us – our laughter and tears; our feelings
of delight and love or equally fear and anger; our plans, wishes, thoughts and views; and our percep-
tion of the inner world. When energies of Višuddhi are blocked the understanding between „head“
and „body“ is interrupted. For example, even if our voice is quite strong, our words do not have any
deeper meaning. Our speech is unrefined and rough or more „matter of fact“ and cold. Višuddhi is
a higher centre of creativity.


The impulse from our soul, that is the demonstration of higher Me, enters into the system of chakras
through Sahasrára (seventh chakra) the right brain hemisphere. From there it steers down to Višuddhi
(the fifth chakra) where it changes into forms of thought. Here the astral body is taking over and ex-
presses with the help of the centre of the heart or solar plexus it depends on – it is a signal satisfying
the wish of our soul or individuality. That change is happening in Višuddhi where individuality learns
how to use the power of our mental state to our advantage. When the signal from the soul appears in
this centre it can lead to problems if our plans are being opposed. The signal stops and returns back
through the Sahasrára (7th chakra) and the left brain hemisphere. This can slow down the evolution
of our soul and bring conflict to the will of individuality and will of soul and that can cause illnesses
in the Višuddhi zone.
Children who can not express their feelings become moody and reticent. They do not know clearly
what they want to say and feel like those around them respond negatively to all their new ideas. It is
very important that in every person of every age, they can freely express their feelings without being
in the role of the victim. During the day there should be a room for the members of the family or co-
workers to talk not only about facts but also about their FEELINGS!

„Frog in the throat“, stutter when you talk about something unpleasant. An inclination to turn red in
the face. People who do not want to accept new ideas or do not like changes, wear clothes that cover
their neck, high collars, scarfs or shawls. The zone of Višuddhi includes ears. People that cover their
ears while you talk say a lot about their unwillingness to listen.





Thanks to their composition and effect the oils in this mixture influence the psyche balance, stress
situations, calm down your mind and relieve tension. They are convenient for your relaxation after
a hard day and they rest your mind.

Psychic support of the mixture: SELF – RESPONSIBILITY

Mixture is suitable for people with large responsibilities in both their thoughts and actions. Relieves
psychic burden, helps release stress and pressure inside head, and calms down the mind.

The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:


Colour: indigo, also yellow and purple

Primary principle: realisation of being
Declaration for spiritual growth: I undertake responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions
Parts of the body: face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, small brain, central nervous system

Psychic function of the chakra: The ability to accept ideas and concepts; unification; foresight; intu-
ition. The ability to practically realise thoughts and actions in the physical world
Nourishes: organ of the head, apart from that which is connected to the meridian of the urinary blad-
der and intestine tract

The Ádžňá chakra is the home of intuition and telepathic abilities. It is the home of all awareness
processes; we can create new realities at the physical level and cancel the old ones. Ádžňá is the
home of the higher spiritual power, intellectual abilities to differentiate, memory and willpower on the
physical level; the highest predominant centre of the central nervous system. To find this chakra we
put a finger onto the base of the nose. Then move your finger upwards until we touch a little hollow
in the middle of the forehead.


Lots of people are very responsible in their relationship with others, but the needs of their own soul
can be unfulfilled. Actually they use their responsibility to others as a way of avoiding the way to their
own soul. The most important is to learn how to take in stimuli of the soul and fulfil its needs, for
example in the form of inspiration or intuition. After we learn this the next point is our willingness to
implement these in the physical world. There can be a conflict in the field of Višuddhi (5th chakra).
But if we start trusting our intuition, the influence of the soul will increase and the journey of impulse
will become easier.

The usual sign for someone who is too sensitive to see the world the way it really is, is the wearing
of dark sunglasses, hair covering the eyes or a person covering their eyes with their hands. In reality
these people are hiding, because they believe that in the outside world, harmony can not be achieved.
These people are very sensitive to criticism, and they feel vulnerable when you approach them. They
avoid eye contact and look down. Those problems are tied closely to the solar plexus. People with
these problems need assurance that everything is in order with them and they do not need to hide any





Thanks to their composition and effects, the oils in this mixture influence the psyche balance, calm
down your emotions and brighten your mind. They relax your body and soul after a hard day and
regenerate your physical and spiritual balance. They are convenient for your relaxation.

Psychic support of the mixture: SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS

This mixture is suitable for people with a great psychic burden and emotional exhaustion. It assists
people with a lot on their mind, and worries of a psychic type. It supports a balance of emotional
states, relieves troubles relating to those who are prone to headaches and migraines, and helps find
The mixture is appropriate for spiritually based persons.

The mixture contains the following 100% natural essential oils:


Colour: purple, also white and gold
Primary principle: pure being
Declaration for spiritual growth: I am fully aware and openly accept the will of my higher spirit
Parts of the body: large brain
Psychic function of the chakra: spirituality, devotion, integration with superior forces
Nourishes: brain glands

Sahasrára chakra is the only vertical one, it passes through our whole torso and comes out of the lower
end of the spine, between the legs. Vitality that flows in it, vitalises the spinal canal and all chakras
alongside the spine and that distributes energy through meridians into the whole body.
The energy is impersonal, and strengthens everything present. That is why it is so important that befo-
re we start trying to call stronger energies by conscious concentration, prayer, meditation, stimulation
of chakra or any other common method, we give our body the process of cleansing and healing.


It is connecting us with the aspect of the Creator – Light: source of everything alive – through the
„thread of life“, that gives us the desire to live without any conditions or unreal expectations. This
centre is most active during childhood when its energy in the physical body consolidates. The closing
of baby’s fontanel at around 1 year of age could reflect the finishing of this process. When the spiritual
connection is bad or the energy between chakras is resisting, a human being can lose its will to live,
which is one of the signs of depression. Self-consciousness means to know and love yourself in every
respect - mind, body and soul - and allow these three parts to become one.

Person expresses absolute despair by putting their hands on the top of their head. One senses a missing
connection with life and feeling lost. These people need unconditional and loving guidance that would
help them to obtain the light again.




You are holding in your hands an aromatherapy line of 100% pure natural
pure essential oils for your children. Our mixtures are made from high
quality essential oils so they positively affect the harmony of the soul of
a young person. Childhood is a part of everyone´s life and every person
has memories of their childhood. That is why this line has been created
also for us - adults.

What is an aromatherapy and how is the aromatherapy

affecting us?

Aromatherapy as a  term has been known since the beginning of 2Oth

century but it goes all the way back to ancient times. It really is a holistic
science that takes into consideration the state of mind, body and soul
of any individual who needs help, or possibly a  change of lifestyle or
relationship. Essential oils, also known as etheric oils, are a valuable gift
from the nature.
They can only be obtained with minimum interference of people. These
oils are distilled from different parts of a plant. Aromatherapy can also
be used as prevention against illnesses not only physical ones but also
the mental ones.

Children and Aromatherapy

Our line of Essential oils is so pure that it can be used safely and effectively
on children, providing some precautions are met, i.e. our instructions
should be followed. This line of oils is excellent for adults too. It can be
used on small children and elderly people.
Children love beautiful smells and their reaction to aromatherapy is
excellent because their body is very young and has a magnificent ability
to recover. Children have a  high self-curing capacity, much greater
than adults. This capacity is not inhibited by stress, unhealthy lifestyle,
pollution and other products of an adult existence.
This on the other hand, means that they are much more vulnerable to
every potential poison, infection, stress and unhealthy habit, mainly
because of their small weight, delicacy and the tenderness of their mucous
membrane. Children’s bodies are not yet clogged by the accumulation
of toxins that adult bodies build up for many years. Children have an
excellent ability to get rid of poisons and infected organisms if they get the
right harmonizing product.
Regular use of the Essentials oils at home: bath, massage, sprays and
aroma lamps for the essential oils are very effective forms of the preventive
medicine. Quite often these can help children to avoid common colds
and other infections, as well as to help achieve calmness or concentration
etc. A  small child’s immune system is not as developed as an adult’s
one. That is why they are more prone to infections and common colds.
This mainly occurs when they are part of a large community, and also in
winter when rooms are over-heated and infections spread very quickly.
When this happens the Essentials oils can quite significantly moderate
problems caused by these illnesses. Often they help to shorten the course
of the sickness and prevent a secondary infection.
We are the energy. All corporeity is created from the energy. This omnipresent energy enters
all living organisms (coprophiles). The energy is invisible therefore it is very difficult to grasp
and understand it. This doesn’t mean that the energy doesn’t exist. The energy doesn’t stag-
nate – the opposite – it constantly bustles. Entire life on the planet Earth is ingeniously inter-
connected with Nature, its rhythm and the laws of the Universe. Every organism regulates
its activity in the cycles consistent with the traveling of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. We
don’t have any affect on these cosmic influences. The optimal condition is to live in harmony
with the Nature and our surroundings.





spring Indian





winter autumn

Wood shows growing accelerating energy in the stage JANG and corresponds with awakening
that comes in spring and in the morning. The latent (primary) powers included in water are
waking up and taking on directions in this stage of the transformation. The element Wood is
subsequently connected with motion and evolution.
Fire is the symbol of energy in its most expansive and most radiant form – JANG in its
meridian. This is the element of summer, midday and midnight. Fire takes away from the
element of wood the urge to move and to evolve. Fire gives a feeling of ‚ideal‘. Energy in its
purest and most sensitive form is connected with the appreciation of our own identity.
Earth is the energy in the declining stage of JIN with the general direction down towards
a materialization form. Earth dominates in late summer and at the beginning of autumn (the
season of mature fertility) and in the afternoon. It gains the ideal essence in Fire and it makes
it real. It fills consciousness with particular thinking and spirit within the physical form.
Metal is the energy in the collating and synthesising faze JIN – transformation. It accepts
formative nature of Earth and refines it, it adds order and definition. Stage of Metal is autumn
and part of the evening time - time of serenity and relaxation. Metal is also connected with
the urge react mutually and the need to keep distance.
Water is the energy in the condensed stage JIN. It is the reflection of temporary non-activity
of the winter and the night. Although water interprets a stage of rest, it contains the potential
for growth and procreation. That is why water is connected with the real source of life –
creative power and the power to live.
Elements are not separated, not solid. They are the phases of the continuous energy process
that can be seen potentially in every aspect of life. Their sequence is just a natural and mutual
motion from JIN to JANG and back. We can also perceive this as a process of procreation.
The sequential elements nurture each other, their mutual relationships cause restrictions,
enforcements and imbalances.
The cycle of control also carries destruction inside. For example when Water spills, Fire
will extinguish. When Wood grows too much it takes the nutrition from the Earth. When
the process of the balance of the body and mind is disrupted it means illness and cycle of
Jin and Jang create the foundation of the primary clinical aspects of Oriental medicine.
The main value of the system of five elements consists in the psychological and spiritual
dimension. Despite the fact that Jin and Jang reveal a lot about human psychology, the theory
about organs and connecting elements gives a more accurate picture of the complexity of the
human soul.
Resemblance between human being evolutionary phases and phases of a  year or
a day:
Human being starts the life journey in this world by being born in the element of Wood (chil-
dhood – spring). As the person grows it progresses into the phase of Fire (youth – summer).
As the time goes by the individual gets more experienced and is transformed into the element
of Earth (becoming an adult – late summer). Person grows wiser, settles down and gets into
the phase of Metal (post productive age - autumn). Human being‘s physical existence in this
world finishes by death that is related to the element of Water (old age – winter) so the soul
can be created into the element of Wood again, in a different body and in a different time.

Element: WOOD

Calming effect of this mixture during the day. Due to the usage of herbs, this mixture calms
you down emotionally, helps induce calmness, helps concentration, removes discursiveness.
Warms you up, mentally strengthens you, releases accumulated emotions, calms down
anxiety and helps you to concentrate. This mixture is excellent for daily stress or a hectic
lifestyle, it helps in balancing emotional stages, mood swings and anger.

Psychic support of this mixture: COMPASSION, SELF-LOVE

The essential oils used in this mixture:

ORANGE (Citrus sinesis)
Anti-depressive, antiseptic, anti-inflamatory oil. It is a  friendly, happy and warm oil.
Sufficiently gentle even for small children who likes the orange scent. It helps with digestion,
it is beneficial during constipation, cramps, diarrhoea and flatulence. It encourages overall,
clams down and is very refreshing. It has a beneficial effect on the system nervous, removes
anxiety, stress and insomnia. It helps to find happiness and luck in life. Orange stimulates
and refreshes stagnant fine energies, it helps to find inner light and optimism. It helps reduce
worries from the unknown and reduces self-doubts.
SAGE (Salvia sclaria)
Deeply relaxing on psychic level, euphoretic and revitalizing. Eases dreaming and is a useful
help during meditation. It supports strengthening of fine energy and God’s inspiration. It
is a helper during a depression, anxiety, stress and overall displeasure. Generally the sage
oil is narcotic, sensuous and enhancing. Usage of this oil on it’s own requires precaution,
a consultation with the therapist is recommended.
LEMON (Citrus limon)
Antiseptic,anti-bacterial, tonic oil. It detoxicates, cleans blood and supports a blood system,
pleasantly refreshes. Lemon helps to clear mind and brings serenity and relaxation into
a confused mind. It helps to prevent an emotional gusts and facilitates the decision making
process. Excellent in sprays and aroma lamps against spreading of the infection.
LAVENDER (Lavandula officinalis)
Most universal of all oils. This oil has a overall effect on all sorts of illnesses of the body
and also of the soul. That is why we pay more attention to lavender in our mixture „First Aid
Lavender Mixture“.
Lavender is antiseptic, analgesic, heals wounds, burns, insomnia and has a calming effect..
It helps to clear nasal passages and kills bacteria, clears the air, soothes infections.

Calming herbal tea – day
Tea has a calming influence during the day. It supports concentration, helps to remove
discursiveness, and warms up the body. It gives psychic strength, releases accumulated
emotions, calms down anxiety, helps concentration. The mixture is excellent for daily
stresses or for very hectic times, it helps to balance the emotions, mood swings and anger.
Herbs in this mixture help to reduce hyperactivity, they support concentration.
Psychic support: compassionateness, self-love.
Psychic displays of the individual when in disharmony: Inability to concentrate, anger,
inability to play with just one thing, or one friend. Suppressed fury, anger crying, frustration,
low self-esteem, no self-love.

Element: FIRE

Mixture has a inner depth and due to its unique composition has excellent effects inducing
feelings of safety and motherly love. It calms down psyche, supports a zest for life and self-
appreciation, dispels disharmony from a  deficiency of tenderness and body contiguity.
Mixture supports psychic treatment of trauma from childhood. We recommend using the
herbal teas from our line of products to supplement our essential oils.

Psychic support of this mixture: LOVE, SELF-ESTEEM

We recommend this mixture to women, because it helps to balance the level of hormones
and is especially suitable for pre-menstrual syndrome and difficulties during a  period. It
has an antidepressant effect. This mixture is suitable for massaging woman who want to get
pregnant or who are going through menopause. It balances women’s psyche and traumas
from childhood, low self-esteem, and repressions of womanhood.

The Essentials oils used in this mixture:

NUTMEG GERANIUM (Pelargonium gravolens)
Pelargonium helps to regulate a hormone level and mood swings. It clears the lymphatic
system, assists with fast healing of wounds and is also effective as a  deodorant. On the
psychic level the pelargonium evokes feeling of safety and reassurance, improves mood and
installs psychic balance.
It strengthens the stream of the fine energy or chi and is one of the most treasured oils used
in the treatment of phobia connected to „weak nerves“. It brings a balanced harmony and
regulates the excessive mood swings. Suitable during a menstrual problems and menopause.
PALMAROSA (Cymbopogon martinii)
Excellent treatment of fever, infectious illnesses, especially stomach viruses. Stimulates
digestion, treats the lack of appetite and the slow digestion. This oil helps to reduces stress
and a stress related problems.
LIME(Citrus aurantifolia)
Refreshes, helps to remove tiredness, apathy and depression, lifts the spirit. Increases self-
confidence and brings optimism. It has an antiseptic, antivirus, antibacterial and tonical
CEDAR WOOD (Cedrus antlantica)
Antiseptic, reinforces will and resistance against the outsider pressure. Antibacterial, it
calms down, it has an overall reinforcing effect, it stabilizes conscious mind, it helps to resist
an unexpected incidents and a strong emotions. It gives strength during the times of crisis.
CLOVE (Eugenia caryophyllus)
It provides an ihned warmth, reduces pain, comforts and vitalizes. It strengthens mental,
emotional and fine energy and is strengthening as well as stimulative.
YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata)
Generally calming, cures anxiety, anger, shock and anger by slowing down breathing. It
reduces syndrome „figure or run away“. Ylang enhances, creates a feeling of peace and helps
to expresses muted inner feelings. Reduces blood pressure, especially in combination with
a fast heart beat.
ROSE (Rosa damascena)
It reduces sorrow, betrayal, sadness. It gives us a gentle support until our mood improves.
It is connected to the heart chakra, it opens hearts to love and self-respect and has a curing
effect on the heart.
Rose comforts a sorrowful heart, encourages a physical heart and elevates spirit. It fights
back fear and strengthens generally. It regulates a  menstrual cycle, it’s suitable during
a menopause and also for women that have problems to conceive. It’s characteristics help
women to express feminity and sexuality by reducing anxieties and nervous strains and by
encouraging their self-confidence.

Herbal tea for safety feeling

Herbs in this mixture reduce signs of down-heartedness, apathy and they dispel qualms.
They support the self-awareness of one’s own inner balance and the surroundings. The
mixture calms emotions, gives feeling of the assurance and safety. It supports individual
creativity and self-respect. It is an excellent tea for sensitive children, for children that are
too dependent on their family and for children affected by the separation of their parents of
by the loss of someone close. This tea is suitable to drink for a person’s own feeling of safety
and love. It is suitable for everyone because we all need love.
Psychic support: LOVE, SELF-RESPECT.
Psychic displays of the individual when in disharmony: fear of the unknown, crying for
no reason, very quiet, down-heartedness, feeling of helplessness. Communication from the
sense of touch (cuddles and affection) is missing, which is why the child feels lonely. Quite
often this child blames herself or himself for what happened, for example loss of family or
the family falling apart.

Element: EARTH

This mixture has and excellent effect on our immune system. It increases joy and happiness,
gives energy, happiness, reduces oppression, clears space and eases friction in interhuman
relationships. This mixture is excellent as a  prevention from common colds, it clears air
passages and purifies the mind.
Psychic support of this mixture: EMPATHY, SELF-VALUE

We recommend using the herbal teas from our line of products to supplement our essential oils.

The Essentials oils used in this mixture:

ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Analgetic, antiseptic, stimulating and tonical effects. It reinforces mind and supports
creativity. Vitalizes overall, it’s refreshing and reinforcing. It creates a  feeling of a  great
psychic charity, stimulates brain excellently. I tis very useful for problems of the respiratory
tract from cold, catarrh to asthma. In these cases the best method is the steam inhalation.
It releases detained fluids and helps to remove toxins from the lymphatic system. When used
in the aroma lamp or the spray it has an excellent antiseptic effects and stops spreading of
the infection through the air. Rosemary is stimulating and protective. It is a psychic shield,
symbol of friendship and love. It is connected to the sixth chakra – the third eye – and assists
with definitive thinking and inner vision.
GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus decumana)
Anti-depressive, antiseptic, stimulative. It is a sunny oil that doesn’t have a detaives effects
and vitalizes mind. Great for depression, it encourages a  good mood especially during
a winter months. It assists with the secretions of toxins, clears the lymphatic system.
LEMON (Citrus limon)
Antiseptic,anti-bacterial, tonic oil. It detoxicates, cleans blood and supports a blood system,
pleasantly refreshes. Lemon helps to clear mind and brings serenity and relaxation into
a confused mind. It helps to prevent an emotional gusts and facilitates the decision making
process. Excellent in sprays and aroma lamps against spreading of infections.
LIME (Citrus aurantifolia)
Refreshes, helps to remove tiredness, apathy and depression, lifts the spirit. Increases self-
confidence and brings optimism. It has an antiseptic, antivirus, antibacterial and tonical
ORANGE (Citrus sinesis)
Anti-depressive, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory oil. It is a  friendly, happy and warm oil.
Sufficiently gentle even for small children who likes the orange scent. It helps with digestion,
it is beneficial during constipation, cramps, diarrhoea and flatulence. It encourages overall,
calms down and is very refreshing. It has a beneficial effect on the system nervous, removes
anxiety, stress and insomnia. It helps to find happiness and luck in life. Orange stimulates
and refreshes stagnant fine energies, it helps to find inner light and optimism. It helps to
reduce worries from the unknown and reduces self-doubts.

Herbal tea for strengthening the immune system
Herbs in this mixture due to its characteristics support stamina during the whole year. They
help to get rid of mucous which is the storage for infections inside the body. It is antibacterial
and antiviral. It can replace the antibiotics at the beginning of the illness. It is very good
during the time of spring viral infections (flu). In summer – great for becoming more resilient
during summer swimming. This tea increases stamina for the autumn time and winter. It is
great in the fight against winter colds and viruses. It increases the stamina during the whole
Psychic support: EMPHATY, SELF-VALUE
Psychic displays of the individual when in disharmony: despair, grief, low self-esteem,
problems inside the family. Low self-confidence lost of power and vitality. Sleepiness,

Element: METAL

This mixture influences in a  positive way the psyche of not only a  child but also parents.
It evokes restful and non-interrupted sleep, calms us down during mental and emotional
strain, eases pain, generally strengthens psyche, decreases anxiety. This mixture has
exceptional qualities due to the combination of the oils used in this mixture. It can be used
on a newborn baby and on an expectant mother from the 7th month of the pregnancy. The
mixture has an antibacterial, anti-contagious effect, it helps with digestion. We recommend
using the herbal teas from our line of products to supplement the line of essential oils.


This mixture can be used for massage of an expectant mother from the 7th month of
pregnancy until the delivery of the baby. It reduces stretch marks on the skin during the
pregnancy and makes delivery of the baby easier.

The essential oils used in this mixture:

MANDARIN (Citrus nobilis)
It has cleansing and stimulating effects on the stomach and also on the liver. It calms down
the digestive system. It is a  very soothing oil for children and is also very effective when
problems with digestion arise, including burping and hiccups. It uplifts spirit, stimulates
moods and calms down.
LAVANDER (Lavandula officinalis)
Most universal of all oils. This oil has a overall effect on all sorts of illnesses of the body
and also of the soul. That is why we pay more attention to lavender in our mixture „First Aid
Lavender Mixture“.
Lavender is antiseptic, analgesic, heals wounds, burns, insomnia and has a  calming
effect.. It helps to clear nasal passages and kills bacteria, clears the air, soothes infections.
Combination with mandarin and chamomile brings out calmness and peace of your soul.
CHAMOMILLE (Anthemis nobilis)
Well-proven oil and herb used during children‘s illnesses. Characteristics and usage of the
chamomile are similar to those of the lavender, so they compliment each other. Analgesic
chamomile is better suited for dull pain, on the other hand lavender is more suitable for
sharp pain. Chamomile is a disinfectant, especially for the urinary tract . It has calming,
cooling and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It helps with various problems of the skin,
especially sensitive ones. It’s most important application is the cure of allergies, such as
eczema, nettle-rush, problems with dry perliny and itchy skin. Combination of chamomile
and lavender has a positive effect on insomnia.

Herbal mixture for calm sleep
Herbs in this mixture due to their characteristics help release muscle stress during sleeping
and thus help achieve deeper sleep. This tea is very calming mainly before bedtime. The
mixture brings calmness, releases intestine pain during retention, helps to make breathing
deeper, it supports the activity of the pancreas, it makes coughing easier, harmonizes
digestion, it also gets rid of anger.
Psychic displays of the individual when in disharmony: it takes a long time for a child to go
to sleep, the child doesn’t want to go to bed, is always active. ‘stuck’ (children that were born
prematurely or the birth was complicated – C-section). Untold sorrow or sadness.

Element: WATER

This mixture has an excellent effect during common colds. It contains seven great oils and
due to their use, this mixture is good for strengthening of the psyche. It calms down, it
has antiseptic qualities and stops breeding of bacteria in the air. The mixture is a suitable
supplement for medical treatment during colds, high fever and also as a prevention during
a flu epidemia. It very quickly and effectively disinfects space, where the sick person is and
positively affects the mental condition of the patient. Especially good for a bath.
We recommend using the herbal teas from our line of products to supplement our line of
essential oils. We also offer a herbal bath mixture which, due to its contents, helps and eases
pain very quickly.
Psychic support of this mixture: WISDOM, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY
Other advantages: it repels insects. Flies and mosquitos will hate this mixture, it
will also repel dog flees.

The essential oils used in this mixture:

LAVANDIN (Lavandula hybrida)
Highly effective oil during cold, catarrh and other illnesses related to the respiratory
system. It has a lower sedative effect compared with the lavender and so makes it a suitable
alternative to lavender, especially during the day, when sedative effect of the lavender could
cause problems with inhibition.. This oil is very refreshing and analgesic. All its other effects
are very similar to the lavender.
RAVENSARA (Raversara aromatica)
Is the universal (multi-purpose) oil that can be compared to the lavender. It is safe to be used
by children. Its effects are multiplied by using this oil in mixtures. Excellent during common
colds, used in the bath before sleep, usage of this oil can quite often avoid getting a  flu
virus. It helps during infections of the respiratory system, bronchitis and whooping cough.
It has a very strong anti-virus effect and it can be applied safely straight onto the skin and
that makes it an excellent treatment for cold sores. It has a relaxing and analgesic effect on
muscles, it helps to ease pain in sore joints and stretched muscles. Especially when this is
related to distress. It stimulates on the mental and physical level and is great for overtired
people and people suffering depressions and lethargy.
TEA TREE (Maleleuca alternifolia)
This is the most successful essential oils used during treatment of illnesses with strong
antimicrobial effects against all infectious micro-organisms: fungi, virus, bacteria. When
used in the aroma lamp it is very effective as a prevention of the infections spread through
the air. It stimulates all round and cures many illnesses and health problems. Tea tree
strengthens soul, mind and body, encourages self-confidence, reinforces fine energy. This oil
is included in our special mixture „First Aid Lavender Mixture“. There you can read lots more
about this essential oil.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris)
Is is important for people that are tired and depressed. It helps greatly during recovery
period and stimulates appetite that quite often is lost during the illness. It helps to revitalize
and strengthen mind and body, stimulates brain and improves memory. It has a harmonius
effect. It is an interesting oil that will energize you when you need to be vigilant and on the
other hand will help you sleep when needed. It helps to clear a urinary tract infection and
bladder infection. It stimulates the production of the white blood cells and increases their
resistance against organisms that advance on them.
CHAMOMILLE(Anthemis nobilis)
Well-proven oil and herb used during children illnesses. Characteristics and usage of the
chamomile are similar to those of the lavender, so they supplement each other. Analgesic
chamomile is better suited for dull pain, on the other hand lavender is more suitable for
sharp pain. Chamomile is a  disinfectant, especially for the urinary tract . It has calming,
cooling and anti-inflammatory characteristics. It helps with various problems with the skin,
especially the sensitive ones. Its most important application is the cure of allergies, as
eczema, nettle-rush, problems with dry perliny and itchy skin. Combination of chamomile
and lavender has a positive effect on insomnia.
EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus)
Very significant oil and device for clearing the respiratory system during a cold. It has strong
anti-virus and germicidal effects, it constrain the spread of the flu virus. It helps people
that are affected by this virus but also protects people that are in close contact with those
affected. It reduces temperature during febricity, it serves as a prevention in spreading the
infections of cholera, measles, malaria etc.
BERGAMOT (Citrus bergamia)
Exquisite cure for depression and anxiety, excellent in curing a urinary tract infection and
bladder infection. It brightens up, elevates and pacifies, it has an antiseptic effect, suitable
for acne. Due to its sunny, anti-depressive effects its well-proven during the treatment of
the mood swings. It warms up the heart, removes sadness, depression and grief. It’s being
connected to the heart chakra.

Herbal tea for colds

Herbs in this mixture due to their characteristics help to make the body stronger on the physi-
cal and mental level. We recommend to drink this tea during colds together with the medica-
tion prescribed by the doctor. Possibilities to use this tea: when person is cold, grumpy, weak,
sleepy. Tea boldly supports the striking power of the body when exhausted.
Psychic displays of the individual when in disharmony: spleen, crying without reason, refus-
ing food, fear, edginess, insomnia, lack of interest, lack of concentration, fatigue.


Children called INDIGO

More and more we meet with children that can’t be put in same ‘basket’ with the other
children with regards to the style of upbringing that has been in place for many years in the
educational facilities.
Despite the fact that there already exists one generation of young adults, most ‘indigos’ are
now in the early stages of their childhood. These children have very specific characteristics
that distinguish them from the previous generations of children.
Why are they so different that the others? The reason is they came here to teach us. They
are old souls of a very high intelligence. This generation is called ‘the fifth generation’ and it
symbolises the communication and the intuition.
Indigo children have to overcome lots of obstacles on their way through this world. Their
extreme sensitivity is very hard to understand, to accept, not even to mention, the chance of
being appreciated. Talent in these children is quite unusual on that scale.
These children don’t like the approach of well-established systems and social rules.
Discipline is their issue during childhood and sometimes even during their adulthood.
On the other hand these characteristics can help them to achieve their aims, for example to
change the system of education.
To be different is not easy but it also is a mission. Indigo children come to this world to
enhance human awareness to a higher level. They came here to connect the world. They
keep coming because they know that there is a need for change of awareness.
Help for these exceptional individuals comes in the essential composition of 100% pure
natural oils. It is a very complicated composition. It has been created intuitively for many
months before it was tuned to the final form.
Laboratory work and the formation of this composition took its course based on defining the
vibrations of the individual oils with the help of the pendulum.
This mixture contains more than 30 different kinds of the essential oils and their extracts.
What is so interesting about this composition?
The aim was to create such a composition that would bring children (and also adults) back
to the ground - to our reality, so that they would maintain the connection with the Earth
and this would interconnect the energy of human relations, family ties, compassion and
belonging to the world.
Children of ‘the fifth generation’ have the sense of responsibility and abandonment to the
higher principles.
LOVE is the most important aspect of their lives.
This warm and affectionate composition was created based on these findings so it can
brighten their souls. The composition is also exceptional in the way it releases the energy
radiating from the essential oil differently for each individual. It is in connection with
emotional state and mental maturity and this causes distinctive appreciation of this scent.

This unique and loving composition of essentials oils, due to its characteristics, is very useful
in relieving mental and muscular stress when the soul is restless and the feeling of loneliness
and abandonment appears. It is supportive in shedding aggressive and irritating behaviour.
It helps to restore calmness and tranquillity. It gets rid of anger and brings a feeling of joy
and happiness. It has a very positive effect on heart ache.

Psychic support

Contains 100% pure natural essential oils:


Herbal tea for happiness

Herbs in this composition due to its characteristics help in relieving mental and muscular
Herbal tea is supportive in shedding aggressiveness and irritating behaviour. It is helpful
when a person is restless, not comfortable and angry. It contains herbs which calm mind
and emotions and at the same time it has an antibacterial and an antiviral effect. These
herbs calm a person down and get rid of headache, clear bronchi. They free the individual
from sadness.
Psychic displays of the individual:
Individuals react to the immediate stimulus truthfully and honestly, if they don’t understand,
they withdraw and stop communicating. They experience short temper, sometimes almost
aggressive, when they are overcome by the strong feeling of love. They are not sure where or
who to give this love to.

100% pure natural essential oils FIRST AID LAVENDER MIXTURE

Contains essential oils obtained from these plants:

LAVENDER (Lavandula officinalis)
LAVANDIN (Lavandula hybrida)
TEA TREE (Maleleuca alternifolia)

Combination of these oils has an excellent effect not only on the physical
body but also on the psyche. The most important ingredient is Lavender
and Lavandin (wild lavender). These essential oils complement each other
and added oil from Tea Tree brings it to perfection. Use of this mixture is
unbelievably widespread.

Lavender scent is one of the most beautiful scents that you can
experience. The concentrated scent obtained from pieces of the
plant has a unique aromaticum.

Lavender essential oil in combination with Tea Tree that we are offering
you is a first class quality and comes from France. Its Latin name is
Lavandula officinalis or Lavandula angustifolia or vera. All these names
are used for Lavender. It is the lavender with the most noble scent and
the most popular and most used in aromatherapy. In this mixture is
Lavandin – wild lavender that greatly helps and supplements the effect of
the lavender. Tea Tree, that supplements the effect of those two lavenders,
originates in Australia and should be given a well-deserved compliment
because there are very few rivals from all the other oils with the same
anti-infection effects. Now you will discover why. We wish to you from the
bottom of my heart that your Lavender mixture will make your spiritual
life more pleasant and that it will heal all vicissitudes.

ABOUT LAVENDER (Lavandula officinalis)
Lavender is a synonym for a placid persistence and easy self-

Almost everyone knows lavender flowers.

They evoke calmness and balance. It is the type of calm balance that
settles nervous phobias resulting from shyness and bewilderment.
Effects of this oil are largely balancing and regulating and that is why it
can be used in many and various situations and contexts. It is our duty
to introduce these effects to you because the natural way of healing is
always much more effective and also more beneficial to your body than
the complicated chemical structures of medicaments. These can be
replaced easily by this oil in many cases, especially during the starting
of a cold, aggravation or small injuries. And you will also be wearing the
beautiful scent of lavender.
Lavender oil can be applied straight onto the skin without any problems.
It is suitable for small children and toddlers.

Physical effects of this oil

Its antiseptic effects also allow application during a wide range of
infections and it is an integral part of mixtures against the common cold.
Lavender oil regulates and cools down an overheated liver, reduces
headache, migraines, helps during constipation and overall irritability.
It settles and strengthens an energy chi Heart and can be used to cure
nervous stress, insomnia, irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure.
Anti-spasm, analgetic effects of the lavender essential oil predestines it for
the application during problems as different as colic and irritable bowel,
pre menstrual tension and menstrual pains, muscle stiffness and pains.
Due to its fine anti-viral effect it is beneficial in curing the infection of
the respiratory system. Compress made from cotton wool dipped in the
mixture of this oil can soothe moderate infections and when added to
cream, gel or body milk it can help cure problems of infected skin, such as
dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema.

ABOUT LAVANDIN (Lavandula hybrida)

Lavandin is a hybrid of the lavender that grows wildly in the same places
where “real” lavender grows.
Its use for inhalation during a cold, catarrh and other respiratory tract
related illnesses is very effective. It is a suitable alternative for Lavender,
especially during the day when sedative effect of the lavender could
become a problem. This oil is – for example – excellent when used on
stiff muscles, during a massage or bath it eases the pain and supports
blood circulation. It is a very refreshing oil and gets rid of a headache
quickly. It complements Lavender in the components that Lavender does
not have and has a slightly different make-up than Lavender. Comparing
to the Lavender officinalis this wild hybrid has a much higher effect on the
physical body than on our mental state and because of that this mixture
is on a higher level of perception than the total mixture.
ABOUT TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Tea tree is a synonym for strength, stamina and reliability.

Essential oil from tea tree has widespread usage. This amazing oil is
different from the others because of its ability to affect all the categories
of the organisms that cause infections: bacteria, fungi and viruses.
The Immuno-stimulative ability of tea tree is probably one of the most
important characteristics of this oil and is especially useful when used
during illnesses that cause the overall weakness, for example infectious
glandular fever. Generally oil from tea tree does not irritate skin, it can
be applied straight onto the skin undiluted. It can be used without any
problems (same as lavender) by small children or people with sensitive

Psychic effects of Tea Tree oil (according to the Chinese medicine)

Essential oil from tea tree is famous not only for its anti-infectious and
immuno-stimulative effects but also for its strengthening effect on lungs,
heart and system nervous. It strengthens energy chi in the cases of chronic
lethargy, shallow breathing, heart thump and poor blood circulation. It
calms down nerves and supports blood flow through the brain, which
is why it is designated for mental strain and nervousness, especially for
people with a weak immune system. There is no doubt that the feeling of
depression lowers further the immunity of the individual. In those cases
tea tree oil is the ideal essential oil to elevate feelings of morality and
Essential oil from tea tree is especially important for physically fragile
individuals who have a feeling of self-sacrifice and fatefulness, quite often
suffering physical and mental health disharmony.
Lavender Cosmetic
We incorporated the aromatherapy cosmetic products containing 100% pure natural
essential oils into the modern concept of the natural cosmetics that unites the utilization of
the energy aromatherapy and the highest workmanship of the cosmetic products without the
usage of preservatives and synthetic parabens.
There are no chemical perfumes resembling lavender used in our cosmetic products.
Immediately after first use of these cosmetic products you will be able to experience a positive
power of nature, its healing energy and the smell of lavender fields.
This unique Czech project has been shaping up for more than one year together with the
Cosmetics CAPRI company. This company was the first company offering products on the
market that started using our concept of the aromatherapy in their own cosmetic products.
Energy aromatherapy requires long lasting energy maturing of mutual components.
It has been a challenge for us to create a combination of the aromatherapy and cosmetics in
the form of the product that is not only curing the physical part of our body and nourishing
the skin but at the same time having the ability to calm emotionally and release subconscious
mental blocks.
It gave us a chance to bring to our clients the real pleasure of the magical scents of nature.
This cosmetic product collection is suitable for women, men and children.

Cream with Hyaluronic acid

and Lavender – 50 g

With pure natural 100% Essentials

oils from Lavender, Lavandin and Tea
No preservatives, synthetic
emulsifiers and colourants.
Suitable for all types of skin!
The composition of this cream
effectively calms and restores the
skin’s balance.
It improves hydrating of the skin,
smoothes and keeps it firm, reduces
the formation of wrinkles.
Contains goat milk lipids, 100% pure
natural essentials oils from Lavender,
Lavandin and Tea tree, derivative of
Hyaluronic Acid, Squalan, vitamins
soluble in natural lipids.
NAIL LIQUID with Lavender Oil – 50 g

Highly effective nail strengthening liquid

gel that hydrates and nourishes. It boosts
the growth of your nails, makes them
stronger and prevents them from breaking.
A fingernail bed is composed from layers of
compact scleroprotein cells that hold together
with the help of natural oils and moisture,
which ensures elasticity of the keratin layer.
It is a naturally visible outer layer that is
exceptionally sensitive to the surrounding
environment and can be easily dehydrated
by the sun, cold weather, chlorine, detergents
etc. That results in fragile fingernails.
Recommended for particularly dry, fragile, soft,
weak and breakage prone nails. It contains
100% pure natural aromatherapy oils from
Lavender, Lavandin, Tea tree, extract from sea
plankton and goat whey. No preservatives and



No preservatives, synthetic emulsifiers and

Unique hydrating mixture of natural
components that softens dry and rough skin
and leaves your hands smooth and soft.
Contains 100% pure natural aromatherapy oils
from Lavender, Lavandin, Tea tree and goat
milk lipids.
Extremely rich cream hydrates the skin on
your hands and leaves them silky smooth and
deeply nourished. This cream was created
to calm down and soften rough skin on your
hands and gives your hands a surprisingly
delicate texture.
Apply any time during the day for an
immediate relief and improvement of
your skin. Suitable for sensitive skin.
Tonic cleansing lotion with
LavendEr Oil – 200 g

No preservatives and colourants.

Multifunctional, hydrating cleansing tonic
that will perfectly remove make-up, it will
wash off even a waterproof make-up and
mascara. Hydrates and calms down. After the
application, your skin is refreshed and without
the feeling of dryness and strain.
It contains 100% pure natural aromatherapy
oils from Lavender, Lavandin, Tea tree, extract
from sea plankton, sea weed, orange and
calming extract from Virginian Vinil and
Sediments of active components are not
harmful. Shake well before use.


– 2 in 1 WITH LAVENDER – 200 g

No preservatives and colourants.

Gentle but effective shampoo for your hair and
your body. It does not irritate and dry your
skin and has a favourable effect on stabilizing
the protective film of your skin.
It contains 100% pure natural aromatherapy
oils from Lavender, Lavandin and Tea tree,
dried goat milk whey and lipoaminocids.

Moisturizing body lotion with
Lavender Oil – 200 g

No preservatives, synthetic emulsifiers and

Body milk for silky smooth, radiant and
fresh complexion throughout the year. It
hydrates the skin thoroughly and protects
against ageing. It gives skin a natural tan.
It contains an exclusive complex of active
components: pure natural 100% Essentials
oils from Lavender, Lavandin and Tea tree;
inositol – supports natural production
of pigmentation melanin, panthenol,
calming extract from tea, virginian vilin,
incense, poppy, sea weed, antioxidants
vitamins A and E, beta karoten, almond
and avocado oil and shea butter that has
a softening effects.


– 75 g

No preservatives, synthetic emulsifiers and

Unique hydrating and soothing mixture of
natural components that refreshes, softens
and calms down dry and rough skin on
your feet. Your feet will feel smooth and
pleasantly light. It contains 100% pure natural
aromatherapy oils from Lavender, Lavandin,
Tea tree, Menthol, calming extract from
Virginian Vilin, Vitamin E and Shea butter.
Apply any time during the day and always
after bathing for an immediate relief and for
an improvment of your skin.


This luxurious collection of Christmas compositions of essential oils is energetically

formed into three energy zones.
All the scents are harmonized in the way that due to their symphonious smell they
evoke the atmosphere of this mysterious and magical time of the year. Compositions
have an excellent and unique quality due to the way of processing. Oils in these
compositions are allowed to mature for at least two years before they reach their
customers. Tones of these oils feature the atmosphere of Czech Christmas, nature
in winter and energetically rich time of Advent.

Christmas tree
They smell of the woods in November when
leaves have already fallen of the trees and
are frozen because of the first frost. It is the
typical symbol of the All Souls Day period
with the smell of pine needles, frosty winds
and Czech woods in winter. Especially the
smell of pine needles, has a very positive ef-
fect on psyche, and is tuning the body to an
energy level appropriate for this time of the
The composition contains these essences:
Rosemary, eucalyptus, olibanum, pine, lab-
danum, oak lichen, cedar wood, vanilla

Christmas night
They smell of the Christmas tree,
Christmas Eve and typical Czech
Christmas. This composition evokes
the festive atmosphere of this magi-
cal time of the year, when hearts
and feelings are touched. The energy
of the essential oils strengthens the
feeling of belonging and the feelings
for people that are close to us.
The composition contains these es-
Peppermint, pine, fir tree, eucalyp-
tus, cypress, vanilla, cedar wood.

Christmas star
This is a  very esoteric scent that
wakes the spirituality and connec-
tion with God. This is the smell of the
church, secret wishes and kindness.
This smell will take us deep into
the winter sky during a  night full of
stars. You only have to make a wish
and give thanks for its fulfilment. The
composition energetically connects
the space and the higher dimension
and evokes a very deep psychic puri-
fication and harmony.
The composition contains these es-
Peppermint, orange, pine, pepper, fir
tree, vanilla, santal wood.

Christmas glory
This scent reflects the holiness of
the time of Advent. These are mem-
ories of the tranquil childhood time
with your family, nature in winter.
It evokes the festive season (yule-
tide) of happiness and seriousness.
It reminds us of the big joy and
event – the birth of Jesus Christ that
was given to people struggling with
spiritual poverty.

How to use the OILS in practice?
Recommended dosage is 5-7 drops of the essential oil into the water in the dish
of the aroma-lamp. The burning candle then begins to release the scent gradually
into the air.
Did you know that apart from the other parts of the brain, essential
oils affect, through olfactory nerves, the limbic system, one of the
most primitive parts of our consiousness? Despite the fact that
essential oils are the tools of fine therapy they have huge ability and
power to reach deep into our psyche and release the mind and raise
our spirits.

Aromatherapeutic sprayers and lamps quickly fill your surroundings with fra-
grance and evoke various feelings. They spray the oil molecules all over the
room, house or office. At the same time they eliminate unpleasant smells and
very positively affect your psyche. Our mixtures used in the room sprayers are
combination of 20% oil mixture and 80% alcohol. They can be used as a perfume
made of essential oils. They don’t contain any chemical additives and thera-
peutically affect your body and soul. Our room sprayers are recommended as
disinfectants too. You can spray them onto a mattress and then cover with clean
sheets. This not only eliminates the smell of sweat but prepares a very pleasant
atmosphere for your rest and peaceful sleep.

Fragrant harmony
The aroma of the essential oils can be divided into three basic parts called top, middle and
base notes. The top note has a fresh, light quality that is immediately apparent, due to the
fast evaporation rate. The middle note is the heart of the fragrance, which usually forms
the bulk of the blend, whose scent emerges some time after the first impression. The base
note is a rich, heavy scent that emerges slowly and lingers. It also acts as a fixative to stop
the lighter oils from dispersing too quickly.

Apply just a few drops of the composition of the essential oils onto a ceramic
cube. Do not dilute with water! Oils will be absorbed into the ceramic cube and
that way the scent will spread into the surroundings. From the safety point of
view these ceramic cubes are suitable only in places where open flames are not
used, for example in the office, in the children’s bedrooms or in retirement ho-
mes. The ceramic cube will spread the scent into the open air and does not create
any fumes. It is best to apply just one type of the essential oil, but it is possible to
use other types of the essential oils from our offer because they compliment each
other. Eventually the oil will evaporate. Because the surface is not heated the oils
affect their surroundings with pure energy without any restrictions.

If you want to immediately reduce the feelings of stress, anxiety or confusion , or
if you simply wish to „switch off“, breathe in the essential oil directly from the
bottle, or drip a few drops on a handkerchief or a pillow and take in the scent this way. Have the bottle
ready on you in order to be able to have such refreshment even in the street when waiting for a bus or
queuing at a supermarket checkout.


The lamps have a small dish for water and essential oils. A light bulb produces
heat that releases the scents. Recommended dosage for the lamp: put 5–7 drops
of the oil into the water and hang onto the switched-off bulb in the lamp.

Did you know that some aromas can be successfully imitated, but
they are just scent that can be used in the food or cosmetic industry?
In compare with pure natural essential oils they do not have any
signigicance for meditation, therapeutical or psychical care procedures.

Essential oils have such a dynamic ability that the therapy of damaged energy coverings, starts the
second you get in the bath or start inhaling the essence. Having an essential oil bath is not only a great
way to relax but it is an important cleansing process of the energy centres. The oils enter your body
through your skin and lymphatic system and also by inhaling into your lungs and blood circulation.
Recommended dosage for the bath is approximately 5-10 drops of oil into 40
litres of water. Our experience and practice shows that you should put as much
oil in your bath as you feel you need. Always start with smaller amount and
continually add some more. The exception is „hot“ oils that contain cinnamon.
The maximum is 7 drops into 40 litres of water. If you experience an unpleasant
reaction, immediately finish the bath and have a shower. In most cases the irri-
tation of skin is not dangerous. The skin is cleansed and disinfected not only by
the external affects of oils but also from the inside. If the reaction continues stop
using the oil. Oils that we offer are not suitable for people with strong allergies
and for people affected by psoriasis, sensitive skin and allergy.


Never use essential oils internally. These are highly concentrated agents and can cause internal damage. If accidentally
swallowed seek medical help immediately. Keep the essential oils away from children. Make sure that you follow the re-
commended dosage. Make sure that you store oils safely. Treat the aromatherapy as a medication that you store out of reach
of children. When using oils on small children always make sure that the essential oil is mixed with the bearing oil. Make
sure that the essential oil does not get onto their fingers and they don‘t rub their eyes or suck on their fingers. It could cause
irritation. Oils made from citrus fruit contain one part that can cause a skin reaction after being exposed to the sun. When
using a mixture that contains citrus oil stay away from the direct ultraviolet light or direct sunlight for at least 12 hours after-
wards. This is not necessary with inhalation or evaporation. Do not use on people with epilepsy. Avoid contact with the skin
(massage, bath) when you suffer from xeroderma (skin disease) or you have very sensitive skin. We recommend testing the
oil on the skin of your forearm first if you are not sure about the reaction of your skin. Other forms of application – sprays
or aroma-lamps are safe to use. When suffering asthma we do not recommend using oils directly, only in the form of sprays,
evaporation of the oil from the aroma-lamp or massages. If you are not sure about your reaction do not use oils and speak to
an expert. If you don‘t like the smell of some oils, do not use them. The opposite applies – the more pleasure the scent gives
you the more healing power it has. Inhale the essential oils only for a short period of time. If you have any unpleasant reaction
to any oil, do not use it. In case of a very serious illness or if you have any doubts about using the essential oil consult your
doctor before you use any of the oils from our line. Essential oils can be damaged by direct sunlight, extreme temperatures
or long exposure to oxygen in the air. In theory most of the essential oils last for a few years. Store oils in cold dark place
(best in the box) and they will last for at least 2 years. As soon as you mix the oil with a basic oil for massages, the mixture
will not last longer than two to three months. The more often you open the bottle, the higher the possibility of oxidation and
deterioration of the healing power. Avoid any exposure to open fire. After the application of the oil into the bath you can light
the candle (for the aroma-lamp). Our oils are living mixtures and you should not give them to anyone else. They collect the
energy of other people that can get into direct contact with the bottle. When the person is a negative one, the mixture takes
on the emotions and what can happen is that the oil will change its scent and it will start smelling badly. We recommend that
such a mixture is thrown away and never be used again.

Supporting therapeutic cards for light body
care & cure by energy aromatherapy
Therapeutic cards are put together so they can help to find a description of subconscious
blocks, mental burdens and also physical problems.
These go hand in hand with the non-visible though perceivably affecting energies that
cause an emotional and mental frame to the individual person. Cards are drawn up ac-
cording to the radiant light body energy of plants kept in the Hanna Maria essential oils.
This energy of the given essential oil mixture affects the light body vibrations of the soul
and persona. They cure the mental and physical state of the individual.
Instructions on how to use these therapeutic cards are included in each package.
code 136

Dřevo transformace do světla radost Oheň láska vesmírná laskavost Země soulad spokojenost Kov úcta k životu ticho Voda vesmírná moudrost síla

Indigo nespoutanost svoboda Levandule uzdravení mír

Dary vesmíru otec vědomí sám sebe Volnost intuice odpovědnost sám za sebe Přijímání utváření života sebevyjádření Dary srdce duše láska

7 6 5 4
čakra čakra čakra čakra

Vlastní cesta já sebedůvěra Rovnováha dítě v nás sebeúcta Dary země matka sebeuvědomění

3 2 1
čakra čakra čakra

Therapeutic mandala
Mandala pictures very positively affect, by their radiation, the light body energies of
a given space. They have the power to heal, help solve personal situations and give men-
tal peace. Mandalas can be used as a picture on the wall, coaster etc.

Large mandala: diameter 30 cm

Small mandala: diameter 10 cm

This size is suitable for the harmonizing of pure water by putting the mandala under
a glass of water. We also recommend to put these in children‘s cots to calm them down
and revitalise their psyche. They are also appropriate in the workplace for example on the
desk to protect individuals and give them a psychic support.


Dřevo - 30 cm do světla2009
radost largeláska
Oheň - 30 cm laskavost
vesmírná 2010 large - 30 cm
Země soulad 2011
spokojenost large
Kov -úcta
30k životu
cm ticho
2012 large - 30 moudrost
Voda vesmírná cm 2013
small - 10 cm 3009 small - 10 cm 3010 small - 10 cm 3011 small - 10 cm 3012 small - 10 cm 3013

large - 30 cm 2014 large - 30 cm 2008
small - 10 cm 3014 small - 10 cm 3008
Indigo nespoutanost svoboda Levandule uzdravení mír


large - 30
Dary zeměmatkacm 2001
sebeuvědomění large - 30dítěcm
Rovnováha v nás 2002
sebeúcta large
30 cm 2003
já sebedůvěra large
Dary -srdce
30 duše
cm láska
small - 10 cm 3001 small - 10 cm 3002 small - 10 cm 3003 small - 10 cm 3004
1 2 3 4
čakra čakra čakra čakra

5. CHAKRA 6. CHAKRA 7. CHAKRA Virgin Mary

large utváření
- 30 života
Přijímání cm sebevyjádření
2005 large
Volnost - 30odpovědnost
intuice cm sám2006
za sebe large - 30
otec cm
Dary vesmíru vědomí 2007
sám sebe large - 30 cm 2015
small - 105 cm 3005 small - 10 6
cm 3006 small - 107 cm 3007 small - 10 cm 3015
čakra čakra čakra

code 190 107

190 207

code 190 106

190 206

code 190 105

190 205

code 190 104

190 204

code 190 103

190 203

code 190 102

190 202

code 190 101

190 201

Thanks to their composition and effects, the oils in this mixture influence the psyche balance, calm
down your emotions and brighten your mind. They relax your body and soul after a hard day and
regenerate your physical and spiritual balance. They are convenient for your relaxation.


Thanks to their composition and effect the oils in this mixture influence the psyche balance, stress
situations, calm down your mind and relieve tension. They are convenient for your relaxation after
a hard day and they rest your mind.


Owing to their composition the oils in this mixture influence activation and excitement of the body,
help with tiredness, stimulate the tired brain, increase performance and concentration, reduce hea-
daches. They bring about a fresh and creative atmosphere and are suitable for ill-ventilated offices
and rooms with a high concentration of people.


Thanks to their composition and effects the oils in this mixture influence the harmonisation of
body and energy release. They evoke relaxing, slightly refreshing feelings. They are convenient for
evening rest and relief.


Antiseptic oil substances contained in this mixture neutralise the bacteria transmitted by air, clears
and freshens the room and provides relief. They are convenient for rooms of the ill, and as prevention
of diseases caused by colds in the autumn and winter months.


Owing to their composition and effect, the oils in this mixture affect the harmonisation of the inner
power and vitality of your body, and the release of its energy. They strengthen positive attitude to-
wards life, enhance satisfaction and creativity.


Thanks to their composition and effects the oils in this mixture evoke the feeling of comfort, peace,
joy and good mood. The mixture is intended for special occasions and a relaxed atmosphere.

For more information about the therapeutic effect of each essential oil in blends please see www.hannamaria.eu
code 200 301 code code
200 101 200 201

code 200 302 code code

200 102 200 202

code 200 303 code code

200 103 200 203

code 200 304 code code

200 104 200 204

code 200 305 code code

200 105 200 205

code 200 306 code code

200 106 200 206

Calming effect of this mixture during the day. Due to the usage of herbs, this mixture calms you down
emotionally, helps induce calmness, helps concentration, removes discursiveness. Warms you up,
mentally strengthens you, releases accumulated emotions, calms down anxiety and helps you to
concentrate. This mixture is excellent for daily stress or a hectic lifestyle, it helps in balancing emotional
stages, mood swings and anger.

Calming herbal tea – day


Mixture has a inner depth and due to its unique composition has excellent effects inducing feelings of
safety and motherly love. It calms down psyche, supports a zest for life and self-appreciation, dispels
disharmony from a deficiency of tenderness and body contiguity. Mixture supports psychic treatment
of trauma from childhood. We recommend using the herbal teas from our line of products to supple-
ment our essential oils.

Herbal tea for safety feeling


This mixture has and excellent effect on our immune system. It increases joy and happiness, gives
energy, happiness, reduces oppression, clears space and eases friction in interhuman relationships.
This mixture is excellent as a prevention from common colds, it clears air passages and purifies the

Herbal tea for strengthening the immune system


This mixture influences in a positive way the psyche of not only a child but also parents. It evokes restful
and non-interrupted sleep, calms us down during mental and emotional strain, eases pain, generally
strengthens psyche, decreases anxiety. This mixture has exceptional qualities due to the combination
of the oils used in this mixture.

Herbal mixture for calm sleep


This mixture has an excellent effect during common colds. It contains seven great oils and due to their
use, this mixture is good for strengthening of the psyche. It calms down, it has antiseptic qualities
and stops breeding of bacteria in the air. The mixture is a suitable supplement for medical treatment
during colds, high fever and also as a prevention during a flu epidemia.

Herbal tea for colds


This unique and loving composition of essentials oils, due to its characteristics, is very useful in relieving
mental and muscular stress when the soul is restless and the feeling of loneliness and abandonment
appears. It is supportive in shedding aggressive and irritating behaviour. It helps to restore calmness
and tranquillity. It gets rid of anger and brings a feeling of joy and happiness. It has a very positive
effect on heart ache.

Children called INDIGO

For more information about the therapeutic effect of each essential oil in blends please see www.hannamaria.eu
code code
200 401 200 402

code code
200 410 200 404

200 408 code
200 409

200 406

200 405 code 200 407

code code
180 002 180 000

code 180 005 code 180 003

code code
180 001 180 006

code 180 004 code 180 007

Combination of 100% pure natural essential oils of lavender, lavandin, tea tree has an excedent effect
not only on the physical body but also on your psyche. Use of this mixture is unbelievably widespread.

Tonic cleansing lotion with LavendEr Oil – 200 g

Multifunctional, hydrating cleansing tonic that will perfectly remove make-up, it will wash off even
a waterproof make-up and mascara. Hydrates and calms down.
Cream with Hyaluronic acid and Lavender – 50 g
The composition of this cream effectively calms and restores the skin’s balance.
It improves hydrating of the skin, smoothes and keeps it firm, reduces the formation of wrinkles.


Gentle but effective shampoo for your hair and your body. It does not irritate and dry your skin and
has a favourable effect on stabilizing the protective film of your skin.
Moisturizing body lotion with Lavender Oil – 200 g
Body milk for silky smooth, radiant and fresh complexion throughout the year. It hydrates the skin
thoroughly and protects against ageing. It gives skin a natural tan.


Unique hydrating mixture of natural components that softens dry and rough skin and leaves your
hands smooth and soft.
Highly effective nail strengthening liquid gel that hydrates and nourishes. It boosts the growth of your
nails, makes them stronger and prevents them from breaking.
Unique hydrating and soothing mixture of natural components that refreshes, softens and calms
down dry and rough skin on your feet. Your feet will feel smooth and pleasantly light.

Christmas tree
They smell of the woods in November when leaves have already fallen of the trees and are frozen
because of the first frost. It is the typical symbol of the All Souls Day period with the smell of pine
needles, frosty winds and Czech woods in winter.
Christmas night
They smell of the Christmas tree, Christmas Eve and typical Czech Christmas. This composition evokes
the festive atmosphere of this magical time of the year, when hearts and feelings are touched.

Christmas star
This is a very esoteric scent that wakes the spirituality and connection with God. This is the smell of the
church, secret wishes and kindness.
Christmas glory
This scent reflects the holiness of the time of Advent. These are memories of the tranquil childhood time
with your family, nature in winter.

For more information about the therapeutic effect of each essential oil in blends please see www.hannamaria.eu
WHITE code 114 size: 7 x 7 cm, code 128

VIOLET code 714

BLUE code 314

LIGHT GREEN code 414

YELLOW code 514

for massage oil application
ize: diameter 14 cm

white code 401

GREEN code 402

62 PINK code 403

size: 5 x 5 cm, code 228

orange code 614

PINK code 214

size high: 14 cm, diameter 11cm

People need to be touched. Touching is one the most beneficial aspects of the
massage. All negative conditions of the psyche can be eased and great relief
and unblocking can be achieved by a certain way of using the essential oils
during the massage. Pure essential oils have a positive effect on the mental
condition of the patient not only during the massage but especially afterwards.
Better results of the massage will generally be achieved during the waxing
of the moon, when the massage is used for regeneration and vitalizing. The
most suitable time for massages that are used for unblocking and removing of
cramps and harmful substances is when the moon is waning.
Our composition of the essential chakra oils and the composition of the
essential oils according to the principle of the five elements are already
consolidated for the treatment of energetic centers.
Please do not add any other essential oils into our mixtures. This would
devalue the energy that is stored in our glass bottles.
Significant information is that the essential oil, is formed on the bio-
informative base. In principle make sure that you are the only person
handling the bottle of the essential oil. Never pass it onto another client
or another therapist.
Essential oils can absorb the energy of all the people that they are in contact
with. It can happen that the mixture in the bottle that is handled repeatedly by
different people changes dramatically. It is necessary to exchange bottles for
new ones. This is the reason for our bottles being stored in the boxes.
The essential oils add placidity and harmony to the surroundings. Mainly, they
absorb the energetic prints of the previous clients that have used the massage-
table before. A suitable option is to have the essential oil in spray form ready
during and after the therapy, hence regularly cleansing the energy in the room.

1. We recommend the purchase of the whole chakra line of the essential
oils starting at the 1st chakra and finishing with 7th chakra. According to
the colours – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Colours
organised this way are in accordance with the colours of the spectrum.
2. Give your client an option to choose one colour of the spectrum, the
colour that captivates the client the most and is pleasant at that given
time. Let your client involve the heart, not the mind.
3. Let your client smell the chosen essential oil of the given colour. The
fact that this smell is pleasing indicates the area that needs to be tuned.
Always apply the scent that reaches out to you client first. Sometimes
clients are not sure about the right colour of the essential oil. The scent
that they choose first is conclusive.
4. Mix the chosen oil with the bearing oil (see our offer). Any good quality
non-perfumed bearing oil can be used. This guarantees that the energy of
the essential oils is not reduced. Our selection of the bearing oils is tuned
in a way that is suitable to all sorts of massages. It guarantees the highest
quality in order to spread the energy deep.
5. The proportion to be used on the skin is 1–2% of the essential oil mixed
with the bearing oil. In reality it means 3–5 drops of the essential oil
straight onto the palm of your hand or straight into the bearing oil. It is
for your personal consideration if you wish to use a higher concentration
of the essential oils. Every person has a different mental and physical
frame or different weight. We cannot guarantee that this proportion of
the essential oils and bearing oil will be suitable for every person. It is
important to use your intuition and judgement.

Tips for the aroma-therapeutic care during the massage with the help
of the chakra oils
1st Chakra – The intimate atmosphere – pelvis area. Affects the area of the
edge-bone (coccyx). It stimulates creativity, vitality and the earthy-energy.
The energy of this essential oil activates the liver and the production of the
red blood cells. When this area is weakened the whole body is diminished.
This oil is also suitable during detoxification, it aids excretion, and loosens the
activity of the colon. It helps during the common cold and its also good for
people that constantly feel cold. Warning – do not use for infections and also
do not use on hot-blooded people. There is more information in the leaflet that
is the part of the package.

2nd Chakra – Harmonizing mixture – abdomen area, lower back (spleen) and
upper part of the thighs. The energy of this oil favourably affects the digestive
tract. Its warming power eases convulsions and releases tension. Energy of
these oils helps with anxiety – it has an optimistic effect.

3rd Chakra – Antiseptic mixture – stomach area and lower part of thighs.
The energy of the essential oil has a calming effect on the pancreas and the
spleen. It also activates the lymphatic system and assists with damaged liver.
Hereafter it stimulates digestion and inadequate activity of the intestine. It
calms nerves and helps during a state of mental exhaustion and brain-fatigue.
This oil provides energy and happiness.

4th Chakra – Mixture for relief – chest area, heart and knees. The energy of
this oil affects the regulation of metabolism. It helps to ensure the balance
between the liver and spleen, and regenerates muscles and ligaments. This is
a calming energy; it has a balancing and neutralising effect. It is the energy of
hope, harmony, cure and natural maturing.

5th Chakra – Mixture for concentration – shoulder and neck area, also shank
and bones. This is the energy of power and deep understanding, faith and
commitment. The energy also protects against the negative thoughts of other
people. It is suitable for the unblocking of the neck and spine, reduces weight
that we carry on our shoulders.

6th Chakra – Mixture against stress – head area, forehead. The energy of this
oil positively affects the area of eyes, nose and ears. It releases strain during
the mental exhaustion caused by day-to-day responsibilities. The energy
depurates thoughts and releases mental pain and overload.

7th Chakra – Mixture to boost spirit – overall relief not only on the mental
level but also on the physical one. The meditative energy of this oil affects
the cleansing of the blood. It has a very strong relaxing and harmonising
composition. It works really well when feelings of overload and despair
Professional presentation of aromatherapy is very important for easy
communication between a sales place and the final customer.

Each blend has its own place and demonstrates the place of use on human
body. Colours are very important for understanding the energy of colours
and Chakra energy.

This profi stand includes:

3x Essential oils of each Chakra

3x Essentials oils in spray of each Chakra
1x testr in spray of each Chakra

10x product catalogue (German or English version)

Price for distributors: Price for shops:

Mosquitoes and ticks repellent wristband
Patented innovation on the European market! A long lasting effective repellent
wristband, used against mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, bees and lice.
A highly protective aid, containing very effective ingredients which repel
unpleasant insects. Effective against all flying insects that could cause
health problems, especially against mosquitoes which carry the contagious
Chikunquya (feverishness) and malaria. Active component in this wristband
is released gradually and has a long lasting protective effect. You do not have
to use sprays that last only a very short time anymore. Patented technology.
Female mosquitoes and other insects respond to change in climate, the change
of energy, and the subtle changes of the gravitation of the planet Earth.
Simply speaking – insects react very well to changes that are happening all
around us, even if they are far beyond our perceptions or capabilities to sense
Insects can adjust perfectly to the climate. Insects have been on this planet
longer than dinosaurs whose adaptability to life is almost unbelievable. Due
to the climate changes that now take place, insects appear more aggressive.
Allergies that are caused by insectsare mostly created by our interference with
the nature. Insecticides and artificial interventions to the nature are turning
against us.
It is essential to know all these factors during the process of developing new
repellents against these insects. It is necessary to re-evaluate the effectiveness
and to improve quality of these products.
The simple method of using this wristband will enable you to undertake
everyday activities without any kind of restrictions.
Sport, working in the terrain, holidays outdoors or by the sea, or fishing. It is
all possible now with this wristband.
It is very popular in companies where employees have to do their work away
from their office, during business trips, missions to exotic countries etc. If worn
everyday it is effective for at least 4 weeks after being taken out of the wrapping.
The time of effectiveness can be prolonged up to 8 weeks if you put the wristband
back in the sealed plastic bag when not in use. Contact with water will reduce
the effect of active components of the wristband so don’t use while showering,
swimming or in the rain.
Use: this wristband is excellent repellent protection during walks outdoors,
great to use inside your house, in your office or in the garden. It can be placed
on the wrist or on the ankle. For protection of children in prams put this
wristband on the holder or one of the bars on the pusher. It can also be placed
inside the sun umbrella.
We recommend hanging this wristband on the side of the bed or putting it on
the bedside table that is in close proximity to the bed.
Hang the wristband inside your tent on any support bar you like.
Safety measures: this product is not suitable for children under the age of 3. It
can however be put on the pram or pusher and that way the child is protected
against mosquito bites. It is not a toy, make sure it doesn’t get in contact with
the mouth. This product was certified for
contact with the skin in 2006. It can however
cause irritation of the skin in some cases.
Synthetic DEET.
Sizs: 270 mm 270
Aromatherapy PMD.
Natural essential oils:
Contains lemon grass and eucalyptus.
Size: 270 mm.

MAGIC OF NATURE is a scent that is in all of us. It is nature in full bloom, the etheric power of Mother
Earth from which we were created and to where we will return. It is femininity, plumpness, tenderness, love
and safety. This essence raises spirit, it takes us into to the arms of nature. You will find the playfulness
of a gentle breeze, the smell of white lilies and meadows, of green fullness and fertile soil with enough
moisture. It is enough just to smell the fragrance and you can become a fairy or a butterfly, even if it is just
for a moment. This fragrance is designed for all women, regardless of age. It is intended for women that
want to be women. Due to its energetic composition it will react differently on every individual woman. It
depends greatly on the spiritual maturity of the individual. This fragrance underlines the essence of own
individuality. It takes effect sensuously on male counterparts and it is an aphrodisiac. It balances the yin
and yang principle. This fragrance will be in perfect harmony with the energy radiating from our spirit. The
fragrance can be applied straight onto the skin but it will released nicely if you bring it into your aura.
You have the opportunity to experience a very unique fragrance. Due to the fact that the whole process of
developing this fragrance took quite a few years and no exact records were kept, it is impossible to create
the same fragrance again in this energy dimension. Overall only 4 200 flacons can be produced. To support
this extraordinary fragrance a very special flacon was chosen. This Flacon can only enhance this beauty.
Unusual fully hand made bottle produced from Czech blown-crystal by Czech glass-blowers from North
Bohemia region, were used. A lot of time was spent creating this small work of art to bring together the
shape of flacon and the composition of the fragrance. The perfect shape of cosmic ball is supported by
the ruby colouration of the flacon that is caused by melting of real gold into the glass. Gold as one of the
strongest energy emitters and crystal glass containing a left-curved spiral, induces vibration and harmony
with the cosmic energy in the perfume and raises a solitary approach to this fragrance.
Loving and patient work during the development of this perfume and flacon gives this product highly
accentuated positive energy coming from human spirit. The hand painted box for the perfume has been
designed by Hanna Maria and is characterised by the fact that all the plants in this picture are energetically
composed in the fragrance.

www.hannamaria.eu Hand made product Czech Republic

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