Effects of Confined Concrete Models On Simulating RC
Effects of Confined Concrete Models On Simulating RC
Effects of Confined Concrete Models On Simulating RC
Material models are the base of computer simulation analysis of structure. Many confined concrete models
have been put forward until now; however, there are few comparative studies on effect of confined
concrete models on structural member analysis. In this paper, four models are selected as the
representatives and applied to nonlinear dynamic analysis program for space frames which is based on the
beam-column element using the finite element flexibility method and the fiber model. Park’s test on
columns that are combined axial and bending under cyclic loading are taken as the calibrations,
comparisons to material and structural member level are drawn and the analytical results of various models
are discussed. From this study it is concluded that despite the significant difference in the stress-stain
curve of each confinement model the difference in structural member analysis reduces obviously but still
remarkable. The simulation using the Mander model shows better agreement with the experimental results.
The accuracy of nonlinear analysis of RC structure depends strongly on material models. Various
analytical models available in the literature for confined concrete are mostly limited to material level and
comparative study on applicability of the different concrete model to RC member anaysis are rarely made;
however, engineer community would pay more attention to the accuracy of the model in simulation at
structural or member level. An ideal confined concrete model should be the following: 1. good precision in
simulation at member or structural level; 2. to reflect the dominant aspects of confinement, fewer
parameters, and explicit in physics.
In this paper, four models are selected as the representatives and applied to nonlinear dynamic analysis
program for space frames which is based on the beam-column element using the finite element flexibility
method and the fiber model. On the basis of experimental results by Park [2], simulation and comparison
are made on combined axial and bending columns under cyclic loading at material level. The effect of
different hysteretic rules and skeleton curves on simulation results are investigated at material and member
level respectively.
.College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China.
.Quality-monitoring Station in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China.
This work was sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.59978055
In Reference 2, the effect of some factors such as different tie configuration, ratio of axial compress force
to strength, volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement and tie yield strength and concrete strength, etc
had been taken into account on combined axial and bending columns under cyclic loading. The ratios of
longitudinal reinforcement of four members are all 0.0179 and their yield strengths are 375Mpa. Fig.3
shows the scheme of the experiment and other more details can be referred to Reference 2.
Tab. 1 Test data shown in Reference 2
ratio of axial
fc Volumetric ratio
axial load compress section fyh tie spacing
(Mpa of transverse
specimen (KN) force type (MPa) (mm)
) reinforcement
to strength
1 23.1 1815 0.260 A 0.015 297 80
2 41.4 2680 0.214 A 0.023 316 75
3 21.4 2719 0.420 B 0.020 297 75
4 23.5 4265 0.600 B 0.035 294 72
The experimental results of column specimens by Park were studied by applying a nonlinear analytical
method to a RC section, i.e., fiber model. As is well known, the RC section would be divided into many
fibers paralleled to the longitudinal axis, adopting Bernoulli-Euler’s assumption, the section’s moment
curvature relationship was set up based on the uniaxial stress-strain relationship of the concrete and the
longitudinal bar. The influence of shear and bond slip between the concrete and steel was neglected. In the
concrete model, the difference in the compressive strength and descending branch between the core
concrete and the cover concrete were considered. The beam-column element is cast in the framework of
the finite element flexibility based beam theory by Spacone et al [9]. Finally, the Menegotto and Pinto law
modified by Filippou et al [10] to include isotropic strain hardening is used for the reinforcing steel.
In the light of the significant difference in various confinement models at material level, only the
computing results of four models for Specimen 1 are presented in this paper (Tab. 2 and Fig. 2). The
results show that:
(1) Because each model is put forward based on its own experiment, the behavior of concrete material
scatters, and experimental technique and measurement are not unified, each model is quite different at
material level. For Specimen 1, the difference of fcc amounts to 39.95/23.5=1.7; the difference of ε cc
reaches to 0.0075/0.0022=3.41.
(2) Dispersion of descending branch is greater than that of ascending branch. The Mander model shows
good ductility of the material, but the Gill model and the Zhang model show relatively poor ductility of
the material.
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